Las Cruces, NM
37, joined May. 2014
Where do you recommend for the first dates in LC?
I've been to Starbucks too often...
Been to Spirit Winds...
Any other suggestions?
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Poteau, OK
63, joined Jan. 2014
Go to my brother's place for Mexican food.
Go to La Cueva/dripping springs for a hike, Aguerie springs(sp) for a hike, drive to ruidoso and have dinner at the inn of the mountain gods or at the lodge in cloudcroft....
Go bowling....go to a theater production at NMSU or the theater in ruidoso, visit the Hubbard museum, peruse the shops in old messilla, eat at the double eagle, La a bicycle for two from the university and go for a bike ride...take plenty of water to drink...
Las Cruces, NM
37, joined May. 2014
Actually Ive been to most of them already... been to all of the national forests i think in NM... been to gualalupe state park... been to Taos, Nm... i travel to a lot diff places on whims often.. but... they're not fun anymore... I need more than this place has to offer... even albuquerque and santa fe doesnt feel exciting anymore... i go to T OR C for hot springs... but the drive up there is starting be boring... nothing excites me here... only the prospect of taking off to a brand new place excites me... yeah... my pursuit of a new job else where continues... im just not happy here... thanks for the ideas though^^


Poteau, OK
63, joined Jan. 2014
Well, if you're intent on moving, take a look at Monterey, CA...the weather is cool most of the time...take lots of money...lots to do in the area, San Francisco is not far away. Where ever you live, you'll get use to your surrounding after a while and it will no longer be interesting to you. Most people are like that.
San Diego use to be nice, don't know about now days.
Annapolis, MD is nice...lots to do. DC is not far away, too many people for me. NY is not that much of a drive and they have everything there...weekend trips could be accomplished.
Or, stay where you are and find new interests.
Personally, I don't like NM politics and they are short on water. Last time I was there everything was dry, DRY! It was dry enough when I lived there, between 1968-1985. It has changed too much for me. I still like NM food though. There is nothing like it anyplace else in the world. I still have friends there and I visit from time to time, but that's about it.
We use to pick apples in high rolls/ mountain park. Unfortunately, the orchards, those that are the kind of apples we like, have either been sold and shut down or the owners passed them down to family who let the trees get overgrown with brambles and weeds or let the bugs have them. Very sad. They still have an apple festival there, but they ship the majority of the apples in from other states. They also have a cherry festival in high rolls/mountain park and there is an apple festival in Hillsborough, NM every year.
Learn to fly fish and make trips to the gorge... Whatever that river is. You can also fly fish in the Gila river and the mimbres river.