4/14/2009 10:46:22 AM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Renton, WA
54, joined Apr. 2009
What treatments, alternative treatments has any of you used and how well does it work for you?
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4/14/2009 6:11:28 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |

Hartselle, AL
59, joined Dec. 2008
I have no idea what it is...but you might try looking it up on WebMD and alot of these things have online support groups. Just type in the name with support groups and it will give you the ones available.
But welcome to the site and welcome to this group! I don't mean for you to go away from here just giving you some possible helps. There are some awesome people here!
[Edited 4/14/2009 6:12:41 PM ]
4/14/2009 7:00:21 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Renton, WA
54, joined Apr. 2009
I apologize for not being more clear.....I know what CFS/M.E. is. I have had CFS/FM for years and I am on supplements for it. Online support groups are not very helpful. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is disabling as it affects just about everything that makes a person 'tick'. I was just trying to see if anyone else with CFS may have tried any other alternative treatments that worked for them Thanks for the replies though.        
4/30/2009 11:39:52 AM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Kennewick, WA
52, joined Apr. 2009
Hi i'm Jeanette. The doctors say i have fibromyaliga which also causes extreame tiredness after doing more then basic activities. so i nap alot and soak in a hot tub quite a bit. Having a massage really helps to relax enough to sleep. These conditions dont allows us to fall into a deep sleep, so during the day we are always tired. Hot tea is another item to aid in sleep
5/29/2009 1:04:46 AM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |

Augusta, GA
61, joined Nov. 2008
Me. I've had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since '94 and totally gave out in '99. Been alone for close to 10 years now and you know how hard that is when you don't have anyone to help you out when you're totally done in. I find that low pressure fronts that hang around make my FM much worse. I often have a low-grade fever. But, sadly, I haven't found anything yet that helps when it's all said and done. If I use up my "10 units of energy" in one hour, well, that's it for about 3 days. I'm sorry to say that I've still not learned to live with this disability "in peace". Not that I have a choice. We can chat later about the details..... I just read everybody's "disability" and saw many people who are having to live with the hand they were dealt. My heart goes out to you all.
6/20/2009 2:02:09 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Renton, WA
62, joined Jun. 2009
HI EVERYONE WITH CFIS AND FIBROMYALGIA!!!I just want to let you know if intereted we have a CFS and fibro singles support and live chat with voice or without everyday.It's so fun,informative,latest research and mainly you make a lot of nice understanding new friends that understand.We have 2 groups one with over 1200 singles with CFS and fibromyalgia.Here's the small one to get started hope to see you soon and have Fun!!! CFS-fibro-Ed http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FIBROMYALGIA-CFIDS-SINGLES-DATING-SUPPORT/
6/20/2009 2:04:31 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Renton, WA
62, joined Jun. 2009
Hi this is CFS-FIBRO Ed again you can always google in search enging cfs and fibro singles to find us.Please take care and have a happy day,CFS-fibro-Ed
6/24/2009 11:47:31 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |

Orlando, FL
68, joined Jun. 2009
I too have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome along with Multiple Sclerosis. My 33 year old daughter says there is no such illness as CFS, advising if I did not take any pain pills or any pills for the MS all my problems would go away. I am on disability due to same. Very few people acknowledge CFS so if I "fall asleep" or get extremely fatigued in the middle of the day, I'm on drugs (which I am not). It is really hard for people to accept. Any ideas. I feel for you. It is very hard to deal with. I feel so alone.
[Edited 6/24/2009 11:54:44 PM ]
6/28/2009 12:04:45 AM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
68, joined Jul. 2007
they used to deny low blood sugar or hypo glycemia, was a real malady--now a lot of people are diagnosed with it. It basically is the opposite of diabetes---we have to learn to eat high protein, low carb diets--avoiding white flour--malt, barley, raw sugar, and lots of food ingredients that have the chemical names. AND eat 6 meals a day--preferrably healthy foods that NATURALLY supply sugar that can safely be turned into energy for us. IF we don't, we get a roller coaster effect--energy for an hour and then a let down and usually we sleep. CFS is connected to this--severe reactions to food--coupled with medications and long term use of additives--such as MSG and chemical sweetners---cause people to fall asleep on their feet. It takes months of proper diet to rid the system of tyhe bad stuff--but I am proof of what I am writing about. In "1980" I was a fat lazy moody nasty unpleasant unreliable man. I got diagnosed by a FORIEGN doctor who set me straight---and now--at 61--in 2009--I outwork the kids--I am a paid firefighter and work rings around the kids on the job. Most guys my age are retired--sick and nothing to live for. I live to enjoy each day--trimmed down and the happiest person in the world. I also feel that the medical people are determined to keep certain people at a certain level--using drugs--to keep them coming back and NEVER getting better. No one ever thinks to get a second opinion on whats going on with them. I bet some of you would get a whole different opinion--and a different set of drugs. So how and why does this happen?? Change your diet--eat healthy--knock off fast food--sweet food--read the ingredients and see if you aren't eating poisons!!
6/28/2009 3:26:56 AM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |

Deer Park, CA
36, joined May. 2009
I'm fibromyalgic and, honestly, getting good sleep is hella important. I imagine it would be the same way with CFS.
7/13/2009 7:49:30 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Renton, WA
54, joined Apr. 2009
I apologize for not paying closer attention to my thread.....I didn't realize that so many more people posted. I can't remember, off hand, everyone's posts, but.....Sleep is very, very important and good, deep sleep which is difficult to get. Alleviating stress is a big one.....something I am unable to do. Those around me do not understand what I experience cuz I LOOK fine to them. My regular doctor doesn't understand or know anything about CFS. I worked long enough to pay to see a specialist a few times and get started on some supplements. I had to quit my job and couldn't see her anymore. I did research on internet and finally decided on the supplements I now take. I find that Taurine, Inositol, CoQ10 & Vitamin C help me quite a bit. I take Multi Vits and extra Magnesium and Calcium. I have recently added Selenium. The specialist put me on Omega 3's back in 07 and I've taken them daily since. Probiotics are very important too. A lot of the ones I put myself on are due to the fact that I am a smoker and since CFS/M.E. affect the respiratory system, I need to help it out as much as possible until I finally quit smoking. I take extra B vits too. ProHealth is a good place to get info on CFS/FM & supplements. I will keep a closer eye on this thread from now on.
8/16/2009 9:00:42 PM |
Anyone else with CFS/M.E.? |
Renton, WA
62, joined Jun. 2009
IF ANYONE WANTS to find a singles group for CFS CFIDS and or fibromyalgia.just google in "CFS AND FIBRO SINGLES" for a group of over 1200 singles with CFS and fibro.thanks and have a nice stresss free day,CFS-FIBRO-Ed ~~~they have daily chat there with voice too if you have speakers or you can type.