11/3/2007 9:23:20 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Traverse City, MI
age: 35
Sam....it does it exsist....maybe only in Michigan but it is out there.
11/3/2007 9:32:51 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 47
I want sexy, smart, witty, feaky but shy about it and friendly. IS THAT ASKING TOO MUCH. Oh yeah, independently wealthy, however I will hold my own 
11/3/2007 9:51:18 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 44
Just like you women, we really don't know. The sad part is the guys that gets screwed up by b*tchy mums, are attracted to females w/ same personality. But we run away once we realise what she is 
11/3/2007 9:52:26 AM |
what do guys really want? |

White Oak, GA
age: 33
what us guys want is loyalty, honesty, compassion and truthful with no mind games.
11/3/2007 11:09:48 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Noblesville, IN
age: 50
I think it comes down to the basics left alone when i need space the same as you snuggled wheni need it sex when i want it confersation when it's worth it and most of all a womans touch every day after all it's the bonding that matters most   
11/3/2007 11:33:46 AM |
what do guys really want? |

White Pine, TN
age: 31
i just want someone to like me for me and not my good heartedness and a freak in the bed 
11/3/2007 7:59:12 PM |
what do guys really want? |

Little Rock, AR
age: 34
That is a really good question! The only answer I have would be more and more women, they never have enough. But seriously, I would hope it would be me, because all I have to bring to the table would be honesty to give him the opportunity to choose, instead of lying the whole time through the friend/relationship!
11/3/2007 9:15:37 PM |
what do guys really want? |

Marysville, CA
age: 57
if a man want a woman for her look not the look of her heart is just games. about the woman that is not fortun to have the look? but as the look inside her heart 
11/4/2007 1:32:09 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Guthrie, OK
age: 46
WEll, bamadixiegal, I think we guys want (in the long run), something close to what woman want: Someone who will like them for who they are, not for who they feel they have to pretend to be to get next to a woman. Too many guys feel they have to pretend to be rich, or super masculine to get next to the cute, nice woman, when all they really want to do is watch a movie with her, OR hang out with her and crack jokes to make her laugh. Maybe that's why I'm still single. I've met too many women who want me to be who THEY want me to be instead of letting me simply be myself. And that's when, after ten years of being married, the woman utters that deathless line: "You're not the man I married". Of course not, because you've spent those ten years trying to get them to be whoever it is you wanted them to be instead of simply accepting them for who they are.
11/4/2007 1:28:09 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 29
I am not all guys, but I want a woman that takes care of herself, knows what she wants, takes interest in my life, but gives me space when I need it; and lots of sex. I am somewhat young and if I am going make a commitment to you, you have to be able to satisfy my sexual needs. If the passion leaves, the relationship is over. I am tired of women thinking that sex is optional in a relationship!
11/4/2007 1:44:06 AM |
what do guys really want? |

Annapolis, MD
age: 38 online now!
Sex is consensual(and should be). Can it then be optional? YES. It is optional when the connection between the two individuals does not exist... there has to be an emotional and "spiritual" connection for "things" to continue...
You need to ask yourself what you really want.
Do you want a one night stand? or the real thing? Are you ready to feel it and act upon it?
As to what they really want... I have no clue. I jjust take it on an individual basis. And, go from there.