7/27/2017 5:05:13 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Panama City, FL
64, joined Feb. 2008
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7/27/2017 5:06:17 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
oo, oo, I DO!!!!
7/27/2017 5:30:49 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
Very Bad.
Jews convinced Woodrow Wilson to turn the US money over to the Jewish Federal Reserve in 1912. The IRS was created in 1913 to collect money to pay the debt owed to the federal reserve.
Jews have owned us ever since!
7/27/2017 5:32:01 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
Very Bad.
Jews convinced Woodrow Wilson to turn the US money over to the Jewish Federal Reserve in 1912. The IRS was created in 1913 to collect money to pay the debt owed to the federal reserve.
Jews have owned us ever since!
His boyfriend longtits told him to post this.
7/27/2017 5:32:57 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
nobody A) believes that shit, Adolph or B) f**king cares.
Go find your goyfriend.
7/27/2017 5:35:37 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
His boyfriend longtits told him to post this.
Woodrow Wilson after creating the Federal Reserve said
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
~ Woodrow Wilson
He was talking about JEWZ
7/27/2017 5:48:11 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Too simple a question. One thing is historical truth: before we had a Federal Reserve system, the financial sector of the US was in such insane tumult all the time, the actual survival of the country was often in doubt. So, though I can find flaws in any element of the US government and it's non governmental tools, I oppose the people who want to blindly do away with them.
I have not come across anyone anywhere, who strongly opposes the existence of the Federal reserve, who EITHER actually understood it's real functions, OR who wasn't a paranoid basket case nut job.
They do occasionally find some deluded people who are fans of so-called free-market capitalism, who are willing to at least pretend to eagerly join in, in exchange for support for doing away with various other intelligent laws.
7/27/2017 5:50:59 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/27/2017 5:53:48 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Yes Truman was warning to stay clear of Returdlickers!!!
7/27/2017 6:01:41 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Who has a comment?
What has your brainwashing convinced you of?
You're already too dumb to understand anything about it or figure it out without years of education you'll never get.
7/27/2017 6:14:34 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
Yes Truman was warning to stay clear of Returdlickers!!!
Stop using that word. It makes you look as dumb as the idiots that say dumbocrats.
7/27/2017 11:54:19 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Herndon, VA
37, joined Mar. 2017
The federal reserve, had it's time
and place. Until, it's original charter
expired in the year 1811.
Since it's reanimation, during the first
half of the 20th century...
It's been as useless, as tits on a
bore hog.
7/28/2017 3:05:53 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Tampa, FL
60, joined Feb. 2013
The Federal Reserve controversy is a way for a faction of the right-wing to explain away why capitalism sucks without actually attacking capitalism. The supposed belief is that without the Federal Reserve, why capitalism would be a f**king paradise for one and all. Of course, it is never mentioned by Federal Reserve haters that the richest, ruling-class capitalists are the very people who want and need the Federal Reserve. It's their tool. If the leading capitalists didn't want a Federal Reserve, there wouldn't be one.
Eliminating the Federal Reserve would do nothing to make capitalism any less of rapefest of workers. Capitalism depends upon the virtual slavery of 90% of the world's people for its profits. That would not change at all.
Capitalists would be less able to loot trillions from the public till without the Federal Reserve, but as a percentage, they would be looting even more.
[Edited 7/28/2017 3:06:42 AM ]
7/28/2017 4:37:39 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
BAD! We need a central bank, but not the way the "Federal" Reserve operates. The Federal Reserve is a private central bank since 1913 to stabilize the economy, control the circulation of money, and regulate banks, as well as lending money to banks. In my opinion, the Fed is nothing but a scam, they are as federal as Federal Express or FedEx. The Federal Reserve bails out Wall Street investment houses, and other things that harm economic progress. Plus the Fed is not government controlled and has never been audited, pretty much it is unconstitutional. I hope that this centralized banking cartel ceases to exist before the dollar becomes nothing but toilet paper.
7/28/2017 4:41:52 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
Top Ten Reasons To End The Fed
1. The Federal Reserve Has Far Too Much Power to Control Our Economy
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has the power to dramatically impact our economy at a drop of the hat. The central bank completely controls and determines the money supply. It is permitted to create as much money as it wants out of thin air with no restrictions. This is the antithetical to the principles that America was founded on. Our Founding Fathers would be outraged that one centralized institution has unchecked and unprecedented power to control the economy and thus our lives.
2. The Federal Reserve Has Significantly Devalued Our Currency
The laws of supply and demand apply to money. The more dollars we have in the circulation, the less the currency is worth. Our money supply has rapidly increased over the past century due to the Federal Reserve printing massive amounts of money like there is no tomorrow. This is what will almost inevitably happen when a quasi-governmental entity can simply print more money to its heart’s content. Since the Federal Reserve came into existence in 1913, the dollar has lost over 95 percent of its value. Today’s dollar is worth less than a nickel compared to the pre-1913 dollar.
3. The Federal Reserve Hurts the Poor and Middle Class the Most
Our hard-earned money is essentially stolen through a hidden inflation tax. Inflation is the increase in the supply of money and credit. It is often wrongly defined as the general rise in the price of goods and services. But higher prices are actually a direct consequence of inflation since increasing the supply of money decreases the purchasing power of the dollar. Inflation hurts the poor most since they have less disposable income. Consumers with low disposable incomes will be negatively impacted by higher prices for food and clothing.
4. The Federal Reserve is Run By Unelected and Unaccountable Bureaucrats
The Board of Governors at the Federal Reserve are not directly elected by the American people. This means that those who run the Federal Reserve are unaccountable to the people. The seven members of the Board ultimately decide the price or purchasing power of our money. That kind of central planning would never exist in a true free market economy.
5. The Federal Reserve Has Made Our Economy Less Stable
The Federal Reserve has brought us endless boom-and-bust cycles. The U.S. economy was much more stable before the Federal Reserve came into existence. It bears significant responsibility for every financial crisis over the past century including the Great Depression, the stagflation of the 1970s and recent economic meltdown. The Austrian Business Cycle Theory explains why we see such wide fluctuations in the economy. The theory states that a false boom occurs when the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates below the market rate which increases the supply of money. Artificially low credit cost sends out misleading economic signals to producers. They are inclined to respond by greatly expanding their production around the same time. In retrospect, these investment decisions called malinvestments are seen as a bad allocation of resources. Malinvestments will lead to wasted capital and economic losses. The expansion of credit cannot continue permanently which means that inevitable bust will follow a false boom created by the Federal Reserve.
6. The Federal Reserve is Far Too Secretive
The central bank severely lacks transparency. Throughout its 100-year history, it has always operated under a veil of secrecy. The Federal Reserve has never been fully audited by any outside source. Our elected representatives in Congress have very little oversight over the central bank. It has continually resisted any kind of congressional oversight claiming that it would endanger its “independence.” A comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve would not harm its so-called independence. It would only expose how the Federal Reserve has been manipulating our currency behind closed doors. And Ben Bernanke surely doesn’t want that to happen.
7. The Federal Reserve Benefits Special Interests
The policies of the Federal Reserve hurt the average American. It benefits the privileged few at the expense of the rest of us. The Federal Reserve erodes most Americans’ standard of living while enriching well-connected elites. The central bank serves big spending politicians, big bankers and their friends. Special interests receive access to money and credit before the harmful inflationary effects impact the entire economy. This is why high power lobbyists protect and defend the existence of the Federal Reserve.
8. The Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional
The Constitution makes no mention of a central bank. While there have been historical debates on the constitutionality of a central bank, I see no justification for the argument that the Federal Reserve is constitutional. The federal government only has about thirty enumerated powers delegated to it in the Constitution. The power to create a central bank is not explicitly granted to the federal government in our founding document. Due to my strict interpretation of the Constitution, I find the Federal Reserve to clearly violate the Constitution.
9. The Federal Reserve Routinely Bails Out Big Banks
The Federal Reserve acts as the lender of last resort. The Federal Reserve was ordered through a Freedom of Information Act request to release 28,000 pages of documents in March 2011. The documents exposed that one of the largest recipients of the Federal Reserve’s money was foreign banks during the 2008 economic meltdown. The top foreign banks that received money were the Brussells and Paris based Dexia SA, the Dublin based Depfa Bank Plc, the Bank of China and Arab Banking Corp., according to Campaign for Liberty.
In July 2011, due to a provision under the misguided Dodd-Frank financial overhaul law, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted a one-time, watered-down audit of the Federal Reserve. The GAO investigators were not allowed to view most of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions including discount window lending, open-market operations and details on its transactions with foreign governments and banks. This first ever audit of the Federal Reserve revealed $16 trillion in secret bailouts to corporations and banks around the world in less than three years. These bailouts happened without a single vote taking place in any chamber of Congress.
10. The Federal Reserve Encourages Deficit Spending
The Federal Reserve is largely responsible for the out-of-control spending by Congress. The federal government can only obtain money through taxation, printing or borrowing money. Printing money has become the federal government’s preferred method. This is also the most destructive method since the federal government is able to simply print more money as needed to finance its drunken spending spree. It has become a never-ending cycle of spending and printing more money. Voters can put pressure on their representatives to halt politically unpopular tax hikes and lenders could stop loaning money to the U.S. government. But it’s fast and easy for the Federal Reserve to print more money at a whim.
7/28/2017 5:26:14 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
Too simple a question. One thing is historical truth: before we had a Federal Reserve system, the financial sector of the US was in such insane tumult all the time, the actual survival of the country was often in doubt. So, though I can find flaws in any element of the US government and it's non governmental tools, I oppose the people who want to blindly do away with them.
I have not come across anyone anywhere, who strongly opposes the existence of the Federal reserve, who EITHER actually understood it's real functions, OR who wasn't a paranoid basket case nut job.
They do occasionally find some deluded people who are fans of so-called free-market capitalism, who are willing to at least pretend to eagerly join in, in exchange for support for doing away with various other intelligent laws.
Is it true, according to your knowledge that every federal reserve note printed, the U.S. government must pay back, with intetest, meaning that the system keeps the government and thus the nation in perpetual debt?
7/28/2017 5:37:03 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Is it true, according to your knowledge that every federal reserve note printed, the U.S. government must pay back, with intetest, meaning that the system keeps the government and thus the nation in perpetual debt?
The federal reserve doesn't print notes fool!
Makes you look stupid to call out others for a lack of knowledge.
7/28/2017 6:37:05 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
Is it true, according to your knowledge that every federal reserve note printed, the U.S. government must pay back, with intetest, meaning that the system keeps the government and thus the nation in perpetual debt?
I have no idea where you got that idea. American paper money has not represented anything other than itself, since the end of the printing of SIlver Certificates in the last century. There's no "pay back" involved. The money is money. And there CERTAINLY is no INTEREST involved.
Did someone tell you that if you stick your cash in a back room somewhere and wait ten years, that you could then take it to a bank and trade it for more face value cash? They were liars.
No, the Fed doesn't "keep the nation in perpetual debt." Congress and the President do that. Reagan ran the debt through the roof, so did several other Presidents, Democrat and Republican alike.
And no, the Fed does NOT "cause all inflation," as some paranoia-suckered person said above. Inflation DOES occur sort-of naturally. The Fed CAN hasten it or rein it in somewhat, but their only power is the lending rate. Adjusting the supply of available cash in the overall system. What all the private institutions do with the cash, is not under Fed control. When lending institutions start making insanely stupid loans, as they did in the lead up to the near total collapse in 2005, the Fed CAN refuse to give them more cash to work with when they come for it, but if the lenders do as they did then, and trade pure VIRTUAL money back and forth, the Fed can't really put the brakes on.
[Edited 7/28/2017 6:38:07 AM ]
7/28/2017 7:41:46 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
The Federal reserve failed several times at "containing systemic risk".
In Canada, "containing or regulating systemic risk" is a government responsibility, thus, our politicians are fully responsible to prevent a financial crisis.
7/28/2017 7:53:36 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
The Federal reserve failed several times at "containing systemic risk".
In Canada, "containing or regulating systemic risk" is a government responsibility, thus, our politicians are fully responsible to prevent a financial crisis.
The US government is also responsible to prevent crisis as well dummy.
There were bigger financial failures without central banks.
Again, you prove your ignorance!
7/28/2017 8:28:58 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
very bad. time to audit the fed for starters!
7/28/2017 8:30:57 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
The US government is also responsible to prevent crisis as well dummy.
There were bigger financial failures without central banks.
Again, you prove your ignorance!
Quote: The US government is also responsible to prevent crisis as well dummy.
If the US government is also responsible to prevent crisis, then why the following crisis have occurred?
a. Savings and loan crisis
b. Dot.com collapse
c. Subprime Mortgage crisis
In other words, what you're saying is both the Federal Reserve and the US government have been weak at containing systemic risk, isn't that a fact?
[Edited 7/28/2017 8:31:24 AM ]
7/28/2017 9:04:57 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
The US government is also responsible to prevent crisis as well dummy.
There were bigger financial failures without central banks.
Again, you prove your ignorance!
Quote: "There were bigger financial failures without central banks"
There should be ZERO financial failures/crisis with or without a central bank, and in reference to the following crisis;
Savings and loan
Dot.com collapse
Subprime mortgage
Corporate USA, your politicians, and the Federal reserve were all holding/attending c*cktail parties until a crisis became a reality.
7/28/2017 9:43:18 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
STFU about the Fed. You morons don't have a clue about anything. None of you have ever done any serious reading or study (C&P educations ). In fact, most of you are still trying to figure out how babies are born. 
7/28/2017 10:08:03 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |
Jacksonville, FL
57, joined Oct. 2014
Bad. But thanks to Trump soon obsolete. Can you say BLOCKCHAIN?
7/28/2017 10:16:39 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
STFU about the Fed. You morons don't have a clue about anything. None of you have ever done any serious reading or study (C&P educations  ). In fact, most of you are still trying to figure out how babies are born. 
So, then what are your thoughts on it?
7/28/2017 10:17:23 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
I worked at Federal Reserve Dallas for 10 years 1970-1980!
I bet I know more about FRB than any of you people.
BUt, that's OK, I'll just sit back and watch you fools who don't even know why the Federal Reserve Bank even exists in the first place, or the benefits of the FRB to our U.S. Treasury, or the consequences of not having the FRB.
Do ramble on! 
7/28/2017 10:24:14 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
I love Janet Yellen and Ben S Bernanke and everyone on the FOMC!
Here moron, go read this:
The Courage to Act
You don't have the f**king brain cells to get past the first page!
7/28/2017 10:26:20 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
I have no idea where you got that idea. American paper money has not represented anything other than itself, since the end of the printing of SIlver Certificates in the last century. There's no "pay back" involved. The money is money. And there CERTAINLY is no INTEREST involved.
Did someone tell you that if you stick your cash in a back room somewhere and wait ten years, that you could then take it to a bank and trade it for more face value cash? They were liars.
No, the Fed doesn't "keep the nation in perpetual debt." Congress and the President do that. Reagan ran the debt through the roof, so did several other Presidents, Democrat and Republican alike.
And no, the Fed does NOT "cause all inflation," as some paranoia-suckered person said above. Inflation DOES occur sort-of naturally. The Fed CAN hasten it or rein it in somewhat, but their only power is the lending rate. Adjusting the supply of available cash in the overall system. What all the private institutions do with the cash, is not under Fed control. When lending institutions start making insanely stupid loans, as they did in the lead up to the near total collapse in 2005, the Fed CAN refuse to give them more cash to work with when they come for it, but if the lenders do as they did then, and trade pure VIRTUAL money back and forth, the Fed can't really put the brakes on.
I wonder WHY then did JFK issue executive order 11110?
What then is the difference between a "federal reserve note" and a "United States note", according to YOUR understanding?
7/28/2017 10:32:38 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Quote: "There were bigger financial failures without central banks"
There should be ZERO financial failures/crisis with or without a central bank, and in reference to the following crisis;
Savings and loan
Dot.com collapse
Subprime mortgage
Corporate USA, your politicians, and the Federal reserve were all holding/attending c*cktail parties until a crisis became a reality.
May 11, 2017
Credit ratings agency Moody’s Investors Service downgraded Canada’s big six banks on Wednesday evening, citing concerns about soaring household debt and housing prices.
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Bank of Montreal (BMO), Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada and Royal Bank of Canada had their ratings on two key metrics lowered by one notch, Moody’s announced.
Your dumb f**kery depends on your extreme ignorance.
7/28/2017 10:35:52 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Long ago back in the 60's, we had enough Gold in the US treasury to back every dollar in circulation.
The US Treasury has about 20 trillion dollars in gold reserves. Now, catching up with the modern day, we have over 20 times that of money in circulation. We haven't been able to back the money in circulation to our Gold reserve since Nixon took us off of the Gold standard almost 50 years ago.
So these fools that say we need to go back to the Gold standard must not have passed 3rd grade math, because that would be impossible today.
I laugh when I hear idiots like Ted Cruz tell people we need to go back to the gold standard! 
[Edited 7/28/2017 10:36:32 AM ]
7/28/2017 10:44:15 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Not only that Gold is a commodity, sold on the market every day.
The price of gold actually does change from day to day though.
Currently gold prices in the US and World markets are steady.
But, let a war break out and see what happens to the price of gold.
If you think you want your dollar to reflect the price of gold that changes on a day-to-day basis is asking for trouble.
And besides, there is not enough gold in the world to ever reflect the amount of dollars in circulation in the US or the world anymore.
So, please, slowly walk away from the crack pipe people! 
[Edited 7/28/2017 10:44:32 AM ]
7/28/2017 10:49:49 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
Long ago back in the 60's, we had enough Gold in the US treasury to back every dollar in circulation.
The US Treasury has about 20 trillion dollars in gold reserves. Now, catching up with the modern day, we have over 20 times that of money in circulation. We haven't been able to back the money in circulation to our Gold reserve since Nixon took us off of the Gold standard almost 50 years ago.
So these fools that say we need to go back to the Gold standard must not have passed 3rd grade math, because that would be impossible today.
I laugh when I hear idiots like Ted Cruz tell people we need to go back to the gold standard! 
Today, new federal reserve notes are created when new debt is created and those notes are somewhat backed by oil, as all OPEC oil sales are to be made in U.S. dollars.
Many refer to it as the "petrodollar" system, which was established in 1973.
7/28/2017 10:56:13 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
There are many ways to inflate our dollar to rest of the world.
Or, basically increase our GDP!
However, we have no way to inflate the price of gold.
The world would laugh at us for even trying.
The only way to inflate our dollar, is to increase our GNP!
This should be our focus, and not getting rid of our National Banking System!
That's like lunacy!
[Edited 7/28/2017 10:59:41 AM ]
7/28/2017 11:06:40 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Harriman, TN
61, joined Aug. 2014
BAD! ---- The Federal Reserve is not accountable to anyone. The Federal Reserve has never undergone a true comprehensive audit since it was created back in 1913. Ron Paul’s proposal to audit the Federal Reserve, which had previously been co-sponsored by 320 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, ultimately failed by a vote of 229-198..
The huge predator megabanks that now dominate the U.S. banking system use the Federal Reserve as a tool to make money. One of the ways they do this is called the U.S. Treasury carry trade. What happens is that the Federal Reserve lends huge amounts of money to the megabanks for next to nothing, and then these megabanks use all that cash to buy U.S. government debt. This little “trick” helped enable four of the biggest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup) to have a “perfect quarter” with zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010. Wouldn’t you like to have a perfect batting average?
The Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. government. The truth is that the Federal Reserve is about as “federal” as Federal Express is. In defending itself against a Bloomberg request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Reserve objected by declaring that it was “not an agency” of the U.S. government and therefore it was not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. It is kind of funny how Fed officials are always talking about how important their “independence” is, but whenever anyone starts criticizing them for being private they start stressing their ties with the government
The Federal Reserve manipulates the U.S. economy by setting national interest rates. By keeping rates high or low, the Federal Reserve has the power to create economic growth or to destroy it. They have the power to inflate massive bubbles and to pop them. Most Americans give way too much credit and blame to presidents like Bush or Obama for how the economy is doing. The truth is that they really don’t have that much control over the economy compared to the Federal Reserve.
7/28/2017 11:08:41 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Incidently, we will never increase our GNP if we do away with free trade!
And our GDP will suffer as well. if we do.
SO can you please get this message up to the president like ASAP? 
7/28/2017 11:16:14 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
BAD! ---- The Federal Reserve is not accountable to anyone. The Federal Reserve has never undergone a true comprehensive audit since it was created back in 1913. Ron Paul’s proposal to audit the Federal Reserve, which had previously been co-sponsored by 320 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, ultimately failed by a vote of 229-198..
The huge predator megabanks that now dominate the U.S. banking system use the Federal Reserve as a tool to make money. One of the ways they do this is called the U.S. Treasury carry trade. What happens is that the Federal Reserve lends huge amounts of money to the megabanks for next to nothing, and then these megabanks use all that cash to buy U.S. government debt. This little “trick” helped enable four of the biggest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup) to have a “perfect quarter” with zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010. Wouldn’t you like to have a perfect batting average?
The Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. government. The truth is that the Federal Reserve is about as “federal” as Federal Express is. In defending itself against a Bloomberg request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Reserve objected by declaring that it was “not an agency” of the U.S. government and therefore it was not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. It is kind of funny how Fed officials are always talking about how important their “independence” is, but whenever anyone starts criticizing them for being private they start stressing their ties with the government
The Federal Reserve manipulates the U.S. economy by setting national interest rates. By keeping rates high or low, the Federal Reserve has the power to create economic growth or to destroy it. They have the power to inflate massive bubbles and to pop them. Most Americans give way too much credit and blame to presidents like Bush or Obama for how the economy is doing. The truth is that they really don’t have that much control over the economy compared to the Federal Reserve.
Did you know that the only profit that the Federal Reserve bank even gets to keep as their own, is the interest of their loans to banks?
And do you realize that this interest rate that the Fed charges to it's member banks is the lowest rate possible?
All other services to our treasury that the Fed does for our treasury, and they are abundant, is out of the FRB's pocket- not the treasury!
It was an agreement worked out between the FRB and the treasury that allowed them to get the contract with the Treasury in the first place! So don't look a gift horse in the mouth OK?
7/28/2017 11:18:05 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
Currency is essentially backed by the country that issued it. For example, would you rather have the American dollar or its equivalence in say Venezuela money?
With Gold backing the dollar, it was impossible to expand the money supply. However, there were many other problem. So go read a book and stop asking stupid questions. Frankly you morons want to be spoon fed everything by Rush, Hannity, or some two paragraph article.
It's no wonder you clowns voted for Trump. He told you every thing you needed to know!
7/28/2017 11:23:08 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
Did you know that the only profit that the Federal Reserve bank even gets to keep as their own, is the interest of their loans to banks?
And do you realize that this interest rate that the Fed charges to it's member banks is the lowest rate possible?
All other services to our treasury that the Fed does for our treasury, and they are abundant, is out of the FRB's pocket- not the treasury!
It was an agreement worked out between the FRB and the treasury that allowed them to get the contract with the Treasury in the first place! So don't look a gift horse in the mouth OK?
Hmm, HOW was the country able to survive for 130+ years prior to the federal reserve act/system?
England used the Tally system for over 700 years.
Seems to me, thers ARE other options, better options even.
7/28/2017 11:29:18 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
BAD! ---- The Federal Reserve is not accountable to anyone. The Federal Reserve has never undergone a true comprehensive audit since it was created back in 1913. Ron Paul’s proposal to audit the Federal Reserve, which had previously been co-sponsored by 320 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, ultimately failed by a vote of 229-198..
The huge predator megabanks that now dominate the U.S. banking system use the Federal Reserve as a tool to make money. One of the ways they do this is called the U.S. Treasury carry trade. What happens is that the Federal Reserve lends huge amounts of money to the megabanks for next to nothing, and then these megabanks use all that cash to buy U.S. government debt. This little “trick” helped enable four of the biggest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup) to have a “perfect quarter” with zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010. Wouldn’t you like to have a perfect batting average?
The Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. government. The truth is that the Federal Reserve is about as “federal” as Federal Express is. In defending itself against a Bloomberg request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Reserve objected by declaring that it was “not an agency” of the U.S. government and therefore it was not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. It is kind of funny how Fed officials are always talking about how important their “independence” is, but whenever anyone starts criticizing them for being private they start stressing their ties with the government
The Federal Reserve manipulates the U.S. economy by setting national interest rates. By keeping rates high or low, the Federal Reserve has the power to create economic growth or to destroy it. They have the power to inflate massive bubbles and to pop them. Most Americans give way too much credit and blame to presidents like Bush or Obama for how the economy is doing. The truth is that they really don’t have that much control over the economy compared to the Federal Reserve.
Oh horseshit.
The market sets interest rates.
The Fed is a quasi-government agency. It is considered and independent government entity, but the central government does have a lot of power over it like appointment of the board of governors from which the chairman is selected.
The Fed increases the money supply of bank by purchasing treasury instrument.
The rest of the shit above is a lot of wordy crap from a moron.
7/28/2017 11:29:19 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Hmm, HOW was the country able to survive for 130+ years prior to the federal reserve act/system?
England used the Tally system for over 700 years.
Seems to me, thers ARE other options, better options even.
Go take a real history course, no one has the time to give you an education you're reluctant to accept anyway!
7/28/2017 11:32:32 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
Go take a real history course, no one has the time to give you an education you're reluctant to accept anyway!
Yet, you've posted several times, as if YOU are some expert on the subject. If you don't have the time, shut the f**k up and go find something else to do and stop posting bullshit, which according to your own words your posts are, because as you said, you dont have time to educate.
7/28/2017 11:33:57 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Hmm, HOW was the country able to survive for 130+ years prior to the federal reserve act/system?
England used the Tally system for over 700 years.
Seems to me, thers ARE other options, better options even.
Back in those days, we traded gold with countries as currency.
We are able to operate on currency today.
US dollars are valuable assets almost equal to the British pound.
7/28/2017 11:35:25 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
Back in those days, we traded gold with countries as currency.
We are able to operate on currency today.
US dollars are valuable assets almost equal to the British pound.
WHAT gives the dollar value? We know it ain't gold or silver.
7/28/2017 11:36:52 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


New York, NY
64, joined Dec. 2010
Yet, you've posted several times, as if YOU are some expert on the subject. If you don't have the time, shut the f**k up and go find something else to do and stop posting bullshit, which according to your own words your posts are, because as you said, you dont have time to educate.
Dr. Kookie blocked me long ago after I proved him wrong on several occasions. 
7/28/2017 11:40:06 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Just look how the US dollar has gained on the British Pound, the Euro, and the Swiss Mark since the UK decided to go it alone and drop out of the Union! 
Are you paying attention Donald Trump?  
7/28/2017 12:01:57 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
Back in those days, we traded gold with countries as currency.
We are able to operate on currency today.
US dollars are valuable assets almost equal to the British pound.
WHAT gives the dollar value? We know it ain't gold or silver.
7/28/2017 12:25:35 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
WHAT gives the dollar value? We know it ain't gold or silver.
I know this is going to sound like voodoo economics, but Tax liabilities give otherwise worthless paper value. The U.S. dollar has value because the government levies $3 trillion in tax liabilities annually and accepts only U.S. dollars in payment — which only it issues.
It's complex, but it works!
7/28/2017 12:27:27 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
What makes our dollars worth less is the 4.4 trillion dollars we owe to other countries right now!
7/28/2017 1:58:24 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Herc, you say: “He [president Wilson who created the FED] was talking about JEWZ”
Herc, President Wilson was talking about the Satan worshiping illuminati, trillionaire Jewish Bankers (the Banksters), which now print US money (FED notes), and which recently bragged that they control the governments of Europe and America. These families include the powerful Rothschild family, and Rothschild once famously said: “Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws.”
Creating the FED, a private Illuminati owned bank that prints money for the Federal Government and then loans it to them at interest, interest paid by a heavy Federal taxes levied on American citizens, was unconstitutional. The Constitution gives the power to coin money exclusively to the Federal Government, and it grants the Federal Government no authority to transfer that power over to a private organization.
Has this been good for the United States? No. Hell no. It has led to the financial rape of America, to its loss of sovereignty to the Illuminati, and to an alternating series of financial booms and bursts, including the Great Depression and another Great Depression just around the corner from us that will be the Mother of all Great Depressions. Over the years, it has led to continual deflation of the value of FED notes, that is, to continual inflation of the cost of goods and services. Inflation is a hidden tax on the American people and is perhaps the cruelest tax of all since it is hidden, and continually devalues savings and purchasing power.
There is much more to say about this, but I will save it for later.
7/28/2017 4:12:51 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
WHAT gives the dollar value? We know it ain't gold or silver.
I will gladly relieve you of every worthless dollar you have and even give you $.01 Per pound paid in the current price of gold and silver.
7/28/2017 5:58:29 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
May 11, 2017
Credit ratings agency Moody’s Investors Service downgraded Canada’s big six banks on Wednesday evening, citing concerns about soaring household debt and housing prices.
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Bank of Montreal (BMO), Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada and Royal Bank of Canada had their ratings on two key metrics lowered by one notch, Moody’s announced.
Your dumb f**kery depends on your extreme ignorance.
What do you know about credit ratings?
You have to read the full report, a**hole.
"But Moody's noted that the country's banks remain among the highest rated globally" 
By the way wookie, if a serious financial crisis were to happen in Canada, I certainly hope our politicians will bear full responsibility, thus, not play your retarded partisan games, and/or look for a scapegoat.
7/28/2017 6:17:18 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
Long ago back in the 60's, we had enough Gold in the US treasury to back every dollar in circulation.
The US Treasury has about 20 trillion dollars in gold reserves. Now, catching up with the modern day, we have over 20 times that of money in circulation. We haven't been able to back the money in circulation to our Gold reserve since Nixon took us off of the Gold standard almost 50 years ago.
So these fools that say we need to go back to the Gold standard must not have passed 3rd grade math, because that would be impossible today.
I laugh when I hear idiots like Ted Cruz tell people we need to go back to the gold standard! 
Quote: The US Treasury has about 20 trillion dollars in gold reserves
Status Report of U.S. Government Gold Reserve
Current Report: June 30, 2017
Total US Gold reserve
Book value; $11,041,059,957.46
Thus, $11 billion
7/28/2017 6:54:23 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
Dr. Kookie blocked me long ago after I proved him wrong on several occasions. 
You are too f**king stupid to prove anything!
7/28/2017 7:17:42 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
What do you know about credit ratings?
You have to read the full report, a**hole.
"But Moody's noted that the country's banks remain among the highest rated globally"
By the way wookie, if a serious financial crisis were to happen in Canada, I certainly hope our politicians will bear full responsibility, thus, not play your retarded partisan games, and/or look for a scapegoat.
Obviously I know enough that you try to minimize the down grade as something positive. A down grade due to Canada's bloated housing values were enough to get the downgrade. And I know your objections try to obfuscate the fact that your economy is set for a correction.
I know that hoping your political system will 'bear responsibility" is a ruse because your politicians cannot pay for the damage your banks are causing by allowing a financial bubble ready to pop to go on without severe corrections that will hurt canadian investors.
I know you don't have the education to comprehend the bullshit you propagate.
I know that your "HOPE" is not going to solve the practical steps necessary to devalue property values to what they really are and property owners will lose their credit ratings and estate holdings.
I know that your former conservative PM is not the PM any more because of his lead in allowing the fake bubble to expand under his watch.
I know your cheerleading a failed philosophy is not enough to to make you seem more intelligent that a mole.
7/28/2017 8:22:23 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
Obviously I know enough that you try to minimize the down grade as something positive. A down grade due to Canada's bloated housing values were enough to get the downgrade. And I know your objections try to obfuscate the fact that your economy is set for a correction.
I know that hoping your political system will 'bear responsibility" is a ruse because your politicians cannot pay for the damage your banks are causing by allowing a financial bubble ready to pop to go on without severe corrections that will hurt canadian investors.
I know you don't have the education to comprehend the bullshit you propagate.
I know that your "HOPE" is not going to solve the practical steps necessary to devalue property values to what they really are and property owners will lose their credit ratings and estate holdings.
I know that your former conservative PM is not the PM any more because of his lead in allowing the fake bubble to expand under his watch.
I know your cheerleading a failed philosophy is not enough to to make you seem more intelligent that a mole.
And I do know the reason for your madness;
Reading, PA.....poorest city in the U.S., poverty rate; over 40%
7/28/2017 8:43:50 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
And I do know the reason for your madness;
Reading, PA.....poorest city in the U.S., poverty rate; over 40%
Again you make the idiotic mistake that anyone's knowledge is a result of location. It is stupid to make such ignorant assumptions
I believe it's just an excuse to distract from your extreme intellectual incompetence but anyone with a modicum of intellect recognizes you as much more ignorant than an idiotic fool!
7/29/2017 9:15:17 AM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
online now!
I wonder WHY then did JFK issue executive order 11110?
What then is the difference between a "federal reserve note" and a "United States note", according to YOUR understanding?
Kennedy issued executive order 11110 because it was obviously a bad idea to have the United States government constantly involved with moderating the price of Silver, especially since silver as a resource for the new technologies of the sixties was expanding rapidly. Basically, it was no longer a good or practical idea to use silver as a form of currency, because we needed it elsewhere.
The difference between Federal Reserve Notes and United States Notes, is that the latter are no longer printed. They are still legal to use, but almost never are, probably because they are more valuable as collectors items than for their face value.
7/29/2017 2:24:39 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
The difference between Federal Reserve Notes and United States Notes, is that the latter are no longer printed. They are still legal to use, but almost never are, probably because they are more valuable as collectors items than for their face value.
Why is the United States note no longer printed?
According to the treaury dept.'s website, the U.S. note & Federal Reserve note have the SAME value.
There MUST be SOME reason WHY Federal Reserve notes are preferred over U.S. notes. What is it? Is there some BENEFIT that the Federal Reserve note provides that the U.S. note does not?
7/29/2017 2:57:27 PM |
The Federal Reserve, Good or Bad? |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
The dollar has lost 96.2% of its value since 1900, and 95.1% of its value in the last 93 years in terms of gold. Would you rather hold paper dollars or gold?
The Constitution gives the Federal Government the right to use precious metals to coin money, but does not mention printing paper money. There was a reason for that. Congress passed a law(s) permitting the Federal Government to print paper money, but the Constitution does not mention printing paper money. This is because the founders saw a problem with paper money.