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Thread Starter Replies Last Post
Hungarian/German pastry cookie Bashonni ?sp? walksthenight 8 3/28/2010 3:25:35 PM
by bobo2010
Man vs. Food enigmaco 10 3/23/2010 1:57:19 PM
by julymorning07
The 25 Most Common Cooking Mistakes cachehiker 10 3/22/2010 10:16:54 PM
by enigmaco
any blue cheese lovers out there? fastpony 15 3/15/2010 4:01:49 PM
by singleagainmike
Poll What is your favorite thing to cook on the grill?  Page: 1   2 fungirl98 61 3/14/2010 5:10:59 PM
by blue_eye_gal
Cook this..Not that cookbook- has anyone tried it blue_eye_gal 2 3/13/2010 8:37:41 PM
by blue_eye_gal
Childhood Food Memories cinisky 25 3/3/2010 12:09:15 PM
by stevie47
any "baileys irish cream" mixed drink ideas? fastpony 13 2/28/2010 4:22:33 PM
by stillhornet
For the love of Rice Pudding wolfyhp 6 2/26/2010 12:27:54 AM
by charon52
Breakfast and open coffee/tea chat bethmcbeth 31 2/11/2010 5:01:50 AM
by walksthenight
Vegas Buffets swridgerunner 0 2/10/2010 10:51:22 PM
by swridgerunner
Beachcomber casserole One skillet meal Great for potlucks brookilynne 0 2/10/2010 1:42:30 AM
by brookilynne
any suggestions for a valentine buffet mrm58 9 2/9/2010 8:14:27 PM
by gem4gent
Superbowl party,,any best buffalo wings recipe? xolunaliz7 2 2/3/2010 11:56:03 AM
by xolunaliz7
anyone have a really good pizza recipe.. ishouldntsay 4 2/1/2010 1:25:35 AM
by enzoscar
Ravoli stacks!! xolunaliz7 2 1/29/2010 7:33:21 AM
by xolunaliz7
Canning peachs stillhornet 3 1/28/2010 8:05:58 PM
by mrm58
cuts of meat stillhornet 1 1/25/2010 1:05:54 PM
by charon52
I finally figured out how to eat oatmeal - sort of notarandomguy 3 1/25/2010 12:28:35 PM
by jennifer771
Potatoes & cream cheese stillhornet 2 1/20/2010 5:24:34 PM
by slapstick_37
Making fresh cheese wolfyhp 6 1/20/2010 5:03:04 PM
by wolfyhp
Whats Your Best Red Velvet Cake Recipe? mistadoright595 4 1/19/2010 4:44:23 PM
by missdee2u
Grinding meat stillhornet 4 1/19/2010 12:42:52 PM
by charon52
a good waffle stillhornet 4 1/17/2010 7:39:58 PM
by rustynale
adding to the cake. fastpony 4 1/14/2010 10:34:24 PM
by joaquin_stick
Cheese cake Question ishouldntsay 19 1/14/2010 4:45:12 PM
by vestep1954
Chillied Eggs (experimental) oldeschoolcharm 5 1/11/2010 11:35:30 PM
by oldeschoolcharm
Worst Cooks in America slapstick_37 10 1/10/2010 6:38:16 PM
by sedequah
Help please! Pastry wrapped Brie chicagomom 4 1/3/2010 2:13:05 PM
by thatboycancook
is 23 pounds to big for a turkey ishouldntsay 6 1/3/2010 12:23:43 PM
by sedequah
lookin 4 a grl in nj in her 20s who wants 2 learn 2 cook brnisxyguy23 1 1/2/2010 11:06:29 PM
by singleagainmike
Favorite Thanksgiving leftover recipe? slapstick_37 6 1/2/2010 7:16:31 PM
by martin_d18
Homemade Egg Nog wolfyhp 13 1/2/2010 10:36:38 AM
by skiwino
Vegan Christmas cookiedough132 1 12/31/2009 3:48:45 PM
by steelersrock09
about adding butter sierratoo 7 12/30/2009 9:53:24 AM
by forestrose
Tamales anyone? wolfyhp 6 12/21/2009 9:36:17 PM
by oletafive
Turkey: to brine or not brine? What is your recipe? slapstick_37 5 12/20/2009 7:44:04 PM
by singleagainmike
Crock Pot Ideas gadinaz 2 12/20/2009 6:55:21 PM
by 4acommonpine
I need a Zucchinni Bread Recipe grammyw 11 12/20/2009 10:32:01 AM
by wagndrag
Try This On Ladies riderinthewimd 3 12/18/2009 8:37:48 PM
by 4acommonpine
Chicken Caesar Salad blackjack007 2 12/17/2009 3:28:11 PM
by blackjack007
snoe ball cookies ishouldntsay 2 12/14/2009 10:17:37 AM
by hornet1111
Why not store food in metal? skeptyc 3 12/13/2009 9:43:28 AM
by skeptyc
soup for phina1 patricai 1 12/12/2009 6:55:23 AM
by slapstick_37
Christmas, words to songs, related to the one above patricai 0 12/9/2009 7:22:18 PM
by patricai
Christmas Cookie recipe exchange any interest 1mt 8 12/9/2009 12:54:38 PM
by keepmelaffn
worse beer ever. fastpony 20 12/8/2009 2:59:39 PM
by cachehiker
crock pot recipes bamarose 34 12/6/2009 5:17:39 PM
by oletafive
Bailey's Irish Cream Cake riderinthewimd 4 12/1/2009 6:29:38 PM
by riderinthewimd
bailey's irish cream chocolate truffles riderinthewimd 1 12/1/2009 5:46:39 PM
by utahgal1
Partridge in a Pear Tree joaquin_stick 6 11/28/2009 5:48:59 PM
by joaquin_stick
Butterflying a Turkey sierratoo 1 11/27/2009 7:11:43 PM
by slapstick_37
Holidays and Special Occasion Recipes... eyes4onlyu 14 11/27/2009 8:42:16 AM
by musicdesign
how long ould you cook a 23 pound turkey ishouldntsay 6 11/26/2009 8:54:52 AM
by leona813
Thanksgiving turkey or ?? keepmelaffn 11 11/25/2009 3:45:46 PM
by keepmelaffn
Best Steak on the planet tell us how it's done.. ishouldntsay 11 11/24/2009 6:50:52 PM
by slapstick_37
Chocolate Pecan Pie gentleessence 2 11/23/2009 5:52:52 PM
by bethmcbeth
rhubarb recipes lildeb76 6 11/22/2009 3:12:32 PM
by slapstick_37
Diet, Exercise, & Nutrition charon52 1 11/21/2009 12:21:36 PM
by deejaygirl
Cat Litter Cake! keepmelaffn 10 11/17/2009 4:21:29 PM
by joaquin_stick
curry recipes lildeb76 6 11/16/2009 2:13:59 PM
by wolfyhp
red or white wine acire03 53 11/16/2009 9:11:43 AM
by oletafive
I need help with Blueberries makeunus 6 11/14/2009 7:56:59 PM
by sofigirl
Good Wine Recipes blackjack007 10 11/14/2009 7:13:01 PM
by blackjack007
bread recipie binbasha 3 11/12/2009 10:33:14 PM
by charon52
Stuffing Recipes! katrina311 5 11/12/2009 11:13:27 AM
by bethmcbeth
Ever Make Home made Pizza? It's worth it! fendi1989 19 11/12/2009 1:03:57 AM
by oletafive
Bread is my favorite food tcnurse 9 11/12/2009 12:01:57 AM
by bethmcbeth
What Cookbook or Utensil Could You Not Live Without? alicekathleen 44 11/10/2009 11:55:16 AM
by cherokeedave
what food do you sometimes crave willias 30 11/9/2009 12:24:26 AM
by dawaterboyz
Help with Smoking Turkey chevy1ton 3 11/9/2009 12:09:03 AM
by dawaterboyz
Preserve that food recipes oletafive 4 11/8/2009 2:52:10 PM
by oletafive
Chicken or Beef Fajitas katrina311 2 11/6/2009 8:05:41 PM
by skiwino
Pulled Pork - combining techniques nerdstatus 3 11/6/2009 3:19:32 PM
by charon52
Keeping Broccoli Fresh! cherokeedave 4 11/5/2009 5:19:04 AM
by oletafive
Eggs other than from chickens wolfyhp 3 11/4/2009 1:15:22 PM
by skiwino
Creative but easy recipes to make great tasting food! wonder9124 13 11/4/2009 1:09:39 AM
by brookilynne
Beefier Tasting Hamburgers! cherokeedave 4 11/3/2009 12:05:37 AM
by cherokeedave
things you absolutely never liked. fastpony 37 11/1/2009 6:31:41 AM
by 1mt
Searching for recipe for gleese dumpings keepmelaffn 2 10/29/2009 9:49:55 AM
by charon52
Heres a GREAT Lasagna recipe! starlicious 9 10/27/2009 10:10:34 AM
by blackjack007
Healthy recipes for one (until we meet Mr. or Miss Right) landlady 11 10/27/2009 6:59:04 AM
by oletafive
Does anyone have any easy appetizer recipes to share 1mt 12 10/26/2009 8:30:22 PM
by oletafive
Katie's Applesauce Coffeecake Muffins katrina311 2 10/26/2009 7:29:12 PM
by landlady
How about breakfast this morning?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page believerwannabe 262 10/26/2009 4:04:48 PM
by wolfyhp
using pepsi or coke to shine your tires!! fastpony 7 10/25/2009 10:48:14 AM
by lildeb76
Favorite Pie Recipes katrina311 7 10/24/2009 6:43:34 PM
by wolfyhp
Thai Red Shrimp Curry oldeschoolcharm 1 10/23/2009 7:23:23 PM
by lildeb76
I would like a microwave jerky recipe kayla3794 3 10/23/2009 6:44:13 PM
by oletafive
Black Walnut and Chocolate joaquin_stick 1 10/23/2009 6:23:42 PM
by lildeb76
female chefs, line cooks? jg613772 1 10/23/2009 6:30:44 AM
by landlady
whats your favorite toppings on icecream? fastpony 17 10/17/2009 9:22:09 PM
by skiwino
nachos any good recipes alan_50501 6 10/17/2009 2:32:36 PM
by aint_old
Healthy but tasty recipes aint_old 7 10/17/2009 12:29:44 PM
by debbieshere
alcohol is a drink... mannick106 2 10/16/2009 1:48:25 PM
by leona813
What kinda food would your restaurant specialize in? naychrfan 9 10/16/2009 1:38:36 PM
by cherokeedave
Midwest International Food Fairs? cherokeedave 0 10/16/2009 1:33:17 PM
by cherokeedave
how do you make the sprouted onion? fastpony 6 10/8/2009 11:45:21 PM
by fastpony
Weirdest Recipe You've ever made? dann43 19 10/8/2009 8:46:04 PM
by shelli63
Katie's Carrot Pancakes katrina311 2 10/4/2009 1:42:29 PM
by baarsscfd
Food that makes you wonder who decided to try it first? johnp50 23 10/4/2009 8:26:03 AM
by sitiniraq
Italian Sausage Bean Soup alcatraz2 3 10/4/2009 2:25:06 AM
by ava_adore
Making Lefse with nephew wolfyhp 6 10/2/2009 6:05:48 AM
by katrina311
Looking for salsa recipes katrina311 7 9/22/2009 9:30:56 PM
by fastpony
Cardamom in desserts wolfyhp 4 9/21/2009 3:25:18 PM
by wolfyhp
Stew for a vegitarian ishouldntsay 3 9/21/2009 2:37:10 PM
by skiwino
Have you ever had a recipe idea stuck in your head? craftygirl002 8 9/17/2009 8:08:19 PM
by ezd55
what is better gas or charcoal to grill on.. beardaddy 7 9/15/2009 9:43:48 PM
by joaquin_stick
does anyone make home made food anymore?  Page: 1   2 valdee 83 9/14/2009 9:15:13 PM
by f23accord
Looking for a good basic marinade recipes mdv3471 1 9/11/2009 1:17:32 AM
by darlinshel
cookbook collectors unite futurebff 3 9/8/2009 6:24:25 PM
by alwaystoolate
This is messed up. ishouldntsay 1 9/1/2009 10:59:36 PM
by joaquin_stick
Recipe ideas for garden harvest skiwino 4 8/31/2009 10:42:25 PM
by spicimom
Homemade Wendy's Style Frostychinno rantinreddbeanz 3 8/31/2009 1:58:42 AM
by ava_adore
hello all new to the room chefgdy 14 8/26/2009 8:04:23 PM
by chefgdy
Feel free to ask the chef. I got answers if you need them. superchef4you 5 8/23/2009 1:42:14 PM
by oldeschoolcharm
Candied Ginger wolfyhp 7 8/20/2009 9:54:07 AM
by wolfyhp
Any tips on cooking cornedbeef and cabbage? birdman80x 11 8/20/2009 3:41:41 AM
by oletafive
Black & Blue Roast Garlic Filet Mignon oldeschoolcharm 0 8/19/2009 3:36:32 AM
by oldeschoolcharm
Lox omelette oldeschoolcharm 3 8/19/2009 2:52:54 AM
by oldeschoolcharm

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