6/7/2014 9:28:40 PM |
What makes people so nasty here? |

Shelton, CT
59, joined Feb. 2009
I know I haven't been around here is a long while. Yet in every post there is someone commenting on someone. This to the point of bashing as I would call it. Wow I really thought that people can act like grown-ups. I guess not.
Oh please fell free to check out the profile, I am real.
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6/10/2014 3:20:31 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |
Swanton, VT
21, joined May. 2014
Some people in this forum appear to be cyber bullies. To make themselves feel better, they like to tear apart and insult other people. That is a sign of weakness on their part. They should try to fix what is wrong with themselves instead of trying to inflict pain upon others.
Any of the people who you see bullying in this forum, it shows that they are uncomfortable with something about themselves, and so they bully and insult others to make themselves feel better.
I believe that they need some type of religious or spiritual guidance to help themselves get better and stop their evil ways.

6/10/2014 7:18:58 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
It is this. ^^^^^^^ . People who come in here and make up stories like he cheated on his girl friend at red lobster or how all ct women are pieces of crap or how he clames to have been from some Indian tribe. ( whitch he was be ivestigated for false information.)I can go on and on.
He talks crap about everyone and everything.
Then people call him out on how his storys and he calls them cyber bullies. He's trying to say people see a big foot all the time in up state ct.
Cs has deleted everyone of his profiles. Whitch has to be around 50.
He needs to take his fairytale some were else.
And watch. He will be deleted again by tonight.
Problem is there are people who flag every post in every forum on him.
We don't want him stinkig up ct chat.
6/10/2014 7:42:59 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |


West Haven, CT
60, joined Aug. 2011
Go over to General dating and see the story he just made up and the responses he's getting over there.
Its about little bears wedding. 
Didn't we go through this with his once profile Garfield. 
6/10/2014 8:48:53 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |
Swanton, VT
21, joined May. 2014
Johnnyfee is one of the cyber bullies. He bullied my fatheer Little Bear in this forum. And he also bullied other people in this forum such as Garfield (Francois). Johnnyfee's actions can be seen in these threads. He is a stalker and a bully.
6/10/2014 9:00:47 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |
Swanton, VT
21, joined May. 2014
Plus, he has bullied other people in this forum. He and his pals like to accuse people of being Garfield, Little Bear, and Tony, when they're not even those people. It's just shocking to see such bullying behavior from "adults" who are in their 40s and 50s age ranges! Why, there's middle school kids who act more mature than them.
6/10/2014 10:09:13 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |
Swanton, VT
21, joined May. 2014
Somebody in DH Dating Forum told me that Russell and Stan have put a hit out on me. They've ordered their minions to flag me into deletion. So they, their fake profiles, and their friends with all their fake profiles, are all pressing the flag button on my profile right now (despite the fact that I have Russell and Stan both blocked...so how would they know I'm here unless they have fake profiles?) How old are those guys supposed to be?

That person from Dating Forum also told me that Russell and Stan are under orders from Evangeline who is operating from secret profiles.
How pathetic!
As my dad says: "Beware of Greek b*tches talkin shit on DH forums!"

6/10/2014 11:42:51 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |
Swanton, VT
21, joined May. 2014
Here's the proof:
Evangeline, Russell, Stan, Inkmkan986, Naturesbounty, and Johnnyfee flagged me to deletion!
Cyber bullies in action!

6/11/2014 8:59:33 AM |
What makes people so nasty here? |

Wallingford, CT
44, joined Jun. 2012
Somebody in DH Dating Forum told me that Russell and Stan have put a hit out on me. They've ordered their minions to flag me into deletion. So they, their fake profiles, and their friends with all their fake profiles, are all pressing the flag button on my profile right now (despite the fact that I have Russell and Stan both blocked...so how would they know I'm here unless they have fake profiles?) How old are those guys supposed to be?
That person from Dating Forum also told me that Russell and Stan are under orders from Evangeline who is operating from secret profiles.
How pathetic!
As my dad says: "Beware of Greek b*tches talkin shit on DH forums!"

Can anyone else sense the feeling of paranoia in this post? Sounds like a tin hat, little black helicopters flying around, aliens and Big Foot on the loose, 911 was a guberment conspiracy, elvis is really alive, Tupac is alive, we never landed on the moon, the NSA is in your toilet, Home Land Security is preparing to take over the country……………………………………………….
6/11/2014 1:20:04 PM |
What makes people so nasty here? |


Coos Bay, OR
53, joined Aug. 2010
I've been fishing for a couple of days now, just back to where there is cell signal and I find out (from another friend) that I'm famous in CT chat. lol I'd share part of my 9 lb. 10 oz. rainbow trout that I caught yesterday, but it was so tasty at dinner last night, there was hardly any left.
So, I got mob connections now too. Cool.
It must suck to not know who you really are, that you have to make up a life to share with people who really don't care.