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4/7/2008 3:25:20 AM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

South Australia
age: 46
sweet remember be nice - not everyone is a wh*re.
4/7/2008 4:22:13 AM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
except me

4/7/2008 4:47:11 AM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Tampa, FL
age: 89
Welcome to my world. I have been on here for 4 days and all I get are the insecure, immature, wimpy cry babies. Then there is the occasional one with the primative instincts and attitude of an ape.
No wonder they are divorced and cant hold a relationship. And the excuses I get will totally amaze one. For some reason men continue to to think women are stupid. Oh Well, sometimes one just needs to take there mission elsewhere.
And of course those guys in their 50's plus who think I, as a mid 30's woman would have any interest. Well gentlemen, There is the moment, the short term possibilites, and the long term realities. I deal with the long term realities.
Now, watch all the BS comments men will make. They are typcially the arrogant, egotistical ones who think they are Gods gift to women, Or as I described above. Real men do not need to comment, because the fully understand every aspect of a woman. They are respected, intelligent, mature men with character, integrity and substance.
[Edited 4/7/2008 4:50:54 AM]
4/7/2008 5:23:50 AM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 55 online now!
Now, watch all the BS comments men will make. They are typcially the arrogant, egotistical ones who think they are Gods gift to women, Or as I described above. Real men do not need to comment, because the fully understand every aspect of a woman. They are respected, intelligent, mature men with character, integrity and substance.
Elizibeth_a, This real man needs to comment, and I am not God's gift to women. I am respected, intelligent, mature and with character, integrity and substance. Your assumption that a 55 year old man should not enjoy a life with a woman sooooo very young as you is just nonsense. It is only 20 years. When I am 100, you would be 80 . It seems you want your man to just take your verbal or writen beating them down and do as you say type of attitude and don't dare say anything, wrong. You had so many bad things to say about men, are there any that are worthy of you?? Elizibeth, you are a very beautiful woman, I said that because I am confident in myself, not arrogent.  
Sorry, I got off the subject. I think that some men are just looking for sex, some are looking for love and sex. Be honest in your profile as to what you are looking for. You have a long time to find a good man that will be what you wish for. No man is perfect and if you expect too much or a man expects too much, that is a bad start to a relationship.
[Edited 4/7/2008 5:32:00 AM]
4/7/2008 5:55:28 AM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Tampa, FL
age: 89
My assumption about a 55 YO man with a much younger woman is not an assumption It is fact. One needs to deal with the realities of the situaiton, not the LA LA fantasy. Do younger women gravitiate to older men, of couse they do, but that is not the norm, that is the exception. Those who do go after the older men, do so for their own personal gain. They do not care about the man. Thye only want what he has, assuminmg he has anything of real assests. And the average everyday man has little to no possibility. He has nothing to offer the younger woman.
I will repeat what I said, there is the moment, the short term possibilites, and the long term realities. I deal with the objective, not subjective. Those men in their 50's looking for the younger woman will not get them. Now I have heard the comments, I have dated many younger women, well dating is easy, holding on to them is the success.
So sir, I would say your comments are those of a dreamer, with a touch of arrogance.
To say I am beautiful and make the comment you did, that is egotistical. I know the difference between a compliment and an arrogant or egotistical statement. And It is not confidence. Again women are not stupid. We can differentiate between them. Well most I know can.
As being worthy of me, there are many. That is an arrogant statement of yours. As I say in my profile, your physical attributes are not high on my list. For men they are. I read so many mens profiles and they all very much say the same thing. And it is a key area consistently mentioned. And yes no man is perfect, but true love and chistry is. It is not a maqtter of how perfect the person is in them selves, it is who they are are and how they exhibit it. That is the difference.
So you have proved my point with your return statements. You were doing fine up front but finished with the typical arrogance. Yet most men typically do. Excpet the Real Man.
[Edited 4/7/2008 12:46:44 PM]
4/7/2008 5:58:02 AM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Elmo, UT
age: 33
That screenname could still be thought of as a girl that wants sex, or is willing to give sex to get love.. know what I mean? And you still have somewhat of a provocative photo, so I have to wonder and ask.. has it gotten any better???
Most of the guys I talk to on here have been more interested in getting to know me over time than looking for sex. They have cheered me up with a virtual morning coffee, wakeup calls, latenight phone chats when I want someone to talk to, and been a great addition to my life..
Men like texaggie71, mag11, nsew (no longer on the site), busymanfour, flynaked, bounty, tulsatoby, bocky, bucktail, photoguy_101, theadguy, pirate72, comes2please, kcsingle and many more...
Good luck to you! Remember you get what you give!
4/7/2008 2:06:55 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Splendora, TX
age: 54
elizabeth, I've noticed your post since you came to DH, all of them seem to be about men over 50 thinking you would have anything to do with them. Don't worry about it most of the guys over 50 won't bother you, you don't meet the standards most over 50 guys are looking for. By the time you get our age you look for a woman who is beautiful, but that includes inside and out, and there are some beautiful ladies on this site, and someday when you grow up enough to get over yourself you may attain inner beauty as well, you are not bad looking on the outside but you bash people because of their age not because of their flaws. There are ladies on this post that can cut a man down like a oak tree, but they do it because of his traits or actions which makes him what he is. Don't be a hater, slamming a man because of his age alone, doesn't mask your insecurities. If age is your only factor for a relationship, then maybe you are God's gift to boys, but certainly not men. Makes one think the "lady doth protest too much", if youre looking to find a older man, don't challange him to meet your standards, improve your crappy ego, and become enough of a lady, to meet his. And before you ask, I'm sorry you are just not mature enough to meet this old mans standards, try some young boy with an ego as big as yours.
Have a nice day
4/7/2008 2:13:08 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Boulder, CO
age: 44
[Edited 4/8/2008 8:08:51 AM]
4/7/2008 2:22:21 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 47
why is your name sxki ten then???
4/7/2008 2:25:35 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Janesville, WI
age: 43
Not all of us care about sex...people have laughed at me in the past but I could live wthout sex for a long time, it does not drive my brain.
4/7/2008 2:29:04 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34
is the color of the sky blue?
4/7/2008 3:55:31 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Tampa, FL
age: 89
and daddyduck you sure do not have much for standrds, so I perosnally would not waste my time with you.
[Edited 4/7/2008 3:56:21 PM]
4/7/2008 3:56:14 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Biddeford, ME
age: 41
A wimpy woman who lets the men walk all over me?
See, sweetheart...your head really is so far up your ass you cant see the forest for the trees...
You are a self involved deluded wench.
Hate to have to point that out to you..but I have been watching your posts...and sweetie...anybody who has to point out how darn smart they are on such a regular basis?
Is self-important and deluded. You are the type of woman who gives REAL woman a bad name.....
Nobody walks on me.
That includes some self-absorbed poser like yourself...
but, hey..thats JMO...
Like always...

[Edited 4/7/2008 3:57:27 PM]
4/7/2008 3:57:53 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
Elizabeth, I know you're new to Dh and off to a semi-turbulent start from what I have appear to be a knowledgable enough woman, and your photo looks like Callista Flockhart
However - pretty is as pretty does.
We have some very wonderful men on DH. Generally we don't attack them, nor allow others to do so.
While it may be true that some are less than appealling all the time
this can also be said of women
and NEW women most especially...
Perhaps you might consider toning down the Alpha female and stop insulting so many GOOD folks...
And ease up a wee bit
[Edited 4/7/2008 4:00:05 PM]
4/7/2008 3:57:55 PM |
Are There Any Guys On Here That Aren't Just Looking For Sex??????????? |

Tampa, FL
age: 89
luvin, you just deomonstrated you are just as bad as the insecure, immature, wimpy cry baby men. For a woman I would expect far more from you. So yes you are a wimpy woman
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