1/13/2016 3:29:01 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
This includes friends and X's.
In as few descriptive words as possible
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/13/2016 3:31:38 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
sweet,tall,handsome,gullible and way too giving
1/13/2016 3:56:01 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
Aww flyfish   
Well some to describe me are:
eccentric, funny
and impatient, but I added impatient myself lol 
1/13/2016 4:01:59 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Enid, OK
57, joined Feb. 2010
My ex, nothing very flattering. In fact she can not stand me.
My friends, ask them if you can find any.
My co-workers, they would say I am reliable, hard working, and stays to his self. They know very little about me outside of work.
Fact is, very few know a lot about me.
1/13/2016 5:25:09 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Lake Waccamaw, NC
48, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
1/13/2016 5:28:19 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
1/13/2016 6:18:53 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Paris, VA
30, joined Aug. 2014
non-existent. i don't have a s/o.
1/13/2016 6:24:49 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Suffolk, VA
27, joined Apr. 2014
Pudi I'm looking for a cougar. Just wondering if you'll be interested.
1/13/2016 6:29:25 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Archbold, OH
38, joined Jul. 2011
I currently have no S/O so therefore I wouldn't get described by one.
My most recent one, literally said the following when I told her I wasn't cool with being 'just friends'
Its your way or the highway
You have unrealistic expectations
You are irrational
You put conditions on our friendship
You are so passive aggressive its sickening
You are fake
You treat your life like Simulation
you pretend you are expert at everything
you come across as a pompus know it all
She then promptly said she wasn't bitter. 
The rest however, save one, I actually get along with and would probably recommend me to their single friends.
1/13/2016 6:47:56 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Beaver Dam, KY
45, joined Feb. 2015
Friends...funny and laid back
Exhubby...crazy biatch..great mom
1/13/2016 8:31:51 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Lombard, IL
49, joined Aug. 2013
Calculating, manipulative,charming and enigmatic (In my defense, I always warn them ahead of time )
1/13/2016 8:39:07 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Calculating, manipulative,charming and enigmatic (In my defense, I always warn them ahead of time  )
1/13/2016 8:54:01 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
husband: goofy, stubborn, smart, submissive
family: creative, smart, fair, hippy
X's: smart, stubborn, gone
1/13/2016 9:37:41 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Somerset, NJ
52, joined Jun. 2013
online now!
Hit & Run Artist
1/13/2016 9:44:22 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Lombard, IL
49, joined Aug. 2013
Indeed, although it could be ensconced within a test of sorts..to best determine their insightful nature. Wait, that sounds manipulative and calculating...
1/13/2016 9:46:48 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Lombard, IL
49, joined Aug. 2013
husband: goofy, stubborn, smart, submissive
family: creative, smart, fair, hippy
X's: smart, stubborn, gone
Don't forget witty and piquant.
1/13/2016 9:53:14 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Lol...ah yes..play dates.
Piquant indeed. Is this SAT word day?

1/13/2016 10:02:32 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
My most recent one, literally said the following when I told her I wasn't cool with being 'just friends'
Its your way or the highway
You have unrealistic expectations
You are irrational
You put conditions on our friendship
You are so passive aggressive its sickening
You are fake
You treat your life like Simulation
you pretend you are expert at everything
you come across as a pompus know it all
Weird to say someone is fake, why did she say that? o.O
1/13/2016 10:29:58 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Lombard, IL
49, joined Aug. 2013
Lol...ah yes..play dates.
Piquant indeed. Is this SAT word day?

Wheat from the chaffe...js 
1/13/2016 10:31:21 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
""""How would your significant other/s describe you?"""""""
um....is this before or after you break up????
1/13/2016 10:37:27 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Well if you break up they are an "ex", not a SO
1/13/2016 10:38:40 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Houston, TX
49, joined Sep. 2014
1/13/2016 11:18:30 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Archbold, OH
38, joined Jul. 2011
Weird to say someone is fake, why did she say that? o.O
short version of the story... She was pissed because I sent her an email stating why I didn't want to be friends any longer, and how us continuing to keep in contact was toxic to both of us.
She thought that email was a complete lie and that I found it online with a simple copy and paste. I think she was expecting me to come begging for her back, not to get a Dear Jane letter.
1/13/2016 11:24:13 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
short version of the story... She was pissed because I sent her an email stating why I didn't want to be friends any longer, and how us continuing to keep in contact was toxic to both of us.
She thought that email was a complete lie and that I found it online with a simple copy and paste. I think she was expecting me to come begging for her back, not to get a Dear Jane letter.
The last this diatribe was posted by a woman. Know what happened to her?
1/13/2016 11:36:59 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Grove City, OH
39, joined Feb. 2012
Most importantly, loyal.
1/13/2016 11:38:59 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
amazing c*cksucker!!!
1/13/2016 12:49:46 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
She thought that email was a complete lie and that I found it online with a simple copy and paste. I think she was expecting me to come begging for her back, not to get a Dear Jane letter.
Oh wow how odd :o
1/13/2016 2:56:35 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Intelligent, honest, reliable, and talented. My soon to be 96 year old neighbor describes me-to all of her friends-as the son she never had. I do more for her than does the son she did have.
1/13/2016 3:33:20 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Archbold, OH
38, joined Jul. 2011
Oh wow how odd :o
Well I'm not going to lie, she chose to end the relationship between us with the excuse of 'wanting to be single'. We stayed FWBs for a while, but half the times it seemed like more than FWBs and half the time she seemed to regret even being FWBs.
I confronted her about it but she didn't want to talk about it. Eventually she came forward that she just didn't feel like she was in love with me and couldn't be happy in a relationship. But she didn't want to loose my friendship.
A few weeks later when I was asking her why she felt unhappy in a relationship, she said it was a gut feeling she had with me, and that she was sort of seeing someone else. At this point I was already emotionally detached. So the BS of wanting to be single didn't phase me much.
A few days later I told her I was interested in someone, and could use some womanly advice... She completely lost her shit because I seemed interested in someone else. That's when I finally decided to simply cut ties and sent her a rather polite yet honest email why I didn't think it was healthy for us to keep on communicating.
Then she sent the most vile, spiteful, and hate filled email I've ever read. The stuff I listed there was just a small fraction of what she sent.
1/13/2016 3:41:08 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
Aww that sounds kinda complicated
1/13/2016 3:42:10 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Lisle, IL
38, joined Feb. 2015
Sienna definitely looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
1/13/2016 6:43:36 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
online now!
not a one of them took me seriously
1/13/2016 6:44:27 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
online now!
Sienna definitely looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
That's not very nice.
1/13/2016 8:37:21 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Archbold, OH
38, joined Jul. 2011
Sienna definitely looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
looking who posted it, he just think's she's hot.
1/13/2016 9:28:57 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
My ex husband was not a talker he hardly ever said I was cute, pretty, etc.
What would my friends say? Or what go I think they say about me? Two totally different things.
Unfortunately people say things to cushion the insults.
Things that "doesn't hurt feelings."
1/15/2016 4:27:52 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
looking who posted it, he just think's she's hot.
1/15/2016 5:57:35 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
non-existent. i don't have a s/o.
There is a big surprise. Probably won't change until the economy improves and men have more money, too.....
As far as how others describe me? Well, this is not a complete list
I have been told:
I'm stubborn
I'm an a**hole.
I treat them well.
I'm mean.
I'm too kind.
I'm dependable.
I care way too much.
I'm passionate.
I'm too smart for my own good.
I need to dumb myself down, in order to date most women.
I'm hardworking.
I'm well endowed.
I'm the best in bed(this has been resuscitated by multiple women)
I have been told I don't pick my battles very well.
I'm opinionated.(More like always right)
I'm intimidating.
I'm compassionate.
I'm sweet.
I'm good with children.
I'm romantic.
I'm affectionate.
Looking at that list, the only thing I seem to be missing is MONEY, and wouldn't you know it? Women aren't interested in me. SHOCKER.....
I guess I shouldn't actually seek closure and feedback after my relationships end, though. I should just blindly trudge forward, never accepting that I have faults and carrying so much pride that I can do no wrong, like a Feminist would. Make sure I never apologize to the women I have hurt, the same way women never apologize for anything.
1/15/2016 6:54:33 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
You have some good ones in there Enig
Yeah I have been told I am stubborn 
1/15/2016 7:30:54 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Paris, VA
30, joined Aug. 2014
There is a big surprise. Probably won't change until the economy improves and men have more money, too.....

stop being a whiny bxtch... mkay? 
1/15/2016 7:55:18 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Suffolk, VA
27, joined Apr. 2014
Op is an attention wh*re
1/15/2016 6:30:43 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
Op is an attention wh*re
I like asking questions
1/16/2016 9:23:57 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Wood River, NE
54, joined Jan. 2014
Not very well. Haven't been around any of them for over a year, and I change/grow.
1/16/2016 10:07:03 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Pittsburgh, PA
62, joined Feb. 2014
He is so good in bed that he has to be cheating.
1/16/2016 4:09:18 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
1/16/2016 4:10:50 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

New Port Richey, FL
81, joined Aug. 2013
Quite f**kable!^^^^^^^
1/16/2016 6:35:56 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
Yes, ^this, too.
1/16/2016 6:50:10 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
Sienna definitely looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Oh yeah ... well Dennis Hastert is going to Heaven to be with God Almighty that does what he does .. f**k His children.
Thou Shall Not Fornicate Your Neighbors Son or Daughter.
To God .. your neighbors cow is more important then your own children.
Deal with it Libtard B*tches.
1/16/2016 11:17:38 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Sacramento, CA
48, joined Aug. 2013
Kind, giving, funny, good person.
1/16/2016 11:51:32 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Ruidoso, NM
96, joined Sep. 2014
Tolerable at times.
1/17/2016 7:21:00 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
Sometimes argumentative
1/17/2016 9:14:45 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Hemet, CA
27, joined Dec. 2015
Crazy!!! Lol
1/18/2016 1:57:16 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Douglasville, GA
53, joined Jun. 2010
A heart even bigger than his pecker
1/18/2016 6:22:45 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Belleville, ON
48, joined Dec. 2014
1/18/2016 8:40:39 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
Crazy!!! Lol
Oh, yes, and ^this, once a month.
1/18/2016 8:57:35 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
tall,too nice and giving. i have one who thinks she is,but i,ll call you tomorrow means two weeks if lucky,no thanx...
1/19/2016 2:39:16 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
1/19/2016 3:10:05 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |

Lombard, IL
49, joined Aug. 2013
a**hole. except after sex.
1/26/2016 7:51:36 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
Cooperative, flexible, and tenacious.
1/26/2016 11:36:17 AM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Crazy!!! Lol
This is a standard feature on all models equipped with a vagina, and this includes moobs because he has a mangina.
2/4/2016 5:19:05 PM |
How would your significant other/s describe you? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
^you didn't answer.