5/17/2014 6:38:31 PM |
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Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010
Im not a nurse gal, but I was a combat medic in Vietnam.I know a hell of a lot about that war and Ive met dozens of fakes using it as a crutch and alibi.
Yeah, they taught me first aide too in basic. A medic is glorified field first aid. NOT LONG Term Care for the elderly.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/17/2014 6:57:40 PM |
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Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010
That is not only going on in Phx with the VA turning away vetrans, autumn. It is nation wide:
After Phoenix, allegations emerge nationwide
VA official: There's no secret list
Director of Phoenix VA placed on leave
Texas VA clerk: Hospital fudged books
But even as the Phoenix VA's problems have gained national attention, numerous whistleblowers from other VA hospitals across the country have stepped forward in recent weeks.
They described similar delays in care for veterans and also varying schemes by officials at those facilities to hide the delays -- in some cases even falsify records or "cook the books."
The secret waiting list in Phoenix was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers there who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources who spoke exclusively to CNN.
"The scheme was deliberately put in place to avoid the VA's own internal rules," said Dr. Sam Foote, a 24-year Phoenix VA physician who just retired this year and who appeared in an interview for the first time on CNN last month.
The VA requires its hospitals to provide care to patients in a timely manner, typically within 14 to 30 days.
5/17/2014 7:05:39 PM |
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Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010
Post from fellow DH'r.
5/17/2014 7:36:35 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
There you go. 1/16 rangers FRG
1/501st infantry 101 airborne
Technical Escort Unit Aberdeen Proving Grounds
Retired at 38
A grunt for 20 years E-7 on the 8 list. Treat(ed) women with respect even if they didn't deserve it.
Do you really want some of me stepping into you?
No Hoop, please.Just stop and let it go.I am a big girl w the option to chose which comments I read.Im a whole lot stronger pissed off than crying anyway.He pisssed me off so in a way did me a favor.I need to separate myself from these emotions and deal with this situation on a logical rather than emotional level anyway.I just got off the phone with the sheriff dept involved.Im ok and taking care of bussness.Richard has never before this been rude or anything but kind to me.We are having a dispute about this issue alone.Im angry at him but bear him no ill will.
5/17/2014 8:59:49 PM |
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Jacksonville, FL
52, joined Oct. 2011
No Hoop, please.Just stop and let it go.I am a big girl w the option to chose which comments I read.Im a whole lot stronger pissed off than crying anyway.He pisssed me off so in a way did me a favor.I need to separate myself from these emotions and deal with this situation on a logical rather than emotional level anyway.I just got off the phone with the sheriff dept involved.Im ok and taking care of bussness.Richard has never before this been rude or anything but kind to me.We are having a dispute about this issue alone.Im angry at him but bear him no ill will.
Acknowledged. Returning to private status. Best wishes Autumn.
5/17/2014 9:55:52 PM |
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Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
prettypeas Part of the problem comes from the government and lack of funding. More and more Vets come onto the VA and congress refuses to raise the funding. When and if the government pulls all the troops out of Afghanistan and puts troops out of the service as they are doing now, more go on the VA without any new funding. People want to point fingers, point to your congress. Ask your congress people why they refuse to raise funding. I know of a private hospital that is very large in this state that is turning people away. As the cost of health care goes up the care for people goes down. Its all over the US. Same thing is happening in private hospitals in another state that I have family in. I have a friend that is on a med that is $500 a month, That is not a VET now they are denied it from their insurance co. after the Affordable Health Care Act kicked in. Again Why?
Sorry for the rant in your thread autumnsmile. Hope all is going to work out for you.
5/17/2014 10:12:03 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Thank you Hoop I don't want you guys fighting .You come to this site to socialize not fight.I do however appreciate your defense and the inbox messages I've received from a lot of people who've chosen not to post publically.Especially those that have had their own situations with their loved ones.Its a hard rd and it should never be this hatd.This could have been prevented.
5/17/2014 10:12:06 PM |
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Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010
all you see in clinics are old and mentally retarded people. They just laid off 45 nurses here.
5/18/2014 4:26:27 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Fkk this thread.Take it to the Chaplain.Get your "tough shit " card punched...hoople is a faceless "ranger" ..right.Never met one who didnt show his FACE!
5/18/2014 6:13:17 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Richard, please stop.If you don't like the thread you are a grown man and arnt being forced to read it.I don't want to argue with you or watch you argue with someone else.Life is too short and should be spent making the most of it.You have your sanity and many other blessings.Enjoy those things.You have earned them.
5/18/2014 6:44:57 PM |
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Tupelo, MS
36, joined Aug. 2013
Richard, please stop.If you don't like the thread you are a grown man and arnt being forced to read it.I don't want to argue with you or watch you argue with someone else.Life is too short and should be spent making the most of it.You have your sanity and many other blessings.Enjoy those things.You have earned them.
Agreed... we are all friends coming together for the support of a friend. No hostility is needed.
Bless you & your family Autumn 
5/19/2014 9:58:46 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Hey I'll gladly leave this thread! Im not the enemy autumn, your dad is and hes dragging his family through hell and being a POS to the people who love him most...You need to let him wallow in his own crap and suffer the consequences, but if you want to hold his hand while he endangers and threatens the lives of the very people nearest to him go ahead.I'll see ya on the 6 o'clock news!Im done here.
5/19/2014 11:38:12 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Richard I'm trying to see to it he is committed so he CAN'T hurt anyone anymore.I wish you would hear my words.Hes so far gone I can in no way see that anyone but God could bring him back.I don't see anyway my Dad should be ever released again because he WILL end up killing someone...And someone could EASILY be even someone in the family or me...I am terrified of what he could do if they release him again.But I need your support not these words you are saying about him faking this.Theres no faking going on.Hes fkn WHACKED...how more clear can I be?I've seen the Va drop the ball with Dad over and over and my terror is that as time goes on it might happen again.Its the burden that is most screwing my head up.
Ima tell you a little something ...I know this isn't just ptsd....I was diagnosed with it years ago.I have lived with and progressed in healing but it's still there.No I have never been to war but war is not the only cause.I know about getting up every two hours to check locks and windows.I know about night mares panic attacks being about being a prisoner inside my own home because looking out the door about ll I saw were human monsters out there.I know what it's like to be enjoying sex and suddenly not being able to handle the man I love to even touch me or even look at me.I have never attacked anyone except in defense of self or other but one time in a bar a guy pinned me against the wall and tried to force me to kiss his stinking drunk a** and I took him down so hard and fast my own tough guy brother was scared to physically intervein.I know about someone making a sudden normal movement and ducking or worse startling me from being and punching my best friend in her throat and feeling like shit that it happened reflexively.I know about not being able to watch certain tv programs I know about having to check a vehicle before I can get in it and every noise in the night sound in ding like someone breaking in.I know what it is to smell alcohol on someone's breath and curl up inside.I know about ptsd...not everything, but enough.Why do you think I live with gsd s and wolves and depend on them heavily to feel safe enough to go out alone in public? No Sholoh nor Liberty are certified but I NEEDED those animals.Im doing things I never could before but it's harder than you can imagine.Ptsd can symptoms can be treated and be lessened but this shit don't go away.At least it hasn't for me.
I still wake up from nightmares and sometimes when I 1st wake up I'm still reliving and it takes a while to separate dream from present reality.I don't screem or cry much anymore upon waking but I used to all the time.Tmi ?Well,all I gotta say is such it up because I want you to know I DO know all little about ptsd.
Yes my father is putting me and my family through hell but he's not doing it intentionally and I'm not going to hate him for being sick.I do hate passionately that he's done.I do hurt immensely that he's hurt others by putting them through this all nd I hate every part of this situation but I don't hate my father.
5/19/2014 11:57:03 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Curse my spell check need Charley to turn it off.That last post is peppered with its malfunction.
5/19/2014 9:18:44 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
you're in a tough spot, autumn. i'm sure you're doing the best you can. hang in there and keep in mind that nothing is forever.
5/19/2014 9:51:42 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Thanks Bogie.I will do better when I Can actually get all the way to sleep.I get right on the edge and get waylaid by panic attacks.Cant hold more than a couple bites of food at a time.I'll be glad when this passes.Hark!Call the evening news Charley just emptied an ashtray and earlier changed out some litterboxes!
5/19/2014 9:59:44 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
will wonders ever cease?
5/20/2014 12:05:37 AM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Just for you, Autumn.

5/20/2014 7:00:32 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Sleep was good.Charley left left me where I laid...on the couch.I guess I must a been really out. Come on n brew coffee! I have a million thing I gotta get done.
5/20/2014 8:40:10 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Hey I just got some good news! Stepdad says mom's legs n feet feel warmet! That spells circulation to me and hope she's gonna get to keep them! Woo hoo!
5/20/2014 4:42:46 PM |
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Storden, MN
70, joined Mar. 2009
It's about time something went right for you. 
5/20/2014 6:47:12 PM |
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Jacksonville, FL
52, joined Oct. 2011
It's about time something went right for you. 
Agreed! Such as sweetheart but the world continuously kicks her in the gut. At least that Charley guys seems cool.
5/20/2014 8:55:41 PM |
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Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
autumn,, good to hear- hope it keeps up ..
5/21/2014 10:13:56 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Things are changing.Plans n strategies are being made.I just got off the phone with the social worker.Peeasy he almost repeated your words exactly....Alzheimers....ptsd dementia ....the words are whirling around in my head along with A billion other confusing and terrifying things.Maybe they can do something to help Dad not suffer so.I don't know.The main focus has to start with protecting innocent people and ourselves as well.That means I've got to put him in a veterans home.It's not realistic to think it possible that he could be cared for at home.Some alzheimers patients can...but not Dad.They do say there are things we can do to help improve his quality of life even instatutionalized.But it's gonna get worse and he s eventually die.I hope it happens before he suffers much worse.I feel like the most despicable creature on earth...what kind of person actually hopes her own father dies soon?How selfish I am to just want this nightmare to be over?I'm so lucky to have Charley in my life.This isn't fair to him and most men.... I dunno I think they'd bolt for the nearest exit or beating the shit out of me.Id be a liar to say I didn't need him.Him getting laid off when he did...it's been a blessing.Im not strong enough to go this alone.Hes been a rock.Not the kinda rock that crushes bones and pounds your soul to powder but one that actually helps.I don't think I have ever had anyone like that in my life before and I am so appreciative, yet terrified it ll run him off.Forgive my babbling....A thought that keeps comming to my mind...If that social worker mirrored Peasy ' s words so ...man it was like both of them reading aloud the same page of a book...it makes me wonder how common this actually is.How many other families go through dangerous events like this that we don't know about?
Hoop....I was afraid you were angry at me.Richard...what he said was cruel but I don't think he meant it to be.He just doesn't understand anything but how very serous and dangerous this situation is.Thankfully my little cousins seem to have bounced back completely fine but the horror that they could ha ve died is constantly weighing on my mind.They are barely more than babies.I know I'm rambling.I trying to grasp and cope and sort out.Need to get my eyes back on my feet.Big picture too overwhelming rt now.I just need to focus on the next step.Sort this all out later when the work is done.When everyone is safe without the possibility my Dad could get out and hurt someone or force them to hurt him , that will be an immense burden off of me when it's resolved.
5/21/2014 10:16:12 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Hugs and gratitude Hoop New Lady and every single one of you.I need you.Thank you.
5/22/2014 10:16:09 AM |
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Cadott, WI
50, joined Jul. 2010
Yes, Autumn, it's VERY common. Most elderly in nursing homes are Alzheimer's. There are waiting lists. I'd go to a private one, if I were you. You are going to probably be checking into a whole lot of them! I would. There's never any rooms available. Screw the VA wait!!
My grandpa had it. I was down in AZ when he was a resident of a nursing home. When I had left WI, when I was 20, he was still at home with grandma. They both came down with it....they were in separate homes.
Grandpa always carried a pocket knife so he could eat his apples that he grew on his carefully grafted fruit trees. He was a farmer amongst other things. Well, they had an ankle monitor on him cuz he tried leaving several times from the nursing home. The last time he tried, he pulled that knife out on the nurse! It was their fault for not checking all his belongings when he entered the home. He died with cancer of the colon returning and the dr.s had no idea, until the shit was coming out of his mouth. He couldn't tell them that he was having stomach pains any more. Although, I was told, that he said my name before he died. That's the reason I raised guinea fowl, and chickens. Cuz grandpa had them. 
Grandma, I did see upon returning back to WI at 24. She no longer knew who I was, and she thought she was a teenager again, talking about her dog she had back then, "blackie". She had dementia. She also lost both legs below the knees due to diabetes. I helped her out of bed to the toilet with the wheelchair. The nurses aides there were no where to be found. She died a few more months down the road. 
Don't feel bad. They are trapped inside their minds of what they have left. Some get very aggressive and violent. They are very frustrated. After a time it progresses and eventually they can not walk or talk anymore. 
I'm sorry Autumn. Just remember the good times.  
5/23/2014 12:17:28 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Thank you, Peasy...n hugs.I'm not mad at Dad.Theyre testing to see if the cancers gone to his brain...they can't tell me for certain anything yet.Whatever it is I know for a fact he can't help the bad things he's done.I know if I believed I was under attack I'd damned sure return fire.
I can't chase away his demons , but I'm hoping having him in a locked facility closer to home where it's easier to visit him and take part in his care....maybe they can at least stop them from comming through the floors n walls at him.Momma is also a bit odd n ornery but she doesn't have dementia...Thank God.Her n my Stepdad pretty much take care of eachother...they just bicker the whole time, lmao!
5/23/2014 10:13:38 PM |
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Steinbach, MB
54, joined Jan. 2008
5/24/2014 8:19:25 AM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
6/26/2014 4:03:03 AM |
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Southern Pines, NC
54, joined Jan. 2014
Thanks Richard, lol.But to be fair his answer was about worth that much...A single Kernal of corn.I know it's not his fault that the law is what it is but it needs changing.People should not have to nearly be killed before a veteran can get help.I have seen this day comming and stated it over and over.All of my pleas fell on deaf ears.Nobody can say I have not been persistant.
Baby doll they care but they don't. I went through the same BS with my kids Dad, no one would listen.I have walked the walk only too well. Please contact me outside of this forum. I can help ya.
7/2/2014 5:37:48 PM |
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Counce, TN
53, joined May. 2009
Waiting for the Guardianship court date.Dads doing some better.At least hes not telling the staff I was killed by vigalntes may 12th.Atty thus far cost a little over 4000.00.I tried tocontact you but couldnt