9/16/2013 8:45:59 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Your discussion list reads like dunce, lame assed tard, that never had any game. No wonder you're obsessed with Palin.
Its about your speed to start attacking her kids.
Your profile is a biography of naturalborn loser.
Change your name to "mylifeasab*tch".
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/17/2013 1:31:03 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
That's actually a lot more accurate than the OP.
She was pretty much a
NBA groupie.
5 kids , 5 unknown daddies?
Gotta love those bastard sproutin
total bullshit. you must lie awake at night dreaming about her.
no wait..........Hillary or nancy Pelosi are sooooooooooo much more alluring.
got a grandma freak on, have ya?
9/17/2013 1:48:12 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007


9/17/2013 1:51:55 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
Why are you liberal's ... Still scarred shitless of her ??
She's done ! So that's all you have left to attack ?? 
They are used to liberal women..and they are not so hot
They are jealous..Sara is beautiful..and they know she will have nothing to do with a liberal man..so they try to tear her down
they are stuck with those manly democrat women.. that boss them around..and spank them when naughty.
Its their ego speaking
The louder they scream..
the lower the self esteem..
9/17/2013 3:24:26 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
43, joined Sep. 2013
Ahhhh, bless her heart!
Miss_Kar is dissappointed!
Hey, Palin looks better than you, more famous than you, richer than you, and more accomplished than you Miss_Kar!
And she liked to be dominated by a tall big black man with his di€k down her throat!
Maybe YOU need to do what she did so you can get on her level!

9/17/2013 4:06:58 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
You got that right gf  . Just when you think you know someone  yuck
Yeah well there is just as much proof out there that you like black d*ck too...
9/17/2013 4:30:37 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Must be talking about yourself 
nah...you got the big ole ghetto booty for it...and blacks like to punish white trash...
9/17/2013 4:51:12 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
43, joined Sep. 2013
She just like "Nailin" Palin!
Palin put on a good front too!
See how she had even these dumb azz racist fooled!??
NI$$ER: Hey white bit€h, wanna su€k this big black c0ck?
PALIN: "You Betcha!!" (winks)
9/17/2013 4:56:42 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
This thread has degenerated into beyond disgusting.
To hear or see this filth from race-haters is bad enough. Seeing people who are not use those same words back at the race haters is nausea inducing.
9/17/2013 5:01:29 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
43, joined Sep. 2013
Yes, Palin was gagging until she nauseated!!

9/17/2013 5:36:54 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
This is precisely what I was talking about
She had a fling with a basketball player back in 87. So what. She was young...so was he. Not a big deal
9/17/2013 5:40:33 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
nah...you got the big ole ghetto booty for it...and blacks like to punish white trash...
Zeit...this is disgusting (Even though it is directed back at that particular person).
The whole idea of negative stereotyping is just beyond anything I would expect from your posts
9/17/2013 5:58:04 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
43, joined Sep. 2013
It's a topic about sex that occured with a political figure.
Daily, I see all types of DISGUSTING racist rhetoric against blacks in here. I never respond with racism.
Now, the things in this topic about sex are "disgusting" to SOME ppl, not to others. Many are into rough sex, bondage, bdsm, and all manner of sexual activities.
So it is a matter of opinion if the sexual things in here are disgusting.
These words and the phrases containing them are hardly disgusting for this SEX and DATING site.
Yet, this forum has a TREMENDOUS amount of UNIVERSALLY acknowledged offensive, derogatory, and racist rhetoric DAILY in EVERY thread.
Primarily aimed at blacks.
If you think my 3 comments, and these mundane descriptions of sex are disgusting....
I wonder how you would feel about reading your race trashed everyday in every forum, in 75% of the topics for an extended period.
Do you realize that we saw graphic pictures daily for a week with my ancestors hung by their necks in front of smiling audiences posted over 50 times last week in several threads by several users accompanied with laughter and mocking from several regs in here that were not flagged, banned, or deleted?
I say these things to say this...
I wouldn't even say a dam thing about these jokes on Palin this topic unless it began to approach the daily amount of venom, vitrol, and vileness that permeates the toxic atmosphere that white racists do in here.
If ppl were this "disgusting" for several topics for several days about this....ok, fine.
Until then, I think the efforts at regulating decency are much more needed in the arena of the whites who racist as a way of life in this forum.
just saying...
9/17/2013 6:09:17 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
King - you do have a valid point. I have spoken up on many occasions against racist rhetoric in the years I have been up here. Do not make assumptions about me for my skintone as I am not making assumptions about you or anyone else based on theirs.
Yes it is about a political figure and yes it is about her having sex...but do you really think perpetuating negative stereotypes that have been thrown out there about black people as a means of bashing Palin is going to solve anything?
Since when has "getting even" solved anything?
The only thing I see about this whole thing that is comment worthy is Sarah's hypocrisy ... Especially in light of her abstinence stance and her racial commentary toward the President
Please...enough about the myth of black men being bigger. Its just that...a myth.
9/17/2013 6:29:28 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
42, joined Sep. 2013
Why did you feel the need to make a comment that insinuates that the size of black men is not as big as believed?
Where did that come from?
I never said you weren't a person that has spoken against the atmosphere in here. Nor did I judge you by your race, so no admonition was warranted for you to give me concerning that.
And I don't think being vulgar and racist in response to racism or vulgarity is wise either. That's why I didn't flood the forum with negative images of whites.
The ONE time I said something vulgar, I get a white person checking me on it in a topic and in a forum that is vulgar EVERY SINGLE SECOND against blacks?
I just didn't think you had the right to do that in the fashion you did.
Could've inboxed me, attacked the racists yourself like the two women "disgusted" at the thought of Palin sexing a black man, ...
"Is this vulgarity really neccessary?"
"Come on guys, show some class."
But you quoted, slammed, criticized, and judged me as if you had a moral high ground. When infact, you do not. In regards to me in any case.
And it's not a "myth" concerning me!
just saying...

9/17/2013 6:36:33 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
Her political career on the right is over, she better go join the left haha
Agreed. DISGUSTING!!!!
9/17/2013 6:40:18 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
My comments in the beginning were directed to the thread at large. You were the only one responding....so then I started to respond back to you
The size myth has been mentioned in the thread. You were perpetuating it with your "big black c..." comments.
Whether you are big or small is irrelevant to the thread. In the sex forum it would be pertinent. Here...not so much.
As for addressing the entire thread and all the nasty comments that this thread has engendered - why would I inbox you specifically? You are not the only one who made those comments. I am not calling you out. I am merely addressing the direction the thread has taken.
Fighting fire with gasoline never has pleasant consequences. i am seeinga truly ugly side of a number of people i considered to be rational posters.
The thing that I find interesting about this thread is the number of former supporters who are suddenly ditching her over an incident that occurred more than 25 years ago.
9/17/2013 6:44:14 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
If you were a supporter wouldn't you ditch her?? She had sex with a black man! Her daddy obviously didn't raise her right!
This also makes her a hypocrite lol
9/17/2013 6:48:14 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Zeit...this is disgusting (Even though it is directed back at that particular person).
The whole idea of negative stereotyping is just beyond anything I would expect from your posts
hrmmm..."ghetto booty" and "white trash" are very real things.
If you google those terms...that is exactly what you will find....so I suppose the internet is racist too?
You do realize that at some point...stereo type segues right into reality...otherwise there would be no stereo type...perhaps if we all spent more time publicly mocking the stereo types....less people would gladly portray them...
It is said to never judge a book by it's cover...well that is great in an academic sense....but in reality...I don't expect to find a great treatise on quantum physics in a book when a picture of Fabio or Snoop dog is on the cover...
If it walks like a duck and quacks...I will call it a duck...no matter how much the duck might protest.
My list of people I will never respect and go out of my way to harass whenever possible...or ignore if I'm short on time...
Truther freaks
Jew haters
Crack dealers
Ghetto thug wannabes
White supremacists
Black supremacists
National Socialists
Anti-religious Bigots
Religious zealots
Late term abortion supporters
Liberals with Tourette syndrome
Moderates with Tourette syndrome
Paultards with Tourette syndrome
Global warming cultists
Jihadists or Muslim apologists
America haters
Smarmy Gits
Leaping Fluffer Gnomes
That list encompasses most of CE&P...with cross over in some cases...
The much shorter list is people I respect...and you are on it...sorry for the hate mail you will get for outing you...
9/17/2013 6:53:49 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from springstud:
If you were a supporter wouldn't you ditch her?? She had sex with a black man! Her daddy obviously didn't raise her right!
This also makes her a hypocrite lol
Hrmmm...a book written by a Palin hater, based on gossip from other Palin haters, published a couple years ago...says to hate Palin....and you leap to it...
Pavlov smiles.
I don't recall ever hearing Palin comment on interracial sex...so no...even if it's true...she isn't a hypocrite...
On the otherhand....
The liberals bashing Palin....while at the same time promoting interracial sex...ARE hypocrites.
[Edited 9/17/2013 6:56:54 AM ]
9/17/2013 6:54:54 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
Zeit...according to your long list I shouldn't BE on your short list.
Just saying.
And while that thing you were talking to may be what you say she us....it is pretty disturbing seeing the rhetoric in your posts
Now I have to get going or I will be late for work. Ttyl
9/17/2013 6:55:07 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
42, joined Sep. 2013
I'm not gonna argue with you. You seem like one of 5 ppl in the forum who aren't retarded, racist, or crazy.
Yeah, it's amazing how much her former supporters are crushed by something that happened DECADES before they even began liking her!
I will say this....judging by these reactions....she most definitely would've been ruined with her base had she decided to run for any national office in 2012.
I'm starting to think that article is why she didn't run! By staying where she is now, she can keep getting rich, tailor all her interviews, and avoid national scrutiny and backlash.
Had she ran with this story (even if it was a rumor), she wouldn't be wanted anywhere in the party!
I mean, these ppl haven't even researched it, and are publicly disowning her!
Rice never said he had sex with her, he only said they met at hotel and sparked a cool friendship. Palin ain't admitted anything. I certainly just heard about, and I watch the news everyday for the last 23 years religiously! I was just messing with these racists because I had em on the ropes, and was rubbing it in.
Not even knowing if it's true!
Just playing around!
And my size most definitely is ALWAYS relevant!

9/17/2013 6:58:10 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
If you were a supporter wouldn't you ditch her?? She had sex with a black man! Her daddy obviously didn't raise her right!
This also makes her a hypocrite lol
Thanks for confirming that she is a hypocrite.
I don't ditch people over the activity level of the melanocytes in the epidermis of a former lover they had over 25 years ago
I am not that shallow.
9/17/2013 7:02:15 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
Thanks for confirming that she is a hypocrite.
I don't ditch people over the activity level of the melanocytes in the epidermis of a former lover they had over 25 years ago
I am not that shallow.
She had premarital sex with a black man. DOSGUSTING! I'm sure her daddy is proud!!
She's obviously a hypocrite. She preaches abstinence and goes around f**king black guys lol.
Don't get me wrong I like my sex but I don't go on tv talking about sex being bad lol. 
9/17/2013 7:06:37 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from blue_eye_gal:
Zeit...according to your long list I shouldn't BE on your short list.
Just saying.
*looks at list*
Well you will have to point it out then....are you a closet Jihadist?
And while that thing you were talking to may be what you say she us....it is pretty disturbing seeing the rhetoric in your posts
I call a spade a spade....or in her case...a spade hater...
Now I have to get going or I will be late for work. Ttyl
Have a good day.
9/17/2013 7:30:53 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Wilmette, IL
41, joined May. 2011
Now Spike Lee is saying she practically pitched a tent on his casting couch, she wanted to be in
"Jungle Fever" so bad.
She must've latched on to him at
Madison Square Garden?

[Edited 9/17/2013 7:31:53 AM ]
9/17/2013 10:17:38 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from photinia59:
Zeit is broken up on the news about Palin because he had the hots for her.
You have some serious issues f**ktina....I think it's hilarious how you idiots obsess about her...
I really don't care if it's true...but knowing that the source is someone just like you.....I seriously doubt it.
9/17/2013 10:46:07 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
you know, this really is all about our constitutional rights and free choice, when you get down to it.
we have human rights to love whomever we are so inclined to love, and to form whatever kind of relationship we choose to with that or any other person.
(this would involve consenting adults, in the context of this thread.)
additionally, we have first amendment constitutional rights to free association, to chose our friends and associates and engage with them as we see fit.
who among you would want someone telling YOU whom you can befriend, talk with, go out with, become intimate with, live with, or marry?
if somebody would have banned palin and rice from doing their thing, might somebody be coming to YOU next, to dictate YOUR rights and choices in a free society to YOU?
9/17/2013 11:04:50 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
42, joined Sep. 2013
9/17/2013 11:11:15 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
Your sick. It's not about constitutional rights it's about not being natural just like being gay and against the bible's teachings. Well she is gone .
Liberals wont have to worry about her anymore i can promise you that  No evangelical christian would ever vote for that wh*re and race mixer. She is finished. 
the issue is not really whether one likes or supports (or ever liked or supported palin), per se.
it IS a larger one and goes beyond party politics or one's personal religious beliefs.
and by the way, aren't you glad that your and my first amendment rights allow you to
1) openly post your opinion;
2) have and freely proclaim your evangelical religious views; and
3) publically marry the person of your choice?
salut !
9/17/2013 11:21:33 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from photinia59:
How many of the white racists here on DH have probably taken down their
Sarah Palin posters off the living room wall since the news came out?
Well it's not "news"...it's gossip...and it's over two years old...so I'm sure the backwards b*tch that is slow on the uptake and just found out is gonna use her poster for target practice...cuz she is so ignorant she allows herself to be led around by the nose by liberals....
No loss....net gain.
9/17/2013 12:14:51 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
No not really just surprised. She didn't seem like the type. She has a cob for a brain anyways thats the reason she lost 
like a genius like you can be a mayor of a city or governor of a state.
9/17/2013 12:37:51 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
How many of the white racists here on DH have probably taken down their
Sarah Palin posters off the living room wall since the news came out?
probably the same number of leftist pedophiles taking their cowboy war Obama framed photos and off the walls and letting their Obama t-shirts become cleaning rags.
[Edited 9/17/2013 12:38:50 PM ]
9/17/2013 12:41:48 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Unalaska, AK
27, joined Aug. 2013
I don't think so.
Many of the Palin supporters here are suffering with depression because of the news
that the half term governor probably rode the big black sausage in her younger days.
Half-term governor Palin, half-term senator Obama. . .
Who's keeping count?
[Edited 9/17/2013 12:42:13 PM ]
9/17/2013 12:44:29 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Unalaska, AK
27, joined Aug. 2013
At least she's prettier than Obama.
9/17/2013 12:45:10 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
I've lost all respect for palin. Her mama obviously didn't raise her right lol
9/17/2013 12:49:16 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Unalaska, AK
27, joined Aug. 2013
what a comparison.
Why did Palin quit?
Why did Obama quit?
Obama was slightly better at bullshitting voters?
9/17/2013 12:57:51 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
I don't see how anyone can defend the winch. She preaches abstinence and then f**ks a random black dude? Wtf...?
9/17/2013 1:08:53 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Reading, PA
41, joined Dec. 2011
I don't understand the point of this thread. Her politically career has been over for a while now and she said and did so many ignorant things on record that it can't be resurrected.
9/17/2013 1:12:45 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
The point is she's a hypocrite!
9/17/2013 1:13:20 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
She preaches abstinence and then f**ks a random black dude. Wtf lol
9/17/2013 1:40:18 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Reading, PA
41, joined Dec. 2011
99% of our politicians are hipocrites 
Their philosophy is do as I say not as I do....
9/17/2013 2:21:25 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
She preaches abstinence and then f**ks a random black dude. Wtf lol
you were there? gee, you must be special to be privy to a celeb's sex life.
yeah, she preaches. racHELL MADCOW said so.
this is a really great place to find America's morons. or criminals. deviates. perverts.
for anybody who really has a use for low iq people, besides the Obama campaign, this is the place,alright.
[Edited 9/17/2013 2:21:49 PM ]
9/17/2013 2:23:12 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
In a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
more like YOUR fetish for white women in your stupid life.
wonder if america's black women are crazy about your preferences?
9/17/2013 2:24:02 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
Why did Sarah Palin quit?
do some research smart guy.
9/17/2013 2:26:07 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
I've lost all respect for palin. Her mama obviously didn't raise her right lol
do you know who/where your father is? taking bets on it.
9/17/2013 2:33:30 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
Governor of a State?
You mean half-term Governor Sarah Palin?
try one and a half moron. and unlike Obama, she did the best thing for her constituency. SOME people have a conscience.
we couldn't ever get THAT lucky with this federal admin.
here everybody, take a look at the some of the brainless saps that actually fell for the Obama smear campaigns.
oh, he's a real toughie with the right.
Syria? Russia? china? korea? iran? they can have ANYTHING they want.
but conservatives? its a war!
budget? what budget? we don't need no stinkin' budget!
(how else can we steal from the morons? gee....)

9/17/2013 2:34:20 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Why did Sarah Palin quit?
Gee...didn't it something to do with the flurry of frivolous lawsuits filed by people just like you?
How are all those suits going again?
9/17/2013 2:35:18 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/17/2013 2:37:06 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
from peterk2 do you know who/where your father is? taking bets on it.
Yep. Enjoying retirement with my mama. Lol
9/17/2013 2:39:35 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
Sarah palin is grooooooose! Lol
9/17/2013 2:46:55 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007

[Edited 9/17/2013 2:48:43 PM ]
9/17/2013 2:56:00 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Riverhead, NY
52, joined Mar. 2013
This thread is still one of the top topics? 
9/17/2013 5:40:06 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
im looking for the stupidest of subhumans for experiments on low intelligence.
please have the op, gone to lunch, springshit, nazibabe, photranny please get in touch with me. thanks.
[Edited 9/17/2013 5:41:04 PM ]
9/17/2013 5:42:19 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007

9/17/2013 6:08:13 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Here is one of my favorites...
I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have.....
Send it to your family and friends.

Well well well. If it isnt mr unoriginal.you are not smart enoughto start your own threads. That means you suck the hind tit of those that can and do think. Alls you offer is false arrogance and cartoons! No surprise, you f**kin dunce.
9/17/2013 7:06:56 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
Sarah palin is grooooooose! Lol
So are you dear. So are you.
9/17/2013 7:32:27 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
I wouldn't get too excited about photranny.
that old jealous, stupid loser of a p.o.s never knew bill gates and steve jobs didn't do too well in college either, and share that with lots of entertainers, actors, and athletes.
9/17/2013 8:35:05 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
I am honored and humbled that you read my posts.

You prove my case. You bring nothing to the discussion. No originality, nothing genuine.
Just the facial fecal stains of those that think for your uninspiring sophmoric babbling.
9/17/2013 10:16:32 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Don't read it or go to the sex threads.
Spread your anger and hate there. 
Ice cold, you unoriginal fake. Its easy to see why you're single. What woman wants a beta, lap dog?
Do you have any thoughts? Anything? Serious question...can you function, without following somebody with balls or back bone?
I think you're an insecure tard. If you wasnt...you would do other than follow.
Wash your face you racist POS!