1/24/2016 4:00:54 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
To "Envy" is wanting to be like and possess what someone else has.
"Jealousy" is the WILLINGNESS to destroy what someone else has that you CAN NOT possess.
This was the bases of women's war on men... I mean... Women's Lib/Lie. Truth is....
It was about women being jealous and envious of men. Feeling that "men" got the better deal out of creation. They're stronger, talked to God, was given dominion (placed in charge), have multiple wives, set and enforces the rules and cut his own path that others have to follow.
The same jealousy and envy Lucifer had for God (when he tried to take over, hint) he put in woman for a man. This jealousy and envy women have for men is evident throughout the history of mankind. It has destroyed families, communities and entire nations and very great and biblical men.
This is why they wanna switch roles, emasculate men and always claim to do WHATEVER men can or better. They want our position as head of household, our jobs and salaries, our position in the community and in Gov't... they even wear "strap ons" to poke other women trying to emulate the power of the penis.
Men HAVE NEVER challenged women to be better women than they are. We NEVER forced the idea that women should work while we sit home. We NEVER formed groups and coalitions to attack women or try and make them feel less than women for our amusement. This is pure jealousy, envy and evil!
And look at all they've destroyed in the wake of this "War on Men!" That they refuse to take responsibility for. So why are feminist so damn jealous and envious of men? And why do they ONLY want the benefits and not THE REAL responsibilities that comes with being men??

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1/24/2016 4:21:54 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Naw...that's not it.
they just want the benefits of men, but not any of the downfalls or hard things that go along with how men got what they got.
But, if they can get that, which they have and people are bound to where they can't do much about it.....then like most people, they'll take advantage.
But they were not the innovators of this concept, it started earlier with the beginning of the civil rights movement...they just copied what they saw worked.
Pandora's box was opened, and that opened the door for any group only wanting for their group only...and every group took advantage...except for one.
1/24/2016 4:34:29 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
In short Doc.
they don't envy or want to be men.
They just want any so called advantages men have, without paying the price we pay to get these so called advantages.
and we both know under the unwritten laws of wrong and right, that is a wrong way to get anything, it should earned under the exact same way as those who have these so called advantages....and if not, that sets the president for everything else afterwards to fall under the same premis, but then the negative ramifications start coming into play and before you know it...society is falling apart at the seams.
Sure, its human nature to want the best of both worlds and the worse of neither, without paying the price.
Just as its human nature to take without paying for something, or to lie....until you are taught right from wrong.
1/24/2016 5:41:55 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
I'm going to have to agree with Bumblebee here.
There's a lot of things that don't sit with me when it comes to feminism.
What set me off as a teenager was how women b*tched and moaned about being treated equal and then claimed chivalry is dead.

1/24/2016 5:45:20 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Two things Bee...
1. The "civil rights movement" with the "women voting" thing was just the phase that happen during our time but this goes back to Eden. When Lucifer put this idea in Eves head.
2. If they're not trying to be men then how do you explain the idea behind a strap-on? Something they feel NO SENSATIONS when using but imitates the man's position of being on top? (I.e. in charge)

1/24/2016 6:12:47 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
I'm going to have to agree with Bumblebee here.
There's a lot of things that don't sit with me when it comes to feminism.
What set me off as a teenager was how women b*tched and moaned about being treated equal and then claimed chivalry is dead.
 I know you will never ever get into another relationship. IF, however, you were to be knocked unconscious and woke up with amnesia, please feel free to look me up.
This concept of thinking, tells me all I need to know, that you actually understand equal treatment....
1/24/2016 6:29:52 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
I know you will never ever get into another relationship. IF, however, you were to be knocked unconscious and woke up with amnesia, please feel free to look me up.
This concept of thinking, tells me all I need to know, that you actually understand equal treatment.... 
Oh dear God. Do you have insurance?! We have to get you to a hospital quick! You do remember I'm a Libra don't you? 
And of course I understand equal treatment. -points to zodiac-
Even if it's a disadvantage to me I care about what's generally fair to everyone at some point.
As a woman who often is treated poorly, I enjoy being treated like a woman. F**k equal treatment. Okay, I'll get in the car and shut up and let you handle this. I'll let you be a man and do what a man has to do. Being treated like a lady seriously makes me all tingly. The claw retract and the purring commences. 
1/24/2016 9:30:14 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Oh dear God. Do you have insurance?! We have to get you to a hospital quick! You do remember I'm a Libra don't you?
And of course I understand equal treatment. -points to zodiac-
Even if it's a disadvantage to me I care about what's generally fair to everyone at some point.
As a woman who often is treated poorly, I enjoy being treated like a woman. F**k equal treatment. Okay, I'll get in the car and shut up and let you handle this. I'll let you be a man and do what a man has to do. Being treated like a lady seriously makes me all tingly. The claw retract and the purring commences.  Of course I have insurance. I have to have it by law, to pay for all of Obama's voters, that don't work or have legal citizenship in this country.
You understand why chivalry is dead, meaning I don't have to hear you argue that men "SHOULD" do these things, because that is what men are just "SUPPOSED" to do.(The Feminist mantra of expectation versus appreciation)
And you forget, I am a Scorpio? We allow anything and will conquer the world and back, for someone we care about. We don't know limits, and we are very capable of treating a lady "like a lady", because we are true romantics at heart. The fact that we can make you scratch and scream, before you purr, is just an extra added bonus
1/24/2016 11:48:25 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
Don't blame Obama for taking advantage of what Bush let happen. The illegals weren't a problem when they were scrubbing toilets and cleaning hotel rooms. Now they're taking over a system (handed to them) and people want to get pissy. When they first started coming to America, who made it possible for them to get ANYTHING despite them obviously being illegal? That was a problem loooooong before Obama.
Yeah but I also remember a certain Scorpio vowing to NEVER touch a Libra again.
But I must admit I'm curious of the damage our wrath could do should we ever argue.
Or if we targeted our rage on the same person? 
1/24/2016 11:52:08 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Paris, VA
30, joined Aug. 2014
Of course I have insurance. I have to have it by law, to pay for all of Obama's voters, that don't work or have legal citizenship in this country.
You understand why chivalry is dead, meaning I don't have to hear you argue that men "SHOULD" do these things, because that is what men are just "SUPPOSED" to do.(The Feminist mantra of expectation versus appreciation)
And you forget, I am a Scorpio? We allow anything and will conquer the world and back, for someone we care about. We don't know limits, and we are very capable of treating a lady "like a lady", because we are true romantics at heart. The fact that we can make you scratch and scream, before you purr, is just an extra added bonus 
^^ is this dude bi-fuqn' polar or what?  
be sure and be "honest" and tell kandy how incapable you are of loving someone, tho. 
dude, seriously, take advantage of that insurance of yours and get your flipping meds filled so you get on an even kilter. 
Kandy, don't believe a word he says. I'm beginning to believe his woman loathing persona is how he "approaches" women. we wouldn't be interested otherwise. ya know, the bantering factor...
[Edited 1/24/2016 11:54:36 AM ]
1/24/2016 11:55:32 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Las Vegas, NV
43, joined Dec. 2012
misogynist men are just pissed because a woman can put them in their place.
It hurts their precious ego
1/24/2016 12:24:13 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Somerset, NJ
52, joined Jun. 2013
Most fat woman hate me because I represent every guy that dumped them
1/24/2016 1:36:08 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Don't blame Obama for taking advantage of what Bush let happen. The illegals weren't a problem when they were scrubbing toilets and cleaning hotel rooms. Now they're taking over a system (handed to them) and people want to get pissy. When they first started coming to America, who made it possible for them to get ANYTHING despite them obviously being illegal? That was a problem loooooong before Obama.
Yeah but I also remember a certain Scorpio vowing to NEVER touch a Libra again.
But I must admit I'm curious of the damage our wrath could do should we ever argue.
Or if we targeted our rage on the same person?  I should have probably put a LOL after my forst post, then. I hope you did noy take that anymore serious, than I did your prior post towards me.
@ bad: This woman loathing creature is more than capable of carrying conversations on with females, provided said females can display honesty in their own faults, as Kandy can. It has no bearing, as to anything further than banter, because I do not date. I do not have sex. I don't care to pursue those, anymore.
The reason YOU do not see that side of me, is nothing more than your own shallow, self-denial, of who you really are. The pride and arrogance you angrily displayed, in rightguy's thread is a clear indicator of this, due to anger triggering the same center of our brain associated with honesty..
This is why they have a cliche, that the only people speaking honest are children, drunks, and pissed off females.
But, I guess raising 5 children didn't leave you much time for researching and understanding human psyche.
Some of us "selfish", childless individuals have learned that by not having children, we can utilize out time, money, and resources on other beneficial areas of life. Don't hate, because we didn't follow the path, that American society claims you are "supposed" to follow. Not everyone is a sheep, like you. Some of us are the wolf.
1/24/2016 1:47:25 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
I'm going to have to agree with Bumblebee here.
There's a lot of things that don't sit with me when it comes to feminism.
What set me off as a teenager was how women b*tched and moaned about being treated equal and then claimed chivalry is dead.

These hypocrites you speak of suffer from a psychological disease called "ISAC" (I'm still a child) disease. It's a disease that makes grown a** ppl live in the same mind state of a child.
In this cases a bratty a** child who wanna both ways. 
1/24/2016 1:51:50 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
These hypocrites you speak of suffer from a psychological disease called "ISAC" (I'm still a child) disease. It's a disease that makes grown a** ppl live in the same mind state of a child.
In this cases a bratty a** child who wanna both ways.  i.e most women.
1/24/2016 1:54:12 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
I know you will never ever get into another relationship. IF, however, you were to be knocked unconscious and woke up with amnesia, please feel free to look me up.
This concept of thinking, tells me all I need to know, that you actually understand equal treatment.... 
Candy and Truly both. It's rare, very rare to talk to 2 women in the same year who talks like they have good sense in the midst of all this social madness.
May candy, yourself, truly and I can double date and I'll front the bill. 
1/24/2016 2:49:45 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Lol. As interesting as that may be, candy has made her intentions on DH clear, in other threads.
She is here to empty out her venom sacks.
I am here, to light the tampon fuses, on the Fem-NAZIs.
Guess you and Truly are kinda on your own.
1/24/2016 3:10:53 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Winchester, OH
52, joined Oct. 2013
I'm not jealous! I'm only jealous when I have to pull my pants down and pee.
1/24/2016 4:46:52 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
@ ltlwing
You know, peeing while standing up is not what it is cracked up to be.
You would think it is like firing a sniper rifle, but in reality it is more like firing 12 gauge buckshot.
1/24/2016 4:52:15 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Fort Dodge, IA
37, joined Dec. 2011
dr, enig.
I wouldn't mind meeting other, more like minded ladies like candy.
I've known a few. The majority of my friends back in Colorado, some of the women in my family, and some others here and there.
1/24/2016 10:37:55 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
I should have probably put a LOL after my forst post, then. I hope you did noy take that anymore serious, than I did your prior post towards me.
Of course not. Ahaha I can read jokes and sarcasm. 
But I shall keep you on hand when I'm ready to wreck shit. 
1/25/2016 2:35:34 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Of course not. Ahaha I can read jokes and sarcasm.
But I shall keep you on hand when I'm ready to wreck shit.  Regular Bonnie and Clyde(minus the whole marriage part?)
1/25/2016 8:25:03 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
Regular Bonnie and Clyde(minus the whole marriage part?) 
Yes! It's only a matter of time before the come to gun us down.
1/25/2016 12:50:37 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Being a man or woman... they BOTH comes with pros and cons. Men can accept the cons and make the best out of the pros without combating women or trying to take their place.
So why do these women feel a need to try and replace men or be men? Why are they NOT satisfied with who they are or what they have.
1/25/2016 1:28:38 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Yes! It's only a matter of time before the come to gun us down.  I'll have the body armor on order. We'll go from Bonnie and Clyde, to a Mr & Mrs Smith type war.
1/25/2016 2:15:10 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
I had no choice. I have to be my own man. I have to make myself happy. I have to be my own boyfriend. Slim pickings on both sides and no one is worth the effort of the adventure.
It's like trying to mine for gold in california in 2016. Good luck. You have a better chance and discovering buried pirate treasure.
I can spend time by myself not expect sex every time. I can appreciate me for all the right reasons.
I don't think the world should replace men or anything like that but I have amble reason to replace them in my life, romantically anyway.
Why not stop there? Lets bring some chemical warfare into this and make old Albert proud. I would abuse the ever loving f**k out that palm thrust.
[Edited 1/25/2016 2:16:33 PM ]
1/25/2016 6:36:16 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
I had no choice. I have to be my own man. I have to make myself happy. I have to be my own boyfriend. Slim pickings on both sides and no one is worth the effort of the adventure.
It's like trying to mine for gold in california in 2016. Good luck. You have a better chance and discovering buried pirate treasure.
I can spend time by myself not expect sex every time. I can appreciate me for all the right reasons.
I don't think the world should replace men or anything like that but I have amble reason to replace them in my life, romantically anyway.
Why not stop there? Lets bring some chemical warfare into this and make old Albert proud.  I would abuse the ever loving f**k out that palm thrust.
We'll being single constitutes exemptions to most rules of relationships. If you're a single woman you gotta take your own trash out every week or pay someone else. A single man has to vacuum and wash his own dishes. Fine
But if you're with a man and STILL taking out your trash something's wrong with that picture. lol Bcuz if you're doing his job then what the hell does he have to do?
1/25/2016 6:37:49 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Lake Waccamaw, NC
48, joined Jun. 2014
because they wanna be men
1/25/2016 6:45:54 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
because they wanna be men
That's what it seems like to me. Anytime they wearing strap-ons to poke another women is the decided proof. Aside from everything else about men they're trying to take or imitate.

1/25/2016 6:47:08 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
We'll being single constitutes exemptions to most rules of relationships. If you're a single woman you gotta take your own trash out every week or pay someone else. A single man has to vacuum and wash his own dishes. Fine
But if you're with a man and STILL taking out your trash something's wrong with that picture. lol Bcuz if you're doing his job then what the hell does he have to do?
Vacuum and wash the dishes.
1/25/2016 6:52:10 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
I'm not jealous! I'm only jealous when I have to pull my pants down and pee.
And getting caught in your zipper isn't fun at all. 
Most woman really do see our standing up to pee as a benefit bcuz that can't. But fail to see THEIR benefit of not zipping their lips up in a zipper either.
All they see is what we got and not what they have.
1/25/2016 6:58:29 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Feminist don't see the benefit of NOT having to work in the freezing cold or blistering heat. Being able to stay home where it comfortable and not deal with an Ahole for a boss or supervisor.
Their just like kids who wanna be adults bcuz they THINK they know what it takes. What 13yo can work and provide for the entire family? I haven't met one yet.
1/25/2016 8:27:29 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Jealousy: an unhappy or angry feeling of wanting to have what someone else has
: an unhappy or angry feeling caused by the belief that someone you love (such as your husband or wife) likes or is liked by someone else
envy: the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has
: someone or something that causes envy
Get the definitions correct. The difference between envy and jealousy is the anger component.
I do not presume to speak for others but I can't for the life of me think of anything men have that I would envy. As for jealousy, it is not an emotion I have ever felt. It is a foolish waste of energy.
1/25/2016 9:51:43 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
We'll being single constitutes exemptions to most rules of relationships. If you're a single woman you gotta take your own trash out every week or pay someone else. A single man has to vacuum and wash his own dishes. Fine
But if you're with a man and STILL taking out your trash something's wrong with that picture. lol Bcuz if you're doing his job then what the hell does he have to do?
This totally sounds like something my grandmother would say.
All I know is. If I did have a guy, I'd want him to do the dishes. I made a deal with my grandma when I moved back in after college:
I'd sweep the kitchen floor, clean the stove and the counters, and take out the trash if she did the dishes.
Don't know why. Hate doing dishes. Hate it with a passion. But when she's sick or tired sometimes I'd do the dishes while she's sleeping and when she wakes up there's nothing to be done and she'd thank me and I'd pretend to not know what she was talking about.

1/25/2016 10:34:52 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
I think you're right, Doc.
1/27/2016 12:08:41 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
This totally sounds like something my grandmother would say.
All I know is. If I did have a guy, I'd want him to do the dishes. I made a deal with my grandma when I moved back in after college:
I'd sweep the kitchen floor, clean the stove and the counters, and take out the trash if she did the dishes.
Don't know why. Hate doing dishes. Hate it with a passion. But when she's sick or tired sometimes I'd do the dishes while she's sleeping and when she wakes up there's nothing to be done and she'd thank me and I'd pretend to not know what she was talking about.

See just bcuz I'm a "real man" doesn't mean I'm a brute and can't compromise. Although compromise to a point becomes surrender.
So what if I have a dish washer installed? 
1/27/2016 12:34:44 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
I do not presume to speak for others but I can't for the life of me think of anything men have that I would envy. As for jealousy, it is not an emotion I have ever felt. It is a foolish waste of energy.
If you're a "card carrying" feminist you have a lot to envy and envy and jealousy go hand in hand. This is how feminist see the relationship between men and women......
Bcuz we are the head... We have ALL THE POWER, we are the bosses, slave drivers, the kings of the hills, abusive, cold, emotionless, brutes, cave men, grunts, raw meat eaters who rule with an iron fist, women hating, dictating communist WHO GOT IT ALL and cares NOTHING for his family.
And see themselves as in house slaves who are punched in the face and beaten on a daily bases, raped on a constant bases, made to eat from the garbage, baby manufacturing, personal maid who gets spit in the face as a Xmas and birthday gift, chained up in the basement and pissed on for his entertainment.
So ANYONE who sees the relationship between men and women as such CAN'T WAIT to get what he has. "The Power" to do all that, to turn the tables (in their minds) so they can RETURN THE FAVOR!
1/27/2016 7:25:50 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
See just bcuz I'm a "real man" doesn't mean I'm a brute and can't compromise. Although compromise to a point becomes surrender.
So what if I have a dish washer installed? 
Well everyone in my family washes the dishes before they put them in the dish washer.
But if you managed to get them as clean as they would be by hand then I'll get over it.
1/27/2016 9:30:04 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Everyone is "real". Having to repeatedly announce that one is a real man or a real woman smacks of insecurity.
Two mature, responsible adults do what needs to be done to support each other and the partnership. If the relationship is hampered by arguments and disatisfaction about who does what..the partnership is doomed. Not BECAUSE of who does what but because they are simply incompatible in how they see a partnership. Arguments about who does what are not issues of feminism or gender roles..they are symptoms of deeper issues. Mature adults do not argue about who does the dishes or who shovels the snow, etc.
Women, in general, have never wanted to be men anymore than men want to be women. People want to be respected for being indviduals they are, not defined by roles or tasks.
Extremist in any social debate are problematic but they are NOT representative of everyone just like the angry men in the world are not representative of all men.
Most people ignore the extreme rhetoric of both feminists and the men who rage endlessly on against them. It is tragic to me that some people are so injured that railing against others takes up so much of their energy. If you don't like a person/people...don't deal with them. Spending so much time b*tchrng and moaning about them is giving them psychological control...why would anyone do that?
1/27/2016 11:02:36 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Well everyone in my family washes the dishes before they put them in the dish washer.
But if you managed to get them as clean as they would be by hand then I'll get over it.
See I like that. 
We're not even together and already we're working it out. And with no arguing. 
1/27/2016 11:29:26 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
@ soul flight:
Are you kidding me? To be responsible is to TAKE or ASSIGN responsibility. Women who think as you do LOVE controversy and set the stage for it by viewing responsibilities as a free-for-all and when something "get missed" you get your drama fix when discussing WHY?
Women who think as you do HATE order, rules and boundaries, unless it's a direct benefit to you only, then you'll agree. Listen....
As man of the house it's MY responsibility to take the trash out as it is HER responsibility to vacuum. If for ANY REASON I can not take it out THEN...... she pick up where I left off. Same as with the vacuuming. I WILL vacuum if she isn't able to do it.
But if we both have kids to be picked up after school SOMEBODY will be assigned that responsibility and the other as a backup. If not, we'll both be thinking the other is doing it and have our kids taken by CPS bcuz NOBODY showed up after school.
It would take a complete idiot to NOT do something that needs to be done IF the other couldn't just bcuz it's the others responsibility. Cmon now!
1/27/2016 12:56:33 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
^^^like I said, people who don't view relationships the same way are simply not compatible. I have no drama in my life because my spouse and I are compatible, equally yoked if you will. Additionally, we do not generate drama, negativity and conflict with others because we feel no need to tell others how it's "supposed to be". We don't judge them based on our standards. We respect their right to build a relationship that works for them.
Being responsible for myself doesn't come from being assigned to do so and it doesn't change just because I'm married. I am responsible for my choices and must deal with the consequences, good or bad. We both know what needs done, we both respect the strengths that each of us brings to the relationship and there is never any drama. What we do works for us. I know lots of happy people who do it differently. Good for them.
[Edited 1/27/2016 12:57:53 PM ]
1/27/2016 2:13:37 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
As man of the house it's MY responsibility to take the trash out as it is HER responsibility to vacuum.
I understand you have set up a very strict order and rules for you your home and your family. Do you think that everybody on Earth should follow those rules?
1/28/2016 1:02:23 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
^^^like I said, people who don't view relationships the same way are simply not compatible. I have no drama in my life because my spouse and I are compatible, equally yoked if you will. Additionally, we do not generate drama, negativity and conflict with others because we feel no need to tell others how it's "supposed to be". We don't judge them based on our standards. We respect their right to build a relationship that works for them.
Being responsible for myself doesn't come from being assigned to do so and it doesn't change just because I'm married. I am responsible for my choices and must deal with the consequences, good or bad. We both know what needs done, we both respect the strengths that each of us brings to the relationship and there is never any drama. What we do works for us. I know lots of happy people who do it differently. Good for them.
I agree with you for one reason...WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE IN THEORY! But doesn't quite ring realistic in theory. If you're basing it on compatibility ONLY.
1st example: A man is a brutal dictator who disciplines his kids and keeps his wife in place with a hard punch to the face and a cold kick in the head. She chooses to stay in that relationship and take it. Made to eat off the floor like a dog and forced 4th o leave the bathroom door open when on the toilet. According to your logic they are compatible and they have a positive working relationship.
2nd example: A man has an alcoholic, drug abusing, cheating and physically abusive wife who just had a child by another man and always "mentioning" how she can take everything in a divorce. But he doesn't like controversy and believes "Happy wife Happy life" so let's her do as she pleases. According to you they are compatible and have a positive working relationship.
So where in theory you may be absolutely correct but would you agree that a man busting his lady in the face and making her eat off the floor like a dog is a good working relationship? Hell No! But you're right in theory though. 
1/28/2016 1:47:05 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
I understand you have set up a very strict order and rules for you your home and your family. Do you think that everybody on Earth should follow those rules?
In the 50's and 60's we had hippy's. Ppl who didn't believe in rules and order. They thought ppl took life way too serious. That we should just live "care free" and do whatever we want.
These ppl couldn't keep jobs, stayed high ALL THE TIME, wasn't very hygienic, was ALWAYS looking to stay at someone else's place, had NO ethics or morals, cared nothing for their kids education or future, wouldn't pay rent, basically just totally without and FREE of responsibility.
Is this how you're raising and teaching your kids? Just bcuz you have rules doesn't make them strict. It's the consequence of violating is what will determine if it's strict or not. Pay attention....
In the is world we have RULES! Rules are put in place to preserve ORDER! When you have order you have PEACE!
When you have NO RULES you have NO ORDER! when you have NO ORDER you have nothing BUT CHAOS! That makes YOU negative, evil, corrosive, disrespectful, loveless, careless, destructive and have NO BUSINESS raising kids. 
But what I find amazing and quite confusing is.... Women can have respect for and don't question rules from and other source in society. Your job, apartment complex, MVA, police, neighborhood associations, church, courts, supermarkets (15 items or less), the kids school, SSA office, IRS, Utility company, your bank, your mortgage lender and rules of someone else's house.
But when a man have rules for his home and family he's all of a sudden the worse thing ever created! Why? Why can't a man want order in his house like everywhere else?

1/28/2016 2:06:01 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
I agree with you for one reason...WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE IN THEORY! But doesn't quite ring realistic in theory. If you're basing it on compatibility ONLY.
1st example: A man is a brutal dictator who disciplines his kids and keeps his wife in place with a hard punch to the face and a cold kick in the head. She chooses to stay in that relationship and take it. Made to eat off the floor like a dog and forced 4th o leave the bathroom door open when on the toilet. According to your logic they are compatible and they have a positive working relationship.
not at all, I said what works for us may not work for others. Who am I to say she is not exactly where she wants to be? who am I to say it is NOT working for them? I think it is beyond horrible, but as we all know, IF someone is being abused, you can't save them..you can only offer options. Ultimately, they will simply return to their abuser or refuse to file charges until they want to change the situation...the choice is theirs.
So, logically..for better or worse..they are, in fact, compatible, he is a tyrant and she is without the internal ability to do anything other than he permits.
2nd example: A man has an alcoholic, drug abusing, cheating and physically abusive wife who just had a child by another man and always "mentioning" how she can take everything in a divorce. But he doesn't like controversy and believes "Happy wife Happy life" so let's her do as she pleases. According to you they are compatible and have a positive working relationship.
basically, the same thing..it's not healthy or productive in my opinion but it's working for them. Until one of THEM wants to change it they are serving the minimal needs they require. He's a mouse that she can stomp on and she's a self serving bully with dog to kick whenever she wants. Again, logically..they are compatible.
So where in theory you may be absolutely correct but would you agree that a man busting his lady in the face and making her eat off the floor like a dog is a good working relationship? Hell No! But you're right in theory though. 
It's not a theory...it's life, we see it every day...hence the phrase.."they deserve each other"
compatible is not always healthy or agreeable to everyone.
1/28/2016 2:20:08 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
It's not a theory...it's life, we see it every day...hence the phrase.."they deserve each other"
compatible is not always healthy or agreeable to everyone.
Strangely enough, Doc, soulflight has a realistic response. I wouldn't put myself in a position to be some woman's doormat, and I sure don't want total control. Being in total control gets boring for me.
Where I think there is a problem here, is the lack of principals in people, anymore.
Or, maybe our culture has become so diversified, that we have so many people with different principals, and all of us are trying be with one another, BUT we haven't learned that to do this we need to give up some of our principals, to effectively cohabitate with another human being, that has different principals.
You, for example, are the classic, Stoic, Alpha male. You work, pay the bills, provide and protect, as men are designed, as God designed men to be.
Therefore, you require a woman that understands how God designed women, which Feminism has all but collectively destroyed.
Then you have a guy, like me. I ain't providing shit. Feminism gave their asses Equal-F**king-Rights, and they can "equally" have their own place, pay their own way, and pay their own damn bills, the same as I do for myself. She better plan on being "equally responsible" for herself, as I am for myself.
A woman that expects me to let her move into my home, give her children, or get married, is not compatible with me.
Then you have the domineering, hypocritical, double-standard, backstabbing, lying, cheating Feminists that will not listen to anything a man says, views men as beneath them, will take a man for everything he is worth, discard him, and move on to the next one. These women require a doormat, bootlick, spineless, skinny-jean wearing, jellyfish that can't even be called a man, because he is still attached to his mother's teat.
And as it stands, a good 98% of all women fall into that last category, making the available and compatible women, for guys like you or I, extremely small. I mean, extremely slim pickings, to the point that most of us are looking outside the U.S.
1/28/2016 2:53:42 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
Yep..."compatible" principles...are difficult to find.
1/28/2016 6:06:06 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |

Goleta, CA
48, joined Oct. 2007
In the 50's and 60's we had hippy's. Ppl who didn't believe in rules and order. They thought ppl took life way too serious. That we should just live "care free" and do whatever we want.
These ppl couldn't keep jobs, stayed high ALL THE TIME, wasn't very hygienic, was ALWAYS looking to stay at someone else's place, had NO ethics or morals, cared nothing for their kids education or future, wouldn't pay rent, basically just totally without and FREE of responsibility.
Is this how you're raising and teaching your kids? Just bcuz you have rules doesn't make them strict. It's the consequence of violating is what will determine if it's strict or not. Pay attention....
In the is world we have RULES! Rules are put in place to preserve ORDER! When you have order you have PEACE!
When you have NO RULES you have NO ORDER! when you have NO ORDER you have nothing BUT CHAOS! That makes YOU negative, evil, corrosive, disrespectful, loveless, careless, destructive and have NO BUSINESS raising kids.
But what I find amazing and quite confusing is.... Women can have respect for and don't question rules from and other source in society. Your job, apartment complex, MVA, police, neighborhood associations, church, courts, supermarkets (15 items or less), the kids school, SSA office, IRS, Utility company, your bank, your mortgage lender and rules of someone else's house.
But when a man have rules for his home and family he's all of a sudden the worse thing ever created! Why? Why can't a man want order in his house like everywhere else?

I know about hippies. I also know that you like order and you have created strict rules for you and your environment. The question was:
Do you think that YOUR rules should be followed by everybody else or others can create their own rules?
1/29/2016 1:19:21 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
It's not a theory...it's life, we see it every day...hence the phrase.."they deserve each other"
compatible is not always healthy or agreeable to everyone.
That why I said and I repeat... In THEORY you are absolutely correct IF you base a positive relationship o compatibility ONLY! But even though compatibility is the larger percentage in a pisitive, healthy, working relationship it's not the ONLY component.
And sometimes ppl aren't compatible but stay together bcuz it's a compromise. And the alternative is worse than the compromise so they tolerate each other in their "arrangement" to get benefits they couldn't get being single. But you'll never know unless they tell you.
And I never said that everyone else's relationship have to be based on yours. Bcuz the truth is YOU SAY your relationship is on point and it might be from your view. But we don't know HOW your man feels or what he tells his boys behind closed doors. You won't ever know for sure til death do you part.
1/29/2016 1:41:43 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
In the is world we have RULES! Rules are put in place to preserve ORDER! When you have order you have PEACE!
DR, you would make a great white supremacist!
If you replaced the word 'feminists' with the word 'blacks' and the
word 'men' with the word 'whites' in all your posts you would have the
same argument used against the liberation of African Americans.
1/29/2016 1:41:58 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
@ enigma:
I never said I wanted... or a man should have TOTAL control over everything. Imma say it again... the responsibilities of a household should be delegated based on who's NATURALLY designed to be better at said responsibility while your companion is your back up. So I hope I haven't been giving to anyone that I feel the man should control it all. 
I DID agree with soul flight bcuz "in theory" compatibility is VERY important. But compatible how? If sexually is that ALL it takes? You can have a positive working relationship an not be compatible in a few fields.
Like I said in my retort to soul... Some ppl are in compromising relationships where the only thing they have in common is the benefits.
1/29/2016 2:11:07 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
DR, you would make a great white supremacist!
If you replaced the word 'feminists' with the word 'blacks' and the
word 'men' with the word 'whites' in all your posts you would have the
same argument used against the liberation of African Americans.
Stop being hypocritical. Can you honestly tell me that you believe society shouldn't have rules that they enforce for the better good OF society? Or maybe you believe "relationships shouldn't have any rules? That ppl should just do WHATEVER they want when in a relationship?
Oh I get it... Parents shouldn't have rules or responsibilities for their kids right? They should allow their kids to do whatever, however and whenever they want with ABSOLUTELY NO consequence or any kind of responsibility for their actions right? Bcuz if they do their white supremacist and KKK members. 
So we ALL should just live rule and responsibility free right? 
1/29/2016 2:45:33 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
That why I said and I repeat... In THEORY you are absolutely correct IF you base a positive relationship o compatibility ONLY! But even though compatibility is the larger percentage in a pisitive, healthy, working relationship it's not the ONLY component.
And I never said that everyone else's relationship have to be based on yours. Bcuz the truth is YOU SAY your relationship is on point and it might be from your view. But we don't know HOW your man feels or what he tells his boys behind closed doors. You won't ever know for sure til death do you part.
Compatibility isn't "a" component, compatibility is term for how well components work together.
As for the rest.. whack as usual. whatever makes you feel better.
1/29/2016 3:55:11 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
Doc, perhaps you missed that comment, where I stated "as God designed us".
I have no problems with women doing all the house work and being the "supportive" role in a relationship.
That is what they were designed for. Women felt they could be like a man, and do things that men do, and be EQUAL to men. So, I changed my perspective to include women working for a living and paying their own way for dates, and providing for themselves and knowing how to protect themselves.
It is only women, that seem to have a problem with the way I view relationships.
1/29/2016 7:29:08 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
That's what it seems like to me. Anytime they wearing strap-ons to poke another women is the decided proof.

That's only lesbians.
1/30/2016 6:48:54 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
Doc, perhaps you missed that comment, where I stated "as God designed us".
I have no problems with women doing all the house work and being the "supportive" role in a relationship.
That is what they were designed for. Women felt they could be like a man, and do things that men do, and be EQUAL to men. So, I changed my perspective to include women working for a living and paying their own way for dates, and providing for themselves and knowing how to protect themselves.
It is only women, that seem to have a problem with the way I view relationships.
And that's my point in a nut shell. Anytime you try to match up against, compare yourself to, stand EQUAL TO someone and then try and replace them in their position, it's someone you see as SUPERIOR to you. Your jealous of what they have and have envy their status.
If feminist honestly didn't feel that way about men they wouldn't challenge them. They wouldn't feel there's nothing to gain they don't already have or even want. But to take the feminist war against men as far as they did only proves one thing... They're trying to emulate &/or BE the men who they see as SUPERIOR!
1/30/2016 6:55:24 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
That's only lesbians.
Feminist supports lesbianism. So even if a feminist isn't into other women (which over 90& of feminist ARE lesbians) they still support the idea of women having penises even if they fake. 
1/30/2016 2:16:47 PM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
Stop being hypocritical. Can you honestly tell me that you believe society shouldn't have rules that they enforce for the better good OF society? Or maybe you believe "relationships shouldn't have any rules? That ppl should just do WHATEVER they want when in a relationship?
Oh I get it... Parents shouldn't have rules or responsibilities for their kids right? They should allow their kids to do whatever, however and whenever they want with ABSOLUTELY NO consequence or any kind of responsibility for their actions right? Bcuz if they do their white supremacist and KKK members.
So we ALL should just live rule and responsibility free right? 
But you are discussing rules being applied unequally between men and women.
Do I really have to remind you of what your topic is about?
Yes I apparently do:
Here: Feminism is about granting the same rights and opportunities to women that men already get.
Liberty and justice for ALL!
1/31/2016 4:30:41 AM |
Feminist Are So Jealous And Envious Of Men! Why!? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016