9/16/2013 1:31:27 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
These DH racists can't handle the thought of a white woman being with a black man.
Not me. I have thoughts of Halle Barry all the time.
Halle Barry wouldn't give a no account, beta b*tch male, like you the time of day.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/16/2013 1:47:54 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
The only a** phototia gets is blow up dolls!lol
I've been with women of all colors...while you was coloring with colors!lmmfao
9/16/2013 1:50:58 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
42, joined Sep. 2013
The lilly-white darling female leader of the republican party on her knees sucking black c0ck!
Carry on....
9/16/2013 1:51:22 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
In a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
Oh wow, an unnamed biography. I've convinced!
Black men constantly fantasize about white women, which is the only reason this thread was started. They usually end up settling for the fat ones, which to them is better than nothing.
9/16/2013 1:55:18 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
So what if your hero Sarah Palin went black.
Live with it 
Did your parents have any children born with intelligence? If you wish you was Palin, its not to late for you to have a black experience. I'm sure you would have to pay through the nose...we could take up a collection for your racist, bigotted POS ass.
It would be a sad life, to be photinia. You and pooch have a lot in common. Neither can get laid!
[Edited 9/16/2013 1:57:40 PM ]
9/16/2013 1:56:36 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
A lot of beautiful white women are with black men.
Did you get dumped by a white woman for a black stud?
Successful black men. The ones that are with black dudes on welfare are largely fat and tatted up. Basically, white-girl leftovers.
And I've never been dumped, period. Nice try. 
9/16/2013 2:00:46 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
No, I got dumped by a black stud for a white woman. 
Fixed it for you life. photo is a fake profile and a racist bigot. He's been posting that he's jealous of Palin. Could you arrange a black experience for him?
9/16/2013 2:03:48 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
So what if Sarah Palin tried out a big black sausage several times. (Like six)
Live with it
I can always tell the posters that got the shit beaten out of them, too many times. All fake talk.
9/16/2013 2:04:24 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
So what if Sarah Palin tried out a big black sausage several times. (Like six)
Live with it
I don't think she did. It's a black-man fantasy, nothing more.
9/16/2013 2:05:43 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Dec. 2008
And another utterly pointless f**king race thread. What.. now that the race baiters are loosing their momentum, have to find another way to stir the pot?
9/16/2013 2:06:35 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

New Hope, PA
75, joined Feb. 2008
Sarah said Rice was nice but Todd had the rod!!!
9/16/2013 2:06:41 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
she was a female sports reporter, is this like a surprise she likes spookies.
i mean shit, if it wasn't for the free handouts the dems give and the undercover klansman lyndon johnson that fooled em all, most blacks are generally conservative in nature.
blacks only vote dem because they are afraid that if they dont the handouts would stop then they would have to get a actual job.
the sad part is the black race is so stupid they sold themselves into modern day slavery and all the dems needed was a wink and a smile, year after year the dems smile and promise it will get better and year after year the ghettos get worse and worse. yet the spookies year after year the non felons who can vote go "yassire boss we be a votin for ya jus keep the checks a commin"
chicago/detroit/birmingham/atlanta/newark all have gone to hell and the 1 common denominator is its all black run and all black voting blocks
9/16/2013 2:09:44 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
9/16/2013 2:13:54 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
I can see it now with the half term governor riding Rice like a horse and screaming
"Drill baby drill"
You get your fantasies from reading Hustler Magazine!lmfao
You aint had p*ssy, since it had you!lol
Dimestore dreams photo! You even dream like a cheap a** f**k stain, that can't get laid!
9/16/2013 2:32:38 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
It took the half term governor five different colleges before she finally graduated (not with honors)
to become a sportscaster.
yea, she should had been a corrupt chicago social activist. then she could had become president 
9/16/2013 2:59:02 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
You can consider your chamber pot sufficiently stirred enough that you had to dive right in.
If you are sick of abuses of the rules, petition google to enforce their Adsense restrictions here.
I started a non partisan thread to explain how remember?
Yes and you dodged the fact that you are just as bad with flinging insults as the rest of us.

9/16/2013 3:18:10 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
It took the half term governor five different colleges before she finally graduated (not with honors)
to become a sportscaster.
what does that have to do with her being drilled by glen rice????
9/16/2013 3:22:29 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Burnside, KY
42, joined Nov. 2008
"coal burner" is a term used by white racists to refer to a white woman who has sex with black men.....way to out yourself there...
As far as McGinniss
In 1984 McDonald sued the author for breach of contract, in having pretended to believe in his subject's innocence—even after having concluded the opposite—out of a desire that McDonald continue to facilitate writing of the book. That civil case went to trial in 1987,ending in a mistrial, and was settled out of court, with the author reported to have paid McDonald $325,000.
"Out myself?" Get a life, d*ckhead. Yeah, coalburner. It's way overdue that people stop pretending calling spades a spade is some kind of pathology. It's not. And you people are the very LAST people to educate people on what is moral and what is not. You are nothing but bizarre weirdos trying hard to convince the world that down is really up.
As far as the lawsuit you cite, you need to learn a little more about it, and exactly what it was about. The truth is far different than the little paragraph that you have parroted here--actually pretty much copy-pasted from MacDonald supporter websites. (Why does it not surprise me you went THERE?)
McGinniss, or any author, is under NO obligation to become some criminal's mouthpiece or defender. If you approach me to write your biography, and I find out you are a piece of shit, I do not have to write that you are instead a great guy. That was what that law suit was about and McGinniss was right to wash his hands of the murdering piece of shit and settle the case before possibly setting precedent and case law to cripple writers from telling the truth about certain subjects. Jeffrey MacDonald wanted McGinniss to write a glowing tribute telling how wonderful and innocent he, the great Princeton educated overachiever, was and how awful it was that his in-laws were smearing his reputation. I mean, he only cut up their daughter and grandkids, what's that compared to the wonderful things MacDonald was?
Get a life, or get your head out of your ass, zeit.
9/16/2013 3:23:24 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
do you just rattle to hear yourself squeak ??
9/16/2013 3:24:07 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
Quote from laidbackguy71:]whose biography ? did sarah palin write this ? this is an old story that she flatly denies. Seems they made it up to try to make her look bad . unless you provide some proof besides hear say than its just another lie from liberals trying to bring sarah palin down.

They have made up about as many lies about Palin..as the Israelis have about Iran..
The worlds population..is getting more and more immature.
Or is it that the more immature...have made it into high positions...and soon..hopefully will fall due to their stupidity..greed and basic evil nature..
9/16/2013 3:26:44 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
Quote from iconwizard4444:e]"Out myself?" Get a life, d*ckhead. Yeah, coalburner. It's way overdue that people stop pretending calling spades a spade is some kind of pathology. It's not. And you people are the very LAST people to educate people on what is moral and what is not. You are nothing but bizarre weirdos trying hard to convince the world that down is really up.
As far as the lawsuit you cite, you need to learn a little more about it, and exactly what it was about. The truth is far different than the little paragraph that you have parroted here--actually pretty much copy-pasted from MacDonald supporter websites. (Why does it not surprise me you went THERE?)
McGinniss, or any author, is under NO obligation to become some criminal's mouthpiece or defender. If you approach me to write your biography, and I find out you are a piece of shit, I do not have to write that you are instead a great guy. That was what that law suit was about and McGinniss was right to wash his hands of the murdering piece of shit and settle the case before possibly setting precedent and case law to cripple writers from telling the truth about certain subjects. Jeffrey MacDonald wanted McGinniss to write a glowing tribute telling how wonderful and innocent he, the great Princeton educated overachiever, was and how awful it was that his in-laws were smearing his reputation. I mean, he only cut up their daughter and grandkids, what's that compared to the wonderful things MacDonald was?
Get a life, or get your head out of your ass, zeit.
Interesting...I see you have the same 'relationship' with ZitPuss as I do..
Welcome to the club..  
9/16/2013 3:28:13 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Chapel Hill, NC
61, joined Feb. 2007
Quote from 61falcon:Sarah said Rice was nice but Todd had the rod!!!
so..does this mean your going to get into writing rap music Foul-Cohen?

Not bad for a Jew. Im impressed
9/16/2013 3:49:14 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
This is how liberals, especially the older, white liberals, express their sexual lust of Sarah Palin. They can't come right out and say they're attracted to her and want to bang her six way to next Sunday since she's Sarah Palin, the most reviled conservative in the country in decades. So, they live cathartically through a supposed rendezvous with a black man, which they think will anger white, conservative America.
[Edited 9/16/2013 3:50:46 PM ]
9/16/2013 3:51:45 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
I do.
9/16/2013 3:52:51 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
These DH racists can't handle the thought of a white woman being with a black man.
Not me. I have thoughts of Halle Barry all the time.
Photo...twist is not racist....just saying.
9/16/2013 4:01:04 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
This is how liberals, especially the older, white liberals, express their sexual lust of Sarah Palin. They can't come right out and say they're attracted to her and want to bang her six way to next Sunday since she's Sarah Palin, the most reviled conservative in the country in decades. So, they live cathartically through a supposed rendezvous with a black man, which they think will anger white, conservative America.
uh huh
why so defensive over Palin sex life?
seems the only ones getting worked up are the teabagger supporters
9/16/2013 4:08:45 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
uh huh
why so defensive over Palin sex life?
seems the only ones getting worked up are the teabagger supporters
Commenting on a thread doesn't equal getting worked up. I find the older, white liberal's sexual fascination with Palin to be pretty funny. Photinia, poochy, etc. We all know who they are.
9/16/2013 4:08:49 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Chesterfield, MO
39, joined Feb. 2010
Not that I care about anyone else's sex life, but didn't she end up married to a white guy ???
So much for that whole "Once you go black..." thing.

Side note, is that why her eyes look kind of bugged out? He poked her in the pooper when she wasn't expecting it, & the expression never totally went away? Groids are always trying to get away with that deviant stuff, especially when they have a white girl cornered.

Funny topic though.
9/16/2013 4:18:57 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012

9/16/2013 4:30:17 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
Liberals aren't used to seeing attractive women in their politics.

[Edited 9/16/2013 4:30:25 PM ]
9/16/2013 4:41:16 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
Fine with me. You have plenty to choose from on your side. If they're still straight and are in to men, that is. 
9/16/2013 5:07:29 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
wow and now they are attacking the female democrats lol
how low will this take us now? seems the Sarah faithful feel they are being mocked for some reason?
9/16/2013 5:11:42 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Auburn, WA
41, joined Jan. 2008
We mock liberal women all the time, where have you been?
9/16/2013 5:21:10 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Chesterfield, MO
39, joined Feb. 2010
Only liberal women are stupid enough to argue for their right to "choose" one minute, and then begin their mind numbed screaming in defense of Sharia law the next.

9/16/2013 5:21:27 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
Lol you guys still mad about how many miles on Palins vag and where it's been?? Let it go 
9/16/2013 5:25:06 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
I've def lost respect for her. She f**ked a black man. Grooooooose!
9/16/2013 5:29:04 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Chesterfield, MO
39, joined Feb. 2010
We know, look at the stupid f**ktard women you people are so proud to call Republican's.
Not that any of the Republican men are any smarter.
Sounds like someone is confusing "Republican" with "Conservative" again, happens frequently among the low IQ 0baama voting ingrates who are strong in ideology but lacking in intelligence.
9/16/2013 5:30:29 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Houston, TX
36, joined Aug. 2013
Ok if she did. Who cares! Probably alot of people had sex outside their race. Been happening for thousands of years
9/16/2013 5:41:17 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
Anyone who interjects Sharia Law into the scope of American political conversation is ignorant of American laws.
Sharia Law will never see its way onto our law books because any local court would strike it down. All American courts are backed by the Constitution. It couldn't even make it to a State Supreme Court let alone the Supreme Court.
So when Newt Gingrich mentioned Sharia Law in his speech during a rally he knew it was to do nothing more than stir up an ignorant base. If you look at his face, he didn'teven look confident it would pass muster. He almost looked surprised at the crowd's response.
9/16/2013 5:49:53 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
As for republicans having hot women or vice versa is a stupid argument. Here is why: Lust and love transcends political spectrums. Like many other spectrums love and lust knows no limitations. Only the ignorant thinks that matters.
This thread makes sense because it shows the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin. To her the poor and blacks are beneath her. But she wanted to be on Oprah so damn bad didn't she. Opportunists, will do things like that from ttime to time.
9/16/2013 7:33:33 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Spring, TX
26, joined May. 2013
I could never have sex with a black gig. It'd be like sleeping with an animal lol
9/16/2013 7:35:32 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Mesa, AZ
74, joined Sep. 2013
Good for Sarah Palin. She had sex, lucky girl.
9/16/2013 8:05:11 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
I don't think so.
You? Think? No, you ignorant stain are incapable of anything besides following people that can think.
The only thing you do is follow Palin. You've never had a woman half as good looking as her. Keep spending the rest of you pathetic life jerkin off, to the women you cant have.
9/16/2013 8:12:57 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
Actually, I grew up in Idaho.
Palin is from Idaho and attended 5 colleges before she finally graduated.
She is no Rhode Scholar.
She knows how to play to the crowd and can do ok as long as someone like Katie Couric doesn't ask tough questions.
It is funny that the Palin fans are upset because she might have gone black for a little bit 
Does anybody take this Village People reject serious?
9/16/2013 8:16:39 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Actually, I grew up in Idaho.
Palin is from Idaho and attended 5 colleges before she finally graduated.
She is no Rhode Scholar.
She knows how to play to the crowd and can do ok as long as someone like Katie Couric doesn't ask tough questions.
It is funny that the Palin fans are upset because she might have gone black for a little bit 
I have family in Idaho and I know they dont grow garbage like this stain called photinia.
The only ones that make on issue of sexuality, is the f**ked up libtards. Shows your f**king character you peice of shit.
9/16/2013 8:19:35 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
I never claimed it fake biker TINA!
9/16/2013 8:20:52 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
photinia wont be mistaken as a biker, scholar, or anything of substance. He is known as a follower, with his nose up smarter peoples asses.
9/16/2013 8:23:48 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
That your best? Now I know why you dont start discussions. You're to f**king stupid. To busy looking up smarter peoples asses.
From Idaho...right!lol gutless stain.
9/16/2013 8:24:02 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
You ride a Honda now, Bwahh HaHaHaHaHa
9/16/2013 8:24:53 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Atlanta, GA
43, joined Sep. 2013
"Nailin" Sarah Palin!

The whole team gangbanged the republican star female!!!
9/16/2013 8:25:06 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
You working towards a Murray? 
9/16/2013 8:26:37 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
A Honda?lmao
Now we know you're a metrosexual, beta, p*ssy whipped lap dog, b*tch boy!ROFLMAO
9/16/2013 8:28:06 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Another one, thats never had a woman that decent looking
9/16/2013 8:28:43 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Santa Clarita, CA
96, joined Apr. 2013
Why are you liberal's ... Still scarred shitless of her ?? 
She's done ! So that's all you have left to attack ?? 
9/16/2013 8:29:39 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
Why are you liberal's ... Still scarred shitless of her ??
She's done ! So that's all you have left to attack ?? 
That's all they got sweetheart.
9/16/2013 8:33:36 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Palin isnt the issue you gutless, judgemental, no thinking, walking pile of refuse.
9/16/2013 8:36:18 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

9/16/2013 8:36:53 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Bloomingdale, GA
51, joined Mar. 2011
I am thinking TINA hasn't seen the Y-M-C-A in a while.. 
9/16/2013 8:39:16 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
Dont have a poster you peice if shit. You have anything that resembles an independant thought? We know the answer dont we metroboy.
I looked at your discussion list. You're following p*ssy. Brainless f**king follower.
9/16/2013 8:42:17 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Wilmette, IL
41, joined May. 2011
That's actually a lot more accurate than the OP.
She was pretty much a
NBA groupie.
5 kids , 5 unknown daddies?
Gotta love those bastard sproutin