6/17/2017 6:37:46 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
That one girl who kept urging her bf to kill himself, when he was hesitating, got found guilty by a judge. I think it was second degree involuntary manslaughter, if I am not mistaken.
I wonder why in the world she took the bench trial instead of having jury. A jury would have been like "awwwww poor wittle girl. girlz are innocent". Like the guy on the radio is saying, if it were a boy convincing a girl to do it, nobody would feel bad for him at all when being found guilty.
I agree with some others that she'll probably just be given probation because of the hugely unfair double standard letting girls get away with evil behavior because of their gender.
Anyway, just curious if people think she should get time or not. It's the case where she was telling her bf on her phone (I forget if it was by text or voice) to go through with his suicide and he did. She was 17 and I believe he was 18.
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6/17/2017 8:17:19 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
I'm not decided for sure. The reports I've heard about it all, said that she was as messed up as the guy was. It's not a matter of saying "aw, poor little whatever" for me, it's a matter of doing something that actually makes sense, and preferably that accomplishes something positive. I don't find that imprisoning mentally ill people does anything to help mental illness, but I do think they should be placed into situations where they wont cause more injury to others.
When I first heard about this, it sounded like an egotistical narcissist had thoughtlessly driven an unstable person to kill themselves, and I was ready to throw them over a cliff. But when I found out that she was as mentally disturbed as he was, I backed away from that first urge. Right now, it's sounding more like a suicide party scenario where only one of the people did the deed.
6/17/2017 5:35:44 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Criminals are always messed up ad unstable themselves. By your logic, there would be nobody locked up. Everyone I hear talking about it says she "is" a narcissist sociopath. Her gender actually makes it "more" likely she is guilty because women like feeling strong, due to biology having men more physically strong, so in my opinion she did it to feel like she had power over a man.
6/17/2017 9:29:30 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Criminals are always messed up ad unstable themselves. By your logic, there would be nobody locked up. Everyone I hear talking about it says she "is" a narcissist sociopath. Her gender actually makes it "more" likely she is guilty because women like feeling strong, due to biology having men more physically strong, so in my opinion she did it to feel like she had power over a man.
You are jumping to the wrong conclusions again. I didn't say that nothing should happen to someone who commits a nasty act because they are mentally unwell.
And, you have only your own prejudices or biased fantasies, to support your assertion that "Her gender actually makes it "more" likely she is guilty because women like feeling strong, due to biology having men more physically strong."
6/17/2017 10:31:25 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
She encouraged someone to kill himself and he eventually did. She took advantage of a weak and disturbed individual. She SHOULD go to prison but she'll get probation because she'll cry and say she's sorry and she didn't think he'd really do it. If a guy did that he'd get at least ten years without parole. She's sick and ought to be evaluated for a mental disorder and perhaps be involuntarily committed. This girl is a serious nutcase, but she'll get a lot of sympathy because she's a girl. She'll have to admit to this conviction on every job application she ever fills out though so it may well adversely effect her employment opportunities.
6/17/2017 11:06:48 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
You are jumping to the wrong conclusions again. I didn't say that nothing should happen to someone who commits a nasty act because they are mentally unwell.
And, you have only your own prejudices or biased fantasies, to support your assertion that "Her gender actually makes it "more" likely she is guilty because women like feeling strong, due to biology having men more physically strong."
Nope. Her actions are the evidence.
6/18/2017 7:04:49 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Well, we'll soon see if your predictions that she will walk free because she's a girl prove to be true. So far, you're wrong. She wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity, or not guilty because she's cute, she was found flat out GUILTY.
6/18/2017 7:14:03 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |
Lisle, IL
40, joined May. 2017
test sign up is correct ...double 3 is wrong.
6/18/2017 7:22:35 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
Nope. I'm always right. And like I said in the first post, her having a bench trial instead of jury trial explains why she was found guilty. Since she's 18+ now, she should go out with me, though.
I think all reasonable people should want her to get some sentence, not the max. Unless a guy would have got the max.... then she should.
[Edited 6/18/2017 7:23:14 AM ]
6/18/2017 10:30:41 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
Test is right, she's GUILTY, but there still is a huge double standard for women. I say the threat of a light slap on the wrist if she does it again (Maybe) and probation. I say that guilty or not she walks.
6/18/2017 10:33:27 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
If you know EVERYTHING double, then you're admitting that you're a woman yourself because only women know more than GOD! (And they all have a different set of facts! ) This babe out to get the max, but I still think she'll walk.
6/18/2017 10:46:24 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Test is right, she's GUILTY, but there still is a huge double standard for women. I say the threat of a light slap on the wrist if she does it again (Maybe) and probation. I say that guilty or not she walks.
I agree that there are tons of double standards in our society, and that females benefit from some. I only disagree with people who I think go overboard about it, and claim that the entire legal system actively supports the double standard.
After all, there's a huge double standard in the legal system that lets rich people get away with wrist slaps, while us peasants get jail time and worse. And there are double standards that men benefit from all over the place as well. We still have an easier time getting credit, and being hired for certain kinds of jobs.
As for punishments in general, I try to be practical. Yes, I get just as furious at the bad guys as everyone else does, and when they wrong me, I'm just as likely to fantasize about shooting them in the face (or whatever) as anyone else is. But I stop and look at each case, and I try to figure out what will actually FIX something, or have a chance of doing so, as well as making sure that someone who has done wrong will be prevented from doing it again. I certainly hope this girl is given something more than a stern talking to and probation, but I'm not convinced that prison is a fix where it has (again) been established that she was herself in the same mental state as the guy who died.
6/18/2017 9:19:16 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Picher, OK
46, joined Sep. 2011
I ACTUALLY thought this post was to discuss the actions of a person and I thought goodie a real discussion but its just another women bashing thread.

I should of know it because of the OP.
6/19/2017 4:56:20 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
yeah, saying women should be held to the same standards as men sure is "bashing".
6/19/2017 5:56:53 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Enid, OK
58, joined Feb. 2010
While she might have been found "Guilty" it is doubtful that she will serve and time in jail. She will more than likely get probation and nothing more.
6/19/2017 7:34:14 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Houston, TX
50, joined Feb. 2017
She'll get off on appeal.
He was an adult, she was a minor, he killed himself...personal responsibility...he bought the generator, he put it in his truck, he sat in the truck...she texted him 
Stupid Americans always passing the buck.
[Edited 6/19/2017 7:34:41 AM ]
6/19/2017 10:03:24 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Ponchatoula, LA
98, joined Aug. 2015
Nope. I'm always right. And like I said in the first post, her having a bench trial instead of jury trial explains why she was found guilty. Since she's 18+ now, she should go out with me, though.
I think all reasonable people should want her to get some sentence, not the max. Unless a guy would have got the max.... then she should.
So basically what you are saying is that her punishment should be dating you. Guess that could be a scared straight tactic, but would never fly with a judge since your main objective would be to take advantage of someone mentally unstable.
6/19/2017 10:16:27 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Ponchatoula, LA
98, joined Aug. 2015
Anywho, I haven't followed the story except for bits here and there. I really don't think that she was a minor, or the fact she has a vagina has anything to do with it. The fact is she encouraged him to take his own life and did not try to get him help. She should go to jail, not pass go, not collect $200. It's obvious she has no clue of the value of human life or just simply doesn't care.
I agree that given our judicial system, she will probably just get probation and maybe some community service, and maybe about six months of one hour counseling per week with a social worker mixed in with 15 minutes of meeting with a head shrink to prescribe and monitor meds every 4 weeks all at taxpayers expense. Then she will quit taking them after probation is over and start self medicating with street drugs and booze, and probably be found choked on her own vomit in a roach infested sleazy motel room by the time she is 30. Then justice will be properly served.
6/19/2017 10:52:24 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Houston, TX
50, joined Feb. 2017
I really don't think that she was a minor,
Doesn't matter what you think, she was...17 at the time of the incident. Even so it doesn't really matter, the guy (an adult) is responsible for his own actions...no one else. It was HIS actions that led to HIS death..not her texts 
[Edited 6/19/2017 10:53:30 AM ]
6/19/2017 11:11:02 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Ponchatoula, LA
98, joined Aug. 2015
I really don't think that she was a minor,
Doesn't matter what you think, she was...17 at the time of the incident. Even so it doesn't really matter, the guy (an adult) is responsible for his own actions...no one else. It was HIS actions that led to HIS death..not her texts 
First off, bad sentence structure on my part. Ok. That was supposed to say I didn't think it matters that she was a minor or has a vagina in that first sentence. Sorry.
Second, I agree that he was responsible for his own actions.
BUT.., the fact remains that she knew damn well what he was doing and did not attempt to get him some type of help. How hard is it for someone to dial 911, or tell a parent what the hell is going on?
There are gazillion stories of toddlers calling 911 and saving others lives. Why couldn't a 17 yr old? She knew and instead of trying to help him, SHE F**KING ENCOURAGED HIM TO GO THROUGH WITH IT!
Guilty guilty guilty! Go to jail, directly to jail, do not pass GO! Do not collect $200.
The END!
6/19/2017 11:46:31 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Ponchatoula, LA
98, joined Aug. 2015
And one other thing. The law allows way too many catch 22's for 17 yr olds.
They can break the law, and be considered a minor. But yet, they can move out of their parents house and quit school and there isn't a damn thing a parent can do about it. But let the parent kick them out for drugs, alcohol, reckless behavior, and then the parent is a lawbreaker.
So minor or not, she's 17, she should know right from wrong, and she should have damn well at least notified police what he was up to.
I personally hope they slam the book at her and she rots.
6/19/2017 9:59:34 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
So basically what you are saying is that her punishment should be dating you. Guess that could be a scared straight tactic, but would never fly with a judge since your main objective would be to take advantage of someone mentally unstable.
No she should get a punishment of jail time, and then dating me would just be a perk for her just due to the state being nice.
6/19/2017 10:03:01 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
yeah, she was technically a minor, but seriously.... she was 17 and he was 18 and it would thus be dumb to act like one was more adult than the other. Besides, minors are tried as adults all the time, so someone being as close as shew as to legal age would surely be tried as an adult in most situations.
I think she should get a little time, plus the counseling etc.... I don't think she should get the 20 years, but neither should a guy in the same situation.
6/19/2017 11:04:15 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
What'd they give her? I haven't been paying attention. I hear Cosby got a hung jury. Looks like he'll walk, but with a very damaged reputation.
6/19/2017 11:12:03 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
What'd they give her? I haven't been paying attention. I hear Cosby got a hung jury. Looks like he'll walk, but with a very damaged reputation.
I don't think it's been said yet. She was allowed t stay out on bail until whenever she's sentenced, though. In this case, it was a trial by judge instead of jury. Like I was saying, it doesn't really make sense to choose a trial by judge because most judges used to be prosecutors, I think, so would be more likely to find people guilty.
6/19/2017 11:36:46 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Ponchatoula, LA
98, joined Aug. 2015
I don't think it's been said yet. She was allowed t stay out on bail until whenever she's sentenced, though. In this case, it was a trial by judge instead of jury. Like I was saying, it doesn't really make sense to choose a trial by judge because most judges used to be prosecutors, I think, so would be more likely to find people guilty.
I would think a jury would be more apt to convict her. And there is probably a lot more to it that would have came out in a jury trial, not to mention a jury trial is more costly.
6/20/2017 12:50:24 AM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Oct. 2013
I would think a jury would be more apt to convict her. And there is probably a lot more to it that would have came out in a jury trial, not to mention a jury trial is more costly.
I just feel like with 12 people deciding something, it's already hard enough to get them to agree on anything. And they would be more likely to fall for the whole "it's only an innocent little girl" crap. Notice how often good looking females don't get convicted.
6/21/2017 7:51:01 PM |
Suicide Girl Found Guilty |


Ponchatoula, LA
98, joined Aug. 2015
Interesting read that I just found in regard to this case.