6/3/2016 2:47:20 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Great post
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6/8/2016 9:48:51 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
You say this so casually likes it's no big deal that the baby could possibly be born with birth defects. WTF is wrong with you besides the obvious??
You may interpret me saying that as casual doesn't mean I said it casually 
[Edited 6/8/2016 9:48:59 AM ]
6/8/2016 3:17:09 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

Sanford, FL
41, joined Aug. 2012
your young age.... I shall try to keep that in mind.
At first you say this situation is hypothetical...then you post more to suggest much more to that. So, I shall assume you are in a real situation or perhaps just trolling. Either way here is my advise....
First: Find peace within yourself before involving others. Consider what is Best for you and the unborn child. Consider ALL your options. Going with option A because it's the easiest does not make it right. Don't make it wrong....if you truly considered everything and made a chose that was not based on selfishness or laziness.
Second: Only the other people involve know the true answer to whether you should disclose this info or not. Some might appreciate honest and can handle it appropriately. Others may cause too much pressure and make the situation worse. You made the decision to be in an intimate relationship with these guys, so perhaps you know enough about them to give a good educational guess to this question. Gather all the facts, give honest thoughts about them, and make that decision.
Finally: Stand strong in your final decision if you have truly done all the above. You can only be expected to do the best you can do.
As you grow older, you will learn from mistakes and learn how to avoid them. It is easier (and less painful) to earn from other's mistakes, but life has given you the opportunity to learn from your own. Having a child does not have to be a mistake. It truly can be a blessing. So, please don't miss read that statement. But you have gotten yourself into a sticky situation, which is what I was referring to.
It can be tough taking on adult responsibilities and being responsible for your actions. But that is what you are called to do. Some people put little effort into it. Some people take it serious. It is up to you to decide how much effort you put into it, as you will be reward accordingly.
And try to keep in mind this topic can be very sensitive to some people.
6/8/2016 3:47:40 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Thanks. Yeah IDK I don't really want this baby, I dont like that its my ex's and Iv had an insane amount of medications so its damaged anyway. My family hates my ex as well so its just emarassing
6/8/2016 4:39:05 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
The earlier you get it taken care of the better.
6/8/2016 4:55:51 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
If I wait a bit longer I can see if its a girl or boy tho 
6/8/2016 6:29:46 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Chilhowie, VA
37, joined Jan. 2015
Why did I write this title so badly oh brother. I left the ex because he was stealing my money but we had been together for 6-7 years. The new guy Im dating is nice but yeah idk. I feel like I should tell him and if he doesnt want me then maybe thats a good thing cos if he doesnt care about me anymore cos of this then id not want someone like that anyway. Or maybe ill have the abortion and just date someone else and start new so i dont have to tell the other guy or feel guilty about not telling
If you are pregnant then drop all the guys for awhile and focus on having a child...
The father does have the right to know and so does the man your seeing... because like it or not ,what you are doing now can and will affect others lives also... jmo.
6/8/2016 6:31:38 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Im not having a child but ok
6/8/2016 6:34:45 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Chilhowie, VA
37, joined Jan. 2015
Damn these threads are so confusing...
6/8/2016 6:36:28 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
6/8/2016 7:10:30 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Los Angeles, CA
97, joined Mar. 2014
If I wait a bit longer I can see if its a girl or boy tho 
Are you kidding me?? Really?? I just can't stand this immaturity surrounding a life which you don't care two shits about. Now you want to keep it around long enough to find out if it's a boy or a girl? This is not a game. What difference does it make?
6/8/2016 7:13:37 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
You may interpret me saying that as casual doesn't mean I said it casually 
Do you casually suck c*ck?
6/9/2016 7:03:59 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
I do if the price is right lol nah Im just fukin with ya. Not literally 
6/9/2016 7:44:51 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
Name your price 
6/9/2016 8:52:23 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
150 bucks 
6/12/2016 3:47:49 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

Boone, NC
48, joined Jan. 2012
and only just found out that you're 13 weeks pregnant with your ex's baby. Been dating a new guy for about a month. Does your ex have some sort of right to know about the pregnancy or no? should he be told? Should you tell the guy you're dating? or just tell no one and have an abortion? this is hypothetical by the way
Abortion is murder
As far as dating while 13 weeks pregnant, I wouldn't have been. I wouldn't have wanted to date a strange man with another man's child inside me. Men like that use women because they know they can't get you pregnant and will use you. Plus, who would want some stranger having sex with them while pregnant? You can't test for some STDs until 6 months or more after sexual contact. I would have cared more about my unborn child than that. smh. 
6/12/2016 3:50:37 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Dont worry i didnt keep it
6/12/2016 4:03:46 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Longmont, CO
49, joined Oct. 2013

6/16/2016 10:24:34 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016

6/17/2016 9:29:24 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
6/17/2016 1:31:14 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011

6/17/2016 5:47:58 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Yolo lol jk
6/24/2016 4:06:12 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

Rio Rancho, NM
36, joined Jan. 2016
OK, I'm not all knowing or all seeing & I definitely don't feel qualified to speak for others.
So this is just what I would do if it was me.
No I wouldn't have an abortion. I'm prochoice but my choice for myself will always be life.
Yes, I'd tell my ex, as long as he wasn't abusive, drug addict, major criminal, or seriously mentally unbalanced (I don't attract those types but its good to throw in the disclaimer just in case). Its his kid he deserves a chance a say in whether or not he wants to be a father (w/any luck he'll say no)
Yes, I'd tell the guy I was dating, noone should be in the dark about something like this besides at 13weeks I'm pretty sure I'm going to start showing.
6/25/2016 7:14:31 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
A mixture of me and my ex, that kid gonna have issssues
6/25/2016 8:56:41 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Columbus, OH
24, joined May. 2013
I do think since the ex is the child's father at least letting him know would be a good idea. Let the guy decide if he wants to be a part of the child's life regardless if it's nothing romantic with the lady since she's in a new relationship.
I think letting the guy know would be a nice courtesy, but it's not me who is pregnant and everyone has different opinions on it. And also telling the new guy is a good idea he's going to realize someone's pregnant sooner or later if she doesn't have an abortion.
[Edited 6/25/2016 8:57:23 AM ]
6/25/2016 11:01:15 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
I need to make a new thread, someone inspire me 
6/30/2016 1:22:45 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
This sounds real trashy, like some hillbilly shit on Jerry Springer.
6/30/2016 2:14:10 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
U kno it
7/1/2016 2:16:54 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
Seriuosly get your shit together before dating someone new. Oh hey Im prego let me just worried about me and my baby and not jump on the next guy that comes along
7/1/2016 9:44:46 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
This is the way the Brady Bunch is form .
7/2/2016 1:29:31 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Lol brady bunch
7/4/2016 5:03:03 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
I need to make a new thread, someone inspire me 
Entitle your next thread, " Will you cum in my mouth or a** "!!
7/4/2016 5:43:38 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Longmont, CO
49, joined Oct. 2013
I vote mouth!
Maybe that will keep her from talking. .... At least for a few minutes. ....
7/4/2016 6:37:55 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
I knew a girl who let it dry on her lips.
It kept her from talking for over 3 hours.
7/5/2016 12:28:09 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |
Climax, MI
28, joined Jul. 2014

@ The Op
7/5/2016 3:26:19 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Bytch please 
7/5/2016 11:11:53 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |
Climax, MI
28, joined Jul. 2014

7/5/2016 12:10:20 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Where did the queer image go lol
7/5/2016 12:13:02 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
Can we get this new thread started? Do you need this hot load to form an opinion?
7/5/2016 12:19:15 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
I already started the thread lol.
7/5/2016 12:54:41 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
Send pics of your a** for me to make an informed decision!
7/5/2016 5:53:40 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |
Climax, MI
28, joined Jul. 2014

7/5/2016 8:12:34 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


Oxford, AL
58, joined May. 2014
Only thing I can say is, let the mess begain cause it's coming 
wise! wise words!!
7/5/2016 9:27:35 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

Bronx, NY
27, joined Nov. 2015
Honestly do you want to have that child knowing you feel nothing for your ex, are you even ready to be a mother?
Seems like you're considering abortion.
I'm inclined to agree, don't bring a child into this world if you aren't ready.
All you will do is make him suffer.
7/5/2016 9:28:33 PM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
OMG! It's a miracle!
Not only do I have a man in my life...Im a pregnant who're. 
7/6/2016 6:59:48 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
An ex has no rights; especially if your were never married. Tell the ex if you want to fight him for child support, or don't tell him if you are not going to fight. Unless he is going to pay up, it's none of his business. The guy yo are dating should be told, if there is a chance the dating may become something more. Have an abortion, or don't. The choice is yours. Neither the ex, or the date, has any say in the matter.
7/6/2016 8:29:37 AM |
Pregnant to with your exs baby but dating a new guy |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
