5/18/2015 6:58:15 PM |
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Patton, PA
59, joined Feb. 2014
annie annie you ok?
never could get annie back...
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/18/2015 7:02:28 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
Who is Annie??
But I like this song-
Rolling Stones - Angie
5/18/2015 10:22:56 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014

The truth is a hard thing to face--
Believe me I learned the hard way on this site--
Actions speak--Words are just that words (BS).
I Found Myself - Anna Clendening
5/20/2015 7:08:13 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Take a break every now and then. Pack up a bag with a
book or some magazines and take to trip to the lake
or the beach and relax, unwind. Don't forget the
sunblock lotion !!!

5/21/2015 11:46:30 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014

5/21/2015 11:56:28 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Take a break every now and then. Pack up a bag with a
book or some magazines and take to trip to the lake
or the beach and relax, unwind. Don't forget the
sunblock lotion !!!

Ray that's the best advice I had all day. But it has to wait initial Saturday. Then flowing with the river and singing Proud Mary in my tractor tire inner tube.  
5/22/2015 12:07:47 AM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
5/22/2015 2:43:09 AM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014

Townes Van Zandt - Dead Flowers

Never thought I was a queen--
Just wished people would have been real--
Life is not all fun and games--
Fun and games is why this place is what it is-
5/22/2015 10:54:58 AM |
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Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
Damn Heart, having a bit of a meltdown are you? It is pretty obvious that this particular group wants to keep it light and full of fluff. I would suggest moving on to a different forum or group if you want more interesting topics. That is what I have done. Otherwise you are just knocking your head against a wall.
5/24/2015 8:57:45 AM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
I had a major meltdown. 
Funny, how that block button makes many of those fluff threads disappear.
5/25/2015 7:36:38 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Is the saying "turn a new leaf" or is it "just leave"?
Which ever applies !!!

5/25/2015 7:53:27 PM |
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Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
I had a major meltdown.
Funny, how that block button makes many of those fluff threads disappear.
Yeah you did.

5/26/2015 9:46:16 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Aspirins, LOTS of aspirins !!!

5/27/2015 2:06:36 AM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
No aspirins needed Ray-
Purple--No, I was not drinking--I have had 2 glasses of wine in the last year--That is what happens when you have a relationship with someone who does have a drinking problem. You sorta do not want alcohol in your life. Both of those were when I helped my son move into his new home. I just sat back and watched your words. How you had a bachelor, master, and doctor degrees in areas. Everyone knows that was a fib--I wondered why you had to say that????
Zoe--Yes, I did talk to you on the phone--And, that did not make you a friend. Friends are there for me through thick and thin--in the real world Our conversation was like talking to a child--You said you did not have social skills--But, your conversation was all over the place. Yes, I did feel sorry for you--But, the empathy turned into pity as I watched you bully others. Sadly, you played the innocent one--while calling someone the town drunk--and used a real name for someone, you also liked to ruffle their feathers.
Sorp-Yes, I did have a conversation with you--My intent was about "Crash." To this day I do feel he was a fake--A widower who loses his wife and twin daughter in a car accident does not use the profile name Crash. And, I can understand that you felt as if I was dishonest with you. But, when you began speaking of Ice. What was I supposed to do--tell you he was in rehab--to make things right to move here. You said he raped Jesta--No, he did not rape her--In fact, she used her body to try to win him. She sent nude pics and also cyber-sexed with him. Rape was not what happened between him--Although, he did not tell her about his HEP C. And, I did understand that was wrong--I ask you--If, it was a rape--why no charges??? Also, why did she send a letter to my daughter full of lies??
See, Sorp--she still wanted him--no she was not raped. Funny how hindsight we see things. I used to joke with him--Skyping with me was music and games of name that tune--Old TV theme songs--and guessing what it was to. I wanted a man to fal in love with ME--Not, my body and what he could get from me.
Funny thing is, along the way--we did fall in love. But, as was with Ice and I--everything that could go wrong did--Shortly, after moving here he was diagnosed with lung cancer. And, with that issues happened and it did not work out.
And Tom--not sure, if the new Tom is you or not. But, if it is you--I never would have met you--Cause you were a bitter man. Twenty-five years of marriage, and she never loved you?? Your words nothing but a lying, cheating, slut. Five years after the divorce. Nah, never wanted to meet you.
DH has taught me many things--It has helped me heal from losing my husband--Taught me to get off my booty and get a job--to get out in the real world. But most of all it has taught me how blessed I was to have loved with all my heart and soul and to be loved that way in return.
Ice will be here in a few weeks to say goodbye. One of his last wishes before he passes. I can forgive--and be his best friend. Cause in the end--that is what he is to me.
Get out from behind the keyboard--meet those people you call friends in the real world.
Purple and Zoe--you will be re-blocked in 36 hours. Iom not that forgiving--
5/27/2015 2:12:34 AM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
I tried to edit but it would not let me--
I'm not that forgiving--
Christina Perri - Human
5/28/2015 7:00:46 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012

5/28/2015 7:07:11 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
Get out in the real world--
Get a job--Stop collecting disability.
Anyone can sit on their booty and make a paycheck.
Disability checks--breed depression.
Just the truth--
Get out in the world--Meet many good people.
Smile, and be happy.

Really goodbye now--
Gotta give my pup a bath--
5/28/2015 11:17:10 PM |
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Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
The 50s group has its' place. Where would the photo bucket addicts, the groupies who feel the need to keep a deleted member and their threads going hang out? Oh that's right!! Between you and the Kentucky gal looking to be found, a couple of those threads would have been a thing of the past many moons ago. So you can't complain too much about Crash who was no loss to this group. YOU help keep his thread pulled to the forefront. Can't have it both ways.
5/30/2015 7:51:51 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
"to die laughing must be the most glorious of all deaths.."
5/30/2015 5:46:24 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014

You know--I have a picture somewhere of my late husband with the catch your poop for a specimen on his head---Said he was "The King Of Chit."
He always wanted to make others laugh. I have a good sense of humor--Just have to get to know me in the real world to see that.
We laughed--till the end-- And for that I am thankful.
5/30/2015 8:53:36 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
The 50s group has its' place. Where would the photo bucket addicts, the groupies who feel the need to keep a deleted member and their threads going hang out? Oh that's right!! Between you and the Kentucky gal looking to be found, a couple of those threads would have been a thing of the past many moons ago.  So you can't complain too much about Crash who was no loss to this group. YOU help keep his thread pulled to the forefront. Can't have it both ways.
I thought before I posted this--The Kentucky woman and I--Have never talked--not in one private e-mail back and forth.
Funny, when I first began talking to Ice--I saw the similarities--between the two of you. Protect your feelings--and hold on to those things that hurt you. You never liked him--But, at the essence of both of you--the same thing prevailed--Do not let anyone into your heart.
Hindsight is 20-20--but, I do know--both of you had loved in the past and all it brought was hurt upon you.
Death, made him realize--I was the first real thing--who came into his life. But, he reached out with meanness--time and time again. Friendship, I can be to him--but no more.
An open heart filled with kindness--will bring into it another open to truly love you for who you are.
I sorta figured out now--That will be in the real world---
Life teaches us lessons--Time teaches us--to learn from the past--The past makes us who we are--
Realizing that past mistakes and admitting--we were wrong--makes us a truly better person--
You always talk of drama--Funny how it was you who called Alicia fat and old when you were trying to get Bogi--And, felt the need to message me about meeting Tom--Tom and I were friends in my mind--But, in his--he wanted to be more to me--The bitterness that reigns in you--Reigns in him--No thanks--
Now you can block me--Cause the truth hurts---
I respect you for telling it the way it is--and for your music--
Besides that--you and I are different as night and day--
Earth to Blues--You are not perfect as no one else is--
Now you can block me, cause quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
[Edited 5/30/2015 8:56:12 PM ]
5/30/2015 10:17:24 PM |
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Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
Give me a break girl. YOUR truth is the only one you know. You are the one who holds on to the past. And YOU are the one going from thread to thread with your meltdown. And no better then the male member you accused earlier of spreading gossip and hearsay. Not a thing about you has changed regardless how many countless times you delete and come back.
So instead of trying to point the finger away from yourself, spreading your laughable message of forgiveness and love while spewing your venom towards those you feel have wronged you, take a good look at yourself and your own actions. In other words..... grow the hell up and move on to something better. Your respect has never meant a damn thing to me and neither have your compliments. We both know them for what they are.
Earth to Heart..... "Kum ba yah"

5/30/2015 10:21:03 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
No Blues,
See, I know how you walked the Earth to find someone to love you.
Somewhere deep inside you--You want what we all crave......TRUE LOVE.
No breaks given--
You don't know me--as I do not really know you--
All you have to do--Is look at your posts--
Nothing but I am woman I am strong--
But, deep down--YOU HURT as we all do-
[Edited 5/30/2015 10:23:27 PM ]
5/30/2015 10:39:15 PM |
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Marshalltown, IA
60, joined Jul. 2011
I haven't "walked the earth" to find anyone in over 4 years. Especially someone from a dating site. Ancient history girl. I date locally when I can find the time. You know..... men I have met in the real world. My world and my community, not some online fantasy world.
"But, deep down--YOU HURT as we all do" Gosh, ain't you just full of those little pearls of wisdom.  And no song? You are slipping. 
No more response from me. But continue with your "saving" mission. Good luck with that.

5/30/2015 10:48:36 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014
I know the truth--
Four years--
Okay--sorta called someone to help you--
I will leave it at that--
Just know, You wanted to be loved AS WE ALL DO--
Good Night Blues--
I am not perfect--
Just truthful about how I feel is all-
Like Ice always told me--
I missed my calling in life.
I should have been a shrink-
I work for free--Where is my shrink when I need it--
5/31/2015 5:45:15 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
None of us really like it when others rock the boat !!!
Especially if you are a passenger on said boat ?

5/31/2015 11:11:26 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Pick a number.. 





5/31/2015 7:47:48 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012

6/1/2015 7:37:13 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
The world judges you by the decisions you make, having no idea of the
options available to choose from.. just do the best you can and let it go.
Bless the souls that have dealt with me when my thoughts get out of control.
6/1/2015 9:17:07 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
We've all done it. Not sure why ?

6/3/2015 10:23:02 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Do not assume, do not expect.
assumption is usually wrong,, expectation will most often disappoint.
6/3/2015 7:23:03 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
use where needed !!!

6/7/2015 8:52:25 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011

6/7/2015 12:12:19 PM |
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Sarasota, FL
60, joined Aug. 2014

6/8/2015 8:00:45 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Hee hee
or just utilize the block feature ?

6/9/2015 10:51:35 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
be nice 

6/10/2015 7:27:36 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Look, but don't touch !!!

6/11/2015 12:14:44 PM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
wear blinders? 
6/11/2015 7:09:30 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012

6/11/2015 11:13:43 PM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Bail faster!? 
6/14/2015 9:21:41 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
When you find him ? Reel him in !!! or (Her) or HIM !!!
??? I'll stick with HER !!!

6/14/2015 9:40:00 AM |
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Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Is that the love boat I see sinking? Help!
6/24/2015 8:38:54 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012

6/26/2015 8:00:36 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Smile often, ya never know who may need to see it.. 
6/26/2015 8:44:06 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Karma will take care of most and father time the rest !!!

6/27/2015 12:00:48 PM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Forgive and forget? 

6/29/2015 7:44:26 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
If you have trouble swimming ?
Stay at the shallow end !

6/29/2015 9:48:18 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
ignore the stalkers... 
what are you going to do next..... offer me candy?

6/29/2015 11:03:28 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Instead of the block feature, maybe
a "close your pie-hole" button ?

7/1/2015 9:49:38 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011

7/1/2015 10:59:25 AM |
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Victorville, CA
59, joined Dec. 2010
Play Nice...
7/1/2015 11:49:28 AM |
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Interlochen, MI
65, joined Dec. 2012
And... dat's da TROOF!!! 
7/1/2015 7:01:25 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Small quanities are good for your heart and blood !

7/4/2015 6:45:31 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
moderation, mediation, or medication? 

7/9/2015 9:00:29 PM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Water under the Bridge or however that saying goes ?

7/11/2015 3:05:24 AM |
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Cincinnati, OH
54, joined Dec. 2013

7/11/2015 9:27:34 AM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011

7/12/2015 7:57:28 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Give your fellow brother or sister a hand !

7/12/2015 10:14:50 AM |
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Victorville, CA
59, joined Dec. 2010
Be A Tail Wagger...
7/12/2015 11:07:25 AM |
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Georgetown, DE
56, joined Nov. 2012
Call the "Date Hook Up" Ambulance ...
