6/12/2016 3:46:02 PM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
It can't work anymore. Why? Because it's a sacred institution. Everyone and everything is perverted now. Like playing with a loaded gun. STDs, cheap broke parents who can't afford to take care of their kids, parents who won't or can't spend quality time with their kids, women hating each other. How can it work? As long as a man takes care of all his children, and he can afford it, he can sire as many children with as many women as he likes. But for a woman, 1 or 2 is enough. Why? Because she can't control 10 baby daddies babies. Use common sense. If my bf wanted another kid, he better go find somebody else to make it with, shoot.
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6/12/2016 3:47:02 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Longmont, CO
48, joined Oct. 2013
[Edited 6/12/2016 3:48:06 PM ]
6/12/2016 3:47:27 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Lancaster, CA
32, joined Dec. 2014
What is this rant about? 
6/12/2016 4:03:14 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
You may as well call it polygamy when you got a guy who has more 1 baby mama . It seems women don't mind it either .
6/12/2016 4:13:03 PM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
What is this rant about?  Here we go.
6/12/2016 4:18:15 PM |
What about polygamy? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
Sounds fun but no kids Also only sounds fun if I can be free,not the guy cos too many diseases. I can not sleep around but guys love being manwh*res lol
6/12/2016 4:50:27 PM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
You may as well call it polygamy when you got a guy who has more 1 baby mama . It seems women don't mind it either .
Nope. It could be just lust and greed.
6/12/2016 4:51:31 PM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
Sounds fun but no kids  Also only sounds fun if I can be free,not the guy cos too many diseases. I can not sleep around but guys love being manwh*res lol
6/12/2016 5:01:00 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
Nope. It could be just lust and greed.
Greed? On who's part ?
6/12/2016 5:14:38 PM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
Greed? On who's part ?
6/13/2016 7:07:09 AM |
What about polygamy? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
Bruce Jenner is a Catholic Slut ... he a c*ck sucker and a p*ssy licker ... f**ks everything.
Dennis Hastert is a Catholic slut as well ... no age discrimination ... does male and female .. adult or children.
What is a Poly .. they are sluts and f**k anything.
Get taco sauce on their swartzn**ger and have their billary slut wife lick is clean..
sumbuddie wear blind sea
6/13/2016 9:11:15 AM |
What about polygamy? |


Longmont, CO
48, joined Oct. 2013
Sounds fun but no kids  Also only sounds fun if I can be free,not the guy cos too many diseases. I can not sleep around but guys love being manwh*res lol

6/13/2016 1:09:34 PM |
What about polygamy? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
What its true, guys are manwhres. Lol
[Edited 6/13/2016 1:09:53 PM ]
6/13/2016 5:09:49 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Sandy, UT
31, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
I actually get this proposal of sorts a lot. To each their own. I am not a sister wife nor do I want to be. 
6/13/2016 5:17:30 PM |
What about polygamy? |


San Diego, CA
31, joined Nov. 2013
Seriously...have you ever had ONE spouse? Why double up? 
[Edited 6/13/2016 5:17:45 PM ]
6/13/2016 5:24:52 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
More than one wife = More than one Mother-In-Law
6/13/2016 5:29:06 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
And rearranging the letters in "Mother In Law" = Woman Hitler 
[Edited 6/13/2016 5:29:45 PM ]
6/13/2016 7:05:15 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
High Place Leaders like Dennis Hastert are raping children .... in pediophile rings.
This is the proof of convicted high ranking child rapists ... who just walk away when confronted on media.
They are what people are claiming .. unless it is Bill Clinton that is being accused.
then his taco sauce licking wife defends him .... apparently cause she knows what it is like to be f**ked by daddy.
Such sex abuse for girls makes them very loyal.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
Banned in Britain: saville 9th circle
Published on Nov 25, 2014
BE AWARE - DIS-INFORMATION AGENTS ARE POSTING ON THE COMMENT SECTION - these people are one of two things, either employed by the state to dis-credit or brainwashed paedophille sympathizers. This is a war, and be brave, educated, and be ready to fight these monsters, and some of us are ready to sacrifice to destroy the monsters inside the Britsh Establishment.
This just jaw dropping production by Russell Burtons trully deserve's recognition. I've uploaded it with the Banned in Britain title to encourage more to view. The Heart of the British Government have covered up these paedophilles for years, actually decades, lets not them forget, we know what you did and we will not stand silent.
Treason is treason.
Please remain peaceful, join us in Lawful Rebellion and lets bring these so n so's to justice. Voilence and destruction will play into their hands.
6/13/2016 8:07:14 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
One woman is more than enough trouble for any man.
6/13/2016 8:26:03 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
Me not interested
6/13/2016 10:20:59 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Longmont, CO
48, joined Oct. 2013
More than one wife = More than one Mother-In-Law

6/14/2016 7:16:03 AM |
What about polygamy? |


Virginia Beach, VA
95, joined Jan. 2016
Not my thing...
some people say ti works fine for 'them'. who am I to disagree on their choices.
6/14/2016 7:31:24 AM |
What about polygamy? |

New Port Richey, FL
80, joined Aug. 2013
you're a wh*re, OP!!!!
6/14/2016 9:06:35 AM |
What about polygamy? |

72, joined Aug. 2014
6/14/2016 6:36:49 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
What about polygamy ?
6/14/2016 6:50:04 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
Not my thing...
some people say ti works fine for 'them'. who am I to disagree on their choices.
... I fully agree.
Some now or in the past 'Mormons' (etc.) have had more then one wife,
but they accept that as a religious thing, more women working the house
business / children, etc. Some times living on a productive farm.
Its a kind of a cooperative relationship.
I say... Each to their own !
Oh... some arabs / muslims men have many wives, if they can afford them.
6/14/2016 7:05:52 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
More than one wife = More than one Mother-In-Law
Thou Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor .. Neighbors Wife ... Neighbors Cow.
God of Abraham is NOT A HYPOCRITE ... God follows the rules HE wrote.
Go f**k a free range camel, goat or a cow ... Just not one belonging to your Neighbor.
Dennis Hastert has sex with his son .. the Orlando Shooter was also a** raped by his father for the same religion.
God of Abraham knows who to save the world with his only begotten son and NOT with someones wife....
NO condoms .. Ayatollah in the Vatican approved.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
6/14/2016 7:48:51 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Jeannette, PA
58, joined Dec. 2013
What about polygamy?
I was a married man with two daughters.
That's the LAST time I reside with three pre-menstral females! 
[Edited 6/14/2016 7:49:35 PM ]
6/14/2016 8:09:33 PM |
What about polygamy? |


El Paso, TX
41, joined Feb. 2014
Seriously...have you ever had ONE spouse? Why double up? 
Right? I don't even want the wife I have!
6/14/2016 8:11:07 PM |
What about polygamy? |


El Paso, TX
41, joined Feb. 2014
I was a married man with two daughters.
That's the LAST time I reside with three pre-menstral females! 
I have at least 6 years before I have to deal with my youngest being pre menstral!
6/14/2016 8:26:14 PM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
I said it wouldn't work.
6/14/2016 10:41:27 PM |
What about polygamy? |

Twin Falls, ID
49, joined Jul. 2012
I actually get this proposal of sorts a lot. To each their own. I am not a sister wife nor do I want to be. 
you're from Utah right
6/14/2016 11:48:08 PM |
What about polygamy? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
6/15/2016 1:23:21 AM |
What about polygamy? |

Grand Prairie, TX
98, joined May. 2016
Nope..one man would be enough and I don't want sister wives....
6/15/2016 8:30:13 AM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
Polygamy was the perfect system for originals before caucees came on the scene. But the caucs colonized everyone, rewriting the holy books and reestablished laws to benefit their needs and desires. Polygamy wouldn't work today because it was a sacred institution among the African people. Too many of us now are too drunk off the koolaid and we conform to caucees system. Polygamy can't work under such moral contamination that exists today. Homosexuality, beastiality, sodomy and all sexual perversions are all of the caucee culture, not Africans, until we started getting drunk from the koolaid. Now, many of us follow their culture unfortunately.
6/15/2016 8:36:19 AM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
It's no longer a safe practice because of all the std's and outbreaks circulating worldwide. You don't know who's doing what with whom or what.
6/15/2016 8:58:30 AM |
What about polygamy? |


Jeannette, PA
58, joined Dec. 2013
I have at least 6 years before I have to deal with my youngest being pre menstral! 
Start construction on your man cave in the basement right now. Install a pool table, a wet bar, and make sure it's fully stocked.
Find the heaviest deadbolt and put it on the door. Make sure you take the dog down with you. Stay until the storm passes.
It's no longer a safe practice because of all the std's and outbreaks circulating worldwide. You don't know who's doing what with whom or what.
Who wants to hear "No I have a headache" 9 times? 
[Edited 6/15/2016 9:00:06 AM ]
6/15/2016 10:36:42 AM |
What about polygamy? |
Phoenix, AZ
53, joined Dec. 2013
I don't care. It's your life.
6/15/2016 5:58:18 PM |
What about polygamy? |

Boone, NC
47, joined Jan. 2012
It can't work anymore. Why? Because it's a sacred institution. Everyone and everything is perverted now. Like playing with a loaded  gun. STDs, cheap broke parents who can't afford to take care of their kids, parents who won't or can't spend quality time with their kids, women hating each other. How can it work? As long as a man takes care of all his children, and he can afford it, he can sire as many children with as many women as he likes. But for a woman, 1 or 2 is enough. Why? Because she can't control 10 baby daddies babies. Use common sense. If my bf wanted another kid, he better go find somebody else to make it with, shoot.
are you talking about?
6/15/2016 6:27:26 PM |
What about polygamy? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
It's no longer a safe practice because of all the std's and outbreaks circulating worldwide. You don't know who's doing what with whom or what.
Ironically, for all you ranting about whitey being to blame, like a typical black, it was an AFRICAN-AMERICAN that was diagnosed with the first recorded case of HIV, which was contracted when the victim molested a monkey.
I suppose you will blame whitey for that, too, though.
But, I do want to thank you for clearing up why black males are always players and have multiple women with bunches of children they can't afford to support.
Guess that just proves evolution isn't actually possible, since they really haven't changed from their polygamous ancestors.
Now, of we could just figure out a way to get them to have multiple forms of "gainful employment".....