8/28/2017 9:47:52 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
Here's a picture of her delivering the eulogy for he daughter:

Judging from her physical appearance, she might be related to M4mischief?
She is really milking her daughter's death for all the publicity she can get. I wonder how many lawyers are exploring possible legal actions? There might even be a possible book deal?.
I guess any grieving will have to be put on the back burner?
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8/28/2017 9:53:10 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
So what's going on with this? What happened?
8/28/2017 10:03:46 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
She get killed in that riot? Well, no wonder some one in here had to ridicule an untimely death!
Lawyers? No matter how you die the lawyers are going to be out for their ton of flesh and they'll be fighting the IRS for it all the way. With any luck there might actually be something left over for your heirs after those bloodsuckers are through with you.
8/28/2017 11:10:38 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Central Point, OR
47, joined Apr. 2017
8/29/2017 12:37:34 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Stfu you wrinkley prune faced old man with the iq of an artichoke and the personality of a potato......
8/29/2017 12:54:56 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Here's a picture of her delivering the eulogy for he daughter:
Judging from her physical appearance, she might be related to M4mischief?
She is really milking her daughter's death for all the publicity she can get. I wonder how many lawyers are exploring possible legal actions? There might even be a possible book deal?.
I guess any grieving will have to be put on the back burner? 
You're a despicable reptile and you blast out your foulness in order to fit in tightly with your co-racists and gain attention, that's all. You can be sure that there will be no eulogy for you, and you know it.
8/29/2017 6:49:46 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
Stfu you wrinkley prune faced old man with the iq of an artichoke and the personality of a potato...... 
F**k you old pig woman. You are a disgrace to the human race stuffing your fat face with copious amounts of food at every opportunity. Your eulogy will be held at some all you can eat joint. Maybe Cern, the mad goat f**ker will give it!

8/29/2017 6:50:56 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
You're a despicable reptile and you blast out your foulness in order to fit in tightly with your co-racists and gain attention, that's all. You can be sure that there will be no eulogy for you, and you know it.

8/29/2017 9:00:33 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Yes, I agree, you're an ineradicable, unconscious and conscienceless c*ckroach, yet you manage to recognize your own foulness -- you know the rest, right? -- and so do all in the DH forums. You have been so easy to expose because you exposed yourself, uneducated Jewish leprechaun.
8/29/2017 9:03:54 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Stfu you wrinkley prune faced old man with the iq of an artichoke and the personality of a potato...... 
Damn, Flirty -- I must ask you to be more respectful and mind your language. I am advocating on behalf of artichokes and potatoes.
Please stop giving them a bad name by association.
Thank you, dear. 
8/29/2017 9:09:17 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
Cern, the mad goat f**ker is so cute when he is mad!
That boy is gonna spend a lot of time on this forum being mad!

8/29/2017 9:10:59 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Clarksville, TN
30, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
You're a despicable reptile and you blast out your foulness in order to fit in tightly with your co-racists and gain attention, that's all. You can be sure that there will be no eulogy for you, and you know it.
RIP Heather we will give you justice.
8/29/2017 9:37:05 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
RIP Heather we will give you justice.
To the extent possible, Kandy, yes, the good people will always outnumber the sociopathic cowards like the OP and his semiliterate crew.
It's beyond illness to celebrate the murder of Heather Heyer.
8/29/2017 11:11:55 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
I'll be happy to celebrate the death of Cern, the sheep f**ker.
8/29/2017 12:18:16 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Bonaire, GA
43, joined Sep. 2014
Put me in a box with the negative, if it fits......
....because i wont lose any sleep.
'First' I can imagine the sadness anyone must face when losing a loved one.
Then having political garbage dumped on top of it...im sure, can make it twice as devastating.
Like in this woman's case.
However....here is where my negative thoughts begin to implode.
Generally every day, somewhere around the country...someone loses a son or daughter, to qeastionable events.
These people dont get a front page in the news paper & a majority of the world dont give a rats a** ...if getting thier story.
People lose thier family too War events ...and recieve no compensation. I read an article recently where a young man died fighting over in the south east, & the U.S. military....sent him back home to his parents in a box, with a letter informing them , theyl be responsible for paying for his funeral.
"Way to go Uncle Sam"...use us & abuse us , for all we can give you.
Heather were a protestor , ..that makes her a 'Radical'.
Being radical is against the law....whether we like how it sounds or not.
When judging the moms character....it seems she wants to glorify her daughters death as a form of celebration.....a meal ticket for becoming rich, through peoples sympathy.
By the womans shape it apears she doesnt do much at taking care of herself....the odds that the mother & daughter , even never got along is the most logical .
If they had been close & the mother believed in the same journey as her daughter....wouldnt the mom been thier protesting along the side of her beloved daughter ??
This story somewhat reminds me of the 'record' drug dealing step father of the violent teenager shot in Ferguson a few years back.
The one who rallied black thugs , & burned police cars and none related innocent peoples businesses.
Not counting organized the murder of several 'black key witnesses' ...that were freinds of Micheal Brown. Who admitted to Federal agents that Mike were at fault of his on death.
According to investigations....Mike Brown were not even close with his step father.
Yet in public media..his step father praised him like a true son. An cashed in a large sum of money provided by sympathizers......
The man were unemployed , a convicted drug dealer , and had no real blood relation to Micheal Brown.
A few people like "Cern claims the mans actions are justifiable by 400 years of slavery"
However there are no records of this man ever spending a day in his life ...even experiencing what it must be like to have been a slave.
My thoughts behind those looking to get rich behind related family death. Some what sickens my ability to uniquely sympathize for them.
My parents were not the best of parents...but have always taught me to distinguish, between those things that are right & wrong...and how to identify the repercussions that come with the decisions i choose to follow.
My deepist thought here , is that these parents were partly responsible for the actions thier children chose to envolve them selves with.
8/29/2017 12:39:34 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
That's right, twist history, public affairs and people's words to suit your cowardly racist agenda, thoroughly typical.
8/29/2017 1:05:37 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Bonaire, GA
43, joined Sep. 2014
That's right, twist history, public affairs and people's words to suit your cowardly racist agenda, thoroughly typical.
Say what ever you can think of ..it just shows your ignorance.
There are hundreds of news articles that back my statements.
As for calling me a racist , you have no evidence.
You on the other hand ..is whats known as a 'Bigot'.
....and a hypocrete by use of words.
[Edited 8/29/2017 1:07:02 PM ]
8/29/2017 1:15:18 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Clarksville, TN
30, joined Dec. 2013
online now!
So if one considers another a "radical" they can run them down and kill them? What if I think you are a radical.
Now you see why the flags have to go. So does the ideology behind senseless violence.
8/29/2017 1:23:47 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
I got his goat, so Cern, the mad goat f**ker may have to switch to sheep.
In any case, most people who lose a loved one grieve over them. They don't deliver eulogies in front of a large audience of whom I assume were the alt-left and BLM clowns. This was for propaganda and attention to elicit public sympathy. Also I suspect their a legal motive buried in her behavior.
From what I read, the mother supported the daughter's political ideology. The daughter was deeply involved in alt-left movement involving herself in political demonstrations. BTW, physically the daughter was a tank like her mom.
If you appear at demonstrations with people of opposing views, you can expect some kind of physical confrontations. I believe some of these people don't go to these things to peacefully protest but rather to knock someone's block off. If it was a BLM protest, I'd expect some gun fire. Also, one has the right to protest, but I doubt much is accomplished.
If these people care so GD much do something positive, become a cop, social worker, fireman, or work for the Washington Post or NYT!
8/29/2017 1:28:48 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Bonaire, GA
43, joined Sep. 2014
So if one considers another a "radical" they can run them down and kill them? What if I think you are a radical.
Now you see why the flags have to go. So does the ideology behind senseless violence.
No kandy....it just means , I wont be sending the poor lady any money, for her sympathy.
Nor waste my time , watching anything on t.v. , thats related to its cause.
8/29/2017 1:36:14 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Say what ever you can think of ..it just shows your ignorance.
There are hundreds of news articles that back my statements.
As for calling me a racist , you have no evidence.
You on the other hand ..is whats known as a 'Bigot'.
....and a hypocrete by use of words.
While it's unlikely, you may want to consider learning how to spell and how to write a sentence correctly, if only to express the immoral, unthinking non-thought thoughts of the obsequious, hypocritical, lying racist movement of which you're a part in an understandable manner, don't you think? Skip it, I'm well-aware of your inability to think, you just join the parade of toxic buffoons.
8/29/2017 1:52:01 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Bonaire, GA
43, joined Sep. 2014
While it's unlikely, you may want to consider learning how to spell and how to write a sentence correctly, if only to express the immoral, unthinking non-thought thoughts of the obsequious, hypocritical, lying racist movement of which you're a part in an understandable manner, don't you think? Skip it, I'm well-aware of your inability to think, you just join the parade of toxic buffoons.
How does it matter , ..by the way i spell or speak ??
This isnt 'Better Homes & Gardening'
I dont even involve myself with racist activity...
However lately im tired of reading the misguided information..that several like you keep tending to post.
So yes..recently iv began to qeastion it. Being it leaves me to wonder , what sort of fiber people like you have for dramatizing such pollutedness in the first place??
Is it your lack of true understanding or your inadequacy of having a real life ....hmmm?
8/29/2017 2:23:39 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
How does it matter , ..by the way i spell or speak ??
This isnt 'Better Homes & Gardening'
I dont even involve myself with racist activity...
However lately im tired of reading the misguided information..that several like you keep tending to post.
So yes..recently iv began to qeastion it. Being it leaves me to wonder , what sort of fiber people like you have for dramatizing such pollutedness in the first place??
Is it your lack of true understanding or your inadequacy of having a real life ....hmmm?
"How does it matter," you wonder? How about being able to have the would-be reader of your meandering posts understand what it is that you're weakly attempting to express in a manner that's clear? You've performed better in this one, it wasn't twelve inches in length, triple-spaced and overloaded with ellipses.
(I noticed that the thoroughly scorched Sammy is rambling on about Dayton's menagerie again, why not, the little lad has nothing to do or to say of worth. Perhaps I was overly harsh with the silly mammal, though I said nothing untrue.)
8/29/2017 3:52:38 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Grand Prairie, TX
100, joined May. 2016
Damn, Flirty -- I must ask you to be more respectful and mind your language. I am advocating on behalf of artichokes and potatoes.
Please stop giving them a bad name by association.
Thank you, dear. 
What was I thinking?.....
The 79 year old prune face eric is really one to talk about looks....
8/29/2017 7:54:11 PM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Anaheim, CA
26, joined Jul. 2016
Think this might be the most disgusting post I've ever seen on DH & that's saying something. One day karma is gonna bite u on ur heartless ass.
8/30/2017 3:42:09 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
This is the sole type of thread that the demented OP -- Eric Bernard Nusbaum -- is capable of handling as he closes in on death. He's a self-disgusted Jewish radical that is thrilled by lashing out at others so as to briefly mitigate the misery in which he finds himself. He laughs at death, pain, violence and particularly murder, as in the case of Heather Heyer. He enjoys it when civilized and moral humans find his filth to be despicable because he finds himself to be despicable; that way his self-hatred is thoroughly validated by others, just what he's seeking from his racist, puerile tantrums. His refinement and education were nil to begin with, so he wants to "shine" as his 79-year-old mammalian body comes to its end.
8/30/2017 7:26:47 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
What was I thinking?.....
The 79 year old prune face eric is really one to talk about looks.... 
Even the fat sloppy ugly n**gers wouldn't touch your disgusting ass!
8/30/2017 7:39:06 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Dayton, OH
62, joined Mar. 2014
This is the sole type of thread that the demented OP -- Eric Bernard Nusbaum -- is capable of handling as he closes in on death. He's a self-disgusted Jewish radical that is thrilled by lashing out at others so as to briefly mitigate the misery in which he finds himself. He laughs at death, pain, violence and particularly murder, as in the case of Heather Heyer. He enjoys it when civilized and moral humans find his filth to be despicable because he finds himself to be despicable; that way his self-hatred is thoroughly validated by others, just what he's seeking from his racist, puerile tantrums. His refinement and education were nil to begin with, so he wants to "shine" as his 79-year-old mammalian body comes to its end.
I'm appreciate Cern, the goat f**kers, efforts to amuse me with his bloated hyperbolic horseshit.
Cern is a coward. He blocked Dr Haggy and Uncle too frighten of their analysis of his behavior. I'll carry on in their place. Guys like this aren't difficult to figure out. They align themselves with people who'll accept or tolerate them, not for ideological reason. They are the n**gers and loser whites.
Cern is a creepy little character that no one has ever liked. He was picked on in school by not only the bullies but nearly everyone else who found him repulsive and disgusting. His poorly written prose is the result of these early experiences, and he has honed his garbage to the point it couldn't stink any worse.
Carry on little goat f**ker!
8/30/2017 7:44:58 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
Say what ever you can think of ..it just shows your ignorance. You on the other hand ..is whats known as a 'Bigot'.
....and a hypocrete by use of words.
OK, I accept your challenge, "ever you can think of." "Is" I what's known as a 'Bigot'? Is I a "hypocrete" too, what, is that a type of concrete that only forms well where it's near the ground, you know, low?
8/30/2017 7:56:19 AM |
Heather Hyer's Mom Delivers Eulogy |


Danville, KY
62, joined Mar. 2014
I'm appreciate Cern, the goat f**kers, efforts to amuse me with his bloated hyperbolic horseshit.
Cern is a coward. He blocked Dr Haggy and Uncle too frighten of their analysis of his behavior. I'll carry on in their place. Guys like this aren't difficult to figure out. They align themselves with people who'll accept or tolerate them, not for ideological reason. They are the n**gers and loser whites.
Cern is a creepy little character that no one has ever liked. He was picked on in school by not only the bullies but nearly everyone else who found him repulsive and disgusting. His poorly written prose is the result of these early experiences, and he has honed his garbage to the point it couldn't stink any worse.
Carry on little goat f**ker! 
The same thing every time you're exposed, Eric, were you not demented, I would think that even you would still be able to use some new language. I guess those days are behind you, huh, don't forget that you have death to look forward to, cool, right? "Here lies a putrid mammal, Eric Bernard Nusbaum."