Redding, CA
age: 52
I will not remarry, ever. I was married twice. 7 yrs the 1st time, I was a senior in high school. 23 yrs the 2ndtime. It was such a wonderful, loving, close relationship. We were best friends, and our sex life was quite active. (not compatible though) We had each other up on pedastals, for 20 yrs. The last 3, all was lost. We drifted apart, and fell out of love, he started cheating on me. The divorce was mutual. For some reason the divorce turned extremely ugly. Kids have been grown for years, all we had to deal with was the house and personal belongings, Plus the alimony and retirement. Uncomplicated divorce but it got so emotional and stressful and I dont understand why. I decided that since there are no guarantees in life, why remarry. I thought for sure "HE" was the "ONE" for me for life. I feel that 23 yrs of my life were all for NOT! I would be stupid to remarry. I have seen that people of today just dont respect the marriage institution. Men and woman cheating on each other, wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Some women I know prefer to be with married men because they dont want the attachment, just the sex, gifts, and vacations. All fun for them, and not thinking about what it might be doing to the wife, or how they would feel if they were the wife! I just dont get it! Why does anyone get married anymore? For a piece of paper, to change your name? I wish I could find mr right. I thought I had him. Since I started dating, red flags go up all the time. I think it may be a long time before I can learn to trust again. In the mean time maybe I shouldnt be dating??? I date about one or twice a week, but I am seriously thinking about laying off for a while....

Amarillo, TX
age: 25
so miss lady are you bitter or just sex deprived