2/19/2016 5:51:21 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/19/2016 5:59:40 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
2/19/2016 6:24:10 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
Successful with the Ladies ????
Shut-up and Stay out of their business... 
They'll love you for that !
2/19/2016 6:33:40 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
Exactly cougar
See I luv u
2/19/2016 7:03:43 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
Thats not success this is just how to screw the ladies.
Making love is a whole different ballgame.
2/19/2016 7:04:40 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
Successful with the Ladies ????
Shut-up and Stay out of their business...
They'll love you for that !
Some old n**ger f**king dude. He will have to use method three! 
2/19/2016 7:05:37 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
Thats not success this is just how to screw the ladies.
Making love is a whole different ballgame.
For you, method two, sheep f**king is advised.
2/20/2016 7:07:24 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Somerset, NJ
52, joined Jun. 2013
online now!
Unlike the Heifers on this site, the sheep won't insist on an expensive dinner
2/20/2016 7:07:30 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |

Twin Falls, ID
49, joined Jul. 2012
Wow I really didn't need see this 
2/20/2016 7:52:03 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
How to be Successful with the Ladies the correct way)
1. When you pick her up, hold her door.
2. When you get to your destination, hold her hand.
3. Regardless of the date activity, PAY for everything.
4. Don't make any sexual advances at all, and risk going to jail.
5. After the date has ended, take her home.
6. Do NOT linger around, waiting for her to just "leave the door" open, unless you want arrested for stalking.
7. Do NOT make any attempt to call her, the next day, week, month, or year. If she was impressed, she will call you.
8. Since you likely impressed her, with you "bulge" of a wallet, she WILL call.
9. When dating and her car is broken, pay to fix it.
10. When her bank account is empty, fill it back up.
11. Pay her credit card and student loan balances.
12. Pay for her children to go to the best private schools.
13. Buy her a Ferrari.
14. Buy her a mansion.
15. Keep her bank account full, so it doesn't run out.
16. Sell your soul to Satan, since you are sleeping in the same bed as one of his spawn....
2/20/2016 8:03:16 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Bremen, GA
44, joined Sep. 2014
Enig. You have everything right except 6 and 7. Number 6 depends on how you look. Number 7 always call and dont forget the had a nice time text after the date.
2/20/2016 8:09:09 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Elk Grove Village, IL
53, joined Jan. 2008
Enig. You have everything right except 6 and 7. Number 6 depends on how you look. Number 7 always call and dont forget the had a nice time text after the date.
Here's a Ferrari. Can we get down to business now??
2/20/2016 8:09:30 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |
Waterbury, CT
40, joined Dec. 2014
That's Easy!

Eat hardy and Eat often!
[Edited 2/20/2016 8:10:48 AM ]
2/20/2016 4:39:29 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Enig. You have everything right except 6 and 7. Number 6 depends on how you look. Number 7 always call and dont forget the had a nice time text after the date.
No. I had them right. You seem to think we should call you, which could be stalking/menacing, because if you don't contact us to tell us you don't want to go out again, we know you can just lie to the cops and say you told us, so.....
Like you women brag, all the time: No response IS a response
2/21/2016 2:25:58 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
Sounds like a sugar daddy lol
2/22/2016 4:50:48 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |

Albuquerque, NM
40, joined Jul. 2014
Flaunting tongue usually weeds out the vanilla ones, after that I lick my eyebrows, and start separating chafe from wheat.. works on all levels of women, high or low self esteem rich or poor,  
[Edited 2/22/2016 4:51:02 PM ]
2/22/2016 4:51:54 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |

Albuquerque, NM
40, joined Jul. 2014
Thread starter was kinda unsettling
2/22/2016 6:21:47 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Pewaukee, WI
49, joined Jun. 2013

More "a**holes" need to be like you.
I hate it when "a**holes" try to blend in with normal, good guys.
You can't tell which is which.
2/22/2016 6:47:44 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Unlike the Heifers on this site, the sheep won't insist on an expensive dinner
And knows when to STFU! Stays in its place, not trying to be equal to men, don't play mind games, don't manipulate, makes more sense than women, much more logical than women, don't use kids as meal tickets and shows some appreciation for all you do for it. 

2/22/2016 8:13:25 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
Tonez tongue looks nasty, eww
2/22/2016 9:17:20 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
No. I had them right. You seem to think we should call you, which could be stalking/menacing, because if you don't contact us to tell us you don't want to go out again, we know you can just lie to the cops and say you told us, so.....
Like you women brag, all the time: No response IS a response
And they're also saying "Why don't he (or didn't he) get the hint!? This is also when they say nothing related to NOT seeing him again and expects that man to "catch on" to whatever hints she's sending out. 
2/23/2016 3:02:50 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
More "a**holes" need to be like you.
I hate it when "a**holes" try to blend in with normal, good guys.
You can't tell which is which.
Jeez, your gullible.
and that guy is an a**hole to boot...
Why do all the nutcases come here
2/23/2016 8:41:21 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
Some empathy would be ncie
2/23/2016 6:17:20 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Pewaukee, WI
49, joined Jun. 2013
Jeez, your gullible.
No just lazy. 
I like the idea of spraying all the "a**holes" with Axe spray so I can smell them a mile away.
2/24/2016 5:00:43 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |
Philadelphia, PA
48, joined Dec. 2015
2/24/2016 5:16:56 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
If I was going to take advice on how to be successful with women....I sure wouldn't take it from a 3 time loser like Sammy, that turned gay when it got to the point, he couldn't get women anymore.
Besides, I'm not worried about tricks and techniques.
I'll be who I am, and if that doesn't cut it....I'm not compromising my self integrity with tricks and techniques or babying them....or putting them on a pedestal either.
I have as much or more value, and we can meet in the middle or nothing at all.
2/24/2016 5:20:12 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Looking at where you eyebrows are and that your tongue is fully extended....there is no way possible it can reach anywhere near your eyebrows.
Unless your suggesting that with black men, their head has a huge space in it, where as they can lower the top of their head by 4 inches at will.
Even if that were so, you'd still come up short.
Lie much????
2/24/2016 9:47:34 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
If you act now, you'll be able to get a first edition of F**king the Sheep by Scarecrow. Also, it'll have a foreword by Jester who is known for blowing and screwing anything on four legs. 
2/25/2016 6:18:28 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Sammy...when you write a book on how to be successful with bi-sexual and gay men.
I have a feeling, it will complete and accurate and a best seller because of that.
2/25/2016 7:23:50 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |
Madison, TN
73, joined Aug. 2014
How to be successful with the ladies?
Don't be a be an a**hole = 100% success.
2/25/2016 7:25:08 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
Actually being an a**hole works pretty good with certain women.
2/25/2016 7:27:33 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |
Madison, TN
73, joined Aug. 2014
Oh, didn't know they were asking about success with 'stupid women.' gotcha
2/25/2016 7:28:24 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
Oh, didn't know they were asking about success with 'stupid women.' gotcha 
Yep, we go on majorities here. 
2/25/2016 7:28:50 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Actually being an a**hole works pretty good with certain women.
More like almost all women. Women love a**hole men, that beat them, treat them as inferior, lie to them, cheat on them, ESPECIALLY when they have enough money for her to sit around the house all day and just make a bunch of babies, most of which actually belong to her 5 other boyfriends on the side, but.....
2/25/2016 7:47:11 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
More like almost all women.
See above re: Majorities 
2/25/2016 7:52:47 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
If being a jerk makes guys popular, then a lot of the men on here SHOULD be extremely popular with the ladies.
2/25/2016 7:04:11 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |

Paris, VA
30, joined Aug. 2014
If being a jerk makes guys popular, then a lot of the men on here SHOULD be extremely popular with the ladies.
oh, dh has it's popular guy with the ladies...that's for sure sienna.
2/26/2016 6:13:45 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
Women are no different than men. They like exactly the same things. They like money, expensive cars, fancy homes, fine dining, Waterford Crystal, 1,000 thread count sheets, and fat lovely p*ssy cats!
What most stupid men here can't seem to fathom is you don't have to do anything to attract the ladies assuming you have any qualities beyond drooling and looking stupid. Most of you shoot yourselves in the foot with your negative rhetoric regarding the ladies. One thing you should learn to do is zip your mouths.
BTW, the very worst men here are sheep f**ker like Scarecrow who doesn't know when to STFU. 
2/26/2016 7:19:03 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Correction....most men don't like cats..........well, no truly straight men anyway.
2/26/2016 7:39:26 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
^Most women don't like low life hillbilly sheep f**kers who have never been successful in their entire lives. 
2/26/2016 9:09:41 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
I guess that explains why you went to doing men.......
2/26/2016 9:49:18 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Correction....most men don't like cats..........well, no truly straight men anyway.
What is wrong with cats? They are actually MORE appreciative and loyal than any American WOMAN. They tend to be more affectionate, too.
They are a very intuitive and loving creature, when they aren't abused and mistreated. They are also very independent pets.
This is not to say, that dogs definitely do NOT have their respective role, as Man's Best Friend. They certainly do.
I was just kind of shocked, that you would attack men with cats, Bee.
It isn't the cat's faults, that women are inappreciative, backstabbing, floor-flushing, bottom-feeding, money-grubbing wh*res.
2/27/2016 1:05:06 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |

27, joined Aug. 2013
Dude, cats are f**king awesome!
I think a lot of men with cats like the "a**hole" friendship that sometimes comes with cats.
Cats are also good for people who have commitment issues. My grandma fed a house-cat turned neighborhood stray. The scent of her on the porch kept the rodents away as some of our neighbors in the complex were horrendous filthy.
Anywho I guess the other people in the neighborhood who fed her passed away or moved because after many years she came to us as her only source of food... but someone was still grooming her because she was a very silky long-haired cat and that plus the grim of the streets don't mix.
Dogs are more for the sappy romantics. I love dogs. But I appreciate the sass that come with cats. I could have an adult conversation with my cat, meanwhile dogs are more... babytalk kind of animals. One time the stray was bathing herself on my porch and sneezed. I looked at her. She looked at me and kept staring. I jokingly said "Oh. Shit. Bless you. Sorry." And as if satisfied she went back to grooming herself. 
I feel like you only get those kind of laughs from froo-froo dogs.
I totally get why some guys like cats.

2/27/2016 2:25:59 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Ocala, FL
52, joined Mar. 2014
If being a jerk makes guys popular, then a lot of the men on here SHOULD be extremely popular with the ladies.
2/27/2016 3:49:14 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Fung Fu..........I was just jerking Sammy's chain....
2/27/2016 9:54:21 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
Why don't you show your whole ugly face Scarecrow?
2/27/2016 10:57:02 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |

27, joined Aug. 2013
Fung Fu..........I was just jerking Sammy's chain.... 
Don't scare me like that! 
2/28/2016 7:16:02 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
be sweet and funny and nice and caring
like he is

2/28/2016 7:56:56 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Roseville, CA
53, joined Nov. 2014
Use money instead of women?
2/28/2016 11:50:57 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
I guess that explains why you went to doing men....... 
Well a**hole explain to us why you insist on f**king sheep?
2/28/2016 11:54:08 AM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Dayton, OH
61, joined Mar. 2014
What is wrong with cats? They are actually MORE appreciative and loyal than any American WOMAN. They tend to be more affectionate, too.
They are a very intuitive and loving creature, when they aren't abused and mistreated. They are also very independent pets.
This is not to say, that dogs definitely do NOT have their respective role, as Man's Best Friend. They certainly do.
I was just kind of shocked, that you would attack men with cats, Bee.
It isn't the cat's faults, that women are inappreciative, backstabbing, floor-flushing, bottom-feeding, money-grubbing wh*res.
Scarecrow attacks all farm animals especially sheep. What you don't know is when I first came to this forum, he used to brag about having sex with sheep. He thought that was the macho thing to do. 
Anyway, you have maybe one good quality or liking cats.
2/28/2016 2:58:45 PM |
How to be Successful with the Ladies! |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Well, one thing I have learned about cats, is that they are extremely loving creatures when you don't abuse them and let them be "themselves". Have had cats, since I was in my single digits of age. Women would do well to learn about what males cats loving, because then they could find loving men.