9/25/2012 10:12:43 PM |
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Nicholasville, KY
74, joined Sep. 2008
Oh, for crying out loud. They are every where. Not just here.
Get a grip and pull yourself up and move on like the rest of us.
You aren't the only one who has been hurt in life. We all have
at one time or another. To keep bringing it up is only driving
others away.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/25/2012 11:07:19 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
9/26/2012 9:03:18 AM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012
I am just wondering why you are telling people that you are scared to death of me.
Yet you are running around and posting under me and even posting in my threads.
Now I ask you this, is that the actions of someone who is scared to death of someone?
You are even sending me private messages now, Is that the actions of someone who is scared to death of someone.
Messages from you:
Zoe emailed jeff and asked him why I post after you, so I just won't anymore.
Sep. 25 4:24 PM
You may as well block me. Cuz when 24 hrs ...I am blocking you. I might delete soon then you will finally be happy. You can find someone else to lie about and bash for sport. Bye bye.
Sep. 25 7:47 PM
All I can say is good bye and good luck.
you and the drunk have fun
9/26/2012 10:45:22 AM |
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Guntersville, AL
57, joined Nov. 2011

Just some thoughts!
9/26/2012 7:54:14 PM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012

9/28/2012 9:59:51 AM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/28/2012 10:15:39 AM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012

9/28/2012 10:18:22 AM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012
9/28/2012 10:26:55 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/28/2012 10:54:18 AM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
Quoting my post .... this is for ALL people involved in this ongoing bickering and hurtful words and viciousness. Enough is enough in the threads Please .... for goodness sake, Forgive and Forget. All this hate and ongoing verbal hate isn't how one should live their life OR posted here permeating so many threads. Again .... think about words spoken BEFORE they're said and actions done BEFORE they're done. Very important words all involved should heed ....
Faith .... Hope .... Love
Forgive and Forget .... move on! 
But the most important words to heed are ....
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31 - 32 (NIV)
God does not forgive those who can't forgive others.....
But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Matthew 6:15 (NIV)
I don't know the details of this ongoing hate and I DON'T want to know so take it or leave it, the words above, the choice is for all of you involved, but people are tired of seeing all this ongoing hate ... myself included. Said what I wanted to say for so long now. I pray all of you involved can get this resolved and move on .... soon.
9/28/2012 11:50:19 AM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
9/28/2012 11:52:51 AM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I never forget if someone abuses me or I would just be setting myself up to be abused again. That is what abused women do. It will destroy your self worth. History repeats itself if we choose to forget.
Forgive and accept or understand, never forget.
9/28/2012 12:22:33 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Sorry, I understand now. Forget as to let go.
9/28/2012 12:26:54 PM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
Zoe .....
Very true zoe, we never forget, but, we learn from it, forgive and move on in life, to live a happy life not allowing the abuse to affect our health both mental and physical, peace, happiness and sanity. Therefore, forgetting it but maintaining the wisdom it gave us that allows us the knowledge to avoid future abuse from anyone. It's when a person allows the abuse to remain and fester in their life and control them that it becomes a serious problem. One must (if they choose to for we all have free will) find a way to come to terms with the abuse, deal with it and put it in the past so they/we can live a happy life .... AND .... to have the wisdom and knowledge to know not everyone in our life is or will be abusive. We can't allow what one abusive person did to us to control our entire life or we'll be horribly miserable people. If we allow it again, then we've not gained wisdom and knowledge from the abuse. At this point, the continued abuse is not their fault, it's ours for not drawing from our previous wisdom and knowledge of prior abuse. It becomes "our" and an "individual's" problem.
Many, many people have suffered from abuse, myself included and in ways I prefer not to revisit, so you don't "own" the sole custody of abuse, many of us both women AND men have suffered abuse in varying degrees. As for myself, I found a way to come to terms with it, forgive and forget yet maintaining the wisdom and knowledge to avoid anymore or any other kind of abuse in my life. I'm now a very happy person, enjoy my life and will never allow anyone to ever hurt me again. Two ways I accomplised this .... counseling many years ago while in my early 20's and through the love of our Lord God.
I pray zoe, you too can find a way to put your hurt behind you from the abuse you suffered. Forgive whoever hurt you and forget but yet retaining the wisdom and knowledge to know the difference from abusive and non-abusive people who come into your life and that you can live a healthy and happy life in everyway. 
Edited to add: Yes zoe, exactly! Forget as to let go. May you have a wonderful and blessed day. 
[Edited 9/28/2012 12:28:16 PM ]
9/28/2012 1:20:51 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
Letting go for me recently was the most excelerating feeling I had felt in years.
Only through prayer and good friends was I able to move on...
I will never forget- and will never put myself in that same situation again but I FEEL WONDERFUL after setting it free 
9/28/2012 1:33:43 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
IF any relationship, esp past ones are about lying, cheating and being deceitful it's time to react and learn from these negative experiences and never have that happen again to ya vs allow someone a 2nd chance to make a new 1st impression upon someone because many on this site suffered from such realtionships I would believe and all deserve much better today and for the rest of their lives, yet never use such negative drama to judge a new relationship with...what i'm saying since i'm a guy, is that every guy is as different as their finger prints and every women should not be subjected to anything but a better chance to find happiness before it's too late
9/28/2012 1:37:20 PM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
 Jesta .... Oh and isn't it an awesome feeling, to feel free of whatever the burden is! Such a wonderful feeling allowing us to be happy!    
There's a prayer (along with my faith in the Lord) I like to keep in the back of my mind for whatever trials I may face from day to day living. This prayer is so helpful and applies to so many things we face in life .....
Ahh .... the wisdom to know the difference of what's in my control and not in my control.   
Ya snuck in there sorp!  
[Edited 9/28/2012 1:37:58 PM ]
9/28/2012 1:39:42 PM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
Some very good points sorp!   
9/28/2012 1:43:56 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
Yep Faith- you know that saying something about this hurts me more than you-
To not let go lets them continue to hurt you...
It is up to US to stop it and not allow the hurt to continue.
Yep- worked for me but only with Jesus Christ helping me....and a little help from friends 
I might just write a song today---"I am free- I am Free-"
I threw the despair away- 
9/28/2012 1:52:03 PM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
Yep Faith- you know that saying something about this hurts me more than you-
To not let go lets them continue to hurt you...
It is up to US to stop it and not allow the hurt to continue.
Yep- worked for me but only with Jesus Christ helping me....and a little help from friends 
I might just write a song today---"I am free- I am Free-"
I threw the despair away- 
Yep, know that saying well. And yes, to allow it to continue is allowing someone to have control over us. Since I enjoy being free and happy in life, don't want anyone having control over me. And you're right about our Lord .... awe so merciful, loving and ever so forgiving. Helps us free ourselves with unwanted and not needed horrible baggage in our lives!     
Now when you finish that song, I want to hear it!     
9/28/2012 2:01:22 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I have forgiven them. What helped me was to understand that they had issues and no one was there to help them. I actually feel a bit bad for them. I see good in everyone. I will always love them.
9/28/2012 2:07:42 PM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
Zoe ....   
9/28/2012 2:16:36 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Thank you, Faith.
9/28/2012 2:19:29 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
People telling small lies are the worst ones ~~as they are compulsive liars. Even if the lies seem small, it shows that if they can lie to you about small things they can lie to you about everything.
9/28/2012 2:21:06 PM |
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Norman, OK
56, joined Jul. 2012
so true ^^ and when they know they're lying, yet, they stumble over words to want to prove their innocence
9/28/2012 2:25:20 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
Lying is not what someone does, but it is who they are ~~a character flaw. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
9/28/2012 2:29:05 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
64, joined Oct. 2009
People telling small lies are the worst ones ~~as they are compulsive liars. Even if the lies seem small, it shows that if they can lie to you about small things they can lie to you about everything.
if you can lie to a loveone for one yes, you can lie to anyone
when i first grad college and sold life and health insurance in people's homes a young child just learning to speak but i was amazed what child was saying...the father of the child said all salesmen are liars 
9/28/2012 2:30:21 PM |
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Paragould, AR
66, joined Aug. 2012
Awe Zoe, you're more than welcome. From reading many of your posts, though I have read some where your displeasure in some things have come through, you still strike me as being one who is deeply caring about others with a kind and loving heart. Very awesome qualities to have.  
As for stating displeasures .... believe me, I have and still do the same thing from time to time. I try to pick my battles very carefully and sit on my hands here allot. Many times it's best for me to put a lock on my tongue (and sit on my hands to keep 'em quiet lol) for I am capable of inserting foot only to have to slink back in embarrassment and wrong doing and ask for forgiveness of what I've said and/or done, both here and in real life. Can be difficult and a bit challenging at times with all those negative human qualities that come through. We've all been there from time to time and I'm no exception.   But, all's good.  
9/28/2012 2:31:35 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
...and when the lie is discovered it becomes deceit
9/28/2012 2:39:28 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009

9/28/2012 2:42:37 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009

9/28/2012 2:46:55 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
and my favorite one....and sooo true

9/28/2012 2:47:26 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
When you get caught in a lie the truth doesn't seem so bad ~~except for the forged chain.
9/28/2012 2:52:07 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009

9/28/2012 2:55:20 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
What is being said is if someone is lying it is their issue or problem and by holding onto it, in anger, it becomes yours. Accept it and set it free. If it is not something you want in your life then you need to let that person go. If you keep that person in your life then you need to accept that this behavior will continue and accept him or her as is.
[Edited 9/28/2012 2:56:38 PM ]
9/28/2012 2:55:57 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
That a lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies;
That a lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright;
But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight.
-- Alfred Tennyson Tennyson
9/28/2012 3:02:17 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
What is being said is if someone is lying it is their issue or problem and by holding onto it, in anger, it becomes yours. Accept it and set it free. If it is not something you want in your life then you need to let that person go. If you keep that person in your life then you need to accept that this behavior will continue and accept him or her as is.
I agree Zoe. 
9/28/2012 3:05:44 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
We have all told lies. Children lie to avoid punishment or guilt. Some adults tell lies to protect or shelter.
We cannot tell everything to a child because their brains are not developed enough to handle or deal with adult situations.
Sometimes people with brain dysfuntions lie but to them it is reality.
I am not excusing lies but understanding where it comes from.
I find that being truthful is important in establishing a relationship. I am very open and honest with people. If asked a question that I feel is inappropriate, I will tell them so.
[Edited 9/28/2012 3:06:23 PM ]
9/28/2012 3:09:56 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
Liars never lose trust because they never had it.
9/28/2012 3:45:23 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
and to lie to oneself is a life of selfishness as you are denying what is real (not anything like a child)... then to lie to the one that loves and trusts you the most, is to cause great harm with intent... so no matter what you say or do when the truth is known, life can never be the same... and my favorite is God's "thou shall not bear false witness"

[Edited 9/28/2012 3:46:24 PM ]
9/28/2012 3:51:49 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009

9/28/2012 5:49:06 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
 Zoe .....
Very true zoe, we never forget, but, we learn from it, forgive and move on in life, to live a happy life not allowing the abuse to affect our health both mental and physical, peace, happiness and sanity. Therefore, forgetting it but maintaining the wisdom it gave us that allows us the knowledge to avoid future abuse from anyone. It's when a person allows the abuse to remain and fester in their life and control them that it becomes a serious problem. One must (if they choose to for we all have free will) find a way to come to terms with the abuse, deal with it and put it in the past so they/we can live a happy life .... AND .... to have the wisdom and knowledge to know not everyone in our life is or will be abusive. We can't allow what one abusive person did to us to control our entire life or we'll be horribly miserable people. If we allow it again, then we've not gained wisdom and knowledge from the abuse. At this point, the continued abuse is not their fault, it's ours for not drawing from our previous wisdom and knowledge of prior abuse. It becomes "our" and an "individual's" problem.
Many, many people have suffered from abuse, myself included and in ways I prefer not to revisit, so you don't "own" the sole custody of abuse, many of us both women AND men have suffered abuse in varying degrees. As for myself, I found a way to come to terms with it, forgive and forget yet maintaining the wisdom and knowledge to avoid anymore or any other kind of abuse in my life. I'm now a very happy person, enjoy my life and will never allow anyone to ever hurt me again. Two ways I accomplised this .... counseling many years ago while in my early 20's and through the love of our Lord God.
I pray zoe, you too can find a way to put your hurt behind you from the abuse you suffered. Forgive whoever hurt you and forget but yet retaining the wisdom and knowledge to know the difference from abusive and non-abusive people who come into your life and that you can live a healthy and happy life in everyway.
Edited to add: Yes zoe, exactly! Forget as to let go.  May you have a wonderful and blessed day. 
i know this is a long post to qoute on but it needs read many times ..because i think it is one of the best post's i have ever read..and am thankful to the writer for writing it i have been there thanks..... 
9/28/2012 5:58:39 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all. Oliver Wendell Holmes
9/28/2012 10:33:26 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I think it was very well put too, Purple.
It's the good people I have met along life's rough journey
that have made all the difference in the world to me.
9/28/2012 10:35:25 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
9/28/2012 10:39:11 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Hi Purple!
9/28/2012 10:42:33 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
hi i just got accused of being a man ..but im not suprised.. but i do not want to
9/28/2012 10:54:30 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I wouldn't let it bother you, Purple.
Just remember there are good people on here, too.
The rest are just people who pretend or play a game.
Think of them as a tv show.
When a bad program comes on, just turn them off.
That's what I do cause they don't know me or affect my life.
9/28/2012 10:56:14 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
they think im rf lmao......that is crazy i guess all of arkansa is someone they are not
9/28/2012 10:58:50 PM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012
roflmao all we can do is pray for them
9/28/2012 11:51:03 PM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
I wouldn't let it bother you, Purple.
Just remember there are good people on here, too.
The rest are just people who pretend or play a game.
Think of them as a tv show.
When a bad program comes on, just turn them off.
That's what I do cause they don't know me or affect my life.
Reminds me of the Jerry Springer show- for real...
9/28/2012 11:57:37 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
And I thought this thread would be about Obama & the libral meadia 
9/29/2012 12:00:49 AM |
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Boss, MO
66, joined May. 2012

9/29/2012 12:21:51 AM |
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Daytona Beach, FL
63, joined Dec. 2009
 And I thought this thread would be about Obama & the libral meadia 

9/29/2012 1:39:28 AM |
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Yonkers, NY
63, joined Aug. 2008
:And I thought this thread would be about Obama & the libral meadia 
And they would find a reason to fight about it as well.
9/29/2012 8:10:25 PM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012
lets remeber to pray for other members who hearts are filled with hate.
God bless yall I will pray yall find peace.  
9/29/2012 8:20:06 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
I wouldn't let it bother you, Purple.
Just remember there are good people on here, too.
The rest are just people who pretend or play a game.
Think of them as a tv show.
When a bad program comes on, just turn them off.
That's what I do cause they don't know me or affect my life.
i know zoe.. i have lot's of friends here at home and some good one's here they are keeper's 
9/29/2012 8:22:17 PM |
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Fouke, AR
62, joined Jul. 2012
at least I know you are all woman and a very sweet lady 
God bless you
please never change
9/29/2012 8:23:37 PM |
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Pearcy, AR
63, joined Nov. 2010
thank you rf that means a lot sweety
9/29/2012 8:24:10 PM |
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Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
You can warm your socks in the oven, but that doesn't make them biscuits.