4/22/2017 1:43:02 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
Neil deGrasse Tyson Delivers Dire Warning About Having Science-Deniers in Power
April 22, 2017 By Allen Clifton
When you have people who don’t know much about science, standing in denial of it, and rising to power, that is a recipe for a complete dismantling of our informed democracy.
His statement was followed by a clip of then-Rep. Mike Pence saying, “Let us demand that educators around America teach evolution, not as fact, but as theory.”
It’s a terrifying thought to know that we have an administration, and a party with the majority control of Congress, that, as a collective, doubt or deny indisputable scientific facts like evolution and human-caused climate change. That there are millions of people who’d have no problem voting for politicians who’d publicly declare their belief that the Earth is 6000-years-old, evolution is a myth, and climate change is a hoax. That it’s 2017 and we are still battling religious fanatics who, just as they have for centuries, continue to deny provable scientific facts.
In 1600, Giordano Bruno was burned alive by the Catholic Church, not because he doubted the existence of God, but because he felt their version of God was too small. He dared to say the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe and that there were likely an infinite number of other galaxies containing many other planets and suns. He was literally sentenced to death by Pope Clement VIII — because he spoke about scientific facts religious fanatics refused to believe.
Here we are, 417 years later, and we’re still dealing with people in powerful positions who continue to deny science.
Though Tyson isn’t just talking about those on the far-right who reject scientific facts. The video also clearly calls out the “anti-vaxxers” who deny overwhelmingly accepted medical science, insisting vaccines cause various health issues in children, including autism.
“You can’t say, ‘I choose not to believe in E=mc2,’” Tyson stated. “You don’t have that option! When you have an established, scientific emerging truth it is true whether or not you believe in it.”
“The sooner you understand that, the faster we can get on with the political conversations about how to solve the problems that face us,” he added. “Recognize what science is, and allow it to be what it can and should be: In the service of civilization.”
It goes back to the often-used saying about facts being real whether or not someone wants to believe in them. Being in denial about something that’s factual doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just means those denying science are making the conscious effort to not believe it.
The absurd denial that humans are driving climate change we’re seeing by most Republicans isn’t going to stop global temperatures from getting warmer, droughts from becoming worse, or sea levels rising. One of these days large parts of Florida, as well as many other coastal areas, are going to be under water. Though once we reach that level, it’s going to be too late to do anything about it.
Just like irrationally fearing vaccines isn’t going to keep children safer when we see outbreaks of diseases we haven’t seen in decades killing children all over the country.
Here’s a simple saying everyone should take with them: The absence of 100 percent scientific consensus doesn’t disprove scientific fact.
By that I mean, just because 1-3 percent of scientists might disagree with elements of an overwhelmingly accepted fact, that doesn’t mean it’s not true. There are always going to be “sources” out there who claim some sort of fact isn’t real. There are highly educated people in this world who think dinosaurs and humans lived together, that the moon landing wasn’t real, and smoking isn’t dangerous. An overwhelming scientifically accepted fact didn’t become so haphazardly. It took years of research, by many of the smartest people on the planet, testing and retesting theories before something becomes widely accepted as factual within the scientific community.
As I wrote a few weeks ago, human beings are going to be the most intelligent, as well as the dumbest, species to inhabit this planet. We’ll likely be the most intellectual form of life to ever dominate this planet, but also the first to cause its own extinction. And the tragic part of this story is we know it — and we can take steps to prevent it — yet too many refuse to do what’s necessary to save the only planet we have.
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4/22/2017 2:02:00 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013

F**K science!
As long as we can get another 100 years outta dis b*tch, we'll all be dead we got ours!!!
4/22/2017 2:07:09 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
"Let us demand that educators around America teach evolution, not as fact, but as theory.”
Holy f**k. How do these idiots get elected? Oh yeah, the country is full of f**king idiots.
4/22/2017 2:13:17 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
If i appear an idiot to
Prog. I am on track to being
4/22/2017 2:15:17 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
I'll never forget my biology glass the day the teacher discussed our origins.
Paraphrased, of course:
There are 3 popular theories as to how we got here. 1) We evolved, 2) Someone created us and 3) Aliens put us here. Any questions?
I was like WTF?! He explained that he had to teach something but wasn't going to get in to a pissing match with people about creations v evolution. We did have a pretty good size community of religious nutjobs and many were on the school board.
4/22/2017 2:16:57 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
If i appear an idiot to
Prog. I am on track to being
If my opinion matters to you, you should probably find a friend or two.
4/22/2017 2:18:56 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
so, that dipshit's goal is to be an idiot?
The thing is, he's not just putting on, he IS an idiot.
4/22/2017 2:30:37 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
It's not just the evolution deniers or the climate
change deniers.
It's the anti-vaxers too.
4/22/2017 2:32:10 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
Neil deGrasse Tyson also believes we are living in a computer simulation!
4/22/2017 2:34:36 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
It's not just the evolution deniers or the climate
change deniers.
It's the anti-vaxers too.
At least there is some actual things to be concerned with in regards to vaccines. We give way too many for things we shouldn't really be vaccinating for. And then there's the whole distrust of the pharmaceutical industry, and rightly so. So I can actually understand the negative opinion of vaccines. It's just that a lot of these anti-vaxers don't realize that we don't have polio because the majority of people got vaccinated for it. If not enough people get vaccinated, it doesn't go away.
But seriously, a vaccine for chicken pox? Just force your kids to play ookie mouth, like Kyle's mom.
4/22/2017 2:34:59 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
Neil deGrasse Tyson also believes we are living in a computer simulation!
No he doesn't. Get your facts right.
YEAH!! F**K vaccinations! And where did this bullshit that it causes autism come from?
[Edited 4/22/2017 2:35:41 PM ]
4/22/2017 2:39:35 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
On one hand, I can get the part about not really trusting big pharma.
On the other hand, vaccines have a proven track record.
There's a whole host of things we no longer have to fear and
deal with because of them.
At least there is some actual things to be concerned with in regards to vaccines. We give way too many for things we shouldn't really be vaccinating for. And then there's the whole distrust of the pharmaceutical industry, and rightly so. So I can actually understand the negative opinion of vaccines. It's just that a lot of these anti-vaxers don't realize that we don't have polio because the majority of people got vaccinated for it. If not enough people get vaccinated, it doesn't go away.
But seriously, a vaccine for chicken pox? Just force your kids to play ookie mouth, like Kyle's mom.
4/22/2017 2:45:35 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
On one hand, I can get the part about not really trusting big pharma.
On the other hand, vaccines have a proven track record.
There's a whole host of things we no longer have to fear and
deal with because of them.
Certain things it is absolutely necessary to vaccinate for. But vaccinating for some of the things they do now I think actually does more harm in the long run. A lot of the new vaccines kids get are for things that are not life threatening or even something that will potentially alter their ability to lead a normal life. Just doesn't seem necessary.
But anti-vaxers want none at all. That's f**kin crazy. It's like they pick the wrong fights. You shouldn't give up on vaccines, you should demand we vaccinate kids for only the necessary things. And like with climate change. A lot of people don't like the government and it's favortism with clean energy companies. I can understand that as well. A lot of solar companies used cashed in on rebates and then turned around and bankrupted the company before they had to start replacing panels from the US degradation. But then they don't want any regulations at all. It's all or nothing with these people. It makes no sense.
[Edited 4/22/2017 2:46:02 PM ]
4/22/2017 3:16:17 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
At least there is some actual things to be concerned with in regards to vaccines. We give way too many for things we shouldn't really be vaccinating for. And then there's the whole distrust of the pharmaceutical industry, and rightly so. So I can actually understand the negative opinion of vaccines. It's just that a lot of these anti-vaxers don't realize that we don't have polio because the majority of people got vaccinated for it. If not enough people get vaccinated, it doesn't go away.
But seriously, a vaccine for chicken pox? Just force your kids to play ookie mouth, like Kyle's mom.
Polio was spread by coming into contact with feces back before cities had sanitation systems.
It would be rare here in the USA today even if vaccines had never been invented!
4/22/2017 3:22:03 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
No he doesn't. Get your facts right.
 YEAH!! F**K vaccinations!  And where did this bullshit that it causes autism come from?
Here is the proof shriveled nuts!
Maybe you should get your facts straight before running off at the keyboard.
PS I am enough of an intellectual that I understand that theory and it could very well be possible.
4/22/2017 3:28:07 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
b*tch, I don't need your link. I've followed NDT for years! He doesn't BELIEVE we live in a f**king computer.
How bout this, YOU get YOUR facts straight.
4/22/2017 3:31:17 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
Oh please.
Talk about taking shit out of context. 
Here is the proof shriveled nuts!
Maybe you should get your facts straight before running off at the keyboard.
PS I am enough of an intellectual that I understand that theory and it could very well be possible.
4/22/2017 3:36:29 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
EH, but then again, look at what they were duped by.
It's yuge, YUUUUUUUGE!!
Believe me!
Lock her up! Lock her up!
I can defeat ISIS in 30 days! I know more then the generals.
OK, I'm nauseas now.
4/22/2017 3:38:46 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
It's not just the evolution deniers or the climate
change deniers.
It's the anti-vaxers too.
All shots have to be given before a child can enter public schools.
Maybe a reason why some homeschool.
My daughter got the shots spread out over a course of years.
Not all at once in three visits, like they recommend.
We kept going to the doctors office over a dozen times, getting one at a time, doing research on each of them.
Waiting till she got a little older for the most dangerous ones.
Don't know if it did any good.
But it didn't hurt.
She is in the top of her class in kindergarten.
[Edited 4/22/2017 3:41:17 PM ]
4/22/2017 3:52:26 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
As with everything liberals touch, they go to far with crap. This administration is taking us back to reality. The more shit the EPA made up the more funding they got and didn't do a damned thing worth what they were paid except drive prices up for businesses.
4/22/2017 3:57:07 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
On one hand, I can get the part about not really trusting big pharma.
On the other hand, vaccines have a proven track record.
There's a whole host of things we no longer have to fear and
deal with because of them.
At least there is some actual things to be concerned with in regards to vaccines. We give way too many for things we shouldn't really be vaccinating for. And then there's the whole distrust of the pharmaceutical industry, and rightly so. So I can actually understand the negative opinion of vaccines. It's just that a lot of these anti-vaxers don't realize that we don't have polio because the majority of people got vaccinated for it. If not enough people get vaccinated, it doesn't go away.
But seriously, a vaccine for chicken pox? Just force your kids to play ookie mouth, like Kyle's mom.
Gotta' love the cash cow by libtard crooks.
I have only ever gotten the polio and chicken pox vaccine, NEVER took a flue shot and never will. The only other time people need vaccines is if they travel to these filthy countries that have socialism and communism.
Just like with the dogs, they found a money loophole and they are milking it for all it is worth. If they stop letting all these fkn foreigners in here from diseased countries, we wouldn't need all this shit. Just like the dogs, you will get cancer and/or kidney failure from over vaccination.
4/22/2017 4:02:51 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
If my opinion matters to you, you should probably find a friend or two.
Unfortunately all of my friends are a bunch of a**holes.
4/22/2017 4:02:56 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
[Edited 4/22/2017 4:03:11 PM ]
4/22/2017 4:50:14 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
if only the world could survive without science f**k that stupid a** n**ger
4/22/2017 4:51:26 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Bloomingdale, GA
52, joined Dec. 2014
'cause science can't be corrupted 
4/22/2017 5:06:11 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
 b*tch, I don't need your link. I've followed NDT for years! He doesn't BELIEVE we live in a f**king computer.
How bout this, YOU get YOUR facts straight.
If we are in a computer, most on here would agree with me that you are a corrupted file!
4/22/2017 5:07:15 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Mobile, AL
84, joined Mar. 2013
If we are in a computer, most on here would agree with me that you are a corrupted file!
4/22/2017 6:35:34 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
'cause science can't be corrupted 
You suggesting the theory of gravity is corrupt?
4/22/2017 7:30:34 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
'cause science can't be corrupted 
Of course it can.
Well, scientists can be at any rate.
How else do you think the oil companies
could hire scientists to convince people
that it's all a hoax?
Tobacco companies did the same thing when their
scientists said smoking won't cause cancer.
The oil companies also hired scientists to
tell you all that lead building up in the
environment was "naturally occurring"
Sound familiar?
4/22/2017 7:33:30 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
If we are in a computer, most on here would agree with me that you are a corrupted file!
If monkey shot out of my ass, I'd be a millionaire. Dah f**k's your point?
4/22/2017 8:30:47 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |
Crescent City, CA
41, joined Dec. 2016
Neil deGrasse Tyson Delivers Dire Warning About Having Science-Deniers in Power
April 22, 2017 By Allen Clifton
When you have people who don’t know much about science, standing in denial of it, and rising to power, that is a recipe for a complete dismantling of our informed democracy.
His statement was followed by a clip of then-Rep. Mike Pence saying, “Let us demand that educators around America teach evolution, not as fact, but as theory.”
It’s a terrifying thought to know that we have an administration, and a party with the majority control of Congress, that, as a collective, doubt or deny indisputable scientific facts like evolution and human-caused climate change. That there are millions of people who’d have no problem voting for politicians who’d publicly declare their belief that the Earth is 6000-years-old, evolution is a myth, and climate change is a hoax. That it’s 2017 and we are still battling religious fanatics who, just as they have for centuries, continue to deny provable scientific facts.
In 1600, Giordano Bruno was burned alive by the Catholic Church, not because he doubted the existence of God, but because he felt their version of God was too small. He dared to say the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe and that there were likely an infinite number of other galaxies containing many other planets and suns. He was literally sentenced to death by Pope Clement VIII — because he spoke about scientific facts religious fanatics refused to believe.
Here we are, 417 years later, and we’re still dealing with people in powerful positions who continue to deny science.
Though Tyson isn’t just talking about those on the far-right who reject scientific facts. The video also clearly calls out the “anti-vaxxers” who deny overwhelmingly accepted medical science, insisting vaccines cause various health issues in children, including autism.
“You can’t say, ‘I choose not to believe in E=mc2,’” Tyson stated. “You don’t have that option! When you have an established, scientific emerging truth it is true whether or not you believe in it.”
“The sooner you understand that, the faster we can get on with the political conversations about how to solve the problems that face us,” he added. “Recognize what science is, and allow it to be what it can and should be: In the service of civilization.”
It goes back to the often-used saying about facts being real whether or not someone wants to believe in them. Being in denial about something that’s factual doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just means those denying science are making the conscious effort to not believe it.
The absurd denial that humans are driving climate change we’re seeing by most Republicans isn’t going to stop global temperatures from getting warmer, droughts from becoming worse, or sea levels rising. One of these days large parts of Florida, as well as many other coastal areas, are going to be under water. Though once we reach that level, it’s going to be too late to do anything about it.
Just like irrationally fearing vaccines isn’t going to keep children safer when we see outbreaks of diseases we haven’t seen in decades killing children all over the country.
Here’s a simple saying everyone should take with them: The absence of 100 percent scientific consensus doesn’t disprove scientific fact.
By that I mean, just because 1-3 percent of scientists might disagree with elements of an overwhelmingly accepted fact, that doesn’t mean it’s not true. There are always going to be “sources” out there who claim some sort of fact isn’t real. There are highly educated people in this world who think dinosaurs and humans lived together, that the moon landing wasn’t real, and smoking isn’t dangerous. An overwhelming scientifically accepted fact didn’t become so haphazardly. It took years of research, by many of the smartest people on the planet, testing and retesting theories before something becomes widely accepted as factual within the scientific community.
As I wrote a few weeks ago, human beings are going to be the most intelligent, as well as the dumbest, species to inhabit this planet. We’ll likely be the most intellectual form of life to ever dominate this planet, but also the first to cause its own extinction. And the tragic part of this story is we know it — and we can take steps to prevent it — yet too many refuse to do what’s necessary to save the only planet we have.
My bet is with evolution. But, I think the fuss is becuase science has never reproduced life from all their vaccum experiments. So,there is still a gap...Nevertheless if they succeeded then I must of been sleeping that day..
4/22/2017 8:33:07 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
My bet is with evolution. But, I think the fuss is becuase science has never reproduced life from all their vaccum experiments. So,there is still a gap...Nevertheless if they succeeded then I must of been sleeping that day..
Evolution has nothing to do with reproducing life I a vacuum. The Theory of Evolution explains evolution, not the origin of life.
4/22/2017 8:36:58 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
Abiogenesis is the studies on how life began.
4/22/2017 8:39:04 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |
Crescent City, CA
41, joined Dec. 2016
Evolution has nothing to do with reproducing life I a vacuum. The Theory of Evolution explains evolution, not the origin of life.
Sure, but I would still consider it part of the reason for the resistance.
I could be wrong, but I thought there were gaps in evolution as well..
4/22/2017 8:43:34 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Quote from ultrabrat007:Sure, but I would still consider it part of the reason for the resistance.
I could be wrong, but I thought there were gaps in evolution as well..
Not hence theory. There are no gaps in the theory of gravity, or atomic theory. That's not why they are called theories. And there aren't gaps in evolution. There are gaps in the evolutionary history of all the species that lived on this planet, but that would be expected considering the circumstances.
4/22/2017 8:58:26 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
The first thing people need to get through their heads
is that theory is not a level of certainty in the progression
from guessing to becoming a fact.
Theory in the scientific community is the explanation
for an observable fact.
Gravity, using Progs example, is an observable fact.
You hold something up, let go of it, it falls to
the ground.
This is a fact.
You can see it, you can reproduce, no matter who
does it, that's what happens.
"Theory" is the explanation of why that's happening.
There's a lot of different theories on what gravity
But just because there's a lot of theories, that doesn't
change the fact that objects drop to the ground.
4/22/2017 9:52:06 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
The first thing people need to get through their heads
is that theory is not a level of certainty in the progression
from guessing to becoming a fact.
Theory in the scientific community is the explanation
for an observable fact.
Gravity, using Progs example, is an observable fact.
You hold something up, let go of it, it falls to
the ground.
This is a fact.
You can see it, you can reproduce, no matter who
does it, that's what happens.
"Theory" is the explanation of why that's happening.
There's a lot of different theories on what gravity
But just because there's a lot of theories, that doesn't
change the fact that objects drop to the ground.
Evolution is not provable. There is not ONE observable case of it. NOT ONE!
4/22/2017 9:54:37 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Evolution is not provable. There is not ONE observable case of it. NOT ONE!
There are actual several. Scientists witnessed a new species of virus in a lab, there are several new species of plants that have evolved.... we have literally observed speciation.
4/22/2017 9:59:33 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
A lot of similar experiments with bacteria and fruit flies as well.
But creationists just keep parroting the same mantra and refuse to look
at the actual evidence.
[Edited 4/22/2017 10:01:00 PM ]
4/22/2017 10:04:19 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
There are actual several. Scientists witnessed a new species of virus in a lab, there are several new species of plants that have evolved.... we have literally observed speciation.
Links? Proof? Just going to pull shit out of your a** fling it till it sticks somewhere?
There is some change within a "kind" but other than that but there are no new species!
You might see unicorns in your doped up world but that doesn't make them real!
4/22/2017 10:06:31 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
A lot of similar experiments with bacteria and fruit flies as well.
But creationists just keep parroting the same mantra and refuse to look
at the actual evidence.
ahh Mulgoon, scientists experimenting and inserting genes is not "evolution". Evolution has to happen on its own.
Or are you saying there is a higher power that manipulated things in times past????
4/22/2017 10:13:23 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Quote from herc117:
Links? Proof? Just going to pull shit out of your a** fling it till it sticks somewhere?
There is some change within a "kind" but other than that but there are no new species!
You might see unicorns in your doped up world but that doesn't make them real!
You know how Google works right? Use it you lazy piece of shit.
4/22/2017 10:16:36 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |
Crescent City, CA
41, joined Dec. 2016
A lot of similar experiments with bacteria and fruit flies as well.
But creationists just keep parroting the same mantra and refuse to look
at the actual evidence.
The famous observation of the aphid or fruitfly growing wings to escape death. Did they also prove that it was an absolute random mutation or was the change due to a genetic expression already existing? If already existing in the species then they proved nothing...
Thats what I'd be curious about...
And what on Earth is a platipus supposed to be..

[Edited 4/22/2017 10:17:29 PM ]
4/22/2017 10:16:52 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Section 5 if you're looking for examples. If you're looking to actually learn something, read the rest. If you'd rather stick your head comfortably back up your ass, feel free.
4/22/2017 10:26:22 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
ahh Mulgoon, scientists experimenting and inserting genes is not "evolution". Evolution has to happen on its own.
Or are you saying there is a higher power that manipulated things in times past????
Evolution is still evolution regardless if it's
through natural selection or artificial selection.
But there's natural selection examples as well.
Take the salamander.
They've found salamanders living deep underground
that took a different evolutionary path.
They no longer have eyes and they've lost their
pigment in their skin.
They're still salamanders, but they've been isolated
so long from the rest of the salamander species that
they're no longer genetically compatible.
(that means they can't mate and produce offspring for the illiterate)
4/23/2017 2:27:50 AM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
If my opinion matters to you, you should probably find a friend or two.
If they believe that there is no gravity, and only their weight keeps them tethered to the planet, then that would go a long way towards explaining why so many of them are so fat and obese. 
4/23/2017 2:43:08 AM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Huntingdon, TN
41, joined Apr. 2015
I enjoy Tyson and science for the most part until you get to the cult nut jobs, just as in religion.
the premises of science is that there must be observable evidence and testing before any conclusions are made.
This is just not the case with the theory of evolution.
There has never been observable evidence or testing on the MACRO level dealing with a "change of kind".
So what you are currently dealing with is a faith based indoctrination that starts at kindergarten and in some cases earlier that uses science proven track record to carry this "faith driven belief" to be a standard.
just as with religion.
[Edited 4/23/2017 2:45:21 AM ]
4/23/2017 3:43:17 AM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Roslindale, MA
38, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Who's more high right now, Neil, Muldoon, or prog ? Lol
4/23/2017 11:01:06 AM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
When I was a kid I grew up watching men land on the moon
and figured by 2017 we'd be on Mars.
Not marching trying to protect science from idiots.
4/23/2017 11:04:01 AM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
I enjoy Tyson and science for the most part until you get to the cult nut jobs, just as in religion.
the premises of science is that there must be observable evidence and testing before any conclusions are made.
This is just not the case with the theory of evolution.
There has never been observable evidence or testing on the MACRO level dealing with a "change of kind".
So what you are currently dealing with is a faith based indoctrination that starts at kindergarten and in some cases earlier that uses science proven track record to carry this "faith driven belief" to be a standard.
just as with religion.
Wrong. We've observed speciation. We literally have seen one species evolve into another. End of story.
Evolution is a much of faith based science as the theory of gravity is. If you dont think evolution is scientific fact, then you also must question gravity. Seems pretty stupid to me to question gravity, but whatever.
4/23/2017 11:11:33 AM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
When I was a kid I grew up watching men land on the moon
and figured by 2017 we'd be on Mars.
Not marching trying to protect science from idiots.
There was an assembly when I was in grade school and NASA reps came in to get us excited for going to Mars. They said that by the time we were grown, we would be sending the first people to Mars.
We may have been the first to the moon, but I have a feeling we won't be the first to Mars. SpaceX is now our only hope.
4/23/2017 12:22:53 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
Intelligent design isn't all that intelligent either.
There are several things that make no sense from an
"intelligent" design point of view.
The salamander that I brought up in an earlier post
for example.
If this eyeless salamander was "created", why
have an eyeless creature that has eye sockets in
its skull?
Our sinuses drain from the top.
If you want to drain something, the top
is kind of dumb place to put it.
The nerve that controls our lower larynx
runs from our brain, down around our lung and
heart area back up to our throat.
Wouldn't it have been a more efficient "design"
to have it run directly from the spinal cortex
to the larynx?
These things only make sense from an evolutionary perspective
as various things get co-opted for other uses.
4/23/2017 12:24:49 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
The nerve that controls our lower larynx
runs from our brain, down around our lung and
heart area back up to our throat.
Wouldn't it have been a more efficient "design"
to have it run directly from the spinal cortex
to the larynx?
And it runs the same way in a giraffe. Seems pretty inefficient for intelligent design, but it makes complete sense in evolution.
4/23/2017 12:45:01 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
Then of course there's vestigial leftovers.
Goose bumps for example.
Why design a reflex that serves no purpose?
The reflex is supposed to "fluff" out our fur
to create a larger insulation barrier for
when it gets cold.
But we don't have any fur, so what's the point?
[Edited 4/23/2017 12:45:25 PM ]
4/23/2017 1:02:00 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
The temperature has gotten warmer the past few decades. However, since the fall of the Roman empire we have seen temperature swings a bunch of times. Whether or not man is causing the current warm period is still subjective and unfortunately we won't know for sure until much more time has passed. Look at the chart and determine for yourself.

4/23/2017 1:04:58 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vancouver, WA
34, joined May. 2014
The temperature has gotten warmer the past few decades. However, since the fall of the Roman empire we have seen temperature swings a bunch of times. Whether or not man is causing the current warm period is still subjective and unfortunately we won't know for sure until much more time has passed. Look at the chart and determine for yourself.

It's a combination of the earths wobble, and sun spots, prove me wrong, I dare ya.
4/23/2017 1:09:20 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Loganville, GA
54, joined May. 2010
It's a combination of the earths wobble, and sun spots, prove me wrong, I dare ya.
That's the problem. It's subjective still. I can't prove you wrong or right. It will take many more years to determine this.
4/23/2017 1:09:43 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
Well yes, but the central England curve seems a bit
of an outlier and appears to cover only a specific region.
The other lines look fairly uniform and show a pretty sharp
rise beginning roughly at the time of the industrial revolution.
4/23/2017 1:10:00 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
It's a combination of the earths wobble, and sun spots, prove me wrong, I dare ya.
Well, I'm not going to prove you wrong, but I do have a question. It's my understanding that the earth's climate has pretty much mirrored the suns solar output. The more solar output, the warmer the planet. So why is the Earth warming currently when the current solar cycle indicates less solar output?
[Edited 4/23/2017 1:10:19 PM ]
4/23/2017 1:12:29 PM |
Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns About Having Science-Deniers In Charge |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Well, I'm not going to prove you wrong, but I do have a question. It's my understanding that the earth's climate has pretty much mirrored the suns solar output. The more solar output, the warmer the planet. So why is the Earth warming currently when the current solar cycle indicates less solar output?
But why is the earth cooling
If our increased carbon footprint is causing warming?