6/3/2014 10:06:17 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
After 5 years as a POW Sgt Bowe Bergdahl has been released by the Taliban in a 5 for 1 swap for Gitmo detainees.. Senator John McCain ,a former Vietnam POW called the released Taliban "the hardest of the hardcore" and pissed on the release of our soldier.Im betting John didnt feel that way when we won his freedom from the Hanoi Hilton!
But Ted Cruz the Canadian Senator from Texas took it to another level saying "we just put a price on every other US Soldier. What does this tell terrorists? It says if you catch a US soldier you can trade him for 5 terrorists".
Bergdahl reportedly walked off his post and into the hands of the Taliban.He was the only US POW to date.That matter will be investigated and he might face punishment under the UCMJ. But these whiny a** politicians who are crying because they didnt get 30 days to turn this into a larger political football really piss me off! WE dont leave anyone behind!
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6/3/2014 11:08:01 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
We don't know the facts of this. On the surface if Bergdahl deserted his post and then caused the deaths of his own platoon and others then he should be tried for treason. As far as the 30 day notice, I think it should have been given. Again, on the surface, it looks like he willingly went over to the other side. We could have probably gotten him back anyway. SF groups said they knew where he was most of the time. Why would the administration negotiate with the enemy? WE DON'T DO THAT. We kill the enemy not negotiate. Anyone "whining" about it has EVERY right to be pissed. I am. No we don't leave our people behind except for the 8K in Korea and the 2600 in Viet Nam. Truly we don't leave our people on the battlefield if there's anything left. This Bergdahl dude POW thing was self-inflicted it seems like. If so, then tough shit. He should have rotted over there. If not we should have done militarily anything to get them back. No negotiate and then let the Taliban dictate to us how "the cow chews the cabbage." That's pure BS
If this turns in to a political thread then I'm out
[Edited 6/3/2014 11:10:07 AM ]
6/3/2014 11:14:39 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
His own men are calling him a deserter.
5 soldiers were killed looking for him
They talked to the village were he was last seen and they stated he was looking for the Taliban to give them information.
Big write up in paper today.
The government will investigate this as soon as he is out of hospital.
And one more thing. His father has converted to Muslim.
6/3/2014 11:25:30 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Go to oafnation.com. for the whole story. Its told by someone who was serving with him.
6/3/2014 12:36:34 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Interesting comments and I cant disagree. I just wanted him back, thats all.Now we will find out "the rest of the story"...I think its strange that in 11 years of war we only had 1 POW and he walked right into their arms. My issue is the way politicians who never served (and a few that did) want to make his release into a scandal. I believe we never leave anyone behind-no matter what the circumstances NO WAY.. If we ever deviate from that promise then any man or woman in uniform should question our commitment to them. JMHO. And for the record I think he deserves punishment.
6/3/2014 3:11:04 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I guess what tugs most at my heart is we got him back.In my (our) war a lot of guys were left behind and we knew it.They never came home.In a lot of cases we never even got their remains.
I remember Richard Pearl a American journalist that Al Qaeda beheaded and then posted on youtube that atrocity. We got this one back.To me thats a promise kept.
As for the five we swapped- we will get another chance to kill them.I'll buy the bullets.
6/3/2014 3:21:18 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
We cannot swap murderers for hostages. Just now has been verified that he was a deserter. By doing that 6 men died trying to get his sorry azz back. Pizz on bazturd. The gubmnt knew this. Our gubmnt garners no respect from me. POS they are. Especially the cheif of staff.
[Edited 6/3/2014 3:24:19 PM ]
6/3/2014 3:23:29 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
He should be tried for treason and shot. JMO
6/3/2014 3:25:58 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
He should be tried for treason and shot. JMO
I'm sorry. But I feel the same.
This was his plane all along.
Go to the web site I mentioned.
You will reaf the truth.
He was a deserter. Plan and simple.
6/3/2014 3:26:32 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Can't wait to see how they clean this up.
Going to be interesting.
[Edited 6/3/2014 3:28:33 PM ]
6/3/2014 3:27:17 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
If he only cared about his own sorry A.. He should have been more damn careful who knew what he was doing so we didnt have to lose anyone else..
6/3/2014 3:27:48 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Yup. There's not a thing that tugs affectionately at my heart about the whole thing unless it would be his mom. If she turned to islam then pizz on her too.
6/3/2014 3:38:40 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
If he was a deserter- why bother waiting?
6/3/2014 3:42:44 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Oduma Hagel Kerry all knew this was going down. Sorriest peices of .... ever. I am shamed that Kerry and Hagel are viet nam vets. Embarrassing
[Edited 6/3/2014 3:43:53 PM ]
6/3/2014 3:44:46 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
He had to have someone on th e outside------for whatever reason..
6/3/2014 3:49:29 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
If he was a deserter- why bother waiting?
The government is going to fully investigate this whole thing when he is released from the hospital.
Personal in his outfit are requesting to talk about it when the time is rite.
The reason i know this.
My son is there now and people are not happy about what went on.
6/3/2014 4:09:58 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Now in one fell swoop there's a bounty on every soldier.
6/3/2014 6:11:01 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
I will flip your comments: What you are telling every enemy is there is no value in keeping an American alive if captured. Why waste precious food, that soldier is not wanted in the USA ......He got caught!! Better example to behead him!! 
The Cong knew there was value in keeping McCain alive. 
Why only one Prisoner and all others are dead???? No Value........................We Don't Trade.!!!!!!!! 
A soldiers thread advocating the Demise of a soldier without the due process of the UCMJ!!
Politics at it's finest!!!!!!!   
6/4/2014 10:09:27 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I believe that he deserves to be held accountable for desertion. I also believe it was important to get him back. I'm not at all worried about the "swap" we can kill those bastards another time instead of clothing, feeding and housing them for years.
As for making other soldiers "targets" thats a lot of BS.They are already targets and the people who put them there are to blame.We've been in Afghanistan for 11 years.Some of you have damn short memories.
6/4/2014 11:32:06 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Now the soldiers will larger targets and with greater motivation to capture them. Everyone to their own opinion. Personally when it comes to a deserter I'm not sure I really care if we get them back or not. Have to think on that one. As for the swap, now we have some of the original leaders back out in the "hood". Yeah we may be fortunate enough to kill all 5 before they bring "hurt" on us again but I doubt it seriously. Yeah I'm worried about it. Our mouse eared prez and company went against the law and everything sacred to soldiers to slap us in the face again. He thinks he can break the law(and does) at will. Many times. Yep I can document it but I'm not wasting time doing it.
[Edited 6/4/2014 11:35:51 AM ]
6/4/2014 2:18:50 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
Wow I just got back to comp-- front pag e is full o fanother Married couple who now want help.
6/4/2014 3:54:42 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Fair enough gdaddy. I could give a rats a** about "notifying
Congress" when those pricks DO NOTHING. WE got our soldier back. Thats enough for me.Hes going to have to answer for what he did.If he gets a court martial or whatever thats the way it is.
6/4/2014 4:58:55 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Denver, CO
63, joined Mar. 2014
He should be shot and then tried for treason.
6/4/2014 6:16:24 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I just think there's a bigger message here beyond the immediate emotional one.For years after my war we tried to get our people back.Maybe they were already dead,I dunno.But as a medic my value on human life is the motivation that I served.So to me never leaving one of ours behind is a principle I have to defend.He may not deserve it, but the next soldier,marine, sailor or zoomie might and there will be others down the road.
Right now people are reacting emotionally.Fine. Im not on this guys side, but anybody who advocates dumping a member of the US military beheaded on the side of the road is a POS in my book. We would be having a completely different debate if that had happened.I say bring them home and let us handle it here under UCMJ.I trust the military to know how. If that makes anybody mad here that's fine with me.But if it was you or your kid you might have a different view.
[Edited 6/4/2014 6:17:25 PM ]
6/4/2014 7:31:19 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
I am with you on this: Whiskey.....First foremost he is an American, Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by his peers! (UCMJ)
Second he is An American soldier, A man who volunteered to defend this country. (Should we allow draft dodgers to drag him through this crap without the benefit of the UCMJ?)
Should we show that we will abandon a captured soldier/comrade for "Political Convenience??"
The story is just a story until told under oath in a court of law, and this man has not had his day to tell his side of the story. 
I don't know the story but I do know that this is an American soldier...........
Until his "Peers" find him guilty (UCMJ) he deserves the honors of a returning soldier!! or at least silence!! 
6/5/2014 8:09:48 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Thank you cowboy. I think politicians live in a sterile vacuum and get intoxicated with their own egos and power. Giving them 30 days notice of a pending prisoner exchange would have made this circus worse and he might have been just another pawn in the gridlock of DC.
I have a ton of respect for those guys who went in to get him. The Taliban had ringed the area with weapons pointed at the pick up point. I'm betting we had more than a few troops in the air very close by ready to prevent another "Black Hawk Down"! As for the 5 cutthroats that we released I'm pretty sure we will be following their activity and wouldn't be surprised if we don't each have a drone with each of their names on it.
6/5/2014 9:27:12 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
There was a gunship flying in the area. It was even shown on the video.
Bergdahl wasn't worth getting 6 GOOD SOLDIERS KILLED. Rah Rah for leaving no soldier behind. I wasn't there but it sounds like they knew he deserted before the op to try to recover his sorry azz. Just a too-heated subject to discuss rationally at times. Nope he wasn't worth getting people killed.
6/5/2014 10:56:39 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Nobody died on the exchange gdaddy.PERIOD. Im not taking up for his desertion. And Im not defending him. Im just sticking up for the code that WE BOTH LEARNED ...we dont leave ours behind!
6/5/2014 11:54:50 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
He wasn't left behind. He just left. Simple stuff. Yeah people died trying to get his sorry azz back when he deserted. People DIED. 6 soldiers DIED. For nothing. When you leave your platoon and actively seek the enemy to join them then you are not freaking missing. You're just gone. Deserted. AWOL. He wasn't left behind. Period.
6/5/2014 4:59:09 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
He wasn't left behind. He just left. Simple stuff. Yeah people died trying to get his sorry azz back when he deserted. People DIED. 6 soldiers DIED. For nothing. When you leave your platoon and actively seek the enemy to join them then you are not freaking missing. You're just gone. Deserted. AWOL. He wasn't left behind. Period.
Well said. 
6/5/2014 6:33:29 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Mukilteo, WA
66, joined Mar. 2011
His shit is so flaky and he'll soon find he's fresh out of friends.Paraguay would be a nice place for him to go.
6/6/2014 9:23:27 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Question: If this man "Left" his post voluntarily, If he truly left a note, Why did the platoon leader and C.O. waste six men's lives in a search effort? This has to be answered in a court of law!! 
The "He Left" Report was written after the loss of lives, What is the Truth?? 
Again: Innocent until proven guilty!! 
Questions The UCMJ will have to answer!! 
6/6/2014 12:11:14 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Perhaps is now a good time to remind my brothers of one of our fellow "vets" Pvt. Bobby Garwood USMC. Garwood was reported captured and held by the NVA.In 1973 he was released and chose to remain in North Vietnam until 1979! He was finally court martialed in 1981 and found guilty of collaboration ,aiding and abetting the enemy and beating a fellow POW for his refusal to cooperate with the enemy. He lives in Greensburg Indiana. He was stripped of a veterans benefits and pay and dishonorably discharged.Hes one of many who we bargained for their release!
6/6/2014 7:58:36 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Ain't this just dandy?
This morning, TIME Magazine featured a chilling interview with an Haqqani network-affiliated Taliban commander who was intimately involved in negotiations with the U.S. over the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The takeaway: More kidnappings are “definitely” to come as a result of the deal.
Related Stories
Ted Cruz: Bergdahl Should Feel Guilty for Deal The Fiscal Times
Republicans question U.S. prisoner swap with Taliban Reuters
Obama defends deal with Taliban to free US soldier AFP
Candy Crowley presses Susan Rice: 'Did the U.S. negotiate with terrorists?' The Week (RSS)
Susan Rice Is the Biggest Loser in Bergdahl Affair The Fiscal Times
“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the unnamed commander told TIME by telephone. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”
6/7/2014 6:05:36 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013
No one here knows what happened over there.
6/8/2014 9:15:26 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I knew guys who would slip out to buy weed and get laid.None were captured. Outside our camp was a little village and the mama sans were selling p*ssy.Without a doubt VC were there or at least sympathizers. I know one guy got VD twice from the same woman but it didn't keep him from going .He came to me asking for tetracycline or penicillin .
I think this guy (Bergdahl) has to answer for what circumstances led to his capture. But in 11 years of war we've had one POW. To me that says a lot about unit cohesion and the discipline of these troops. I don't care what anybody says-we got ours back.Now lets just kill the 5 we let free.
6/8/2014 9:33:36 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Boulder, CO
97, joined Jun. 2008
(copied and transferred here from a post I just made in CE and P):
the government reports that bergdahl is now saying he was held in a small metal cage for long periods in captivity and treated brutally.
sounds like the administration is into damage control, trying to gain sympathy for "their" boy.
in looking at all info which has come forth from various sources, it looks like we have an idealistic young man who came from a religious, home-schooled, isolated Idaho life. he joined the army to help better conditions for the common people of Afghanistan----via our military intervention.
becoming disenchanted, he switched sides, STILL intent on serving his personal mission.
how he could have thought that going to the Taliban would help "his" intended cause, or that they would treat him as trusted ally is beyond me.
how he could have thought that his personal mission superceded his role in the army or the clear mission of the american military superpower which controlled him as an enlistee is also way beyond me.
6/8/2014 9:42:04 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Boulder, CO
97, joined Jun. 2008
(copied and transferred here from a post I just made in CE and P):
the government reports that bergdahl is now saying he was held in a small metal cage for long periods in captivity and treated brutally.
sounds like the administration is into damage control, trying to gain sympathy for "their" boy.
in looking at all info which has come forth from various sources, it looks like we have an idealistic young man who came from a religious, home-schooled, isolated Idaho life. he joined the army to help better conditions for the common people of Afghanistan----via our military intervention.
becoming disenchanted, he switched sides, STILL intent on serving his personal mission.
how he could have thought that going to the Taliban would help "his" intended cause, or that they would treat him as trusted ally is beyond me.
how he could have thought that his personal mission superceded his role in the army or the clear mission of the american military superpower which controlled him as an enlistee is also way beyond me.
I mean, couldn't he have MORE reasonably expected that the enemy would accept him, then beat the cr-- out of him to gain intel?
also, isn't desertion still desertion, and defined by the military---not by a pfc enlistee who interprets intent and mission by his own views, not the army's?
I hope there is a full, fair and non-whitewashed investigation, and IF charges are merited, they are pursued.
6/8/2014 9:46:55 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Yeah. And you served when and where and in what units? He was airborne, same as me and others, thousands of us. He was a SGT. That doesnt happen because he was home schooled or lived in isolation in Idaho. Unless and until you jump from a plane into darkness don't try to cut and paste your foolish crap here. Hes an American soldier.He will face the UCMJ. Thats how we roll.Im not in his corner-but Im sure not in YOURS!
6/8/2014 10:25:23 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Boulder, CO
97, joined Jun. 2008
Yeah. And you served when and where and in what units? He was airborne, same as me and others, thousands of us.
He was a SGT. That doesnt happen because he was home schooled or lived in isolation in Idaho. Unless and until you jump from a plane into darkness don't try to cut and paste your foolish crap here. Hes an American soldier.He will face the UCMJ. Thats how we roll.Im not in his corner-but Im sure not in YOURS!
media does report the home schooling and isolated area, as well as his Christian background and previous beneficient efforts to explore serving others----before his enlistment. (research it if you weren't aware of his background).
obviously he was what he was in the army, which I think my post covered by reference to his service. nobody could seriously read my post and infer I said he became a sgt. while he was a home-schooled child or lived in rural Idaho as a youngster. nor did I happen to reference his "airbone" status, as it wasn't material to the larger point of my post.
if he were artillery, ground infantry, armor, or of some other designation----or if he were air force, navy, marines, or coast guard----it would not be integral to the larger questions americans are asking regarding him and what happened.
incidentally, the promotion to sgt. occurred while he was in captivity. my post didn't say he wasn't a sgt. (incidentally, while now at landstuhl he is still referring to himself as "pvt", for some reason.)
I said at the beginning, in a post long before today, that he deserves full and fair investigation before conclusions are drawn. my post today also supported a fair investigation, as well as indicating support for a repercussions for desertion, IF that should be found.
these are just other ways of supporting that the UCMJ be applied. I don't know how you missed seeing that in my post. 
also, the suggestions I made are drawn from several weeks of informational observation, drawn from troops he served with before and during his deployment, his parents, friends from his pre-service days and non-disputed facts which are part of the history of his life.
being informed about military occurences within our current daily lives is not reserved only for those who served.
presenting a view for ongoing discussion of an event like the bergdahl case should not be the preserve of only current or former veterans, either.
we are non second-class citizens because we didn't "jump," and many people join with those who DID "jump" to support our troops while staying informed as good citizens, and involving ourselves in open discussion as good citizens.

6/8/2014 12:38:43 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Civilians do not understand the Military way of life, and should keep there opinions to civilian matters. 
The UCMJ is Harsher and more compassionate than civilian courts. 
Get out of Military affairs and go back to CE and P where the Dodgers/Patriots Hang out!!
This Man Is an American.
Landstuhl cannot be Quoted. That would be a lie/Fake story. 
Privacy act and patient doctor privilege would put the leaker in a cell faster than the desertion trial. 
Therefore: a false story!!
6/8/2014 1:20:23 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Boulder, CO
97, joined Jun. 2008
Civilians do not understand the Military way of life, and should keep there opinions to civilian matters.
The UCMJ is Harsher and more compassionate than civilian courts.
Get out of Military affairs and go back to CE and P where the Dodgers/Patriots Hang out!!
This Man Is an American.
Landstuhl cannot be Quoted. That would be a lie/Fake story.
Privacy act and patient doctor privilege would put the leaker in a cell faster than the desertion trial.
Therefore: a false story!! 
thanks for your input, but there is no reason why discussion can't be held openly and politely between or among civilians and active or retired military to advance understanding or awareness.
my points are drawn from the case as it is on the national and world stage now, which makes it open for discussion just because it is THERE. much information from many civilian and military view points form the basis for my posts. I don't just write from a knee-jerk "I AM MILITARY AND YOU AREN'T" perspective.
all of our worlds would be very much smaller, and our opinions narrower, if we didn't share information and perspectives. who wants that? who would promote living in a vacuum of information or viewpoints?
landstuhl and reports from there are very much on the table, IF one follows the news. another interesting fact is that bergdahl has not availed himself of phones made available to him to call his parents. why?
we can speculate, and it should make for interesting, open discussion and conversation (not rants or arguments) about this, and possibly form a more complete picture of him as well as a way to put the pieces of the puzzle together to form more conclusions from our vantage point.
leaks absolutely occur and are factually-based. it's as old as time in the release of information, and is usually a form of massaging public opinion. as to patient-doctor issues, the info might not have come from a medical source.
also, what do you mean that the UCMJ is both "harsher" and "more compassionate" than civilian courts? that seems like an oxymoron.
6/13/2014 6:36:02 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Ocala, FL
45, joined May. 2014
If the guys in his unit are correct, he deserted. Walking off without his weapon? Laughable. My weapon (M-203) was like a limb; the latrine, wherever. And if I had the opportunity to shower, it was within easy reach. And in civilian clothes? Where the f*#k was he going? Sports bar? Strip joint? Bottom line: six individuals lost their lives looking for a guy who disappeared under questionable circumstances. After being discharged from the USCG for mental-health issues. He shouldn't have been in the Army in the first place, let alone a front-line outfit.
On top of this comes an item in the paper this morning that this guy is going to collect 300 large in back pay, and another 300 G's if he is determined to have been a POW, not a deserter. It would have taken me 25 years to collect that.
The whole thing is a mess, but I believe the guys from his platoon more than the current administration. jmo
6/16/2014 10:15:55 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Irvine, CA
24, joined Mar. 2014
I'm excited to see how this plays out
6/17/2014 10:22:10 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I'm excited to see how this plays out
6/17/2014 1:28:31 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
He will be court-martialed, busted and get bad paper....no incarceration. He's going to be a free man, probably write a goddamn book, maybe a movie deal and it they will be best sellers.
6/17/2014 1:45:15 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
6/18/2014 1:18:27 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Irvine, CA
24, joined Mar. 2014
He will be court-martialed, busted and get bad paper....no incarceration. He's going to be a free man, probably write a goddamn book, maybe a movie deal and it they will be best sellers.
And this is why I'm excited to see how this plays out
6/30/2014 3:21:31 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Ocala, FL
45, joined Jun. 2014
Nothing will surprise me.
6/30/2014 5:02:59 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Pfafftown, NC
62, joined Mar. 2008
IF and I mean IF he ends up writing a book or even gets a movie deal
as Richard mentioned then ALL the proceeds should be
donated to ALL the Vets and he shouldn’t get one damn dime.
7/1/2014 10:03:20 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Tucson, AZ
65, joined Jan. 2014
I'm old school
The troop walk away court martial the so PRESIDENT need to get rid of advisers he has
They're idiots.
Put Condi Rice on speed dial she's young but old school.
7/3/2014 12:51:12 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Dublin, PA
69, joined Feb. 2010
FRAG him 
7/15/2014 11:52:00 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Denver, CO
63, joined Mar. 2014
And now he is going on active duty, and he's getting a lot of money, tax free. My first comment still holds, HE SHOULD BE SHOT! I don't give a "sierra"(if you don't understand, ask an airman) what Richard says.
7/15/2014 5:35:46 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
No problem brother, disagree all ya want! Personally I don't give a Sierra, Hotel, India ,Tango about airmen!
7/15/2014 5:53:58 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
El Campo, TX
72, joined Jun. 2014
Since he has never "jumped from a plane into the darkness", to some, anything you have to say is just foolish crap.
Crap like the above is the main reason I don't post here anymore. Some think their opinion is the only one worth reading.
[Edited 7/15/2014 5:56:16 PM ]
7/15/2014 6:32:01 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Jay. Take a deep breath. I was screwing with the zoomie who said he doesn't give a sh*t about my opinion.If he doesn't then why should I let him insult me on MY THREAD? If hes a big boy he'll get the message. If not I could give a damn less. Welcome back.
7/15/2014 7:04:14 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |
Goldsboro, NC
80, joined Jun. 2014
Jay, if I can tolerate jerks in here you can too- your shoulders are wider .........
*SMILE* damnit.
7/16/2014 7:41:55 PM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
I don't think we ever should have traded those five Taliban for Bergdahl, but now that he's back, I'm going to take an unpopular opinion here. I think he should get a dishonorable discharge and not receive any of the backpay. But beyond that, I say let him go. Now I'll admit, my opinion could change if I knew the details of how those other six guys died when they were looking for him, but here's why I'm not jumping into the "He should be shot!" crowd.
1. Five years with the Taliban is pretty bad punishment
2. It's not like his company or platoon would have being hanging out playing X-Box had Bergdahl not wandered off. They would have still been fighting the Taliban and coming under attack. Had it not been for him, would those other guys be alive? Perhaps, but they or others could still have died had they been on their original mission. I'm not saying he shouldn't get any blade, but I don't think it's clear cut that he caused their deaths.
3. He was in Coast Guard training and they kicked him out for mental health issues. Certainly that had to come up, but the Army took him anyway. I know they were hard up for bodies at the time, but if they were letting in people that were clearly unfit, I think some of the responsibility falls on them.
And that's my opinion. Standing by to be eviscerated...
7/17/2014 7:41:24 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im with you joegrappler
7/17/2014 8:03:07 AM |
Sgt.Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban in prisoner exchange |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
one of many topics that i find myself way too uninformed to opine. all of my INFORMATION comes from the media unfortunately.