9/12/2014 2:43:07 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
We try to keep politics out of our threads but from time to time it is brought up. It can get heated very quickly. So I think that we should make this our political place and we can keep politics out of the rest of the threads. If you have something you want to get on the do it.
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9/12/2014 4:24:12 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I think the greatest relevant quote I ever read came from Chairman Mao a Communist...he famously stated that "politics is war without bloodshed but war is politics with bloodshed"...we should all keep that in mind! JMHO
9/13/2014 1:31:44 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Yes, as veterans, we should keep our ideas and viewpoints to ourselves. We are ignorant killers. We should let the intelligentsia speak only. University professors, media intellectuals and the politicians who never built, fixed, organized anything that helped a working family, should lead us into the future.
9/13/2014 2:07:01 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
The big problem I have with politics today is these people get elected to advance their own interests, very few truly go to DC to become public servants (both parties).A good example is Eric Cantor of Virginia. He just lost his seat to a unknown college professor in a primary.Cantor was the #2 Republican in the House and heir apparent to John Boehner.The reason he lost is he spent almost no time in his district (Richmond) but instead was flying all over the country doing fundraisers and increasing his own visibility on the national level. After losing the primary he left the House (could have stayed until January) and got a 3.4 million dollar gig on Wall Street!Hes just one example, they all do it!
So when someone starts spouting off about one party or the other I just tune it out People run for office to get rich.
9/13/2014 6:03:31 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
1irving, you have an awesome sense of humor.
9/14/2014 12:02:39 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Clara City, MN
66, joined May. 2011
Politics is when we go vote for the one who told the best lies. JMO
9/14/2014 9:40:22 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I agree bier with one caveat-on top of the lies its money! I been saying for years that our elected officials should have to wear patches on their attire like NASCAR drivers so we will know who sponsored their campaigns (and owns) their votes....
10/11/2014 10:02:22 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Someone tell me what you think ISIS in America. Is it going to happen? When do you think it will? Thanksgiving Day? Christmas? Are people making a mountain out of a mole-hill?
10/11/2014 12:02:34 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Lancaster, PA
34, joined Dec. 2008
In my own opinion it's just like any other foreign or domestic terrorist organization. The idea of a home front conflict whether small or large is almost inevitable. The Islamic State is a rapidly growing idea over many parts of the globe and they have already had multiple incidents and arrests of sympathizers who have either contributed assets or have tried to travel to join their fight from the US population. Now on the matter of when, that wouldn't be a far off estimate of the holiday time frame. There would masses of people in the malls and traveling state side and abroad through the many airports, bus, and train depots. Personally though I feel they are too engulfed in trying to establish their foot hold overseas to really make an attempt at us as of yet.
10/11/2014 9:56:30 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
Someone tell me what you think ISIS in America. Is it going to happen? When do you think it will? Thanksgiving Day? Christmas? Are people making a mountain out of a mole-hill?
I'm not sure. I don't think there is going to be any big, coordinated ISIS plots in America. But what does worry me is that there could be young Muslim men that, that while not religious fanatics, are disgruntle with life. They're kind of like the white teen who wants to get revenge on the world by shooting up a shopping mall. But in this case, it's further driven by being told that this is a grand, noble act, with promises of a express ticket to heaven. That's my impression of the Boston Marathon bombers, and now we have a massive terror group ISIS calling for more.
10/12/2014 12:23:15 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |
Hillsborough, NC
38, joined Sep. 2014
that's been their active call Joe. they've put several videos on the net, in English, calling for their "brothers" to rise up. times square was mentioned in one, picture of a landmark bridge that I don't recall the name of was in another.
dhs flushed another cell in Greenville nc around a month ago that had been suspected of running recruitment at ECU and UNCW and was apparently related to the Moroccan guys they picked up in Raleigh earlier in the year
the public's only got about a 5 year (if that) attention span before they get tired of hearing about it and turn a complete blind eye to things going on around them and LE doesn't have budgets to do their standard day-to-day activities
insurgency is difficult enough to deal with in the opfor perspective, tangent recruitment mitigation is borderline impossible prior to the event. honeypot stings have been the primary method of picking up the dbags lately, not much different than prostitutio n stings
10/12/2014 8:07:47 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Fight them in the desert, or fight them here. The 'WHERE' is up to the POTUS.
10/12/2014 9:54:55 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i'm waaaaaaay too retired to give a f**k about politics. all my life i tried to make the world perfect and didn't even make a dent so i'll leave it to you fine folks to take up where i left off. 
10/12/2014 10:20:59 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Aw JR it's just something to talk about and discuss. Hell we're not going to ever solve anything.
10/13/2014 3:43:15 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
I love my children. I can only hope for a bright future for them, because the politicians will not be a positive force. I'm leaving, so although I have an opinion, I'm really not in a position to spout it.
10/14/2014 10:17:17 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Where ya going Irv? Stick around! We need your grungy a** here!
10/14/2014 5:33:01 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Selling out, going to move to a boat.
10/14/2014 5:43:59 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
If I stay in the population, I'm going to end up in jail or dead. I have no temper left and cannot deal with fat, stupid women, the local state police, the VA, the insurance companies, my mortgage bank, the BUCSH drinking hillbillies...................................on and on.
10/15/2014 10:10:52 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
We have a small houseboat community not far from here Irv. Nice folks. Its a lifestyle not for the weak, gets pretty cold here in the winter but they seem to love it.And hey brother, don't get down on Busch beer, hell I drink it too! LOL
10/15/2014 5:20:44 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Looks like St. Pete, Fl. Realtor coming tomorrow.
10/16/2014 8:44:33 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Nice Irv. I really like Tampa/St.Pete..be well and be happy! But you don't need to forget about us...stick around brother we need you and you need us!
10/16/2014 1:27:26 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
I always got along well with the Vietnam era vets. I was 14 when the Saigon airlift was going on. Not too many vets from my home town. Most had deferments due to rich mommies and daddies.
10/17/2014 5:26:34 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Irv you did your hitch. You put in your time and paid a price. Do whatever makes you happy now. If you want to go live in a cave or whatever so be it, just be content and know you have brothers and each of us has had to confront our demons.
10/17/2014 6:59:39 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Hang in there 1irving. Most of us feel your frustration. I totally do. Getting closer to retirement and am so sick of the bureaucratic BS that goes on everywhere. I laugh at the azz kissers and finger pointers out here. Hell if people would look at life like we're a team and are working toward a goal then the frustration level would go down greatly.
10/17/2014 7:16:13 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
And another thing. Why isn't our Marine that is being held in Mexico home yet? Oduma doesn't have balls to do the right thing and he doesn't care if the Marine rots. Reagan would have told Mexico that we're coming to get him and we aim to bring him home. Send in the Marines and get him and bring him home. Mexico would have to know that if any harm comes to our Marine that hell will come down on them. We let people slap us around forever and ever. There's not been a real man in the White House for a long time.
[Edited 10/17/2014 7:17:05 PM ]
10/21/2014 9:48:09 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
from all i know the jarhead is accused of busting mexico's very strict gun laws. how that makes a president of the u.s., obama, reagan, washington or whoever the f**k, responsible or even authorized by the constitution to bust him out of prison i haven't a clue but then all i know is what i read and hear on the news and it does ring of politics of which i know not a f**king thing so what do i know? 
[Edited 10/21/2014 9:50:00 AM ]
10/21/2014 11:16:11 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Looks to me like Mexico has tougher gun laws than we do for people crossing their border! At any rate it doesn't make much sense to me that we cant get him back home .Whatever.
10/21/2014 12:12:05 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Larimore, ND
44, joined Apr. 2011
I suspect Mexico is holding that Marine to make a point. I can think of several reasons, although that doesn't make it right to use him as a political statement.
But I know we've imprisoned and execute Mexican citizens over the protests of there government. Also, think of how mad a lot of Americans were over Fast and Furious because one or two of our people were killed with those guns. I bet more than a few Mexicans were were killed because of that program.
Again, I don't believe that Marine should stay locked up because our governments are having a pissing match, but I think that's why the Mexicans are being so stubborn about what seems like a minor offense.
10/21/2014 1:02:36 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
When entering Mexico by boat, you declare the weapons on board. They keep them in customs until you leave. He was arrested after telling custom authorities about his trunk full. Something is BS about the whole thing.
10/22/2014 8:43:36 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
why the conspiracy theories? why blame anybody other than the marine. could it not be that he simply broke a very serious law of a sovereign nation? does anybody here know anything other than what they've heard in the media???
10/22/2014 10:42:26 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Illegal Mexican immigrants break our laws all the time. Weapons, drugs, etc... .
10/22/2014 12:37:27 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
The stories I've read aren't really conflicting or conspiracy theories. He took a wrong turn and got busted with a couple guns.I think the only issue is did our government do enough to get his release? The latest articles I found claim he's about to be freed after numerous politicians got involved with Mexico.
I guess what is most striking is we swapped 5 known Taliban (who kill Americans) for one guy who abandoned his post and was captured. But we couldn't cut a deal to get this combat Marine out of prison for 5 or 6 months.
10/22/2014 2:07:13 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Lack of caring about a Marine on Oduma's part.
10/22/2014 2:35:52 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
The articles I have read said this was not his first time being caught in Mexico with a gun.
So I must ask: Hunting in Mexico illegally or transporting weapons to sell in Mexico??
What should I believe a youngster who needs money was doing??
And why should the president get involved before we know what he was really doing??
If he is a criminal does being a Marine give him a "Free Pass in life"???
10/22/2014 3:44:33 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I know the "buck stops" with the President no matter who it is. But this seems like a matter where the State Department could have been influential in gaining his release. As much as the US-Mexico engage in trade with each other and share a huge border (with many problems) the diplomatic relationships have to be well oiled and should have been pressed sooner and harder. I can tell you this much.Ive been to Mexico several times and I wouldn't give a cup of hot piss for the place! JMHO
10/22/2014 3:58:19 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
So....Another question
Did he see the one foot tall letters saying "No firearms in Mexico?"
When asked by the border cop (Mexican) "do you have any weapons" ........What was his answer??
Obviously he has difficulty understanding the written word or the Spanglish of the border guards!!
Why a free pass for him and not a free pass for the Marines in Chicago Jails??  
10/23/2014 8:50:41 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
That intersection is poorly marked and confusing with no U-turn available. Yeh, he was a dumb ass, poor map reading skills. Still, it should never have gotten this far. As explained earlier, Mexican authorities could have taken the weapons into customs and returned them to him as he left the country. The "whole" story has not been presented. The same is true for here in the US, have you ever been stopped for speeding, only to get a warning?
Hunting in Mexico is done with rented weapons at resorts. You cannot bring any weapons into the country for any reason, unless you are well connected in organized crime or a high ranking person in the justice department.
10/23/2014 11:48:35 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Illegal Mexican immigrants break our laws all the time. Weapons, drugs, etc... .
well gee, then turnabout is fair play, huh? mexico law doesn't count because some mexicans break our laws. but, oh wait. americans break our laws so our laws don't count either. and it's all the president's fault. 
[Edited 10/23/2014 11:49:19 AM ]
10/23/2014 5:04:11 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Jr? Are you saying Bush did it? 
10/23/2014 5:28:41 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
We are saying a Dumbass broke the law.....not once but twice.............
Does this mean all jarheads can't read??
No ............................It means a dumbass/smartass thought he was above the law!!
Now he is crying "Poor Me!!"    
Obie didn't push him across the Border!! 
10/24/2014 9:29:06 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Jr? Are you saying Bush did it?  
depends on one's political affiliation. oh wait, i have no political affiliation but love ridicule.
10/24/2014 2:22:35 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
You are very left leaning. Don't forget to work in your next post that you have a pilot's license.
10/24/2014 3:24:56 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I have a fishing license! Fish fear me!
10/25/2014 11:18:59 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I am so sick and tired of the double standards allowed by PC politicians. Dems and Reps. It's a wholesale pussification of the west. We worry about not offending the Mexican government but in the meantime they hold our Marine. Our wussy government(executive branch) does nothing. Their people pour across the border and our border guards are told to stand down. No, I can't do anything about it but yes, I am concerned, frustrated and sad. Would I roll up with a large military force(Marines) and take our Marine back? Yep. No problem. Give 12 hours notice and then politely get him back.
[Edited 10/25/2014 11:21:15 AM ]
10/25/2014 11:41:47 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I don't know that I would send in the Marines but we could cut off a lot of their economy and trade in the US. The downside is a lot of US companies went there and are making tons of dollars by making stuff there and bringing it here to retail. Trucks coming into the US from Mexico would be turned around or seized by US Customs. Tough shit, tighten your belt a bit. It wouldn't take long to make the point that we want our citizen back. I also would explain to them that we would embargo flights to Mexico and cutoff off their tourist industry from the US which they count on...theres a lot of ways to bring these beaners to the table without using armed force.
[Edited 10/25/2014 11:43:49 AM ]
10/25/2014 2:51:56 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Economic impact is more respected than knocking down a few soldiers/cops in Mexico.
10/26/2014 11:06:29 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
You are very left leaning. Don't forget to work in your next post that you have a pilot's license.
no such thing as a pilot's license in the u.s. so much for me being left leaning, huh?
10/26/2014 11:12:57 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Straighten up, Jr.
10/27/2014 9:09:46 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
NASCAR..left turn ,left turn ! Go JR!
10/27/2014 10:07:18 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
love it when a thread becomes all about me so let's hear it; what comments make jr 'left leaning?' 
10/27/2014 10:19:12 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
jrbogie don't be so thin skinned! Im a social Democrat and proud of it, but on many fiscal issues I bend to the right. I think these labels that people put on others are fractious, cheap and divisive. I also think that they are detrimental to democracy. We are veterans. Like all other Americans we have a right to free speech and thought.. I may not always agree with you--and haven't-but I will defend your right to express your opinion no matter what...JMHO
10/27/2014 10:36:39 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
how does my joy in a thread going all about me make me thin skinned? these political threads sure are fun.
10/27/2014 4:07:47 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Why yes,,,,,,yes they are.
10/27/2014 4:14:37 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
love it when a thread becomes all about me so let's hear it; what comments make jr 'left leaning?' 
Your smile. "Certification"
10/28/2014 1:07:04 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
You actually think any one of us cares enough to have a thread about you?
10/28/2014 1:45:02 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
My G. A. S. Meter is Fluctuating near zero to minus.
10/28/2014 3:58:48 PM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
JR you're a cool dude
10/29/2014 7:12:40 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
You actually think any one of us cares enough to have a thread about you?
i think nothing but this post seems to suggest that you do. 
10/29/2014 7:13:58 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
JR you're a cool dude
so was elvis. he's had some threads about him too.
10/29/2014 9:03:07 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013