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4/7/2008 9:44:01 PM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Brandon, FL
age: 23

i just wanta good friend at first i'm tired of being used for sex

4/7/2008 10:11:49 PM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

North Kingstown, RI
age: 55

Hi Mark, I have worked for the Government for 39 years. I was a refered to as "DOC" in 1969/70 in Viet Nam by MY Marines. You can always tell a Marine, but ya can't tell em much. Got hurt real bad, but stayed in and trained in escape and survival and counter insurge, retired after 20 then went a combo of Active and in-active reserve and as a GS CIVDOG in security OPP's. I voluntered for missions many, many times. The last one did not go well and part of my unit was hit in the Green Zone, 1 Civilian KIA and 3 Military and myself injured. I am leaving after 39 years, I'll get my 40 years. Semper Phi, Do Or Die. Hate going under the knife. The morter was packed with nails and it ripped off my left sleave and I had a lot of nails in my arm. The one that hit my bone, bent and curled around an artery, so it has to come out. Marine, did I whine too much? I was lucky, I woke up on the sunny side of the dirt.

4/7/2008 10:19:23 PM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Huntington, NY
age: 53

Elizabeth, you have succeeded in insulting so many people. Lay off of gonesailing, she's a class act, unlike you! I have to laugh, you think you're so much better than everyone else on here. I have counted numerous spelling and grammatical errors in your threads. Hope you find a younger guy, who doesn't have intelligence high on his list of priorities!

4/7/2008 10:48:58 PM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Fairfax, VA
age: 48 online now!

Zathras HATE it when people say "Sex Is Easy". Maybe for women.

For men, sex is damn next to Impossible to get!

4/8/2008 12:19:40 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Edmonton, AB
age: 29

Well for me, I've always tried to find love. I have been hurt alot
sometimes because of things in my control. some times because of things out of my control.

Now I am thinking that all of those times I turned down chances at "just sex" I should have considered more thoroughly.

Because at this point in my life I think a "just sex" partner would have a greatly possitive affect on my life

what I am trying to say is people go through stages. sometimes its love, sometimes its lust
some times its nothing at all

[Edited 4/8/2008 12:20:01 AM]

4/8/2008 3:36:17 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Culpeper, VA
age: 51

I think Elizabeth has just been kissing far too many toads, or frogs, or idiots, as she is to even consider, being a happy camper in her young life. Life has thrown our dear child a few curveballs, and thus she is bitter about it, and takes it out on everyone around her.( she owns a masters degree in " how to hate and be disliked")
She knows nothing about caring, caresses, romance, a good man, soft kisses, gentle touches, kind words. Poor child is deprived of all of this you see, because she is JUST A
one day maybe she'll allow one man to show her what it feels like to be touched, kissed, loved, but until then...............................oh well..she'll still be at her best which we've just witnessed here today.

4/8/2008 4:00:28 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Tampa, FL
age: 36

Well me4a. If you are still here to talk to your friends and as much time as you spend here, obviosuly your man is not paying much attention to you. Plus, I dont have to come to a dating site to talk to friends. There is what is called IM like yahoo, msn, aol, or chat rooms other than a dating site where one can talk to several of your their ON-LINE friends concurrently. Try again sweety, Everyone always has some BS excuse or lame justification.

4/8/2008 4:02:47 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Tampa, FL
age: 36

And I am sure you are Dave, you are the only one to speak here with any sincerity. But I will leave you with this, There is True Love and there ie perceived Love, what is the difference. Most i find do not really know what Ture Love is. They think they do, yet, when asked to define it, well the answers would amaze one.

[Edited 4/8/2008 4:40:25 AM]

4/8/2008 4:06:13 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Tampa, FL
age: 36

LOL captain, you may be a man of few words, but so far, they all show your continued ignorance.

4/8/2008 4:08:00 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Tampa, FL
age: 36

luvin, those you study psychology learn you must divest your self of emotions. That is why those who practice psychology are not emotional people. They know how to manage them. You might want to learn. It may benefit you, but then..........

4/8/2008 4:10:33 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Marathon, FL
age: 51

elisabeth ,
Please take a hint and leave .
There are sites you can go where they will better suit your needs .
This site was one with fun,caring and insightful people who
spent our time enjoying each others company .
You and others like you have created havoc to the harmony of our union .
Please release us from the burden of you .
You are ,at this stage of your development, just another profile to ignore .

4/8/2008 4:11:15 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57

4/8/2008 4:11:37 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Tampa, FL
age: 36

gone, those conceived and born in Europe ALL consider themselves to be European. What world do you live in. There are those whyo have never put foot on European soil in this country who call themselves European. Lady wake up, get into todays world. You cannot continue to live in your psychology world.

[Edited 4/8/2008 4:13:21 AM]

4/8/2008 4:12:22 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

Tampa, FL
age: 36

No health you need to comprehend what you read. It says I test them and THEY failed. Wake up jack

[Edited 4/8/2008 4:13:06 AM]

4/8/2008 4:13:12 AM Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex???????????  

El Sobrante, CA
age: 18

Me im lookin 4 a friend wut u look like?...

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