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12/1/2013 10:29:16 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
ObamaMedia fails to hide Obama's latest wardrobe malfunction
Dr. Kevin "Coach" Collins says The New York Times and Los Angeles Times are reporting that there is a "surge" of enrollments in ObamaCare. That this is a demonstrable lie, as usual, means nothing to the Left. But in their twisted little minds, nothing they say is ever a lie because they are such good people. And good people are -- well, good people who only want to help us. They really believe this.
To these people, the "negativity" (generated by Republicans) surrounding ObamaCare is the reason it is a train wreck. Realty is such a messy "conservative" thing to these people. Undeterred, they will keep on shoring up their master's mess, even as the pain it brings us grows and gets worse. Not being able to do anything else, some Democrats who have seen their polling advantage evaporate in just six weeks have started to use the Debbie Wasserman Schultz approach -- they are bragging about ObamaCare and counting on the dimwit voter to pull out their reelection next year.
When ObamaCare shows no signs of life after today's deadline, the media will insist it's thriving anyway. For the Left, lies have always worked better than the truth. They will use words like "may," "likely," and "should be able" to try to convince the greedy dopes that make up the liberal base that up is actually down, in is really out, and this month is actually June because the media says so.
Unfortunately for the media, Hans Christian Anderson's fantasy about the king's new suit of clothes was just that -- a fantasy. In reality, polls that have always been friendly to the liberals are showing Obama melting like the Wicked Witch of the West. True Americans are repulsed by ObamaCare. The ObamaMedia's king is seeing his approval ratings fall below 35% in some states, and nationally, he is viewed as untrustworthy by 57%.
Stating the blindingly obvious, a representative of the Quinnipiac polling firm observed that, "Clearly much of the reason for the president's decline in Ohio is ObamaCare. Ohio voters oppose the Affordable Care Act 59-35 percent. Perhaps more significantly, voters say 45-16 percent they expect their own healthcare to be worse rather than better a year from now."
This sounds like the king really is naked, doesn't it?
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12/1/2013 10:35:22 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/1/2013 3:52:53 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
California's "four witches"

"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth.' The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."
-- Columnist Burt Prelutsky, Los Angeles Times
12/1/2013 6:22:52 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Democrat candidate for Governor of Michigan believes Obama's birth certificate is suspect
Tim Skubick is reporting that Mark McFarlin is a Democrat running for governor from Bay County. He's doing it without the blessing of the big shots in his party. He's doing it without much money, name identification, and most would agree, not much of a chance of wrestling the nomination away from fellow Democrat Mark Schauer.
So when the underdog was asked to appear on statewide Public TV, he likely dropped everything he was dong to gobble up some free media. And he made news, perhaps without knowing it.
As is often the case, once they turn the TV cameras off, Off the Record guests suddenly make news.
The questioning started out rather innocently.
"Have you ever voted for a Republican?" the Democrat was asked.
"Yes, Mitt Romney," he revealed while adding he had two chances to vote for Barack Obama and did not.
Now he had every correspondent's attention as he launches into his assertion that Mr. Obama is not a citizen of the United States.
Donald Trump, step-aside.
Asked if he believed Mr. O. was born in Hawaii, he said, "No."
Asked if he believed Mr. O. was born in the United States, he said. "No."
As a private investigator, Mr. McFarlin argues the document the White House issued to end this never-ending flap is suspect.
How's so?
He claims the term "African-American" appears on the line for race on the birth certificate and Mr. McFarlin says at the time Mr. Obama was born the term was not in use. He argues the term should have been "Negro."
But under further questioning, asked to confirm his notion that the President was not an American citizen, he seemed to walk it back.
"Based on the evidence that is out there that leads me to that direction."
So he was not sure?
"Exactly. The jury is still out."
So which is it?
The reasons that this guy gives to suspect Obama's eligibility to serve as POTUS are the worst. The media will tear him a new one.
However, BOTH of Barack Obama's presented birth documents, the short form and the long form, are as bogus as they can be, and any rational investigation of the evidence and artifacts can only lead to that conclusion.
Obama's ineligibility is based on his parentage and doesn't have a damn thing to do with where he was born.
12/2/2013 7:52:22 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Lies and hypocrisy are essential components of Progressivism
Kurt Schlichter says recent events once again demonstrate that there is no point arguing with Progressives. Reason, facts, truth -- these bourgeois concepts mean nothing to the adherents of progressivism. You are never going to change the mind of someone who believes in nothing except the imperative of his own absolute power. You simply have to defeat him.
Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose -- to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.
This is why we see YouTube videos of Harry Reid, Joe Biden and Barack Obama waxing eloquently, while in the minority, about the moral necessity of the preserving the filibuster that they just shot through the forehead when in the majority.
This is what led to an agreement ensuring that a power that explicitly states its intention to reboot the Holocaust, once it finishes hanging all its gays, will be able to create the means to do so.
This is the reason Barack Obama repeated dozens of times that if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them even though he knew this to be an outright lie.
Progressivism is not about principles but necessity. Yesterday, the left needed the filibuster to bar conservative judges. Today, it needs to pack courts with allies who will rule in whatever way progressives need, so the filibuster goes.
Sure, progressives pose as friends of Jews and gays when it's convenient, but now it's more convenient to get the ObamaCare abomination off the front page while simultaneously weakening America and Israel. For progressives, that's a win-win-win. And if some Jews and gays have to die, well, uh … hey look! Republicans want to make you pay for your own birth control!
Progressives needed to provide cover to their legislators to socialize the health care system, so they simply lied. The only fault the progressive-owned mainstream media can find with that is with us for being stupid enough to believe what the Progressives told us.
I agree. If you believe anything a Progressive tells you, if you imagine you can count on a Progressive to hold to any particular principle when that principle stops being useful as a means to accumulate power, you are a fool.
Such people still get surprised when the pro-woman party slut shames women who object to being used as sex toys by feminist heroes. Teddy got drunk and left a woman to drown in his Oldsmobile after he drove off a bridge on the way to a routine session of joyless, creepy Kennedy adultery. Mary Jo Kopechne died; Teddy was hoisted on a sea of Progressive shoulders and hailed as the "Lion of the Senate."
But Teddy arguably had the moral high ground compared to Progressive icon Robert Byrd, the Grand Imperial Cyclops Kleagle of the Senate. Their degeneracy was irrelevant; they were both useful to progressivism. Nothing else mattered.
Yet the squish caucus wing of the GOP still imagines that it can make deals with the Progressives, as if this time Lucy Reid is really, truly, totally going to hold that football in place so that the Lindsey Browns can kick it.
Look at these GOP mouth-breathers and their undying fixation on amnesty. Obama won't enforce the laws we have. In what universe could any idiot be stupid enough to imagine that he might enforce any of the laws that the GOP amnesty appeasers might get in exchange for their abject capitulation?
You can't negotiate with progressivism. You can't reason with it. You can't compromise with it.
You have to destroy it, utterly, root and branch.
Understand that progressivism isn't just another way of looking at things. It isn't an equally valid lifestyle that we should treat with respect and courtesy. It is not an intellectual peer of conservatism.
Progressivism is the hapless Cousin Oliver of the collectivist Brady Bunch. Whether you label it "progressivism," "socialism," "communism" or "fascism," it's all just the same collectivist tyranny, varying only by degrees of bloodshed and fashion choices. Differentiating them is like choosing between herpes strains -- it's just a matter of the size of the chancres.
We need to know our enemy and understand it, because when we do we can destroy it.
Expect hypocrisy. Expect lies. Highlight them certainly, but not for ourselves. We know that hypocrisy and lies are essential components of progressivism. Do it instead for those who don't yet understand. Do it for the undecided in the battle for the soul of America.
It's that mass of people who are not aware of just what a sick power grab progressivism really is behind its false front of "caring" and "social justice" that we need to reach. If their hearts and minds weren't in play, the progressives wouldn't bother lying to them. They would enforce their will with storm troopers.
We are still at the stage where the opinions and desires of people who aren't progressive still matter -- the hypocrisy and lies are part of the long-term process designed to change that forever.
We must continue to highlight this truth: Progressives care about gays, women, blacks and other groups only to the extent that appearing to do so brings short-term political advantage.
Does anyone think progressives wouldn't abandon their belief in their right to government-funded abortion at will if having that belief stopped being useful? You could ask the gays in Iran about how pro-gay progressives are when Progressive leaders need to change the news cycle, except they'll be hard-pressed to answer with nooses around their necks.
Arguing with progressives is a waste of time because they believe in nothing except that they should rule over us. Progressives don't seek justice. They seek power. Treat them accordingly.
12/2/2013 8:01:00 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama is down, but not out
Quin Hillyer points to the New Black Panthers; Fast and Furious; NSA domestic spying; Spying even on reporters; Solyndra. Pigford-settlement fraud; Contempt of court concerning offshore drilling; IRS harassment of conservative groups; E-mail lawbreaking at the Environmental Protection Agency; All sorts of reversals, embarrassments, and scandals at the Department of Justice, including egregious trial misconduct -- and, of course, the incompetence and cover-ups related to Benghazi.
Every time decent people think the scandals and embarrassments circling Barack Obama will sink this presidency, we look up and see Obama still there -- chin jutting out, countenance haughty, voice dripping with disdain for conservatives -- utterly unembarrassed, utterly undeterred from any assertion of power he thinks he can get away with, tradition and propriety and the Constitution be damned. The man has no shame, no self-doubt, not a shred of humility, no sense that anybody else has legitimate reason to question him or hold any other point of view.
And, of course, even if the establishment media tut-tuts a bit, its heart really isn't in the job of holding Obama to account, so each apparent crisis is allowed to pass without any resolution or any real trimming of Obama's sails.
So conservatives should not rest easy just because the travesties of ObamaCare have become so manifest. Barack Obama is playing a very different game from that played by any top American politician in decades -- and maybe ever. His overweening self-regard, combined with his radical aims, married to the media's psychological investment in his success, makes it certain that he himself won't feel constrained by political pressures that ordinarily would apply.
In fact, if he sees polls and political trends moving against him, seriously threatening a Democratic loss of the Senate, he is likely to get even bolder, trampling even more constitutional norms in a race to accumulate as much power as possible before a bicameral Republican majority can stop him. He'll also ram through the Senate as many liberal judges as Harry Reid has time to process, and his agencies will further amp up their regulatory reigns of terror.
Worse -- and truly dangerously -- Obama will become more reckless in foreign policy, furthering his aims of rehabilitating longtime enemies such as Iran while ceding more power to United Nations subsidiaries and other international tribunals, the better to guard against future American hegemonic designs.
And all the while, he will be demonizing Republicans and conservatives, lying about the Right's actions and motives while hoping to goad Republican leaders into errors or exploiting the growing fissures between TEA Partiers and the GOP "establishment." His goal, as ever, is not just to achieve temporary political victories but to permanently break the back of American conservatism.
In all of this, Obama's key thought will be to effect Saul Alinsky's eighth rule for radicals: "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." Keep the opposition off balance. Attack from all sides, never letting the opponents catch their breath or regroup.
To study Obama is to understand these tendencies. That's how it was predictable, the day after Obama was first elected, that the Left would find a way to finagle a filibuster-proof Senate majority in early 2009, eventually nuke the filibuster itself, work against all ballot-integrity measures, charge abortion protesters with civil-rights violations, drum up street demonstrations and civil unrest (the Occupy movement), and use the IRS to harass and audit conservative organizations.
That's why it is so important, first, to not assume Obama is a political goner, and second, to take control of the narrative so that Obama won't be able to get back on the offensive. In the short run, when one's own side has been falling over its own feet, it makes sense to give Obama enough rope to keep hanging himself. But before too much time goes by, conservatives must start creating positive headlines for themselves, in order to keep Obama and his allies from resetting the agenda.
Digestible health-care solutions -- something on the order of the Ponnuru-Levin proposal or Representative Steve Scalise's American Health Care Reform Act -- provide the most obvious way for those on the right to keep the initiative and stop Obama from successfully demonizing us. One way or another, conservatives must look caring, solutions-oriented, and constructive.
Otherwise, Obama will outlast and overcome even the ObamaCare debacle, just as he outlasted all his other embarrassments and scandals with the help of his friends in the ObamaMedia. And if he overcomes ObamaCare, he may well overcome us for keeps.
12/2/2013 8:36:16 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Sent to my email group this morning:
The Doe Run Lead Smelter Company has been in business since 1892. Effective December 31, 2013 they will shut down the last lead smelter facility in the US. This means we will have to purchase ‘new pure’ lead from foreign countries who refine this product from mining ore. In 2008 the EPA imposed more lead smelting laws that were 10 times more stringent than existing laws. The Doe Run company fought the EPA until 2010 when they finally surrendered and agreed to shutdown their facility at the end of this year. Of course the EPA director is an Obama appointee.
So what does this mean to you? It means the price of pure newly smelted lead will skyrocket causing your I-Pad, computer, smart phone, car, medical devices, home, ammunition, etc. to cost more. Recycled lead will increase in price too because supplies will continue to dwindle without new lead coming into the market.
Today the EPA is run by people with a particular political ideology and it isn’t capitalism and it certainly isn’t run by real environmentalists. Do you think Obama’s recent order forcing our military to use copper bullets instead of lead bullets was for environmental reasons? No way. Obama is just confiscating your guns through the back door. If you cannot afford the bullets the guns are useless. As I mentioned in a previous email copper bullets will cost 3 ½ times more than lead bullets.
To those of you who are invested in .22 long rifle bullets hang on. They just became more valuable and they have already more than doubled in price since last year.
12/2/2013 8:41:09 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
MSNBC talking heads: "Are you bored? I'm bored."
Trey Sanchez is reporting that on Friday's Morning Joe, MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski show just how bored they have become reporting on Barack Obama's abysmal approval ratings. While Joe was reading down the embarrassing figures, Mika could not hide her disdain and interrupted.
Mika: OK. Are you bored?
Joe: I am. (keeps reading)
Mika: I'm bored.
Joe: OK. I am bored.
Mika: Let's not even discuss it. Cause we've done it 50 million times. It would be rehashed and contrived.
Looks like it is getting more and more difficult for the liberal media to swallow the horse-pill of reality about their adored ObamaMessiah. So instead of honest reporting, they are happy to turn a blind eye and move on.
12/2/2013 8:47:28 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
ObamaCare "system" is still NOT working
Jeff Dunetz is reporting that yesterday the White House declared "mission accomplished." Healthcare.gov, the ObamaCare website was now working (80% worth).
Jeff Zients, the White House official appointed to fix the problem-plagued HealthCare.gov since its disastrous rollout last month, said the site is “night and day from what it was on Nov. 1."
Barack Obama's partners in the ObamaCare mess, the insurance companies are saying not so fast, the website is not working, at least when it comes to transferring information to them. And if a person buys one of their policies and if they don't receive the information, the person isn't insured.
The problem is that so-called back end systems, which are supposed to deliver consumer information to insurers, still have not been fixed. And with coverage for many people scheduled to begin in just 30 days, insurers are worried the repairs may not be completed in time.
“Until the enrollment process is working from end to end, many consumers will not be able to enroll in coverage,” said Karen M. Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, a trade group.
The issues are vexing and complex. Some insurers say they have been deluged with phone calls from people who believe they have signed up for a particular health plan, only to find that the company has no record of the enrollment. Others say information they received about new enrollees was inaccurate or incomplete, so they had to track down additional data -- a laborious task that would not be feasible if data is missing for tens of thousands of consumers.
In still other cases, insurers said, they have not been told how much of a customer’s premium will be subsidized by the government, so they do not know how much to charge the policyholder.
According to the reports, insurance companies have gotten customer calls asking for their insurance card after signing up for a policy via Healthcare.gov, but the company was never informed that the customer purchased insurance.
“Somehow people are getting lost in the process,” the insurance executive said. “If they go to a doctor or a hospital and we have no record of them, that will be very upsetting to consumers.”
So where does the "mission accomplished" come from?
This is the administration where the DoJ investigates itself, where the State Department runs an investigation on Benghazi without interviewing the Secretary of State, and the head of the NSA appoints the people on a commission to investigate the NSA, of course they would have the people charged with fixing a failed website grading their own performance.
Healthcare.gov is not fixed from the standpoint of the insurance companies, nor has the security infrastructure been fixed, but that doesn't stop the Administration from praising itself.
Caveat emptor!
The "website" is the tip of the iceberg. It's the part that "enrollees" see, and it only creates a healthcare "policy" in a government database. Three kids on the West Coast built one over a weekend.
The ObamaCare "system" -- the part that links the stakeholders, processes billions of health-related transactions, bills the tens of millions of insureds, does the accounting, pays the players, and produces information on these billions and billions of events is never going to work before Obama leaves the White House -- and it's going to be a goldmine for hackers.
12/2/2013 8:59:36 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Lies of ObamaCare
Scott Johnson says in his column “Sack Sebelius,” Jack Kelly makes the case that Kathleeen Sebelius should be fired. Kelly frames his case this way:
One of the things for which I’m thankful this Thanksgiving is that I’m not Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
That Ms. Sebelius is still HHS secretary is remarkable. If they’d presided over a fiasco like the ObamaCare rollout, the CEO of every corporation anywhere in the world would have been fired long ago.
Ms. Sebelius is fortunate she works in government, where there is no accountability.
And in the Obama administration, where there is no integrity.
Earlier this month, TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau was convicted of fraud for making health claims less obviously false than those Ms. Sebelius and her boss have made for ObamaCare. Mr. Trudeau has been fined $37.5 million and could spend years in prison.
Ms. Sebelius won’t be joining Mr. Trudeau in his cell, as she would if there were justice in this world. But her luck may be running out….
It seems to me that the analogy to Kevin Trudeau fails with Sebelius. Say what you will about her, Kathleen Sebelius is the underling in the ObamaCare fraud. She is an important underling, but just an underling.
Kelly is nevertheless on to something. The perpetrator of the ObamaCare saga is Barack Obama himself. It was Obama who made dozens of fraudulent claims about his intended, proposed and enacted health care law like these over a period of years (collected with links here):
• Remarks at the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009: “I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage -- they like their plan and, most importantly, they value their relationship with their doctor. They trust you. And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
• Presidential weekly address, March 6, 2010: “”What won’t change when this bill is signed is this: If you like the insurance plan you have now, you can keep it. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Because nothing should get in the way of the relationship between a family and their doctor.”
• Remarks on the Affordable Care Act Supreme Court ruling, June 28, 2012: “If you’re one of the more than 250 million Americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance -- this law will only make it more secure and more affordable.”
Why focus on Sebelius? Because, as Kelly observes toward the end of his column, she would serve as a scapegoat for Obama. In our system, her job is to fall on her sword.
Sebelius can be sacked, but she is just a lackey. To repeat, Obama is the perpetrator. Obama is the indispensable fraudster of ObamaCare.
Kelly’s analogy to Kevin Trudeau is intriguing. Trudeau is indeed a fraudster. The FTC fined Trudeau $37.6 million for deceptive marketing in fraudulent informercials. He’s back in the news, most recently, for his conviction on a charge of criminal contempt related to failure to pay the fine.
Compared to Obama, however, Trudeau is a piker. As Bernard Madoff is to finance, Barack Obama is to politics. See, e.g., Andrew McCarthy’s “The scheme behind the ObamaCare fraud.” In the selling of ObamaCare, Barack Obama perpetrated a massive fraud.
12/2/2013 9:37:05 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/2/2013 11:32:29 AM |
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Leesburg, FL
71, joined Jan. 2010
I found this interesting take on Constitutional Jurisdiction. Please make note of ALL our alphabet agencies created by Congress. While reading the article below, we might substitute any agency for the one in the example. My intention is for all of us to witness the big picture and ask questions. Like children we need to ask;
"...since when are you the boss of me? You aren't my mommy!"
By Attorney Lowell (Larry) Becraft, Jr.
June 22, 2004
We suffer a plague of the acronymic alphabet agencies: DEA, FDA, FAA, FCC, SEC, FBI, TVA, IRS, BATF, ad nauseam. One may study the U.S. Constitution searching for the specific provision granting Congress authority over airplanes, telecommunications, securities as well as a wide variety of other matters and learn that Congress has apparently been denied authority over these subject matters.
This raises an extremely interesting question: where do we find the Constitutional authority for such agencies and the laws they administer?
By statute, all federal agencies must confine their activities to the jurisdiction delegated to them: see 5. U.S.C. §588. While this is a simply statutory command, there is an evident problem in that most federal agencies fail to publish any statements, either in the C.F.R. or some other source, which define their jurisdiction in clear and express terms.
The C.I.A. is one agency where it is easy to determine its jurisdiction because a statute has deprived it of any domestic jurisdiction; see Weissman v. C.I.A., 565 F.2d 692, 696 (D.C. Cir. 1977). However, to determine the jurisdiction of other agencies requires some study.
Perhaps the best way to determine the jurisdiction of any given federal agency is to examine various cases regarding the subject matter of that agency. For example, the United States Constitution does not provide that Congress has any authority concerning the fish and wildlife within this country and this has been previously litigated with obvious results. In McCready v. Virginia, 94 U.S. 391, 394- 95 (1877), the Supreme Court held regarding the fish within the oceans:
"[T]he States own the tidewaters themselves and the fish in them, so far as they are capable of ownership while running." The title thus held is subject to the paramount right of navigation, the regulation of which, in respect to foreign and interstate commerce, has been granted to the United States. There has been, however, no such grant of power over the fisheries. These remain under the exclusive control of the state.....
Like fish, the Constitution simply grants no authority to the federal government to control the wildlife within the states of this nation and this has been noted in several cases. A ready example of such a case is United States v. Shauver, 214 F. 154, 160 (E.D.Ark. 1914), which concerned the issue of where the Migratory Bird Act of March, 1913, could apply.
Through this act, Congress sought to extend protection to migratory birds by limiting the hunting season and otherwise placing restrictions upon hunting of these birds. As is only natural, upon adoption of this act federal officials started enforcing it and here they had arrested Shauver in Arkansas for shooting migratory birds.
Shauver moved to dismiss the charges filed against him on the grounds that the act contravened the Tenth Amendment by invading the jurisdiction of the states upon a matter historically reserved for legislation by the states. In deciding that this act was unconstitutional, Judge Trieber noted that the common law provided that the states essentially owned the birds within their borders and state legislation was the sole source by which hunting could be controlled. In so concluding, he held:
"All the courts are authorized to do when the constitutionality of a legislative act is questioned is to determine whether Congress, under the Constitution as it is, possesses the power to enact the legislation in controversy; their power does not extend to the matter of expediency. If Congress has not the power, the duty of the court is to declare the act void. The court is unable to find any provision in the Constitution authorizing Congress, either expressly or by necessary implication, to protect or regulate the shooting of migratory wild game in a state, and is therefore forced to the conclusion that the act is unconstitutional."
Notwithstanding Judge Trieber's decision, enforcement of the act did not stop and it was thereafter enforced within Kansas, where another man arrested for killing migratory birds. In United States v. McCullagh, 221 F. 288, 293 (D.Kan. 1915), the issue of the Migratory Bird Act of 1913 was again before a different court and it, relying upon its own research of the law as well as the decision in Shauver, likewise concluded that this act was unconstitutional:
"[T]he exclusive title and power to control the taking and ultimate disposition of the wild game in this country resides in the states, to be parted with and exercised by the state for the common good of all the people of the state, as in its wisdom may seem best."
The above decisions have never been overruled and they stand today as valid authority for the proposition that Congress under the Constitution does not have any direct grant of power to regulate and control fish and wildlife within our country.
If this is the case, you might ask what is the Constitutional basis upon which the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has been created and currently operates?
Part II and III, coming soon.
© 2004 Lowell Becraft - All Rights Reserved
most are created with the authority from "keeping interstate commerence regular". The main contention here is what does "regular" mean. In the 1790s it meant to keep things flowing, so one state could not make a law keeping another state's product out.
But themeaning has envolved to mean regulate. This is even used to create the ACA law.
12/2/2013 11:47:09 AM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Lies of ObamaCare ....
Kelly’s analogy to Kevin Trudeau is intriguing. Trudeau is indeed a fraudster. The FTC fined Trudeau $37.6 million for deceptive marketing in fraudulent informercials. He’s back in the news, most recently, for his conviction on a charge of criminal contempt related to failure to pay the fine.
Compared to Obama, however, Trudeau is a piker. As Bernard Madoff is to finance, Barack Obama is to politics. See, e.g., Andrew McCarthy’s “The scheme behind the ObamaCare fraud.” In the selling of ObamaCare, Barack Obama perpetrated a massive fraud.
Hey, I gotta defend Trudeau a little bit. We all know he's selling books. He doesn't have anything to offer except he gathered public domain information and authored books. I purchased one of his books on the "gamble" that one piece of his "claimed" information might be worth the purchase price. I only used two of his suggestions and saved ten times what I paid for his book in under twenty minutes time. All I did was pick up the phone and followed his instructions.
I am pleased that I received what I was sold and met my expectations for the cost I was willing to pay. The delivery of the purchase was just as promised. Our busines agreement and contract was fulfilled.
Let's not confuse entrepreuners with government criminals. Trudeau offered a 100% warranty on his so-called fraud. What does OBummer, Sebelious, OBummrCare or anything government promises offer to their "fleeced customers"? Where's our 100% money back gaurantee?
I think America has a class action lawsuit coming soon! 
I think the Insurers will have their own also.
Hmmm? Let's do some math and legal gymnastics. The USA Inc. is a Delaware corporation. If it looses the lawsuit and a few hundered million plaintiffs are awarded treble damages, I think USA Inc. would go bankrupt and the plaintiffs would own the USA corporation.
As shareholders and voters of their newly acquired USA Inc., American citizens could remove the present CEO, board of directors, and close any unneccesary agencies and departments.
Let's take a vote with paper ballots on this one! 
12/2/2013 4:19:29 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Obamacare Talk at Thanksgiving Party
12/2/2013 6:56:41 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/2/2013 8:12:22 PM |
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Checotah, OK
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12/2/2013 8:22:36 PM |
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Checotah, OK
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12/3/2013 8:58:22 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Supreme Court to admit Obama broke law?
President's actions called 'unprecedented power grabs'
Published: 12 hours ago
author Bob Unruh
President Obama’s three appointments to the National Labor Relations Board last year were ruled unconstitutional by an appeals court, but the appointees are still in place as the dispute moves to the U.S. Supreme Court.
“Obama’s recess appointments are unprecedented power grabs, which if left to stand will turn the constitutional separation of powers on its head,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, which has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case.
“Unfortunately, these recess appointments are one of many examples of this president acting outside of his constitutional authority. We hope the Supreme Court reminds President Obama that he is not above the law,” said Fitton, whose organization describes itself as a watchdog on the federal government.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the January 2012 appointments were unconstitutional, because the U.S. Senate was not in recess at the time.
Judicial Watch joined with the Allied Educational Foundation in the brief, which charges the president’s “alleged recess appointments to the NLRB are unconstitutional for the primary reason that the Senate was in session at the time of the purported appointments.”
“The president’s declaration that these sessions were invalid disregards the Senate’s authority to determine and administer its own procedures, including when it will recess and how it will conduct its business,” the Judicial Watch/AEF brief argues.
“The Senate alone can determine when it will hold session in conformity with its obligations and delegated powers by the Constitution.”
WND reported earlier on the case when the appeals court ruled the appointments violated the law.
At the time, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said the correct next step in the dispute would be for the appointees to step down.
Issa, the chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chided that the president, “who taught constitutional law, should’ve known better.”
“As the Oversight Committee examined in a hearing a year ago, President Obama’s appointments looked like an obvious election-year pander to big labor bosses,” Issa said.
He said the ruling made the decisions from the board itself suspect.
“To avoid further damage to the economy, the NLRB must take the responsible course and cease issuing any further opinions until a constitutionally sound quorum can be established,” he said. “The unconstitutionally appointed members of the NLRB should do the right thing and step down.”
Issa said his committee has examined the unconstitutionality of the president’s appointments and the repercussions that his decision to bypass the Senate confirmation process for NLRB appointees would have on the troubled agency.
The chairman said it’s largely uncharted territory.
In a statement at the time the review was conducted, Issa said that if the Senate can pass a bill and send it to the president for his signature, it is clearly not in recess.
“But a ‘recess’ is exactly what President Obama has argued in justifying four recent appointments,” Issa said.
The members named to the NLRB were Richard Griffin Jr., Sharon Block and Terence F. Flynn.
The issue was that the Senate, although not meeting every day, met regularly and did not announce a formal adjournment. Nevertheless, Obama declared the Senate in recess and made the appointments.
“This is not a recipe for good government and effective rulemaking – it’s a recipe for constitutional crisis,” Issa said.
In the unanimous court opinion, the appellate judges said the Obama administration’s arguments were not persuasive.
“To adopt the … proffered intrasession interpretation of ‘the recess’ would wholly defeat the purpose of the Framers in the careful separation of powers structure reflected in the Appointments Clause,” the court said.
The Supreme Court previously has said the “manipulation of official appointments had long been one of the American revolutionary generation’s greatest grievances against executive power, because the power of appointment to offices was deemed the most insidious and powerful weapon of eighteenth century despotism.’”
Because of the potential for abuse, the “advice and consent” part of the Constitution requires Congress to approve presidential appointments, they explain.
Judicial Watch said there should be no confusion regarding the intent of the Founders.
Furthermore, the brief argues, the Senate sets its own rules.
Obama’s flouting of the constitutional requirements has been cited as one of many reasons to impeach him.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/supreme-court-to-admit-obama-broke-law/#eUeP6UFa0gOf65ML.99
12/3/2013 11:55:38 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/3/2013 11:58:08 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Longknife 21
"But it was a bit of a revelation when Obama said the other day that the reason his campaign website worked so well but Healthcare.gov does not is that when it comes to building a campaign website, "I’m not constrained by a bunch of federal procurement rules."
CGI Federal was given a $93 million No-Bid contract for the ObamaCare website.
Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, a classmate and friend of Michelle Obama,is senior vice president at CGI Federal.
Valery Jarrett's daughter's husband is also a big-shot there and part owner. The daughter works or did work there, too.
The Owners have been big contributors to Obama since getting the contract.
This company was fired for failure to produce a suitable gun registry for Canada.
Cronyism, with a known sub-standard company. The Chicago way
12/3/2013 12:53:54 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Obamacare Talk at Thanksgiving Party
There ya go! This is what America thinks of OUR government "mandates". It's the butt end of more jokes today. People who know, see the dangers, rather than the Socialist dreams of Utopia.
The website. It was NOT meant to work, it was designed to stall us until government would have everyone freely hand over all our private and personal information that the government didn't have already. To do this, they needed the threat and might of the IRS, and the information storage and compilation of the NSA. They are pointing a gun to our heads to tie our own noose to hang us with. We are NOT going to receive better healthcare, if ANY care. The numbers don't work! Not the money, the doctors, hospitals or the care. It's a trick.
Like the video, instead of complying, we need to laugh and thumb our noses at them. 
They can't make us buy something we can't afford, don't want, and don't need.
Oh, but I'm so afraid of the big bad IRS coming after me! The IRS is on shakey ground already. Nobody loved them before. Even less are going to respect them today even without the scandals. What can they do if we all remove ourself from the banking and taxing system?
Most Americans have hardly any money in the bank these days. The little bit there is, it's time to cash out and leave in the minimal amount to pay one weeks worth of bills. Keeping our hard money under our pillows will keep it from the seizure power of the IRS and protect us IF and WHEN banks close their doors overnight. Taking money out of circulation will send a message too. What will it take for everyone to entirely STOP paying taxes altogether, I don't know, but I can feel it happening very soon. Americans can't pay what they don't have.
I can see a good many Americans demanding, out of financial preservation, for their employer to change their withholding amounts to the bare minimum, and pocketing more each week just to survive. Then, when tax day rolls around, there's no money to pay taxes or to seize from an empty bank account. Ah, we know they're going to try stealing homes. Until Americans shoot the Revenuers or their bank/court pawns who do their dirty work. Normally this would be frowned upon, but when America is being attacked by our own IRS and the government that created them and the laws, it makes sense to protect their homes and families.
How did I go from ObamaCare to protecting your savings and homes? Healthcare is the sheep costume hiding the wolf. There is no expected care, only the theft prior to receiving any of it.
Once ObamaCare fails, and that IS its goal, big brother will be the only choice to ensure government runs the entire show. They will own us through our health. Single payer, through an inflated taxing system, to ration healthcare to the obedient slaves of America. There will be an end to independent care. The doctors need a license to be in business. All doctors and hospitals will be employees and tools of our new Socialist government.
The best way to avoid this inescapable conclusion is paper ballots. WE know they are playing with us, so they need to be removed from the game. Vote the BUMS out, but WE get to count the votes!
12/3/2013 2:12:15 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
'Lefty' librarian beaten to pulp in Knockout Game
'I'm a liberal Obama supporter but that didn't stop the violence on me'
Published: 3 hours ago
author Colin Flaherty
Before his encounter with the Knockout Game and racial violence, Paul Lane was “a lefty.”
“As left as you can get,” he said. He supported Obama. Intends to vote for Hillary. Or least he did.
That was until Nov. 7, 2013. The day everything changed for Paul. The day Kenneth Johnson walked into the Contra Costa library and played the Knockout Game.
“It was 2:49 in the afternoon,” said Lane, a librarian. “And this black guy, I won’t say he was a kid, he was 21 years old, comes into the room in the library. I was helping a 67-year-old guy with history and old movies, because I know that stuff. He was smiling as if he knew the guy I was helping. Then he – Johnson – walks up to the patron and hits him on the side of the head as hard as he can.”
Three weeks later, in court, when Lane told his story, Johnson’s lawyer objected. “The witness doesn’t know how hard my client can hit,” said the lawyer.
Actually, he might. Lane yelled at Johnson to stop hitting the patron. He did. Then he jumped over Lane’s desk and started hitting and kicking him. It got real bloody real fast.
“So the guy jumps over the library desk and started beating me. And hits me about 20 or 25 times. I can’t remember exactly cause I’m kinda blocked out a bit. Yeah, he really whaled into me. He decked the patron with one punch. He hit me in the ear. In the side of the head. The top of the head. I was bleeding from the nose, eyes, mouth, ears.”
Lane crawled into the other room and asked for help. Then it was over. Later, the newspapers would say the injuries were non-life threatening. Which, of course, depends on how you define life. The library walls were spattered with blood. Lane cannot pick up a book, let alone think about going back to work. He has headaches and “major concussion issues.”
And other issues, maybe even bigger:
“I’m a 58-year-old white man who work(ed) as a ‘liberal librarian’ in Northern California,” he said. “Not your typical WND reader, but as a research librarian I read a lot of news sources. And this attack was exactly the way you describe in your book and articles. Exactly the same.”
Lane was referring to “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
Johnson left the library the same way he arrived — his mother drove him. But in their rush to get away, first they could not start their car. Then Johnson insisted on taking the wheel. His erratic driving made him easy to find. Within 30 minutes he was in police custody.
Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
Then the real games began. Ralph Malatesta knows them well. Two years ago, he was the victim of a similar attack 3,000 miles away in Delaware. The police caught his attackers, bloodied and bruised, after Malatesta refused to turn over his money.
“It turns out they had been on a robbery spree in that neighborhood for weeks,” said Malatesta. “And five people were willing to press charges. But every time it came up for a trial, we would all show up in court, but the robbers asked for a continuance. So the five other people got sick of the delay and stopped showing up. But I stuck with it and they were eventually convicted.”
Johnson and his lawyer are using the same playbook. So far, they have delayed the court proceedings at least twice. But that doesn’t matter to Lane.
“They canceled it to see if I would really show up the next time. I did. It’s very exhausting and I do not have any stamina as a result of the beating. But I’m not giving up.”
Meanwhile, in the local papers, police say they want help with the case. Especially the motive. They just can’t figure out why Johnson did what he was alleged to have done. Why anyone would.
Maybe they should call former Michigan prison psychologist Marlin Newburn. He spent 30 years in the criminal justice system learning about motives and racial violence. And hatred. Up close and personal. He has seen a lot of this: the violence is about hate. And the hate is about race.
To people who practice this type of racial violence, all non-blacks are the enemy since they were weaned on the idea that whites/Asians/Hispanics/Martians were “keeping my people down.”
They may be functionally illiterate, and I have yet to meet one that wasn’t, but their older family members or people in their neighborhood along with the popular culture drove that early message into their skulls.
They believe that they have some black toxic-tribal license to attack, and the more brutal, the more “down with the struggle” they are. The degree of viciousness also demonstrates just how manly (or womanly) they are. In other words, the more sadistic, the higher the social and personal power status.
It’s also great street cred for them, the sacred status for assaulting the all-pervasive and imaginary white power structure, and in regard to Asians and Hispanics, those people are just “takin’ jobs” from them.
The people who practice this kind of racial violence — like the Knockout Game — have imaginary, social injustice tags as legitimate reasons to assault all non-blacks.
To say the black assaults on non-blacks isn’t racist is a blatant lie. Black predators are racist to the bone. Most all live the part in prison.
As Lane’s case winds through the system, Lane is keeping an eye on all the media coverage the Knockout Game is receiving all over the country. He has a hard time believing what he is reading – and hearing.
“I listen to left-wing radio,” he says. “And I could not believe it when I heard my favorite radio personality – Stephanie Miller – say the Knockout Game does not exist. That’s crazy.”
Lane’s entire life is upside down. He and his wife are moving to a safer place. He probably won’t be able to return to work. At least for a while.
“I can’t get beat again,” he says. “I’ll die. I’m a liberal Obama supporter but that didn’t stop the violence on me. I have serious concussion issues and my trust for young African American men in particular is now less than zero.”
Post Script: The New York Times continues to insist the Knockout Game is a myth.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/knockout-game-victim-i-no-longer-trust-blacks/#f9YdOl3iCP3hjgX0.99
12/3/2013 4:12:08 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Hey, the so-called president made another speech today. But this time I agree with his latest suggestion. He made another promise, and I'm going to help him keep this one.
"ObamaCare will NOT be repealed as long as I'm president"! 
Alright, that I can back him on. Time for him to get booted out of office! 
12/3/2013 5:07:04 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
A little FBI history. The creation of the FBI was to investigate theft and corruption by federal employees WITHIN the federal government. They were initially accountants. Not very long after they were created, they were given guns and badges and began turning their attention on citizens. What do we know about them today? It looks like all they do is investigate citizens and NOT government corruption. Do we need yet another federal agency to attack us and protect government corruption? Something to think about.
Issa: FBI Impeding IRS Investigation
Tuesday, 03 Dec 2013 12:14 PM
By Courtney Coren
Rep. Darrell Issa claims the FBI has delayed handing over information he requested about the Internal Revenue Service targeting of the conservative group True the Vote. Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said he may issue a subpoena.
According to Issa and Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, the committee is still waiting for documents related to the FBI's investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative groups that it began six months ago, The Washington Times reported.
In a letter to FBI Director James B. Comey Jr., Issa and Jordan they say no information has been released, and the FBI has refused to allow the assistant director overseeing the investigation to brief the committee in person after saying it would.
Issa and Jordan allege political meddling, since the briefing was turned down after FBI officials met with the Justice Department.
"The department's tactics have impeded a congressional investigation and interfered with the committee's access to documents and information," they wrote. "Obstructing a congressional investigation is a crime."
They have given the FBI until Dec. 16 to respond. (So, we're going to allow them to stall longer by nicely asking for a "response"?)
The FBI declined to comment on the letter, but said it plans to respond to the congressmen in writing.
The Justice Department said questions about its involvement in the investigation should be sent to the FBI. (So, questions should be sent to, and answered by, the criminals that are impeding the investigation?)
It was revealed in May that the IRS was giving additional scrutiny to conservative groups seeking nonprofit status.
True the Vote is an election-integrity group from Texas that was targeted by the IRS and was finally approved in September — three years after applying for 501(c)(3) status.
The group filed a lawsuit against the IRS in May with the help of attorney Cleta Mitchell, who is representing six groups claiming they were targeted by the IRS when they applied for tax-exempt status.
Mitchell told Newsmax that she believes the campaign targeting conservative and tea party groups can be traced to President Barack Obama and top administration officials, based on evidence she has.
Related Stories:
•Top IRS Officials Knew Conservative Groups Were Targeted
•IRS Targeted Tea Party After Granting Tax Status
© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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12/3/2013 5:42:41 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/3/2013 6:19:35 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Iframe format.
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/3/2013 6:44:41 PM |
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Checotah, OK
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Checotah, OK
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12/3/2013 9:09:27 PM |
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Checotah, OK
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12/3/2013 9:20:09 PM |
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Checotah, OK
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12/3/2013 9:40:13 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Top doctor: 'Gay' blood will taint U.S. supply
'Validating people's feelings is not our job'
Published: 2 hours ago
author Chelsea Schilling
Should homosexual men – a group with the highest HIV-infection rates in the nation – be allowed to donate blood?
That’s the question the federal government is considering this week as it re-evaluates whether it should lift the 30-year ban on homosexual blood donation.
On Thursday, members of the Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability will revisit the issue.
But a leading pathologist is warning that the move would heighten the risk of spreading HIV to other Americans.
‘Gay’ men have ‘much higher prevalence’ of HIV
Dr. Jay Brooks, an expert in blood banking and transfusion at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine, told WND the problem with “donations from men who’ve had sex with men is that they have a much higher prevalence of HIV than the heterosexual community.”
“They have a much higher prevalence,” he emphasized.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, released a 2010 analysis of heavily affected populations showing “men who have sex with men,” or MSM, account for a large majority of new HIV infections, much more so than even injection drug users, or IDUs:
CDC estimates of new HIV infections in 2010 show homosexual men have a much higher incidence of HIV infection than other groups, including injection drug users, or IDUs
In fact, “CDC estimates that MSM represent approximated 4 percent of the male population in the United States, but male-to-male sex accounted for more than three-fourths (78 percent) of new HIV infections among men and nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of all new infections in 2010.”
An estimated 1.1 million Americans are currently infected with HIV, and at least one quarter of those are said to be unaware of their infection. While some people experience symptoms early, others go years without experiencing any signs.
The CDC states: “Most people will develop antibodies that standard HIV tests can detect within 2-8 weeks (the average is 25 days). But, there is a chance that some people will take longer to develop antibodies. So, if you had risky sex or engaged in risky behavior with a person who has HIV or whose HIV status is unknown, you may need multiple tests to ensure you were not infected. … In very rare cases, it can take up to six months to develop antibodies to HIV.”
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services warns that HIV screening tests "aren't perfect," and an HIV-infected donor "can infect others if your blood is transfused to them."
Brooks said: “So, if they donate, the problem is quarantine release errors. They’re going to test the blood. If the blood has HIV, they’re going to put a stamp on it. But if there’s an error, then that blood may go out. And that blood may be HIV positive.”
Concerned individuals may contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability.
HIV blood tests are not perfect
“It became apparent in the early ’80s that you could get AIDS from a blood transfusion,” Brooks explained. “There was a lot of criticism that the blood collection industry dragged its feet to keep their gay blood donors from donating and from developing a test, the idea being that gay blood donors were excellent blood donors. They would come in every eight weeks, and they didn’t want to lose them. They didn’t want to hurt their feelings.”
By the middle of the 1980s, an enzyme test was developed to screen for HIV.
“The problem with any test is, if I become infected right now, there’s a period of time before a test is going to be able to detect it,” Brooks said. “So what the FDA said was, looking at the epidemiology of HIV, we’re saying men who’ve had sex with men since 1977 are permanently deferred. That was the impetus for the ban.”
Over the years, Brooks said, testing improved dramatically but never reached perfection.
“The problem would be that you’d have more HIV in the blood supply, big time,” he said. “So you absolutely would not want to lift the ban and say, ‘Bring on all comers, our testing is so good.’”
The American Red Cross warns: “HIV antibodies may take a few weeks to develop after infection with the virus. If you were recently infected, you might have a negative test result, yet be able to infect the recipient of your donation. That is why you must not give blood if you are at risk of getting AIDS or other infectious diseases.”
Is it safe for homosexuals to donate?
12/3/2013 9:40:27 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Nonetheless, a petition a WhiteHouse.gov, created in November by students at the University of Michigan, claims the FDA policy is “discriminatory and inadequate.” The students want the federal government to merely ask prospective donors, “Have you had unprotected sexual contact with a new partner in the past 12 weeks?”
While other advocates of homosexual blood donation have argued that MSM should be allowed to donate if they say they haven’t had sex with men in at least one to five years – the current guidelines in Britain and Canada – Brooks said any such deferral period presents yet another complication.
“Part of the problem, to me, is you’re asking gay men to be celibate for a year to donate blood – or five years,” he said. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. It’s certainly been documented in the medical literature that if we went to a one-year deferral period, it would not significantly add to the blood supply.”
Brooks added, “Yes, people need blood, but taking blood from men who’ve had sex from men since 1977 is not going to increase the blood supply substantially.”
Advocates also argue that HIV-negative men who have been in committed homosexual relationships for a year should be allowed to donate. According to the Washington Times, the Gay Men’s Health Crisis recommends a policy that permits people who are sexually active but engage in “low-risk sexual practices like condom usage or monogamy” to donate blood.
However, Brooks argues, the problem is that “one partner may have been monogamous and the other partner may not have been monogamous.”
“How do you vouch for your partner?”
HIV-contaminated blood infects transfusion patients
Although experts say it’s rare these days, HIV-contaminated blood has infected transfusion patients.
In June 2008, a married Missouri man who admitted to having sex – often anonymously with men and women outside of his marriage – donated HIV-infected blood.
According to the CDC’s Oct. 22, 2010 “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,” two recipients received the contaminated blood. One was a Colorado patient undergoing a kidney transplant, and he was later confirmed to be HIV positive following a transfusion with the infected donor’s blood. The second patient, an Arkansas man, died of heart disease two days after receiving the HIV-infected blood.
Brooks said he dreads the day a doctor will be forced to tell family members that a patient has contracted HIV following a blood transfusion when the whole scenario could have been avoided.
“I’ve seen this with blood transfusion, where a patient will come into a hospital to undergo a minor surgery and get a blood transfusion that has been mismatched,” he said. “There’s been a problem, and that patient dies. That patient shouldn’t have died because he was coming in for a minor transfusion.
“I can’t imagine being the doctor who sits down with the family and says, ‘Well, the operation went fine, but we messed up on the blood and your loved one died.’ That’s a completely preventable error.”
While Brooks acknowledges that it’s an emotive topic for some, he warns that it’s exceedingly important to consider Americans’ safety before all other arguments.
“The thing is, we don’t know what’s coming down the road. There may be other infectious diseases that come into the blood supply and it may infect the men who’ve had sex with men and IV drug users. It may affect other groups. We don’t know. We really can’t make exceptions for people because it hurts their feelings,” he said.
“I think a lot of people see being able to donate blood as validation. That’s not our job. Validating people’s feelings is not our job. Our job is to ensure a safe blood supply.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/top-doctor-gay-blood-will-taint-u-s-supply/#EP5ZREOOHPhF8Eym.99
12/3/2013 9:50:19 PM |
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Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
Gross and scary
12/4/2013 7:25:51 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/4/2013 11:09:38 AM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Pull-overs Motorist Stops for Breath, Blood Samples Spur Anger, Apology
Fort Worth Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead Tuesday,
03 Dec 2013 05:04 PM
By Cheryl K. Chumley
The Fort Worth, Texas, police chief has apologized for an operation that pulled drivers to the side of the road and asked them for breath, blood, and saliva samples for a federal research project on driving while impaired.
But the $7.9 million project, headed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is far from over, with similar police stops slated next year at about 300 sites in 60 cities around the nation.
The latest phase of the operation, staged in late November as part of the NHTSA's National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drugged Driving, included uniformed off-duty Fort Worth officers directing motorists into an area where they were met by technicians in lab coats who asked them to blow into a machine to test their blood-alcohol levels or to provide either blood or saliva samples.
Some drivers said they felt intimidated and pressured to participate.
Under fire, Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead issued an apology, saying, "I agree with our citizens' concerns, and I apologize for our participation. Any future federal survey of this nature, which jeopardizes the public's trust, will not be approved for the use of Fort Worth police," the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas said the searches "are among the most invasive police can conduct."
"We're glad the police chief recognizes that these supposedly voluntary searches should never have happened," Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, told Newsmax. "People have a right to expect that the police won't randomly stop people who aren't suspected of any wrongdoing and demand blood or saliva samples."
Burke expressed hope that "other cities take a lesson from Fort Worth's mistakes" and abstain from conducting similar tests, but that's not likely, as the Fort Worth operation was only a drop in the bucket of what the NHTSA has planned.
NHTSA spokeswoman Catherine Howden told Newsmax the operation was part of a three-year initiative to collect data about the number of people who drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The research requires partnerships with local police, who then set up road operations to usher randomly selected drivers into parking lots.
"More than 60 communities across the country will participate this year," Howden said. "The survey is conducted in the same manner in each location nationwide for the integrity of the research."
Howden said that driver participation was "completely voluntary and anonymous."
For some, the voluntary aspect doesn't moot the intimidation factor. One legal expert said the stops, as he understood the way they were conducted in Texas, could be unconstitutional.
Frank Colosi, a Fort Worth lawyer who received calls about the random traffic stops, said that even if drivers provided DNA voluntarily, other aspects of the program raise concerns.
12/4/2013 11:11:00 AM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Motorist Stops continued.
"They tell the person, if they give the DNA, that it will go to a lab and that it's completely anonymous, that it can't be traced back," Colosi said. "But where NHTSA gets itself into a jam is if the person is impaired."
In that case, he asked, would police let a drunken driver leave the scene?
If they do, the liability and legal factors are significant, especially if that impaired motorist ends up hurting somebody or causing property damage, Colosi said.
But if they don't let the driver leave — if they confiscate his or her keys or take the driver into custody — the door is open for a lawsuit based on how the police learned of the impairment in the first place.
"It's a ticklish situation," Colosi said of the roadside-testing program.
Colosi also questioned the methodology, saying the way testers collect data wouldn't be meaningful in terms of statistical sampling.
"If only people who are going to volunteer for the survey are the people who are going to come back with clean results — and let's face it, that's what would happen — that would wreck the randomness of the survey," Colosi said.
To maintain the integrity of the study, those conducting the survey are secretly recording drivers' breath and at the same time telling them that providing DNA is voluntary, he said.
"I think that what makes this an unconstitutional stop is that they pull the person over . . . and while they're telling them it's voluntary, they're testing the person's breath at that moment. Attached to their clipboard or something is a tester," and the lab people are activating that without the driver's knowledge and consent, Colosi said.
Howden of the NHTSA said the agency has been conducting the research for 40 years. Colosi said that raises another issue.
"Does this survey really make a difference? Is it really effective? It would be interesting, for instance, to see what people do in their homes, too," he said. "But that doesn't make it constitutional to break down doors and look inside homes."
The study, according to the NHTSA, is intended to "estimate the prevalence of alcohol and drugs in drivers on our nation's roadways."
A previous study, conducted in 2007, included more than 9,000 drivers from around the United States, the NHTSA said.
The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation was in charge of recruiting and collecting the DNA data — in partnership with various county and police officials — and reportedly made considerable effort to ensure the testing was both random and anonymous, the NHTSA said.
In 2,007 cases in which the driver was suspected of operating under the influence, "a supervisor intervened and obtained a preliminary breath-test reading. If the driver had a blood-alcohol content about .05, we insured he/she got safely home," the NHTSA documents said.
The first NHTSA National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drugged Driving was conducted in 1973. Subsequent surveys were conducted in 1986, sponsored by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and in 1998, sponsored by both the NHTSA and the IIHS.
In 2007, the NHTSA sponsored the survey, along with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute of Justice.
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•Government Investigators Sift Haystacks of Safety Data
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Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/US/federal-driving-impaired-pull-overs/2013/12/03/id/539786?ns_mail_uid=78908028&ns_mail_job=1548574_12042013&promo_code=15CE6-1#ixzz2mWUvHmsd
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There's a little dis-information in this political damage-control report. A week ago, a Texas News network reported that the motorists were "informed", 'if they "DID NOT COMPLY" they would be arrested. The reporter also found, while the motorists were directed to the parking location, another person was recording license plate information. Doesn't sound like voluntary and anonymous to me.
Do off-duty officers get to conduct non-criminal arrests? The written law states an officer's traffic stop or questioning is an official "arrest and detainment". Does a non-government third party contractor make it legitimate by wearing a "doctor's" white lab coat? It's all a visual deception of impersonating legality of their offenses.
This is one more TSA, IRS, NSA, and now NHTSA, big brother exercise to softly get us to be "conditioned and acclimated" to the NAZI-STYLE interrogation techniques that will be commonplace in our future.
A bit of common sense advice/opinion I found on another website offered that motorists should lock their doors and never open the driver's side window more than a crack, to communicate, and close all OTHER windows so there is NO "cross-breeze". Officers "could" state in their official report that they smelled alcohol or marijuana aroma possibly coming from the interior, giving them "probable cause" to interrogate motorists further and perform a vehicle search without a warrant. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. Also suggested, an ID is NOT required to be shown unless a crime has been observed or collision reported by an involved "damaged" party. That's a tough one! "May we see your papers?" ... for no good reason. It's another violation of that little inconvenient 4th Amendment thingy, "... being secure in their person, houses, PAPERS, and effects ..."
12/4/2013 11:46:53 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time | Page 3 |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Is this real or internet conspiracy? Mike.
Published on Nov 26, 2013
We have seen this automated Obama care machine in Wal-Mart knowing that with in the contents of the manual you will be required to take the rfid chip to obtain the fine insurance offered by the government. When you will be selling your soul for nothing my friend in return! But now they are brainwashing our children in the schools and going behind our backs telling them the chip is their friend. How scheming can one be, this is just like the devil! You are responsible for your child, guard them with your life my friends, they could lose theirs if you do not!
Your pastor will tell you obey the state! He will be obligated to do so. But you are only obligated to obey the word of God almighty, not a man! If you listen to him you will lose your life and if you take the chip you will lose your soul in the second death.
Linda Brady sent me this info on chippy with the info on the church as well insisting it was correct. As of today I have been informed this link is a parody and the doll was not ever on eBay or the coloring books. But the chip is real and as I have told you before they will do whatever they can to trick you to take the mark
12/4/2013 12:28:18 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Published on Sep 4, 2013
This video was uploaded by tonyb486
Originally Titled: Why the Mythbusters won't do RFID (last hope Adam Savage)
I am uploading this video to help bring this information to more people.
FYI - This video is part of a playlist I called "RFID - Sunday Law - Sabbath is Saturday - GMO - Changing DNA". Click on the link below if interested in checking out more videos on this topic and what I believe are related topics, for the mark of the beast, 666 and why I believe Sabbath still stands and it is on Saturday not Sunday.
Description: Adam Savage at The Last Hope explaining why there will never be RFID on Mythbusters.
12/4/2013 12:46:40 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Oops, it's already in use, and we don't know about it! 
Published on Sep 4, 2013
This video was uploaded by bikerbillnh
Originally Titled: 'Hidden Tracking Devices' in the NH House
I am uploading this video to help bring this information to more people.
FYI - This video is part of a playlist I called "RFID - Sunday Law - Sabbath is Saturday - GMO - Changing DNA". Click on the link below if interested in checking out more videos on this topic and what I believe are related topics, for the mark of the beast, 666 and why I believe Sabbath still stands and it is on Saturday not Sunday.
Description: Dr. Katherine Albrecht testifies before the NH House Commerce Committee on HB478-FN: "relative to remotely readable devices and relative to the illegal use of a payment card scanning device or re-encoder." That's RFID... 3/9/2009
See the hacker video referenced by Dr. Albrecht at -
Learn more at - http://Spychips.com/
See the balance of Dr. Albrecht's testimony, and the rest of the hearing at -
12/4/2013 2:23:51 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time | Page 3 |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Check out the website at the bottom. There's lots of good information. Check out the several pages. There's even groups to connect with like-minded people in our own states and counties and discuss local issues. Here's one of the latest entries. Mike.
Withdrawing Our Consent
The people living in the colonies wanted to create a society where everyone was equal under the law. They were disgusted with the British society that was divided into classes where certain individuals were granted special rights and privileges that were not available to all. Our founders wanted everyone to have equal opportunities but they detested the idea that some individuals or groups would be able to secure special treatment or entitlements for themselves and their political allies.
The idea that people could band together to form factions in order to acquire political power to steal the property of others allows groups to do what it is unlawful for the individual to do on his own. The idea that a group has the right to pick another man's pocket makes the law an instrument in the hands of a tyrant. If we allow this to go on we are giving our consent for the government to use its power to abuse rather than protect the rights of the individual.
The notion that a political faction sufficiently large could benefit at the expense of a minority violates the principles of equality under the law.
The creation of political parties, unions and other organizations that lobby for special treatment violate the principles upon which our nation was conceived. By allowing special interest groups to have a voice in government, we have opened the door to crime and corruption. The government that our founders was supposed to protect the rights on the individuals not to provided special privileges to he few at the expense of the many. The Republic created by the founders was to be a nation of laws where the rights to the people were supreme and where groups could not gain a foothold to abuse the God given rights of the people,
Political parties are like competing bands of vikings that seek to steal as much of their neighbors wealth as they can before their neighbors pick their pockets.
Many of our laws facilitate this plunder under the color of law. Laws that are just should be obeyed and if a law is unjust we should refuse to comply with it. Tyrants expect the masses to obey the law which makes it possible for them to enslave the people with their consent.
Rulers derive their power from the consent of the governed and their capacity to enslave mankind is predicated on our obedience to their commands. Isn't it about time that we withdrew our consent and refused to comply with the demands of our oppressors?
Visit Constitution Club at: http://constitutionclub.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
12/4/2013 4:27:20 PM |
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Paragould, AR
67, joined Sep. 2013
Is this real or internet conspiracy? Mike.
Published on Nov 26, 2013
We have seen this automated Obama care machine in Wal-Mart knowing that with in the contents of the manual you will be required to take the rfid chip to obtain the fine insurance offered by the government. When you will be selling your soul for nothing my friend in return! But now they are brainwashing our children in the schools and going behind our backs telling them the chip is their friend. How scheming can one be, this is just like the devil! You are responsible for your child, guard them with your life my friends, they could lose theirs if you do not!
Your pastor will tell you obey the state! He will be obligated to do so. But you are only obligated to obey the word of God almighty, not a man! If you listen to him you will lose your life and if you take the chip you will lose your soul in the second death.
Linda Brady sent me this info on chippy with the info on the church as well insisting it was correct. As of today I have been informed this link is a parody and the doll was not ever on eBay or the coloring books. But the chip is real and as I have told you before they will do whatever they can to trick you to take the mark
ANY pastor who tells his congregation to obey the state is NOT a pastor of God and his congregation had best be finding ANOTHER pastor/church ASAP!!!! Pastors, true Christian believers know God is who ALL Christians, believers, "God's Church" are to follow and not our government and/or man/the flesh at ANY level. Though, in the end times, of which we are now living in, there will be many false prophets and false teachings in churches because satan has managed to make it's way into those churches through political correctness, etc. Sad but true. The ONLY way one will know if their pastor is speaking God's word and following God in truth of God's word is for people to know their Bible ..... read it and understand what it says and put on the armor of God every single day.
As for the chip, no, as a Christian, I will NOT receive it for insurance or any other deceitful and misleading reason our government tries to convince us of the need in having a chip. Christian's government is our Lord God and not man's government.
As for requiring a chip or any other mark to buy, sell, etc., or, as some speak of, the mark of the beast, this will happen AFTER the "church" has been raptured. If anyone knows the name of the beast, he or she has been left behind to suffer horrendous times during the Tribulation.
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Revelation 13:16-17 (NIV)
And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.” Revelation 14:9-11 (ESV)
Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:4 (ESV)
12/4/2013 6:54:16 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama in talks with Syrian Islamists
Keith Koffler says yes! You read that correctly.
The Wall Street Journal is reporting this morning that Team Obama has opened talks with openly Islamist militias fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad.
From the piece:
The U.S. and its allies have held direct talks with key Islamist militias in Syria, Western officials say, aiming to undercut al Qaeda while acknowledging that religious fighters long shunned by Washington have gained on the battlefield.
At the same time, Saudi Arabia is taking its own outreach further, moving to directly arm and fund one of the Islamist groups, the Army of Islam, despite U.S. qualms.
Both the Western and Saudi shifts aim to weaken al Qaeda-linked groups, which Western officials now concede are as great a danger in Syria as President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
Over the past two months, the militias, which command the loyalty of tens of thousands of fighters driving the conflict in Syria, have begun to consolidate their ranks. In late November, they announced they were banding together and forming the Islamic Front.
The more secular groups the U.S. has been backing have lost major ground to that group and the al Qaeda-linked forces, as well as to the Assad regime. Western diplomats estimate the new coalition accounts for about half of the rebels now fighting in the conflict.
This is the result of Obama’s feckless indecisiveness. Instead of seriously supporting rebels we might be able to deal with, Obama sort of, kind of backed them, afraid to really arm them.
Meanwhile, he tried to cutely force a stalemate and maneuver everyone to the bargaining table. As if Assad was going to bargain away his power. Obama simply doesn’t understand how these people think.
Gosh, it’s almost getting boring. Another Obama foreign policy failure.
I truly hate to say this given that he is a mass murderer, but Assad is now the best option among bad options in Syria.
To install an Islamist regime there will not only invite much more bloodletting and repression, but it will create decades of problems for the region and the United States as yet another band of Mullahs seeks to export its fanaticism. Not to mention the terrorist training camps that will dot the landscape.
Obama is now negotiating with people who want to establish a modern Caliphate and, if at all possible, cut off our heads while doing it. It’s our president’s latest journey to the Land of Dangerous Absurdities.
Obama continues his jihad.
Whatever happened to the United States not negotiating with terrorists? Obama is talking to all of them. The only people he ignores are our long-time partners,
12/4/2013 8:43:20 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Hi Ladybug. I think when the woman mentioned the Pastors, she was refering to a dream she had and the mayhem that she envisioned. True Christians will not be fooled by this. My concern is that the mechanism is in place to follow through with this evil agenda.
It's going to be a pain, but I think there are enough of us to make it stop, IF the masses know about it soon enough. Our little group on BUMS is way more informed than the average American. We need to teach our non-members.
The healthcare machines already in Walmart are a bad sign. The recent news of the OBummerCare failures are going to help our message to Christians and non-christians. There is an opportunity to use these attempts as God's teaching tool.
How many of us will stop shopping at Walmart just because of these machines? Walmart and any other retailer could close their doors after one month if all Christians stop spending money there. The agenda needs our permission to go along with the their evil plan disguised as a convenience.
12/4/2013 9:18:13 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time | Page 3 |
Paragould, AR
67, joined Sep. 2013
Hi Ladybug. I think when the woman mentioned the Pastors, she was refering to a dream she had and the mayhem that she envisioned. True Christians will not be fooled by this. My concern is that the mechanism is in place to follow through with this evil agenda.
It's going to be a pain, but I think there are enough of us to make it stop, IF the masses know about it soon enough. Our little group on BUMS is way more informed than the average American. We need to teach our non-members.
The healthcare machines already in Walmart are a bad sign. The recent news of the OBummerCare failures are going to help our message to Christians and non-christians. There is an opportunity to use these attempts as God's teaching tool.
How many of us will stop shopping at Walmart just because of these machines? Walmart and any other retailer could close their doors after one month if all Christians stop spending money there. The agenda needs our permission to go along with the their evil plan disguised as a convenience.
Mike ....  
12/5/2013 6:15:02 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time | Page 3 |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Motorist Stops for Breath, Blood Samples Spur Anger, Apology
Image: Motorist Stops for Breath, Blood Samples Spur Anger, Apology
Fort Worth Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead
Tuesday, 03 Dec 2013 05:04 PM
By Cheryl K. Chumley
The Fort Worth, Texas, police chief has apologized for an operation that pulled drivers to the side of the road and asked them for breath, blood, and saliva samples for a federal research project on driving while impaired.
But the $7.9 million project, headed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is far from over, with similar police stops slated next year at about 300 sites in 60 cities around the nation.
The latest phase of the operation, staged in late November as part of the NHTSA's National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drugged Driving, included uniformed off-duty Fort Worth officers directing motorists into an area where they were met by technicians in lab coats who asked them to blow into a machine to test their blood-alcohol levels or to provide either blood or saliva samples.
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Some drivers said they felt intimidated and pressured to participate.
Under fire, Police Chief Jeffrey Halstead issued an apology, saying, "I agree with our citizens' concerns, and I apologize for our participation. Any future federal survey of this nature, which jeopardizes the public's trust, will not be approved for the use of Fort Worth police," the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas said the searches "are among the most invasive police can conduct."
"We're glad the police chief recognizes that these supposedly voluntary searches should never have happened," Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, told Newsmax. "People have a right to expect that the police won't randomly stop people who aren't suspected of any wrongdoing and demand blood or saliva samples."
Burke expressed hope that "other cities take a lesson from Fort Worth's mistakes" and abstain from conducting similar tests, but that's not likely, as the Fort Worth operation was only a drop in the bucket of what the NHTSA has planned.
NHTSA spokeswoman Catherine Howden told Newsmax the operation was part of a three-year initiative to collect data about the number of people who drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The research requires partnerships with local police, who then set up road operations to usher randomly selected drivers into parking lots.
"More than 60 communities across the country will participate this year," Howden said. "The survey is conducted in the same manner in each location nationwide for the integrity of the research."
Howden said that driver participation was "completely voluntary and anonymous."
For some, the voluntary aspect doesn't moot the intimidation factor. One legal expert said the stops, as he understood the way they were conducted in Texas, could be unconstitutional.
Frank Colosi, a Fort Worth lawyer who received calls about the random traffic stops, said that even if drivers provided DNA voluntarily, other aspects of the program raise concerns.
"They tell the person, if they give the DNA, that it will go to a lab and that it's completely anonymous, that it can't be traced back," Colosi said. "But where NHTSA gets itself into a jam is if the person is impaired."
In that case, he asked, would police let a drunken driver leave the scene?
If they do, the liability and legal factors are significant, especially if that impaired motorist ends up hurting somebody or causing property damage, Colosi said.
But if they don't let the driver leave — if they confiscate his or her keys or take the driver into custody — the door is open for a lawsuit based on how the police learned of the impairment in the first place.
"It's a ticklish situation," Colosi said of the roadside-testing program.
Colosi also questioned the methodology, saying the way testers collect data wouldn't be meaningful in terms of statistical sampling.
"If only people who are going to volunteer for the survey are the people who are going to come back with clean results — and let's face it, that's what would happen — that would wreck the randomness of the survey," Colosi said.
To maintain the integrity of the study, those conducting the survey are secretly recording drivers' breath and at the same time telling them that providing DNA is voluntary, he said.
"I think that what makes this an unconstitutional stop is that they pull the person over . . . and while they're telling them it's voluntary, they're testing the person's breath at that moment. Attached to their clipboard or something is a tester," and the lab people are activating that without the driver's knowledge and consent, Colosi said.
Howden of the NHTSA said the agency has been conducting the research for 40 years. Colosi said that raises another issue.
"Does this survey really make a difference? Is it really effective? It would be interesting, for instance, to see what people do in their homes, too," he said. "But that doesn't make it constitutional to break down doors and look inside homes."
The study, according to the NHTSA, is intended to "estimate the prevalence of alcohol and drugs in drivers on our nation's roadways."
A previous study, conducted in 2007, included more than 9,000 drivers from around the United States, the NHTSA said.
The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation was in charge of recruiting and collecting the DNA data — in partnership with various county and police officials — and reportedly made considerable effort to ensure the testing was both random and anonymous, the NHTSA said.
In 2,007 cases in which the driver was suspected of operating under the influence, "a supervisor intervened and obtained a preliminary breath-test reading. If the driver had a blood-alcohol content about .05, we insured he/she got safely home," the NHTSA documents said.
The first NHTSA National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drugged Driving was conducted in 1973. Subsequent surveys were conducted in 1986, sponsored by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and in 1998, sponsored by both the NHTSA and the IIHS.
In 2007, the NHTSA sponsored the survey, along with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute of Justice.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/US/federal-driving-impaired-pull-overs/2013/12/03/id/539786?ns_mail_uid=55679136&ns_mail_job=1548574_12042013&promo_code=15CE6-1#ixzz2mbNJc75R
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12/5/2013 6:39:41 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
12/5/2013 6:51:56 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
New mayor inspires 'leftist revolution' in NYC
Author: 'There's 2 sides to the progressive assault on civil security'
New York City could see a significant rise in violent crime in the next few years, warns Jack Cashill, author of “If I Had a Son: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman,” a new book that looks at race and politics in the United States.
Cashill blames the expected policies of Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.
Already, de Blasio has sought out the advice of ex-cons on how to reform city police measures, They want him to weaken police tactics widely regarded as instrumental in dramatically reducing the crime rate in New York City.
Just this week de Blasio headlined a fundraiser for the leftist New York Communities for Change where Communication Workers of America spokesman Chris Shelton urged a “revolution” against “bankers, billionaire (sic) and brokers of Wall Street.”
Cashill, in an interview with WND, asserted such changes would be a serious threat to the city’s security. New York went through a similar scenario a few years ago, he noted
“There’s two sides to the progressive assault on civil security: On one hand, they are destroying families and creating criminals; on the other hand, they were visibly loosening the reins of justice so that you had an increase in criminals and a decline in crime and punishment. This all led to an absurd explosion in crime starting in the mid ’60s and lasting until Giuliani became mayor,” Cashill explained to WND.
He said that strong, conservative opinions toward crime were fully justified by the remarkable amount of crime the city had, and it led the city to elect Rudy Giuliani, a law and order Republican, as mayor in 1993
“The Archie Bunker mentality was fully justified in mid ’70s New York. Crime that had once been controlled and avoidable had now become ubiquitous,” Cashill said.
“The whole quality of life declined dramatically and it wasn’t just a part of the imagination. It declined so dramatically that the good people of New York finally broke down and elected a law and order Republican mayor! That’s how bad it got,” he said.
New York’s previous murder rates give credence to Cashill’s assertions about the danger of living in the city from the late 1960s until the mid 1990s. In 1969, murders in the city passed the 1,000 mark and remained over that threshold until 1996. In 1990, there were a staggering 2,245 murders. There wasn’t a significant drop in murders until Giuliani’s first year as mayor in 1994, when the number dropped from 1,946 the previous year to 1,561. The rate continued to drop during his tenure and Michael Bloomberg’s tenure. There were only 414 murders in 2012 – the lowest total since the NYPD began keeping track in 1963.
Cashill, who was born and raised in New York, believes that the success that Giuliani and his successor, Bloomberg, had in lowering crime shocked residents’ expectations that things would only get worse.
“The assumption was that everything was getting worse and it would always get worse. What Giuliani showed was that was not necessarily true. For 20 years, they have had a reign of sober police work, starting with Giuliani and continuing with Bloomberg,” Cashill stated.
De Blasio has said that one of the main reasons he opposes tough police measures, such as “Stop and Frisk,” is because they unfairly single out young males, like his black son, and jeopardize their safety. Cashill countered that claim, insisting the policies ensure the safety of young, African-American males.
“‘Stop and Frisk’ policies protect people who look like De Blasio’s son, because they are the people who get killed. They don’t get killed by Neighborhood Watch coordinators, they don’t get killed by the police, they get killed by other kids who look like them. The notion that your child will somehow be safer because of its elimination is nonsense,” Cashill rebutted.
Cashill believes that the movers and shakers of New York won’t put up with de Blasio’s policies if they lead to more crime and violence and will ensure he doesn’t receive a second term.
“Now after 20 years, they’re kicking it back and going back to the ‘bad old ways.’ But I think four years later, De Blasio will be out on his butt, because I think people will have seen where that style of thinking leads,” Cashill said
He noted New York City has a base of very wealthy people and prominent institutions.
“These things had to be protected, so there was going to be a struggle to save New York City that Newark did not have. That is where the resistance came from – they weren’t going to let that infrastructure degrade to the point to where it was no longer usable,” he said.
Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” also agreed with Cashill’s concerned about the election of de Blasio.
“The New York of the 1970s was a dismal, dark and dangerous place. Everyone said it was not governable, everybody said it was too big and unwieldy, it was just too dangerous, and people were just leaving. Then, Giuliani came in there and said: ‘Now we can fix this, we can start enforcing the laws,’” Flaherty told WND.
“I can’t understand why anybody would think that was a better time for New York, because it was terrible up there … this is not going to end well.”
He said that his police contacts in New York were very worried about the election of de Blasio and the effect it might have on crime in the city. One officer even told him: “It’s going to be horrible!”
In “If I Had A Son,” Cashill tells the inside story of how, as the result of a tragic encounter with troubled 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the media turned Zimmerman into a white racist vigilante, “the most hated man in America.”
“‘White Girl Bleed a Lot’: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It” documents more than 500 cases of black mob violence in more than 100 cities around the country.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/new-mayor-inspires-leftist-revolution-in-nyc/#aGyWGcqbEfHp5pUF.99
12/5/2013 7:01:23 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
The talk about the good parts of pushing to limits but ignore the negative side. How people behave when coming down from these drugs.
In search of perfection, young adults turn to Adderall at work
by Elijah Wolfson @elijahwolfson December 3, 2013 5:00AM ET
The prescription ADHD medication is becoming a popular resource as a performance-enhancing drug for the brain
The use of Adderall and other stimulants started for many with all-nighters in college and is making its way to the workplace. Getty Images
Ella Benson was a junior in college the first time she took it. With a class assignment due, she was offered the drug as a means to stay up all night and crank out something respectable by morning.
It worked, and Benson now says it was the first time she “really connected” with something she was working on.
“It was the first paper I wrote where I felt like I came up with an idea that was meaningful and important,” she said. “I got an A on it.”
An A for Adderall.
Now, at 26, Benson is a professional writer who reports for a major news publication and has had her byline in The New York Times. She keeps an “emergency stash” of Adderall nearby for when she’s working on a big story and has to stay awake all night.
Benson (whose name, like all the people in this story who discuss their ADHD drug use, has been changed to protect her identity) is typical of a growing population of young adults who went to college in the 2000s. As they age out into the workplace, they’re taking with them the ADHD med habits they developed in college — and finding the drugs still work.
When I take Adderall, I think, ‘This must be how really successful, smart people are all the time.’
While it is tempting to chalk up the rising use of ADHD drugs among young adults to a generational trend of lax morals and blind eyes towards addiction and other health risks, a more complete explanation suggests an environment that encourages stimulant use. A hugely popular New York Times op-ed written by Tim Kreider pointed out what is fast becoming the modern condition: guilt and anxiety over any minute not spent working or promoting that work.
In this culture of perfection, in which the worst thing someone could be is not busy, many young adults have latched onto a drug that makes them go faster, harder and stronger at work.
“When I take Adderall, I think, ‘This must be how really successful, smart people are all the time,’” said Jonathan Collier, 27, who works in a senior position at a New York production house. “I wish so badly I was one of those people.”
In his 2008 book, “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell theorized that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill and share the kind of success enjoyed by “those people” — the Bill Gateses and Paul Allens of the world. His theory may serve as both an explanation and a product of the current culture. Gladwell, after all, came to the conclusion that the way to succeed is to put the blinders on: to ignore all the distractions inherent in contemporary society and to single-mindedly and doggedly pursue a goal.
Dr. Henry Abraham, a psychiatrist who has treated doctors, lawyers and other high achievers, said stimulants now are used often in a way that is closer to sports medicine than it is to psychiatry: to enhance performance. That’s because the working world — like college before it, and, for some, prep school before that — is a competition, and people are looking to get an edge. Everyone wants to get those 10,000 hours, but not everyone is wired to do it naturally. So, many turn to Adderall and other ADHD drugs.
The modern brain
It’s unclear how many adults take ADHD drugs, but it is evident that use is skyrocketing. According to IMS Health, in 2007, 5.6 million monthly prescriptions for ADHD medications were written for people ages 20 to 39. By 2011, that number had jumped to 14 million, a staggering 150 percent increase. Anecdotal evidence also shows a large number of people illegally taking ADHD drugs without a prescription.
“I think part of the increase in the rate of (ADHD drug) prescriptions,” said Dr. David Meyer, a professor of psychology, cognition and perception at the University of Michigan, “is that people both younger and older are coming to feel totally overloaded with bunches of information and are trying to cope with the increasing demands as best they can.”
Our brains have mechanisms of executive function, similar to a computer operating system, he said. These mechanisms keep people’s situational awareness up to speed and coordinate progress on various real-world tasks. But these executive functions are under constant attack in the modern world.
“Even a 10- (or) 20-second interruption can make you lose your situational awareness entirely,” Meyer said.
12/5/2013 11:41:25 AM |
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Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
12/5/2013 12:03:35 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
Non-interventionists or non-tyrannical,
Plato and Aristotle define a tyrant as, "one who rules without law, looks to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses extreme and cruel tactics—against his own people as well as others."
12/5/2013 2:31:59 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
"and if a door be closed ~then a row of homes start building
and tear your curtains down for sunlight is like gold,,,"
12/5/2013 2:59:10 PM |
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Rogers, AR
65, joined Mar. 2009
Well it seems the Fairway King that never met his Illegal alien Uncle lived with him for 3 weeks or more! I don't get it if you have to lie about close family! What else will you lie about! Bill Ayers comes to mind! You know the one that just lived down the block that now says he wrote Audacity of My Father for the Incompetent One!
When will America wake up and see this fool for what he is!
An opportunist, lying, cheat of a boy king that the Media vetted and the Dem's vetted
because they wanted to change history of a black man in the Oval Office!
How can the American people and the Halls of Justice let this go on!
There are undertones of murder and homosexuality about this creature we call POTUS.
Would he lie about these charges?
Bite the bullet America discharge this vile anecdote of a man let alone the leader of the free World. jhnyy!
12/5/2013 3:01:32 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Press Contact:
Alex Rosenwald
Phone: (571) 282-7954
[email protected]
Draft Judge Napolitano Movement Gaining Steam
With Huge Facebook and Petition Milestones
How many constitutionalists does it take to take back America?
WASHINGTON– A petition drive to convince Judge Andrew Napolitano to get in the race for president has neared 200,000 signatures, and a Facebook page devoted to the effort now has added more than 100,000 “fans,” in the last three months, according to a group pushing for the former state court judge and TV personality to enter the race.
The Committee to Draft Judge Napolitano For President announced the milestones last week. A committee spokesman said the Facebook following now totals more than 130,000 individuals and that more than 1 million are expected to join before the mid-terms.
Organizers say Judge Napolitano has gained attention because none of the present anticipated field of Republican candidates have managed to capture the attention of the electorate or put forth a common-sense plan to win and then to govern, as the judge has. His fealty to the Constitution, advocacy for limited government and smart policy proposals on key issues such as immigration, taxes and the economy have begun to resonate with voters, they said.
Larry Hunter, the former White House official who helped Jack Kemp put together the Contract with America, leads the Draft Judge Napolitano movement. He said people on the right are drawn to Judge Napolitano because he is not like the candidates the old bulls have picked for conservatives in the past.
“The policies they have pushed, the spaces they have carved out in the public square give us inaction, frustration and dysfunction,” Hunter said. “What we need is a leader who uses the Constitution as his guide, limiting the power of government as his north star and keeping our country strong and our taxes low as his first principles. Judge Napolitano gives us that, and people are starting to see he clearly is the candidate America needs.”
# # #
Visit AndrewNapolitano.com for more info
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Committee to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for President 717 King Street, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314
12/5/2013 3:32:31 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
... Bite the bullet America discharge this vile anecdote of a man let alone the leader of the free World. jhnyy! 
  ...except, let's not get carried away on the "leader" part, he's scum of the Earth.
Let's look into the future. If we DON'T yank this incompetent imposter from HIS throne and prosecute, BEFORE his term is up, his deeds, lies, corruption, and legacy are owned by America for all time. We get to own him in OUR history books forever.
If and when we convict him, we save face, and justice, liberty, and the American Way lives on! 
Unless we convict him and remove him before the clock runs out. Doesn't look like America is interested in my opinion.
I thought he'd be removed and jailed, or worse. I don't care which, just save America from this imposter, fraudster, criminal usurper dictator.
12/5/2013 6:22:33 PM |
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Russellville, KY
60, joined Jan. 2010
I heard on ap news tonight that a dozen Russian diplomats and their families were caught defrauding medicare/Medicaid over one million dollars by lying about their income. Why are we furnishing medicare/Medicaid to Russian diplomats.
12/5/2013 7:33:49 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
That's a good question Jack, but the bigger question should be WHY were they able to get away with it in the first place?
Because they could! 
They could, because anything our government does has no checks and balances. Theft through our government programs is easier than stealing candy from a baby. 
It's so easy a foreigner can do it!
We don't need to worry, there's more money from where that came from! 
12/5/2013 10:25:17 PM |
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Leesburg, FL
71, joined Jan. 2010
I heard on ap news tonight that a dozen Russian diplomats and their families were caught defrauding medicare/Medicaid over one million dollars by lying about their income. Why are we furnishing medicare/Medicaid to Russian diplomats. 
only a million???
and this is from CNN...
Organized crime gangs are exploiting a new target for illegal profit: Medicare and Medicaid.
Two members of a Nigerian organized crime ring are charged with defrauding Medicare of $6 million.
Experienced in running drug, prostitution and gambling rings, crime groups of various ethnicities and nationalities are learning it's safer and potentially more profitable to file fraudulent claims with the federal Medicare program and state-run Medicaid plans.
"They're hitting us and hitting us hard," said Timothy Menke, head of investigations for the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services. "Organized crime involvement in health care fraud is widespread."
12/6/2013 10:48:13 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time | Page 3 |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
The Bones of Santa Claus
Where lie the bones of Santa Claus
To what holy spot each pilgrim draws
Which crypt conceals his pious remains
Safe from the wild wind, snows and rains.
It's not in Rome his body lies
Or under Egypt's azure skies
Constantinople or Madrid
His reliquary and bones are hid.
That saint protector of the child
Whose relics pure lie undefiled
His casket safe within it's shrine
Where the shamrocks grow and rose entwine.
Devout wayfarer, cease your search
For in Kilkenny's ancient church
Saint Nicholas' sepulcher is found
Enshrined in Ireland's holy ground.
So traveler rest and pray a while
To the patron saint of orphaned child
Whose bones were brought to Ireland's shore
Safe from the Vandal, Hun and Moor.
Here lie the bones of Santa Claus
Secure beneath these marble floors
So gentle pilgrim, hear the call
And may Saint Nicholas bless you all.

12/6/2013 12:46:13 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time | Page 3 |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
This just in from today's nation financial newspaper, IBD. I am sending an e-mail copy and a link to IBD for each of my Representatives. I am suggesting that all of our group do the same. They should know this, but we can't be sure they know anything these days. There are more Muslim "appointed" officials in military and defense departments and other agencies not mentioned below.
Once they are informed, maybe, just maybe, this will push forward an OBummer impeachment or prosecution for all his violations. If not, WE will know that they can't say they weren't knowledgable of the fact. I "always" receive an e-mail reply as my receipt of notice. I will send my e-mail with the topic sentence NATIONAL SECURITY, so not to get burried in matters of lesser importance. I will keep a copy in my files if we need to prosecute OUR Congress for willful failure to act on national security issues. Mike.
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration
Posted 12/05/2013 06:43 PM ET
Homeland Insecurity: The radical Muslim Brotherhood is often dismissed in the media as a distant threat. In fact, this sworn U.S. enemy isn't just overseas. It's inside the gates of the White House.
At least six American Islamist activists who work closely with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism and the Center for Security Policy in Washington.
As we list the worst of these subversives, bear in mind that the FBI in 2004 uncovered the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's strategic plan to infiltrate the U.S. government and sabotage it "from within" during a raid of a Brotherhood operative's home in the D.C. suburb of Annandale on suspicion of terrorist activities.
The stated goal of the document: turn America into an Islamic nation.
Also know that, despite media dismissals of the Brotherhood as a "benign" group, it is in fact the parent group of al-Qaida and played a role in the 9/11 plot.
The hijackers got support from several Muslim Brotherhood mosques across the country and were handled by a key Brotherhood leader in America — the CIA-droned cleric Anwar Awlaki, now thought to be the U.S. field commander of the operation.
Let's start with Mohamed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council who has met with national security staff inside the White House. He raises perhaps the most alarms.
Elibiary has been accused of "downloading sensitive material from law enforcement databases," according to the Investigative Project. Last month, he tweeted: "I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution."
In October, Elibiary blamed persecuted Coptic Christians for inciting violence in Egypt, claiming in a series of offensive tweets that their raising awareness of atrocities they've suffered promotes "Islamophobic" bigotry and anger by Muslims.
He went on to defend the recently deposed Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Cairo. In earlier tweets, he has praised Egyptian jihadist and Brotherhood leader Sayyid Qutb, a key mentor of Osama bin Laden.
On his Twitter account, Elibiary sports the Muslim Brotherhood banner. Why is he still advising Homeland Security? Most disturbing, why did he recently get a promotion in the midst of all this controversy?
Another national security adviser to the White House is Imam Mohamed Magid, whose father is a "Cairo-trained Muslim Brotherhood scholar," according to the Center for Security Policy.
Magid, who preaches at a Washington-area mosque, also serves as president of the Islamic Society of North America, which the government says is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
In 2008, the Justice Department ID'd Magid's ISNA as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history. That designation was upheld by four federal judges on the basis of evidence provided by the government President Obama now controls.
Why is this man telling the White House and FBI how to conduct terrorism investigations?
Then there is Rashad Hussain, whom Obama appointed his special envoy to the Muslim world.
"Hussain has long been involved with various Muslim Brotherhood fronts," states a 51-page pamphlet on the Brotherhood by the Center for Security Policy.
Hussain previously served as deputy associate White House counsel. National security issues were among his areas of responsibility. Hussain helped draft Obama's 2009 speech in Cairo. Banned Muslim Brotherhood leaders were invited to the event.
If the Obama administration will not properly vet the advisers it plucks from the Muslim community, Congress has a duty to step in and do its job for it.
Given the degree of infiltration, a counterintelligence damage assessment should be ordered.
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/120513-681914-radical-islamist-officials-find-home-in-white-house.htm#ixzz2mih6Cx1a
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