12/24/2013 5:27:04 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Jupiter, FL
24, joined Feb. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
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12/24/2013 5:58:39 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
Merry Christmas, OP -- and all who pass here.
12/24/2013 5:58:54 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010

12/25/2013 4:10:58 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Springdale, AR
63, joined May. 2012
They do work. I know several that not only work but own their own business's and have white employees. Some people don't work and it includes all races. A better question to ask is why many "people" don't work?
That is easy. Liberal thinkers being afflicted with a consuming desire to save and protect everyone have established social safety networks intended to care for and rescue our less "fortunate" citizens. In their zeal save these people they have effectively subjugated them to government benevolence.
In the book, "Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It", former hustler and welfare addict Star Parker explains it from the perspective of a black woman that escaped it. It is good reading for anyone interested in the subject, especially racial bigots and liberal do gooders.

12/25/2013 5:59:19 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
Why do most bigots feel so big behind a computer but in real time they wouldn't say a thing?
12/26/2013 1:29:29 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Granite Falls, NC
58, joined Sep. 2013
Why do most bigots feel so big behind a computer but in real time they wouldn't say a thing?
^^^This is True!
1/2/2014 12:28:41 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Tulsa, OK
59, joined Oct. 2013
What an incredibly asinine thread 
1/3/2014 9:17:17 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Ochopee, FL
59, joined Nov. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
1/4/2014 10:07:22 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Springdale, AR
63, joined May. 2012
There is an aspect to it that makes sense in the proper context. "Many" blacks actually do not work. Evidence is apparent in much higher unemployment rates, especially among black men, than other ethnic groups. There are many possible explanations for it.
The most believable one I have seen is presented in a book written by Star Parker, a former "inmate" of the welfare system. In her book she describes how various safety net programs literally "trap" people on what she calls the "government plantation". Because of free housing projects, housing assistance, SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, and other welfare programs provide a comfortable enough way of life there is little incentive for people to become personally responsible and work to get beyond it.
As a result they are "trapped" on "government plantations" because leaving and making it on your own is too risky. She explains how it has actually influenced "black culture" to the point that it has become an expected way of life. It is a very interesting take on the matter, especially for people that profess they don't like blacks because of racism, but because of the culture they represent. Parker seems to believe the a "Black Culture" of dependency promoted by liberal politicians and shysters like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have actually subjugated blacks to government control.
Incidentally, Star Parker is black. A synopsis of her work can be found at the web site below.
1/6/2014 3:41:25 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
As a result they are "trapped" on "government plantations" because leaving and making it on your own is too risky.
Most people can 'make it on their own', we've got homeless out here right now, 'making it on their own'....the difference is what we view as 'making it'...
So much focus is on the material, so many would be pleased with a minimalist life, shelter from the cold, adequate and nutritious food, clean water, clean clothes, a place to lay your head.
Perhaps if corporations invested more in any given # of laborers the 'basic' goal could be accomplished.
Basic needs, those are the things we take for granted.
Let me think.
Maybe the additional corporate jet could be waived, the expenses for wining and dining sponsors, REASONABLE wages for the executive, no more 'top heavy' nonsense in the form of green paper.
1/6/2014 3:51:23 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
A good question would be why aren't corporations fair and why are they greedy?
There are a gazillion examples of corporate welfare and greed in this country. This stuff has been going on for far too long, and has been refined in todays times.
This is interesting:
The Mining Act of 1872........ The law meant to encourage the development of natural resources, and has not been updated for modern times. It allows companies (foreign and domestic) to essentially take public land for their own profit. The Canadian company American Barrick Corporation, for example, patented (this a process for gaining title to the land) nearly 2,000 acres of public land in 1994 in Nevada. It was estimated to contain over $10 billion in recoverable gold reserves, yet taxpayers received less than $10,000 in payment. - See more at: http://www.999ideas.com/corporate-welfare-examples.html#sthash.45qLI2FE.dpuf
1/14/2014 11:23:55 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Springdale, AR
63, joined May. 2012
Most people can 'make it on their own', we've got homeless out here right now, 'making it on their own'....the difference is what we view as 'making it'...
So much focus is on the material, so many would be pleased with a minimalist life, shelter from the cold, adequate and nutritious food, clean water, clean clothes, a place to lay your head.
Perhaps if corporations invested more in any given # of laborers the 'basic' goal could be accomplished.
Basic needs, those are the things we take for granted.
Let me think.
Maybe the additional corporate jet could be waived, the expenses for wining and dining sponsors, REASONABLE wages for the executive, no more 'top heavy' nonsense in the form of green paper.
When I was working we had a group of Russian government and academic people visit. They were fascinated with the automation we had. At one point I jokingly told one of their delegation that we were updating and replacing one of the machines they were so fascinated with and might trade it for one of those cool Russian "Icon" paintings. The nice lady told me that would be impossible. She explained that they had the ability to automate a lot of their production but that was illegal in Russia. The purpose was to keep the maximum number of people working, they were not allowed to do anything that eliminated jobs associated with menial tasks.
That strategy hasn't worked out very well for them economically and it wouldn't work here. It would actually make things much worse. The greatest cost in any manufacturing process is labor cost. Labor cost is particularly high in the USA when compared to our competition in other countries. If we hired more labor and increased their pay the few industries that can still compete would not be able to in international markets. Doing what you suggest sounds like the right and compassionate thing to do but one must think about what is more compassionate. A lower paying job or no job.
While the "income gap" between top executives and workers has grown, one must look at the math involved. If the top execs took a huge pay cut and that was distributed to workers instead what would the effect be? In most cases of larger companies it might give the employees another penny or two an hour in wages. That is hardly worth it to anyone. The "line workers" would need a much larger increase than that to make a difference to them. But it does make a real difference to some workers. It does makes a huge difference to the most handsomely compensated workers in America.
Who might that be? Direct government workers. Not contractors to the government, but the government's own labor force. Their salaries are on average 30% higher than their civilian counterparts and they have medical, vacation, and retirement benefits no private sector worker can even dream about. When one in five workers are currently employed by federal, state and local government employees that tips the scales significantly. The same workers that are being "ripped off" for a few cents an hour by "big old mean big business executives" are actually getting hosed by their neighbors employed by the government.
The government has no money it doesn't take from anyone else. It does not create wealth or make a profit. Government is an expense paid for by everyone in the private sector. It is important to remember that those government workers and their benefits are being paid by every single worker no matter their tax status or what they earn in private industry. Paying all those government employees their lofty salaries and benefits are part of the cost of doing business and uses money business needs to keep to be able to afford to pay it's workers better and expand their employment benefits.
Don't blame private business large and small for the lack of growth in wages, blame those responsible for it. That would be the government and in part the mega finance corporations that seem to be the only profitable businesses left. Ever notice that as jobs evaporate and wages in the private sector continue to stall, government workers are getting raises and Wall Street is booming? Government workers, finance, and the FED are the only winners left.
1/14/2014 8:03:07 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
I saw this earlier and wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt and look at it with/out bias.
The thread is racist.
Either you see 'that' or all of your ramblings on the wrongs of government will mean little in comparison.
There is a difference between agenda's, profit, and huge dividends which could be passed on in the form of stock dividends, pensions or benefits. These items are essential to life to get people off of the dole, a dole they don't want in the first place, these things I've mentioned would be incentive to the worker and promote production due to contented workers. What is wrong with that? Everyone wins. Dental insurance are not bad words.
Benefits shouldn't be a luxury.
My crazy neighbor has the right to own a gun.
I should have a right to health insurance.
Yes, that is a correct. It should be a right.
I wish he would have gone all the way and socialized it.
I believe medical care, and education should be free.
Have a good evening, BTW I still think you look like Harrison Ford.
1/24/2014 1:31:30 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Springdale, AR
63, joined May. 2012
I saw this earlier and wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt and look at it with/out bias.
The thread is racist.
Either you see 'that' or all of your ramblings on the wrongs of government will mean little in comparison.
There is a difference between agenda's, profit, and huge dividends which could be passed on in the form of stock dividends, pensions or benefits. These items are essential to life to get people off of the dole, a dole they don't want in the first place, these things I've mentioned would be incentive to the worker and promote production due to contented workers. What is wrong with that? Everyone wins. Dental insurance are not bad words.
Benefits shouldn't be a luxury.
My crazy neighbor has the right to own a gun.
I should have a right to health insurance.
Yes, that is a correct. It should be a right.
I wish he would have gone all the way and socialized it.
I believe medical care, and education should be free.
Have a good evening, BTW I still think you look like Harrison Ford.
The only right anyone really needs is the right to self determination and to the fruits of their labor and the property they work for. Without some rules we would live in chaos, so some rules are necessary. With those rules we give up some rights, but it is necessary to be able to live in an ordered society where rights are protected.
There are several problems with making healthcare a right not the least of which is that in order to do that you must infringe on the rights of others. There are so many things wrong with socializing anything that it is hard to decide where to start. The most important aspect of socializing anything is you lose the ability to make personal choices, hand over control to government bureaucrats, and give up many other freedoms. I would rather live free and be sick and hungry than give up my freedoms and rely on someone else for anything.
Education is already essentially "free". There are resources where one can become educated to their hearts content. Almost every Ivy League University has it's courses free online. You don't get "credits" for learning that way but the education part is free, all you have to do is use them. In that respect education is already free. Experience and qualifications are not. Those you must earn or pay for.
The whole world, the country, your state, county, city or whatever is not your parents or family and are not responsible for you. You are responsible for you. If you are irresponsible that is also up to you. It is your problem and not anyone else's. To attempt to create "rights" to the fruits of other people's labor makes you either a beggar or theif. Our current government is guilty of both.
Therein lies the difference between a liberal and a responsible and rational human being. A responsible person does what it takes to get what they want. They don't wait for anyone to hand them anything for free. They go out and do things, invent things, create things, learn things, provide services, labor and do what they have to rather than wait around for someone to hand what they want to them for free. A liberal never grows out of childhood. They simply trade the protection, comfort, and supervision of their parents for government parenting later in life. In short, liberals are irresponsible children that never grow up.

1/25/2014 10:10:30 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
There are several problems with making healthcare a right not the least of which is that in order to do that you must infringe on the rights of others. There are so many things wrong with socializing anything that it is hard to decide where to start. The most important aspect of socializing anything is you lose the ability to make personal choices, hand over control to government bureaucrats, and give up many other freedoms. I would rather live free and be sick and hungry than give up my freedoms and rely on someone else for anything.
Education is already essentially "free". There are resources where one can become educated to their hearts content. Almost every Ivy League University has it's courses free online. You don't get "credits" for learning that way but the education part is free, all you have to do is use them. In that respect education is already free. Experience and qualifications are not. Those you must earn or pay for.
The removal of the snow from the roads are 'socialized' so I can get to work. Also, give up your social security if you really want to make a statement. It is an economic stabilizer put into place during a time in our history of bread lines and wealthy folk stock market disappointments. Persons such as yourself didn't like it then either, now we pray not to loose it. This is where intelligent discernment comes in. My neighbors' healthcare is not an infringement on my rights. Why should it be? I'd have the same.
Neither of us would need to worry about the devastation of a catastrophic accident destroying everything we have worked for so some arrogant "me & mine" mentality and profit only geared insurance company could find a way to deny payment and say we're a 'free-loader' when we can't bleed water from a rock!!
No educational credits? Find a job with no degree in a 2014 competitive market, best wishes. Creativity within ones labor with the knowledge they can provide for themselves and family as a man and a woman is essential.
More importantly than guns before anyone is allowed to do anything as important as to participate in the selection our leaders in order to vote they should prove that they are responsible, rational adults that have a knowledge and understanding of the US Constitution, our laws, civics, economics, American History and society, and government operations while having skin in the game
Yes, history take a look. Greed within an economic system of unlegislated policies and practices failed, which lead to our collapse.
Take another look at history. Pensions were incentive, retirement was reachable, benefits were then the norm. within a company of any reputable practice, it is anticipated that persons 'need' healthcare and rightly so.
Take a look at the history of how we have dealt with property and land. If we wanted it, we 'took' it. It's all there, the history of this nation. Unfortunately we're also in other nations plundering their resources as well, either because we can, or under the guise of a justified prolonged war.
I like looking at things from all angles. If someone states something I like to see how it will affect the recipient it is directed at. 'Their' view.
I'll even engage those with the 'me & mine' mentality from time to time.
5/1/2014 3:32:13 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
All the blacks I know personally have good jobs, and united families, homeowners and very respectable friends and neighbors.
However, I am in an upscale neighborhood.
I am pretty much convinced you are referring to the stereotypical black, from the ghetto, and I fully understand why.
However the blacks I am associated with are educated, with the same standards as the accepted society, and BTW, they don't run with your selected bunch, and for the most part, hate it when these losers like the Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, crowd, scream about black people, dragging them into the loser bunch.
5/3/2014 1:45:06 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Phoenix, AZ
45, joined Jan. 2014
Idk you tell me. I'm black.
5/12/2014 6:32:58 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Montgomery, AL
48, joined Jul. 2011
Hey deneez looks like u have the internet or a phone with, which states you make more than these homeless why Dont you give them your money? How many jobs have you gotten and held from a poor person? Is it OK for you to act like a corporation? Why? 58dpilot has more intelligence than you will ever build up! If a hand out is what u want just become even more unproductive with your life and you'll get it. It is very easy these days to be as sorry as you wanna be isn't it.
[Edited 5/12/2014 6:35:19 AM ]
5/12/2014 10:48:11 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |


High Point, NC
57, joined Jan. 2013
Absurd from the word go.
5/13/2014 6:15:36 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Jacksonville, AR
56, joined Jan. 2008
Most people can 'make it on their own', we've got homeless out here right now, 'making it on their own'....the difference is what we view as 'making it'...
So much focus is on the material, so many would be pleased with a minimalist life, shelter from the cold, adequate and nutritious food, clean water, clean clothes, a place to lay your head.
Perhaps if corporations invested more in any given # of laborers the 'basic' goal could be accomplished.
Basic needs, those are the things we take for granted.
Let me think.
Maybe the additional corporate jet could be waived, the expenses for wining and dining sponsors, REASONABLE wages for the executive, no more 'top heavy' nonsense in the form of green paper.
I agree OP is nutty and likely racist.
but I love that some young lady has the same views as I do about corporations and their CEOs etc.
5/13/2014 6:16:47 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Jacksonville, AR
56, joined Jan. 2008
A good question would be why aren't corporations fair and why are they greedy?
There are a gazillion examples of corporate welfare and greed in this country. This stuff has been going on for far too long, and has been refined in todays times.
This is interesting:
The Mining Act of 1872........ The law meant to encourage the development of natural resources, and has not been updated for modern times. It allows companies (foreign and domestic) to essentially take public land for their own profit. The Canadian company American Barrick Corporation, for example, patented (this a process for gaining title to the land) nearly 2,000 acres of public land in 1994 in Nevada. It was estimated to contain over $10 billion in recoverable gold reserves, yet taxpayers received less than $10,000 in payment. - See more at: http://www.999ideas.com/corporate-welfare-examples.html#sthash.45qLI2FE.dpuf
This is the post I meant to quote in reply too.
5/15/2014 6:46:12 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
This is the post I meant to quote in reply too.

5/30/2014 6:27:40 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Albion, IN
68, joined Jul. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
7/19/2014 7:25:21 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Is it true that if you hide the soap in his work boots that's a good way of knowing? Makes sense to me. They smell like shit and work as shitty.
You must be an educated moron,,what's your claim to fame,,,fathering..obviously you should have someone take soap and wash the prejudice out of ya..
8/8/2014 7:03:32 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
Can someone define for me what a Moderate is when it comes to politicson this site?
Thank you.
8/17/2014 12:57:16 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Wheat Ridge, CO
52, joined Jan. 2011
Is it true that if you hide the soap in his work boots that's a good way of knowing? Makes sense to me. They smell like shit and work as shitty.
If u cant understand a stupid racist joke (circa 1972) mayb u should stick to craylons and rounded scissors. Leave computers to the adults 
8/17/2014 9:49:39 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
 The same reason those of other races don't work? Few jobs? Bad economy?
8/17/2014 9:49:56 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010

8/21/2014 10:11:00 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Phoenix, AZ
45, joined Jan. 2014
They do you just stupid.
8/23/2014 9:07:11 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
Black doesn't work as well with all the brilliant colors of spring and summer ... that's why whites and pastels work better in the warmer weather.
8/29/2014 9:47:21 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Simi Valley, CA
49, joined Sep. 2013

8/29/2014 12:07:01 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
What's your opinion, OP?
9/28/2014 12:26:57 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Sacramento, CA
35, joined Sep. 2014
you being racist and that's judging who do you think you are to think such dumb thought theres many black people who work and don't smell grow up I be praying for you racist soul 
10/8/2014 1:25:50 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Omaha, NE
30, joined Jun. 2014
A lot of blacks dont work and live in a mostly black poor area. Some blacks however do work. My boyfriend works for Microsoft and makes good money.
10/8/2014 2:15:34 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Saint Louis, MO
36, joined Apr. 2014
I think this is ridiculous who everpost this is not a man. Grow up I know a lot of very smart intelligent African Americans
10/12/2014 12:06:50 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Nampa, ID
43, joined Aug. 2013

10/15/2014 6:33:07 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Lincolnton, NC
40, joined Aug. 2012
Sir....I work and attend school fulltime...bangin out 14 credits this semester studying law. So your theory is just rubbish.
Obviously a person of color has either out done you or has done something to you to make you feel inferior so in return you feel that you must lash out with above outbursts of ignorance and show your contempt toward this mystery person online as you probably are fearful of doing so in person.
My question to you is what is REALLY going on here? With you? You seem to have insecurities and may need to seek therapy for this issue bc people of color are not going anywhere. And if you are a slacker in your profession and are afraid you will lose your job to a person of color then you need to step up your game and do your job....
Whiney ass!
[Edited 10/15/2014 6:33:46 PM ]
10/23/2014 5:14:05 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
What is your point, OP?
Substantiate your topic claim, please.
11/1/2014 12:11:33 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
I work Monday-Friday caring for the elderly and disabled. .have for 11 years
11/6/2014 10:32:07 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Kansas City, KS
40, joined Jun. 2013
i work more then 40 hrs a week
my bad im mexican
11/18/2014 12:49:57 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Opa Locka, FL
37, joined Oct. 2014
Black were discriminated against for year and still are now to this day. At one point blacks couldn't work because they're black. Blacks make up about 20% of this country.
Yet whites make up 74% of this country. We're never discriminated against do to there skin color. Never was oppressed in this country yet it's a equal amount of lazy pathetic dog smelling swines that's to sorry to get a job. Why? Because swines are naturally lazy weak people. Who designed a system (welfare) for the lazy swines that they continue to inbred.
Because blacks are on welfare. White hate that the had to support just one let alone a equal amount that they nasty a** keep producing....
11/18/2014 12:50:44 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Opa Locka, FL
37, joined Oct. 2014
i work more then 40 hrs a week
my bad im mexican
For 1/4 the wages lmao....hard workers but not bright at all.
Efficient too!!! Lol 10 families live under one roof no matter how small the house is.
[Edited 11/18/2014 12:52:14 PM ]
12/12/2014 10:45:18 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Pickens, SC
38, joined Apr. 2013
Never seen a broken one OP.
12/13/2014 12:11:29 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Pickens, SC
38, joined Apr. 2013
Sir....I work and attend school fulltime...bangin out 14 credits this semester studying law. So your theory is just rubbish.
Obviously a person of color has either out done you or has done something to you to make you feel inferior so in return you feel that you must lash out with above outbursts of ignorance and show your contempt toward this mystery person online as you probably are fearful of doing so in person.
My question to you is what is REALLY going on here? With you? You seem to have insecurities and may need to seek therapy for this issue bc people of color are not going anywhere. And if you are a slacker in your profession and are afraid you will lose your job to a person of color then you need to step up your game and do your job....
Whiney ass! 
You know damned well he won't talk that shit where a person could hear it for real.
12/24/2014 4:16:30 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Winnipeg, MB
65, joined Sep. 2008
Is it true that if you hide the soap in his work boots that's a good way of knowing? Makes sense to me. They smell like shit and work as shitty.
Florida eh? I guess you southerners are still living in the pre-Civil war mentality. You and your kind are an embarassment to the human race.
People who are disadvantaged by the systemic plundering of others who see them as a comodity have little chance of upward mobility.
It is racist morons like you, OP that feed this crap to your children and will keep them in everlasting stupidity - just like you.
I liked Denny's comment on 'socialized' snow removal. Her assessment of 'unbridled capitalism' is also accurate. Those with power will abuse and use those beneath them while all the resources they acquire does them and the nation no real good. It is greed for greeds own sake.
Your post is a reflection of your pathetic lack of judgment and all those who rally to defend your idiotic claims are simply 'white trash'.
12/25/2014 6:09:31 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
I liked Denny's comment on 'socialized' snow removal. Her assessment of 'unbridled capitalism' is also accurate.
Two years ago I remember asking what 'unbridled' capitalism was. Your answer wasn't plain enough for me to totally comprehend which began a search, so I thank you.
Recently, your assessment of the current CIA scandal's are accurate in not being 'party' oriented, or at least they should not be.
However, keeping both of the aforementioned in mind, I do not regret my decision in voting repub in the last election, I cannot. If one was going to vote in our country in the last round, it was a time of great confusion.
How the almighty dollar was going to be put to use (the principle party divide) to attempt to salvage jobs, a collapsed housing market, and offer a pathway for the underprivileged reckons that money can save a country. Currently, under this President the topic of this thread (shear racism) for example is worst than it has ever been, health care remains unaffordable (especially for the lower middle working class) and guns remain in the hands of lunatics.
The chief benefit of our President is that the problems have been more deeply defined insomuch that the deep moral decay of the greedy, and the actions of those that dare to call themselves 'Christian' solidifies (for me at least) that there is another way....namely to do away with our current 2 party system that continues to offer more of the same.... the same.
http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/column.php?n=2306 (A plea to confused Catholics - Alice von Hildebrand)
No one will read it, but 'you' may understand the similarities that I find, at least within the aspects of torture.
Merry Christmas d_voted.
1/2/2015 2:55:47 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Norfolk, VA
41, joined Sep. 2013
because they are bred to be lazy .by watching they're parents not work and live on handouts ...
1/3/2015 8:01:12 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Rochester, MI
58, joined Apr. 2012
Says the ignorant one who sticks his head in a phony picture stand at the fair and believes he's riding a horse. The only thing authentic thing about it is the fear on your face expressed, which is apparent in all the others and everything else as well.
1/3/2015 2:12:18 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |
White Lake, MI
57, joined Jul. 2014
I work for a major auto supplier in suburban metro Detroit. 80% of our work force is black, many of which ride buses for hours to get here 7 days a week. 
3/23/2015 12:51:00 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Denham Springs, LA
39, joined Jun. 2014
OP,You a ignorant racist moron.Here's to you a**hole...  
3/23/2015 10:58:55 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010

4/6/2015 12:27:22 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Denham Springs, LA
39, joined Jun. 2014
because they are bred to be lazy .by watching they're parents not work and live on handouts ...
Forum friendly?!! Change your profile name to Forum Unfriendly you ignorant racist moron.
6/13/2015 6:57:34 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Panama City, FL
41, joined Apr. 2011
First of all u have all race that don't work black white Mexican so y does it always have to be about black nine time out of ten half of white wants to be black r better yet f**k a black person when u prejudge b*tch u have issues with ur self not blacks its so sad that y'all idiot s still think we're slaves if u want a slave use ur kids or husband's r wives what ever u have and half of u sit in church every sunday smh     
6/13/2015 7:00:52 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Panama City, FL
41, joined Apr. 2011
Isn't true all f**king get food stamp welfare so don't just say black people
6/13/2015 7:03:11 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Panama City, FL
41, joined Apr. 2011
So what do u call the white that livesin a tent with no teeth and dirty because like this is jus downing blacks
7/28/2015 11:12:52 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Springdale, AR
63, joined May. 2012
Unbridled capitalism? Interesting concept. It is where the money comes from.
Exploit people? Who does that? Business? Hardly. No one is forced to work anywhere so if they are being "exploited" it is their own fault. They can always go work somewhere else or create their own business, or even live under a bridge. Nobody can make anyone work anywhere or at anything they don't want to.
Who exploits people? That's an easy one. Politicians do. Especially Democrats. They run 10 out of 10 of America's largest cities with the highest poverty rates. The 13th Amendment abolishing slavery only had 23% Democrat support and 100% Republican support. The 14th Amendment granting citizenship to freed slaves had 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support. The 15th granting to right to vote to all was 100% R and 0% D.
Republicans aren't any better though. When it comes to both parties they want to increase the size and expand the power and scope of the federal government. Both want to expand government and welfare dependency and above all both want to serve their own agendas and moneyed special interests. Neither is concerned with serving the People as in the American People.
The bad guys are not business owners large or small. Capitalism isn't the bad guy, either. Politicians are the bad guys, especially the most delusional of all politicians; the progressive liberal elite. In the last year or so we have seen unprecedented decline in race relations. We have seen some of our most sacred cultural institutions destroyed by courts. We have seen the system of checks and balances among the three branches of government collude and conspire rather than keep one another in check.
The unfortunate truth is that the biggest problem we have is with government and it's endless hoards of omnipotent bureaucrats. The Federal government is out of control because it is in control, of everything. They control everything you eat, drink, buy, sell, trade, and do every second of your life. They have a law, rule, or regulation for everything you can possibly do and they can enforce their will with impudence using the police power of the state any time they choose.
So after all that what does it have to do with "Why blacks don't work?". They don't work for exactly the same reasons other Americans regardless of race don't. The government won't let them. They won't let them because if they do they are much more difficult to control.
People that pay attention and see through the BS have always known these things. In recent months the progressives that would steal everyone's freedom have gone on a final hard offensive push (pun intended) and rang an alarm loudly enough that many people that normally sleep through the crazy stuff have awakened. They have caused an effect they didn't count on. All across America a quiet rage is building against the assault on American values more than ever in the history of this great country. Our concerns and patience is being tried, tested, and attacked by a group of elitists hell bent on the destruction of our country. It's time for people to unite against these irrational elitists and take our country back.      
11/25/2015 12:16:36 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |


Berthoud, CO
45, joined Sep. 2014
Black people make up 22% of the poor in this country but only get 14% of the benefits while White people makeup 42% of the poor and get 69% of the benefits which is weird because aren't we suppose to be the Michael Jordan's welfare?
12/14/2015 11:51:05 AM |
Why don't blacks work? |
Burlington, NC
32, joined Nov. 2015
Hmmmm. I work six days a week, in a lab, processing specimens to detect and diagnose cancer, stds, and other illnesses/diseases. not a drop of ANY other ethnicity in my blood far as ive researched so its fair to say that I'm 100 percent BLACK. And i just so happen to have the second highest production percentage (the first is a Black woman) in a lab of Whites and I smell like white diamonds btw. So my question is what Blacks are you speaking of op? 
12/14/2015 1:01:14 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Assumption, IL
69, joined May. 2010
The OP probably won't respond, Mamma. he hasn't posted on this site in 3 years. No need to work up a response after considering the source.
Have a great day and happy holidays. 
1/29/2016 6:44:29 PM |
Why don't blacks work? |

Somerville, MA
49, joined Jul. 2014
The OP probably won't respond, Mamma.  he hasn't posted on this site in 3 years. No need to work up a response after considering the source.
Have a great day and happy holidays.  