3/11/2009 2:06:13 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Newaygo, MI
33, joined Aug. 2008
Maybe some of you ladies can give me some insight. I am a single dad of a 3 year old boy who is my life. Ive been single for 2 years now and as soon as a woman finds out I have a son they go the other way. I mean I have a good head on my shoulders own my own home take care of myself and my son Im very responsible. Its never an issue to pick up a woman but when it comes time for a realtionship they bail on me. I mean being a nice guy who takes care of his son I know thats a good thing but why do they run when a child is in the picture? I try to stay positive but sometimes think maybe its destined to be that way.
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3/11/2009 9:16:41 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Windsor, ON
57, joined Dec. 2008
Its the same for women too. Although you need to find someone that your compatible with
it is really important to find someone that will love your child and treat him right.
If the woman truly cares about you, having a young child will not make a difference.
Be patient you will find someone ,it just takes time.Try to stick around women closer to your age ,younger women may not be ready to start a family.
Good luck
3/11/2009 9:28:24 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Oklahoma City, OK
37, joined Feb. 2009
Single people often have the need to experience life before being ready to "settle down" and raise a family. Young single women with no children often feel that they aren't ready, or may not be good at being a mom, or young children can make them nervous. They may not know how to talk to them, or deal with them on a daily basis. Waving at them in a store or park is one thing, but the idea that this little person would depend on them to take care of them is frightening.
Think about how you felt after you found out you were going to be a father. Were you happy? Scared? Sad? It's the same thing, and you had a few months to learn to deal with becoming a parent, hopefully, and this person you would bring into your lives will be encroaching on a relationship you've already formed. You and the mother formed your relationship with your son from the time you found out you were going to be parents. This person is starting cold, no pregame warm up, so to speak.
So give it time, and think about what you want for you and your son. That someone will come along and fit like the missing piece to your puzzle in your lives.
God bless!
3/12/2009 11:35:04 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Strasburg, VA
43, joined Oct. 2008
i am a decent woman with twio boys who ivew been supportinbg by myself i would love to talk to u if u want to i can give advice or talk whatever u wnat im interested to hear form you . well have good day good luck hope to ghear from u.
3/15/2009 7:56:04 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Grand Rapids, MI
29, joined Mar. 2009
Trust me, it's just as hard for single moms. I am a mom to a 15 month old, and getting back out there and dating isn't easy. Just be patient, and be honest right up front that you have a child.
3/15/2009 10:20:32 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Clovis, NM
32, joined Feb. 2009
It's the same way for me... they'll talk to me until they find out I have kids, and then for some reason I become some ruined woman that can't handle a relationship... and guys seem to think I'm trying to line up a daddy for my kids... the truth is.. the kids have a dad... one that they love... do I need someone that wants kids... yes, because our kids come first, as they would with any other parent worth their salt, and a guy would have to understand that... but I'm just as capable of love and romance as any other single non-mom... and maybe even more... I have an attractive personality... just waiting for the right guy to look past my motherhood long enough to figure that one out... kudos to you for caring for your son! Wish there were more like you.
[Edited 3/15/2009 10:22:17 PM ]
3/16/2009 3:47:19 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Dayton, OH
30, joined Jan. 2009
i feel that women dont take me serious
3/16/2009 8:09:08 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |


Evansville, IN
48, joined Aug. 2008
It might not be easy for your 3-year-old to wrap his young mind around the idea of you dating somebody other than Mom. Be patient. It might go much more smoothly if you start out as friends, and talk to your little guy about how much you like this gal before you let him see you hug/kiss/hold hands with her.
You might have an easier time dating a single mom. Take your son to a McDonald's with a play place on a Saturday around lunch time, and you're bound to find several single moms with young children. Ooh, or go to storytime at the children's section of your local library or bookstore.
3/17/2009 2:15:37 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Dayton, OH
30, joined Jan. 2009
well thank u but i cant use my son to pick up chicks lol
3/18/2009 8:49:34 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

York, PA
52, joined Mar. 2009
well thank u but i cant use my son to pick up chicks lol
Sometimes it is about being in the right place at the right time....Not about picking up.
Ideally you want someone with like interests in life and at 20 something ladies your age without children well....aren't interested in having one. It is great you have stepped up to the plate, in the long run you and your son will have a great opportunity to bond.
Good Luck =)
3/23/2009 6:56:26 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Denton, MD
29, joined Feb. 2009
i no wat u mean its hard i have a 21 month n a 7 month both boys its crazy but the fathers r pretty much all i was with since them i tryed but it hasnt worked people just arent good enough to my kids just do wat i do let them no ahead of time i gota kid i hate women like that they should b lookin at it like hey hes a good family man time to settle down i would
3/23/2009 6:57:38 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Denton, MD
29, joined Feb. 2009
like how dont they take u serious
3/23/2009 7:31:00 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Dayton, OH
30, joined Jan. 2009
like they think sense im not with his mom im some kid of f**k or somthing or im out looking to get laid
3/23/2009 8:01:36 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Dayton, OH
30, joined Jan. 2009
3/25/2009 12:52:52 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Wichita, KS
52, joined Jun. 2008
Its hard on both parents.....but the hardest hit is the children don't ever lose focus of that.
3/27/2009 11:20:37 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |


Okmulgee, OK
49, joined Nov. 2008
go back and look I started the same thread just worded different & got alot of answers both good& bad. Bottom line women who have raised there kids dont want anymore & 25 year old women are hard to relate to.find a happy middle & go from there.
Also dont look very hard even if you like someone & they say no Hell dont worry about it you have your child & that is WAY more fun anyway.She will come along from the farthest place you ever anyway. So dont sweat it & enjoy your child while it is young.The battles are soon comming.
3/27/2009 5:48:53 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Denton, MD
29, joined Feb. 2009
yeah but sweetie remember its not all women i dont believe in that i give one chance but only one cause of my babies
3/31/2009 11:39:45 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Blountville, TN
51, joined Mar. 2009
because the gov doesnt think we can do the job.
4/5/2009 10:48:18 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Sun City, CA
45, joined Mar. 2009
Wow...I thought it was just me. I have 3 kids 10,7,4. My 7 and 4 y/o stay with me full time and my 10 y/o comes down on the weekend. You are so right, it seem that women say they want a man that likes kids but what there really saying is they want a man that will like THEIR kids. When it comes to the man they prefer you not to have any. I find it hard because I was sorta a late bloomer. Im 38 and I have young kids. Most women my around my age if they have kids there kids are almost grown. So they really don't want young ones again.
4/7/2009 12:04:23 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Ortonville, MN
34, joined Mar. 2009
Single dads do have it tough. I'm not gonna say its a picnic for single moms, but I've noticed a definite trend in society that the populus finds it hard to accept single dads, because they break the norm. Statistically, single moms are more common than single dads. Single moms are more readily accepted as a social norm, because fathers have a bad reputation. Fathers are depicted as idiots in most popular television shows (we've all seen "Everybody Loves Raymond"), and its an image that sticks. And without the "mother figure" to have our backs, we're percieved as accidents just waiting to happen when it comes to caring for kids. Now I'm not saying this is a conscious view held by the woman you meet, its a deep rooted subconscoius image of who people "should be" that we all are guilty of harboring. After all, centuries of instinct tell us women raise babies, men hunt. To get a better idea of what I mean, imagine a woman hunting. Not someone you know, or anything, just a stereotypical woman going hunting for deer. My mind immediately goes to Bill Engvall's jokes of the time he took his wife hunting. Of course, we all know women can hunt, most of the women I know do. But its not the social norm our subconscious has created. Its hard to break the social habit of this kind of thinking. And people don't like things that challenge what they are comfortable with. They may not even realize that's why they are uncomfortable, its instinctive. What I'm saying is, we single dads may have to deal with the fact that because we're single dads, it might be more difficult finding women who aren't shaken by the way we go against the grain. What's important is to not lose hope. We're great guys. Better, all the more so because we've got the stuff to go against the grain, and be there for our kids without back-up. Have confidence, my brothers, someday you will find someone who can see what you're made of, and will care enough to not let the instinstive "flee" reaction get the better of her. I may not be a lady (at least, last time I checked I wasn't), but I hope all the single dads, and ladies meeting single dads, can find this insightful. Or maybe you'll just think I've no idea what I'm talking about, which is a real possibility. lol
4/7/2009 3:01:34 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |


Toms River, NJ
58, joined Sep. 2008
Its tough on all single parents,,
just different kinds of tough
i dont think that any of us have it easy
just remember the kids are innocent and come first
good luck to all
4/7/2009 7:50:38 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |


Evansville, IN
48, joined Aug. 2008
I'd love to meet a single dad who shares my desire to raise our children together. When I'm not spending time with my son, I'm either at work or planning fun activities for my preschool class, or doing things with my nieces, nephews, or friends' kids.
If you meet a woman who resents the attention you give your children, she's not worth your time. Besides, she's choosing to miss out on a lot of wonderful memories she could make with you and your children, so it's truly her loss.
4/8/2009 12:12:20 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Eagle Mountain, UT
38, joined Mar. 2009
I would love to meet single dads that have kids near my kids ages. They are 3 and 5. I commend you all for stepping up the plate and takeing care of your kids. I know how hard it is where neither one of my kids fathers have. Take you time. Be up front about having kids and what you are wanting. I know a lot of women in there 20s are not ready to take on that responsobility. you may need to expand a bit. Hang in there it does get somewhat easier. I do know a lot of women in there 30s that have kids and are single. We are in the same boat as you are in many ways. You do have it harder with acceptance. Take care Leesa
4/8/2009 6:55:26 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Palmyra, IN
48, joined May. 2008
I didn't have any kids when I met my ex but he had 2 boys 15 and 11 at the time. THose boys became my boys and still are even since the divorce. They are married with kids that call me grandma. If the person I'm dating don't realize that my child and I are a package then they are not worth my time. It doesn't matter to me if the man has a child or not as long as we are compatible and he cares for mine as though he is his the same as I would treat his children. Good luck and hang in there. We are out there.
4/8/2009 7:38:49 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

New Windsor, NY
41, joined Aug. 2008
Why is it so hard for single dads?
Simple, cause women make it so . Honesty, Loyalty, commitment is what every woman says they want, but when it comes down to it, all they want is the Fast car, motorcycle Player, that every woman falls for . Now not every woman is like this, but overall most women fall in this area. Cause if you hold yourself to being a good man that works hard, brings the flowers and limits the sporting activities. You don’t get the woman you love, NO she falls for the guy that’s running 20 other women in a game for sex and money. So for a woman to say she wants and honest man, she is not being honest with herself. Lets be real, your not going to find a guy that has a models looks that is looking to settle for one woman, that’s honest. As long as women go for the bad boy, there going to be hurt and make it hard for not just the single dad, but any good man. 
4/9/2009 9:46:45 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Manly, IA
43, joined Dec. 2008
Little RALPHY returns from school and says he got an F in arithmetic.
'Why?' asks the father?
'The teacher asked 'How much is 2x3,'' I said '6', replies RALPHY.
'But that's right!' says his dad.
'Yeah, but then she asked me 'How much is 3x2?''
'What's the f...... difference?' asks the father.
'That's what I said!'

4/12/2009 2:05:09 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Kokomo, IN
50, joined Mar. 2009
i feel that women dont take me serious
Are you serious?
4/20/2009 8:50:13 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Demotte, IN
40, joined Apr. 2009
thanks tryagain...
I am a single dad of a 5 and 7 year old... I like those ideas! I'm gonna have to try it.
4/22/2009 11:45:41 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
41, joined Apr. 2009
when me and my ex got separated i didnt feel or knew that bringing up child on my own will an obsticle for future relationship..i was so confident--it doesnt matter --if somebody really will want to be with me he will love my kid same if he would love me..i thought so despite on everybodys warnings simply because I WOULD DO SAME! its tipical me,so naive,like dropped from another planet:--ah,reality is more taugher sometimes..like you cannot accept a date because there is nobody to live my son with
or starting
rushing up things closer to 11,so by midnight you can slip away like sinderella to fetch your sleeping son from babysitter.. or feeling like he is avoiding to go things further in case i will take it as he is seriose about me..yes,few guys "got lost" after they realised my kid is my priority and there is no relatives to help out so i can have my time :--
and also i was too hard to let somebody in my life,was too much "i am single mum,but i dont need help,i m okkkk!":-- one guy tried to point me out that i dont give him a chance,but i ended up saying he just doesnt want difficulties bringing up somebodys kid..i guess i felt i will not be able to be myself and constantly thinking how it is hard for guy to put up with it all consequenses (like putting my son to bed is nightmare ..he gets up at night and climbs on my bed under blanket--my fault!dont stick to rules )...
it should be some silver line in the cloud --i think you so young and girls who disappeared didnt meant to be in first place...your kid is priority and if somebody just wants to have good time with you "till it lasts" as they say --then do same with them,there is nothing wrong with you if you have son--just try to get to know girl before you fall in love and become vulnerable,if you can of course..just take it easy,,dont feel they give you a favor by exepting your son....be cool about it
just have fun till somebody right comes up
if somebody is meant to be they will not make exuses to go away
4/26/2009 2:23:37 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

San Antonio, TX
52, joined Apr. 2009
I have two boy's and I always hold them very preciious place in my heart not just today .but as long as there is stars in the sky.If a women can't deal with that I do not need her.All in all the greatest gift of all is your son.When a women respect that she is the one DAM I AM GOOD AT THIS SHIT Ishould charge. badda bing. 
4/26/2009 8:09:37 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

45, joined Sep. 2008
I'm a single mother of a 7yr old... just readin some of the threads on here and decided to tell u my story.. my daughter was 8mts when her dad walked out.. and i've been on my own since.. apart from one or two relationships along the way but none got serious enough for my daughter to ever meet these men.. and i think that is my problem!! even though I would love a man to share my life with.. I am always thinkin of my daughter and how she will deal with it if mammy got a boyfriend...she still sees her Dad.. and cant understand why he don't live with us..(I have explained to her why)
Has anyone been in this situation b4 and how have ye got through it?
5/1/2009 6:25:22 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |


Evansville, IN
48, joined Aug. 2008
I work with a woman who met her husband through Big Brothers/Big Sisters. She went there looking for a man with the love and patience to work with her disabled son, and they all got along so well that they decided to...wow, why is this reminding me of the Brady Bunch theme song?
I get distracted easily, but my heart's in the right place.
5/2/2009 10:52:22 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Valparaiso, IN
42, joined Apr. 2009
WoW...I am looking for single dads personally. Not that a man without children is unacceptable in my book but I believe that a man with children can understand that my children are the most important people in my life, just like his should be to him.
5/6/2009 10:20:19 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Waterloo, IA
51, joined May. 2009
i've never considered being a single dad "HARD". the only time it's hard being a father is when your child is sick or unhappy...but it's never HARD to parent. i get by with a little....and sometimes a lot of help from family and friends. and my little girl lives with me who's 9 years old and it helps having my 20 year old daughter living close by too. it's only hard parenting when one of them are sick or hurting someway, hard to see and take.
5/6/2009 10:26:08 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Lincolnton, NC
34, joined Nov. 2008
hey i know how you feel. i meet those sometimes but what is worse are the ones that want you find a sitter drop of a dime and shit like that
5/7/2009 12:38:39 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
San Marcos, TX
44, joined May. 2009
I don't understand why it is so hard to find someone???? Most the good ones are too far away.... or too young.
5/11/2009 8:33:23 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Chippewa Falls, WI
38, joined Dec. 2008
i to have 2 children. son 3 years old and daughter 5 years old. they do not live with me. their mother has them most of the time. i get a few days a week, plus weekends. i have noticed that when i mention my children, the conversations end. i too have wondered why that is.
I have never abandoned communication because a girl said she has children. That is just RUDE.
5/18/2009 10:39:28 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Denton, MD
29, joined May. 2009
yea thats wrong
5/19/2009 12:12:46 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Bedford, IN
38, joined May. 2009
When the live with there mother you only get to see them on weekends you dont feel fully part of their lifes.
5/19/2009 6:58:55 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Plymouth, NH
31, joined May. 2009
it is hard for both single dads and moms. I am a mother to a 4 year old boy and have been single for 3 1/2 YEARS. No one wants to date a single mother EXPECAILY one that got pregnant at a young age. While yes i know you want to date you also have to be carefull when you decide to introduce your child to a woman. You need to make sure she won't bail, that she is a good person amongst other things. You don't want your child to get atached and then the woman to leave. It would only hurt your child if he grows atached and then the woman takes off. If a woman leaves BECAUSE your a dad then they were NEVER worth your time. Who ever we single parents date have to be at peace with us having children and that they come before everyone (but you also have to devote time and energy to the relationship as well). Sorry if i am bouncing around i have not had much sleep. But that is the best i can tell you.
5/31/2009 3:33:38 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Lake Benton, MN
56, joined Jan. 2009
my exwife put a restraining order on me so i went after school to give my son his b day present my mother was along to give him a present also the next day she added the kids to the restraining order also so havent seen the kids in a year and a half she gets 725.00 amonth child support and says she cant make ends meet she has a 14.00 an hour job and is supposed to contribute also 50% so she cant support two kids on 1450.00 per month something is sadly wrong here. laws need to be changed to account for what it is being spent on. i am unemployed and get 50.00 a week to live on. what kind of rip off is this
[Edited 5/31/2009 3:33:59 PM ]
6/1/2009 7:23:22 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Tangier, NS
37, joined May. 2009
ok to the guy who thinks 1450 dollars a month is enough to live on with two kids get a job and support your kids maybe if ya start buying the kids extras beyond child support and obviously there are ground for the restraining order calm down get a job and prove that ya care about your kids ive had a restraining order on me before and i lost my kids for a long time i felt like killing myself then i talked to my doctor and i got the help i need im not a saint but my ex is barely supporting my three kids on 3000 dollars a month sure i dont have a home or really anything to my name but i have my kids forget your selfish wants and put the kids first now to the guy who cant find a relationship lol relax have fun with your kids chicks love when your kids arnt involved and probably best anyway have fun with them and loose them . i find that i push women away when they want ta meet the kids cause they aint good enough . know one will ever be there mom and i love my ex shes my world but unfortunatly she dont feel the same way . but ioll always be there for my kids if she calls and says milk i bring milk because my kids arnt goin without
6/16/2009 4:42:07 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Clarkston, WA
31, joined Jun. 2009
You think it's only hard for single parenting fathers? I know WAY more single moms, but from experience...it's just as hard if not harder bein' a single mother. I have three boys...and you know most men are already afraid of true commitment, It's even harder to find a man wit' practically a full family developed. No worries, jus' remember...there's someone out there for everyone.
6/16/2009 4:44:55 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Clarkston, WA
31, joined Jun. 2009
I try to get their father involved but he doesn't seem to care at all. what the hell! most women wont let the father(s) see the child(ren)...but when the woman DOES want the father involved, they don't give a shit! what's up wit' that?
6/17/2009 1:15:27 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Bullhead City, AZ
53, joined Jun. 2009
Do you think it might be just the women to whom you are most attracted or is it all women? I know many women who have married men who already have children, so it may be the former. Think hard and you may realize that there are some women to whom you are not currently attracted that have actually taken an interest in your child. It may be someone with whom you have never really considered having a relationship. I would be willing to bet that there is at least one person that fits that description and that may be where you find your "real" relationship.
I hope that helps,
6/26/2009 10:16:21 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Culver, IN
38, joined Jun. 2009
I have both of my boyes just went thought a divors try haveing your six year old son come
and tell you that his mom was saying really bad things about you.I just tell my son to tell his mom she should not say bad things.My boyes are my life and i think that every father should do everything with his kides.I see nothing worg with a father who has his kides ya its hard to go to work but i have my sister inlaw to thank for that cause my two year old is now learning to talk now and that makes me so happy.The bad thing his mom
really didnt care.
6/26/2009 2:33:24 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Charleston, SC
48, joined Jun. 2009
hang in there bubba if the wemon ur referin to was really a keeper she'd still be there . u wouldnt except 2nd best for ur child so just wait the rite one will come along keep ur head up always know as long as u do rite by ur kid/s ur doin rite ive had more than 1 run when the rings showed up but like i said if it was meant to be then it woulda bn just keep lovin that kid 
7/4/2009 10:48:32 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Canton, GA
29, joined Jul. 2009
Honey maybe you are going after the wrong type of women who aren't ready for the thought of settling down.. I am a single mom and ppl who don't have kids don't understand that dating is different when you have a kid.. I think you need to be strong cuz if you get down your gonna get desperate and pick anyone that will accept you! You have to hold your standards high and expect nothing but the best for you and your child.. I wish you all the luck, hang in there and be confident.. =) not all women will run
7/8/2009 10:08:42 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Schenectady, NY
51, joined Jun. 2009
I feel that single women often make the mistake of assuming that men cant do the job, and in that vain feel we are looking for someone to raise our child. When a real women realizes that we (single dads) just want to fall in Love, because we enjoy adoring, they will stop looking at us as a babys daddy, and more like a parent.
[Edited 7/8/2009 10:10:31 PM ]
7/8/2009 11:58:44 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Sedalia, MO
50, joined Jun. 2009
I'd prefer to meet a single dad who has custody or spends a good amount of time with his kids because he knows what it's like to be a single parent and the responsibilities I have with 3 kids of my own. Men my age though don't want someone with 3 kids, especially since for their benefit I try to keep on good terms with my ex and his parents. I think men are afraid of women with kids because they know kids are a lot of responsibility and take up a great deal of time, so like I said, I prefer someone with the same commitment to their kids that I have to mine.
7/9/2009 12:09:20 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Redding, CA
50, joined May. 2009
What she said
7/15/2009 9:11:48 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Waynesboro, PA
27, joined Jul. 2008
Your Best Bet Is To Find Someone Comfortable With Kids Or Already Has Kids.
Possibly A Single Mother!
9/3/2009 8:00:33 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Gardiner, ME
41, joined Nov. 2008
It's just as Hard for single mom's as it is dad's
9/3/2009 11:29:02 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Ada, OK
38, joined Sep. 2009
It could be in how you let them know about your kids, or how soon they meet them. Most women want to wait till they get to know the guy first. While most men, myself included want them to meet right away. Women seem to take it that a man is looking for a mother. While men wonder if there's a reason that she didn't want him to meet the kids. It really all comes spam to the new guys/girls perspective
9/14/2009 12:24:11 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

O Fallon, MO
29, joined Sep. 2009
i think raising a child in general, is hard! but nothing in life is as hard as raising one by ur self! no matter mom or dad!! i kno these days u dont c 2 many dads out there pulling their load unless the states making them! n i am so against wat my innocent childs father is doin 2 him! not payin child support, takin care of another girls 2 kids! he has had nothing 2 do with my son since he was 6 mo. old! ud think at least his parents would send my son a card on his bday? but i was def. wrong there! oh well ! n e single dads out there 22-33 wanna chat hit me up? other wise keep ur heads up ppl ! karma will eventually get the pos parent ! we hope??
9/16/2009 11:03:00 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Hazelwood, MO
37, joined Sep. 2009
I'm a widow and single mother of four. I feel it's harder to date a man who doesn't have kids. I don't think a man with no kids can relate to me. Life is about so much more when u r responsible for the health and well being of someone else. Hang in there. If there's a prince for each woman There's a princess for you. Don't settle, compromise, or give up.
9/17/2009 8:27:33 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Burnsville, MN
46, joined Sep. 2008
The only reason I can think of for it being harder for a dad is that it is not the stereotype. I love the shocked looks I get we people find out I'm a single dad with two kids. But it does have it's benefits...the kids help break the ice to make idle chat at the store cause I can play the bumbling dad routine.
9/22/2009 2:14:03 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |
Waterloo, IA
36, joined Sep. 2009
Before I had my daughter, I thought the child would hold us down. Now that I am the single parent, I look back and think what was I thinking? I would never change anything. Yes, I am single, and its very discourageing, but I would rather be with someone who wants me and loves my daughter, than the person I was so many years ago.
11/28/2009 11:47:36 PM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Lewiston, ME
33, joined Nov. 2009
it is hard to be a singel dad because when women find out i am fighting for my kid thay run i have to look out for his safty my ex has my son arond a resaded sex offender
12/9/2009 12:12:27 AM |
Why is it so hard for single dads? |

Canyon Lake, TX
29, joined Dec. 2009
i know how you feel i have three kids and i cant find a man that wants to be with me cuz i have kids i have been single for a year and a half but i know i will find that right man one day