9/15/2013 10:01:21 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
In a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
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9/15/2013 10:03:18 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
And another utterly pointless f**king race thread. What.. now that the race baiters are loosing their momentum, have to find another way to stir the pot?
9/15/2013 10:12:28 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
and now we know why god gave her a retarded son 
9/15/2013 10:18:03 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lufkin, TX
55, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from thick4noreason:
In a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
No surprise there; jewish women like black d*ck. Look at blue eye gal for an example.
9/15/2013 10:18:28 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Arlington, TX
70, joined Feb. 2009
In a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
And you know this is true HOW???? And even if it is, SOOOOO!!!!! Has no one else ever made mistakes??? Seems like a pretty mild one to me, compared to some of the ones libs make.
9/15/2013 10:22:26 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
56, joined May. 2007
In a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
says more about the op than the story does. has a thing for white women. what a shock.
9/15/2013 10:31:59 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin says that union members across America should demand that Obamacare be repealed and defunded, and some of their leaders should resign for not opposing the health care law.
"Union brothers and sisters, don’t let your incompetent leadership hoodwink you again," Palin wrote in a Facebook post Thursday. "Demand a full repeal, an immediate defunding, and some resignations."
Palin, who has in the past criticized union bosses for betraying their hard-working members, said this was another instance of that, as they believed President Barack Obama's false promises on Obamacare and are supporting carve-outs instead of a full repeal.
"Remember when President Obama promised us, 'If you like your current health care plan, you can keep your plan?'" Palin wrote. "That was not true, and his deceptive claim falls in line with all the other lies about Obamacare—like there’d be no health care rationing."
Her remarks come as union leaders at the AFL-CIO convention this week said the law should be repealed if unions—like big business and Congress—did not get special exemptions and carve-outs in the law.
"Union bosses, you owe your membership an apology, retraction, and resignation," she declared.
Palin wrote that "union leaders are now scrambling and trying to get special carve-outs exclusively for union members. I sympathize with union members—especially when they’re led by thugs. I always do. But this is the wrong way to go about fixing the enormous train wreck that is Obamacare."
"Anyone with an ounce of common sense can understand that if it is cheaper for a company to cancel employees’ health benefits and pay the $2,000 Obamacare fine instead of providing, say, a $10,000 government mandated employee health care plan, then of course that company will choose to pay the much smaller fine," she said. "And if companies don’t have to provide government mandated health care for part time employees, then of course that’s an incentive for them to cut back employees’ hours and make their workforce part time."
Palin added, "This isn’t rocket science. This is Economics 101. And it’s happening right now at companies all over the country."
She then said even though Obamacare critics—like herself—had warned of many of Obamacare's problems, "Obama’s union leader friends" are now 'fessing "up to Obamacare lies." She accused union leaders of betraying "their own membership by enthusiastically endorsing Obamacare, and now our good union brothers and sisters are at risk of losing the benefits they’ve worked for and counted on their whole lives."
"More cronyism, select exemptions, and special subsidies make the problem worse," Palin said. "We need to repeal the whole darn thing, and that starts with defunding it."
9/15/2013 10:35:37 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
You can report this all you want. The biography is already written. Palin's friends confirm it, Glen Rice confirmed it. The Enquirer confirmed it. (And before you go trashing the Enquirer: When the Enquirer broke the story about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky all of you were down with that bit of news). I don't just make stuff up. This is just the things you don't want to hear.
Happy Reporting...
That is all.
9/15/2013 10:36:44 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
Good night and God Bless.
9/15/2013 10:44:09 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
See 617 gets it.
9/15/2013 10:45:41 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Dallas, TX
56, joined Jul. 2012
You can report this all you want. The biography is already written. Palin's friends confirm it, Glen Rice confirmed it. The Enquirer confirmed it. (And before you go trashing the Enquirer: When the Enquirer broke the story about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky all of you were down with that bit of news). I don't just make stuff up. This is just the things you don't want to hear.
Happy Reporting...
That is all.
Only a pervert would even care. 
9/15/2013 10:46:08 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

54, joined Apr. 2010
and tHe RoDeo cLoWn PrEsIdEnT kNoWn As BaRrAk ObAmA is on the down low,
Michelle is his beard and Larry Sinclair was killed to silence this ...... 
and bArRaK throws like a girl ..... 

9/15/2013 10:59:58 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
I posted this thread to expose the hypocrisy. She has this attitude towards blacks and poor people. But low and behold here is Sarah Palin's secrets coming to the surface.
So Sarah denies it, but friends and Glen Rice himself confirmed it. He's a former NBA Star who didn't blow his money. He's making this up, why? He had nothing but good things to say about Sarah.
I didn't say anything about the cocaine snorting mentioned in the book. Y'all probably would have said, "Oh she was experimenting", or "She didn't enhale".
One thing I know for sure, SOME OF Y'ALL ARE PISSED ABOUT THIS.
9/15/2013 11:00:29 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
So, I was right. It's another race baiter attempting to stir the pot. Nothing to see here...
9/15/2013 11:06:15 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from loolaid: the sex-tape has been on pornhub for years now.
You would know that, wouldn't you.

9/15/2013 11:18:49 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

54, joined Apr. 2010

9/15/2013 11:20:38 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
Quote from loolaid: i watch all of the celiberity sex-tapes. my favorite is the octo-mom sex-tape, snookie's is the worst. they need to take snookies down.
9/15/2013 11:25:52 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


New York, NY
63, joined Dec. 2010
i watch all of the celiberity sex-tapes. my favorite is the octo-mom sex-tape, snookie's is the worst. they need to take snookies down.
Better still, get rid of all reality TV shows and bring back the old-school music videos to replace them!
9/15/2013 11:28:31 AM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Minneapolis, MN
64, joined Aug. 2009
I posted this thread to expose the hypocrisy. She has this attitude towards blacks and poor people. But low and behold here is Sarah Palin's secrets coming to the surface.
So Sarah denies it, but friends and Glen Rice himself confirmed it. He's a former NBA Star who didn't blow his money. He's making this up, why? He had nothing but good things to say about Sarah.
I didn't say anything about the cocaine snorting mentioned in the book. Y'all probably would have said, "Oh she was experimenting", or "She didn't enhale".
One thing I know for sure, SOME OF Y'ALL ARE PISSED ABOUT THIS.
what you do here is spreading a lie, oh and BTW didnt you claim in you profile how good you are? what a BS, another lie - " I'm not judgemental but life has taught me to take people as individuals and not compare. I definitely have gentlemanly qualities"
who would believe you ? grow up man,........ sheesh
9/15/2013 1:04:19 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
See here's the thin. No one even cared that she snorted ccocaine. But as soon as it's found out she slept with a black guy, y'all go bananas. SHE DATED BLACK GUYS. I'm called a liar and that I'm spreading lies. Had Glen Rice himself not confirmed the incident I would have just written it off. But my character isattacked bcuz Sarah Palin had an early fetish for black men. Wtf? How does that even make sense?
9/15/2013 1:34:55 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
This post obviously got folks mad.
9/15/2013 1:37:09 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
[Edited 9/15/2013 1:39:54 PM ]
9/15/2013 1:46:38 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
This post obviously got folks mad.
And it's scum like you that keeps the race hate going. I almost wish for a disaster that would force you to drop the "poor me, I'm black" facade and realize there is no REASON for the hatred.
You're worthless to the world you live in. STIR THAT POT HATE MONGER. Stir it up.
9/15/2013 2:03:35 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
^ Why is EVERYTHING about race? You could start a conversation on the formation of a snowflake and by the end, someone will scream WHITEY IS RACIST.
It's ridiculous.
9/15/2013 2:08:55 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
and now we know why god gave her a retarded son 
You are a disgusting pos that really don't deserve to breath for that comment!! Not to mention dumb her son has Down syndrome
9/15/2013 2:09:27 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
^ Good catch. I didn't even see that one.
9/15/2013 2:17:34 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013
Palin was a good-looking bimbo who discovered early on that people would take her seriously if she embraced what became the T-bag philosophy. To her surprise, they started electing her, eventually to governor, from which she resigned to make more dough. Keep in mind that Alaska is relatively unoccupied, so a few votes make a difference. Her big break came when McCain inexplicably named her his running mate; something he lived to regret. By dumping her government job, she became able to accept personal donations and became wealthy.
In reality, she's everything she rails against. Her daughter had/has an illigetimate kid. She's incredibly stupid, having no sense of world geography and getting totally punked by a radio show host. She was a typical uneducated, loser, partyer until she found that she could get ahead if she stuck to the T-bag script. It's no surprise that she snorted coke and f**ked around before she got on the gravy train. Hypocritical T-baggers had no problem with supporting all of this, since she's one of them.
She's a loser, but not nearly as much as the losers who support her.
9/15/2013 2:18:12 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
The son comment was distasteful, but what I said is still true. And no one still said anything about her snorting cocaine. Of course it was recreationally, but she did it. You all aren't pissed I said that.
9/15/2013 2:35:06 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013
So, in short......your ignorance has once again gotten the best of you. All that hyperbole above and not one intelligent thought or rendering. Just more of the same superficial rhetoric and asinine commentary we have all come to expect from you.
At it again a**hole? You really can't help but step on your d*ck, can you? Anything that you said above contain any fact or relevance to the thread?
"your ignorance has once again gotten the best of you. All that hyperbole above and not one intelligent thought or rendering. Just more of the same superficial rhetoric and asinine commentary we have all come to expect from you."
Troglodyte? Got your thesaurus out? You're an incompetent idiot.

9/15/2013 2:48:28 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013
9/15/2013 2:49:59 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013

9/15/2013 3:10:34 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
If I post a source the only thing you all would do is deny or refute my source. About the sexual relationship with Glen Rice,my source is GLEN RICE. Why would Glen Rice cop to sleeping with Sarah Palin, if it wasn't true? He could cares less about attention. He said it himself. About snorting cocaine, that's in the book. So you have to get at the author on that.
If it's good enough for Bill O'Reilly then it's good enough for m.
9/15/2013 3:12:42 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
The book is being reported in in the Daily News and the Washington Post
It does repeat the Glenn Rice confirmed the fling. Sarah was a reporter then and Rice was in Alaska then for the 1987 Great Alaskan Shootout.
As for the other allegations I will hold off deciding what I think about it until I see something more concrete. I already knew she was a hypocrite from the 2008 election.
9/15/2013 3:22:33 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Reading, PA
62, joined May. 2013
So, I was right. It's another race baiter attempting to stir the pot. Nothing to see here...
You can consider your chamber pot sufficiently stirred enough that you had to dive right in.
If you are sick of abuses of the rules, petition google to enforce their Adsense restrictions here.
I started a non partisan thread to explain how remember?
9/15/2013 3:28:17 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
You are a disgusting pos that really don't deserve to breath for that comment!! Not to mention dumb her son has Down syndrome
asking self, "do i really care what some crybaby libtard b*tch thinks", answering self, "nope"
9/15/2013 3:30:28 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
this is the perfect opportunity for the teabillies to prove that they arent racist.
now how racist can they be if the head teabilly was part black for a night?
you f**k white women but bash white people every chance you get, i fail to see a difference here 
9/15/2013 3:33:20 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Reading, PA
62, joined May. 2013
whats wrong with her haveing "sexual relations" with a black?
It might have been addictive and she would have wanted more and more but she knew dad would shoot him on sight
But it's more likely she can't stand having any man around so she married a guy that works hundreds of miles away freezing his brain out that only comes home to procreate.
9/15/2013 3:36:13 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Its amazing how the mere mention of Palin drive the libtards insane...
9/15/2013 3:39:31 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
And you know this is true HOW???? And even if it is, SOOOOO!!!!! Has no one else ever made mistakes??? Seems like a pretty mild one to me, compared to some of the ones libs make.
why you saying it was a mistake?.........the guy was just trying to tell us that Sarah doesn't discriminate........isn't that a positive thing?
9/15/2013 3:40:28 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
The mention of Sarah Palin drives republicans and Tea Party members crazy. All I said was she slept with Glen Rice and the forum goes banana.
9/15/2013 3:43:52 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


North Pole, AK
43, joined Jan. 2012
The mention of Sarah Palin drives republicans and Tea Party members crazy. All I said was she slept with Glen Rice and the forum goes banana.
I'll waste another quote on you:
n a biography, it seems that Sarah Palin had a fetish for black men in her young adult life. Back in 1987, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with then rising star Glen Rice. (Ooooooh let it marinate). At the time Sarah was involved with a man, (boyfriend, not her ccurrent husband) while she engaged in the trist.
To put is simple: She had jungle fever, she had jungle fever.
That is all.
That looks like a good bit more than ... oh all I said was.... In fact it was deliberately spun to argue more bullshit on race.
FTR: Sara Palin had her 15 minutes. Is she even relevant anymore? Please. As usual, all you and your fellow race baiters are trying to do is use any rumor you can find to stir the pot.
9/15/2013 3:44:24 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Brick, NJ
49, joined Sep. 2009
Its amazing how the mere mention of Palin drive the libtards insane... 
Funny how the mere idea that Sarah is not all that she purports herself to be immediately sends a certain segment of the political spectrum in a defensive mode that seeks to deflect the topic by trying to discredit Another part of the politicalspectrum with trite nicknames and tired over used rhetoric.
Its funny...most Liberals I know could care less that she had a fling with a guy right after college - regardless of race. It is only her setting herself on a pedestal of virtue that makes people want to comment at her hypocrisy.
9/15/2013 3:45:31 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
In “The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin,” Joe McGinniss’ soon-to-be-published book for former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate, one tidbit, passed along by the National Enquirer, concerns former NBA player Glen Rice.
Palin, according to the book, had a fling thing with Rice in 1987, while he was in college and she was a sports reporter fresh out of college and working at KTUU in Alaska. Rice was a junior at the University of Michigan at the time and their one-night stand occurred while he and the Wolverines were playing in the Great Alaska Shootout. Less than a year afterward, Palin, hockey mom and former basketball player, married her husband Todd.
According to the Enquirer, Rice confirmed the relationship to McGinniss. And, because keeping score is important, Michigan lost, 79-64, to Arizona in the semifinals. The Wolverines finished third, beating Alabama-Birmingham. Rice was named to the all-tournament tea
9/15/2013 3:47:37 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Brockton, MA
52, joined Sep. 2011
The mention of Sarah Palin drives republicans and Tea Party members crazy. All I said was she slept with Glen Rice and the forum goes banana.
i did crack up on how defensive they became of her and now they are trying to say liberals are berating her???....... 
9/15/2013 4:04:07 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
see i am more inclined to think "just another sister hating black dude"
poor ghetto dwellers = fat pimple a** white woman. i mean really have y'all seen these slugs the ghetto dwellers parade around proudly
but send em to school and their first thought isnt education, oh no its not, its "imma gonna gets me a white woman"
give em some money and the first thing they do is marry a white woman
then you wonder why the sisters have attitude problems, wouldn't you ????
9/15/2013 4:12:13 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
asking self, "do i really care what some crybaby libtard b*tch thinks", answering self, "nope"
Of course a person with out enough sense to graduate high school would say that.
9/15/2013 4:17:25 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |
Tavares, FL
47, joined May. 2013
There's always been a rumor that the poor down syndrome kid's real mother in Bristol. But, nobody would allow a DNA test to determine who be da mom.
9/15/2013 4:25:42 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Toledo, OH
52, joined Jan. 2012
Funny how the mere idea that Sarah is not all that she purports herself to be immediately sends a certain segment of the political spectrum in a defensive mode that seeks to deflect the topic by trying to discredit Another part of the politicalspectrum with trite nicknames and tired over used rhetoric.
Its funny...most Liberals I know could care less that she had a fling with a guy right after college - regardless of race. It is only her setting herself on a pedestal of virtue that makes people want to comment at her hypocrisy.
Hell hrm....the inquirer also says Obama used to frequent gay bath houses...this isn't NEW...this story is two years old....and it's based on the palin stalker McGinniss, who even rented a house nextdoor to the palins in order to peep on them...
So I will give it the same weight with a giant "MEH...who cares"...
But as I have pointed out in the past...it's not misogyny when liberal men do it...and calling her son a retard is OK so long as it's a liberal doing it....and here you are...giving it a pass...again....that's disappointing...
I just love the fact that Liberals foam at the mouth anytime Palin is mentioned...
Pavlov smiles.
9/15/2013 4:39:28 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
Of course a person with out enough sense to graduate high school would say that. 
so people who graduate high school care what crybaby libtard femals think ??? yea ok, you go on and keep believing that 
you cant stand it because yes you are right did not graduate high school & have somehow still managed to work/buy my own food/buy my own clothes/pay my own rent/raise a child by myself/own my own car/pay my own healthcare (on me and my daughter) & at 46 am completely out of debt.
it eats you alive that i can do it on my own without big brothers help, something 90% of the black race either cant or wont do
9/15/2013 5:58:15 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
See here is thebig ppicture. Sarah comes across as this wholesome individual. When in fact she's quit her job, been accused of unethical behavior and gets into tit for tats with Roger Ailes (head of Fox).Sarah is an oopportunist. Nothing wrong with that, it's the American Way. However it isa ggood idea to use tact. Her sleeping with Glen was opportunity, her leaving one school to attend a another way opportunity to start over. And over, and over. This isn't race baiting on my behalf. No one here can point out my race baiting. Not one incident. Bcuz I said, "She HAD jungle fever?" Who am I baiting? What business isit of ours who she sleeps with? The exact point iIwas making is her hypocrisy. Poor people and blacks are the scurge according toppeople like Palin. Unless you want to get you a little without no one knowing.
9/15/2013 5:59:31 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Conley, GA
45, joined Apr. 2013
Plain still has more success then Obama at creating jobs, running an a economy
Sorry liberals you fail again
Palin quit her job, commentfail to all be damned
9/15/2013 6:01:42 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

New Hope, PA
75, joined Feb. 2008
The only thing PALIN could ever run was her mouth and sadly she still does that.
9/15/2013 6:17:38 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
so people who graduate high school care what crybaby libtard femals think ??? yea ok, you go on and keep believing that
you cant stand it because yes you are right did not graduate high school & have somehow still managed to work/buy my own food/buy my own clothes/pay my own rent/raise a child by myself/own my own car/pay my own healthcare (on me and my daughter) & at 46 am completely out of debt.
it eats you alive that i can do it on my own without big brothers help, something 90% of the black race either cant or wont do
Lmao it's not 90% but that 8hr GED wouldn't teach you that!! All you give is sound bites from Fox News because you are too dumb to do your own research. You vote against your own intrest in case you ever were to strike it rich one day lmao I guess that how they keep selling that dream to you
9/15/2013 6:42:14 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Boulder, CO
96, joined Jun. 2008
who cares what race she dated?
I don't do one-nighters and never did, but it IS a free country, and those who choose to have relationships that way have to answer only to their own conscience and self-image/feelings of self-worth.
no law prohibits it between consenting adults, though, unless there are archaic fornication laws still on the books somewhere.
9/15/2013 6:50:29 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
Lmao it's not 90% but that 8hr GED wouldn't teach you that!! All you give is sound bites from Fox News because you are too dumb to do your own research. You vote against your own intrest in case you ever were to strike it rich one day lmao I guess that how they keep selling that dream to you 
thats all you can muster a liberal soundbite,,,who do i believe you or my lying eyes 
9/15/2013 6:51:45 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Sanger, TX
52, joined Oct. 2010
Didn't one of her friends say that Palin was attracted to black men?
After Glen Rice, she's probably been spoiled.
you act envious
9/15/2013 7:11:23 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
thats all you can muster a liberal soundbite,,,who do i believe you or my lying eyes 
You should believe a book if you cared not to put your ignorance on display for all to see
9/15/2013 7:20:42 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
and let me guess, you just happen to have a book for me to read huh 
9/15/2013 7:23:29 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |


Lithonia, GA
37, joined Jul. 2013
No any book ... Just read one on the topic.. Read!! Read !!  
9/15/2013 7:29:52 PM |
Sarah Palin's one night stand with former NBA Star |

Norman, OK
49, joined Mar. 2013
i just got done reading killing kennedy, you might wanna read it yourself, before that i read the pillars of the earth, (it was a awesome book) and before that i read the turner diaries just to see what all the hoopla was about and quit 1/2 way because it pretty much disgusted me,,,,but again if you have a recommendation ill be happy to get it at the library next week when i am picking up next months read. 