2/25/2015 9:56:28 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

Minneapolis, MN
38, joined Dec. 2010
About three weeks ago i met a guy off another dating site. Our first messages led us to text offline for six hrs and didnt get any sleep that night. Found out ow much we really had in common and two days later decided to meet. Great day and no mistakes about this guy. He gave me a poem stating how special and unique I was and how he wanted to learn more about me. Three days later he went on a vacation with his kids to see his parents in Florida for a week. He text me five times a day stating he could stop thinking of me and couldnt waite to get home and see more of me. He came back and we had dinner together. Flowless conversation. Perfect gentalmen. Its been a week since I've seen him because he's busy with his kids. But I feel he went from texting 24/7 to not texting at all. I asked if everything's ok and he said just busy with the kids. I blew it off and me being the catious one and not wanting to get hurt have distant myself for the past two days to see if he'd come around. Last night no goidnight text and this morning i dint text him. This afternoon he text me have a good day miss you. Tonight I text him once and no response. Dont know what I did or what to think. Part of me wants to say dont play with my emotions dude..ready to give up...what to do or think?
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2/25/2015 10:04:56 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |


Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
I think you need to specifically ask him this question. You're playing childish games. This is adult dating. Which requires communication. So talk to him. Address your concern. And perhaps see what in his mind is adequate text/conversation per day with what he normally has on his plate.
2/25/2015 10:05:10 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |


Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
I think you need to break up you short story in paragraphs.
I'm beginning to see why he's distancing himself away from you.
2/25/2015 10:08:12 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
38, joined Dec. 2010
I asked him why he is distant and he says just busy with kids..then asked if everything is ok because he seems distant. No responce..so hard to have conversations
2/25/2015 10:10:20 PM |
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Butler, KY
45, joined Jan. 2015
I asked him why he is distant and he says just busy with kids..then asked if everything is ok because he seems distant. No responce..so hard to have conversations
Probably has a gf or lost interest
2/25/2015 10:15:08 PM |
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Overton, TX
34, joined Jan. 2015
Probably has a gf or lost interest
2/25/2015 10:15:38 PM |
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Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
I asked him why he is distant and he says just busy with kids..then asked if everything is ok because he seems distant. No responce..so hard to have conversations
Men will interpret that as clingy and whiny and needy. Be proactive.
Address the fact that the frequency of your guys' communication has dwindled.
Ask if there are better times TO communicate with him (perhaps texting/phone calls after kids are in bed, or lunch hour etc) and if his answer isn't suitable to you move on.
Some guys aren't very big on chatting. Some are. Gotta find one that fits your desires
2/25/2015 10:18:55 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

Minneapolis, MN
38, joined Dec. 2010
Went from communicating 24/7 to never cant get a response...he was the clingy one
2/25/2015 10:21:12 PM |
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Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
Then you had your answer.
2/25/2015 10:25:58 PM |
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Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
It was new, exciting and then he got to know you.
He decided he made a hasty decision/got back w/ex or found what he considers a better deal.
So, instead of being a man and say, "Scram" he wishes to attempt to leave you hanging. Just in case whatever is going on to replace you falls through.
Cut bait.
2/25/2015 10:46:34 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

41, joined Jul. 2011
Within one week of meeting..
This guy..wrote you a poem..swept you off your feet..and took you on a week long trip to Florida to meet his family with his children?
In one weeks time?
Is this how fast dating is these days?
I have no clue...
2/25/2015 10:54:48 PM |
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41, joined Jul. 2011
^^^ my bad..I misreadthe florida thing.
This day in age its what you call being a "flake"
People enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and when they get what they want..or find out the you are not what they want... they flake.
[Edited 2/25/2015 10:55:04 PM ]
2/25/2015 10:58:36 PM |
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Redding, CA
61, joined Jun. 2012
I say be patient..don't pressure him or he might feel smothered..he already told you he's been busy with his kids..just relax and let it flow..if it's meant to be, it will pick back up between you..just take it one day at a time..I'd text a good morning and a good night just to be cordial..be patient..
2/25/2015 11:02:38 PM |
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Aurora, IL
51, joined Aug. 2012
"communicating 24/7," writing poems for you before you've even met...those seem like signs that someone is more interested in the drama of new "love" than in forming real relationships. It's no surprise at all that it would crash and burn fast.
2/25/2015 11:08:14 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
38, joined Dec. 2010
He didn't take me on vacation
2/25/2015 11:09:00 PM |
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Butler, KY
45, joined Jan. 2015
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
2/25/2015 11:14:22 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |
Hartford, CT
41, joined Oct. 2013
Seriously, if anyone on here is so wise then why are they here at the bottom of the real world? I would say it's way too difficult to know! Not knowing u or him or what exactly transpired. People jump to conclusions on here... instead of offering possibilities. I don't know...But, here is another. Maybe, he is about quality verses quantity and convention? There's so many rules set out for us...Maybe he doesn't want this relationship to fall into the dulldrom of what he had before...by routinely and without real emotion, telling you about his day, and making sure he tells you he is thinking of you and good night. Maybe he wants a different approach that is more authentic and inspired. Who knows
2/25/2015 11:25:50 PM |
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Eagle, AK
46, joined Sep. 2011
Well what you have is NOT a relationship. It is was a brief moment in time were two people clicked. Unfortunetly life gets in the way, shit happens, one plays games or one is not truthful and ruins what one person thought was a great thing. So next time NO endless texting. Meet the guy in person and get to know him before thinking he is the one.
Good luck.
2/25/2015 11:44:53 PM |
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Etna, CA
45, joined Mar. 2008
Gonna go on a limb and do a lot of speculating.
First off you guys moved very quickly into uncertain territory.
He like to text you a lot.....way too much..IMO
Then he has slowed down in communicating with you and his reply is he is busy with the kids.
He is a busy man...his kids come first......
You seem overly clingy to me.....
You seem unstable to me....
He went way overboard in texting that much
You guys barely know each other......
To be honest I see red flags all over the place.....
My advice...step back..take some time and evaluate his actions and words...and yours.....
2/26/2015 12:58:46 AM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

41, joined Jul. 2011
Seriously, if anyone on here is so wise then why are they here at the bottom of the real world? I would say it's way too difficult to know! Not knowing u or him or what exactly transpired. People jump to conclusions on here... instead of offering possibilities. I don't know...But, here is another. Maybe, he is about quality verses quantity and convention? There's so many rules set out for us...Maybe he doesn't want this relationship to fall into the dulldrom of what he had before...by routinely and without real emotion, telling you about his day, and making sure he tells you he is thinking of you and good night. Maybe he wants a different approach that is more authentic and inspired. Who knows 
Im sorry that you feel that this is the bottom of the world 
I look at it as I am on top of the world when it comes to the ways of people.
I have always been a people watcher ..
For all you know..
I could be happily married and this is just a social experiment..
This is far from the bottom of the world...
This could be called the crossroads if anything.
2/26/2015 1:26:44 AM |
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Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
I asked him why he is distant and he says just busy with kids..then asked if everything is ok because he seems distant. No responce..so hard to have conversations
He is a little boy sex addict .. playing romance games.
His wife left him you know .. for a reason.
Or he dumped her (doubt it).
You gotta find out about the Duck Disease and what the Toddler Tantrum mentality looks and sounds like.
In another country they would be tossing virgins into Volcano for their Earth God to have cherry pop time.
In this country (USA) the have their virgins have baby sex with their Father in Heaven God Ghost guy having cherry pop time .. but it is a f**king miracle.
In another country ..their are 40 virgins in Heaven for them to f**k if they die for Jihad here in the world killing Christians ... as they worship the wrong God of Abraham.
Abraham worship a LOT OF GODS .. myriad and myriad of them.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
2/26/2015 1:42:31 AM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

41, joined Jul. 2011
There you go with that volcano virgin tossing 
2/26/2015 2:17:41 AM |
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Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Maybe three weeks was too early to go into a relation.
2/26/2015 3:14:56 AM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Dec. 2014
Three weeks. That was definitely rushing things too fast.
2/26/2015 3:38:05 AM |
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Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Oct. 2013
It was new, exciting and then he got to know you.
He decided he made a hasty decision/got back w/ex or found what he considers a better deal.
So, instead of being a man and say, "Scram" he wishes to attempt to leave you hanging. Just in case whatever is going on to replace you falls through.
Cut bait.

2/26/2015 3:55:50 AM |
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Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Three weeks. That was definitely rushing things too fast.
another thing....she said they met three weeks ago....so this relation might have stated two weeks into it or one.
I wonder if they got past the second email before they met?
2/26/2015 6:57:55 AM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
63, joined Feb. 2014
I am not sure you slept with him or not. If you did, it could mean one thing and if you didn't, it might mean another. One thing for sure, guys will always come back for good sex and if it's not, they don't.
2/26/2015 7:47:39 AM |
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Vineland, NJ
63, joined Feb. 2014
There you go with that volcano virgin tossing  he also forgot the taco sauce  
2/26/2015 8:51:03 AM |
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Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
Of course we always wish to analyze every little step, movement, nuance, annunciation, definition, implication, hidden meaning, subconscious, Freudian slip, double entendre, sexual innuendo for devious behavior/expected debauchery.
When sometimes the person isn't plotting, scheming, cheating, leading one on, lying, hatching a plot, laying the groundwork, enhancing/negating The Rules researching, Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus, running a scam, stealing hearts, philandering, covering their tracks, exploring different venues, exercising alibis or up to any nefarious monkey business.
Sometimes folks become busy in their lives. They had one before you met them. At times everything happens at once. Before being too quick to judge, w/suspicious eye on options that may only exist in your mind, perhaps one should rein in an overactive imagination take a deep breath and see what shakes. Not everything revolves around your schedule/time frame/universe.
In order for the laws of average to apply you must step up to the plate whilst avoiding being struck out, a ground out, fly out, thrown out once every four times for a journeyman. Except for pitchers, they're golden, and catchers.
Even if it doesn't work out that within itself opens other doors/avenues/opportunities. Perchance the right one is the next one and this bloke did you the biggest favour of your life. 
[Edited 2/26/2015 8:54:31 AM ]
2/26/2015 9:50:55 AM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

Durham, NC
57, joined Jan. 2012
"communicating 24/7," writing poems for you before you've even met...those seem like signs that someone is more interested in the drama of new "love" than in forming real relationships. It's no surprise at all that it would crash and burn fast.
nope these are signs of a player, you didn't put out quick enough and he found another woman that fell for his BS faster. This is how you know a player; they have all the right answers to make you think he's special. He's given that poem to 20 different women in the past two weeks.
2/26/2015 9:59:22 AM |
Confused about new relatinship... |
Phoenix, AZ
35, joined Jun. 2014
I am not sure you slept with him or not. If you did, it could mean one thing and if you didn't, it might mean another. One thing for sure, guys will always come back for good sex and if it's not, they don't.[/quote
2/26/2015 11:50:36 AM |
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Longmont, CO
50, joined Oct. 2013
He probably has a wife at home. Question? Did u guys ever talk on the phone? Getting to know someone thru texting ain't the way to go. If he ain't answered your texts call him!
2/26/2015 11:56:51 AM |
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Columbus, OH
26, joined May. 2013
So you only went out with him 2 times? sounds like he enjoyed giving you so much attention and as soon as he had yours he cooled down. He probably has other options or someone else and you shouldn't just focus on him. Find someone else who is more consistent.
2/26/2015 12:14:08 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
Went from communicating 24/7 to never cant get a response...he was the clingy one 
You still have not figured out what a little boy looks like and talks like ...
Boys make a mess .. Men make better.
Boys lie, cheat, steal .. Men tell on them selves.
Boys are greedy and stingy always wanting something from you .. Men are kind and generous.
Boys argue, quibble and fight .. Men have nothing to prove they just lay it out there.
The evidence and fact speak for them selves no secrets no confusion no mystery.
If you can't figure it out .. then you are a little girl stuck in your Toddler Tantrum mentality from your own Duck Disease just like he is.
Fix the Duck Disease, fix up the addictive personality and then for a guy he has to give him self to his woman.
She is the only one who touches him .. then the hormones come up, the brain changes and he becomes a man.
He is getting taco sauce on his swartzn**ger .. he be a boy.
Talking down to you, talking at you. barking at you ... having a Toddler Tantrum in an adult body.
He is still a child ...
the learning curve is a bit flat at first but it picks up after awhile once you keep looking at it.
Here is a video on the Duck Disease if you want to learn up faster.
Or keep doing it your way .. the pain as a way of making you smart.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
2/26/2015 12:18:14 PM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
He probably has a wife at home. Question? Did u guys ever talk on the phone? Getting to know someone thru texting ain't the way to go. If he ain't answered your texts call him!
The distance of deception is greater then 10 feet.
If he gets up off the couch in response to a question and walks to the kitchen to get a beer out of the frig and then tells you the answer from another room ... well... that is a lie he just said.
If she gets to the door on the way out of the house in saying tooodle loooo ... and then says BTW ... about so and so .. well that never happened ... story.
Well what ever she said from that distance is a lie.
Get face to face at 3 feet .. so the Judge sits behind you on the witness stand that close.
That is how they get a feel for liars.
It is a FEELING ... has to do with your Emotional Intelligence ... if you have one.
Genetic Psychopaths have brain damage from birth and have no Emotional IQ.
1 in 100 people are genetic psychopaths.
they never cry .. just pretend to .. as an act .. so the tears run up hill against gravity.
I CAN FEEL YOUR PAIN .. they say ... nope .. they be a psychopath.
sumbudde wear blind sea
2/26/2015 12:36:20 PM |
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41, joined Jul. 2011
he also forgot the taco sauce  
Cant be forgetting the taco sauce 
2/26/2015 1:07:16 PM |
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Arvada, CO
49, joined May. 2014
I'm sorry you experienced this, op. Painful, I know. I have made terrible decisions based on loneliness also. It has made me more guarded but also more cynical.
I can't help but feel I would have been better off without the experience but I never know what is around the corner. God either causes things to happen or permits them to happen. Perhaps I have changed in other ways that I can't see right now. life doesn't always make sense. I can see things that have changed in retrospect, things that happened for me that I had no idea they were happening at the time. Don't lose hope in people. Some are good. Some are bad. just ensure your own heart is right and great things will follow.
Do I sound like Dr. Phil or is it just me?
2/26/2015 5:48:23 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
38, joined Dec. 2010
So I did talk to him and he was sorry for making me feel distant. Hes in the process of buying a house and dealing with all that. Well if he told me all that I wouldn't of questioned things. He says once he fin allies house things will settle down..
2/26/2015 6:13:30 PM |
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Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
Sounds like another excuse.
I was 20 years old, working three jobs, while in the process of buying my house.
Besides one meeting with the bank. A few meetings with my realtor and a few phone calls, all over 3-4 months. It's not like his whole day, every day, for weeks is consumed by this.
2/26/2015 6:19:58 PM |
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Overton, TX
34, joined Jan. 2015
Excuses, excuses move on find some one who is actually interested in you as you are in him

2/26/2015 6:29:12 PM |
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Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
Op that didn't sound like a relationship to begin with
2/26/2015 6:36:02 PM |
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Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
What Dasnixter said.
And what Dixie said. You are playing games while accusing him of being the one to play. You know, it could possibly and actually be that he is busy with his children, and the heady rush of texting is over. I mean...he had some hours available and he spent them with you. But he cannot always do that, so when he says he's busy it may mean only that. That he is busy, and that of his limited time his children, whom he presumably has laid eyes upon and established a strong relationship, will take precedence over you.
I know that it was a lot of texting at first, but that kind of thing does die down as life reasserts itself and demands our time. That is not a bad thing so let it be. Let this encounter you have had flow along in the manner in which it will and just enjoy the ride. Don't have expectations. Don't worry that you're being played. Don't fear you'll be hurt. Let things unfold without over thinking it.
Just enjoy what it is right now.
2/26/2015 8:10:41 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
Is he spending a lot of time in the warehouse district? Still better that than the Gay 90s on Hennepin or the Amsterdam Hotel.
2/26/2015 8:17:42 PM |
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Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
Went from communicating 24/7 to never cant get a response...he was the clingy one 
Really? He doesn't respond and HE's clingy?
2/26/2015 8:24:33 PM |
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Jasper, IN
28, joined May. 2011
THAT has you ready to give up?
2/26/2015 10:38:34 PM |
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Arvada, CO
49, joined May. 2014
Ignore the criticism. If you're anything like me, enough is supplied by my own mind. I don't need anyone to substantiate it. Spending time writing has helped a great deal. It really has and continues to do so. Sometimes, i'll just write the first thought that comes to mind and then ask myself why that is true. I always find the thoughts/feelings I experience have a root. Awareness is the step to recovering from them. Good luck.
2/27/2015 12:24:46 AM |
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Salem, OR
65, joined Nov. 2013
I asked him why he is distant and he says just busy with kids..then asked if everything is ok because he seems distant. No responce..so hard to have conversations
He is still married,...or he is separated, but not divorced, and is telling the kids that he, and mommy, will soon be back together, Either way, he does not want the kids to see him texting / calling / etc you, and risk them reporting back to mommy that daddy has another dame. Drop him.
2/27/2015 3:31:06 AM |
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Sacramento, CA
49, joined Aug. 2013
He has kids & a job I hope. When he was texting all the time he was on vacation. If someone started pressing me about why things have tamed down, I would ask them if they were serious. Life is busy. If he stopped texting all together I would question it not just because the texting has slowed down. That is kind of to be expected isn't it?
2/27/2015 5:41:30 AM |
Confused about new relatinship... |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
Ignore the criticism. If you're anything like me, enough is supplied by my own mind. I don't need anyone to substantiate it. Spending time writing has helped a great deal. It really has and continues to do so. Sometimes, i'll just write the first thought that comes to mind and then ask myself why that is true. I always find the thoughts/feelings I experience have a root. Awareness is the step to recovering from them. Good luck.
Fix up the Duck Disease ... this problem goes away a lot faster and so it is the awareness comes in a lot faster.
Or ...
Keep doing what you are doing and keep getting what you are getting.
Change who you are you change what you do and thus it what you get also changes.
You think BF who is a taco sauce addict wants to change any ???
2/27/2015 9:39:08 AM |
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Arvada, CO
49, joined May. 2014
Fix up the Duck Disease ... this problem goes away a lot faster and so it is the awareness comes in a lot faster.
Or ...
Keep doing what you are doing and keep getting what you are getting.
Change who you are you change what you do and thus it what you get also changes.
You think BF who is a taco sauce addict wants to change any ???
You always do this on the days I don't drop acid.
2/27/2015 9:54:13 AM |
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Roseville, CA
54, joined Nov. 2014
Went from communicating 24/7 to never cant get a response...he was the clingy one 
is it any wonder some women have so many boy friends they can text.
2/27/2015 9:55:27 AM |
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Roseville, CA
54, joined Nov. 2014
He has kids & a job I hope. When he was texting all the time he was on vacation. If someone started pressing me about why things have tamed down, I would ask them if they were serious. Life is busy. If he stopped texting all together I would question it not just because the texting has slowed down. That is kind of to be expected isn't it?
yes, even if mr.happy still loves you, but is not in love with you at the moment.
2/27/2015 10:19:46 AM |
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Newtown, PA
49, joined Aug. 2014
I'm wondering if he's still married too. All signs point to yes. I would stop initiating any contact and move on.
2/27/2015 6:11:32 PM |
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Sioux Falls, SD
58, joined Mar. 2014
I'm wondering if he's still married too. All signs point to yes. I would stop initiating any contact and move on.
So many women criticize men for not having a life. Then, immediately, conclude those that do must be married.
[Edited 2/27/2015 6:12:49 PM ]
2/27/2015 9:06:00 PM |
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Chicago, IL
36, joined Sep. 2010
He probably initially wanted to f**k.. Met u. Was nice. We are going to be nice to try to f**k..wasn't too sexually attracted but said hey I would hit in between ass. went to Florida met another piece of a** that put out quicker. Made amends with u to keep u in f**king distance just in case while he is currently f**king some else.. Your welcome..
[Edited 2/27/2015 9:07:05 PM ]
2/28/2015 12:01:22 AM |
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Pewaukee, WI
50, joined Jun. 2013
Maybe he has things on his mind.
I noticed that the guy I was dating started pulling away at the start of the year. He became distant. I pulled back a little bit myself and we exchanged just a few text messages here and there. He finally told me that he had diagnosed with skin cancer. We took a break from dating. After his surgery, we started dating again. No problems. 
I don't really feel the need to push people for explanation for their behavior.
You are either dating or you are NOT dating.
If you aren't seeing someone regularly, you're not really dating... are you?
So, you are free to look for someone else.
Sometimes things work out... sometimes they don't.
No need to be hurt about this.
2/28/2015 7:48:59 AM |
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Boerne, TX
56, joined Nov. 2009
I asked him why he is distant and he says just busy with kids..then asked if everything is ok because he seems distant. No responce..so hard to have conversations
If he says he's busy with kids...He's busy with kids. Guys aren't too hard to figure out. The only game being played is in your head. Don't suffocate him with probing questions or unreasonable demands.
Stop it now. You sound co-dependent not cautious.
2/28/2015 12:55:03 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
38, joined Dec. 2010
Well i said he's been busy trying to buy a house and taking care of his kids. I asked if we are still on for my birthday next friday and he said he wouldn't miss it for the world...maybe I am over analyzing things. I have slowed down with the texting and letting him come to me.
2/28/2015 1:02:35 PM |
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Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
Keep a journal
for future reference. 
2/28/2015 1:14:03 PM |
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Gresham, OR
43, joined Dec. 2011
I think you need to specifically ask him this question. You're playing childish games. This is adult dating. Which requires communication. So talk to him. Address your concern. And perhaps see what in his mind is adequate text/conversation per day with what he normally has on his plate.
I would like to say that her post is overrated^ but unfortunately I have to agree. I'd rather know what's going on in that persons mind towards me(whether be good or bad) than to be left hangin.