3/17/2014 3:57:55 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Lincoln, IL
97, joined Jul. 2007
Revelation 19.11-16 (NIV)
11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a [white horse], whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.
12 [His eyes] are like [blazing fire], and on his head are [many crowns]. He has a [name written] on him that [no one knows but he himself].
13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.
14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 Coming out of [his mouth] is a [sharp sword] with which to [strike down the nations]. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
16 On his robe and [on] his [thigh] he has this [name] written:
[king of kings] and [lord of lords].
Can any interpret this in a modern day termology as who the Messiah is.
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3/23/2014 10:10:43 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
3/30/2014 3:31:43 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010
I've studied different religions, not just christianity. There's some commonalities with prophecy: dates/times, groups, and code. Code is often subjective. I just toss it out as rubbish. like all of revelation. reads like mushroom trip induced twaddle. Groups are interesting. There's generally 2 groups left: believers that form or update the religion, and left behinds. Like jews and christians. the left behinds don't believe in the new prophet and are left behind. dates/times are where it's at. christians often burp that the day and time won't be known. they're often literal about things. well that literally only means the day and the time. doesn't mention the year. which is quite handy since they've already had prophecy about the year for Jesus, which mentions his return too. but since things didn't fit their last books mushroom induced like reading of the end days, they won't believe a messiah or prophet has already come and gone. which means the bible is wrong. oh wait, but it's the infallible word of god.
the last thing they all have in common is noise. People insert their own noise to understanding religious text. they want the text to fit their own feelings. for the jews is probably a prophet come to smite their enemies. since that didn't happen physically w/ a body count, they refused to believe (no I'm not christian). that's just an example.
most religious text attempt to educate people to stop thinking like monkeys and achieve something better. it's a gradual process (aka progressive revelation). unfortunately the occasional jackass screws with the text and it passes down <-- that's my guess. Everyone's religion seems to have really great points and then the occasional asinine thoughts.
in short, there isn't a messiah, there never will be. there's only teaching and learning. no one is coming to smite our enemies, or send the people we don't like to hell. there is either joy or disappointment.
3/30/2014 6:05:06 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Philadelphia, PA
50, joined Jan. 2014
The Goddess/God in you. No one wasborn with religion. I don't need a book or Hue-man telling me what's in my heart. I worship the SUN. If there id no SUN - There will be nothing living.
3/30/2014 6:57:20 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
Worms don't like the sun.
4/6/2014 10:22:23 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
Can any interpret this in a modern day termology as who the Messiah is.
Why J. R. Bob Dobbs is, silly!

4/6/2014 4:23:16 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
Not sure what needs to be interpreted. But the messiah is God Almighty... in plain terms. Who comes to bring his wrath to those who are against His Kingdom. He is king of all kings no one rules over him.. but by him they rule.
4/6/2014 7:12:24 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
And which God would that be, the messiah is claimed by quite a few religions.
4/7/2014 6:10:10 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
And which God would that be, the messiah is claimed by quite a few religions.
Simple the one true living God of Israel
4/9/2014 4:20:07 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
Simple the one true living God of Israel
Any particular time period.
Lots of Gods came out of Israel.
4/14/2014 2:51:00 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

San Leandro, CA
48, joined Oct. 2012
The Original name of the hebrew messiah is called Yahshua ben Yoseph. He was called Yahshua the Messiah after his baptism by John the baptist in the river jordan and the stary of his ministry when he was 30years old.
In hebrew it is pronounced Yahshua ha Masheak =Yahshua the Anointed One=The Holy Spirit (John 14:26)
Look in a Websters collegate dictionary under (Jesus) and you will see latin -Iesus, Greek-Iesous, and hebres-Yeshua. There never was and still is not a letter (J) in hebrew and the letter J is the last letter added to the english language and it is only 400 years old, and the letter (J) originated from the letter (I) and the letter (I) originated from the lettet(Y) look in a encyclopedia on each of the above alphabets J,I and Y on the first page on each letter to prove this fact, then look back at the names in websters dictionary English- Jesus, Latin -Iesus,Greek-Iesous, and Hebrew-Yeshua/Yahshua.
His name is derived from his fathets name,and just as we bear our biological fathers last name in our names likewise Yahshua/Jesus has his fathers name in his.
YAHWEH is hiw fathers name and you see the words Yah in Yahshuas name meaning Yahweh is salvation and in fact when the angel gabriel appeared to mary he told her to name the child Yahshua because he would save his people(Israel) from their sins. The word Halleluia is really spelled Hallelu-Yah and means praise Yahweh.
Would post more on this subject later,my phone battery is low Sorry!
Stay blessed,peace and free the land with love and compassion for one another.
Yahweh Shalom-Yahweh is Peace!!!!
4/14/2014 6:03:30 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Onalaska, TX
57, joined Aug. 2007
Not sure what needs to be interpreted. But the messiah is God Almighty... in plain terms. Who comes to bring his wrath to those who are against His Kingdom. He is king of all kings no one rules over him.. but by him they rule.
who rules over YOU now in the current and real context?
who has authority over you at this very moment?
4/14/2014 6:28:06 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Onalaska, TX
57, joined Aug. 2007
Quote from satanself36:
12 [His eyes] are like [blazing fire], and on his head are [many crowns]. He has a [name written] on him that [no one knows but he himself].
written into your memory, can be easily recalled...tatooed into your memory...in the forefront of your memory that you are not suppose to share...the name is the number...
15 Coming out of [his mouth] is a [sharp sword] with which to [strike down the nations]. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
The sword is the emblem of military honor and should incite the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue in warlike deeds. It is also symbolic of liberty and strength. In the Middle Ages, the sword was often used as a symbol of the word of God.
coming out of his mouth is the word of law.
4/14/2014 7:50:02 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
who rules over YOU now in the current and real context?
who has authority over you at this very moment?
There is one who have rule over me that is the living true God of Israel...
4/16/2014 7:36:56 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Traverse City, MI
68, joined Nov. 2013

Homeless depiction of Jesus causing quite a stir among right wing pieces of shit in this upper middle class community. They've even called the cops on the statue.
4/18/2014 2:54:50 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
only in michigan
8/2/2014 12:19:49 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Baltimore, MD
36, joined Dec. 2012
The One called Barack Obama.
8/2/2014 1:31:56 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
Not sure what needs to be interpreted. But the messiah is God Almighty... in plain terms. Who comes to bring his wrath to those who are against His Kingdom. He is king of all kings no one rules over him.. but by him they rule.
Herein lies the problem...
If God created me then he made me all I am. If I'm an evil person it's because God created me to be evil. Now, it seems, God wants to smite me for being and doing what He created...yet He's the good guy? Why would a perfect God set his creation up for failure? Why wouldn't he just create it right the first time? I have enemies that treat me better than that. It's kind of hypocritical to expect us to forgive while he cannot. I stand against that kingdom. If I am to be damned, let it be for what I am...for what I was created to be.
8/8/2014 12:30:11 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
Herein lies the problem...
If God created me then he made me all I am. If I'm an evil person it's because God created me to be evil. Now, it seems, God wants to smite me for being and doing what He created...yet He's the good guy? Why would a perfect God set his creation up for failure? Why wouldn't he just create it right the first time? I have enemies that treat me better than that. It's kind of hypocritical to expect us to forgive while he cannot. I stand against that kingdom. If I am to be damned, let it be for what I am...for what I was created to be.
Interesting view, But our view or understanding is off. God is parent who love us. When we have children do we plan on making an evil person. Is this what we hope for in our love for them ? So is it the parent fault if they gave them all they neede to be good? But you chose not to do what your parents say and do your own thing. Is that your parents fault?
So when you have to pay for your crimes who should pay them? Your parents? Who taught you better. Or you for not listening? Why should it be your parents fault cause you chose to disobey them ? Why should you dishonor them cause you chose to do wrong. Saying they are not your parents because they birth me this way. I did not ask to be born.... what logic is this. You chose not to follow because of your own pride. You feel you are your own ruler, you should not have to answer to anyone. But you do... if you would take the time you would see that he just want you to be. Example not of a perfect people but grateful one. Realizing God did pay for your crimes. He took your punishment.
8/9/2014 7:08:35 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
Interesting view, But our view or understanding is off. God is parent who love us. When we have children do we plan on making an evil person. Is this what we hope for in our love for them ? So is it the parent fault if they gave them all they neede to be good? But you chose not to do what your parents say and do your own thing. Is that your parents fault?
So when you have to pay for your crimes who should pay them? Your parents? Who taught you better. Or you for not listening? Why should it be your parents fault cause you chose to disobey them ? Why should you dishonor them cause you chose to do wrong. Saying they are not your parents because they birth me this way. I did not ask to be born.... what logic is this. You chose not to follow because of your own pride. You feel you are your own ruler, you should not have to answer to anyone. But you do... if you would take the time you would see that he just want you to be. Example not of a perfect people but grateful one. Realizing God did pay for your crimes. He took your punishment.
I never said I didn't have to answer to anyone. When someone comes after me wearing robes dipped in blood I tend to take offense. Not that it happens often. It sounds more like a dysfunctional family to me! A rebellious teenager is not necessarily a bad thing. That means they're starting to think for themselves. They're becoming an adult. What crime could possibly warrant throwing your children into a lake of fire for all eternity? That might be getting too far off topic and deserves its own.
8/10/2014 4:58:50 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
I never said I didn't have to answer to anyone. When someone comes after me wearing robes dipped in blood I tend to take offense. Not that it happens often. It sounds more like a dysfunctional family to me! A rebellious teenager is not necessarily a bad thing. That means they're starting to think for themselves. They're becoming an adult. What crime could possibly warrant throwing your children into a lake of fire for all eternity? That might be getting too far off topic and deserves its own.
The killing and rapping of other children. Doing harm to other children. These are thing that are punishable by death.
8/10/2014 10:22:21 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
The killing and rapping of other children. Doing harm to other children. These are thing that are punishable by death.
Except the crime we're talking about here is simply not believing...
8/16/2014 11:09:07 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ
8/22/2014 9:33:19 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Works 4 Me:
8/23/2014 2:13:11 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

8/27/2014 7:33:53 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
There have been a long line of them in the world, each speaking appropriately to the time and culture of their human lives. Each had the ability to open the inner eye of his or her disciples so that they could see the light within themselves. Jesus was one such, but there have been many since.
Life comes from life- the dead do not bestow blessings. It is a living Master that takes the souls into super consciousness. Someone who has been there and knows the way.
The real messiah is called word, Naam, Kalma, and many other names, and it becomes manifest in a human pole successively from teacher to student as long as there have been humans.
Why is everyone so strung out about his return?
He never left.
8/28/2014 9:43:04 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ
11/23/2014 7:51:49 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Charlotte, NC
55, joined Sep. 2014
The Messiah iS the Christ not God. God is the creator and not created. There are mysteries in this world, unknown to mankind and God knows all things. The likeness of Christ is that of Adam, who was created with no mother or father.
11/23/2014 9:19:25 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Philadelphia, PA
27, joined Sep. 2013
Messiah simply means one who is anointed
1/26/2015 3:08:17 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Baltimore, MD
36, joined Dec. 2012
Isa (Jesus) was the Messiah, BUT he did NOT die on a cross for our sins and he was NOT God. He came to teach the ways of God. He was a very pious Prophet.
1/26/2015 8:07:39 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Bridgton, ME
46, joined Nov. 2008
Yeshua /Jesus is the real Messiah.
1/26/2015 8:15:01 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Bridgton, ME
46, joined Nov. 2008
He died on the cross for the sin of this world, that atonement might be made for us. Through His death and the blood He shed on the cross, we now have access to the Heavenly Father (God).
Don't take my word for it, heartfeltly repent of your sin and then ask Him (yeshua/Jesus) to come into your heart and you will be a changed person.
No man can do what only the one true God can do.He is amazing!!!!
1/26/2015 8:18:33 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Bridgton, ME
46, joined Nov. 2008
Yeshua means SALVATION.
1/31/2015 1:00:13 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

West Columbia, SC
54, joined Jun. 2014
Israel was promised a messiah would come through them and ruled the world. JESUS was that messiah but what they didn't know that his mission was to take the sins of the world. GOD love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoso ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. With that it is written that he will return again to rule this world.
Your choice to have faith in him or not. When u meet him, it will be loving or it will be with wrath and Judgment. The decision will be did u want to be with him or not. U chose not to so u will not be with him and u will be cast out with the other unbelievers in to hell. But if u chose him, then u will spend eternity, in heavenly bliss.
There is a list in the bible that tells u who are not going to heaven like murderers, adulators, liars, etc.. But the bottom line we are sinner and JESUS is the Savior. If u don't want him then you spend eternity without him. If u don't want to Praise him, and thank him, get on your knees and pray to him now. U don't want to go to heaven anyway.
But when u in hell and hear is name, in weeping, sadness, pain and anguish u will kneel, bow down and will say JESUS is LORD, JESUS is LORD!! You will and Satan and the rest, while burning.., while in heaven we will bow down too an say JESUS IS LORD, JESUS IS LORD!! But with JOY, HAPPINESS, GLADNESS, PRAISE and WORSHIP!!
GOD has promised wonderful things for those that love him through Christ his son! No eyes have seen or ears have heard of the great life for those that love him. Don't u want to go!! GOD IS GOOD!! PRAISE HIM!!
2/7/2015 12:55:04 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The One
2/12/2015 2:38:31 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined Sep. 2010
The real Messiah, the Messiah for the Jews, has not come yet. When he does arrive he will probably be Melchizedek, back for another visit after 4000 years.
4/9/2015 10:42:21 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Baton Rouge, LA
36, joined May. 2013
ST yaya the baptist/st yahvah the baptist/st Yodivivden the baptist/st Eliyah the Baptist/st don Juan el Shaddia the baptist/st jean the baptist/st john the Baptist/st paul the Baptist and the resurrected rebirth back into second dimension of the merely immortal of the living spiritual soul of dead flesh human earth and so on....
4/13/2015 12:01:49 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
The messiah is nature.
It has made us the animals that we are .
But we refuse to believe .
8/17/2015 3:02:17 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
He died on the cross for the sin of this world, that atonement might be made for us. Through His death and the blood He shed on the cross, we now have access to the Heavenly Father (God).
Don't take my word for it, heartfeltly repent of your sin and then ask Him (yeshua/Jesus) to come into your heart and you will be a changed person.
No man can do what only the one true God can do.He is amazing!!!!
John tells us that Yahshua is God's word [power] in the flesh. 
8/19/2015 7:14:00 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
"God comes as a man. If he came as an animal we could not understand his language, and if he came to us as a ghost we could not see him."
Ajaib Singh
Living saviors walk the earth now in human form. Those who have left the body can inspire you with the books that were written of their words, but they cannot save anyone. Spirituality is the gift of the living to the living. Why do you revere the ghosts of dead prophets and saviors and ignore the God men in your midst?
Sant Mat teaches that the power to liberate is passed from Master to disciple and has been for eons. Dead Masters do not take on new disciples, only living ones do.
8/19/2015 7:34:26 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
Sawan Singh Ji

Sant Kirpal Singh Ji

Sant Ajaib Singh

Sahdu Ram Ji

8/22/2015 3:04:52 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
He died on the cross for the sin of this world, that atonement might be made for us. Through His death and the blood He shed on the cross, we now have access to the Heavenly Father (God).
Jesus never taught any such "gospel." That gospel does not come from Jesus. (I know the post above from Leorah is a bit old but I wanted to comment anyway.)
Don't take my word for it, heartfeltly repent of your sin and then ask Him (yeshua/Jesus) to come into your heart and you will be a changed person.
No man can do what only the one true God can do.He is amazing!!!!
Jesus says that we will have eternal life if we do the Father's will.
"Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
"For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." (Matthew 12:50)
"...Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? [Jesus] said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And [Jesus] said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. (Luke 10:25-28)
9/26/2015 6:48:21 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
"God comes as a man. If he came as an animal we could not understand his language, and if he came to us as a ghost we could not see him."
Ajaib Singh
Living saviors walk the earth now in human form. Those who have left the body can inspire you with the books that were written of their words, but they cannot save anyone. Spirituality is the gift of the living to the living. Why do you revere the ghosts of dead prophets and saviors and ignore the God men in your midst?.
Sant Mat teaches that the power to liberate is passed from Master to disciple and has been for eons. Dead Masters do not take on new disciples, only living ones do
We ignore the animals in our midst , when they clearly show all of our faults . Same as any animal , we justify all of our needs , and wants , as faultless .
[Edited 9/26/2015 6:49:37 PM ]
1/1/2016 1:30:44 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Dublin, OH
53, joined Mar. 2013
"God comes as a man. If he came as an animal we could not understand his language, and if he came to us as a ghost we could not see him."
Ajaib Singh
Living saviors walk the earth now in human form. Those who have left the body can inspire you with the books that were written of their words, but they cannot save anyone. Spirituality is the gift of the living to the living. Why do you revere the ghosts of dead prophets and saviors and ignore the God men in your midst?
Sant Mat teaches that the power to liberate is passed from Master to disciple and has been for eons. Dead Masters do not take on new disciples, only living ones do.
A lot of those dead masters taught there is no such things as death. Just a transition from one form to another.
1/14/2016 6:52:54 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Some choose to see the material universe , and the invisible universe , as two separate things .
Some see them as two sides of the same thing .
1/14/2016 8:51:12 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ
2/12/2016 11:13:18 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Jesus loved all living things , they were "his messiah".
2/12/2016 4:23:01 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ
2/13/2016 11:06:23 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Bunker Hill, WV
45, joined Jul. 2013
Jesus loved all living things , they were "his messiah".
No, they were not.
2/14/2016 3:05:58 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ 
2/21/2016 1:00:22 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
All avatars should include a list of everyone blocked . Then everybody can see what they're afraid of .
7/1/2016 7:31:00 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

7/3/2016 1:05:12 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Sep. 2012
People tend to be naive looking for a messiah. They give that title to the wrong person. Look at David Koresh or Jim Jones. I hope their followers found what they were looking for before they died.
I never understood this part of Christianity. Aren't you supposed to love your enemies? Someone dressed in robes dipped in blood isn't a savior, He's a mass murderer. If you want to smite your enemies do the dirty deed yourself. Don't look for someone else to do it for you. Your hands aren't any cleaner. I guess it's different when your enemies find their messiah to smite you. Maybe we should smite ourselves and save us all the trouble. Haven't we moved passed this behavior yet?
If each of us would do our small part to make the world a better place we wouldn't need a messiah! It would be a better place!
7/11/2016 10:52:12 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ
8/27/2016 9:58:45 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

8/27/2016 10:15:20 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |
88, joined May. 2010
8/27/2016 12:48:45 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
The universe , we can believe that its whatever we want it to be , but what we want , will never change what it is .
9/15/2016 8:20:29 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Mishawaka, IN
66, joined Dec. 2010
John 14:6
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
The Way (singular) not a way (plural). Either Jesus was who he claims to be or he was a false prophet: no in between.
9/15/2016 8:28:40 PM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jesus Christ is no false prophet.
9/16/2016 3:13:27 AM |
Who/What is the real Messiah? |


Kingman, AZ
74, joined May. 2012
online now!
Jesus Christ is no false prophet.
I agree with cup but I would add that Jesus is not a prophet at all. He was the divine Son of God. He didn't come here to prophesize (sp), he came here to "bear witness unto the truth."
I would also add that Christians want to make "I am the way...etc.," to mean that you MUST believe as they do about Jesus, and you must believe it right here and right now this instant, OR ELSE. But Jesus doesn't say that. Jesus doesn't put a time limit on it as Christians seem to do. Jesus also could be speaking geographically as well as spiritually, meaning that on our journey to Paradise, we will go through where Jesus has his headquarters. An analogy might be, if you lived in Los Angeles and you were going to take the train to New York City, you would generally go through Chicago.