4/11/2017 6:08:50 PM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
I've read many books,especially the Bible, and didn't need anyone to tell me to.
I don't think you answered 4evr6y's question. Try again.
If Jesus said read the book would you?  
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/11/2017 6:53:20 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
FJO.. If Jesus meant to tell me (or anyone else) to do something it would be in the Bible.
4/11/2017 8:40:11 PM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
FJO.. If Jesus meant to tell me (or anyone else) to do something it would be in the Bible.
Nice dodge, Cup!
I can see Ludlow using that, maybe like this: "If Jesus meant to tell me (or anyone else) to do something the Catholic church would tell me."
Someday, perhaps:
Jesus: Welcome to Heaven, Cup.
Cup: Thank you, Jesus, but it's not exactly what I was expecting.
Jesus: Well, didn't you read the new revelation I sent? It's all in there.
Cup: No Jesus, I did not. I refused to read it. I figured I already knew it all and "they" told me, and I believed, that everything that God wanted mankind to know He already said in the bible and that there never could or would be any more information coming from God.
Jesus: I see.
4/11/2017 9:00:41 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Cup: I'm glad you do see, Jesus. I was begging to believe that perhaps you didn't really understand what you said to your apostles.
Jesus: I love you, Cup.
Cup: I know, Jesus. The Bible told me so.
4/12/2017 2:47:31 AM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
I know Jesus loves me too. The Urantia Book told me so.
4/12/2017 4:07:55 AM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
Cup, why do you post on this Forum?
It says:
Other Religions
For people with other religious/spiritual beliefs that don't fit in the other groups.
4/12/2017 8:49:00 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Here as a good Christian and setting FJO free.  
4/13/2017 2:47:26 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

4/24/2017 7:56:03 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

4/24/2017 4:32:44 PM |
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Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
4/24/2017 4:55:54 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Bible Christian
4/24/2017 9:03:13 PM |
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Lakeland, FL
46, joined Jun. 2013
4/24/2017 9:15:28 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Satanism isn't a religion.
You would do better going to the demonology sites on the web.

4/25/2017 3:48:49 AM |
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Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
Satanism isn't a religion.
You would do better going to the demonology sites on the web.

She didn't say "Satanism." And even if she had, how is it that you say her religion is not a religion?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the dissertation by King James, see Daemonologie.
For other uses, see Demonology (disambiguation).
[show]Part of a series of articles on the paranormal
Demonology is the study of demons or beliefs about demons,[1] especially the methods used to summon and control them. The original sense of "demon", from the time of Homer onward, was a benevolent being,[2] but in English the name now holds connotations of malevolence. (In order to keep the distinction, when referring to the word in its original Greek meaning English may use the spelling "Daemon" or "Daimon".)
Demons, when regarded as spirits, may belong to either of the classes of spirits recognized by primitive animism.[3] That is to say, they may be human, or non-human, separable souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a body. A sharp distinction is often drawn between these two classes, notably by the Melanesians, several African groups, and others. The Arab jinn, for example, are not reducible to modified human souls. At the same time these classes are frequently conceived as producing identical results, e.g. diseases.[4][2]
The word demonology is from Greek da?µ??, daimon, "divinity, divine power, god";[5] and -????a, -logia.
4/25/2017 6:32:42 AM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
pffft... You're a Urantian FJO ... your cult beliefs would encompass any other cult religion with open arms.
Daemonoly is demonology.
This blood sucking devil worshiper can go to the web and join a site that caters to her belief.
Sucking space from a deleted members thread start is only another attempt to hijack a deserted thread and convert it to another's use.
Not playing your game on this one, FJO.
If you follow Jesus only, as you say, you will back off this slimes attempt to gain footing on this site.
I am not adverse to blocking you, again, FJO.
Demonology is not a religion -- it is another cult -- and a very dangerous one.
I won't discuss this BS further with you or anyone else -- I'll simply block. That includes all your other fake profiles, also, FJO if you continue with this type crap.
Do you understand what I am saying?
4/25/2017 6:58:30 AM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Yeah, buddy ~~
How are you, Mercedes?
Shea (vestacha_blue) means: most loved or beloved (Romany gypsy)
Came online originally:
7/29/13 listed residence s/e Wisconsin
disassociative behavior
Posted only 1 time in 2013
Now says she is a:
Theistic Satanist
Posted 2 times in 2014
Now a Daemonologist
Living in Lakeland Florida
This is a FAKE alternate profile, probably FJOs, which is being posted with in order to keep it activated to when another profile gets blocked or deleted this one is on stand-by.
It is now BLOCKED permanently, FJO.
[Edited 4/25/2017 6:59:55 AM ]
4/25/2017 10:37:06 AM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
W0W... thats a lot of Bitters in your Cup 
ones "religion" is personal whether or not they are in a group/cult/church.
All [the World] is waiting for the proclamation of the ennobling message of [Jesus]/Michael, unencumbered by the accumulated doctrines and dogmas of nineteen centuries of contact with the religions of evolutionary origin. The hour is striking for presenting to Buddhism, to Christianity, to Hinduism, even to the peoples of all faiths, not the gospel about Jesus, but the living, spiritual reality of the gospel of Jesus.

4/25/2017 12:28:02 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Worship Satan if you like, I don't care but I'll follow Jesus'promises teachings.
Beware of false prophets!
4/25/2017 12:54:48 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
Worship Satan if you like, I don't care but I'll follow Jesus'promises teachings.
Beware of false prophets!
Are you inferring that I am worshiping Satan because I define my worship of Jesus different than you do???
Sad/sorry ... 4U

4/25/2017 1:08:14 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The word "You" was used as an all-inclusive word.
So I thank you for taking the bait and attempting to bite my head off. Usually only persons suffering guilt feelings for some reason react as YOU (meaning you, EV, in particular) have.
4/25/2017 2:05:47 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |


Morgan, VT
75, joined Jul. 2007
The word "You" was used as an all-inclusive word.
So I thank you for taking the bait and attempting to bite my head off. Usually only persons suffering guilt feelings for some reason react as YOU (meaning you, EV, in particular) have.
Smiling You/U/y'all need to realize i have no intention of biting your head.
As far as taking bait i only meant it [you] personally...
4/25/2017 2:17:02 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The manner in which you worship Jesus is of no big concern for me.
Satan worship is an abomination, as far as I am concerned. No. It is not a religion and does not need to be included in the religions forums.
Jesus is not satan, and as a Christian I am offended by the attempt at associating.
4/25/2017 6:25:47 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
pffft... You're a Urantian FJO  ... your cult beliefs would encompass any other cult religion with open arms.
What cult beliefs? Do you mean my belief in God the Creator? Do you mean the Trinity, the divine nature of Jesus, God's Son, the Savior, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection? Do you mean those cult beliefs? Yes, I admit to them.
Daemonoly is demonology.
This blood sucking devil worshiper can go to the web and join a site that caters to her belief.
This forum IS for other religions. She does not have to go anywhere.
Sucking space from a deleted members thread start is only another attempt to hijack a deserted thread and convert it to another's use.
Deserted threads are a good place to have different debates.
Not playing your game on this one, FJO.
If you follow Jesus only, as you say, you will back off this slimes attempt to gain footing on this site.
She has every right to be here.
I am not adverse to blocking you, again, FJO.
I don't care what you do.
Demonology is not a religion -- it is another cult -- and a very dangerous one.
All religions are cults and plenty of them are dangerous. Some of them have even tortured people and burned them at the stake.
I won't discuss this BS further with you or anyone else -- I'll simply block. That includes all your other fake profiles, also, FJO if you continue with this type crap.
Do you understand what I am saying?
LOL. Sometimes you are stupid beyond belief. I don't have any "fake profiles." Get over it.
4/25/2017 6:48:05 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Quote FJO
All religions are cults and plenty of them are dangerous. Some of them have even tortured people and burned them at the stake.
KB rubbed off on you, Huh? 
4/25/2017 7:01:49 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
This is a FAKE alternate profile, probably FJOs, which is being posted with in order to keep it activated to when another profile gets blocked or deleted this one is on stand-by.
It is now BLOCKED permanently, FJO.

Lisa Simpson: Mom, no wait, we can make a deal!
Marge: You don't have anything I want!
4/25/2017 7:03:47 PM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
Quote FJO
All religions are cults and plenty of them are dangerous. Some of them have even tortured people and burned them at the stake.
KB rubbed off on you, Huh? 
The single most, monstrous, largest cult in the world, the Catholic church, has tortured people and burned them at the stake. And yes, the Catholic church is a true, destructive cult.
4/26/2017 9:40:13 AM |
What religion are you? | Page 4 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

Dayum. Those Christian Crusades sure skew things, don't they?
4/30/2017 2:01:28 AM |
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Baton Rouge, LA
35, joined May. 2013
The Bondage Breaker - SelfDefinition.Org
SelfDefinition.Org › hearing-voices › Ne...
by NT Anderson - ?1990 - ?Cited by 151 - ?Related articles
The bondage breaker: overcoming darkness and resolving spiritual conflicts / Neil T. ...... Creator is truly God .
The Spirit of Bondage and of Adoption - Bible Hub
Bible Hub › sermons › auth › spurgeon
For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have ... has of its Creator, because of its own insignificance and its Maker's greatness
The Bondage of the Will, the Sovereignty of Grace, and the ...
Desiring God › messages › the-bondage-...
Apr 13, 2016 - He means that wherever it is active in faith and obedience, God is decisively active, creating and .
Understanding modern traditional bondage of Gad/God leadership..
Which came first,, Heaven/shamayam or Earth/Eret???
Parable definition???
Two dimensional subject of platforms objects...
First base entity element of heaven particle illustration,, and then second base chemical compound of carbon parable illustration particle of Earth flesh..

What first dimension of Ba'al/LORD Dom heaven is like????
Traditional bondage of grown virgins consentor multitask painful labour/labor/ETSEV gender becoming equally yoke Mary's Eve's pilegesh ishshah as consented/consentor choice in chosen a Master/husbondi/husbonda in becoming his's consented employee workers definition..
The boundary limit on earth and boundary limit in heaven consented public affair of general employee workers to a man household term in obeying God traditional blueprint BONDAGE policy act of order...
Midnight in (((heaven))..
(((Were))) wise virgins..; - ( pass tense the were.)
Were foolish virgins Mary's Eve's...
When the ((((were)))wise became foolish???
When the (((were )))foolish virgins Mary's Eve's became Wise????

How many equally yoke grown virgin consentor multitask painful labor/labour discipline students gender entitlement of Mary's Eve's Adam have in the garden of Earth???
How many equally yoke grown (((were wise))Mary Eve's (((pilegesh ishshah)) was prepared to leave first dimensional universes of ((shamayam/heaven)) planets life to come too second dimensional universe Earth with adam/ish/man???
God parable illustrations creation of the afterlife universe, of God/Gad eret/earth planets living entities element spiritual soul in the atomic entity chemical creation of carbon base flesh...
What is God boundaries limitation in the business common law consent of polygamy marriage????
how many consentor multitask painful labor/labour gender entitlement a man Right's/Grace's allowed in consenting to a''just''slave discipleship students man of business household???
Participating in obeying God manual instruction policy act of prefix legal allegiance Federal Justice for all genders entitlement of ground standard term are mandatory...

Earth Traditional bondage design is consented carbon chemistry gas of six/6 participating entities created carbon chemicals particle illustration of fleshs DNA genders..
Meaning,,, one atom entity element gender entitlement grown chosen scepter ruler Master man DNA and Five virgins grown consentor multitask painful labour/toil/wail/ETSEV/workers/slave entities electrons elements pilegesh ishshah women DNA..
Carbon chemicals particle of 6/six flesh populated earth genders DNA..
Everybody came from that one DNA man gender..
When you people going to become wise???
Being perfect political correct in the pursuit of following Al Alef Abba Gad/Gawd/God Ba'al Yahu Yaweh life manual instruction in obeying eternal bondage Tanakh justice LAW system is not hard to comprehend...
Can you liberal tyranny of liberty Anti-Christ tautology in illegal converting the mindset of God free form educational testator/will positions term in inheriting eternal life,, resign your false leadership in false bondage position ,and abdicate from God self government policy system of demand orders ???
Abdicate Liberty liberal wayward ill mental organization and resign from your fairytale position as their Liberty tyranny agenda of manizers Molek/Negus/Pharaoh/King sexists definition meaning of liberty liberal converted act of their tyranny pyramid scheme stage character boyfriend becoming an off mindset husband..
Husbonda definition
Husbondi definition meaning I'm a Almighty Lord definition..
Diverted word and definition to defamate traditional character entitlement Right's as a Ba'al...
Strong's Hebrew: 1166. ?????? (baal) -- to marry, rule over
Bible Hub › hebrew
gets a husband (1), high (1), husband)) ( 3), married (4), married* (2), marries (2), marry (1), marrying* (1), (((master))) (1
French word Lord
Husband Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary - Bible Study Tools
Bible Study Tools › dictionary › husband
In the Hebrew household the husband and father was the chief personage of an institution ... The wife, or wives, looked up to him as their lord (Genesis 18
Strong's Hebrew: 1167. ??????? (baal) -- owner, lord - Bible Hub
Bible Hub › hebrew
I. ??????166 noun masculine owner, lord (Phoenician ???; Palmyrene id. husband Vog62 compare BaeRel 72 ff
Greek word adon/lesbo definition meaning the original Hebrew word Ba'al..
Liberal cuss..
4/30/2017 8:21:12 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

So, MW -- you are the deleted profile maniacalman. 
5/7/2017 10:58:30 PM |
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Kent, OH
46, joined Sep. 2012

6/26/2017 12:12:29 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
TN Big Orange tribe