11/15/2014 1:30:23 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
How about that so-called freaking prayer service and inviting the stinking muzzies. Never heard of a muzzie inviting Christians or any other religion to a mosque. Oduma and company arranged that. Oduma should be executed
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

11/15/2014 7:12:51 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
I have no open mind when it comes to Oduma. Wishing he would vanish in any manner. Being in the middle is only psycho-babble BS. Oduma is totally un-American. Gonna sign up for a constitutional course from Hillsdale. Mark Levin is awesome.
right. you sign up with hillsdale. a catholic highly conservative cult university who's minds are no more open than yours as regards obama. then come back and let's have at it. 
11/15/2014 8:49:13 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Mr Obama is certainly more entertaining than Mr Clinton and Mr Bush
11/15/2014 10:46:52 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
bush was sure boring but i got a kick out of bubba.
11/15/2014 11:44:03 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Bush has a good looking wife, Bubba needed to find attention in other places.
11/15/2014 3:39:11 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
it's the other places that made bubba a kick. hey gdaddy, this'll keep you from the nonsense at hillsdale.
no opinions, no unusable interpretations, no partisanship of any kind. just the actual document for your reading. save it in your favorites as i do and you'll be ready to back up any future stomping on the constitution rhetoric. you can thank me later. 
11/15/2014 5:37:08 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Go Vols. Go Mississippi St. Go away Oduma. Great football weekend. JR I'll take a look at it after the ballgames. Dang 2 games atonce and another one tonight with Florida St./Georgia or Auburn Life's good.
[Edited 11/15/2014 5:39:30 PM ]
11/16/2014 7:40:20 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Vols really put it on UK,not surprised, we'll get em in roundball! Roll Tide--hell of a game.
11/20/2014 3:05:34 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Congress and only congress has power to make uniform codes and laws for naturalization and immigration. Look what Oduma is trying to do. He can do another one of his executive decrees but it won't stand for anything. It's totally illegal and unconstitutional.
11/20/2014 3:08:55 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Didn't Reagan and George Bush (the elder) do Executive Orders on Immigration? I'm quite certain both did. Personally I couldn't care less but its been done before....
11/20/2014 3:25:06 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I wanted to be certain so I looked it up gdaddy. Reagan granted total amnesty to a couple million illegals under Executive Order 12324 on Sept 29 1981 ( supposedly it was a pay off to big donors who wanted cheap stoop labor in California for their crops). Bush did a similar Executive Order (#12989) in June of 2008. Personally I wish all these f*ckers would go back to Africa, the Middle East, China, Mexico etc.. but its never going to happen. Democrats want their votes and Republicans want cheap labor and we get to live with it...
11/21/2014 9:38:00 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Congress and only congress has power to make uniform codes and laws for naturalization and immigration. Look what Oduma is trying to do. He can do another one of his executive decrees but it won't stand for anything. It's totally illegal and unconstitutional.
did you get all that from hillsdale or did you bother to read the link to the constitution i sent you? the constitution is quite specific so i'll rephrase my earlier question to you. specifically, which articles, sections or amendments to the constitution did obama violate that makes his actions unconstitutional? and which laws has the president made?
[Edited 11/21/2014 9:40:59 AM ]
11/21/2014 9:39:31 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
I wanted to be certain so I looked it up gdaddy. Reagan granted total amnesty to a couple million illegals under Executive Order 12324 on Sept 29 1981 ( supposedly it was a pay off to big donors who wanted cheap stoop labor in California for their crops). Bush did a similar Executive Order (#12989) in June of 2008. Personally I wish all these f*ckers would go back to Africa, the Middle East, China, Mexico etc.. but its never going to happen. Democrats want their votes and Republicans want cheap labor and we get to live with it...
should i go back to germany too?
11/21/2014 10:02:15 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
We will keep you Bogie if us Micks can stay!
11/21/2014 6:03:16 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Whiskey the answer is technically yes for a few but not like this. This was done on such a grand scale and with so much "In your face" disregard for the constitution. You surely know the difference. Everything about King oduma is a disgrace to America.
11/21/2014 7:52:48 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
daddy you keep parroting the right wing sound bites but you've yet to answer my question. every legal and constitutional scholar i've heard chime in on this subject sees nothing illegal or unconstitutional about this action. but of course none of those folks are here. it's just us tired old vets. so one more time. what article, section or amendment has been violated. you need not even say anything. just copy/paste the sentences or phrases in the constitution that have been violated. then we have something real to talk about that has nothing to do with politics. it'll have only to do with the actual wording.
11/22/2014 8:30:50 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
gdaddy the Reagan amnesty covered 5 million people, and that's just a fact. Here's where I disagree with your point of view. Do you actually believe this government is capable of deporting over 5 million undocumented people? Hell no. They are here and their number is getting bigger. So deporting parents of children who were born here (and are American citizens), ripping those families apart makes no sense and isn't going to happen. To me what makes sense is securing and regulating our borders and legislating a policy that creates an immigration policy that is sensible has to be the answer.I think Obama is trying to force the Congress to actually take the issue up and do the heavy lifting that needs to be done on immigration for the good of the country.All this crap about the Constitution is talk radio psycho babble and nothing gets done because of it.JMHO brother.
11/22/2014 9:22:07 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
this crap about the constitution indeed is nothing but radio psycho babble, that's why nobody can back up there constitution psycho babble with any wording in the actual constitution. i've not seen one person cite a phrase, sentence or any number of paragraphs in the constitution that can support the absurd sound bite, 'obama is stepping all over the constitution.' i suppose that because it plays like a broken record some folks can't hear anything else until they pick up the needle.
11/22/2014 9:52:57 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I guess we agree jrbogie. My criticism comes from the reality that Im not hearing any alternatives and no solutions-instead its talk radio/media hype. Theres not a way in hell we are going to attempt to deport the 5 million undocs (a number that doubles when you factor in families) they work in agriculture, as domestics, in construction and every where else. Some have been here for decades and actually contribute to this economy -one that is low wage and few benefits and they are needed. Neither major political party wants to admit it but both prey on these people albeit for different reasons. Its a lie to trivialize the Constitution for political advantage and then wave it when it favors your own partisan leanings. That's what is and has been going on in this country for too long. Both parties are to blame. So are ordinary Americans who swallow this horseshit because they are too lazy to educate themselves.
11/22/2014 10:17:04 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
that's what makes discussing politics absurd.
11/22/2014 3:01:09 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Jrbogie I know people who are my friends and good Americans, most are veterans.Im sure you do also. They cuss the Latinos and blacks and then hire them to cut their yards, work in their fields, paint their houses and do their roofs etc! So for me the hypocrisy is numbing.
I have a friend who is in construction (framing contractor). He told me "I aint ever hiring any more white guys .My Mexicans work all day, don't complain and do a better job". Now to me he's wrong and hes taking advantage of cheap labor but this is a reality that we have seen play out over and over in America. Somebody is always on the bottom and getting the dirty end of the stick--Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, Vietnamese take your pick-- its part of the fabric that has built this country. The shame here and today is nobody has the guts to admit it or make it fairer.
I don't want criminals and dope dealers taking advantage of our broken immigration policy--but children born in America are AMERICANS. If their parents deported what becomes of them? We deport Americans who have never lived in another country, didn't have any say so in coming here and have never known anything else?
11/22/2014 3:08:04 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Okay. for one example. Is an executive order a law? Why yes I believe it is. So congress has exclusive power to pass laws. Congress has power to set uniforms codes concerning immigration and naturalization. There are laws concerning policing the borders and illegals trying to enter the U.S.. So by executive order Oduma tells our border guards to back off and stand down. Oduma sues Arizona because Arizona was enforcing federal laws already on the books.
The Odumacare is a law. So many courts and studies have said that the whole thing is unconstitutional. Let's pass it and then see if we like it. Pelosi. In 2011 Oduma said he didn't have the power to do what he did last night. As usual they think the American public will just fall for anything he does. I really don't see why the Republicans won't and I mean won't, just tell the Prez that his actions are illegal and holds no credence. The Republicans have no balls. I truly do despise libs but the Republicans just make me mad. I will do research and report back.
I love talking politics but am on here for a few minutes and then I'm back to working.
11/22/2014 7:49:25 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Nope: an executive order is instruction to government employees on how to conduct their jobs.
Not a Law,
But you are right why doesn't the GOP congress/senate pass a law about the immigrants. Been waiting thirty years. Isn't it about time??? 
No cahoneys????  
Piss off 15 million voting kids who have parents on ships to Colombia......???????
11/23/2014 9:15:53 AM |
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Dublin, OH
68, joined Dec. 2009
Politics!?!? ...Politics!/!?
I don't need, no Stinking Politics!!!!
Or was that a Badge...
PTSD  or not, I will make it through another day .....But I digress from the Op's Post.....
I think Politics is fine, on whole wheat, some Mayo, and a touch of mustard..and then a nap
Have a soft Day

11/23/2014 9:35:40 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Okay. for one example. Is an executive order a law?
Why yes I believe it is. So congress has exclusive power to pass laws. Congress has power to set uniforms codes concerning immigration and naturalization. There are laws concerning policing the borders and illegals trying to enter the U.S.. So by executive order Oduma tells our border guards to back off and stand down. Oduma sues Arizona because Arizona was enforcing federal laws already on the books.
you just can't help but parrot the party line can you? how many executive orders did dubya issue? were they unconstitutional too? one more time. where in the constitution is it stated that a president cannot issue an executive order? it's real simple, gdaddy. i sent you the link. everything in the constitution is constitutional so show me where obama is in violation. what you believe is irrelevant.
The Odumacare is a law. So many courts and studies have said that the whole thing is unconstitutional.
obamacare was passed by congress. show me case history where even one court has said that the whole thing is unconstitutional. unless and until it has been ruled unconstitutional by a court, it's constitutional. simple really.
Let's pass it and then see if we like it. Pelosi. In 2011 Oduma said he didn't have the power to do what he did last night. As usual they think the American public will just fall for anything he does. I really don't see why the Republicans won't and I mean won't, just tell the Prez that his actions are illegal and holds no credence. The Republicans have no balls. I truly do despise libs but the Republicans just make me mad. I will do research and report back.
I love talking politics but am on here for a few minutes and then I'm back to working.
yes you love talking politics because it's all rhetoric and based on opinion without facts to back up your talk. nobody can be right discussing politics and nobody can be wrong. it's all opinion. but you suck at talking the constitution and law which is chalk full of very specific and detailed wording which you obviously won't even read.
11/23/2014 9:41:09 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Jrbogie I know people who are my friends and good Americans, most are veterans.Im sure you do also. They cuss the Latinos and blacks and then hire them to cut their yards, work in their fields, paint their houses and do their roofs etc! So for me the hypocrisy is numbing.
I have a friend who is in construction (framing contractor). He told me "I aint ever hiring any more white guys .My Mexicans work all day, don't complain and do a better job". Now to me he's wrong and hes taking advantage of cheap labor but this is a reality that we have seen play out over and over in America. Somebody is always on the bottom and getting the dirty end of the stick--Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, Vietnamese take your pick-- its part of the fabric that has built this country. The shame here and today is nobody has the guts to admit it or make it fairer.
I don't want criminals and dope dealers taking advantage of our broken immigration policy--but children born in America are AMERICANS. If their parents deported what becomes of them? We deport Americans who have never lived in another country, didn't have any say so in coming here and have never known anything else?
last year georgia began a crack down on illegals. most were kicked out of the state. the blueberry industry relied on immigrant labor and today the price of blueberries have tripled. georgia has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation and to this day growers cannot find enough people willing to pick berries so blueberries remain at a very high price as farmers throw in the towel. tell me once again that immigrants do not contribute to our society.
11/23/2014 10:29:34 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
jrbogie Georgia has a huge poultry industry and it used to employ mostly blacks. Now its predominantly Latino simply because they will take the jobs nobody else wants. Chicken catchers work in filthy conditions and those workers actually in the plants are worked like slaves in miserable repetitive jobs that are often unsafe. The line speeds actually can hypnotize a worker into a numbed state. I've been inside a couple of the processing plants and the only whites you will see are either in management, supervision or the office. I don't think many people stop to recognize what these workers are willing to do and how much their labor provides to America.
11/23/2014 11:47:38 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009

11/23/2014 12:09:44 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
As I've said over and over, It's the Employers who are breaking the law. If anybody is paying the GOP to keep the status quo, it is businessman who employ cheap labor and pay them "Off the books."
The Illegals are the Employers, who don't take the time to get the proper work permits and pay the taxes. After all they are the "Americans" who wave the flag. Then turn around and believe their share is not needed.
Patriots My AZZZ!!!! 
12/1/2014 3:55:28 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I remember a few years ago when a couple Tyson big shots got caught working with coyotes to supply them with illegals somewhere down south. I also know of a turkey plant in Indiana where the HR lady was renting out apartments to the ones working in that plant. They would cram as many employees into these tiny apartment.They were also "renting" second hand furniture likes beds and mattresses from her. She got fired eventually but that kind of abuse goes on all the time. Im with cowboy. If they weren't being hired they would stop coming, but you can go to any day labor company and see them lined up every morning. There is a huge frozen pizza plant here in Northern Kentucky (about 600 workers I think) that has almost no fulltime employees except in supervision and management. They make a bunch of different brands there for different food companies. Every day for both shifts and even the third shift sanitation and clean-up the busses roll in full of day laborers, most of them are undocumented . They use a false SSN and by the time anybody red flags it they have moved on to some other place and INS or DOL has never been there or cited the company.
12/2/2014 9:05:35 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
no jobs, no illegals. simple really. what's not so simple is filling those same jobs with americans.
[Edited 12/2/2014 9:06:50 AM ]
12/2/2014 9:11:35 AM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Make the "Illegals," Legal's!! Collect taxes, Social Security Etc.  
What to me is Silly/Stupid is 30 years the Bosses have convinced the people it's the Workers fault that they re paid shitty wages and benefits.
12/2/2014 9:18:00 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i spent a summer in mt rainier national park a few summers ago. i was speaking to the manager of the lodge and asked about his staff. he said that more than sixty percent were brought in for the season from outside the country. i met russians, australians, south africans, people from eastern europe and i don't remember how many other countries. i did run across a few americans, mostly couples who left their hometowns for the season and work at any job they could find to save their homes during the terrible economy of the time.
think about it. having to go outside the country to hire workers for OUR NATIONAL PARKS when so many AMERICANS were losing their homes. was it because these PATRIOTS couldn't find work or wouldn't work what work there was? if it's true that when the going gets tough, the tough get going then the u.s. has one hell of a lot of whimps.
[Edited 12/2/2014 9:18:39 AM ]
12/2/2014 9:25:38 AM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
I work the Grand Canyon North Rim for the summers. And yes there are a lot of what they call J1's. But they come on a work visa and get a number and are charged all the appropriate taxes. 
I will post here again: If you want a park job for the season { coolworks.com }
The American workers that are there are mostly Native American. 
12/4/2014 11:29:10 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
I work the Grand Canyon North Rim for the summers. And yes there are a lot of what they call J1's. But they come on a work visa and get a number and are charged all the appropriate taxes.
I will post here again: If you want a park job for the season { coolworks.com }
The American workers that are there are mostly Native American. 
yep, all the national parks advertise on coolworks. many of the cruise lines as well and i met people in the rv park who were able to stay busy year round. i wonder how many people could have saved their homes by renting theirs out and hitting the road to find work, any work until things turned around. the people i met who did just that can share my foxhole anytime.
12/4/2014 3:06:19 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Renting out your home in San Diego is pretty easy.. what a beautiful place! ..but if you are in Ottumwa Iowa or god forbid Hazard Kentucky its not so easy...I go to lots of RV parks and Ive met quite few folks who don't even own a home anymore. They just live in the RV (or camper) and catch work where they can. Mine is a rolling home, very nice, everything a small family (or couple) could ask for but after a few days it starts cramping you in...as much as I enjoy it I couldn't live in it 24/7.
12/4/2014 8:04:48 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Well I've got about 350 square feet of space, and everything else I need. I am meeting a Lot of seniors who have "Hit The Road" and are enjoying their True "Freedom." 
Just like me, they find summer and winter jobs. Work is for the extra goodies that the Social security check won't cover. 
I have met couples who have actually been doing this for over 20 years.
Modern Gypsies.............................  
12/5/2014 9:00:06 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
cowboy sometimes I think Id like to get a really decked out houseboat and just go up and down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers depending on the weather and time of year. I think I probably missed my chance. Im 67 now and getting lazy these days. I did rent a houseboat a couple times a few years ago down on Lake Cumberland and really enjoyed sitting out in the sun with a nice adult refreshment and taking in the sights (bikinis). Once in while catching dinner and cooking it up fresh on the spot is a treat also! My point is I agree with you about modern gypsies and open roads....and rivers too!
12/5/2014 10:15:28 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
sure, whiskey, renting out your home isn't always easy and of course that's the excuse many likely use for not even trying. still, if you are not paying the mortgage because you are jobless there's mortgage money to earn somewhere. the national parks provide three hots and a cot; either an rv space, dormatory living or shared housing for couples.
[Edited 12/5/2014 10:16:15 AM ]
12/5/2014 8:15:27 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
How about this scenario.......USACE (United States Corps of Engineers)
Lakes and fishing...
Corps of Engineers has RV parks next to all the Man Made lakes and dams. They are always looking for "Hosts" for the season. Some Positions are Paid, and some are Volunteer.
Land between the Lakes is one of those USACE places.
The Advantage is.....No Boat!! A lot less Hassle!
I have only stayed unemployed for the short period of time I drive around spending money. 
12/5/2014 8:26:29 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
1: Florida
Resort manager needed immediately. Carefree Communities is seeking a full-time Resort Manager for Carefree Rainbow Largo in Largo, FL. 307-site resort with predominantly extended stay guests/residents. Active activity program; 3-5 years property management experience required; ability to manage a budget, conduct Park Model home sales, create a fun, friendly and helpful environment on the property, be able to work in a fast-paced, multi-functional environment. Salary, on-site housing, sales commission, year-end bonus, medical, dental, paid vacations, 401K participation. Send resumes to: [email protected] Equal Opportunity Employer. $$$+
Email: [email protected]
Florida Work????   
1/8/2015 4:03:33 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I gotta bring this up here. In our military arsenal we have Tomahawk missiles, Apache Blackhawk. Lakota and Kiowa weapons. The mission to kill Osama was code named Geronimo..so why is the government telling the Washington Redskins to change their name?
Whats next? Cleveland Indians? FSU Seminoles? Will Greenpeace protest the Marlins and Dolphins? Will PETA ask for a boycott against the Ravens, Seahawks, Cardinals, Lions and Bears..WTF? How about the Cincinnati Bengals and Reds (obviously they must be Communist subversives...and those Browns, White Sox..clearly racist! 
[Edited 1/8/2015 4:05:35 PM ]
1/9/2015 8:20:49 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
is the government TELLING the redskins to change their name??? doubtful that would pass first amendment muster.
1/9/2015 9:29:40 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
You are correct jrbogie..but even our President made statements that the name has a racial tinge to it...my whole point is that political correctness is driving lots of issues that really don't make sense...and its up to the public to determine who is worthy of their support or doesn't deserve it. I like the 'Skins and don't think the name is racially charged anymore than the Cleveland Indians etc...its not anyone in governments business...don't like 'em--don't buy tickets or watch 'em!
1/9/2015 7:41:03 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Can a president express his personal opinion of things outside the political arena?
Does he give up his right to free speech?
Or can you say that he has listened to the "Native American" Radicals, who do find this offensive.
After all it isn't the Washington "Blackskins" It isn't even the Washington "Indians."
It is calling a group by the (Surmised) color of their skins..
Native Americans can easily surmise the "Indians" you speak of are from Bombay.
The laugh, in Navaho country, is that Columbus was lost "Totally." They Aren't Indian, They are Proud Native Americans.
1/10/2015 8:58:50 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Hell Cowboy I thought "redskins" were potatoes!
1/10/2015 9:08:16 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Seems nowadays that there's someone getting butt-hurt about something. I mean this team has been name the Redskins forever. Do you all really think someone is butt-hurt about the name? I don't. This PC stuff has gone on for so long it's just part of a lot of people's thinking.
1/10/2015 2:01:30 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
If they want to be called "The Redskins" then to be Correct they should put away the war bonnets and tomahawks and start doing as Whiskey says.
They are potatoes! A noble vegetable!! Wear potato suits. 

Isn't it about time to be "Correct?"
Just saying "Politically Correct" admits that you know people are offended! But it's okay because it isn't your ethnic origin being joked at!!
There is "Correct" and "wrong." 
Change the imagery to portray the "Redskin" potato and you will get a lot more advertising dollars>>>>>>> 
1/10/2015 3:17:06 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I don't get offended when people call me "cracker", whitey, honkey etc.... . People get butt hurt all the time because they are whiney azz people. Never got off their momma's tit. PCness is crap. You have your opinion and we have ours. Screw a bunch of PC.
1/11/2015 10:30:31 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
when saying, "WE have our's' as regards opinions, who is the 'WE' that you refer too?
1/11/2015 2:22:37 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
As in the collective "we", ie, everyone but the person who has the stated opinion. If I have an opinion on something then the rest of the world is "we" on the subject.
1/11/2015 5:18:56 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
seems stating the obvious but okay.
1/14/2015 3:30:06 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
You asked who "we" is.
1/15/2015 2:23:53 PM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
I'm part of the 'we.' I'm personally offended by the name "Cowboys" because I saw a porn once that a bunch of 'Cowboys' raped an innocent goat. It has hurt me deeply and I am on SSI for PTSD because of it.
1/15/2015 4:16:47 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Dang Irv, you're a sensitive guy
1/16/2015 8:44:27 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Yeh, I know. I don't declaw my pussies.
1/16/2015 9:00:16 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions | Page 3 |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
I'm part of the 'we.' I'm personally offended by the name "Cowboys" because I saw a porn once that a bunch of 'Cowboys' raped an innocent goat. It has hurt me deeply and I am on SSI for PTSD because of it.
But a cowboy can be a Navaho also.....It refers to an occupation, not the color of ones skin.
I saw a Porn (Once) (where Irv was the guy who couldn't get it up) I found it very boring!! 
Just Because Gd and the Bald mouse in his pocket (The We) want to lead a parade, doesn't mean you have to march!! 
1/16/2015 3:48:41 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions | Page 3 |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
There was a black cowboy, an arab cowboy, a white jewish cowboy, a german cowboy. One cowboy was from New Hampsire.. Poor goat, never saw what hit him/her.
1/16/2015 3:58:58 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions | Page 3 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I just went to see American Sniper.I walked out .I have never seen a poorer representation of war or a lamer story about a combatant.DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!
1/16/2015 11:03:42 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions | Page 3 |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Was wondering about that. I'll wait 'til the CD comes out.