8/9/2010 4:32:33 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
Note: No civil government in this country requires anyone to marry.... so one is not obeying or disobeying any government law by marrying or not marrying.
Government does not care one way or the other......
And again I ask, what scripture defines what makes a proper marriage?
rcsyoungerdays seems to think that a common law marriage is not proper but does not offer any sort of justification for that position.
[Edited 8/9/2010 4:35:11 PM ]
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8/9/2010 5:49:35 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Again I quote... through obeying the law of the land.
8/9/2010 7:11:45 PM |
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Avondale, AZ
62, joined Feb. 2008
I guess its kinda my fault the OP's original question got diverted into what constitutes marriage, but I just had this thought about the words used in so many marriage "ceremonies,"What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." "RC," I don't know if we can really say, regarding my previous reference to Gen 24, that as you said, "That was then and this is now." Did God somehow go out of the business of bring Eves to Adams?
8/9/2010 9:23:38 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
No, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and for ever. It is the change of generational culture and time that makes this day and time different in the way marriages are performed. We just happen to live in a time period that we must obey those God put over us. That means, according to each state, common law is not recognized. The law states to be married, one has to have a license. So if it's just a piece of paper that is keeping people from obeying the law, why not get a license? I think most would be surprised if they marry and see how God will bless them in spite of their resources. Don't despise small beginnings. If one wants to compare the weddings of the old, they will need to be engaged for one year before marriage.
There are three commonly held beliefs about what constitutes a marriage in the eyes of God:
The couple is married in the eyes of God when the physical union is consummated through sexual intercourse.
The couple is married in the eyes of God when the couple is legally married.
The couple is married in the eyes of God after they have participated in a formal religious wedding ceremony.
In Malachi 2:14 we see that marriage is a holy covenant before God. In the Jewish custom, God's people signed a written agreement at the time of the marriage to seal the covenant. The marriage ceremony, therefore, is meant to be a public demonstration of a couple's commitment to a covenant relationship. It's not the "ceremony" that's important in a marriage, it's the couple's covenant commitment before God and men.
Let's break this down and see what the Bible says about the marriage covenant.
In Malachi 2:14 we see that marriage is a holy covenant before God. In the Jewish custom, God's people signed a written agreement at the time of the marriage to seal the covenant. The marriage ceremony, therefore, is meant to be a public demonstration of a couple's commitment to a covenant relationship. It's not the "ceremony" that's important in a marriage, it's the couple's covenant commitment before God and men.
It's interesting to carefully consider the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony and the "Ketubah" or marriage contract, which is read in the original Aramaic language. The husband accepts certain marital responsibilities, such as the provision of food, shelter and clothing for his wife, and promises to care for her emotional needs as well. This contract is so important that the marriage ceremony is not complete until it is signed by the groom and presented to the bride. This demonstrates that both husband and wife see marriage as more than just a physical and emotional union, but also as a moral and legal commitment. The Ketubah is also signed by two witnesses, and considered a legally binding agreement. It is forbidden for Jewish couples to live together without this document. For Jews, the marriage covenant symbolically represents the covenant between God and his people, Israel.
For Christians, marriage goes beyond the earthly covenant also, as a divine picture of the relationship between Christ and his Bride, the Church. It is a spiritual representation of our relationship with God.
When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, he revealed something very important, something we often miss in this passage. In verses 17-18, Jesus said to the woman, "You have correctly said, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly." The woman had been hiding the fact that the man she was living with was not her husband. According to the New Bible Commentary notes on this passage of Scripture, Common Law Marriage had no religious support in the Jewish faith. Living with a person in sexual union did not constitute a "husband and wife" relationship. Jesus made that plain here.
Therefore, position number 1 (the couple is married in the eyes of God when the physical union is consummated through sexual intercourse) does not have a foundation in Scripture.
Common Law Marriage: Definition: A relationship that is created by commitment and agreement to cohabitate rather than by a religious or civil wedding ceremony.
8/9/2010 9:40:28 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
fornication: consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other.
8/9/2010 9:40:29 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
Your scriptural references while interesting do not come close to demonstrating what you have attempted to make them say. At best, you are making a mountain out of little more than an ant hill.
The lest compelling is the story of the woman with 5 husbands. The man she was with was not her husband... so what? We don't know if she was with him for the money, or as a concubine, was he her master or if he was a pimp or what.
We don't know what ceremony the gal went through to be "married" to the 5. We don't know if she was a bigamist or was divorced by all 5 or if she was formerly in a group marriage with all 5... we don't know anything more than 10 words about her.
What we do know is that Jesus did not condemn her or chastise her or lecture her or tell her to leave the man she was with.....
One again, I am happy that only those who are without sin are entitled to cast the first spiritual stone.....and I am happy Jesus was not the judgmental individual some other folks hereabouts seem to be.
Folks in the OT had multiple wives, concubines and a whole lot more. So the meaning of those verses in Malachi are next to meaningless as well.
Abraham, had sex with his wife's slave or handmaiden and God blessed the offspring....and did not condemn Abraham.
[Edited 8/9/2010 9:43:21 PM ]
8/9/2010 9:49:41 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Just Remember.... That's what God said!
8/9/2010 9:55:23 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
I do remember, God said those who were without sin were the only one's entitled to cast stones....
8/9/2010 10:12:38 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
I cast no stones... only the word of God. The Holy Ghost conviction is upon you, so you rebound and attack me to justify your life style. I love you brother. But it seems you have done nothing but try to justify your self out of rebelling against God. I'm not there to se you or any thing you do to judge you. You, yourself told us what you do; boastfully. I'm not proud of it, I hurt like Jesus does in your rebellion toward God to do as you please. God is loving and forgiving... just make it right. Don't use each other. Marry her if you think highly of her. God will provide for you. Honor the LORD and do the right thing and God will bless your marriage. Think about the message you are sending to your Children.
8/9/2010 10:27:09 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
I cast no stones... only the word of God. The Holy Ghost conviction is upon you, so you rebound and attack me to justify your life style. I love you brother. But it seems you have done nothing but try to justify your self out of rebelling against God. I'm not there to se you or any thing you do to judge you. You, yourself told us what you do; boastfully. I'm not proud of it, I hurt like Jesus does in your rebellion toward God to do as you please. God is loving and forgiving... just make it right. Don't use each other. Marry her if you think highly of her. God will provide for you. Honor the LORD and do the right thing and God will bless your marriage. Think about the message you are sending to your Children.
Good example of your willingness to throw stones.
You don't know what I am or am not doing.....you have assumed that because I don't agree with you, I must be doing something wrong.
I do think that God does not need you to be some sort of avenging angel telling others how they should live. That is the job of the Holy Spirit....or perhaps of a local pastor. That is what God tells us His word is to accomplish.
Jesus said,
"Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn from from Me, for I am gentle, and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Your view of the faith is not, in my opinion, anything close to what Jesus told us He or His yoke was all about.
You haven't supported your views with scripture....and those you bring up don't say what you try to make them say.
[Edited 8/9/2010 10:33:28 PM ]
8/9/2010 10:34:22 PM |
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Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
Has carson been co-habitating this whole time all along? omg... 
8/9/2010 10:54:29 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
Yes, I suppose I should fess up.
I live with and take care of my special needs step-grandson....and have been talking care of him since before my wife died of cancer.
[Edited 8/9/2010 10:56:45 PM ]
8/9/2010 11:18:00 PM |
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Kerrville, TX
55, joined Jun. 2010
To answer your questions, I have read everything posted here and appreciate everyones input. I have been thinking about what everyone has said and I guess I just needed to know that there were other people with the same struggles I had. I guess deep down inside I was second guessing myself on my relationship with God and thought if no one else had these struggles that maybe I was "messed up" somewhere. But, I have come to find out that its not just me that many of us have the same struggles. And that gave me comfort and peace. So to answer your first question, yes it was different because I didnt expect so many people to have the same struggles. And again appreciate everyone that posted something and opened up. For your second question, I know if something makes me feel guilty that I shouldnt be doing it...so if having premartial sex makes me feel guilty, and it has so far...yes I should stop that. If I am truely with the one I love and plan on spending the rest of my life with I dont think I will feel guilty being with him before marriage, but if I am and I do feel guilty..yes I would stop and ask for forgiveness!! As far as masturbasion goes...I have never really felt guilty for that soooo. lol Question three, I dont think so...I will continue to do what I have been doing and that is seeking God first in everything in my life and following His word. As for question number four...I think very much so...all you guys have shared so much and scriptures have really touched me. Today I was running late for church and after I get in and found a seat the next song was,"Turn your eyes upon Jesus...look full into His wonderful face...and the things of earth will grow strangely dim..in the light of His glory and grace" AMEN!!!! That was so awesome to hear...I havent heard that song in awhile and it is such a beautiful song and pretty much says it all. At church we are doing a series on "Baggage", last week was on "baggage of our past" and how we can not move forward with God carrying around all our past baggage. We can not change our past and need to give it over to God so we can be free!! Today our service was on "baggage of guilt"..WOW..if that is not God talking to me I dont know what it is!! It was perfect for this topic we are talking about here. One of the scriptures used was Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Well I continued on reading.Romans 8:2-11 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. AMEN!!! I have been so blessed and God is such an AWESOME God!! I thank Him for bringing all you fellow Christians into my life...we have something called "small groups" at my church..and to me all you are like my small group. Like Michael said, its so awesome that we all can come together with topics and questions and share with one another and support and love each other.
I again want to thank all of you for supporting me on this topic, I wasnt sure what kind of response I would get and somethings that were said on here was not necessary and out of line for me...but that also is apart of life and we ignore those things and move on. I hope that I can continue to communicate with you guys, I do feel a connection and have made some awesome friends since I joined the Christian forums.
On a side note...My prayers go out to Michael and Shannon...may God lead you two and give you both the peace to know! =) And for my newest favorite friend ever..Ms Lindsi, I just love you girl. Your so awesome and I can see that God is going to use you in a mighty way. Just stay focused on Him and you will find all the answers!! And one last thing...there is a guy that I met on here that has touched my heart in a very special way. I dont know what to say except I am very very happy and smiling all the time!!! He is someone I could see myself with growing closer together to God and sharing Him with others. Your awesome.........just sayn' =)
Thank you so much Miss Patti,
I am so proud of you for sharing and being a woman of God Who truly desires more of Him!!! for thinking things thru and giving God the credit and allowing yourself the opportunity to grow in the goodness that is GOD!!! Really a simple Process of elimination can make the most important decisions in your life with such eas if you always ask the same 3 questions pertaining to anything in Life.
Whats God's Motive:
Whats satan's Motive:
Whats your Motive:
then the answer is always the right onne as long as it is close to god's!!!!
8/10/2010 1:24:08 AM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
I am not here to run any popularity contest. It is Jesus and His word that has your heart stirred. You are constantly twisting my words. Saying things I didn't say. You said you can't afford to marry... I was explaining what the bible says about living together un-married. And fornicating. I can keep this going but I won't. When I get to heaven, Jesus can't point His finger at me and say I didn't warn folks of what His word said. The LORD Bless you and your Children.
8/10/2010 7:56:03 AM |
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Valley Park, MO
46, joined Jun. 2010
Things have gotton pretty intense here and I do see some validity in a little of what everyone is saying. Justbones, your OP, I guess my answer in a nut shell is....Thank God for forgiveness !
8/10/2010 1:59:56 PM |
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Avondale, AZ
62, joined Feb. 2008
I was explaining what the bible says about living together un-married. And fornicating.
It is my understanding of scripture that God marries men and women long before there is a marriage ceremony. He prepares them for each other long before they actually meet.It even happened with our first parents. God created Eve and brought her to the man. He did that then and He still does that today. "What GOD (not man) has joined together, let no man put asunder." And the priest or ministry saying that is not the one joining the couple. God had already done that.
Fornication can not be sex between two people God has joined together. The scriptures define fornication as having multiple sex partners at the same time; one night with Jane, the next with Janice, the next night with a sheep. That is what fornication is. It is destructive to everyone involved and that is why God condemns it. But to say that a Christian man and woman, who have been brought together by God, are fornicators, is as far from the truth as north is from south. It also smacks of legalism/ pharaseeism.
[Edited 8/10/2010 2:02:39 PM ]
8/10/2010 2:20:34 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
I agree that God does cause our partner to cross our path. But there are no marriages made in heaven...so to speak. That would defeat the purpose of being free will.... don't you think? I once had a man tell me that it was ordained by God that we were one from the beginning. If that was so.... why ain't I with him?
Secondly, I'm still struggle with anger and feeling violated over the fact that he paid a Dr. to allow him to sodomize me while I was knocked out off an on. Oh, I have forgive him, I just can't forget; but I have moved on. Jesus has been working on me since... to bring wholeness mentally and physically.
8/10/2010 2:45:13 PM |
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North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
fornication: consensual sexual intercourse between two persons "not married" to each other.
8/11/2010 1:15:44 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
I am not here to run any popularity contest. It is Jesus and His word that has your heart stirred. You are constantly twisting my words. Saying things I didn't say. You said you can't afford to marry... I was explaining what the bible says about living together un-married. And fornicating. I can keep this going but I won't. When I get to heaven, Jesus can't point His finger at me and say I didn't warn folks of what His word said. The LORD Bless you and your Children.
I never even once said or suggested I could not afford to marry. And I am not shacked up with anyone. If you put your heavy load of stones to throw down for a few minutes you might read what I have written.
I wrote that I know of senior couples who cannot afford to marry....because of losing their penions should they marry.
I am sad that you expect Jesus to be busy pointing fingers at you in heaven....
8/11/2010 1:26:47 PM |
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Blanchard, OK
59, joined Jul. 2010
Just throwing my 2 cents in...and granted, off topic, and I realize this was tossed in as an example, but...
If two people are living together and are not married and are engaging in sexual acts and then state that they would get married but are not able to due to financial reasons, then...perhaps they should get married and then reduce their standard of living.
But then they say, we can't afford to sell our home in this market, we won't get back any equity. That is trusting in money. I say sell your home, take the loss, and trust in the Lord to provide and bless you for doing what is right in His eyes.
If you need to declare bankruptcy, then do it. Even the Lord forgave debts in the OT at 7 years. And then take on no more credit. Get down to bare bones living with only necessities, no internet, etc.
And wait and see what the Lord will do in your lives. Trust in Him above all else.
8/11/2010 1:42:43 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
But then they say, we can't afford to sell our home in this market, we won't get back any equity. That is trusting in money. I say sell your home, take the loss, and trust in the Lord to provide and bless you for doing what is right in His eyes.And wait and see what the Lord will do in your lives. Trust in Him above all else.
Lets put some more realistic focus on our hypotheical couple ....
Man: Social Security less than $800 per month
Woman: Pension of $700.
Space Rent on a '72 single wide mobil home, gas, elecricity, phone (etc) $700
Mobil home value to sell: Next to nothing, no bank will loan money on it.
Food and clothes: $200
Mediare $220
Prescriptions and transporation to medical appointments: $200-$400
Clothes: Havn't purchased any in years
Entertanment: TV......
NO car
So explain to me how these two people are supposed to live on the man's $800 when they take away her pension when she gets married?
8/11/2010 1:56:14 PM |
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Albion, IL
56, joined Feb. 2009
Quote: To me masterbation can easily lead to porn and deprivity of the heart and mind.
It is also a known fact that one that practice masterbation will be hard to please when they do get a partner.
I'll just keep on trying to satisfy them there "deprived" ladies as long as I possibly can!

8/11/2010 1:57:16 PM |
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Blanchard, OK
59, joined Jul. 2010
1)Hypothetical couple has children.
Separate and move in with kids.
Give up relationship.
2) On one income, they qualify for food stamps.
Here in Oklahoma, you can get a 1 bedroom efficiency for $385 including water. That leaves electric for an additional $50. Prepaid phone keeps costs down $25
$385 + $50 + $25 = $460 + $220 Medicare = $680.
Now, rent out that mobile home for another $500 + utilities.
$1300 - 680 = $620, less $400 monthly cost of meds etc. leaves a balance of $220 a month that can be put towards clothing or supplement food stamps.
I don't spend $200 a month on clothes, don't see why an elderly couple would.
And the nice thing about the efficiency, they will have no maintenance costs.
8/11/2010 2:13:36 PM |
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Blanchard, OK
59, joined Jul. 2010
oh, and btw...
I am assuming they have a mortgage on the trailer which means they also are paying insurance for Building and Contents.
By renting it out, they only have to carry Building coverage and since it is a trailer home, that costs decreases as the trailer ages. Contents coverage for a renter is $25 per month.
Also, they can shop at Goodwill for clothes. My daughter and granddaughter do it all the time and find great deals.
Now, if the hypothetical couple do not own the trailer...
Trust in the Lord. Who is to say there is not someone at the church they attend that have a place that can be rented for less or even given to the couple to use at no cost. I would gladly give the couple a room in my home and I am certain there are others who would adopt a grandma and grandpa for their kids.
Where there is God, there is a way. With Him all things are possible.
8/11/2010 2:27:10 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
OK, you guys win.
I hope all the folks who think it is so simple are donating your time to help seniors so easily solve all of their problems.
BTW...this couple did not have any money in the bank to relocate and did not conviently have kids who could help them out. Not every community can find a decent place to live for what they pay in space rent on their mobil.
If they did rent out space rent, which they have no ability to do, they would not make any money on it. The space rent alone is $500....
Here in Northern Nevada, for example, hard to find a converted motel room with a kitchenette for less than $500 per month.
[Edited 8/11/2010 2:33:08 PM ]
8/11/2010 2:33:12 PM |
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Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Things have gotton pretty intense here and I do see some validity in a little of what everyone is saying. Justbones, your OP, I guess my answer in a nut shell is....Thank God for forgiveness  !
Hey girl,
Yup things are intense and way off topic but that's cool, they can have their debate. I got my answer which was just validation of what I already knew to be true. Thank you for your input and support! And yes, thank goodness that God is forgiving!!
8/12/2010 4:49:38 PM |
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Chehalis, WA
64, joined Aug. 2008
Thank you justbones for bringing this topic up & the openness of others discussing this. We should all desire to deal with it as God would have us do so, as a loving response to Him. We also need to pray for one another, to stay pure in body & spirit (2 Cor 6:11-7:1,2) & be transformed & renewed in the spirit of our minds & hearts, not allowing in worldly, deceitful teachings. I will ask questions throughout, to ponder on & generate further discussion. As always: Heb 13:1 & Acts 17:11.
HELP is appropriate for those not married & dealing with being created by God with temporary bodies of sexual differentiation while on this earth. (No physical marital relations in heaven). We all have our own ideas, feelings & desires on these issues, as to what we independently think is right or wrong. A question that is helpful to me when all opinions have been given is: what does God say about all this? Have we so focused on our own selfish desires being met that we forget to love & seek the Lord & our neighbor’s best good (no overreaching & defrauding). God desires us to know how we should deal with it, His way. Are we WILLING to obey Him?
If we are honest, we will admit all of us fall short in the areas of mental/physical sexual lust, lasciviousness, concupiscence, fornication, adultery & masturbation. So the issue of PASSING judgment upon one another is mute, since most have done so. But the issue of warning & support is vital. We need support & encouragement to love & obey God. We need to actively pray for 1 another not to engage in fleshly lusts & fill our minds & hearts with the world’s bombardments, (TV, internet, advertising, worldly novels, porn, etc.) as most focus on illicit sexual lust. We must LEARN HOW to transform & focus our minds on Christ & things ABOVE. God has given us His wonderful grace to overcome & all authority in heaven & on earth & there is ALWAYS God’s way to escape, in order bear with it. He made each of us a member of a BODY. We have HELP! It is not a matter of resources; it is a matter of will & choices. We are set free, not to do what we selfishly desire but to do what we ought to be doing, undistracted devotion to the Lord while unmarried. (I Cor 7:31-40)
Sow a thought, eventually reap an act. Sow an act, eventually reap a habit. Sow a habit, eventually reap a character. Sow a character, eventually reap a destiny. Do we regularly PRACTICE illicit sexual activity or thoughts, which can include masturbation, adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, concupiscence, pornography, uncleanness etc.? God gives many warnings about PRACTICING sin. A true Christian will not practice it. It seems the emphasis these days in the body of Christ is on forgiveness when we practice sin, not on God’s emphasis on NOT practicing sin & being & desiring holiness. That is what true repentance is all about: stopping our practices of sin & practicing holiness in body, mind (soul) & spirit. It is achievable! Hallelujah. Some have expressed a lack of knowledge of what God says on this topic of sexual purity & masturbation. I believe God gives instruction on this topic in Scripture.
I do not believe Jesus practiced masturbation because it was generally forbidden in rabbinical teaching & Jewish practice. One prohibition in the Talmud states, "in the case of a man, the hand that reaches below the navel should be chopped off." (Niddah 13a) (www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/sex.html)
This is very similar to Jesus illustration in the NT concerning sexual fornication & adultery, whether actual or mental in Mt 5. It seems to me people conveniently ignore in the context of that passage (vss 29 & 30), which is part of Jesus’ teaching on that subject. There is a conditional used by Christ & indicates not the actual cutting off or gouging out but it would be BETTER IF that might be true in order not to be in danger of eternal separation from God in the eternal lake of fire. It is that serious & few take Jesus’ warning seriously. The disciples did! (Mt 19:8-10) Other Scripture says that no one PRACTICING adultery, fornication, lasciousness, concupiscence or adultery or uncleanness will enter or find inheritance in God’s kingdom. (I Cor 5:1-13)
Mt 5:28-30 But I say to you: whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. [Prov 6:25-35] So IF your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out & throw it away. It is BETTER for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. Or, IF your right hand is making you sin, cut it off & throw it away from you! You would be better off to destroy one member of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Job 31:1ff I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman…IF [hypothetical] my heart has been enticed by a woman, or if I have lurked at my neighbor's door, then let my wife grind for another & let others bow down over her; for that would be wickedness; …iniquity worthy of judgment. It would be fire that consumes to Abaddon & would uproot all my increase. IF I have covered my transgressions as Adam, by hiding my iniquity in my bosom, because I feared the great multitude & dreaded the contempt of families, so that I kept silence & did not go out of the door…THEN let my arm fall from my shoulder, let my arm be torn from the socket. For destruction from God is a terror to me & because of His magnificence I could not endure.
Righteous Job’s teachings sound similar to Christ’s & rabbinic teachings & David’s to Solomon. (Prov 5:1-23) Job 31:1 was a big help to me. Job’s marital covenant & faithfulness to his wife INCLUDED his eyes! His love showed commitment & personal responsibility to her. Does this not also apply to one’s future husband or wife? [The eye is the lampgate of the body--Mt 6:22,23]
UNCLEANNESS is another Scriptural issue talked about in both the OT & NT. Lev 15:16,17 seems to refer to masturbation while vs 18 refers to copulation. Vs 2 refers to bodily discharges making one unclean. It is through these fluids that sexual diseases are transmitted. Most sexual diseases were limited to 2 until the late 19th & 20th centuries when they increased dramatically. Divorce & sexual immorality was rarely done openly as late as the 1940’s & 50’s. It has only been 60 years & now it is RAMPANT. What is going on in our society & the world? This is pervasive & true for Christians now also. What is wrong with this picture? The salt has lost its flavor. Our light is shining dimmer. Our practices are now no different than unbelievers.(Eph 4; Col 3) Uncleanness is carried right into the NT & often linked with other sexual sins (Deut 24:1; Ezra 9:10-15; Lam 1:8-10; Ezek 36:25-32; 39:20-29; Zech 13:1,2; Mt 23:27,28; Rom 1:24-32; 6:16-22; 2 Cor 12:21; Gal 5:17-21; Eph 4:19,20; 5:1-13 w/ Jn 3:19-21; Col 3:1-10; I Thess 4:1-9; 2 Pet 2:7-14).
Some have shared their thoughts in poetry; I like creative expression. Some have a strong sexual drive & others have diminished. I relate to a strong one. I have had to learn to choose godly & creative ways to CHANNEL that sexual energy when not married. I don't fail as often now, due to it is no longer my focus. I am experiencing greater freedom in Christ.
8/12/2010 4:56:19 PM |
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Valley Park, MO
46, joined Jun. 2010
Justbones25, You are very welcome
8/12/2010 5:33:28 PM |
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Chehalis, WA
64, joined Aug. 2008
continued...The practice of masturbation led to sin in my thought life & was done for selfish pleasure & not for the edification of others or holy thoughts toward a future wife. I was successful very few times in doing it without memories or imaginary ones or some type of aid (paper or media). I find it difficult to believe very many can regularly PRACTICE it without some aid. I confess my failings to God & others (who pray for me) & then move on. We are accountable in this area of sexual purity & pray for 1 another & support each other. We are honest in our struggles, but we will no longer PRACTICE illicit sexual impurity or uncleanness thought, aid or actual. Our desire is to be pure & holy in both body & spirit & practice the fruit of the Spirit: self-control. As Christians our bodies are not our own, we were bought with a price. We are God’s temple now; we are living sacrifices (Rom 12:1,2; Gal 2:20), dead to the illicit desires of flesh & mind & alive to God, bearing His fruit in what we do, think & say. His grace & power is sufficient in our weaknesses. When I am weak, He is strong in Me. (2 Cor 12).
FLEE…youthful lusts is very appropriate. Making no fleshly PROVISION is another spiritual principle. Transforming old thoughts & patterns to godly ones (Phil 4:8; Ps 119:9-11) & being renewed in the SPIRIT of our minds is another in living godly in Christ. (Eph 4:17-25) It keeps us from futile thinking, hardening of our hearts (also key reason for divorce) that leads to going past feeling guilty of sin (purpose of conscience) & then given over to licentiousness (wantonness). We didn’t learn Christ in this way. I have also talked to a number of men & women, who said they no longer need a husband, wife or a man or woman; they are satisfied by their own practice of masturbation or with aids. They have diminished in LOVE for a spouse & God’s design for fulfillment of sex in marriage. Also some said they actively practiced personal masturbation WITHIN marriage.
The Israelites practice various periods of sexual abstinence & self-control within marriage. One was during a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle (usually 7 days but up to 14 days out of EVERY month). Another is when a woman gives birth & is healing from that (Lev 12: 40 total days for a son & 80 days for a daughter). God’s truth remains the same no matter what circumstances one finds oneself in. His grace, power & way of escape are always available, IF we choose them. ( I Cor 10:13; 2 Cor 10:4,5) What one occupies one’s thoughts, eyes & minds with, will fill & be the treasure of one’s heart. Is it good fruit or bad fruit? Is our desire to selfishly please our flesh or to please God, to be a lover of pleasure or a lover of God?
If God desires sexual purity & abstinence BEFORE one is married, so that the marriage bed is undefiled, then what makes us think that God changed His mind about abstinence when one finds themselves unmarried again (divorced, widowed) & waiting again for a Scripturally approved marriage? If a married couple have been professing Christians & then divorce, Paul & the Lord taught they remain single (unless spouse dies—I Cor 7:10,11; 32-40) or else be reconciled. God gave Israel a certificate of divorce due to spiritual unfaithfulness but God has never remarried & will reconcile with her, from her estrangement. The book of Hosea is just such a picture of God’s reconciling power, forgiveness & love.
If I regularly practice masturbation (pleasuring myself, because that is honestly what it is), how would I then feel doing this in the presence of God, within His sight? Could I honestly continue practicing this in God’s presence, thinking this is a holy, right & true spiritual use of my body after I have yielded my bodily members as instruments of righteousness?
If my body is the temple of God, with the HOLY Spirit indwelling me & that as a Christian I have now been bought with a price (Christ’s precious blood), then what makes me think I can do whatever I wish with my body, soul & spirit, which are now God’s, dedicated to His service & glory? If I died to sin, the flesh & the world, why then do I still practice those things that I died to? What is the one principle that Scripture points out that FUELS my inordinate desires? It is making PROVISION for the flesh, to gratify its desires.
8/12/2010 7:45:14 PM |
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Austin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
A man sista!
My husband died 3 years ago, and I've never wanted to be held by a man as much as I do since my husband's death! What in the world am I to do? When my father left my mother through divorce, I used to wonder, "How in the world is she [my mother] handling a life of celibacy? She had to have the strength from God. 
The only thing I can say is that I will pray for us both that God will endow us with that same strength; to hold out until He provides for us. And yes, if we need a mate, He will bless us with one. "Its better to marry, than to "burn ," and fall prey to the lust of the flesh. 
8/13/2010 1:12:39 AM |
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Walnut Ridge, AR
39, joined Aug. 2010
Not exactly....the scripture actually states that if we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the LUSTS OF THE FLESH....this means that if we follow God's will and plan for our lives, despite painful hardships like divorce, and we focus on Him and allow Him to guide our footsteps then WE will not give in to what our flesh demands us to do. We will be strong and able to resist the Devil......"Submit yourself unto God, resist the Devil and he will flee....." if we dont SUBMIT to God the enemy or our flesh will rule and win over us.
If you wouldn't do it with Jesus in the room watching you then you shouldn't do it!
8/13/2010 1:15:00 AM |
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Wayne, NJ
58, joined Nov. 2008
If you wouldn't do it with Jesus in the room watching you then you shouldn't do it!
GOOD answer!!!!!!
8/13/2010 8:13:17 AM |
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Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Not exactly....the scripture actually states that if we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the LUSTS OF THE FLESH....this means that if we follow God's will and plan for our lives, despite painful hardships like divorce, and we focus on Him and allow Him to guide our footsteps then WE will not give in to what our flesh demands us to do. We will be strong and able to resist the Devil......"Submit yourself unto God, resist the Devil and he will flee....." if we dont SUBMIT to God the enemy or our flesh will rule and win over us.
If you wouldn't do it with Jesus in the room watching you then you shouldn't do it!
Thank you! That was pretty awesome. Very well spoken. Amen!!
8/13/2010 4:50:23 PM |
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Martinez, CA
43, joined Jul. 2010
masterbation = sin
sin = death = empty...
Gods will no sexaul stuff untill your maried , period
if we mess up , 1 john 1:9
confess our sins.start over
he said not me !!
[Edited 8/13/2010 4:50:59 PM ]
8/14/2010 6:57:45 PM |
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San Jose, CA
55, joined Aug. 2010
Ok people...we are Christians here so lets keep this clean please!!! I am not posting this to be rude in anyway...I am wanting to hear your opinion on this. I know we are suppose to save ourselves until marriage but what happens after divorce. Are we suppose to wait until we are married again before having sex? And is it a sin to take care of oneself (masturbasion)?
I can only speak for myself....I have lots of desires and get very lonely. I have had sex since my divorce but felt very guilty about it...so that tells me I am suppose to wait...this is a very difficult topic for me. HELP!!!!
Hi Justbones25! I asked my friend this question and just want to share with you what he said:
Hello Maria,
No doubt you are a bit reluctant to ask this question to a minister or religious leader; I’m sure most people are also hesitant to ask.
Truthfully I am a bit uncomfortable talking about such things. In reading the bible I can’t recall that it addresses your question directly; but I am not a religious scholar nor am I versed in theology.
So my opinion would be based on my own interpretations of things that relate to your question.
Regardless of whether a person has been divorced or not, I believe that sex outside of marriage is inappropriate. My belief is that God’s design of sex was to be exclusively between one man and one woman only after a lifetime commitment has been made. Anything beyond that I feel is outside of God’s blessing.
You mention of taking care of one’s self may lower one’s temptations of seeking a participating partner, in which case both would be committing adultery. But even if only one person is involved, self-gratification in my mind is not part of Gods plan.
In a way it would be like saying; yes it is wrong to steal, but if I take something from someone that does not miss it or can afford to replace it, then maybe I’m not really stealing.
By taking care of one’s self, most might say they are harming no one. But in all honesty one is probably diminishing one’s own self worth and ultimately stealing from God’s original design of sex.
That’s just my opinion.
I think he did a great job answering this question He's so sweet and nice Have a great weekend!!!
8/14/2010 9:12:44 PM |
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Chehalis, WA
64, joined Aug. 2008
8/16/2010 5:43:27 PM |
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Winnipeg, MB
64, joined Sep. 2008
Thank you all for your frank discussions on this topic.
I am not an ethical relativist and therefore suspect that there is uniformity across all gender or social boundaries. The scripture is our fundamental source for edification and teaching. It is also the means by which the Holy Spirit can provide us with wisdom and discernment in matters that the social mores cannot.
Having been a master of self-deception in the past and victim to my delusions, rationalizations and justifications before it is possible I am again subject to my own predisposed derelictions.
Am I willing and ready to put myself in the Lord's hands or am I trusting in my own?
YIKES - that was weird.
Purity of spirit, clarity of mind and singleness of purpose are the goals to which I aspire (faltering as I may in the process) but in my Heart of Hearts I want to live as a man of integrity and be authentic.
I must therefore defer on occassion to others who are more knowledgable than I and trust that their advice is sound. Then I have to try to achieve what I at first percieve to be impossible and ask the Lord for help to mold my ideals and then to live up to them.
8/16/2010 8:48:27 PM |
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Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
Thank you all for your frank discussions on this topic.
I am not an ethical relativist and therefore suspect that there is uniformity across all gender or social boundaries. The scripture is our fundamental source for edification and teaching. It is also the means by which the Holy Spirit can provide us with wisdom and discernment in matters that the social mores cannot.
Having been a master of self-deception in the past and victim to my delusions, rationalizations and justifications before it is possible I am again subject to my own predisposed derelictions.
Am I willing and ready to put myself in the Lord's hands or am I trusting in my own?
YIKES - that was weird.
Purity of spirit, clarity of mind and singleness of purpose are the goals to which I aspire (faltering as I may in the process) but in my Heart of Hearts I want to live as a man of integrity and be authentic.
I must therefore defer on occassion to others who are more knowledgable than I and trust that their advice is sound. Then I have to try to achieve what I at first percieve to be impossible and ask the Lord for help to mold my ideals and then to live up to them.
Goddd, that was excellent writing. Articulate and impressive. I'm jealous with regard to your vocab and word structure. I needs must learn...
8/16/2010 9:15:11 PM |
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Vancouver, BC
64, joined Jan. 2009
Goddd, that was excellent writing. Articulate and impressive. I'm jealous with regard to your vocab and word structure. I needs must learn... 
Actually you should be focusing on the content:
Purity of spirit, clarity of mind and singleness of purpose are the goals to which I aspire (faltering as I may in the process) but in my Heart of Hearts I want to live as a man of integrity and be authentic
8/16/2010 9:18:31 PM |
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Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
Oucch...damn, that hurt...
I'm off to bed now... ........
8/16/2010 9:21:39 PM |
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Vancouver, BC
64, joined Jan. 2009
At least ya getting the authentic part nearly down pat..
8/16/2010 10:44:01 PM |
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Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Ok people...we are Christians here so lets keep this clean please!!! I am not posting this to be rude in anyway...I am wanting to hear your opinion on this. I know we are suppose to save ourselves until marriage but what happens after divorce. Are we suppose to wait until we are married again before having sex? And is it a sin to take care of oneself (masturbasion)?
I can only speak for myself....I have lots of desires and get very lonely. I have had sex since my divorce but felt very guilty about it...so that tells me I am suppose to wait...this is a very difficult topic for me. HELP!!!!
Hi Justbones25! I asked my friend this question and just want to share with you what he said:
Hello Maria,
No doubt you are a bit reluctant to ask this question to a minister or religious leader; I’m sure most people are also hesitant to ask.
Truthfully I am a bit uncomfortable talking about such things. In reading the bible I can’t recall that it addresses your question directly; but I am not a religious scholar nor am I versed in theology.
So my opinion would be based on my own interpretations of things that relate to your question.
Regardless of whether a person has been divorced or not, I believe that sex outside of marriage is inappropriate. My belief is that God’s design of sex was to be exclusively between one man and one woman only after a lifetime commitment has been made. Anything beyond that I feel is outside of God’s blessing.
You mention of taking care of one’s self may lower one’s temptations of seeking a participating partner, in which case both would be committing adultery. But even if only one person is involved, self-gratification in my mind is not part of Gods plan.
In a way it would be like saying; yes it is wrong to steal, but if I take something from someone that does not miss it or can afford to replace it, then maybe I’m not really stealing.
By taking care of one’s self, most might say they are harming no one. But in all honesty one is probably diminishing one’s own self worth and ultimately stealing from God’s original design of sex.
That’s just my opinion.
I think he did a great job answering this question  He's so sweet and nice  Have a great weekend!!! 
That was awesome..thank you for sharing! =)
8/16/2010 11:24:20 PM |
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Dallas, TX
46, joined Jul. 2010
Wow..all of you have amazed me with this discussion.
d lady, wow girl...you hit that one out of the park..I loved what you had to say and I agree. I think that masturbasion is ok as long as your not thinking bad thoughts or lusting after someone during or even watching porn...wow thats another whole topic..lets not even go there...lol Yes I think that you have to be thinking of someone while your doing that, but like you said if its more of a memory...I dont know, ummm now I am confusing myself..because I dont wanna think about my ex that way..turn off!! And if I think of someone I have been with that was considered a sin, is it ok to have that memory of them and take care of myself? Wow I think I am making this way more complicated than it is....
Let me clarify, please. I am also repulsed by and would not think of my ex. I didn't even associate that with "memories" when I was writing and at this point, I'm a little embarassed at exposing such personal thoughts and do not wish to clarify that any further! I agree with the sentiment in here that it's what you're thinking that presents the problem.
I still struggle with this myself and didn't mean to sound like I had it all figured out and squared away!
I once heard someone make the assertion that your body is not only a gift to your mate, but also to you. That was meant in the context of marriage, to alleviate inhibitions/guilt that sometimes plague the young Christian virgin in her new marriage that can interfere with very Godly sexual enjoyment.
Our feelings are no accident, but we do have to exersise some control, so that lust doesn't gain control instead, leading us into very real sin. Just don't let yourself get bogged down in excessive guilt over being tempted. That was my main point. I've probably only given you more points to struggle with and I apologize if that's the case!
8/16/2010 11:49:13 PM |
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San Jose, CA
55, joined Aug. 2010
Doc! Thanks...
8/17/2010 2:38:26 AM |
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Roseville, MI
48, joined Jul. 2010
We all have these desires! I agree, but with Gods help we can control them !!!
8/17/2010 5:28:39 PM |
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San Jose, CA
55, joined Aug. 2010

We all have these desires! I agree, but with Gods help we can control them !!!
8/17/2010 7:17:30 PM |
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Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Let me clarify, please. I am also repulsed by and would not think of my ex. I didn't even associate that with "memories" when I was writing and at this point, I'm a little embarassed at exposing such personal thoughts and do not wish to clarify that any further! I agree with the sentiment in here that it's what you're thinking that presents the problem.
I still struggle with this myself and didn't mean to sound like I had it all figured out and squared away!
I once heard someone make the assertion that your body is not only a gift to your mate, but also to you. That was meant in the context of marriage, to alleviate inhibitions/guilt that sometimes plague the young Christian virgin in her new marriage that can interfere with very Godly sexual enjoyment.
Our feelings are no accident, but we do have to exersise some control, so that lust doesn't gain control instead, leading us into very real sin. Just don't let yourself get bogged down in excessive guilt over being tempted. That was my main point. I've probably only given you more points to struggle with and I apologize if that's the case!
No you didnt confuse me..I got what you were saying. =) Thanks again for posting!
8/17/2010 8:51:26 PM |
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Germantown, TN
40, joined Sep. 2009
What I think is dumb is a lot of people think it's a sin for men to masturbate and not one for women to. Basically because of the interpretation of one line. I HIGHLY doubt God considers one ok and one not!
Personally I think it's pretty clear that people aren't supposed to do thigns after being divorced, but many do.
8/18/2010 10:09:25 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. | Page 2 |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
What I think is dumb is a lot of people think it's a sin for men to masturbate and not one for women to. Basically because of the interpretation of one line. I HIGHLY doubt God considers one ok and one not!
Personally I think it's pretty clear that people aren't supposed to do thigns after being divorced, but many do.
I agree with you. Just like someone said, if you can't do it infront of God, you shouldn't be doing it!! I think that goes with anything in our life.
8/18/2010 8:33:34 PM |
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Chehalis, WA
64, joined Aug. 2008
You are very welcome mariel!   
Thanks again justbones for the topic and thanks for all the honesty and sharing on this difficult subject. May we be praying and supporting one another as we look for His great appearing to take us home, to be with the Lord forever. Maranatha!
8/18/2010 9:39:39 PM |
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Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
You are very welcome mariel!  
Thanks again justbones for the topic and thanks for all the honesty and sharing on this difficult subject. May we be praying and supporting one another as we look for His great appearing to take us home, to be with the Lord forever. Maranatha!
Thank you brashdoc for responding. I appreciate everyones input. Amen!!
8/19/2010 7:06:28 AM |
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Valley Park, MO
46, joined Jun. 2010
"Thanks again justbones for the topic and thanks for all the honesty and sharing on this difficult subject. May we be praying and supporting one another as we look for His great appearing to take us home, to be with the Lord forever. Maranatha!" "quote from Brashdoc"
Still can't figure the quote and highlight deal. Oh well, I'll get it eventually
Anyhow, Brashdoc, You got it! I have to say it is pretty nice to see everyone talking to each other like this. Respecting each other and sharing verses and being civil Amen indeed...
8/20/2010 1:14:50 AM |
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Bonner Springs, KS
60, joined Jun. 2010
Wow, I have really enjoyed reading what you all think. What matters is what God thinks and that said we must have the mind of Christ.
I guess I've always figured that if I'm going to act out sexually I can do one of two things. I can have it with someone else and if it's wrong be hurting both me and them or have it by myself and only be hurting me.
9/6/2010 8:07:21 PM |
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Moody, AL
55, joined Aug. 2010
I know what the word says and I struggle with the same issue. Here are my feelings on the subject. I had much rather be with a woman than masturbate, but we do what we have to do. Concerning no sex after divorce until you marry again. Well, God hates divorce too and here's a big thing with me okay. If I wait until I'm married again to have sex and on my honeymoon night I discovered that my new wife wouldn't have anything to do with oral sex then I'd be a very unhappy camper. Whether it be right or wrong, I consider myself a serial monogamist in relationships until I find the woman that I truely fall in love with because two people have to be sexually compatable just the same as spiritually compatable. I hope this helps.
9/6/2010 8:15:30 PM |
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Sugar Grove, VA
64, joined Jul. 2010
Sexual desires while not married is living in the flesh and not the spirit. I still say if we would walk in the spirit and not the flesh, we wouldn't be thinking so much about sexual things. We would be looking for the godly man/woman that God had for us. Building a godly relationship is not all about the sex. There is much much more to a good relationship and marriage.
Live and walk in the spirit and overcome the flesh and fleshly thinking.
9/6/2010 10:07:27 PM |
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Sedona, AZ
59, joined Nov. 2009
I think,imho,and I hope some will get this,,
we should keep our minds from being Horny...
look to things hat are pure,,keep your mind off it..
oh and nowhere,,actually did it say God created (SEX)
man did.  
9/6/2010 10:11:47 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
What do you think God intended when he said, "Be fruitful and multiply" ?
This old country boy knows what them animals do to procreate.....
[Edited 9/6/2010 10:12:48 PM ]
9/6/2010 10:14:24 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. | Page 2 |

Vancouver, BC
64, joined Jan. 2009
I think,imho,and I hope some will get this,,
we should keep our minds from being Horny...
look to things hat are pure,,keep your mind off it..
oh and nowhere,,actually did it say God created (SEX)
man did.  
Ya beat me too it Carson..
9/6/2010 10:31:18 PM |
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Sedona, AZ
59, joined Nov. 2009
What do you think God intended when he said, "Be fruitful and multiply" ?
This old country boy knows what them animals do to procreate.....
So Where is the word Sex???
is what I said...
loving oneself like that is not mentioned as procreating,,Now Is It?
9/6/2010 10:36:10 PM |
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Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
Most folks generally consider sex to include procreation and and all things romantically intimate.
I don't think the word sex is in scripture.... instead, the Bible often uses the word "knew"
Either way, I think God created Sex and I think God made sex fun for a reason.