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11/3/2007 5:05:29 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
If you can accept that something is here now and you are not sure if it is God then try taking God out of the equation. You wind up with another question. "Where did all this come from? Then you must choose "It was always here." Now if you can accept that it was always here then you can accept that God was always here. Now there are some people who will try to get a big bang out of that.
11/3/2007 5:15:25 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
johnc: By design… you've been brainwashed by your family your teachers your clergy and the media. The beauty of brainwashing is that the washee (you) doesn't know it happened. You have been drugged and slowly poisoned by unseen voodoo priests that control your very thoughts.
There are insinuated theological viruses which infect the minds and hearts of men, that prevent human beings on this planet from realizing and tapping into their own divinity. You tell yourself that you desire love and peace, but this is the lie upon which your whole anti-life is founded.
Our adversary is both a mutilator and a scavenger. It is a virus within the ailing body politic. It is literally a cunning alien force which has infected us with its own nature. It is within us as much as it is out there in our world. We are its prey and also its carriers. We are also its enemy by default. It hates us and, therefore, we are either of its kind and under its power, or we are its sworn opponents.
If we are to defeat these merciless and tyrannical hierarchs we must, like detectives, be thoroughly conversant with their modus operendi and, like hounds on a trail, we must be familiar with their scent.
We must begin with the contingents who dominate and rule mankind from behind the obvious thrones of religion and politics. These ruthless agencies also happen to have their origins in the most ancient of pre-historical civilizations.
11/3/2007 5:29:17 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
It seems as though the topic has morphed from who created God to "is God real". There seems to be a problem proving the existence of God. Some say it is all Faith. Balderdash. The existence of God is proven by the presence of miracles. Anyone who has experienced a miracle (that is the trus dispensation of natural laws) has proven to themselves the existance of God.
I am not talking about the arrival of laws of chance. We have all heard stories of the man who went to the Doctor and was diagnosed with terminal something and given 10 days to live (that was 30 years ago) he is still here. That only proved the doctor was wrong. I say to you that if you ask God for his intervention in a hopeless situation and He answers that is proof of His presence. With some one miracle in not enough (not even for the Israelites). But you will know it when it happens to you. Then just try to tell others of what God did for you-- it will then be your cross.
11/3/2007 5:58:23 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
and that "enemy" of man, the enemy of the universe, the enemy of existence is magnetism, inertia, bosons, mu mesons, orbit jumping electrons and wtf positrons (to name a few, and maybe a chilidog late at night). THEY are the culprits. They determine our fate, our nose hairs, our sight, train horms and the comprehension of love. They make my dishes shine or cause embarassing spots. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is not so much a command as a rule of physics. Yin my yang. Ring my chime. Choose or be chosen. Eat or be eaten.
When I look into the eyes of a new found love, what do I see? The Big Bang? yes, and a lot more. I see the past, present and future. I see God's hand in my life and hers. I eagerly watch my 1995 Mercury Villager each day, hoping I will come out of the house to the miracle of evolution - that it has finally "wanted" to go faster and turn into a BMW, just like my ancient great great great grandpappy "wanted" to get out of the pond, grew legs after getting hit by lightning and began to hail a cab while surfing for the weather report on his blackberry.
naw, we fool ourselves into thinking we are #1. this - us - and the world we live with - is the most miraculous design this side of nothingness. if you think you are top dog, tossing the Crastor of All That Exists aside, next time you are on the wrong side of an event horizon and the only thing that might escape of you is a few squirts of xrays, i suggest you learn how to pray, real quick... at that point you've got nothing to lose...and maybe everything to gain.
11/3/2007 9:26:01 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 43 online now!
I hate to slop off the subject but apparently it's ok. Jewels man relax. If a higher intelligence wanted mindless sacks of protien I'm sure they could mass produce it more efficiently than growing humans. You talk as if you're disclosing a secret. Everyones aware that the rich,powerful and religious leaders control the shape of society. I could tell you that the basic human genetic pattern is the same as it was thousands of years ago but that would be beside the point. You could buy a tent, some supplies and live out on some state land and never have to pay taxes or be dominated by deviouse manipulative conspirors again. Even if you could rid the world of our so called "enemy" and build the utopian society you long for, You'de have to limit the population and have controls in place. Then you would become the enemy you hate. Don't be upset that some live a life of luxury at the expense of others suffering. Accept that although it's not nice, the big fish eat the little fish. You are obviously immensly intelligent and I really do respect that. If you could take the mental energy you use on obsessing about being dominated and rechannel it in a way that gives you peace, you would have great insights to offer the next generation. If you were loosed opon a susceptable group in the state you're in now, no good would come from it and that shit scares the hell out of me. Try to regroup, you have a lot of potential. And yea.....we're not smart enough yet to ask about gods origins.
11/3/2007 10:14:52 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Everyones aware that the rich,powerful and religious leaders control the shape of society.
I don't think you understand the gravity of what you said. If you understood just exactly how you have been raped without the grease for your entire life, I know you would get very sick to your stomach and throw up. Since the deception has been done incrementally and systematically slowly slowy over a long period time, no one ever noticed because they were trained away from it by being plenty distracted trying to get their emotional feel goods as a smiling depressive stuck in the consensus trance. Insanity is a perfectly natural adjustment to a totally unnatural and negative environment.
Thanks for the thought eric, though not to worry...I'm cool, don't take a few lines of text and make more out of it because the rabbit hole is only know a very small portion of the must first know your history or you are doomed to repeat it...It was never intended for you to know, they filled your school books with what they wanted you to know.
I understand you cannot possibly know me by a few postings so it doesn't make sense to me for anyone to assume because of what I post that I am a certain way as you decribe, it does not fit, though it doesn't bother me if you try to guess. You would have to actually quit your job and spend the next few years full time figuring out just exactly how your mind has been screwed over to get you to do what you are doing in your life. If was not your choice it was designed for you by factions that certainly do not have your best interest at heart. If you can live with it, then I can live with it, I am not out to change your mind about anything only you can do that.
I don't care to get stuck in the loop of repeating the same insanity over and over again like is happening with most everyone is hard to understand from a few paragraphs what is taking place...there is alot more going on in the background of life than you can see with your have to understand a few critical things your mommy and daddy were never able to tell you because they didn't know. There are alot of complicated things that have to be made simple in order for you to understand what you don't know. I really appreciate your concern as a fellow traveler along the road of life, though believe me I have a grip on what is going on in your life for the simple reason that I have a grip on what is going on in mine. So I recommend you take some notes and get an education.

[Edited 11/3/2007 10:15:27 PM]
11/3/2007 10:40:44 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Parkville, MD
age: 60
Ltr--And when did magnetism become the enemy of humans? I'll challenge that idea. I kinda like all the magnetism going on around me recently.
Now really, everybody. Isn't the original question of this thread so simple that we all contemplated it by junior high, quickly came to a correct conclusion that we weren't ever going to get an answer to that one in this lifetime, and got on with life and found more useful ways to fill our time. Are we still stuck in adolescence?
Besides, what difference is it going to make in any of our lives if we did know?
Let's all take a half hour that you spent worrying about this unsolvable question and go do something nice for someone.
Final point......all of you who are still undecided about God's existance obviously haven't had an afterlife experience yet. Anybody up for one this week?
11/3/2007 10:49:20 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 43 online now!
Sorry, I did drive that a little too far and I started to get out of line. I do understand where your coming from. I know there are alot of "behind the scene" chess games happening and that the greatest minds on the planet are moving the pieces. I don't believe the pieces fit together quite the way you suggest. Consider that some facts could be independent of each other and not interlocked. I can't draw a realistic picture of the greater scheme of things but you really can't either. You can have a suspision or a belief but niether of us can really know for sure. It's all very interesting though. Sorry again.
11/3/2007 11:39:11 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
eric: no problem at all are right, no one can really know it all and I certainly don't and won't claim to and never will, though I think you can fit some critical pieces of the puzzle together and know enough in order to see a much different picture than what we have been shown so things will work out better in your mind about what is going on to make sense from asking the big questions, you can get big answers.
The gangsters work in a very compartmentalized manner, no one gets to know the whole story. One guy knows one thing and another guy knows another, but the two ideas will never meet. That is where you come in, you have to decide what is what and pull all the various componets together. It is a school unto itself. Someone really needs to have some mind power, some brain cells to comprehend a story that is so bazzar you would just fall to pieces if you could download the info into your brain.
They knew you could not possibly have the time to pull all the various pieces of the puzzle together. They keep everyone tide up chasing dollar bills. They knew a few might figure somethings out but not the masses. If you do come up with anything you are up against ridicule and dissinformation tactics and you have to be able to decide what is truth and what is not.
It simply requires for you to be able to make up your own mind about something to determine what is what. No one is going to get the proof they are looking for until they can make up their own mind. The reason most people can't is because all their thinking has been done for them for their entire lives by their authority figures.
I rather think I have about the best story I can come up with so far, that does not mean it will not change with more information, it's interesting stuff to me. Once you find out certain things there is no turning back, you cannot live in mediocrity anymore keeping up with the jones's doing their phony deal.
[Edited 11/3/2007 11:44:06 PM]
11/4/2007 1:08:37 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Very funny why don't you go ahead and share your interesting thoughts and ideas on the specific topic here that you seem to think went astray. Don't let a few words about a few alien dudes prohibit you from continuing on. By all means go ahead make my day. Then again, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself anymore than you already have with too much information. As soon as you find your way to get with the program I won't have to pick up your slack. Saving souls is a tuff business but someone has to do it. It's not easy being God, you slackers are keeping me busy.
11/4/2007 1:28:23 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 47
I think you gave it a good shot regarding jewel and his commentaries. However, I have learned when to stop beating a dead horse. Thoughts and ideas are interesting, but we had a specific topic here that seems to have gone astray. Maybe a new topic is in order now. Suggestions: 1) Who created Aliens, not the movie? 2) When is too much information harmful? 3)What do I do if I am God? Sit in chat rooms and forums? Peace... 
11/4/2007 12:05:09 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 43 online now!
So, this is how it ends huh? Thanks for shutting us all down with all that common sense mumbo jumbo Genieus. I was having fun. (party pooper) And the answer is....."We can't know". I would rather wait awhile on that after life experience thing, I can be very patient.
11/4/2007 12:49:00 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
maybe G, because of that afterlife experience, just wants to party on!      
best i've had so far is an afterbirth experience. cant remember much else, just bits and pieces.
but what about the big bang? is it just an OCD prob the universe has gotten into - expand, contract, expand, contract, or what?
i mean at the point the universe was a big ole dot (singularity), what/who made it not-a-dot? 
reveal to us, oh wise jewel of the north (or is tn south!), the secrets thou hast discovered in thine thimking, that we may be enlightened. 
i am serious. you have accused the boogie man of brainwashing us away from the truth...
1) who da man?
2) what he do?
3) can we help?
4) can we hinder?
(in plain english, please)
[Edited 11/4/2007 12:53:58 PM]
11/4/2007 12:57:01 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
ltr: can you wrap your mind around the word infinate? Always was and always will be, there was no begining and there is no end. Life is infinate this God power is infinate. Its abstract, its not anything you can think of and it is all of it, at the same time. The answer is both yes and no and all of the above. We are just not that smart to know and even the ones who are smart don't even know. The answer is whatever you want to make it, so make something up and call it your own.
ps. you are the creator
[Edited 11/4/2007 12:58:53 PM]
11/4/2007 1:11:38 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 43 online now!
EEEEW! hey! Now that was really good.