11/4/2007 1:32:37 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
It should be real simple, life is simple, this God nature is simple, all of the main aspects are very simple and they are...our minds complicate the hell out of everything ..though the answer is complicated to get to, because the rulers clouded everyones mind with so much controversy we can't see the forest for the trees, because we have been trained to be too preoccupied in servitude to them that you don't have enough time in your life to actually spend figuring anything out. So they have nice pat answers ready to explain away what they want everyone to believe. And the next thing you know you are 50 years old in your life and nothing has changed. There is a reason and the reason is that you were given a debtor status at the time you were born so that you could never get ahead in your life, all by design.
The rulers do not want you having a good time in your life, everything you are involved in, in your outer world, is in place and designed to take away any thought of you getting intouch with yourself so you could have the beautiful life they shove in everyones face. They don't mind giving you a taste of it by dangling the carrot out in front of you, but you will never snag it. There is a way to get the carrot but its not their way.
[Edited 11/4/2007 1:34:56 PM]
11/4/2007 4:04:33 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
jewel, are you talking about the...

11/4/2007 4:26:38 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
lol no
11/4/2007 5:45:08 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
honestly, explain "they" in complete detail
11/5/2007 4:46:21 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Parkville, MD
age: 60
"They" don't allow Jewel to tell any of us "debtors" their identity in order to prevent us from organizing & declaring war against our "real" enemy......."They". It is all spelled out in the best psychology books very clearly. Why, oh why, Ltr, do you insist on being a "one-of-a-kind" rabblerouser?
11/5/2007 5:38:13 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
to stay on topic, genie baby, let's look at the history of the word:
"GOD" The root-meaning of the name (from Gothic root gheu; Sanskrit hub or emu, "to invoke or to sacrifice to") is either "the one invoked" or "the one sacrificed to." From different Indo-Germanic roots (div, "to shine" or "give light"; thes in thessasthai "to implore") come the Indo-Iranian deva, Sanskrit dyaus (gen. divas), Latin deus, Greek theos, Irish and Gaelic dia, all of which are generic names; also Greek Zeus (gen. Dios, Latin Jupiter (jovpater), Old Teutonic Tiu or Tiw (surviving in Tuesday), Latin Janus, Diana, and other proper names of pagan deities. The common name most widely used in Semitic occurs as 'el in Hebrew, 'ilu in Babylonian, 'ilah in Arabic, etc.; and though scholars are not agreed on the point, the root-meaning most probably is "the strong or mighty one."
our concept of "god" is based on a definition by imperfect sources - people.
therefore, the question "if God created everything...?" is not a real question whatsoever. since "scholars" can't even agree on the definition, there's no point in discussing "God" they've got the wrong guy.
let's get the term straight, missy, literally, the ancient hebrew for what all the translators call "GOD" is this:

the Strong~First Shepherd~Teacher Who Beholds and Makes the Day~Water~Sea~Life
the translators have shoved a pagan inept god down our throats using weak terms so much that we think it's cute to question the existence of this awesome creator.
your turn.
11/5/2007 7:05:37 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 43
Damn ltr, that's alot of information! I love the way you speed along the evolutionary process (cracked me up). You would be handy where I work... we could take an order and a machine would pop out of the paint room completed! Um, oh yea....If we made god "as we know him" we could probably make his creator too.
[Edited 11/5/2007 7:08:28 PM]
11/14/2007 6:48:54 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Sarasota, FL
age: 53
God was the beginning- NOTHING existed before him-
11/14/2007 9:40:44 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
And what evidence do you have to prove that?????
11/15/2007 12:17:32 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Wood most who have knowledge of the internet are aware that this is public. No reason to panic. Your phone calls are not secret anymore as Dogg can tell you. Just be aware that what you are saying is not private.
11/15/2007 7:04:16 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Kilgore, TX
age: 63
It doesn't matter who made God.It matters that He made us in His own image,and in the end(your end,that is) it will be He whome you have to answer to..Wendy44
11/15/2007 8:17:09 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
wendy: wendy herself IS the very thing you call God, expressing itself as wendy. wendy herself IS the creator. To try to define this thing you call God, would be to limit Gods very nature. Since you, yourself are the creator, the ONLY one you are going to have to answer to is yourself. This thing you call God, does not judge its own creation and to do so would be to undermine itself. Gods nature is not a gender specific human being waiting to prossecute you in a court room before your peers.
You are going to have to answer to yourself. All of the dirt that you have been hiding under the rug is going to have to come out, along with all of the skeletons in your closet. You can forget about any type of God realization without first having self realization. The God force in the universe is infinate. Infinite means, it always was and it always will be, there was no begining and there is no end.
We are all co-creators continually shaping this present moment by our very own thoughts. God is not thoughtful, the God force in the universe is thought itself. The God force in the universe is expressing itself being you. You are totally responsible for the job of judging yourself, in your end.
We understand that a rational man cannot say, like Christ is meant to have done, that: "I and my Father are One," unless we are each first one within ourselves to begin with. The "Father" is complete and if we are ourselves not complete then how can we possibly be ONE with him or with anyone? The Christian who imagines that being "One” with the Father implies the abnegation of Selfhood is a sadist to his own being. He commits a cardinal sin with just this kind of illogical thinking.
How can a mere nothing, a human zero, merge with God? After all, who is it that comprehends this state of oneness? Logically, it is only a Self that can merge or bond with God's Self. Anything else is fantasy.
11/15/2007 9:34:59 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Syracuse, NY
age: 51
Happy Friday Morning all:
I can not believe all that I have read within this topic. What little faith is evident amongst the majority of this thread. And folks of logic resort to the age old conspiracy theories. Accusations of brainwashing and excluding oneself from the same washings only on another level and topic. Confusion amongst the masses to defer the true meaning of what our entire purpose for life is truly meant for (BREAKING DOWN THE BARRIERS THAT KEEP US SEPARATED FROM EACH OTHER- WE ARE MEANT TO BE UNITED NOT DIVIDED).
KJV: Gen.1 vs.1 In the beginning God created
Gen.1 vs.2 And the Spirit of God moved
Jn. 1 vs.1 In the beginning was the Word & the Word was with God &
the Word was God.
Jn. 1 vs.2 The same was in the beginning with God.
"The Universal Father is the God of all creation,the First Source and Center of all things and beings.First think of God as creator,then as a controller,and lastly as an infinite upholder."
TUB paper1
First Source being (God) Center being (The Word/Spirit)
Is it not better to be brainwashed for a better cause than for division. I prefer many brothers and sisters than none, than a world of division and warmongering...etc!!!!
If it was good enough for Jesus to serve the needy, the poor, the lame, the children, the widows, the elderly, those that could not do for themselves, and for the guests...Then it is good enough for me to do the same for all I meet. And if I have the funds to provide to charity then I put in so others can do what I wish I could do. That simple really.
In doing this we are children of God (Creating/Peace,Love,Unity)
In our Creators Peace and Love let us Unite Together.
11/16/2007 4:14:08 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Oh Lordy we got another preacher. Another who says he KNOWS the secrets that the rest of us cannot figure out.
11/16/2007 7:47:47 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?
and how shall they beleive in him of whom they have not heard?
and how shall they hear without a preacher? 
romans 10:14