9/15/2013 7:57:15 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Douglasville, GA
53, joined Jun. 2010
Come on Laidbackguy...
why does it bother you when a white girl tries out a black salomi to confirm all the rumors.
I think you've had the black d*ck too f*g muffin.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/15/2013 7:57:40 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013
i just got done reading killing kennedy, you might wanna read it yourself, before that i read the pillars of the earth, (it was a awesome book) and before that i read the turner diaries just to see what all the hoopla was about and quit 1/2 way because it pretty much disgusted me,,,,but again if you have a recommendation ill be happy to get it at the library next week when i am picking up next months read. 
I suggest that you read "Confederacy of Dunces". It describes relationships between several races. It won a Pulitzer. It's one of few books that are good to read several times.
9/15/2013 8:00:52 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
still no proof of this. he could be a lyin mutha fuka for all we know. she says its bullshit so its his word against hers.
cant be proven either way . depends on who you wanna believe.
seeing glen rice is an old washed up basketball player nobody cares about and an obama supporter he wanted his name in the spotlight again by claiming he slept with the sexy sarah palin.
so provide some proof besides some book from a guy who hates her and wants revenge because i dont see any 
I looked this up at intervals several times in past years, when the story broke or was later referenced.
it is true, as you say, that he alleged and she denied. there wasn't any third party confirmation to support either one, as I recall. (after all, it WAS a ONE nighter.)
still, I don't recall that he had a rep as an attention monger (off the court, anyway) or male drama queen.
why would he come up with this, really, as his one and only shot at fame regarding a past interlude with a famous woman?
why her? why then?
I know you say he wanted a last gasp at fame, but that doesn't really fit his over all personal modus operandi, does it?
he may have been a stud, but did he name names---and famous ones----is what I mean.
[Edited 9/15/2013 8:01:17 PM ]
9/15/2013 8:01:32 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
wow, can't believe so many Palin supporters are upset that Pailn "dated" a black guy
9/15/2013 8:37:28 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013
I don't understand why anyone is concerned about what she did as a young woman. All of her colossal blunders occurred much later.
9/15/2013 8:42:30 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
Todd Palin said: 'This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us to satisfy his creepy obsession with my wife.
His book is full of disgusting lies, innuendo, and smears. Even The New York Times called this book "dated, petty," and that it "chases caustic, unsubstantiated gossip".
that book? the one based on gossip,LMAO,i'm not saying it's true or not,but taking the Enquirer,and a obvious mental cases word for fact,is a serious lapse in judgement by your part,i'd tend to believe it more if it came from a credible source,with more than one person to vouch for the story
I was responding to gone ridiculous argument that 90% of African Americans are on assistance.. I don't care who she sleeps with. I didn't like that that moron said God punished her and gave her a "retarded son" just because of who she slept with. If he believes in God why in the world would he paint God as a petty mindless being like himself?
9/15/2013 8:50:25 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Wilmette, IL
41, joined May. 2011
Palins=Don't know who their daddy's are.
9/15/2013 8:56:15 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
...but taking the Enquirer,and a obvious mental cases word for fact,is a serious lapse in judgement by your part,i'd tend to believe it more if it came from a credible source...
sounds like a pat (so tired, from having been given so often) defense thrown up in a hurry as a sort of auto-response.
rielle hunter, john edwards' mistress, was widely regarded as a kook AND a bimbo till the proof in the pudding came out in the form of a bouncing baby girl----with papa edwards' DNA all through it.
one of the boys who accused Michael Jackson of molestation was thought to be simply a troubled teen with "issues" whose parents' greed were driving his "lying" statements----till he precisely described minute peculiar, individual chararacteristics of Jackson's male member in such detail that it was clear that the child had seen it----pretty close up----which by itself was an indicator of some kind of an inappropriate encounter or contact.
truth can be stranger than fiction and at times, hard to believe.
as to rice and palin, I don't particularly care and don't really see why anybody else would, either.
if rice's motive in revealing this long ago fling WAS to damage her politically, I don't respect that, and it would show a certain pettiness and smallness about him.
he should keep his tawdry bedroom tales to himself.
9/15/2013 9:00:16 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
People shouldn't be concerned about her sex life, just like they weren't concerned about the fact that Obama was on the down-low.
9/15/2013 9:00:48 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
What's soooooo funny is the "take a bullet" attitude for someone who was forced to quit her governortorial post. Palin can't even stay in the good graces of Fox. She had to go begging fora job.
And people don't fool yourself, Palin's defacto representation of the Tea Party is for a paycheck. She really could care less about politics. That's evident in her off election season activities.
The Tea Party is dying without Koch Bros. money it's flailing. The republicans are so splintered it's shameful.
9/15/2013 9:01:42 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Berwyn, IL
46, joined Jan. 2013
Sarah Palin is a fine example of great American womanhood and motherhood as well. She is a great American and will go down in the history books as such. She is honest and hardworking
she has good morals and values she practices good will towards others and peace on earth. She is not a phoney, no she is the real deal and all that the liberals can do is hurl insults and spread lies about her and her family. We do not believe them, we know the truth and will continue to support her.
9/15/2013 9:11:36 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
People shouldn't be concerned about her sex life, just like they weren't concerned about the fact that Obama was on the down-low.
who's concerned?
just like seeing Palin's supporters squirm
i could careless who she has been with in the past but, seems her supporters are now on a mission to discredit every one who isn't a teabagger now......tooooooooooo funnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy
9/15/2013 9:12:17 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


West Hartford, CT
35, joined Jan. 2013
Yeah buddy,Glenn rice!!
9/15/2013 9:13:31 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
What's soooooo funny is the "take a bullet" attitude for someone who was forced to quit her governortorial post. Palin can't even stay in the good graces of Fox. She had to go begging fora job.
And people don't fool yourself, Palin's defacto representation of the Tea Party is for a paycheck. She really could care less about politics. That's evident in her off election season activities.
The Tea Party is dying without Koch Bros. money it's flailing. The republicans are so splintered it's shameful.
shes a marketing genius, more power to her
the longer people see her as the face of the teabaggers the better for the Dems.
9/15/2013 9:14:40 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Santa Clarita, CA
96, joined Apr. 2013
The only thing OBAMA could ever run was his mouth and sadly he still does that.
Fixed it....
9/15/2013 9:15:33 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
People shouldn't be concerned about her sex life, just like they weren't concerned about the fact that Obama was on the down-low.
why people are so curious about other peoples' sex lives is beyond me. Europeans seem to have a much more cosmopolitan, laissez-faire attitude towards this.
I completely agree, in terms of palin's and Obama's past histories.
now, if the president (or any other powerful elected official) is compromised by the possibility of blackmail by some embarrassing sexual habits or encounter, it's a different matter.
then, it's not just the "tee hee" childish aspect ("we know what you are or were doooo-iiiiii-nnnnnng, yuk yuk yuk").
national security or welfare may be at stake as an office holder might crumble beneath the fear of a public expose of sensitive information.
9/15/2013 9:16:55 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
Lmfao!! U wish a white like myself would sleep with you you stupid baboon!! Lmfao!! 
Lmao you are not white!!! Lose respect for your cousins for sleeping with you 
9/15/2013 9:21:13 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
because this joe mcginniss guy is a liar and a stalker. he moved right next door to her and was peeking in her windows and kids windows.
she said she interviewed glenn rice because of her job as a reporter but that was it. liberals hate this woman and been trying to destroy her ever since she come on the scene.
A Palin spokeswoman issued this statement from Palin's husband, Todd Palin, to the Miami Herald at midnight. "This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass us and spy on us to satisfy his creepy obsession with my wife. His book is full of disgusting lies, innuendo, and smears.
Even The New York Times called this book ‘dated, petty,’ and that it ‘chases caustic, unsubstantiated gossip.’”
glenn rice took advantage of this because she reported on a michigan game and lied about her having sex with him knowing she couldnt prove these accusations of being false.
he is an admitted obama supporter and received money from the book. this op made the thread saying its true im just giving her side of the story since the op failed to do it.
oh by the way i was at a brittney spears concert 13 yrs ago and got a backstage pass and me and brittney went and f**ked at a hotel before she had to leave the next morning on her tour bus  see how easy that is to do ? 
remember that 19-year-old single mother/bieber groupie in cali who claimed that the (then) 15 year old Justin had impregnated her backstage after a concert?
he denied it and I think got confirming DNA after counter-suing her---and she slunk away into the woodwork again.
by the way, you should have got brit to marry you like she did Jason alexander (for 48 hours) after a wild night in vegas with him.
today, you'd be rich!

[Edited 9/15/2013 9:22:44 PM ]
9/15/2013 9:31:17 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Bay City, MI
23, joined May. 2013
who cares?
9/15/2013 9:40:04 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Riverhead, NY
52, joined Mar. 2013
What made Palin go back to the white guys after being drilled by a professional athlete?
She never left the white guys...she wasn't drilled by a black guy either...
Damn these minorities will do anything to use peoples names because they were rejected..
9/15/2013 9:44:33 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
...will do anything to use peoples names because they were rejected.. 
YOU'VE experienced that from men, TOO?
so they're interested in a woman and she does not return their interest nor take them up on it, so then they smear her?
best nancy Kerrigan voice coming up next......

9/15/2013 9:56:21 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
No, he drilled your hero half term Governor Sarah Palin.
Get over it  
I guess the inquirer never lies....so...

9/15/2013 10:06:30 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

40, joined Jul. 2011
Sarah Palin on Glen Rice's Wolverines
[March 5, 1988] Sarah Palin [née Heath], sports reporter for KTUU-TV, covers the Big Ten championship game between Purdue and Michigan. Boilermakers win; Rice scores...13.
9/15/2013 10:34:40 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from zeitgeist2: I guess the inquirer never lies....so...


9/15/2013 11:18:37 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
as predicted, the Palin supporters are now beside themselves now
so what?, she had sex with a guy......
no liberals are judging her , seems those who have aligned themselves with her political views are though.......now that is just sad,sad,sad
9/15/2013 11:29:48 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
dude you dont even know if its true.  you like to make stuff up typical liberal. i heard you f**ked janet reno i got good sources 
so if some guy says he had sex......it must be a lie because of ????
no biggie.....why so defensive?
more power to her, she rocks and laughs all the way to the bank
just buy her next book and she will explain it all to you
9/15/2013 11:31:48 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
The National Enquirer reports that a soon-to-be-released book claims that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had sex with basketball player Glen Rice, engaged in an extra-marital affair with her husband's business partner and snorted cocaine while snowmobiling with friends.
The blogsphere is alight with the story, with the International Business Times, and Miami Herald joining NBC.com and thebiglead.com to chew over much the same material.
Washington Post blogger Cindy Boren writes that Palin's fling with Rice occurred in 1987, when Palin was a television sports reporter and Rice was a college junior. Boren includes a video sample of Palin's evening sports broadcast.
can't knock the enquirer they broke the story about Edwards.....what do they gain by this?
9/15/2013 11:44:12 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
pssst Palin has used her name to the hilt, she is great at it
heck, she probably loves the idea of someone trying to bring her down, puts her back in the news and in front of the camera......nobody wants to see w pretty woman mocked...if she looked like Janet Reno this wouldn't even be happening.
buy her book ....she's banking on it
9/15/2013 11:58:57 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
Just ask your ex wife..
Once you go black, you really never go back.
Bull! Please stop saying this as it is not true
9/16/2013 12:24:23 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
he tried to lie and ruin her politically and wanted to break her and her husband up because he had a creepy obsession with her. dude prolly beated off everynight wishing he was with her and was mad todd had her instead of him . her husband even had to get his buddies to come over to guard his place from this creep.
how can you ruin a political entertainer???
the odds of her ever running for public office again are the same as Obama winning a third term.
catching on yet?
Palin knows how to sell herself, she knows her audience and she knows how to make them spend money........more power to her, the real GOP can't stand her and teabaggers aren't sure how to use her now
9/16/2013 12:26:02 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
GOP Strategist Questions Power Of Palin: 'If Sarah Palin Endorsed Me I Would Be Too Embarrassed To Tell Anyone'
Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics
Read More: Gop Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin GOP, Palin GOP, Palin Endorsement, Gop Palin, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Endorsements, Gop, Palin, Palin Endorsements, Politics News
A GOP strategist employed by the same company contracted by California Republican Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina recently had some unenthusiastic words ...
Read Whole Story
9/16/2013 12:50:52 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from loolaid:
libs dont care about other people's sexuality. someone being gay is a conservative issue. you should try to see if something else sticks.
You are joking right?....it's one of the very first insults a libtard tosses out there...which of course illustrates their blatent hypocrisy.
Hell look at this thread...the only people obsessed about who Palin did or didn't screw are the Liberals.
I thought we were supposed to be past all this interracial shit....but clearly Liberals want to make a big deal of it...
One of my best friends is married to a white girl...their daughter is my daughter's best friend...
Besides the couple throwbacks here on DH...the people that have the biggest problem with Black men dating white women is...
Black women...
9/16/2013 12:51:27 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Douglasville, GA
53, joined Jun. 2010
Come on Laidbackguy...
why does it bother you when a white girl tries out a black salomi to confirm all the rumors.
Yep definitely packs the black c*ck He's jelous
9/16/2013 12:56:35 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
You are joking right?....it's one of the very first insults a libtard tosses out there...which of course illustrates their blatent hypocrisy.
Hell look at this thread...the only people obsessed about who Palin did or didn't screw are the Liberals.
I thought we were supposed to be past all this interracial shit....but clearly Liberals want to make a big deal of it...
One of my best friends is married to a white girl...their daughter is my daughter's best friend...
Besides the couple throwbacks here on DH...the people that have the biggest problem with Black men dating white women is...
Black women...
you really don't get it,lol
way,way over your head
liberals don't care who she may or may not of had sex with........but her supporters are getting uptight about the possibility she might have though........funny watching it unfold though
9/16/2013 12:58:29 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
GOP Strategist Questions Power Of Palin: 'If Sarah Palin Endorsed Me I Would Be Too Embarrassed To Tell Anyone'
Posted 05.25.2011 | Politics
Read More: Gop Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin GOP, Palin GOP, Palin Endorsement, Gop Palin, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Endorsements, Gop, Palin, Palin Endorsements, Politics News
A GOP strategist employed by the same company contracted by California Republican Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina recently had some unenthusiastic words ...
Read Whole Story
And she lost...good job there Mr GOP strategery guy...
9/16/2013 1:05:07 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
you really don't get it,lol
way,way over your head
liberals don't care who she may or may not of had sex with........but her supporters are getting uptight about the possibility she might have though........funny watching it unfold though
Right...you all don't care sooo much that it required the reposting of a two year old issue, based on gossip, from an avowed palin hater and stalker...
You don't happen to be in the market for any property are you?
I think the issue here is accepting it as fact because it was reported in the inquirer....or cuz someone put it in a book...
Well..once again...

9/16/2013 1:12:20 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Palin's a f**king nobody and will always be a nobody.
So.. N1C
LMAO....says Mr nobody
9/16/2013 1:24:49 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
I'm very comfortable as a nobody and wouldn't trade it for the world.
But let me guess, you for some unknown reason think you are a somebody, which is supposed to make your reply mean something. (You delusional idiots are my favorite.)
Well I am "somebody" to "someone" which is good enough for me... I have no desire to be famous......she is a lot farther from a being a "nobody" than you are...
9/16/2013 1:27:17 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Burnside, KY
42, joined Nov. 2008
it wasnt her book or her biography. it was from a stalker a** who moved to alaska right next door to her and harrassed her and spied on them. none of the palins told him any junk like that and never interviewed them. he had a personal obsession and dislike for her. shit seems ull believe anything someone says. yeah men lie about girls and women they f**ked since i was in elementary school. funny thing is this supposively happened in 88 the same year she married her husband. and her doing cocaine and having fetish for black men and all the other bs in the book to bring her down. scumbags trying to make big bucks off her name. sorry i dont buy her books or any other politicians books for that matter 
The reaction to this book tells us more about the piss poor organization and level of seriousness of non-liberal whites than it does Palin. I've read several of Joe McGinniss's books. He is a very thorough investigator. His excellent book, Fatal Vision, about Jeffrey MacDonald, the Green Beret doctor who killed his family back in the early 1970s is a good example of his digging up personal information. It is admitted that he ended up knowing more than the prosecutors did at trial. I don't think he is a liar. But MacDonald's supporters do, against overwhelming evidence and common sense in that case. I would say they are the only people who share that opinion about McGinniss. My money is on him being correct here, too. And that his detractors here are as misguided as are the followers of the man who cold bloodedly picked her up out of her bed and laid her across his knees and stabbed his little girl about fifty times.
Guys, Palin is married to and has kids by an Eskimo. And in case the implication is not clear, Todd Palin ain't white. Eskimo's are what 19th century white men called injuns. One of her daughters is a coalburner, evidently, according to several public photos. But she's mystery meat, anyway. It's not like there is any real reason to seriously doubt what McGinniss reports.
But WHY are some of you STILL supporting Palin for God's sake? This is the reason we can't ever get anywhere. Too many of you guys are as dumb as those stupid f**ks that allow documentary crews to film them while they are wearing brown shirts or sheets while Morris Dees or Mark Potok narrate.
Pain is simply an opportunist. Tighten up.
[Edited 9/16/2013 1:30:16 AM ]
9/16/2013 1:46:42 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Not long after you're gone she'll be jamming that same dildo she uses on you up some other closet f*gs ass, so when it gets down to it, you are in fact a nobody.

I was talking about my 11 yr old daughter you sick f**ker....You are just as f**ked up in the head as the truther freaks.....you simply obsess about a different subject.
F**k off.
9/16/2013 1:54:11 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Lynnwood, WA
50, joined May. 2010
The reaction to this book tells us more about the piss poor organization and level of seriousness of non-liberal whites than it does Palin. I've read several of Joe McGinniss's books. He is a very thorough investigator. His excellent book, Fatal Vision, about Jeffrey MacDonald, the Green Beret doctor who killed his family back in the early 1970s is a good example of his digging up personal information. It is admitted that he ended up knowing more than the prosecutors did at trial. I don't think he is a liar. But MacDonald's supporters do, against overwhelming evidence and common sense in that case. I would say they are the only people who share that opinion about McGinniss. My money is on him being correct here, too. And that his detractors here are as misguided as are the followers of the man who cold bloodedly picked her up out of her bed and laid her across his knees and stabbed his little girl about fifty times.
Guys, Palin is married to and has kids by an Eskimo. And in case the implication is not clear, Todd Palin ain't white. Eskimo's are what 19th century white men called injuns. One of her daughters is a coalburner, evidently, according to several public photos. But she's mystery meat, anyway. It's not like there is any real reason to seriously doubt what McGinniss reports.
But WHY are some of you STILL supporting Palin for God's sake? This is the reason we can't ever get anywhere. Too many of you guys are as dumb as those stupid f**ks that allow documentary crews to film them while they are wearing brown shirts or sheets while Morris Dees or Mark Potok narrate.
Pain is simply an opportunist. Tighten up.
Perfectly stated breath of fresh air. For me, Palin was never anything but a marketing ploy bought hook, line and sinker by legions of useful idiots of a different stripe.
9/16/2013 1:54:22 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
The reaction to this book tells us more about the piss poor organization and level of seriousness of non-liberal whites than it does Palin. I've read several of Joe McGinniss's books. He is a very thorough investigator. His excellent book, Fatal Vision, about Jeffrey MacDonald, the Green Beret doctor who killed his family back in the early 1970s is a good example of his digging up personal information. It is admitted that he ended up knowing more than the prosecutors did at trial. I don't think he is a liar. But MacDonald's supporters do, against overwhelming evidence and common sense in that case. I would say they are the only people who share that opinion about McGinniss. My money is on him being correct here, too. And that his detractors here are as misguided as are the followers of the man who cold bloodedly picked her up out of her bed and laid her across his knees and stabbed his little girl about fifty times.
Guys, Palin is married to and has kids by an Eskimo. And in case the implication is not clear, Todd Palin ain't white. Eskimo's are what 19th century white men called injuns. One of her daughters is a coalburner, evidently, according to several public photos. But she's mystery meat, anyway. It's not like there is any real reason to seriously doubt what McGinniss reports.
But WHY are some of you STILL supporting Palin for God's sake? This is the reason we can't ever get anywhere. Too many of you guys are as dumb as those stupid f**ks that allow documentary crews to film them while they are wearing brown shirts or sheets while Morris Dees or Mark Potok narrate.
Pain is simply an opportunist. Tighten up.
"coal burner" is a term used by white racists to refer to a white woman who has sex with black men.....way to out yourself there...
As far as McGinniss
In 1984 McDonald sued the author for breach of contract, in having pretended to believe in his subject's innocence—even after having concluded the opposite—out of a desire that McDonald continue to facilitate writing of the book. That civil case went to trial in 1987,ending in a mistrial, and was settled out of court, with the author reported to have paid McDonald $325,000.
9/16/2013 2:56:49 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
I apologize,
If I thought for a second that you actually meant it...I would accept it...
I was under the impression you were speaking about a girlfriend.
No...you assumed...
Not many people make such asinine comments and then validate themselves with their own 11 year old daughter in the political forums. Self serving is self serving.
See what I mean?...in your zeal to personally attack me with some lame a** homosexual insinuations (which I will file under "projection")....you didn't even stop to think who I might have been referring to...
At the same time I'm wondering if you are just being a f**king drama queen and lying through your teeth for the sake of being a little b*tch with plans of crying about it in different threads to come painting yourself as some kind of victim.
Oh I'm no victim pal...and if you were not on the other end of the internet you'd find that out pretty quick...you'd be picking up teeth...
Of course in person...you wouldn't have the balls to say shit like that anyway....
I'm proud to be a single dad....also sorry her mom is so f**ked up that she is a terrible role model for my daughter...
9/16/2013 4:54:15 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
"coal burner" is a term used by white racists to refer torelatione woman who has sex with black men.....way to out yourself there...
As far as McGinniss
In 1984 McDonald sued the author for breach of contract, in having pretended to believe in his subject's innocence—even after having concluded the opposite—out of a desire that McDonald continue to facilitate writing of the book. That civil case went to trial in 1987,ending in a mistrial, and was settled out of court, with the author reported to have paid McDonald $325,000.
Zeit... Icon is a white seperationist. He considers anyonev(who is white...especially women) who has any type of relationship with someone who is not whit to be umpire. He also subscribes to the
" one drop" mentality....as in one drop of blood from another ethnicity means that person is not white.
9/16/2013 5:07:08 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
OK...stupid autocorrect got me on my last post. That was supposed to say unpure....not umpire ...lol
9/16/2013 5:51:05 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Such bravery. Did you take a threatening posture as you typed that all out to make yourself feel more secure about posting it ?
LMAO...I feel secure posting it because I could kick your fat a** and you are too big of a p*ssy to actually do anything about it anyway...
You say from the safety of your home.
yup....you are free to drive to Ohio if you feel froggy about it....
I doubt you would drive here...if you do...let me know and I will give the coroner a heads up...
Right.. If your posts reflect the type of idiot you are in real life that kids f**ked from the word go.
Ok...since you are damned determined to get personal...I will take the gloves off...(which I am sure you will cry about afterword)
I see you are a widower....I think your wife killed herself to get the f**k away from you because you are such as a**hole...and any other reason you might give is a lie to protect your ego...unless of course you are already lying about being a widower to gain sympathy
[Edited 9/16/2013 5:51:37 AM ]
9/16/2013 5:57:36 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
I was ready for a good one but stopped when I realized you were lying again.
Ok...that tells me you are lying....no one who has lost a spouce would ever take that lying down...
You are a fraud.
9/16/2013 6:26:06 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from incubusss:
No, actually it's more about what an idiot you are thinking that anything any of you mindless f**ktards could ever say would ruffle my feathers.
Now you on the other hand, you are the angry ignorant type that gets enraged and threatens people over the internet after you get owned for trolling. Picking my teeth up, Call the coroner ?

Right...your feathers are always ruffled...f**k this...f**k that...
But now all the sudden you are aloof and above it all?
Yeah right...
9/16/2013 10:20:42 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
Ok he was a top college athlete soon to become a professional
who drilled Sarah Palin and showed her what she was missing 
keep writing, its always good to know just how stupid Obama voters can be.
yeah, DRILLED. you'll know the meaning of DRILLED when obamacare leaves you vomiting in the street.
9/16/2013 11:13:56 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
I was talking about my 11 yr old daughter you sick f**ker....You are just as f**ked up in the head as the truther freaks.....you simply obsess about a different subject.
F**k off.
Isnt amusing how these non judgemental liberals always use homosexuality, for derogatory attacks? Yet, homosexuals flock to their true abusors...wtf?
9/16/2013 11:16:58 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Ok he was a top college athlete soon to become a professional
who drilled Sarah Palin and showed her what she was missing 
Looks like photo just admitted to not being able to measure up!lmao
Have you ever been able to walk on your own two f**king feet?
9/16/2013 11:26:15 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Madison, VA
42, joined Jan. 2012
I never was a fan of pallin anyway.
Not to offend the awesome ladies here, but how are we going to get other countries to respect us if we keep putting women in positions of great power? Other countries laugh at women being in charge of our country or military. Do y'all really think those Muslim countries are going to take us seriously if we elect a woman president?
9/16/2013 11:29:33 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Federalsburg, MD
37, joined Aug. 2013
asking self, "do i really care what some crybaby libtard b*tch thinks", answering self, "nope"
Everything she said about you is right!!! Shave that pubic hair off your chin before you try to talk about anybody!!!
9/16/2013 1:10:04 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
I never was a fan of pallin anyway.
Not to offend the awesome ladies here, but how are we going to get other countries to respect us if we keep putting women in positions of great power? Other countries laugh at women being in charge of our country or military. Do y'all really think those Muslim countries are going to take us seriously if we elect a woman president?
Omg! Thank you so much for the belly laugh!
I was starting to think that the herd of anachronisms had dwindled down to one or two.
9/16/2013 1:11:33 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
Palin obviously wasn't raised right. GROOOOOOS!
9/16/2013 1:17:30 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Looks like I've hit a soft spot for the white racists here that don't measure up 
Lol b*tch, im many things and racist is not one of them. You've been a nobody your entire life, your posting and baseless accusations prove it.
Im mixed race you no account POS.
9/16/2013 1:21:32 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Hermiston, OR
57, joined Jul. 2010
My only comment about this subject:
So who cares?
None of my business who she slept with.
And not any sort of important news, as far as I'm concerned.
Besides, knowing American politics, it might not even be true, and was published just to try to get the black vote!
[Edited 9/16/2013 1:22:54 PM ]
9/16/2013 1:22:38 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
I never was a fan of pallin anyway.
Not to offend the awesome ladies here, but how are we going to get other countries to respect us if we keep putting women in positions of great power? Other countries laugh at women being in charge of our country or military. Do y'all really think those Muslim countries are going to take us seriously if we elect a woman president?
I understand where you're coming from but you keep forgetting one very pivotal point. Muslim countries are islamic and don't respect anything but islamic rule. They don't rule under the pretense of "separation of church and state".
Their church IS their state. Islamic laws are above everything else.
So, it doesn't matter whose in the white house. They won't 'respect' us until we all convert. Just displaying concern about whether or not we have their respect is unsettling, by the way.
9/16/2013 1:25:50 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Raleigh, NC
53, joined Dec. 2009
Is this where the phrase "like white on Rice" came from? 
9/16/2013 1:29:41 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Ok he was a top college athlete soon to become a professional
who drilled Sarah Palin and showed her what she was missing 
So you've been drilled by a black dude and know what Palin was missing? LMFAO
You fake a** freak, who'd you steal the photo from asswipe?
HEY BLUE, this POS shit that has no balls called me a white racist!lol
photo you have as much credibility as shit maggot!lol
A b*tch like you shows up at Sturgis, you get your wimp a** ran out of town. F**king pathetic.