7/16/2015 5:35:11 AM |
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Savannah, GA
41, joined Apr. 2010
THE SOUTHWEST GEORGETOWN C-HAWKS ARE NOW IN OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR OUR UPCOMING 2015 FOOTBALL, CHEERING & DANCE SEASON. IF YOU HAVE A CHILD OR CHILDREN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 4-14, WE HAVE A PLACE FOR THEM ALL. Practices will be held @ Southwest Middle School (6030 Ogeechee Rd.) from 6pm-8pm. Please come out and help us grow! If you have any questions or concerns please contact COACH C. @ 912-220-8046, or email us @ [email protected]
Thanking You.
Southwest Georgetown Youth Organization
Register now with the link below.
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7/16/2015 6:10:32 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
and can't wait
7/16/2015 7:17:13 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
OP you should mention if your coaches are heads up certified!
Many parents today are easily concerned about their kid(s) getting concussions.
7/31/2015 1:43:33 AM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Miami, FL
97, joined Jun. 2013
Yes Bring It. Lets Go Miami Lets Go"
8/1/2015 1:43:45 AM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
Answer Me a question TIME. How come al this outrage over Cecil the Lion when the DETROIT LIONS get killed on a weekly basis and no one bats an eye. and with that the 1st shot of the season I'm back and for the 1st time in a few yrs starting to feel like My old self. so all you SEC and Cowboys haters out there DADDYS HOME bring it. Lets play! if You thought I was incorrigible in a weakened state wait till you get a load of Me at full strenght. Hey tater zig and Low anyone know where we can find mr is and ken boy I need the practice. In the words of the late great Roddy Piper ""I haxe come to cgew bubble gum anf kick A$& and I'm all out of bubble gum. gotta get ahold of beatiful aries and let The lovely princess of the chosen people(Cowboys fans} know that it's it's time to saddle up The spitual leader of Cowboy/SEC nation has returned ready to get back to delevering the chosen from the clutches of the dark one (jerry jones) I may hae to get 10s The High Priestess of the bayou to cast a hex to assist but She's a saints fan and so jerrys continued existance is benifcal to the saints so that might be a togh sell. tommy gamer and sorp You know I think the worl of You guys but you're skins jets and Giants fans respectivly so all i can say is MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOULS REPENT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!SoCal loves Hsr Raiders just emember stick and stone nay break my bones but leather whips excite Me. Beatiful teacher I've got to get You out of those patriot clothes and into some Cowbots gear Hey LAY OFF durty minded people. My God it's worse than a pack of wild Dogs hanging around a s;aughterhouse around here sometimes. I try to keep them on the stright and narrow Lord I really do but You see what I've got working aganst Me! ah well anyone I missed My apoligies Ah well time to get out the moonshine Hoist the Rebel Flag high start callin up the womenfolk and anything else We can do to get as politically incorrect as possible It's time to have some fun folkd YEE HAW!!!  
8/1/2015 5:57:03 AM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
Bang, zoom! Good you're back norton... giants are ready, right Eli

8/1/2015 6:33:45 AM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
First of all, it's great to see you back healthy and rarin' to go!!!
You brought up the Lions,pal......so let me set you straight. Last I saw the Lions they were beating the crap out of your cowgirlz, when some horrible officiating took the Lions right out of the game. Having guys on the Cowboys management team being best buddies with the head of officials is a "convenient" thing, isn't it?
Jerry Jones is still the world class buffooon that we all come to count on. Tony Romo is still the choker in December we have all come to know and love. You gave away your best offensive weapon in Murray, and chose to keep the world's biggest A-hole in Bryant. We of the sane world who are not cowgirlz fans will enjoy this season as we watch what is usually the most dependable performance in the NFL, the Cowgirlz choking in the clutch.
Hope you enjoyed your one shot in the playoffs last year. Maybe the memory of that will keep you warm as you watch your "chosen" team self destruct this season, as usual.
When Tim Tebow beats your cowgirlz this year, know this: we will all be laughing.      
8/1/2015 1:41:25 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
There is my man from Tennessee, my good friend who is dressed in full combat gear going up that hill towards the enemy, preaching to the choir, and I LOVE IT!
Welcome back full time finally my good friend to state your opinions which I have always found to be very accurate. For starters, I have stated in several posts that my Redskins SUCK! Now that I've got that out of the way, the Giants and Jets also SUCK even though the Giants don't SUCK quite as bad, and the Lions won't be able to stop anyone with the dirtiest player in the NFL named Suh not in their lineup.
The SEC will be very good once again and it appears that your Vols will be much improved to add even more strength to the already very good SEC. So let's buckle our seat belts and enjoy the ride as your Cowboys once again appear to be the cream of the crop in the NFC East with the best offensive line in the NFL. The Eagles are your only threat in the NFC East, and who knows if they will even be a threat since they have turned their roster upside down?
Great to see you back my man full time I wish you continued good health and happiness!
8/1/2015 3:18:16 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
First of all, it's great to see you back healthy and rarin' to go!!!
We of the sane world who are not cowgirlz fans
Hope you enjoyed your one shot in the playoffs last year. Maybe the memory of that will keep you warm as you watch your "chosen" team self destruct this season, as usua
Resistance is futil soon all will be assimilated into the collrctive and attain a higher understanding as a part of Cowboy nation, But seriously It's great to see You too time. tommy raises a question I've been meaning to ask Yo What is the Lions D gonna look like with suh gone? some are predicting disaster some improvement due to teams mentally underestimating them with suh not there
8/1/2015 4:51:23 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
Resistance is futil soon all will be assimilated into the collrctive and attain a higher understanding as a part of Cowboy nation,  But seriously It's great to see You too time. tommy raises a question I've been meaning to ask Yo What is the Lions D gonna look like with suh gone? some are predicting disaster some improvement due to teams mentally underestimating them with suh not there 
well, my friend, the Lions defense is going to be tested in a way they haven't had to be since Suh put on the Honolulu Blue and Silver. Suh was such a force in that defensive front, usually having two men assigned to him. He made everyone around him better. Those who simply say he was just a dirty player really do not know what they are talking about. When teams played the Lions they had to be aware of Suh, they had to deal with the force he was on that line. Suh was no more of a dirty player than Mean Joe Green was, or Ray Nitschke, or D*ck Butkus. Suh was a throwback, but in today's wussified NFL, his style of play resulted in extra attention by the refs.
As to how the Lions will fare this season, they will have Haloti Ngata on that line, and while he is no Suh, he will add stability to that line. They have enough good pieces on that line to be flexible and keep guys fresh in the rotation. The linebackers will be improved and they will have to be. The defensive backfield is promising, but still need some game experience. The Lions schedule this season is tougher than last year, as is always the case when a team improves their record like the Lions did last season. They could actually be a better team, but have a poorer record than last year. 9-7 might be the best than can hope for.
The success of this season for the Lions could rest on the offense. Another year of solid coaching by Joe Lombardi will be helpful for the Lions. A healthy Calvin Johnson teamed with Golden Tate and an improved running back core will make the difference for the Lions this season.
8/1/2015 6:22:47 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
well, my friend, the Lions defense is going to be tested in a way they haven't had to be since Suh put on the Honolulu Blue and Silver. Suh was such a force in that defensive front, usually having two men assigned to him. He made everyone around him better. Those who simply say he was just a dirty player really do not know what they are talking about. When teams played the Lions they had to be aware of Suh, they had to deal with the force he was on that line. Suh was no more of a dirty player than Mean Joe Green was, or Ray Nitschke, or D*ck Butkus. Suh was a throwback, but in today's wussified NFL, his style of play resulted in extra attention by the refs.
As to how the Lions will fare this season, they will have Haloti Ngata on that line, and while he is no Suh, he will add stability to that line. They have enough good pieces on that line to be flexible and keep guys fresh in the rotation. The linebackers will be improved and they will have to be. The defensive backfield is promising, but still need some game experience. The Lions schedule this season is tougher than last year, as is always the case when a team improves their record like the Lions did last season. They could actually be a better team, but have a poorer record than last year. 9-7 might be the best than can hope for.
The success of this season for the Lions could rest on the offense. Another year of solid coaching by Joe Lombardi will be helpful for the Lions. A healthy Calvin Johnson teamed with Golden Tate and an improved running back core will make the difference for the Lions this season.
I agree 100$ about suh especially the part about Him drawing double teams and making others better. It'll be interesting to see how He fares in the AFC the far more pass oriented conferences imo due to having to deal with the likes of Manning,Brady and Luck the past few yrs. To me te make or break thing about the Lions season will be How the secondary comes along as You say they show promise but need seasoning If they develope ahead of schedeule this could be a dangerous bunch if they don't it could be a long yr.jmo
8/1/2015 8:12:31 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Albuquerque, NM
61, joined Jan. 2013
Bang, zoom! Good you're back norton...  giants are ready, right Eli
 Eli without HD//don't be like bad QB Eli...."You want to see my mother in Law pick me off?," "either do I"...rim shot...you can always tell the players who k,now the end is near--they start making as many pizza commercials & corny Direct TV commercials as possible/ Peyton bros, & say it ain't so Tony, but then again Romo's been washed up for yr's...
[Edited 8/1/2015 8:13:37 PM ]
8/2/2015 9:21:00 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
First of all, it's great to see you back healthy and rarin' to go!!!
You brought up the Lions,pal......so let me set you straight. Last I saw the Lions they were beating the crap out of your cowgirlz, when some horrible officiating took the Lions right out of the game. Having guys on the Cowboys management team being best buddies with the head of officials is a "convenient" thing, isn't it?
Jerry Jones is still the world class buffooon that we all come to count on. Tony Romo is still the choker in December we have all come to know and love. You gave away your best offensive weapon in Murray, and chose to keep the world's biggest A-hole in Bryant. We of the sane world who are not cowgirlz fans will enjoy this season as we watch what is usually the most dependable performance in the NFL, the Cowgirlz choking in the clutch.
Hope you enjoyed your one shot in the playoffs last year. Maybe the memory of that will keep you warm as you watch your "chosen" team self destruct this season, as usual.
When Tim Tebow beats your cowgirlz this year, know this: we will all be laughing.        speaking of tebow I just love how the libtards are up in arms because franklin graham issued a statemebt commending Tebow for how He lives His faith sheesh with everything going badly for our country you'd think these left wing jerk offs would get a life
8/2/2015 10:22:48 PM |
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Albuquerque, NM
61, joined Jan. 2013
Romo's a choker? And since every QB who doesn't win the Super Bowl has technically "choked." Then so has.......I guess it's easier-shorter list, to list the QB's who aren't "chokers," you k,now who they are, the Farves, Starr's, Montana's, Staubach's, Aikmans, Bradys, but then you even have- 2nd stringer Jeff Hostetler.-Brad Johnson (with a whopping 215yds passing). Trent Dilfer (with a more whopping 153yds passing). Joe Theisman (with a even more whopping 143yds passing) even Broadway Joe only won 1 SB (with 206yds passing) he choked every other yr. Maybe winning the big one has more to do with "an entire team effort," than just a great qb. Romo may or may not be a choker-but he's far from being alone or the biggest choker, PM, (cough.)
8/2/2015 11:06:27 PM |
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Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
Romo's a choker? And since every QB who doesn't win the Super Bowl has technically "choked." Then so has.......I guess it's easier-shorter list, to list the QB's who aren't "chokers," you k,now who they are, the Farves, Starr's, Montana's, Staubach's, Aikmans, Bradys, but then you even have- 2nd stringer Jeff Hostetler.-Brad Johnson (with a whopping 215yds passing). Trent Dilfer (with a more whopping 153yds passing). Joe Theisman (with a even more whopping 143yds passing) even Broadway Joe only won 1 SB (with 206yds passing) he choked every other yr. Maybe winning the big one has more to do with "an entire team effort," than just a great qb. Romo may or may not be a choker-but he's far from being alone or the biggest choker, PM, (cough.)
seriously, mark?
i see you are wearing your tony romo jersey, so i guess i have to take that into account........but for fans who are not biased like you, it is clear that Romo has cost the Cowgirlz many games in the clutch........
but you enjoy rooting for Romo. No one will fault you for taking up for him. Maybe you get dibs on Ashleigh Simpson
8/3/2015 3:53:22 AM |
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Albuquerque, NM
61, joined Jan. 2013
Since 2006 Romo has the highest passer rating of all QBs in the fourth quarter. Beat Detroit last yr in the playoffs, I guess Stafford choked. Throwing a pick at the goal line in the closing seconds of the Super Bowl- when you have M. Lynch in the backfield, now that's choking right. But Wilson didn't call that play...so Pete Carroll choked.....nobody choked...The Patriots Won and Stafford didn't choke & Romo didn't beat the Lions-the Cowboys did.
8/3/2015 7:39:11 AM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
Since 2006 Romo has the highest passer rating of all QBs in the fourth quarter. Beat Detroit last yr in the playoffs, I guess Stafford choked. Throwing a pick at the goal line in the closing seconds of the Super Bowl- when you have M. Lynch in the backfield, now that's choking right. But Wilson didn't call that play...so Pete Carroll choked.....nobody choked...The Patriots Won and Stafford didn't choke & Romo didn't beat the Lions-the Cowboys did.
with the help of a referee's blown call.
8/3/2015 4:46:07 PM |
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Hillsboro, OH
33, joined Jul. 2014
Hi im Teresa I'm from Ohio sooooo GO BUCKS 
8/3/2015 7:12:11 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
Hi im Teresa I'm from Ohio sooooo GO BUCKS  Hello Teresa welcome. With that out of the way. THE BIG-10 SUCKS!!! ::mockery all jokes aside We've a great group of folks here we have a lot of fun hope You enjoy yourself.
8/3/2015 7:28:37 PM |
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Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
Hey tater heard this today and thought of You. An Auburn,Alabama, And Tennessee fan were climbing a cliff one dat argueing about who loved there team more The Auburn fan sudenly yells THIS IS FOR THE TIGERS WAR EAGLE and jumps off the cliff. The Tennrssee fan says I can top that THIS IS FOR THE BIG ORANGE GO VOLS! and promptly throws the bam guy off the cliff.  
8/3/2015 9:28:46 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
Hello Teresa welcome. With that out of the way. THE BIG-10 SUCKS!!! ::mockery  all jokes aside We've a great group of folks here we have a lot of fun hope You enjoy yourself. 
My dear friend, and you know that I mean that, are you sure that you want a left wing LIB ordained minister to come after you with what you said above? My guess is that not only do you welcome it, but you can handle it too!
8/3/2015 11:21:54 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
My dear friend, and you know that I mean that, are you sure that you want a left wing LIB ordained minister to come after you with what you said above? My guess is that not only do you welcome it, but you can handle it too!
Of cOurse I do. A person won't last long here with a thin skin I'm old sparring partners with ur buds fro michigan bunch but I sincerly like most here. You've gottaa be able to take it if You're gonna dish it out. And I am the best there is at what I do.
8/3/2015 11:23:20 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
My dear friend, and you know that I mean that, are you sure that you want a left wing LIB ordained minister to come after you with what you said above? My guess is that not only do you welcome it, but you can handle it too!
tommy, what makes you think that you know me well enough to label me?
left wing?
and by LIB, I will assume you mean liberal.
if by liberal, you mean someone who is in favor of progress, someone who is not content with the status quo, someone who thinks we ought to be moving off of square one, then yes, I guess I am a liberal. I favor finding ways to bring justice to those who are ignored. I favor feeding the hungry, helping the oppressed, and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if you have paid any attention to what Christ teaches, then I think you may have to throw out the terms that we in our culture use so casually. I submit that Christ was not a conservative, not a liberal. If anything, Jesus was a radical, teaching and proclaiming things that certainly went against the grain of the culture of His time.
If you consider me a "liberal" in those terms, then that is a label I will proudly wear.
and Just????? the Big Ten "sucks"? Seems to me, the Ohio State Buckeyes proved something very different last year. And Alabama is still ducking Michigan State.
8/4/2015 12:07:18 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
tommy, what makes you think that you know me well enough to label me?
left wing?
and by LIB, I will assume you mean liberal.
if by liberal, you mean someone who is in favor of progress, someone who is not content with the status quo, someone who thinks we ought to be moving off of square one, then yes, I guess I am a liberal. I favor finding ways to bring justice to those who are ignored. I favor feeding the hungry, helping the oppressed, and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if you have paid any attention to what Christ teaches, then I think you may have to throw out the terms that we in our culture use so casually. I submit that Christ was not a conservative, not a liberal. If anything, Jesus was a radical, teaching and proclaiming things that certainly went against the grain of the culture of His time.
If you consider me a "liberal" in those terms, then that is a label I will proudly wear.
and Just????? the Big Ten "sucks"? Seems to me, the Ohio State Buckeyes proved something very different last year. And Alabama is still ducking Michigan State.
I'm not gonna get involved in a pissing contest don't take life too seriusly nobody get's out alive But you raise a good point that always bears repeating. Many may struggle with "the meaning of life "questin for Me it's very simple We're all her for the advancement of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. as to osu it just goes to show anything can happen in a 1 game win or go home formate I can't wit for he inevitable expansion of the playoffs I can't wait till a Boise BYU or sothern miss knocks off one of the big powers from the major conferences it's what makes Men's hoops touney such a great event it's possible in football eventually.jmo
8/4/2015 12:11:16 PM |
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Trenton, GA
54, joined Jul. 2010

p.s. i'll have to look up a joke, since i dont know any
8/4/2015 2:38:18 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
I'm not gonna get involved in a pissing contest don't take life too seriusly nobody get's out alive But you raise a good point that always bears repeating. Many may struggle with "the meaning of life "questin for Me it's very simple We're all her for the advancement of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. as to osu it just goes to show anything can happen in a 1 game win or go home formate I can't wit for he inevitable expansion of the playoffs I can't wait till a Boise BYU or sothern miss knocks off one of the big powers from the major conferences it's what makes Men's hoops touney such a great event it's possible in football eventually.jmo 
couldn't have said it better myself, just. Both in terms of representing the Lord, and in the excitement that occurs when a lower seed upsets one of the mighty giants.
and isn't it good to have college football right on the doorstep?
8/4/2015 8:11:59 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
couldn't have said it better myself, just. Both in terms of representing the Lord, and in the excitement that occurs when a lower seed upsets one of the mighty giants.
and isn't it good to have college football right on the doorstep?
sure is 
8/5/2015 8:48:47 PM |
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New York, NY
30, joined Apr. 2010
Been ready since the end of the season, Truthfully. I can only get my football fix whenever I personally play tackle football and when me and my friends have in depth and insightful analysis discussion about teams around the league. Season begins next month......gamer
8/6/2015 3:27:45 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
sure is  
Hey Buddy, In my multiple daily prayers I even thank God for blessing me with the 20/20 eyesight to watch the sports that I enjoy watching so much. I've thanked HIM getting you on the mend too!
8/6/2015 4:44:41 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |


Mosheim, TN
49, joined Jul. 2008
Hey Buddy, In my multiple daily prayers I even thank God for blessing me with the 20/20 eyesight to watch the sports that I enjoy watching so much. I've thanked HIM getting you on the mend too!
Thanks tommy I truley beleve I would'nt of made it this far without the prayers of good people.
8/6/2015 6:42:31 PM |
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Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
stop in again
8/6/2015 7:23:40 PM |
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Trenton, GA
54, joined Jul. 2010
fall practice started today, woohoo

8/6/2015 9:49:47 PM |
Are you ready for some Football |

Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
Thanks tommy I truley beleve I would'nt of made it this far without the prayers of good people.
Always remember that God answers prayers on HIS timetable and not ours but I have seen with my own eyes miracles that HE has performed. You have believed correctly my friend!
8/6/2015 9:53:00 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
fall practice started today, woohoo

Tater, Who is the tide? Don't you live too far from the beach to see the tide roll?
8/6/2015 11:10:44 PM |
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Trenton, GA
54, joined Jul. 2010
Tater, Who is the tide? Don't you live too far from the beach to see the tide roll?

yep, but i have the ocean in my veins. so i got the tide as life flow.
love the tide, love the ocean
8/7/2015 1:14:10 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
yep, but i have the ocean in my veins. so i got the tide as life flow.
love the tide, love the ocean
Tater, When you get to the ocean does that tide that rolls in have a Crimson color to it? 
8/7/2015 5:08:08 PM |
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Downey, CA
42, joined Jun. 2010
Tater, When you get to the ocean does that tide that rolls in have a Crimson color to it? 
I hear Tater fishes with a shotgun Tommy, so if it doesn't have that color when he gets to it, it sure has it when he leaves it from all the fish blood. 
8/7/2015 5:57:58 PM |
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Trenton, GA
54, joined Jul. 2010
I hear Tater fishes with a shotgun Tommy, so if it doesn't have that color when he gets to it, it sure has it when he leaves it from all the fish blood. 
lolol........ the way i fish, i need the crocodile dundee version of fishing  
8/16/2015 9:24:43 AM |
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Simi Valley, CA
52, joined Sep. 2013
Patriots ....
8/16/2015 10:05:35 AM |
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North Hollywood, CA
54, joined Nov. 2008
Football hasn't even started yet and already my Bruins are in trouble, Cordell Broadus, the son of rapper Snoop Dogg, has elected to give up football.
Broadus, a four-star wide receiver recruit out of Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, had offers from several other national powers, including Florida State and Notre Dame, but he never reported to the Bruins' preseason camp. He's decided to peruse other interests (film)...sigh. The interesting part of him choosing UCLA is his dad is a HUGE USC fan.
8/16/2015 3:23:01 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
Football hasn't even started yet and already my Bruins are in trouble, Cordell Broadus, the son of rapper Snoop Dogg, has elected to give up football.
Broadus, a four-star wide receiver recruit out of Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, had offers from several other national powers, including Florida State and Notre Dame, but he never reported to the Bruins' preseason camp. He's decided to peruse other interests (film)...sigh. The interesting part of him choosing UCLA is his dad is a HUGE USC fan.
Well, at least I know now to say GO BRUINS rather than GO TROJANS! I hope I never quit learning.
8/16/2015 6:56:08 PM |
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North Hollywood, CA
54, joined Nov. 2008
Well, at least I know now to say GO BRUINS rather than GO TROJANS! I hope I never quit learning.
8/17/2015 3:52:41 PM |
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Philadelphia, PA
50, joined Aug. 2014
We still them Boiz! DC4L Arieschica make some NoiZ..
8/17/2015 6:29:33 PM |
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Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
We still them Boiz! DC4L  Arieschica make some NoiZ.. 
solid game v. the Chargers, jinxie. yeah, the 'girlz are ready to roll
8/17/2015 6:54:32 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
solid game v. the Chargers, jinxie. yeah, the 'girlz are ready to roll 
Geez it's the first exhibition. ..there's at least another three..game 3 is most important to teams of the nfc east
8/17/2015 10:50:40 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
71, joined Feb. 2014
WHAT? Now Eli wants to be the highest paid QB in the NFL! He needs to wake up from this bad dream he is having! When will all the greed stop among all these players who think they are so great?
8/17/2015 10:54:53 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
WHAT? Now Eli wants to be the highest paid QB in the NFL! He needs to wake up from this bad dream he is having! When will all the greed stop among all these players who think they are so great?
Well he has to be paid like or betta the the chargers Rivers right...no matta what he'll resign with giants prior to season start...
8/18/2015 7:36:42 PM |
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Aurora, CO
56, joined Aug. 2014
Did Geno get his 600 bucks.
8/18/2015 7:54:08 PM |
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Philadelphia, PA
50, joined Aug. 2014
solid game v. the Chargers, jinxie. yeah, the 'girlz are ready to roll  You been gone for a minute timetogolf...but now you gotta humble yourself! Just because Murray wanted to jump on the eagles ban wagon doesn't mean we gonna bow down to them! DC4L...Nuhsworld Where you at? 
8/18/2015 10:49:48 PM |
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Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
You been gone for a minute timetogolf...but now you gotta humble yourself!  Just because Murray wanted to jump on the eagles ban wagon doesn't mean we gonna bow down to them! DC4L...Nuhsworld Where you at? 
not an issue about humility.......just tellin' the truth. Your 'girlz looked weak vs. the Chargers.........
8/19/2015 7:21:09 AM |
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Aurora, CO
56, joined Aug. 2014
Broncos Dee is looking better.
I hope they can get a running game going.
There were times last season were he looked bad.
That game in Cincy in the rain.
And how did they lose to the Rams?
Have to be better than that this year.
8/21/2015 1:33:45 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
Well he has to be paid like or betta the the chargers Rivers right...no matta what he'll resign with giants prior to season start...
Eli said he never he wanted to be the highest paid...another rumor untrue..i just believe with the line the gmen have any QB wants some guaranteed money since his contract is up...
8/25/2015 12:05:52 PM |
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Aurora, CO
56, joined Aug. 2014
Does Eli finish his career with the Giants.
He has two rings with them.
8/25/2015 12:55:55 PM |
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Downey, CA
42, joined Jun. 2010
Eli said he never he wanted to be the highest paid...another rumor untrue..i just believe with the line the gmen have any QB wants some guaranteed money since his contract is up...
He said he never SAID he wanted to be the highest paid, but by asking for the most money, he's "saying" it. So he's full of it.
8/25/2015 1:21:31 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
He said he never SAID he wanted to be the highest paid, but by asking for the most money, he's "saying" it. So he's full of it.
Jose this in english not sorpanese ok ...lol
Eli Manning: I never said I want to be the NFL’s highest-paid player
Posted by Michael David Smith on August 19, 2015, 1:00 PM EDT
Giants quarterback Eli Manning is pushing back against a report that he wants to be the highest-paid player in the NFL.
Asked today if that report is true, Manning said, “No. That’s never come out of my mouth. I’ve never said it to my agent.”
Manning added that his agent has never said it either.
“It was never said by him, claiming this was the goal,” Manning said, via Ralph Vacchiano of the New York Daily News.
Manning also said that his dad, former NFL quarterback Archie Manning, called him and was upset about the report. Archie doesn’t like the idea of his sons looking greedy or selfish.
But the truth is, there’s nothing greedy or selfish about wanting to maximize your earnings. And Eli, heading into the final season of his contract, is poised to maximize his earnings next year with either a huge long-term extension or a one-year salary in the $25 million range with the franchise tag. Manning may not view being the highest-paid player in the NFL as his primary goal, but there’s a good chance that he will, in fact, be the highest-paid player in the NFL next year, if he plays well this season and hits free agency in March.
9/3/2015 4:35:46 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
Just in Brady wins appeal and can play ...NFL will appeal but won't stop him playing...Fuhgeddabouit
9/3/2015 5:18:14 PM |
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Downey, CA
42, joined Jun. 2010
Hopefully Goodell learns that he can't make penalties up as he goes. He penalized ball tampering the same as a PED violation, on top of the team penalty.
9/3/2015 5:25:40 PM |
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Chesaning, MI
63, joined Dec. 2007
all the judges decision did was make it easier for tommie boy and the hoodie to cheat some more...........i wonder if Giselle paid a visit to the judges chambers last night?????
9/3/2015 6:29:59 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
Hopefully Goodell learns that he can't make penalties up as he goes. He penalized ball tampering the same as a PED violation, on top of the team penalty.
I believe commish knew Brady would win his case as a favor to Pats owner to make it look like suspicious to me and some of us if he didn't but of course I heard Brady and Giselle are arguing lately but were seen together earlier in week..
9/3/2015 8:40:11 PM |
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Philadelphia, PA
50, joined Aug. 2014
First of all, it's great to see you back healthy and rarin' to go!!!
You brought up the Lions,pal......so let me set you straight. Last I saw the Lions they were beating the crap out of your cowgirlz, when some horrible officiating took the Lions right out of the game. Having guys on the Cowboys management team being best buddies with the head of officials is a "convenient" thing, isn't it?
Jerry Jones is still the world class buffooon that we all come to count on. Tony Romo is still the choker in December we have all come to know and love. You gave away your best offensive weapon in Murray, and chose to keep the world's biggest A-hole in Bryant. We of the sane world who are not cowgirlz fans will enjoy this season as we watch what is usually the most dependable performance in the NFL, the Cowgirlz choking in the clutch.
Hope you enjoyed your one shot in the playoffs last year. Maybe the memory of that will keep you warm as you watch your "chosen" team self destruct this season, as usual.
When Tim Tebow beats your cowgirlz this year, know this: we will all be laughing.        I see you got a hard-on for the Cowboys timetogolf..you must wanna jump on the band wagon...but we got more than enough spectators..Don't we gotta play your desolate Detroit lions? 