11/10/2011 8:30:10 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Cottonwood, AZ
54, joined Oct. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

11/10/2011 9:12:47 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Is that one of the places where you seek new victims to sponge off?
You won't have to worry about me exposing you for a fake and hypocrite there. I prefer to remain in the hetero world with women I'm not trying to scam for a place to live.
I can't imagine how you can find self worth in scamming people on a dating site.
Have you ever even consider working to support yourself and getting your own place to live?
Believe me, there's great satisfaction in being self sufficient.
11/12/2011 12:35:04 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Cottonwood, AZ
54, joined Oct. 2011
Sorry about the previous post... had a demon following me, lost my cool.
11/13/2011 4:44:46 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Sarasota, FL
64, joined Jun. 2011
Do you mean deja-vu ?
I;m starting to have senior deja-vu, ya know "I think I have forgotten this before"
Ok, reincarnation means little to me, it works or not so I really see no need to "believe"....the same goes for heaven and hell.
It seems the only way to know which is true one has to die and that is something I hope to put off as long as possible. Now while alive I intend to grow, understand what I have been given, and generally be happy as hell. I do not see the point in debating when it comes to comes to beliefs since that is something that take little effort if any...to believe.
So if reincarnation is real...COOL, if not that is ok too.
11/19/2011 9:39:27 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I;m starting to have senior deja-vu, ya know "I think I have forgotten this before"
Ok, reincarnation means little to me, it works or not so I really see no need to "believe"....the same goes for heaven and hell.
It seems the only way to know which is true one has to die and that is something I hope to put off as long as possible. Now while alive I intend to grow, understand what I have been given, and generally be happy as hell. I do not see the point in debating when it comes to comes to beliefs since that is something that take little effort if any...to believe.
So if reincarnation is real...COOL, if not that is ok too.
Its alot harder to get rid of beliefs , than it is to attain them . 
...as for anyone who may not understand 
Why embrace a theory when we can embrace the life that gives us our theory ?
Life provides us with every ounce of our knowledge , so how can our knowledge be greater than the life that has provided all of it ?
The most powerfull magic the mind can ever know , is "outside" of the mind . 
11/26/2011 3:19:20 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


Red Mountain, CA
69, joined Apr. 2010
No reincarnation either. Below is a post for ghosts that I did, the same holds for reincarnation. The demons know about other peoples lives from one end to the other and will give false memories to people either when they are put under hypnois or not to create the illusion of having past lives. Just another way to call God a lier.
There are no ghost, no dead people coming back to huant the living. BUT, there are demons who have been around since before people were created and they have lived right along side of us. They can be observing a person from birth to death, know everything about them and their families, things that their own families didn't even know about about them or what they did. The Bible says that 'Dead is dead', and to call the Bible and God a lier the demons themself hoax humans into believing that the dead do come back, therefore getting them to disbelieving the bible and concidering God is a lier, which is in satans interest. There demons can display the traits and call to the mind of the living person all the personally of the dead and get them to believe in a loved one coming back to communicate with them. No, there are no ghost, just demons out to serve their master in turning you from believing God. Don't fall for it.
11/26/2011 10:40:11 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Long Island City, NY
40, joined Nov. 2011

11/27/2011 11:37:27 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Cottonwood, AZ
54, joined Oct. 2011
No reincarnation either. Below is a post for ghosts that I did, the same holds for reincarnation. The demons know about other peoples lives from one end to the other and will give false memories to people either when they are put under hypnois or not to create the illusion of having past lives. Just another way to call God a lier.
There are no ghost, no dead people coming back to huant the living. BUT, there are demons who have been around since before people were created and they have lived right along side of us. They can be observing a person from birth to death, know everything about them and their families, things that their own families didn't even know about about them or what they did. The Bible says that 'Dead is dead', and to call the Bible and God a lier the demons themself hoax humans into believing that the dead do come back, therefore getting them to disbelieving the bible and concidering God is a lier, which is in satans interest. There demons can display the traits and call to the mind of the living person all the personally of the dead and get them to believe in a loved one coming back to communicate with them. No, there are no ghost, just demons out to serve their master in turning you from believing God. Don't fall for it.
I've heard that you shouldn't go under hypnosis because you can't control who or what will be able to come through.
12/20/2011 5:24:38 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Honolulu, HI
36, joined Feb. 2010
The reason I believe in Reincarnation is because of the faults in Christianity. According to Christianity, if a newborn baby DIES right at its birth, its soul goes straight to Heaven. Obviously,then, that baby did Not have any choice, was Not able to exercise its free will and decision as to its ultimate destination of Heaven or Hell. This is where Reincarnation resolves the problem by giving that baby a chance in its Next reincarnation. In other words,Reincarnation provides the Free Will that the baby does Not have in Christianity.
12/21/2011 9:48:54 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
reincarnation? like god, the afterlife and all supernatural phenomena--unknowable. man i do like these easy ones.
12/25/2011 9:53:41 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Westwood, NJ
59, joined Aug. 2011
they will discuise themselves as many different people..even dogs and cats..
dont be fooled!
12/25/2011 9:54:58 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Westwood, NJ
59, joined Aug. 2011
well that is dumb..who wants to go to hell???????? you?
The reason I believe in Reincarnation is because of the faults in Christianity. According to Christianity, if a newborn baby DIES right at its birth, its soul goes straight to Heaven. Obviously,then, that baby did Not have any choice, was Not able to exercise its free will and decision as to its ultimate destination of Heaven or Hell. This is where Reincarnation resolves the problem by giving that baby a chance in its Next reincarnation. In other words,Reincarnation provides the Free Will that the baby does Not have in Christianity.
12/25/2011 9:55:49 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Westwood, NJ
59, joined Aug. 2011
AMEN!!!!..because your mind is open to anything to take it and do with it what ever they please!
I've heard that you shouldn't go under hypnosis because you can't control who or what will be able to come through.
12/25/2011 9:56:38 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Westwood, NJ
59, joined Aug. 2011
he will cast them out!
go for it!
Sorry about the previous post... had a demon following me, lost my cool.
12/28/2011 8:25:37 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Honolulu, HI
36, joined Feb. 2010
well that is dumb..who wants to go to hell???????? you?
The reason I believe in Reincarnation is because of the faults in Christianity. According to Christianity, if a newborn baby DIES right at its birth, its soul goes straight to Heaven. Obviously,then, that baby did Not have any choice, was Not able to exercise its free will and decision as to its ultimate destination of Heaven or Hell. This is where Reincarnation resolves the problem by giving that baby a chance in its Next reincarnation. In other words,Reincarnation provides the Free Will that the baby does Not have in Christianity.
To reply to Val: You missed my whole point. My whole point is that in Christianity, the baby that dies, does not have any choice. Since you, Val, are presumably a Christian, then you believe in the Bible verse that says,"All have sinned," and therefore have to become a Christian in order to enter Heaven. In that case,obviously the dead infant did NOT become a Christian, and yet it, as a sinner, still entered Heaven, therefore contradictory.
1/27/2012 1:11:03 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Greenwood, IN
64, joined May. 2010
I believe in reincarnation. I was really interested in it for a while. Now I just try to do the best I can where I am right now and don't give it much thought anymore. But it helped me out a lot when I was investigating it originally.
1/27/2012 1:12:33 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Greenwood, IN
64, joined May. 2010
BTW, there is no hell in scripture. Just in the mind of King James.
1/27/2012 1:53:39 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010
hm. There's a reference to hades/hell I thought. and gehenna, that word for the gutter alongside roads sometimes reffered to as a hellish place, sheol? and maybe a couple other places. The point is, they're either an actual location or one reference to a metaphor. I think the metaphor was used to simply convey personal torment. The other references were places you never wanted to be.
we actually have free choice as in we are free to choose to believe, or not, and make other choices. But playing the game or not? that's not a choice.
babies and retarded people, like all people, are only judged by their full understanding. A baby dies? saved. Retarded person that can't understand a missionary, they die? saved. Some native not quite convinced the missionary that's telling stories about talking snakes is either crazy or divine, suddenly dies? saved. kind of weird eh? Not something most christians know or talk about.
anyway, I believe in reincarnation. I have memories of ancient architecture that wasn't known until archeologists recently discovered it. How did i know? *shrug*
There are stories of people that have knowledge of a previous knowledge, that would be unknown unless experienced. One lady remembered a life in the UK. She traveled there, searched, found a home, and even the previous residents. They were able to confirm her memories. She shouldn't have had any of that intimate knowledge as they were simply average people.
3/18/2012 8:16:09 PM |
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Conroe, TX
66, joined Apr. 2007
Yes, I believe in reincarnation. I work with clearing past blocks for people created in previous lives. Allergies are past life energy. Unreasonable fears. Blocks to making money. Blocks to relationships. I have seen quite a few of my past lives, often while I am clearing them. Sometimes years later I see the pictures.
4/8/2012 10:32:34 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Buffalo, NY
28, joined Mar. 2012
reincarnation - some ppl reincarnate many time thru different persons bodies but, some die & go 2 insects & so on. it depends on how hard a person works 2wards their spiritual growth in this carnal life.
4/8/2012 4:02:28 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


Conroe, TX
66, joined Apr. 2007
No offense but when you incarnate again as an animal or insect, I believe that is called transmogrification. I read it before but can't find where I read it. Now something else comes up as transmogrification online. It is my understanding that reincarnation in growing into a higher level of consciousness each life. If you come back as an animal, I understand that to be a belief in karma as punishment. I could be wrong though.
5/13/2012 12:52:39 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Columbus, OH
55, joined Jun. 2011
Past lives are true & you can know for yourself 
5/13/2012 1:29:34 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
No offense but when you incarnate again as an animal or insect, I believe that is called transmogrification. I read it before but can't find where I read it. Now something else comes up as transmogrification online. It is my understanding that reincarnation in growing into a higher level of consciousness each life. If you come back as an animal, I understand that to be a belief in karma as punishment. I could be wrong though.
Perhaps you're thinking of transmigration? Transmigration reincarnation theories allow for reincarnation into animals. Yes, usually it's about what karma you earned.
There are various views on reincarnation. To the Hindus, it's "samsarra," the wheel of reincarnation, and the goal is "moksha," an escape from that cycle. In that sense, one must gain enlightenment within the space of a lifetime (or in some beliefs collectively over several lifetimes) in order to achieve moksha.
I believe it's about spiritual evolution. Karma isn't a reward and punishment system, it's the forces of nature. If you do evil or don't seek enlightenment, then your spirit is weakened and you are in a lesser state when you reincarnate. If you do good and seek after holiness and/or enlightenment (really they're symbiotic) and reject the control of fear which leads to evil, then your spirit grows and you do better in your next incarnation. That doesn't mean you'll be wealthy, necessarily, it just means that you start life more spiritually aware, more prepared, more mature, and can handle it better and help others as well. Eventually we will reach a stage of spiritual evolution and our physical bodies (those of our distant descendants, us reincarnated really) will also evolve again. Any real look at the human body can tell you it's an evolutionary work in progress, even if one doesn't believe in the spirit and spiritual things. (our spine and vertebrae, our appendix, our lack of a third set of teeth or longer lasting teeth despite longer lives, just to name a few.)
5/14/2012 9:53:09 PM |
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Springfield, MO
46, joined Apr. 2012
If we have a soul then reincarnation makes sense. But since our brains didn't exist until we did in Mother's womb, knowing anything about a past life seems implausible since we can't know anything our soul might in any conscious/useful way.
If it gives someone comfort to believe in Shirley Maclaine type reincarnation who am I to rain on their parade.
5/15/2012 4:35:52 PM |
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Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
If we have a soul then reincarnation makes sense. But since our brains didn't exist until we did in Mother's womb, knowing anything about a past life seems implausible since we can't know anything our soul might in any conscious/useful way.
If it gives someone comfort to believe in Shirley Maclaine type reincarnation who am I to rain on their parade.
Some believe that we do have knowledge from previous lives recorded on our spirits, or in some sort of "Akashik Record." One can access that knowledge through meditation, because in the soul the spirit and the body are one. It is not accessed through the conscious mind, but through the unconscious or altered conscious mind because that is wherein one connects with one's spirit and with the universal ground where all spirits may connect with one another and with the Divine (what Hindus would call "The Divine Ground." ) My beliefs on the issue are similar. At the same time, it doesn't bother me if another doesn't believe in it. I don't need everyone to agree with me in order to be firm in my beliefs. If anything, I might begin to wonder more about those beliefs if everyone did agree with me. 
8/26/2012 10:13:33 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Winston Salem, NC
33, joined May. 2012
I believe in reincarnation. I have had past life memories since I was a child. My brother and me were lovers in a past life. I can remember as a small child like 1 or 2 yrs telling my brother I love him and couldn't understand why he would bully me lol. Sometimes I would dream about my past lifes or when I would go into a deep state of mind I can remember my past lives.
9/9/2012 6:49:46 PM |
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Waynetown, IN
49, joined Jun. 2011
Reincarnation is not only a past life of your ancestrial that can create your future to be your past to become your future can be rewarding, Reincarnation can also be when a woman has a son that looks like her, or a man that has a daughter that looks like him in the concept of identical, so that could mean in the next generation the woman will live to be a man and a man will live to be a woman. So that is why we keep the age groups separate. So yes I think reincarnation is truth.
10/2/2012 6:51:17 PM |
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Rancho Cucamonga, CA
32, joined Oct. 2012
I believe reincarnation is truth. For example: Within my tribal community, i have a uncle who in life, was a Bear dancer. When he passed away last year, his spirit appeared in an sweat lodge ceremony and told one of my relative that he is fine and he is now a bear in body and in spirit.
10/3/2012 12:46:58 PM |
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College Park, MD
29, joined Sep. 2012
Alan Watts: Death (1959)--
10/5/2012 12:26:39 PM |
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York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I dont believe in reincarnation , but I believe in recycling .
I've come to respect and honor life a great deal , and I myself , no longer has any qualms about pushing up daisies .  
I'm just over-joyed to be a part of life's proccess .  
10/5/2012 9:51:34 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
reincarnation. one of those things that cannot be known.
10/18/2012 11:53:14 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Winston Salem, NC
33, joined May. 2012
Yeah, I believe in Reincarnation. I have had past life memories since I was like maybe between 2 to 3 yrs old. My brother was the love of my life in a past life. I can remember as a child telling my brother I loved him and he would get so annoyed lol. I also as a child never believe my mother was really my mother ( although I have proof she is ) I always felt like she was my sister from a past life. Which does explain why we have a sister relationship then a mom and daughter one lol.
10/19/2012 7:21:12 AM |
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York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Yeah, I believe in Reincarnation. I have had past life memories since I was like maybe between 2 to 3 yrs old. My brother was the love of my life in a past life. I can remember as a child telling my brother I loved him and he would get so annoyed lol. I also as a child never believe my mother was really my mother ( although I have proof she is ) I always felt like she was my sister from a past life. Which does explain why we have a sister relationship then a mom and daughter one lol.
Freud would have a field day 
10/20/2012 11:13:17 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Reincarnation? For all, or the select few? Are humans really anxious to see another Ted Bundy in any form?
10/24/2012 4:30:00 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
College Park, MD
29, joined Sep. 2012
Reincarnation? For all, or the select few? Are humans really anxious to see another Ted Bundy in any form?
"Ted Bundy" wouldn't come back as "Ted Bundy"; he's dead and gone forever (thank God). The ego always dies in the end it cannot go on; receiving for the sake of receiving is like cancer. Our bodies are designed to live a lot longer than they do (scientifically proven) but our selfishness causes the body all sorts of problems and stresses. The soul is of a giving nature and thus never dies nor can it because it is Loving and a Part of God(Love); it can come back in a different body much like one changes their clothes but it is always in a different manner.
But that's just my opinion and views I have learned from teachers and gurus; I could be damned to the eternal lake of fire when I die.
10/24/2012 10:29:22 PM |
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Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010
I hypnotize friends and family occasionally. I have a method to relive memories. Sometimes I direct them to access a memory within a structure that does not let on that the memories are from before they were born. Sometimes I get nothing, other times they do not realize until after they "awake" that the memories could not be from their current life. And I never "tell" or suggest a memory, that leads to false data...
10/25/2012 2:15:09 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
When I come back I want to be a bird   

10/25/2012 7:53:05 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

Framingham, MA
28, joined May. 2011
Every now and then since I was a child I get "flashbacks" there is no way to tell though
10/26/2012 2:51:19 AM |
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Pennsauken, NJ
25, joined Apr. 2012
I believe in it andI believe we could have been animals in past lives. I have memories from my past lives and most of them were animals. I have some of their memories and I know how they died. Message me if youre intrested, I'll tell ya all about the, theres 4 that i know of
10/26/2012 4:01:45 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I don't want to come back as a fire hydrant. 
10/28/2012 7:51:25 AM |
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Rockford, IL
43, joined Sep. 2012
I believe reincarnation is a reality. As a Buddhist, I was taught "life after life, death after death, life after death". This basically means that we live again and again. That doesn't necessarily mean we are condemned to repeat endlessly the same kind of living. We are meant to learn, grow, understand, and become aware of more with each life.
I grew up having dreams as a child. Some just ordinary, black and white dreams that were just so much silliness. Then, there were others that were in vivid color and detail. It was like actually being there. I was thinking my thoughts, feeling my emotions, doing the things I did. It was as though I was actually recalling an actual memory. It's very different from normal dreams. When I was young, I went to a number of therapists and psychiatrists. This was because I would have such terrible nightmares of rather violent things at a young age...why didn't make sense since I was also sheltered from watching anything too violent on television.
The only explanation is memories. But, that's awfully hard to believe considering, at the age of 8 I was recalling events like burning in a barn full of hay in the middle of the night...yet I hadn't been anywhere near a farm until I was 12. Or, of being asked if someone could borrow the keys to my car...at an age when I didn't know that a key was needed to make a car turn on.
10/28/2012 11:05:23 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/6/2013 11:18:09 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
West Hollywood, CA
36, joined Mar. 2013
Free Kabbalah Dating site www.kabbalahdating.net 
3/13/2013 12:56:02 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |
Philadelphia, PA
31, joined Mar. 2013
I recommend checking out www.near-death.com it has not only
Scientific but also religious proof of reincarnation. And if you're a devoted Christian check out www.gospelofthomasfullyinterpreted.com for Jesus true message.
3/14/2013 9:39:21 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
scientific and religious proof? my guess is that we all will have one hell of a time agreeing on what does and does not constitute proof. but i'm happy to discuss what anybody sees as proof of anything.
3/17/2013 8:48:10 AM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

In here they have an interesting view on spiritual growth, that you work your way up to being able to sustain a human body, then the more you've been human the easier it gets each time.
I believe without a doubt reincarnation is real.
3/22/2013 1:48:59 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
3/24/2013 8:43:36 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i'm too knowledgeable to think that reincarnation or other afterlife crap can possibly be known. until after life of course. 
[Edited 3/24/2013 8:44:17 PM ]
4/5/2013 5:48:44 PM |
Reincarnation. Truth or Fiction? | Page 5 |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
”His brain is as healthy as a 25 year olds.”
Everything you believe is a lie to keep you funding wars and buying crap that will never make you happy.
But hey, what do I know right?