10/20/2015 12:27:30 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Hillary is a professional politician, Trump I wouldn't be want dealing with China and other foreign nations with his blunt dgaf attitude.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/20/2015 12:34:02 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Trump will be making deals with those countries to make America whole again. Boine Sanders (being jewish) will be good for the Jews in America; who comprise 3% (at best) of our total population and he will be good for the State of Israel.
Which is NOT the 51st State in America, btw.
10/20/2015 12:34:59 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Bellaire, OH
54, joined Apr. 2008
Bernie is a joke! High taxes, gun confiscation and even more Free shit. Get a clue. 
10/20/2015 12:39:08 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
YOU CAN TAKE THE JEW out of the Democratic Party but you can’t take the Democratic Party out of the Jew.
Brooklyn-born Jew Bernie Sanders is an ‘independent’ but when viewing his voting record he sure looks like a ‘Jewish Democrat.’
Bernie calls himself a “socialist” but he’d fit right in with Bill Kristol and his fellow Jewish neo con right-wing militarists.

Is that what you want, OP? A universal gun ban?
10/20/2015 1:07:57 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Lol sweet, I like that
10/20/2015 1:11:24 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Bellaire, OH
54, joined Apr. 2008
Lol sweet, I like that
YOU would. maybe it's time to get out of your mothers' basement and find a job.
10/20/2015 1:11:30 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
No, I just want to know about Sanders' political stances, and thank you for your input.
10/20/2015 1:12:46 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Bellaire, OH
54, joined Apr. 2008
No, I just want to know about Sanders' political stances, and thank you for your input.
google is your friend.   
10/20/2015 1:14:02 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Why are people so miserable on here, I know life is hard, but do you have to project your own miserliness incessantly on here. Humans are never going to he omniscient. Just he credulous. You never even let your pupils set there 1 cm gaze upon who you text too. I own a home.
10/20/2015 1:14:32 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
When it comes to Feinstein and friends, Sanders outdoes them all. Abandoning his Vermont “pro-gun” stance, Bernie betrayed his local constituency by currying to a broader Jewish-Democratic base.
In an about-face on Meet The Press this past Sunday, Sanders ‘adjusted’ his position on guns and advocated for a gun ban that would outlawmost firearms used for home and self-defense.
Although the previously pro-gun Sanders won his first House seat with the help of an endorsementfrom the NRA, realpolitik kicks in.
After all, Bernie’s a Jew, and so what if he changes his stance? Isn’t it more important to gain the Jewish-run Democratic party’s favor than to stick with “principle?”
But what “principles” do Jews like Sanders have anyways? Bernie wants a good job with Hillary.
Perhaps a renewed Clinton “kosher cabinet” as Secretary of the Interior?
10/20/2015 1:15:16 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Okay, I am.xealimg with less than bright capuchin on here.. got it...
10/20/2015 1:22:17 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
They are all a bunch of idiots, why I'm an independent. Henry Rollins says Sanders is they guy, as well as Ex navy seal Hesse Ventura. Is this how you behave business boy in public. You should be locked in a monkey cage at the zoo.
10/20/2015 3:18:17 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Two terms of their "hope and change" hero, Barack Obama, has left liberals still desperate for a little hope and change. Bernie Sanders will be just more right-wing shit.
Sanders backs US aggression in the Middle East
12 October 2015
World Socialist Web Site
On the eve of Tuesday’s first televised debate among the candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, the two poll leaders, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, have gone out of their way to express support for the Obama administration’s military interventions in the Middle East.
They are solidarizing themselves with US imperialist aggression in the region under conditions where American policy in Iraq and Syria has produced an unmitigated debacle, with the growing threat of a wider war involving major powers, including Russia, whose nuclear arsenal is second only to Washington’s.
Moreover, the main pretext for the Obama administration’s escalation in Iraq and Syria, the so-called war on terror, has been completely exploded by the open alliance of Washington with the al-Nusra Front, the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, which the US government itself declares a terrorist organization, against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
In another portion of the interview, Sanders reiterated his false claim to the label “socialist.” It is impossible to combine socialism and support for imperialism and its wars, let alone pledge, as Sanders has repeatedly, to defend “America’s vital strategic interests.” Those are the interests of corporate America, the interests of the millionaires and billionaires whom Sanders demagogically claims to oppose, but whose global dominance he vows to safeguard as commander-in-chief.
The unanimity of the Democratic presidential field when it comes to the central issue of war—under conditions of mounting global conflicts between the US and Russia over Ukraine and now Syria, and between the US and China over the South China Sea—only underscores the fraud of the corporate-controlled two-party system in the United States.
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party pledge to defend the global interests of Wall Street and maintain the dominant world role of the US military-intelligence apparatus. No candidate in either party speaks for the vast majority of working people in America, who are opposed to war and militarism.
10/20/2015 4:16:31 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Dec. 2007
No real chance, he is too old [looks it], and sounds like a crotchety old guy complaining about a bagel order. It doesn't matter that he is saying good/correct things. It's delivery. We are a TV, reality show culture. Trump is saying stupid things-but he delivers them well. The "masses" are eating it up right now.
10/20/2015 5:48:00 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014
Hillary is a professional politician, Trump I wouldn't be want dealing with China and other foreign nations with his blunt dgaf attitude.
A socialist? What, do you hate America? Capitalism gave you everything you own. Are you just lazy and wanting free stuff?
10/20/2015 5:52:38 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
^^^^ Free stuff like all of your retired military benefits?
10/20/2015 6:01:24 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
things was good with bill clinton,i remember it all so well. land,an gas prices, an there were jobs,it never will be perfect and all presidents ever have been critisized for one thing or another.
10/20/2015 6:34:39 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
Oh hell no.
Can you see him dealing with a hostile situation? If those BLM b*tches who threw him off the stage were enough to intimidate him -- and they were -- he cancelled the rally right after that -- what do you think he'd be like across the table from Captain Fruitloops in North Korea. (He's a little boy with a lot to prove and he has a nuke....................)
Yeah Sanders would shit his pants. I'm not interested in the barrage of free shit. I want to feel safe in this country again and that's not going to happen with a coward calling the shots.
10/20/2015 6:42:27 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
^^^^ Free stuff like all of your retired military benefits?
Don't you think the military deserves retiree benefits?
10/20/2015 6:52:32 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014
^^^^ Free stuff like all of your retired military benefits?
No it's called a pension that I worked 24 years for and pay federal taxes on, sweetie. Go bake a cake or something.
10/20/2015 7:11:26 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
No it's called a pension that I worked 24 years for and pay federal taxes on, sweetie. Go bake a cake or something.
I know all about those perks...the PX and health care....lots more free stuff that you like to blab about. Enjoy this excerpt and then you can go sell some motorcycle parts! 
As Republican Party Falls Apart, President Obama’s Approval Rating Hits a Two-Year High
October 20, 2015 By Allen Clifton
No matter what kind of peachy spin Republicans might try to put on it, it’s not a good time to be a member of the GOP. The House leadership is a complete mess, their corrupt Benghazi witch hunt continues to fall apart, and their two leading presidential candidates are Donald Trump and Ben Carson – two men who are, without a doubt, completely unfit to be president. Even my fairly moderate Republican friend told me the other day that he’s a bit ashamed to admit he’s a Republican right now. Trust me, that’s saying a lot for a Republican living in Texas. Well, things just keep getting worse for conservatives. As their party continues to spiral into complete chaos, President Obama’s approval rating just hit a two-year high.
Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/republican-party-fall-apart-president-obama-approval-rating-hits-two-year-high/
10/20/2015 7:18:23 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Don't you think the military deserves retiree benefits?
The point is he keeps flapping about "free stuff" and the military gets more than their fair share of free stuff. I have a friend who is divorced from an officer. She refuses to remarry because of all the benefits over and beyond a pension she (her ex-husband) is entitled to. Tx loves to squeal about free stuff, but he is a huge benefactor.
10/20/2015 7:25:36 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
The point is he keeps flapping about "free stuff" and the military gets more than their fair share of free stuff. I have a friend who is divorced from an officer. She refuses to remarry because of all the benefits over and beyond a pension she (her ex-husband) is entitled to. Tx loves to squeal about free stuff, but he is a huge benefactor.
Then how about instead of this administration planning to spend billions of dollars tasking in and housing tens of thousands of Syrian refugees we know nothing about, that money could be put to better use housing homeless vets. Our priorities are not in order. We must take care of our own first. Am I right?
10/20/2015 7:28:46 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Very informative. He sounds like crap
10/20/2015 7:30:24 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
You are deflecting again. Nice try. @NY
[Edited 10/20/2015 7:31:10 AM ]
10/20/2015 7:31:10 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
No sir, I have worked for many moons, and I am not a millennial.
10/20/2015 7:32:37 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Yea people had it good under Clinton.
10/20/2015 7:44:30 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
You are deflecting again. Nice try. @NY
Not deflecting at all, Maggie. You brought free stuff for military vets into the equation. So the fact that outsiders get treated better with free stuff than homeless vets do is relevant.
10/20/2015 7:52:59 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Like it or not, the liberal elite intend to inflict upon you liberals Hillary Clinton.
Why Hillary Won the Debate (Even Though She Didn’t)
October 19, 2015
by Gary Leupp
CNN and Facebook co-sponsored last week’s Democratic presidential frontrunners’ “debate.” After the event, CNN conducted a poll. “Who won the debate?” it asked. The result: 83% Bernie Sanders; 12% Hillary Clinton.
Facebook also took a poll. “Who do you think won?” Over 79% responded, “Bernie Sanders.”
Slate conducted a poll. “Who won the presidential debate?” asked the magazine. 75% of respondents said Bernie Sanders; 18% gave it to Hillary Clinton.
“Hillary Clinton won,” reported Slate “senior writer” Josh Vorhees exuberantly. “She just needed to be solid in the debate. Instead, she was spectacular.”
Spectacular! with 18% of Slate’s own polling numbers. Go figure.
“Who do you think won?” asked Time Magazine. The response? Bernie Sanders: 70%, Hillary Clinton 16%.
The Time headline: “CLINTON IN CONTROL.”
10/20/2015 7:57:30 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Not deflecting at all, Maggie. You brought free stuff for military vets into the equation. So the fact that outsiders get treated better with free stuff than homeless vets do is relevant.
Go back and read again...see if you can comprehend my point. I'm not jumping off to another discussion every time you deflect.
10/20/2015 8:01:09 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Tampa, FL
59, joined Feb. 2013
Then how about instead of this administration planning to spend billions of dollars tasking in and housing tens of thousands of Syrian refugees we know nothing about, that money could be put to better use housing homeless vets. Our priorities are not in order. We must take care of our own first. Am I right?
Or, how about if the U.S. ruling-class and military welfare-queen f**ks like Txninnc stop attacking the Middle East and creating tens of millions of refugees?
10/20/2015 8:02:15 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

10/20/2015 10:22:26 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014

10/20/2015 10:28:57 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
^^^^ Free stuff like all of your retired military benefits?
You f**kwad! He most likely earned it protecting pieces of shit like you, you ungrateful c*nt!
10/20/2015 10:32:25 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
things was good with bill clinton,i remember it all so well. land,an gas prices, an there were jobs,it never will be perfect and all presidents ever have been critisized for one thing or another.
Suuuuure, free blowjobs for everyone! Still don't understand why ole thunderthighs didn't take him to the cleaners....well, I do now, look at the b*tch!!
10/20/2015 10:34:47 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
I know all about those perks...the PX and health care....lots more free stuff that you like to blab about. Enjoy this excerpt and then you can go sell some motorcycle parts!
As Republican Party Falls Apart, President Obama’s Approval Rating Hits a Two-Year High
October 20, 2015 By Allen Clifton
No matter what kind of peachy spin Republicans might try to put on it, it’s not a good time to be a member of the GOP. The House leadership is a complete mess, their corrupt Benghazi witch hunt continues to fall apart, and their two leading presidential candidates are Donald Trump and Ben Carson – two men who are, without a doubt, completely unfit to be president. Even my fairly moderate Republican friend told me the other day that he’s a bit ashamed to admit he’s a Republican right now. Trust me, that’s saying a lot for a Republican living in Texas. Well, things just keep getting worse for conservatives. As their party continues to spiral into complete chaos, President Obama’s approval rating just hit a two-year high.
Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/republican-party-fall-apart-president-obama-approval-rating-hits-two-year-high/
What f**kin' planet are you on?  
10/20/2015 10:36:27 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
The point is he keeps flapping about "free stuff" and the military gets more than their fair share of free stuff. I have a friend who is divorced from an officer. She refuses to remarry because of all the benefits over and beyond a pension she (her ex-husband) is entitled to. Tx loves to squeal about free stuff, but he is a huge benefactor.
Don't you understand the meaning of free???  He EARNED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/20/2015 10:43:38 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014
You f**kwad! He most likely earned it protecting pieces of shit like you, you ungrateful c*nt!
Eh, she would never say it to a veterans face. She's even too cowardly to post her real location. She's scared one of us will travel to find her and beat her up 
10/20/2015 10:44:42 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

North York, ON
47, joined Jul. 2015
Bernie Sanders is your best hope?
Good Lord ....
Every time I hear that guy speak I feel like ordering a pastrami on rye at Katz deli.
10/20/2015 10:44:48 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014
Or, how about if the U.S. ruling-class and military welfare-queen f**ks like Txninnc stop attacking the Middle East and creating tens of millions of refugees?
You have an inferiority complex. Can't say I blame you.
10/20/2015 10:46:45 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
Hillary is a professional politician, Trump I wouldn't be want dealing with China and other foreign nations with his blunt dgaf attitude.
Everything Sanders is preaching has already been tried over the years and has failed. He wants to tax every America to the point where they have to depend on the government.
Leaders of Nations respect someone that is blunt and to the point. As long as that person is honest and follows through. Trump owns a multi billion dollar corp. He knows how to be successful. He also knows if you fail at change to move on and try something different. Never give up.
What we see going on around the World today is because Obama is weak. He says one thing and does another. He draws red lines just to see them crossed. He promises protection then does not follow through.
China, Russia and the terrorists see him as weak, they know he will not follow through with his threats or promises.
10/20/2015 10:49:04 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

10/20/2015 10:51:26 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
Ma nigga!!!
10/20/2015 10:52:15 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
You f**kwad! He most likely earned it protecting pieces of shit like you, you ungrateful c*nt!
Angry Republicans are so amusing!

10/20/2015 10:54:52 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
Not for long!!!
14 months then bye bye!!
10/20/2015 10:56:26 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
Angry Republicans are so amusing!

People are now hundreds of dollars a month poorer because of Obamacare. And most who signed up for it opted for Medicaid.
10/20/2015 10:56:34 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014

10/20/2015 11:43:51 AM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
How Bernie Sanders Lost His Hair

YOU CAN TAKE THE JEW out of the Democratic Party but you can’t take the Democratic Party out of the Jew.
Brooklyn-born Jew Bernie Sanders is an ‘independent’ but when viewing his voting record he sure looks like a ‘Jewish Democrat.’
Bernie calls himself a “socialist” but he’d fit right in with Bill Kristol and his fellow Jewish neocon right-wing militarists.
While Sanders is “not a big fan of Netanyahu,” he supported and voted in favor of his genocidal attack on the Gazan Palestinians in 2014. After all, Bernie’s a Zionist at heart.
Bernie fits the neocon bill when it comes to bombs and passing the ammunition against independent-of-Jewmerica countries. He supported the Nato bombing of Christian Serbia, and once in, backed the ongoing neocon war against Iraq.
If Bernie Sanders feigns to have been against the invasion of Iraq, why did he repeatedly vote to fund it?
When it comes to Feinstein and friends, Sanders outdoes them all. Abandoning his Vermont “pro-gun” stance, Bernie betrayed his local constituency by currying to a broader Jewish-Democratic base.
In an about-face on Meet The Press this past Sunday, Sanders ‘adjusted’ his position on guns and advocated for a gun ban that would outlaw most firearms used for home and self-defense.

Although the previously pro-gun Sanders won his first House seat with the help of an endorsement from the NRA, realpolitik kicks in.
After all, Bernie’s a Jew, and so what if he changes his stance? Isn’t it more important to gain the Jewish-run Democratic party’s favor than to stick with “principle?”
But what “principles” do Jews like Sanders have anyways? Bernie wants a good job with Hillary.
Perhaps a renewed Clinton “kosher cabinet” as Secretary of the Interior?
THAT WOULD BE a nice cushy job for a pseudo-socialist like Bernie, wouldn’t it?
You’ve come a long way Bernie since your ‘kibbutzim’ days in Israel, followed by your ‘back to the land’ trek to Burlington.
Why bring that all to a screeching halt? You’ve got a great JEWISH future ahead of you!
No worries. Like most Jews who lose their hair, you’ll be wearing a nice new hat with Hillary.
10/20/2015 4:31:02 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


New York, NY
38, joined Feb. 2014
I never voted and Bernie has me rethinking this whole "I don't vote" attitude. He is inspiring because he speaks for the people.
10/20/2015 4:51:40 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
People are now hundreds of dollars a month poorer because of Obamacare. And most who signed up for it opted for Medicaid.

10/20/2015 4:56:16 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
"Our" best hope for pres. ? ...
Maybe hes yours "Hope for XChange... OP !
Only if you want Commie /ScialiZm to rule over your life and all its details.
Commie / ScialiZm is a FAKE and FAILED, the 'Nanny State' RULES and OWNS YOU !
10/20/2015 5:09:13 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
The LBJ's "War On Poverty" is 50 years old... and still the Socialist Keep trying to prevent
But every Democrat Socialist Administration has FAILED the American POOR !
Today we have hungry people in America, and again the Democrat Socialist have FAILED !!
FACT: 1 in every 5 children in America goes hungry ? - Really ?
But we Americans ( GOV.) keep bringing in more and more hungry mouths
to feed from around the world.
STOP HUNGER - DONATE YOUR EXTRA $$'s Visit: - www.feedingamerica.org
10/20/2015 6:50:12 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014

10/20/2015 7:21:16 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
America needs another revolution.
10/20/2015 7:23:08 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
I don't think so Newton. Do you think Bush I I was the worst ever?
10/20/2015 7:23:10 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Lake Waccamaw, NC
49, joined Jun. 2014
your leader will be hillary
10/20/2015 7:29:23 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Glendora, CA
36, joined Sep. 2014
Everything Sanders is preaching has already been tried over the years and has failed. He wants to tax every America to the point where they have to depend on the government.
Leaders of Nations respect someone that is blunt and to the point. As long as that person is honest and follows through. Trump owns a multi billion dollar corp. He knows how to be successful. He also knows if you fail at change to move on and try something different. Never give up.
What we see going on around the World today is because Obama is weak. He says one thing and does another. He draws red lines just to see them crossed. He promises protection then does not follow through.
China, Russia and the terrorists see him as weak, they know he will not follow through with his threats or promises.
Worse? Obama or GW?
10/20/2015 7:46:29 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Euless, TX
49, joined May. 2014
America needs another revolution.
Why do you hate America?
10/20/2015 8:05:37 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |

Salem, OR
64, joined Nov. 2013
Sanders has no hope. neither does Trump. NO one wins with 30% of 30%, or less.
10/20/2015 8:26:10 PM |
Bernie Sanders, is he our best hope for pres.? |


Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from ahomoluvr:
Sanders has no hope. neither does Trump. NO one wins with 30% of 30%, or less.
We still got hope for America.
