4/10/2014 11:14:39 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

South Gate, CA
32, joined Mar. 2014
How bout those cv specialist
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/11/2014 7:17:53 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Take it to CE&P .We don't do politics here.
4/11/2014 7:57:45 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Besides, vets don't want to discuss the POTUS. Most of us have blood pressure issues.
4/11/2014 10:18:34 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
4/13/2014 6:13:54 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
THAT STARTED as soon as you's invaded Iraq in an undeclared war! When was the last declared one? Your military industrial complex is your true enemy since WW1 using your own American lives and FALSE FLAGS to advance the BANKSTERS monetary gains! 
4/13/2014 6:19:15 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
4/18/2014 1:29:00 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
BULL !! 
I trust you didn't watch it! an even better one I found on You Tube was
I AM SYPATHETIC TO YOUR DUMBING DOWN & BRAIN WASHING BECAUSE YOU'S HAVE BEEN 24/7 INDOCTRINATED but when I give you the facts that your own "Military Indutrial Complex" trick you into fighting always for ZIONIST JEWISH BANSTERS Damb right I'm going to try and wake you's up and maybe save some lives in doing so!!!
[Edited 4/18/2014 1:30:24 PM ]
4/18/2014 2:44:31 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
chillindillan Better take a good look at what your Government has done. Wars you say, LOOK at your countries history and what they have done to people before you start crap about other countries. Canadians need to clean up their own country.
here is the begining of this web page
The System is the Scandal
and no one should be surprised that Canadian governments, politicians, government employees, corporations and big business executives act dishonestly, unethically, secretively, non-representatively or wastefully --- the system allows them to do so through weak rules, weak enforcement, and weak penalties.
4/18/2014 6:28:38 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
well if it's on youtube......................
4/18/2014 7:32:26 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Pfafftown, NC
62, joined Mar. 2008
Hey YouTube and the Internet never lie 
4/18/2014 10:12:48 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
And if you keep posting links to the same video over and over, it's even more true!
4/18/2014 11:58:36 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
well if it's on youtube...................... 
4/26/2014 11:39:26 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
Hey YouTube and the Internet never lie 
4/26/2014 11:41:36 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
A special parting gift for you all!
The dumbing down of America & the world!
4/26/2014 11:44:21 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
A special parting gift for you all!
You mean you're going away... Forever?
4/27/2014 1:23:49 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
You mean you're going away... Forever?
Just 4 u Im obviosly needed around here!
4/27/2014 8:55:25 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Maybe we will hear about "Chemtrails" now.
4/27/2014 11:13:17 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
Maybe we will hear about "Chemtrails" now.
Is that a request? 
5/3/2014 9:49:13 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Hey YouTube and the Internet never lie 
5/4/2014 9:30:11 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
5/4/2014 9:58:38 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


South Prairie, WA
65, joined Nov. 2007
Why do you keep ranting and raving to an audience that does not want to listen to your dribble?
Don't go away mad, just go away.
5/4/2014 11:28:36 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
Why do you keep ranting and raving to an audience that does not want to listen to your dribble?
Don't go away mad, just go away.
Just time to grow up, sorry Santa & the Easter Bunny's not real but death due to Bankers Wars is the reality you don't want to know about, SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH THAT REALITY!
5/5/2014 12:41:08 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


South Prairie, WA
65, joined Nov. 2007
Just time to grow up, sorry Santa & the Easter Bunny's not real but death due to Bankers Wars is the reality you don't want to know about, SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH THAT REALITY!
Every message has an audience, Unfortunately yours is not here. These men and women are veterns. Your message comes across as an insult, making light of what these people have done and been through.
So by your message and how you deliver it, they are not listening and don't care to. Take the hint, go find somewhere your message will be listened to.
5/5/2014 9:40:06 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
When I was growing up I remember a little saying that went like this: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
Well, it seems the chickens – or perhaps I should say the spiders — are coming home to roost for the Obama administration regarding Benghazi. The question is, does the American public care more about four dead Americans than they do about disgusting private comments from an NBA owner?
Let’s play connect the dots on this tangled web.
David Rhodes is the President at CBS News. Ben Rhodes is the White House Deputy National Security advisor. David and Ben are brothers. Sharyl Attkisson worked at CBS. As a highly respected and acclaimed investigative reporter, Sharyl wanted to report the truth about Benghazi. Sharyl does not work at CBS News anymore.
However, she has a website, and there she reports that sharylattkisson.com, “Newly-released documents reveal direct White House involvement in steering the public narrative about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, toward that of a spontaneous protest that never happened.
As if we had any doubt.
According to Attkisson, one of the key documents, which the government had withheld from Congress and reporters for a year and a half, is an internal September 14, 2012 email to White House press officials from Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s Assistant and Deputy National Security Advisor.
In the email, Ben Rhodes lists as a “goal” the desire of the White House “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy.” The email is entitled, “RE  REP CALL with Susan, Saturday at 4:00 pm ET” and refers to White House involvement in preparing then-U.S.Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice for her upcoming appearance on Sunday television network political talk shows. The Rhodes email states that another “goal” is “To reinforce the President and Administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.”
Ben Rhodes is hardly the “mastermind” behind this episode, but the email he sent out to a who’s who list of recipients is damning. Attkisson says, “White House officials copied on the Rhodes “goal” email include Press Secretary Jay Carney, then-Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, then-White House Senior Advisor David Plouffe, then-White House Deputy Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri and Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest.
Therefore, we definitively know it was the Obama White House that developed the scheme of blaming an anti-Islam video. Funny, the only person who has been punished in this whole charade was the video producer.
The most transparent administration is US history? Hardly. Attkisson says “Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told her the government apparently tried to keep the Rhodes email out of Congress and the public’s hands by changing its classification it after-the-fact. In the past month, the government has supplied 3,200 new Benghazi-related documents under Congressional subpoena. In some instances, Congressional members and their staff are only permitted to see the documents during certain time periods in a review room, and cannot remove them or make copies. Chaffetz says that the State Department redacted more material on the copies provided to Congress than on those that it was forced to provide to JudicialWatch.”
What a tangled web of lies, deceit, and obfuscation hangs around the neck of this Administration — and the presidential hopes of Hillary Clinton. Attkisson is free to pursue this travesty, and combined with Catherine Herridge at Fox News and Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch, they form a formidable phalanx for the truth. The days of information suppression and manipulation by fellas like David Rhodes ad David Brock are waning, as their complicit actions entangle them as well.
I can’t wait to hear White House mouthpiece Jay Carney — who just happens to be married to ABC reporter Claire Shipman — ramble and attempt further obfuscation about these new Benghazi documents.
Read more at http://allenbwest.com/2014/04/new-benghazi-documents-prove-tangled-web-white-house-lies/#8ITHpByZHcUkYeQM.99
5/11/2014 11:36:47 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
I dont agree with everything they stand for...but at least they are standing up for the right to free speech....and without a voice we have nothing...Kinda like Obuttheads Executive Orders....
5/11/2014 11:46:43 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
Every message has an audience, Unfortunately yours is not here. These men and women are veterns. Your message comes across as an insult, making light of what these people have done and been through.
So by your message and how you deliver it, they are not listening and don't care to. Take the hint, go find somewhere your message will be listened to.
The facts are never intended to be an insult but the insult is that it is taken that way without discovering the truth. Should be "HOLY SHIT! I WAS BRAIN WASHED & LIED TO, MY SON DAUGHTER BROTHER SISTER MOTHER FATHER ETC WERE NOT FIGHTING FOR WHAT WE WERE LED TO BELIEVE." Yet the simple minded responses prevail as your now 3rd world country crumbles
I dont agree with everything they stand for...but at least they are standing up for the right to free speech (not any more)and without a voice we have nothing...Kinda like Obuttheads Executive Orders....
5/12/2014 3:54:16 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Entwistle, AB
46, joined Aug. 2013
Every message has an audience, Unfortunately yours is not here. These men and women are veterns. Your message comes across as an insult, making light of what these people have done and been through.
So by your message and how you deliver it, they are not listening and don't care to. Take the hint, go find somewhere your message will be listened to.
U.S SOLDIERS Expose Martial Law Agenda Plans 2013
5/26/2014 10:03:22 AM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
President Obama,
On this Memorial Day I can’t help but think of the many veterans who have given their lives to protect the freedoms that we all enjoy today, and quite frankly one that so many Americans take for granted. As you’re playing your 165th round of golf this weekend you can count on our warriors to protect you and to protect this great nation.
From the Civil War to the wars in the deserts of the Middle East, our brave men and women have given their lives for freedoms that can only be found in America. Generations of selfless Americans have stepped up to fight for a cause greater than themselves. Freedom is never free, and the price of our freedom has been paid with the blood of our finest Americans. Your daughters have been fortunate enough to reap the freedoms that so many have sacrificed their lives for. Without these heroes you would have never have had the opportunity to become the President of this great nation.
Sadly, the men and women who have volunteered to fight the in the most extreme conditions in the world are coming back only to find themselves engaged in a new war at home. They have now found themselves in a war with your incompetent administration, who’s scandal ridden legacy has finally hit an all-time low. I can’t help but feel the deepest disgust for the pain you and your administration have caused the families who have lost their heroes battling your war against our veterans back home. I can’t think of more shameless way to for this country to dishonor its veterans. And sadly, it’s the lack of your leadership and accountability that lead to these failures.
These men and women who bravely fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars have been forced to rely on your useless bureaucratic employees for their health care. These federal employees disrespected these men and women and the sacrifices they have made in the worst imaginable way. They ignored their pleas for help and in many cases left them to die in favor of hefty government bonuses for exceptional performance. We all know you and your regime doesn't give a damn about these heroes. Your disdain for America and her greatness has never been a secret. You were raised to hate the “American Empire” and were taught that the American military is the enemy. It was easier for you to just ignore the Veteran Affairs crisis as you crisscrossed America fundraising for your fellow Democrats.
I remember candidate Obama promising to overhaul the VA and reduce the backlog. You claimed that America’s support for its veterans is obvious by the way we treat our vets. You really nailed that one didn't you? Just like you were going to fix Detroit or fix foreign policy. Your high school like approach to solving complex issues can’t be fixed by tweeting hashtags with propaganda to people who want to kill us. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see you’re unfit to lead our nation, let alone act as our Commander In Chief. What our country needs now, more than ever is real leadership, someone who doesn't wait for a crisis, but is able to foresee an issue and deal with it before it happens. Unfortunately for America, you've been too busy campaigning and don’t have time to deal with the health care crisis of our veterans. The only thing you seem to care about is your own radical agenda, and now our vets are paying for your negligence with their lives.
As I sit here typing this out I’m dealing with my own VA nightmare which involves the Phoenix VA. I have given 3 limbs for this country, but apparently that is not enough. A “clerical error” made by a VA employee has resulted in nearly a year of abuse and mismanagement of my case. In other words, the VA is stealing over $7000 from my disability compensation that I earned when I lost 3 of my limbs for our country.
On this Memorial Day, as I battle your incompetent bureaucrats my family would like to thank you for once again failing our veterans. We can’t help but wonder about the disastrous socialized medicine program that we will surely be dealing with if ObamaCare is allowed to be fully implemented. If our incompetent VA cannot handle government healthcare for a fraction of our population, who would be foolish enough to believe a massive health care system designed to provide health care for all American’s would be any different? You can’t even find someone to build a competent website to work for your socialized medicine program when you had your name attached to it, so why would you care about our veterans when you could so easily push the blame off on someone else?
You have not only failed our veterans, you have failed America in every way imaginable. You have purposely divided us by race, political parties, and socioeconomic status in order to push a radical agenda on America that can only be passed when you have successfully divided all Americans. Your entire administration is incompetent and you have set America on a path for certain failure.
So, on this Memorial Day, as we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, I’d like to thank you, our Commander In Chief for not even caring enough to provide us with quality health care.
Brian Kolf*ge, Sra, USAF Ret.
Semper Fi !!!
6/5/2014 12:43:47 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |
Denver, CO
63, joined Mar. 2014
You all should realize by now that if you continue to make a big thing out of what that sob from BC says, he'll keep saying it. Ignore him and he'll probably go away.
6/8/2014 10:10:21 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Sacramento, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
When someone starts spewing religious/ethnic slurs whatever blather falls out of their mouth falls on deaf ears.
Has Obama distinguished himself as an international diplomat? He flunked that one when he; rolled over for BP (so much for oceans conservancy), put Hillary on board (someone I consider a joke and a criminal), how he has handled the re-integration of the 200,000 RIF'd service members passing the buck to his wife, the failed promise to truly improve the VA, or the pay issues of reservists and all federal employees that took massive hits when the budget was held up, and several other instances undercut the his strength as a leader and makes the world think they can kick the ship out of us and we will cower. Hard to say when I think the other candidates were even worse. God help us all if Paul Ryan and his cronnie's get legs in the next election. Then the rich will sell the middle American's down the rat hole and the infa- structure will not get fixed, health services will continue to be quietly gutted, and we will see no new affordable housing, where international corporate farming continues to make us more dependent for imported food which we will not be able to afford but looks like China and other countries will for their monied people while others starve as we have seen in North Korea, Cuba, Haiti, Africa, and many South American countries to name a few.
What is the solution? Kick out or at least slow down foreign ownership of American soil, technology, and middle management employment, grow your own garden, insist that housing and mass transit be available to all, clean up fraud and political corruption by insisting our leadership becomes more transparent and become a stronger country.
Pretending we currently have the ability to manipulate the world economy when most of American wealth is held off shore in tax shelters is a joke.
7/11/2014 9:21:59 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Midland, PA
35, joined Mar. 2014
Every word you said is correct. Some get it, some won't.
7/21/2014 9:35:03 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
July 21
Confederate forces won victory at Bull Run in the first major battle of the Civil War.
9/18/2014 3:40:18 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Dayton, OH
69, joined Jan. 2014
Ok with the recent beheadings, what do you veterans think is the right way to handle the Isis idiots. Do we need to go in full force?
9/22/2014 7:54:31 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
define full force.
10/5/2014 5:24:46 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Dayton, OH
69, joined Jan. 2014
define full force. 
Good question, guess I didn't think out my words before I posted. I think I meant sending in ground troops, but if we did we would just wind up fighting the battle for them and not really settling anything. I was thinking with my anger at what they are doing rather than with rational thoughts. I am still trying to wrap my mind around why even Americans and Britons are joining them. 
10/5/2014 6:39:52 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Swartz Creek, MI
32, joined May. 2014
They got my brother getting ready to deploy to Africa on a humanitarian mission to help with that Ebola outbreak from what my family tells me..i don't get to watch the news much anymore to know what is even going on over there...that's been bothering me some lately...I pray he comes home healthy and ok.
10/6/2014 7:43:40 PM |
Barrack Obama starting WW3 what do vets think? |

Boise, ID
59, joined Mar. 2008
chillindillan you are very negative and I just want to delete everything you have said. Why are you trying to down Americans when you had better clean up your own back yard lst. Very unethical to say the least. Moving on...............