10/29/2014 5:57:47 PM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
"Entertainment Purposes Only"
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/30/2014 9:15:04 AM |
Veterans and active military Political opinions | Page 2 |

Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
10/30/2014 9:54:40 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
In the meanwhile, pussification of America proceeds.
10/30/2014 12:55:27 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Im not sure what pussification is gdaddy. But I think I get your point. America today is really different from our day . We called it a war and it was, so we went to fight it . I don't know what to call these "coalitions" and media events that pass for fighting ISIL really accomplish.. I also know that to gay marriage and ebola deserve entire news coverage 24/7 concern me and that whether or not law abiding citizens should be allowed to own a gun is something to fight over (it does).I call it the 2nd Amendment.JMHO
[Edited 10/30/2014 12:56:39 PM ]
10/30/2014 7:28:36 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
2 cents:
We called it a war, got drafted, or enlisted......came home and found out it wasn't a war and therefore could not join the VFW, and Congress had to make special exemptions so Viet Vets could get care at V.A. hospitals.
There has not been a "War" since WWII. All declared "Police actions."
Pussification is when they did away with the draft so a certain senators son could come home from France. 
When I see the requirement for any senators kids under 35 to serve first, Then I will support going to war. When the Koch children don a uniform and swear allegiance to the president==== Then I will contemplate whether going to war is justified. 
Otherwise: Just send a million dollars at a time that goes "BOOOOOOM" in the night.
Just my 2 cents 
10/31/2014 7:58:49 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Cowboy. When I came home I joined the VFW right away. (Actually my dad signed me up and paid my 1st years dues) Been a member ever since. Pretty sure I was the youngest member of the Post at the time, and not many Vietnam Vets were joining.
10/31/2014 2:42:04 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Nope when I came home the American Legion and VFW wouldn't have anything to do with us Nam vets. A VFW member said to me, "You're one of them damn Viet Nam boys aren't you? Y'all didn't win y'all's war did ya?" I belong to the V now but not back then.
Pussification is happening every minute in America. Political correctness has taken over a lot of the old school's minds and certainly the younger generations. The libs have done a good job of pussifying America.
[Edited 10/31/2014 2:43:09 PM ]
10/31/2014 4:29:45 PM |
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Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
"Entertainment Purposes Only"

10/31/2014 4:30:38 PM |
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Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
I'm more concerned with the veterans getting the health care they deserve..
10/31/2014 4:58:40 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I guess some Posts were different. Nobody dissed me like that and I was welcomed right away. I don't know what the "official" policy of the VFW was then but I filled out a application and it was accepted.. I do know that it was a long time before Beirut Vets were accepted even though nearly 250 of them were slaughtered in a "peacekeeping" mission in Lebanon.
10/31/2014 5:53:08 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
VFW means Veterans Of Foreign War : In New Jersey Viet Veterans were not allowed to join the VFW> It was not a "Declared War!"
But because "Peace" has never been declared in Korea, Korean veterans were allowed to join. (Still Hasn't been Declared as a War )
Irony is they were both "Police actions." 
Now that all the WWII veterans are almost gone and no more Declared Wars, The VFW membership committee had to change the rules. 

11/1/2014 1:38:57 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
So the stinking Mexicans released our Marine.
11/1/2014 8:17:12 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
All I know is I showed my DD214. If someone had tried to tell me that 2 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star (with V) a ACM and Combat Medic Badge, the Vietnam Service and Vietnam Campaign ribbon wasn't enough to qualify me I think the shit would have hit the fan.
11/1/2014 8:30:03 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
I don't have a 'V' device.
The Mexicans finally got that "CALL" from the potus. They used an easy out with PTSD. I'm just glad he's out. He's out of a couple of nice weapons as well.
11/1/2014 8:32:48 AM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Okay I figured It out: 
And Yes the "Shit" hit the fan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
If You check back ..........................I Believe You were admitted (Most Likely) as an "Auxiliary Member" Based on your Father being a WWII vet. 
AMVETS came in to being, and The Legion came in to being a "Club." 
It's all water under the Bridge now. VFW is picking up many members from the past "Police actions." 
11/1/2014 9:39:01 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I have no problem with VFW or American Legion. It was a different time back then. I remember telling my dear ole Dad that I wanted to join the American Legion and I wanted him to join with me. He didn't want to. He knew Viet Nam vets weren't welcomed back then. 1968. The war still raging and it wasn't accepted by veteran groups then. So I just forgot it.
11/1/2014 9:39:44 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I was never an auxillery member. FYI I checked with my Post and was told that it began admitting Vietnam Vets in July 1965 according to their records. The requirement was a honorably discharge veteran having earned the Vietnam Service or Campaign medal, and received hazardous duty (combat pay)
11/1/2014 10:34:23 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
the jarhead was released from a mexican jail. obama came through after all or the douche bag got lucky as with bin laden? rhetorical question to continue the entertainment. 
11/1/2014 11:08:28 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
The Mexican gubm'nt found a way to save face. They released him because of his PTSD or so says the news accounts. Oduma had nothing to do with it. He give a crap less.
[Edited 11/1/2014 11:09:12 AM ]
11/1/2014 12:24:57 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
11/1/2014 4:06:07 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
It was all Harry and Pelosi who got the Marine release. 
11/1/2014 11:53:15 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
It was Harry And Pelosi's job in the first place.
The State department is run by congress not the white house. 
I guess Obie knows his job better than Harry knows his!!! 
11/2/2014 9:31:32 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Why then wasn't it Boehners job? Reid is Senate Majority Leader, but Pelosi isn't Speaker of the House, Boehner is!
11/2/2014 11:08:48 AM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Definitely wasn't the job of the president to step into a possible "Criminal" case and set a precedent for "Convicted" prisoner exchange between two nations.
After all, Then Mexico could demand that all the Hispanic prisoners in our jails be released to them. 
Now wouldn't that have set a nice mess in motion?????? 
And while I am on the subject: it was the Democratic senator from New Mexico, that conducted the talks that eventually led to his release. 
11/2/2014 12:20:46 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I understand the former Governor of Arizona Bill Richardson (and former Ambassador) played a big role also. The one thing that has been really blown out of proportion by the media is they always called this guy a Marine. Isnt he an ex-Marine? I guess my point is if he was on active duty the US government would have been a lot more aggressive in gettin his release.
11/2/2014 12:55:05 PM |
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El Campo, TX
72, joined Oct. 2014
Thought he was in the Marine Reserves but could be wrong on that.
11/2/2014 1:40:22 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
I understand the former Governor of Arizona Bill Richardson (and former Ambassador) played a big role also. The one thing that has been really blown out of proportion by the media is they always called this guy a Marine. Isnt he an ex-Marine? I guess my point is if he was on active duty the US government would have been a lot more aggressive in gettin his release.
Actually if he had been on "Active" duty he would have been worse off. Then the "SOFA" agreements would take effect. Basically they say a GI committing a crime against a civilian in that country or breaking the law of that country, has to serve the sentence in that country.
He was lucky he was a civilian. Military law would have usurped any efforts by the state department or congress. 
11/2/2014 2:36:25 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
We have a SOFA with Mexico? I thought "status of forces" agreements were between countries where one side stationed military personnel in the others. Never thought about that issue.
[Edited 11/2/2014 2:38:15 PM ]
11/2/2014 2:54:16 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I just found the idea of a SOFA agreement between the US and Mexico to be an angle I had not considered given the fact their government is vigorously protesting the Texas National Guard being deployed to our own border. I looked this up on Global Security and it stated we have such an agreement with all NATO countries and around 90 such agreements world wide.I wonder if we have to have such an agreement in each country where we have an embassy?
11/2/2014 3:07:40 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Yes, every country where our forces are deployed. IE: we protect all embassies with our Marines therefore we have a SOFA agreement. 
11/2/2014 3:23:53 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Thanks.Just something I never thought about!
11/2/2014 3:44:15 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
How about this for a stretch:
If he had a "Uniform" in the truck it could have been taken as an Invasion by "Heavily armed" American Marines.

11/2/2014 4:54:33 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
"Benner" lost his balls if he ever had any. He's no better than Oduma. They both sit on the SOFA too much.
11/3/2014 9:26:35 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I will be working at the polls tomorrow (Kentucky). Done it a couple times before. Easy work and you get to see a lot of folks coming in to vote that I normally don't run into except maybe at the grocery. You get paid a few bucks and feel like you are part of the election even when you aren't crazy about the choices or outcome.. the big contest here is between our Secretary of State Alison Grimes and Senate Minority Leader McConnell. Its probably up for grabs but old" No Chin Mitch" has a lot of money to spend and he's been filling the TV with ads..I don't think she can beat him but we'll see.We've had a female governor before but never a US Senator. Should be interesting.
[Edited 11/3/2014 9:28:05 AM ]
11/4/2014 6:48:53 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Get out and make it happen. I rode the 4 wheeler this morning to the polls.
11/4/2014 12:29:15 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I did the 6am to noon shift. Go back at 2pm until the polls close. Not many people have shown up so far but the afternoon will pick up as people get off from work etc. From what I saw I cant say how its going at my poll, which is not much of an indication anyway because we are mostly rural except up in the most northern part of the county (Florence, Hebron ). Lots of support on both sides though. The weather is turning very cool and its drizzling so that might keep some voters away. Kentucky is funny in that we are a "red" state in national elections usually but elect mostly Democrats to the Statehouse and local government. Anyway its been interesting and I'll be watching all the returns tonight.
11/4/2014 12:30:32 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I did the 6am to 10am shift. Go back at 2pm until the polls close (6 pm). Not many people have shown up so far but the afternoon will pick up as people get off from work etc. From what I saw I cant say how its going at my poll, which is not much of an indication anyway because we are mostly rural except up in the most northern part of the county (Florence, Hebron ). Lots of support on both sides though. The weather is turning very cool and its drizzling so that might keep some voters away. Kentucky is funny in that we are a "red" state in national elections usually but elect mostly Democrats to the Statehouse and local government. Anyway its been interesting and I'll be watching all the returns tonight.
11/5/2014 11:53:14 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
The elections happened. Oduma is in lame duck mode now. He's dangerous still. People didn't vote for Republicans they voted against Oduma and the libs. I glad we did. 270+ pieces of legislation have been brought to Harry Reid by the Republicans and not one of them have even been allowed to reach the floor for ANY consideration. I wonder what the Republicans and "BEENER" will do now that the Dem//Libs aren't in power now? Who knows, there may be real work going on now.
[Edited 11/5/2014 11:54:22 AM ]
11/5/2014 12:40:18 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
My prediction is the Congress that will now be controlled by one party (with a slim GOP majority in the Senate ) will fast track their legislation. It will pass both chambers .Then it will go to Obama to be signed. He can sign it, veto it or leave it on his desk ( for a specific point of time) until it becomes law. Either way hes in a corner.
I think the Republicans will pass some sort of immigration reform.He wont like it but he will have to sign it or he will hand the GOP 2016 election. WE will see some sort of tax reform-it will benefit the 1% but throw a few crumbs to the middle class and he will need to take a stand one way or the other. Any way he goes he's in trouble . The only way he can fight the Congress is with the Dems becoming as obstructionist as the Repulicans have been over his term.Hes a fool if he picks a fight given the majority in the House and while the Senate is just a 2 vote majority for McConnell he will hold his votes.
11/7/2014 6:50:17 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
Oduma again has played politics with national security. Waited until after the election to propose 15k soldier for "training purposes" only to the region. Why couldn't this been done when it would have helped? He writes a letter to the "raghead preacher of hate" in Iran. Oduma wants help from Iran to fight against ISIS. Really? Iran is backing these people. He treats our security like it's just another political tool. This crooked baztard needs impeached and executed by hanging by Thanksgiving.
11/8/2014 8:18:08 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
Actually gdaddy its 1,500 more "advisors", bringing the number to around 3000, not 15k ( that's more than a full division). But no matter- the bigger lie here is that they wont be in a "combat role". The truth is these Americans will come under fire when the Iraqis they are advising are attacked. Any dumbass who thinks they wont be caught in the middle of attacks and ambushes is just ignorant and its a lie to deny that it isn't going to happen. After billions of dollars and 11 years of war Americans are being sent back to Iraq to train and defend a army that we already invested blood and treasure in --its a goddamn mess and now we are repeating our failed attempt there.
11/8/2014 12:53:08 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I stand corrected. Not 15k but 1500. I knew better than that. Mistake. Yeah here we go again. More Americans are going to die for some stinking people who hate us anyway. Let's get to drilling and building refineries. Keystone will happen. Oduma can't block it forever. The sooner we never buy oil from the ragheads the better. Pull out and let them kill each other. As a parting shot I thinking we needs to bomb Iran's nuclear infrastructure capabilities and then move on.
11/8/2014 1:45:23 PM |
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Lillian, AL
69, joined Dec. 2012
Keystone XL pipeline will go thru three national forests Destroying hunting areas. It will also bypass two refineries in Ohio putting them out of business.
The oil will be refined in Texas, and shipped back up to the Midwest farmers.
Yea Keystone, cause now Midwest farmers will have to pay extra to get Canadian oil from Texas. 
11/8/2014 3:09:15 PM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
gdaddy its just a matter of time before the next President has to face these problems head-on.For the next two years BHO is going to run out the clock.
11/9/2014 9:22:48 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
Keystone XL pipeline will go thru three national forests Destroying hunting areas. It will also bypass two refineries in Ohio putting them out of business.
The oil will be refined in Texas, and shipped back up to the Midwest farmers.
Yea Keystone, cause now Midwest farmers will have to pay extra to get Canadian oil from Texas.
The Alaska pipe line didn't hurt wild life, tourist go to visit it. There is a LOT of oil in Ohio and Pa for local refining, I know, been to the refineries on school trips.
I'd like to see new refineries built in the north central part of the company but it would be harder than building a pipeline, legally, financially.
11/9/2014 8:34:07 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
gdaddy its just a matter of time before the next President has to face these problems head-on.For the next two years BHO is going to run out the clock.
And I, sure as morning sun, hope the knew prez doesn't politicize everything. Oduma politicizes EVERYTHING including national security. If a prez doesn't do his job and uphold and preserve the constitution then he needs fired by the people by citizen recall. No questions asked. Oduma and his executive branch has stomped the constitution and treated it with utmost disdain.
11/10/2014 7:41:07 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I am not A
a Constitutional scholar by any stretch of the imagination.I know BHO taught Constitutional Law, and he likely knows every way to bend it.Where I find him most lacking is the people he has surrounded himself with.
11/10/2014 5:03:50 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
11/10/2014 8:57:35 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Oduma and his executive branch has stomped the constitution and treated it with utmost disdain.
discussing politics is senseless and accomplishes nothing. but discussing the constitution is highly meaningful. it works to educate americans in how this country was designed to work. something i see is miserably lacking. in discussing the constitution, as it is with politics, opinions are as plentiful as a**holes, we all have them and the shit it spews is worth about as much as the opinions we spew from our mouths. law, and especially the constitution, is written in plain english and the brilliance of the founders established article three in order to sift through all the above mentioned worthless shit and give a select few wearing black robes the exclusive power to set the record straight with their opinions that would stand alone and final.
so in that light, make a case that would convince at least five of the supremes that "Oduma and his executive branch has stomped the constitution and treated it with utmost disdain."
11/12/2014 8:46:33 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I think the framers of the Constitution were brilliant. But this stated they never imagined the complicated world we now live in and must navigate. The SCOTUS tries to view cases in a contemporary light without disregarding the original intent but any President is bound to piss off strict Constitutionalists...its a Hobson's choice.. damn if I do-damned if I don't.
11/12/2014 9:18:01 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
which supreme court justice does, present or past, has disregarded original intent? during chief justice john roberts senate confirmation hearings he was asked what thought process a justice on the court would go through in considering a case. he cited several past cases that he'd decided and cases that several former justices have decided and said that the very first thing after reading a passage, phrase, article, etc., was to consider the founder's intent. he went on to say that with as much historical writings, the federalist papers, etc., no two justices can agree on intent on one case for another. i've heard and read several discussions on the founder's intent and everybody agrees that what the for fathers intended simply cannot be determined that everybody can agree with. that said, everyone agreed that every justice will always ask, 'what did the founders intend' before considering anything else. so they all ask the question knowing full well that it cannot be answered in a manner that everyone agrees with. so again, which justice disregarded original intent in which case and what was the original intent that was disregarded?
11/12/2014 9:52:58 PM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
we need look no further than the second amendment to see controversy on what the founders intended. it wasn't until 2008 after more than two centuries of ruling otherwise that the amendment applied to individuals unrelated to their participation in a militia. every ruling before heller ruled otherwise, that the amendment protected the right of "a free state" to form a militia and protected no right of an individual to bear arms for his/her self defense. and even now after heller is settle law, you'll find justices that heard the case, justices that sit on the court today, and damn sure a lot of people on this forum who cannot agree on what the founders intended when they wrote, "a well established militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." this discussion leaves being a topic of law and becomes political only if you can imagine that you or anybody else on the planet can possibly know what the founders intended until one of the old farts can brought back from the dead. and even then, you'll hear only one of fifty four who were there that can even offer an opinion based on actually being there and participating in a days long debate where the amendment was rewritten no less than seven times until a consensus could accept the final wording. it only makes sense that with all of the political, idealogical, cultural and personal conflict that existed between the delegates at the constitutional convention that there were founders who intended the second amendment to protect the rights of the states to form a militia, i.e., what we call the national guard today, and other founders the the amendment protects the rights of the people, or individuals, to keep and bear arms. so now to discussl original intent of the founders, one must first ask, 'WHICH FOUNDER.'
11/13/2014 8:58:25 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
That's the most (sensible) you've ever posted jrbogie and I agree with every word of it!
11/13/2014 3:54:36 PM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
It helps nothing in the whole scheme of things to talk about politics but it soooooo much fun. Anyway I love to rant about wimpy azz libs.    
11/14/2014 7:48:28 AM |
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Burlington, KY
70, joined Sep. 2013
I don't mind discussing politics as long as people keep an open mind about it. Theres more than one way to look at a problem or issue and no one can claim to have the only and best solution every time.I don't like the labels either .Im conservative on some issues and liberal on others. I dunno what that makes me! I despise Rush and Hannity, but also Sharpton and Matthews on the opposing side of the political spectrum. I think most Americans are somewhere in the middle and too busy trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table to care about any of those jackasses!
11/14/2014 8:34:27 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
i'm still in the discussion because the topic has changed from politics, something i loath getting into, to the the constitution, something that has fascinated me my entire adult life. when i returned from vietnam this country was rampant with ,'impeach nixon. he's stomping on the constitution. THERE'S NO DECLARED WAR!!!' and then came watergate. hell i couldn't recall enough about what little i'd been taught about the constitution to even comment but i was curious so i went out and bought a pocket constitution. i've kept it to this day and along the way i have accrued a veritable library about the parchment along with case law on just about anything i can find on the subject. my latest is, 'the supremes' greatest hits, 37 supreme court cases that have shaped our lives.' i highly recommend it as a rounding out of not only the constitution itself but how the supreme court actually works which ain't nothing like you're hearing from your pinko or neocon heroes have been shoving down your throats all these decades.
so by all means, if you guys want to talk about something that reads exactly the same to each of us i'm all over it. but if you're going to parrot sound bites and rhetoric from your chosen party hacks just count me out.
11/14/2014 8:35:03 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
kind words whiskey. thanks.
11/14/2014 8:44:59 AM |
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Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
why not discuss something that's not only fun but from which you might walk away having learned something? i'll talk the constitution, chess, handball, sailing and other topics i'm interested all day long and have a fun, spirited back and forth slapping each other silly with the same, 'you don't know shit about shit,' that you get with politics but i'll leave with something i've learned new.
11/14/2014 9:37:25 AM |
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Ruskin, FL
56, joined Mar. 2013
11/15/2014 1:26:28 AM |
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Columbia, TN
69, joined Sep. 2009
I have no open mind when it comes to Oduma. Wishing he would vanish in any manner. Being in the middle is only psycho-babble BS. Oduma is totally un-American. Gonna sign up for a constitutional course from Hillsdale. Mark Levin is awesome.
[Edited 11/15/2014 1:28:02 AM ]