2/3/2016 3:24:02 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
Whatever flavor of women that the US fed'ral gubment is importing to take the place of current women...
Do you believe women should be treated MO' equally because they give birth???
Gooooooooood grief!
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2/3/2016 3:35:47 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
Thanks for sharing that!
But I disagree...
You took umbrage with my use of the word "twat"!
The underlying current of that is that you believe women should be spoken to differently than men...which is neither theoretical feminism nor egalitarianism...
When and where alls_fair is involved, expect to take it both barrels chest high in proverbial terms. And you get NO free passes for possession of twat!
Sometimes, you get EXACTLY what you wish for!
Yet you didn't address me, or any other men, using sexually derogatory terms.
Until you start treating men AND women with the same level of respect it's not
appropriate to label yourself an egalitarian.
2/3/2016 3:42:13 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
Do you believe women should be treated MO' equally because they give birth???
Equality is not in the treatment of the person, it is in the rights that a person has. Special treatment is given to people in certain situations when it is necessary.
Women and men have equal rights. Pregnancy and birth are conditions and the person in that condition during that time should be treated differently.
2/3/2016 3:46:27 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
If unfairness to men is NOT acceptable, why aren't feminists working to correct those inequalities???
And we back to liberty and justice ESPECIALLY for those with twat???
This is exactly what was said kemosabe...
The power of prepositional phrases is immense when dealing with language!
...with twat is VERY DIFFERENT than addressing AS twats...
I have little doubt that kind of subtlety will be lost on you...
Drink the koolaid!
2/3/2016 4:07:15 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
This is exactly what was said kemosabe...
The power of prepositional phrases is immense when dealing with language!
...with twat is VERY DIFFERENT than addressing AS twats...
I have little doubt that kind of subtlety will be lost on you...
Drink the koolaid!
Actually, addressing women as 'those with twat' is no different than
calling them twats. Only those with jackass would use that term to
describe women. I am sure you know what I mean. 
2/3/2016 4:19:00 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
As accurately predicted, the subtlety was lost on you!
2/3/2016 6:15:52 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
One more thing doc...You clearly have not read my numerous posts regarding the issue of violence. I have pissed off numerous women with my views. if a person physically assaults another person, they need to be prepared for that action returned. Period. REGARDLESS of gender. Period.
..but then it wouldn't matter to you what I, as an individual, say or believe because you judge people as groups and ignore the individual choices that individual people make, particularly when they don't agree with you.
Your right about both statements, allow me to explain...
I have NOT read your post on the subject of physical violence and the justifiable consequences surround it. Not bcuz I ignored them, overlooked them or acted as if they weren't there. Just haven't came across them. Is that anyone's fault?
And I do categorise ppl by groups. It's a rule this country and the Gov't so many women worship is built upon. It's called "The Majority Rules!" Shall I explain...???
Whenever you're dealing with a group TOO LARGE to know them all on an individual, independent bases, to know personally who will or will not do something.... "The group is labeled by WHATEVER THE MQJORITY DOES!"
When the label is bad and you're in the minority do you like it? No! Does it seem fair to be looked at as someone "who does" when you don't? Hell No! But who ever said life was fair?
And for your edification... When ignorant, drug dealing, drug using, law breaking, no job having, self destructive, thread to society black ppl are being called out for what they do... I NEVER take their side, support or say ANYTHING that'll give you the impression I'm siding with them.
And that includes BATTLING and FIGHTING with those who expose them for who they are.
2/3/2016 8:22:34 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
these are fora/forums..we are commenting one on one to INDIVIDUALS for the purpose of communication. I am not speaking to a group. I respect people enough NOT to judge them based on the words or actions of others. I ask questions for clarity rather than make assumptions and hurl childish insults. I find it to be more productive that way.
2/4/2016 4:27:26 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Reno, NV
45, joined Jul. 2014
When a feminist is loud and obnoxious in public I tell the b*tch to shut the f**k up.
No one needs that kind of stupidity anywhere 
2/4/2016 8:14:15 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.
the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
By definition a feminist is an egalitarian. You are confused.
Fine... Then give me 3 examples of "men's rights" that you have evidence that feminist have rallied to fight for. YOU CAN'T!!! Bcuz to fight FOR a man's rights is to fight AGAINST OTHER WOMAN who tryna to deny men those rights.
And you know damn well that ain't happening. Prove me wrong by showing me that.
2/4/2016 8:25:29 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
As usual, you missed the point..no surprise there. YOU, by your own words.. not implication... held an entire group responsible for the actions of one or a few...YOUR example, not mine. 
Then you missed my point then. Just like I replied to Legs in my previous post....
Show me feminist who EVER rallied to fight for the rights of men. Where are the petitions, lawyers and court orders from woman's coalitions to the judicial system FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHTS of men being wronged by other women using the system itself as a weapon of UNFAIRNESS!
Where are these feminist? You claim to feel men are unfairly treated in these situations so you would know all about "the feminist" who ARE NOT extremist who's fighting for men's right.
2/4/2016 9:15:39 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
We'll... Correct me if I'm wrong but... Whenever you consciencely choose a side on any issue, you choose responsibility for said group! And if you don't want the responsibility then DON'T REPRESENT OR SUPPORT THEM!
If a group of "skinheads" broke into your home an assaulted you, you wouldn't ONLY be concerned JUST with those who did it. You'd fault the whole group. Why? Bcuz the ones who didn't break in supports. he ones who did and that makes them just as guilty.
So even if you WOULDN'T put your hands on a man and expect him to just take it, you FIGHT AGAINST those men who'll slap back and THAT makes you just as guilty as the woman doing the hitting. % 
your example...skinheads...had nothing to do with feminism. Your arguments are all over the place, you can't even keep up with them.
My daughter, a grad student at Ohio State is considered a feminist and though she and I have often debated the title "feminist", she and her crowd champion equal rights for all. Many that you would quickly label as "feminists who worship government" (a laughable statement at best ) speak out and actively work for the rights of all people, even irrationally biased angry people like you.
You are the kind who wound throw the baby out with the bath water. People can do good works and work for positive change and still not agree with everything. You brush off that possibility with your "condemn" the group attitude. Thates the kind of thinking that keeps racism and classism alive
[Edited 2/4/2016 9:18:08 AM ]
2/4/2016 12:33:00 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
Fine... Then give me 3 examples of "men's rights" that you have evidence that feminist have rallied to fight for. YOU CAN'T!!! Bcuz to fight FOR a man's rights is to fight AGAINST OTHER WOMAN who tryna to deny men those rights.
And you know damn well that ain't happening. Prove me wrong by showing me that.
Why would women have to rally for the rights that men already have?
You don't make no sense.
2/4/2016 1:21:27 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Hey doc...too easy! I didn't even have to search hard or long. YOU've created a world in your head to support your hate. Try broadening your horizons. Get out more.
...and there's plenty more...
[Edited 2/4/2016 1:22:41 PM ]
2/6/2016 8:45:34 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
these are fora/forums..we are commenting one on one to INDIVIDUALS for the purpose of communication. I am not speaking to a group. I respect people enough NOT to judge them based on the words or actions of others. I ask questions for clarity rather than make assumptions and hurl childish insults. I find it to be more productive that way.
OK fine... Since you love the word "All" so much... Then YOU tell us the names of "All" the feminist who are extremist so we can address them directly... and the names of "All" the feminist who aren't so we can bypass them. This is the ONLY fix to the problem you have with generalizing.
If you can't provide those names then your intent is nothing more than an attempt to shut me up bcuz you can't HANDLE THE TRUTH about what I'm saying. Give us the individual names I asked for then we can move on with me point. Bcuz you're NOT gonna shut down what I'm saying when feminist have left the path of destruction this society that's clearly evident.
Fair enough?
2/6/2016 9:03:56 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014

Couldn't care less about shutting you up. The more you talk the more you confirm what your detractors say about you. Your lack of reading comprehension is showing again. At best you are cherry picking what you are willing to respond to. It is; however, quite entertaining watching you implode when presented with logical proof that counters your rhetoric.
I don't play your all game...why is that so difficult for you to understand. You even quoted me saying....I recognize individuals.... 
[Edited 2/6/2016 9:05:33 AM ]
2/6/2016 9:44:31 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Why would women have to rally for the rights that men already have?
You don't make no sense.
Rights men already have? Let's take a poll and ask if men consider...
1. Being physically assaulted by a woman and can't strike back in self defense as a "right!"
W. Being forced a take care of a kid(s) that's not his as a "right!"
3. Not disciplining his kids or being accused of abuse... as a "right!"
Let's take a poll and see if men consider these as "Tights!" You said feminism was about EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL so what "All" were you talking about? "All women?"
2/6/2016 12:09:00 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
Rights men already have? Let's take a poll and ask if men consider...
1. Being physically assaulted by a woman and can't strike back in self defense as a "right!"
W. Being forced a take care of a kid(s) that's not his as a "right!"
3. Not disciplining his kids or being accused of abuse... as a "right!"
Let's take a poll and see if men consider these as "Tights!" You said feminism was about EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL so what "All" were you talking about? "All women?"
1) Where are these laws that say a man can't defend himself against a woman attacking him?
2) Any conditions under which that would apply would also apply to a woman if she
were under the same circumstances.
3) Battery and/or assault against a child is not discipline, and my answer for
number 2 would also apply if a woman performed the same violent discipline against
her own child.
2/6/2016 1:56:57 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
1) Where are these laws that say a man can't defend himself against a woman attacking him?
2) Any conditions under which that would apply would also apply to a woman if she
were under the same circumstances.
3) Battery and/or assault against a child is not discipline, and my answer for
number 2 would also apply if a woman performed the same violent discipline against
her own child.
You go right ahead and procreate with an unmarried woman in Ohio, and you'll see exactly what the Doc is talking about. Google search ORC 3109.042.
And as far as a man defending himself against physical assault from a woman, go ahead and try it. Let a woman assault you, and hit her back to subdue her. Then call the police and see who gets arrested.
2/6/2016 2:05:02 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
That name change was brilliant!
2/7/2016 12:02:26 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
1) Where are these laws that say a man can't defend himself against a woman attacking him?
2) Any conditions under which that would apply would also apply to a woman if she
were under the same circumstances.
3) Battery and/or assault against a child is not discipline, and my answer for
number 2 would also apply if a woman performed the same violent discipline against
her own child.
WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN BRAH!? Obviously you don't get out much and have little experience in these situations. 
You reciting laws 1) like nobody else knows what they are and 2) like the cops ALWAYS follow it "to the letter" and never run their own program. Wake up son.
Now soul flight and I disagree often on subjects... But ask her OPENLY right here and now if the cops favor women in DV cases???? She even AGREED that she's "against" women physically assaulting men and they can't hit them back in self defense.
Go ahead, ASK HER!!! 
2/7/2016 12:07:38 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Call your local family court and them... "If a married man's wife have a baby by another man DURING THEIR MARRIAGE is the husband held "by law" responsible for that child even though IT'S PROVEN he's not the father!? And see what they say.
2/7/2016 9:15:48 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Roseville, CA
53, joined Nov. 2014
i like to argue with feminists chics to see if they will put out when they lose their argument just to prove what good sports they are.
2/7/2016 10:54:33 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
i like to argue with feminists chics to see if they will put out when they lose their argument just to prove what good sports they are.
Then you must not be getting any. 
Aside from their jealousy and envy feminist are also control freaks. So they (or ANY argumentative woman) would never sleep with a man feeling as if they lost an argument. If anything it's the reverse, they will NOT sleep with you as a form of punishment if you win.
2/7/2016 11:06:56 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Bottom line is... Everyone knows the type of behavior ppl show towards those they envy and are jealous of. It's the same behavior feminist show against men.
Of course if you disagree, it'll be done on some new and made up version of jealousy and envy. And or you support feminist.
2/7/2016 11:51:35 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Lake Waccamaw, NC
48, joined Jun. 2014
feminist need a reality check
2/7/2016 12:28:34 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN BRAH!? Obviously you don't get out much and have little experience in these situations.
You reciting laws 1) like nobody else knows what they are and 2) like the cops ALWAYS follow it "to the letter" and never run their own program. Wake up son.
Now soul flight and I disagree often on subjects... But ask her OPENLY right here and now if the cops favor women in DV cases???? She even AGREED that she's "against" women physically assaulting men and they can't hit them back in self defense.
Go ahead, ASK HER!!! 
There is a big difference between bias in how the law is applied and there actually being inequitable laws. Mylegsarecold is an intelligent man with excellent command of English. He understands the difference.
Laws regarding domestic violence and assault and child custody are not gender specific. Social mores and attitudes have great impact on how they are applied though.
However, in a number of states, only girls and women can be raped..a terrible attrocity against men and boys.
[Edited 2/7/2016 12:29:23 PM ]
2/7/2016 12:47:00 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
There is a big difference between bias in how the law is applied and there actually being inequitable laws. Mylegsarecold is an intelligent man with excellent command of English. He understands the difference.
Laws regarding domestic violence and assault and child custody are not gender specific. Social mores and attitudes have great impact on how they are applied though.
However, in a number of states, only girls and women can be raped..a terrible attrocity against men and boys.
What a shame he struggles with the American language, prepositions and comprehending connotations...
2/7/2016 12:51:16 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
You go right ahead and procreate with an unmarried woman in Ohio, and you'll see exactly what the Doc is talking about. Google search ORC 3109.042.
And as far as a man defending himself against physical assault from a woman, go ahead and try it. Let a woman assault you, and hit her back to subdue her. Then call the police and see who gets arrested.
How can I see what he is talking about when you presented a statute on the
custody of an UNMARRIED mother's child?
He stated repeatedly it was about a man's wife having a child with some other man.
Stop wasting my time with your incompetence.
You also seem to have missed this in the statute:
"A court designating the residential parent and legal custodian of a child described in this section
shall treat the mother and father as standing upon an equality when making the designation."
2/7/2016 12:55:09 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
I understood clearly your reference to calling women twats.
(And your lame attempt to deny it)
[Edited 2/7/2016 12:56:58 PM ]
2/7/2016 1:09:05 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Pittsburgh, PA
53, joined Nov. 2013
Call your local family court and them... "If a married man's wife have a baby by another man DURING THEIR MARRIAGE is the husband held "by law" responsible for that child even though IT'S PROVEN he's not the father!? And see what they say.
Depends on the state. In PA, yes, he is responsible. PA is a Commonwealth and that may have something to do with it. Different states have different statutes.
2/7/2016 2:50:38 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

New Berlin, WI
38, joined Feb. 2011
Don't blame Obama for taking advantage of what Bush let happen. The illegals weren't a problem when they were scrubbing toilets and cleaning hotel rooms. Now they're taking over a system (handed to them) and people want to get pissy. When they first started coming to America, who made it possible for them to get ANYTHING despite them obviously being illegal? That was a problem loooooong before Obama.
Yeah but I also remember a certain Scorpio vowing to NEVER touch a Libra again.
But I must admit I'm curious of the damage our wrath could do should we ever argue.
Or if we targeted our rage on the same person? 
This write-up is so truthful and honest it rivals logic itself.
An old man recently told me that Americans are quick to forget and going to "ideology" themselves straight out of existence. Only focusing on who they voted for in the last election while they are allowing people not from this land trample all over the graves of people who fought for its freedom. AND, that has been going on, as you put it, "looooooog before Obama".
2/7/2016 3:24:46 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
I understood clearly your reference to calling women twats.
(And your lame attempt to deny it)
You understood YOUR understanding of what was said...not what was printed on the screen...
(I am confident beyond any reason for doubt that your BIAS often prevents you from comprehension. No worries though. You fit right in amongst the sheep in the US!)
I also expect that subtlety to be lost on you as well...
2/7/2016 4:04:15 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

2/7/2016 4:22:57 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
How can I see what he is talking about when you presented a statute on the
custody of an UNMARRIED mother's child?
He stated repeatedly it was about a man's wife having a child with some other man.
Stop wasting my time with your incompetence.
You also seem to have missed this in the statute:
"A court designating the residential parent and legal custodian of a child described in this section
shall treat the mother and father as standing upon an equality when making the designation."
I have looked up the laws, for ALL 50 States. In EVERY state, if a man signs the birth certificate of a child, it is ASSUMED by LAW, that he is the father and has claimed financial responsibility. No state will honor a DNA test, after he has signed the child's birth certificate, to absolve him of the financial responsibility of that child.
Apparently, "Mr. I'm So Competent" in defining what laws say and standing for "Equality", you seem to be unaware of this fact and how it is one of the biggest issues the the MRA groups are lobbying to change.
ALL State-level child enforcement agencies are regulated by FEDERAL LAW, and it has been this way, since the late 1970s.
2/7/2016 5:03:56 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
I have looked up the laws, for ALL 50 States. In EVERY state, if a man signs the birth certificate of a child, it is ASSUMED by LAW, that he is the father and has claimed financial responsibility. No state will honor a DNA test, after he has signed the child's birth certificate, to absolve him of the financial responsibility of that child.
By signing the birth certificate of a child a man declares that he will be the father of the child and accepts the responsibilities for this child. I don't see where the problem is. If he doesn't want to be the father for whatever reason, he shouldn't sign the birth certificate.
2/7/2016 5:14:10 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
Call your local family court and them... "If a married man's wife have a baby by another man DURING THEIR MARRIAGE is the husband held "by law" responsible for that child even though IT'S PROVEN he's not the father!? And see what they say.
That is not feminism. Feminism is a movement to eliminate discrimination against women, this law (if it exists) is about establishing paternity.
2/7/2016 7:43:35 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
By signing the birth certificate of a child a man declares that he will be the father of the child and accepts the responsibilities for this child. I don't see where the problem is. If he doesn't want to be the father for whatever reason, he shouldn't sign the birth certificate.
I think sometimes some men find out AFTER they signed the birth certificate that they are NOT the father.
2/8/2016 1:38:59 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
I think sometimes some men find out AFTER they signed the birth certificate that they are NOT the father.
...are not the biological father.
They still can be the father of the child.
2/8/2016 1:59:36 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
I think sometimes some men find out AFTER they signed the birth certificate that they are NOT the father.
That is correct, and the courts will not allow the mother to be charged with fraud or be held liable in a civil court. The man that signs the birth certificate, and later finds out he is not the father still has to continue paying child support to his cheating, lying baby mother/ex-wife.
2/8/2016 5:10:47 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
I do think all that is wrong.
2/8/2016 5:14:19 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
...are not the biological father.
They still can be the father of the child.
I know if man isn't the biological father, he can still be a father to the child. He shouldn't be lied to that he's the biological father though if he isn't.
I really don't know how often some women lie to a man about who the dad is. It's not something I ever did or would have done. Only was pregnant twice anyway with one man...my ex-husband. But it's a huge thing to lie about, for the ones who do lie about it..
2/8/2016 6:41:40 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
I know if man isn't the biological father, he can still be a father to the child. He shouldn't be lied to that he's the biological father though if he isn't.
I really don't know how often some women lie to a man about who the dad is. It's not something I ever did or would have done. Only was pregnant twice anyway with one man...my ex-husband. But it's a huge thing to lie about, for the ones who do lie about it..
The only study, that was ever conducted on the topic, was done in 1999 by The American Red Cross.
According to their study, it was estimated that approximately 30% of single fathers were the victim of paternity fraud.
So, 17 years ago, about 30% of men were duped daddies and all the money they have had to pay in child support can never be reclaimed, because a woman committing this type of theft is immune from civil or criminal prosecution.
But, you don't see Feminist all up in arms, about THAT gender INEQUALITY, now do you?
And don't even get me started on how the father has to PAY TAXES on the income BEFORE it is deducted, but the lying, cheating, thieving woman does NOT PAY TAXES when collecting it....
2/8/2016 7:58:36 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
The only study, that was ever conducted on the topic, was done in 1999 by The American Red Cross.
According to their study, it was estimated that approximately 30% of single fathers were the victim of paternity fraud.
So, 17 years ago, about 30% of men were duped daddies and all the money they have had to pay in child support can never be reclaimed, because a woman committing this type of theft is immune from civil or criminal prosecution.
But, you don't see Feminist all up in arms, about THAT gender INEQUALITY, now do you?
And don't even get me started on how the father has to PAY TAXES on the income BEFORE it is deducted, but the lying, cheating, thieving woman does NOT PAY TAXES when collecting it....
Perhaps maybe, in the past some men didn't try and reclaim the money because they still wanted to be considered as the child's father?
I do think times are changing. I've heard of a man suing a woman for past child support paid and not being the biological father. I couldn't tell you the case, I'm not an attorney, but it isn't so unheard of anymore i don't think. Men are making cases and winning for being wronged & duped, as they should be.
[Edited 2/8/2016 8:00:16 AM ]
2/8/2016 8:13:27 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Perhaps maybe, in the past some men didn't try and reclaim the money because they still wanted to be considered as the child's father?
I do think times are changing. I've heard of a man suing a woman for past child support paid and not being the biological father. I couldn't tell you the case, I'm not an attorney, but it isn't so unheard of anymore i don't think. Men are making cases and winning for being wronged & duped, as they should be.
Cite even ONE case, where a man has actually won that lawsuit, ESPECIALLY when he previously signed the birth certificate and a DNA test later proved his baby momma was nothing but a fraudulent, lying cheating.....woman.
2/8/2016 8:56:38 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Lake Waccamaw, NC
48, joined Jun. 2014
women love that feminist movment.and men are started to look over seas for a decent wife
2/8/2016 10:14:37 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
I know if man isn't the biological father, he can still be a father to the child. He shouldn't be lied to that he's the biological father though if he isn't.
I really don't know how often some women lie to a man about who the dad is. It's not something I ever did or would have done. Only was pregnant twice anyway with one man...my ex-husband. But it's a huge thing to lie about, for the ones who do lie about it..
A man should not be lied (intentionally) that he is a biological father of a child, that is awful. But I don't see how this is feminism. 
2/8/2016 10:23:49 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Dec. 2014

2/8/2016 12:57:20 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
That is not feminism. Feminism is a movement to eliminate discrimination against women, this law (if it exists) is about establishing paternity.
It's like they wanted to start a gun fight but they brought the wrong ammunition for their guns. 
2/8/2016 2:43:32 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
And it is not very clear for what purpose is that gun fight.
2/8/2016 2:53:15 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
And it is not very clear for what purpose is that gun fight.
the usual reason anyone hangs onto anger and hatred...the need to deflect...
2/8/2016 2:54:49 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
And it is not very clear for what purpose is that gun fight.
Well, in AllsFair speak: For twat purpose? Why, to assassinate the gender with twat.
2/8/2016 3:43:18 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
Well, in AllsFair speak: For twat purpose? Why, to assassinate the gender with twat.
Aaa, one of those advocates of male superiority that think humans can reproduce asexually. 
2/8/2016 3:45:06 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
the usual reason anyone hangs onto anger and hatred...the need to deflect... 
Knowing that anger and hatred usually come from insufficient knowledge, I would recommend all opponents to feminism to learn what is feminism in "The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", adopted by United Nations 35 years ago and signed by majority of UN members.
2/8/2016 3:57:14 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Fear comes from ignorance.
Anger and hatred come from pain/injury.
2/8/2016 6:31:58 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
Well, in AllsFair speak: For twat purpose? Why, to assassinate the gender with twat.
Were I you, sir, I would desist with your insistence for tryna put words in my mouth...
Gen'rally speaking, your f**king stupidity does NOT equate to much more than your f**king stupidity...
2/8/2016 6:33:11 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

96, joined May. 2011
Fear comes from ignorance.
Anger and hatred come from pain/injury.
I strongly disagree...
And can assert with supreme confidence that fear is the root cause of anger!
2/8/2016 7:07:38 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |
Tarawa Terrace, NC
27, joined Dec. 2015
Cite even ONE case, where a man has actually won that lawsuit, ESPECIALLY when he previously signed the birth certificate and a DNA test later proved his baby momma was nothing but a fraudulent, lying cheating.....woman.
oki doki
Dier vs Peters; Iowa Supreme Court; 2012
2/8/2016 7:09:53 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
bunch of idiots,there and here too,whew.....
2/8/2016 7:13:37 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
I strongly disagree...
And can assert with supreme confidence that fear is the root cause of anger!
ok. You're entitled to any assertion you choose to make...with or without confidence 