10/8/2008 7:25:07 PM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |
Fayetteville, AR
age: 45 online now!
Did i miss something?
Where does the OP say that the other guy was spanking his kids? He just sed that the other guy was carrying his kid and he beat him up. Maybe he just assumed that the other guy would be spanking his kids at some later date??? Or has in the past? I'm confused....
He's right.
That's part of the consequences of a break up.
You can bluster all your want....you can spend your last cent on lawyers........you can go to jail.
The truth is.....
You gave up that control when you gave up the relationship.
10/8/2008 9:40:08 PM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Mena, AR
age: 39
If he was spanking your kids, you should have pressed charges and took the mom to court to get custody yourself, not commited a felony yourself. That shows a lack of self control, and now, the courts will see you as a violent criminal rather than a loving father.
10/8/2008 10:12:33 PM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Huntington, NY
age: 54
I don't think anybody has the right to spank another persons kid!
Here, Here, I totally agree! And besides, there are other ways to discipline children.
10/8/2008 11:32:20 PM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Martins Ferry, OH
age: 47
 Hell NO!! Ok ok i did 9 month in chino cuz i was waitting for my babies mom to get home ( after we had Broken up ) and she arrives with some AssHole carring my baby boy (the young one in my pic ) so i smashed his a** and went to jail for Nine months: men whould smash him , and lady how many of you have these CHUMPS play house cuz you think its cute 
You smashed someones a** for CARRYING your son??? Maybe your son was tired.
Anger issues?
10/9/2008 3:58:14 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 49
I don't understand why the boyfriend (if he did spank your son-your details are unclear) OR you feel you have the right to lay your hands on another person--for ANY reason. No one has that right.
The legal system doesn't always work for these things but it is our only civilized option.
Seems like alot of posters think physical discipline is acceptable--
How about if everybody just keeps their hands to themselves--
Physical aggression is not okay in any context--offer a better example of behavior to the kids!
10/9/2008 7:38:05 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Windsor Mill, MD
age: 26
well if u ask me, I'd say u deserved being locked up. U don't condone others hitting ur son (if at all the guy really did, in the first place), so what gives u the right to hit ur ex's bf? I believe he too is someone else's son. BTW, if it really happened that u assaulted him just because he was carrying ur son, then u really need seriuos HELP other than the jail time u did.
10/9/2008 7:40:32 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Ottawa, ON
age: 35 online now!
Another reason I won't date a chick with kids.... crazy ex beats me up for touching his kid.
10/9/2008 7:44:52 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Grady, AL
age: 48 online now!
Spare the rod, spoil the child. I spanked mine any damn time and place I chose. When they took it out of the school system that's when it all went straight to hell! Check out the stats now and then. They took prayer out, same thing. You want the school system and society to teach your kids, babysit and not discipline. Well, sorry to say when the heathens get grown someone will discipline them alright. And you wonder why the jails are so full? My daughter had the same idea UNTIL she had one, she now believes in spanking.
10/9/2008 7:50:27 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |
Fayetteville, AR
age: 45 online now!
Spare the rod, spoil the child. I spanked mine any damn time and place I chose. When they took it out of the school system that's when it all went straight to hell! Check out the stats now and then. They took prayer out, same thing. You want the school system and society to teach your kids, babysit and not discipline. Well, sorry to say when the heathens get grown someone will discipline them alright. And you wonder why the jails are so full? My daughter had the same idea UNTIL she had one, she now believes in spanking.
......but how do you feel about your EX's girlfriend spanking your kids?
10/9/2008 8:31:31 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Whitby, ON
age: 22
First off, hitting a child is horrible! That doesn't solve anything and it tends to lead to much serious problems down the line.
A boy/girlfriend or step-father/-mother should NEVER discipline children, especially if they haven't been in the picture for long.
Good for you, for doing something. Though, the something you did isn't something you should be praised for. Hitting him in return just shows your child that violence is a way of communicating and showing your point of view, and it just isn't.
10/9/2008 8:35:54 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |
Fayetteville, AR
age: 45 online now!
Are there laws against it?
...specifically preventing the spanking?
.....and I wonder if it's really the spanking at all.
How would you feel if an EX's girlfriend grounded your child and made them stay in their room for a month after school?
10/9/2008 8:37:29 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Grady, AL
age: 48 online now!
I've never been in that situation. I stuck my marriage out until mine were grown. My three year old grandson is spanked by my daughter's boyfriend. And yes, I'm fine with it. His biological father won't step up to the plate and be a father. They have been together three years however and he has ask to adopt him when they marry. He just graduated boot camp or whatever it is. When spanking was allowed in school, I gave them permission to spank my children and told them "when you get home, you'll get another". I worked in the public school system five years. I've seen the difference. I've had them stand up in my face and scream "you CAN'T TOUCH me, my mama said NOBODY better touch me", along with cussing me like a sailor. And they continued right on out of school into trouble. Or now, they've learned to say, "I'll call HRS and tell them you did something" as a threat to keep parents in line. I believe in Bill Cosby, " I brought you in this world, and I'll damn sure take you out of this world" Parents nowadays think they buy love, or barter with children. They don't have to spend time with them, just provide what they want. I just buried my best friend of 35 years that raised hers that way. And they could care less about her death. It was really a sad thing to see. You only get one chance to raise a child.
10/9/2008 8:38:23 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Sevierville, TN
age: 48
Well, whatever ones opinion is, there is one indisputable fact.
After 9 months in Chino's fed facility, the author's a** is more sore than the kids'.
10/9/2008 8:45:01 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |

Midland, TX
age: 31
I agree coppermare parents now don't believe in discipline and making the children respect people and objects, they scream that it is wrong to punish children for wrong doings but what happens when the very misbehaved children get older and learn that the law won't look the other way when they do wrong and what about when the children get into the workforce and can't keep a decent job because they won't take authority? Parents aren't doing good by there kids allowing them to act like hellions now they need to discipline them whether it is a spanking, chores, time out, groundings, whatever it takes and I am sorry but as long as the child is not being abused either physically or metally then I believe that any authority figure in that childs life should be allowed to discipline them whether they are the ex's boyfriend, the teacher, ect.
[Edited 10/9/2008 8:46:01 AM]
10/9/2008 8:53:29 AM |
Her New Boyfriend Spanking My Sons |
Fayetteville, AR
age: 45 online now!
Are there laws against it?
...specifically preventing the spanking?
.....and I wonder if it's really the spanking at all.
How would you feel if an EX's girlfriend grounded your child and made them stay in their room for a month after school?
I'm going to ask this again because I'm really interested (and I'm working at the office, too, and can't dig into it as much as I'd like).