3/21/2016 8:55:37 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

A former federal prosecutor predicts there will be Espionage Act charges in connection with Hillary Clinton’s email investigation. We hope he’s right. But we’re not holding our breath.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/21/2016 5:30:54 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/21/2016 6:24:38 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
She's obviously talking to her supporters. They are the only ones stupid enough to believe her.
3/22/2016 5:18:08 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary Clinton: ‘Illegal Immigrants Should Be Allowed To Get Taxpayer-Funded Obamacare’

Hillary Clinton told CNN that she supports illegal immigrants being able to enroll in taxpayer-funded Obamacare. The audacity of this is inconceivable – these people are illegal, they have no legal right to be in the United States and according to the law should be deported, not awarded taxpayer benefits, drivers licenses and voting rights!
3/22/2016 7:02:03 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/24/2016 2:16:09 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/24/2016 6:21:59 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/27/2016 1:24:02 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/27/2016 2:28:58 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
The CLINTON LIBRARY is open now...and they have unveiled the Official Portrait:

3/27/2016 8:11:11 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

3/27/2016 9:19:10 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
I guess keeping her fat a** out of Leavenworth could be considered an accomplishment?
3/28/2016 8:34:27 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
$350,000 a couple to attend a Hillary Clinton fundraiser? Since she’s used to collecting almost that much for a one hour speech, she probably thinks it’s perfectly reasonable.

3/28/2016 8:45:38 AM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Looks like a urine sample.
3/30/2016 12:17:12 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary ‘had several abortions’, kept Chelsea for political appearances: Bill’s former lover
March 29, 2016
By Kyle Olson
PART II of III — Even having a child was a political calculation for Hillary Clinton, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers says — and it’s those types of actions that she believes should give every woman pause before making Hillary the first female president.
Miller, who had a three-month affair with then Gov. Bill Clinton in 1983, recently shared with The American Mirror some of the intimate secrets Bill told her, including that even having a child was a political calculation for the current Democratic front runner for president.

4/1/2016 10:04:24 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Since 2001, the Clintons have collected a total of $153 million in speaking fees. Who is Hillary Clinton to attack anyone for making too much money?

4/4/2016 8:48:51 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
The FBI is reportedly preparing to question Hillary Clinton. Probably a waste of time, considering the Clintons’ history of ‘forgetfulness’.

Wisconsin's biggest newspaper prints the ugly truth about Hillary Clinton -- ahead of tomorrow's primary election.

4/9/2016 12:27:43 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/9/2016 12:41:47 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Bernie and Hillary each called the other "unqualified" to be president this week—I think they're both right!

4/9/2016 4:30:11 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/16/2016 12:20:03 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Just ask yourself: What would happen if any Republican did a “colored people” joke? When Hillary does it, she gets a pass.

4/17/2016 7:15:06 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
To live like the beautiful people! They lecture you and me on our "privilege" and greed whilst they revel in luxurious splendor. This weekend was no exception, as actor #GeorgeClooney and his wife Amal sponsored a tony fundraiser for the Queen of Hypocrisy herself.
Oh, but we members of the Great Unwashed needn't worry--there was no room at the table for thee! To simply get a quick photo with the Queen and a cheap seat for you and a guest, a mere $66,800. Yet on today's Meet the Press, Clooney said--with a straight face--that he thinks it is OBSCENE how much money is in politics.
That's socialism for ya' folks. Do as I SAY, not as I DO. These people make me want to puke.

4/18/2016 9:30:44 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Remember when the Clinton Foundation "neglected to report" tens of millions of dollars in income from foreign governments on its tax returns? Think the IRS would let you off the hook if you "neglected to report" that kind of money?

4/19/2016 7:48:52 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/23/2016 2:26:40 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
I have the distinguished honor of being a member of the Committee to raise $50,000,000 for a monument to Hillary R. Clinton. We originally wanted to put her on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for her two faces.
We then decided to erect a statue of Hillary in the Washington, D.C. Hall of Fame. We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Barack Hussein Obama, who never told the truth, since Hillary could never tell the difference.
We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Democrat of them all. He left not knowing where he was going, and when he got there he did not know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been, and did it all on someone else's money.
Thank you,
The Hillary R. Clinton Monument Committee.
P.S. The Committee has raised $ 0.16 so far.
4/23/2016 5:06:44 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
I have the distinguished honor of being a member of the Committee to raise $50,000,000 for a monument to Hillary R. Clinton. We originally wanted to put her on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for her two faces.
We then decided to erect a statue of Hillary in the Washington, D.C. Hall of Fame. We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Barack Hussein Obama, who never told the truth, since Hillary could never tell the difference.
We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Democrat of them all. He left not knowing where he was going, and when he got there he did not know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been, and did it all on someone else's money.
Thank you,
The Hillary R. Clinton Monument Committee.
P.S. The Committee has raised $ 0.16 so far.
if it get's over a dollar will the Clinton foundation grab it?
4/23/2016 5:26:10 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
if it get's over a dollar will the Clinton foundation grab it?

LOL! for sure!!!
4/24/2016 10:17:24 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
they say the Republicans are dirty. This shows you who the really dirty politicians are.

200,000 ex-felons just got the right to vote in Virginia, thanks to the governor of the state – who is a longtime crony of Hillary Clinton. It’s just a coincidence that this happened in an election year, right?
4/24/2016 11:13:25 AM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Give 200,000 convicted felons the right to vote (for Democrats, obviously), but talk with contempt about the National Rifle Association.
4/25/2016 5:42:46 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/26/2016 1:18:03 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary Clinton claims that Donald Trump isn’t “in touch” with struggling Americans the way she is. Get real. With a net worth of over $100 million, we don’t think the Clintons have any clue about struggling Americans either.

4/27/2016 8:38:21 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/28/2016 9:44:38 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/28/2016 8:00:52 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

4/28/2016 8:21:37 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/1/2016 6:06:07 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
Nor she, him.
5/2/2016 5:06:34 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/3/2016 1:29:12 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/4/2016 8:38:47 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary Clinton has lost Indiana. And she isn't exactly making a lot of friends in West Virginia, either.

5/8/2016 5:02:32 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time.
One little boy puts up his hand. Hillary asks him what his name is.
"And what is your question, Thomas?"
"I have three questions: First - whatever happened in Benghazi? Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office? And, Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"
Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary Clinton informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.
When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"
A different little boy puts his hand up; Hillary points him out and asks him what his name is.
"And what is your question, Larry?"
"I have five questions: First - whatever happened in Benghazi? Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office? Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House? Fourth - why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And, Fifth - what happened to Thomas?
5/11/2016 7:29:17 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
The State Department can’t locate emails from the years that Bryan Pagliano worked with Hillary Clinton at the State Department. Did Pagliano make them disappear? Who might he be protecting, besides himself?

5/12/2016 1:49:04 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Ya just gotta love uncle Ted.
Semper Fi !!!
About four years ago at this time, Ted Nugent, a musician, reality-show personality, and National Rifle Association board member, was doing his best to help Mitt Romney get elected. Appearing at the NRA’s national convention, Nugent said, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year…. We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?”
He went on to say, “It isn’t the enemy that ruined America. It’s good people who bent over and let the enemy in. If the coyote’s in your living room pissing on your couch, it’s not the coyote’s fault. It’s your fault for not shooting him.”
The comments, not surprisingly, generated a Secret Service investigation.
Four years later, Nugent has a new target, but he appears to have learned very little. Media Matters noted this week:
National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent, who will deliver a speech at the NRA’s annual meeting this month, shared a fake video that depicts Hillary Clinton being graphically murdered by Bernie Sanders with a handgun during a presidential debate.
In a May 10 post on his Facebook page, Nugent shared a video with the descriptions “Bernie Sanders destroys Hillary Clinton in debate on Vermont gun laws” and “Bernie Sanders absolutely killed Hillary over this issue.”
The video takes footage from a recent debate between Clinton and Sanders, but it’s manipulated to show Sanders shooting Clinton in the chest – complete with an animated blood spurt.
Just to be clear, Nugent does not appear to have created the video, but he helped disseminate it through social media, and he endorsed it with his own poorly written message: “I got your guncontrol right here b*tch!”
All of this comes nearly nine years after Nugent, commenting on Clinton’s first presidential campaign, delivered an on-stage rant in which he pointed to his gun and said, “Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless b*tch.”
I can appreciate why it’s tempting to ignore Nugent’s nonsense. As entertainers in the public eye go, we’re talking about a guy who hasn’t had a hit single since the Carter administration, so it’s safe to say his cultural relevance has faded into obscurity.
Nugent is, however, a board member of the NRA – a group Senate Republicans believe should have veto power over Supreme Court nominees – and he remains a prominent partisan activist in right-wing circles. Indeed, let’s not forget that in 2012, Mitt Romney actively sought, and eventually earned, Nugent’s personal endorsement after a private discussion between the two men.
This year, Nugent is a high-profile Trump supporter – who also happens to be promoting videos in which Hillary Clinton is killed.
At least the Secret Service knows how to reach him if agents have any questions.
5/13/2016 5:25:22 PM |
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South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
Found a good pix on facebook but it wouldn't download.
[Edited 5/13/2016 5:27:04 PM ]
5/14/2016 9:46:27 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
You haven't really lived until you've been there with Uncle Ted, live and in person, unfiltered, unplugged, and uncensored. Freedom of speech, on steroids!
5/17/2016 7:03:41 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/19/2016 9:04:43 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/23/2016 6:06:19 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
We thought we knew everything about the Clinton’s sordid past.
Draft-dodging, shady real estate deals and accusations of rape and sexual assault were already part of the public discussion regarding the Clinton’s history.
But a new bombshell allegation about Hillary could rock the 2016 election.
One of Bill Clinton’s supposed ex-lovers, Sally Miller, alleges in an explosive op-ed that Hillary Clinton was addicted to cocaine.
Writing for the Americanmirror.com, Miller claims:
“Bill mentioned, “The only time Hillary gets aroused or agree to ‘play sexy’ is after she snorts coke. But, even then, she’s rigid and frigid. Hillary goes ape-shit crazy–I mean screams, hits, and cusses–if I touch her breasts!
Right after we started fooling around, she warned me to stay away from her tits, even telling me: ‘If you want to nurse–go home to your momma!’”
Hillary Clinton despised Bill’s brother Roger but, she had to be nice to him since he supplied her coke habit.
(Roger Clinton was charged with and convicted of a cocaine-related offense in 1985 and pardoned by Bill in 2001.)
Bill talked about Hillary taking off work lots of times, desperate to find Roger. She cursed Roger but, at the same time, she had to be nice since he was her only source of coke.
She smoked weed but coke was her addiction.”
I recall Bill saying, “Everyone, including my staff, people at the law firm, even friends, knows Hillary is a cokehead but that’s okay. We tolerate Hillary on coke cause without it, Hillary’s a raving maniac.
5/24/2016 8:37:41 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Would Bernie Sanders be winning if he had gone after Hillary Clinton on this?

5/24/2016 6:10:55 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/24/2016 6:39:50 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Mark Simone
Posted March 11th, 2016
Most of you remember all these investigations plus the newest bengazi, and
the missing emails in her hidden server. This is the most corrupt couple in
American politics and the democrats want to put them back in the whitehouse.
very sad.
Hillary's Camp Freaking Out As This Video Goes Viral --
This pretty much sums up the Clintons:
5/24/2016 7:09:45 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/25/2016 5:27:44 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

Brent Fox in Hope, Arkansas.
May 2 at 7:46pm ·
Chelsea Clinton steps out of college and her parents get her a job paying $900,000.00 per year.

Now her mom goes around the country speaking out against "White Privilege". Think about that for awhile....

5/25/2016 6:54:11 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

5/25/2016 7:53:31 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Just when Hillary couldn't be having any worse of a day, they just released this email... it has one sentence that exposes she is EXACTLY what we've been saying.
EXPOSED: Hillary's 1 Sentence From Email Could END Her: "I Don't Want Any Risk Of..."
This one sentence clearly showed intent.

In a series of messages in 2010 between Clinton and her right-hand, Huma Abedin, the longtime aide suggested that her boss use an official State Department email account, ostensibly to keep her messages from “going to spam” or otherwise getting lost or misfiled.
Clinton rejected that suggestion, writing back, “Let’s get separate address or device but I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”
This clearly showed that Clinton took deliberate steps to avoid the oversight and access that federal record keeping rules require for all government officials, particularly those at the head of a cabinet-level department.
5/26/2016 11:28:05 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
I now think that the Democrats will now show Hillary the door 
And will run nutty old Uncle Joe for president and Goofy Pokeahantiss as VP.
5/26/2016 11:44:33 AM |
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Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
Isn't Uncle Joe damn near 80? He never was a bright bulb, but if they dump Killary and don't replace her with the Bern then it probably would be Uncle Joe! Who would run with him? Peter Camejo? (Former SWP presidential candidate 1980. Heard he became a Dem and ran for the Senate) I suppose there's Rev Al or Farrakahn. Maybe Barbie Boxer or even my own Sen Amy Klobuchar! NO WAIT! He'd go to Congress and pick our 5th District Congressman, Keith Ellison, black and openly a Muslim and admitted it before he first ran.
5/31/2016 9:55:49 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

6/2/2016 9:38:24 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
The Clinton legacy.

Liberals love Bernie, but they're stuck with Hillary.

6/3/2016 10:13:29 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
20,000 People to Commit Anti-Hillary Protest
TRUMP NATION — June 2, 2016

More than twenty thousand people have committed to protest Hillary Clinton’s likely nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. They’re calling the protest “Occupy DNC Convention,” and their number of pledged participants is quickly growing.
Their leaders have set up a Facebook group to organize transportation, accommodations and a PayPal donation link. The group also provides “study guide” documents on how to protest the convention, with documents titled “Civil Disobedience Training” and “Health and Safety at Militant Actions.” The documents give insight into first aid training and how to withstand teargas.
The protesters are united in their support for underdog Bernie Sanders, as well as their opposition to “a fraudulent Hillary nomination.” One document further adds they are “contesting Hillary’s nomination on the grounds of fraud, voter suppression, and corruption. We show them who we want.”
The group assures the protest will be nonviolent, and they already have received permits to protest and hold public demonstrations throughout Philadelphia.
“The Democratic Party has consistently betrayed their promises to the Black community and the 2016 presidential election is not going to be any different. We must capitalize off of this moment with one goal in mind; and that is to resist the capitalist and racist power structures that allow white supremacy and capitalist oppression to flourish. At the DNC, [we] plan to introduce our own Declaration of Independence and the People’s Constitution, one that liberates us from the corruption of American politics,” said the activists’ website.
6/5/2016 3:52:29 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Clintons' 'crisis of character' Published June 05, 2016 by Gary Byrne former Secret Service officer.
Well as far as I care it's a perfect time to expose the clintooons.hillary is as evil as george soreass.The whole bunch should be pushing flowers.
Semper Fi !!!
A forthcoming book from a former Secret Service officer assigned to the White House during Bill Clinton’s presidency alleges that presumptive 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office.”
The book, “Crisis of Character,” is due to be released June 28 – a month before Hillary Clinton is likely to take the stage to accept the Democratic presidential nomination in Philadelphia. Written by ex-Secret Service Officer Gary J. Byrne, who was “posted directly outside President Clinton’s Oval Office,” the 285-page book describes Hillary Clinton’s “appalling leadership style” as being “volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else.”
While most of the book’s contents have remained under wraps so far, the Amazon.com preview features large sections from the introduction, first two chapters and afterward. It also shows the title page, featuring a Chapter 11 titled “Wild Bill.”
In the introduction, Byrne said he “personally observed” President Clinton’s infidelities and was complicit in covering them up.
“I even secretly disposed of sordid physical evidence that might later have been used to convict the president,” Byrne wrote.
Byrne recalled an alleged fight between the first couple during the summer of 1995 in Chapter 1, “The Vase.” Byrne said a vase was smashed during the loud argument and the next morning President Clinton sported “a shiner, a real, put-a-steak-on-it black eye.” Clinton’s personal scheduler Nancy Hernreich allegedly told Byrne the eye condition was a result of Clinton’s allergy to coffee.
The book is not solely about the Clintons, however.
While writing about his career prior to the Oval Office post, Byrne revealed an incident on May 30, 1983, when he said Russian bombers were spotted 5 miles off the U.S. coast while President Ronald Reagan was holding an economic summit in Williamsburg, Va. Byrne said U.S. fighter jets ended up shooting a warning missile “right past a bomber’s nose” and the Soviet bombers turned around.
“The media never heard of it,” Byrne wrote.
While books about the Clintons written by supposed insiders are plentiful, Byrne’s credibility is bolstered by reporting at the time of the Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton sex scandal. A New York Times article from April 1998 reported that Byrne, “a uniformed member of the Secret Service assigned to the White House,” told the deputy chief of staff in 1996 about concerns he had regarding Lewinsky’s visits to the West Wing of the White House. A CNN article from April 1998 said Byrnes’ complaints about Lewinsky ultimately led to her being transferred to the Pentagon.
Byrne said in the introduction to “Crisis” that what he saw in the 1990s “sickened me.”
“We were supposed to lay our lives – not our consciences – on the line,” he wrote.
Neither Clinton has commented on the book.
6/6/2016 2:00:14 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Here is more on psycho b*tch hillary.
Semper Fi !!!
Hillary Clinton has a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that left White House staffers scared stiff of her explosive — and even physical — outbursts, an ex-Secret Service officer claims in a scathing new tell-all.
Gary Byrne, who was posted outside the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was president, portrays Hillary as too “erratic, uncontrollable and occasionally violent” to become leader of the free world, according to advance promotional materials exclusively obtained by Page Six.
The allegations from Byrne, a 29-year veteran of the military and federal law enforcement, threaten to derail her campaign days before she is expected to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination.
He describes Hillary Clinton as acting friendly one moment, then raging the next.
“What I saw in the 1990s sickened me,” he writes in the intro of the book, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses his Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”
The book claims she repeatedly screamed obscenities at her husband, Secret Service personnel and White House staffers — all of whom lived in terror of her next tirade.
Secret Service agents had discussions about the possibility that they would have to protect Bill from his wife’s physical attacks, Byrne writes, and the couple had one “violent encounter” the morning of a key presidential address to the nation.
Meanwhile, a paranoid Hillary Clinton tried to have the Secret Service banned from the White House and once tried to ditch her security detail, Byrne says.
“Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office,” he writes.
“From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. And with Hillary’s latest rise, I realize that her own leadership style — volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else — hasn’t changed a bit.”
The book isn’t set for release until June 28, but pre-orders have sent it to No. 1 on Amazon’s best-seller list.
Byrne — who was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury that investigated Bill Clinton’s affair with intern Monica Lewinsky — claims in the book that he interrupted the president’s sexual shenanigans in the White House.
Byrne says he walked into a room where the president was “involved inappropriately with a woman” who was neither his wife nor Lewinsky.
And he says he once threw out a White House towel stained with a woman’s lipstick — and the president’s “bodily fluids.”
Byrne describes arriving for work one day in 1995 following a loud fight between the Clintons the night before.
The dust-up, he says, left a light blue vase “smashed to bits” and Bill sporting a “real, live, put-a-steak-on-it black eye.”
Byrne’s book amplifies earlier allegations of mistreatment of Secret Service personnel by Hillary Clinton — including in 2014’s “First Family Detail” by former Washington Post reporter Ronald Kessler and last year’s “The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House,” which also detailed a fight between Bill and Hillary over the Lewinsky affair.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign downplayed Byrne’s book and compared him to Edward Klein, author of last year’s “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary.”
“Gary Byrne joins the ranks of Ed Klein and other ‘authors’ in this latest in a long line of books attempting to cash in on the election cycle with their nonsense,” spokesman Nick Merrill said. “It should be put in the fantasy section of the book store.”
A spokeswoman for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested Byrne’s book would be grist for his campaign as prepares to face Clinton in the general election.
“The issue of temperament is more a problem for Hillary Clinton,” said the spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson.
“I don’t recall Mr. Trump ever screaming at the Secret Service, calling them pigs, throwing vases across the room and clawing the face of his spouse, which Hillary Clinton has been reported to do,” she told CNN.