11/16/2007 4:57:41 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
Till now man has been up against Nature. From now he will be up against his own nature - Dennis Gabor
Whoever cannot find a temple in his heart, the same can never find his heart in any temple - Mikhail Naimy
Do you deny me the entrance to heaven, I who have at last learned the mystery of myself - Egyptian Mystery School Legend
Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber - Jesus Christ (Gospel of Thomas)
The most strongly enforced of all known taboos, is the taboo against knowing who or what you really are behind the mask of your apparently separate, independent, and isolated ego - Alan Watts (The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are)
You yourself are even another little world and have within you the sun and the moon and also the stars - Origen (Church Father, 3rd Century AD)
You are the temple of God. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are - (1 Corinthians 3:16)
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche - Carl Gustav Jung (German Psychologist)
Most people do not see, understand, or care very much about this catastrophe of the planet because they are overwhelmingly preoccupied with grave psychological problems. The environmental crisis is rooted in the psychological crisis of the modern individual. This makes the search for an eco-psychology crucial; we must understand better what terrible thing is happening to the modern human mind, why it is happening, and what can be done about it - Glenn Parton (The Machine in our Heads)
11/16/2007 5:07:44 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45
If you could answer that question then that would make you God and guess what your not Him.
11/16/2007 5:29:39 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
The full sumation of humane life is the knowledge that man is educated by fact,enobled by wisdom,and saved-justified-by religious faith.
Physical certainty consists in the logic of science:moral certainly,in the wisdom of phylosophy:spiritual certainty,in the truth of genuine religious experience.
The mind of man can attain high levels of spiritual insight and corresponding spheres of divignity of values because it is not wholly material.There is a spirit nuculis in the mind of man-the Adjuster of the devine presence.There are three seperate evidences of this spirit indwelling of the humane mind.
1. Humaniterian fellowship-love.The purely animal mind may be gregarious for self-protection,but only the spirit-indwelt intelect is unselfishly altruistic and unconditionally loving.
2. Interpretation of the universe-wisdom. Only the spirit indwelt mind can comprehend that the universe is friendly to the individual.
3. Spiritual evaluation of life-worship.Only the spirit indwelt man can realize the devine presence and seek to attain a fuller experience in and with this fortaste of divinity.
[Edited 11/16/2007 5:33:16 PM]
11/16/2007 5:51:28 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45
Only God can answer that question and our puny little brain's can't comprehend it even if He was to answer the question.  
11/16/2007 6:06:42 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45
If you ask who created God then you are saying there is another higher then He. Remember what God told Moses on mount sini. Moses said, who do i tell the people You are? The reply was, tell the people I AM. No one created God. And to say anything other than this is in direct conflect with His Word. I AM I WAS I WILL ALWAY'S BE.
11/16/2007 7:53:16 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Sarasota, FL
age: 53
queenofhearts- i'm respectfully asking you to honor the guidelines of this site, which state no insults and to be civil-----------and your comment about another 'preacher is not appropiate to the guidelines- everyone has the right to chose what they want to believe and be respected for that- just as you have the right to chose what you want to believe in- no excuse to be making insults to anyone on here ok! and i'm NOT yelling or
bashing you-just asking you to respect the guidelines of this site=if you cant respect
what others say
11/17/2007 1:15:36 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
The guidelines do not say these forums are for preaching to others. It says they are for discussion. I am not bashing just saying the same as you just did in a different way. That it is an insult to others to come here and say this is the way it is, because nobody knows that they just believe that. Preachers are for church.
4ever think think most everyone here is capable of reading the bible if they want to know what it says. And even the Urantia papers. Get so tired of people quoting the same old tired verses.
11/17/2007 9:25:06 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
Happy birthday Queen!
what would you like for your next year?
if it will be good for you
then i wish it for you.
11/17/2007 10:29:15 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
I was walking across a bridge recently. I spied this fellow who looked like he was ready to jump off. So, I thought I’d try to stall him until the authorities showed up. “Don’t jump!” I said.
“Why not?” he said. “Nobody loves me.”
“God loves you,” I said. “You believe in God, don’t you?”
“Yes, I believe in God,” he said.
“Good,” I said. “Are you Christian or Jewish?”
“Christian,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Protestant or Catholic?”
“Neither,” he said.
“What then?” I said.
“Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Independent Baptist or Southern Baptist?”
“Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “New Evangelical/Moderate Independent Baptist or Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Lose-Your-Salvation Armenian Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Historical Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or For Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Strict Separation of Church and State Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Anti-Disney Boycott Pro-Choice Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist,” he said.
“Me, too!” I said. “KJV Only Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist or Modern Versions Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist?”
“MODERN VERSIONS Pro-Disney Boycott Pro-Life Unashamed Fundamentalist Against Women in Ministry Dispensational Premillennial Calvinistic Conservative Independent Baptist” he said.
“Auugghh!!! You heretic!” I said. And I pushed him over. 
11/17/2007 10:57:55 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
ltr4...good one,
.. that 'ill bring a smile to her lips!
11/17/2007 11:23:02 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Im a little slow today,so not getting the full benifit of the joke,LOL,but if someone is "against Disney"....ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
PS...hey 44444...nice to see you!!!
11/17/2007 11:30:41 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
hi swswswsw...the disney one was for the conservitivly correct,
religiousity right.

11/17/2007 11:39:49 AM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
44444....why...is Disney anti Religious??
PS...I would much prefer 2525252525!!!LOL or just 25....hahhaha
11/17/2007 12:15:20 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
25555 i don't know...
maybe they have too much fun there...
or maybe there public stand on tela-tubbies
you'd have to ask Jerry Falwell....
on second thought belay that ..ask Dr Dobson.
11/17/2007 1:55:10 PM |
If God created everything who created God? |

Spartanburg, SC
age: 56
let's just put dobson in a room with falwell, oops, falwell met his maker recently.
anyway, the religious right boycotts disney because they (disney) have "gay day" and recognizes same sex union for insurance purposes (i think) and the religious right quotes the sin in leviticus of a man with man directive and applies it to disney's embracing thereof, which, back on topic, would be against the words written by the "God" that created everything and all the other small "g" gods along with us and dirt and mosaquitoes and all the smiles and hopes and dreams of all of us!
"in his wisdom God created the fly
and then forgot to tell us why!" - e.e. cummings
[Edited 11/17/2007 2:02:58 PM]