12/24/2014 10:03:12 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
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12/26/2014 3:55:38 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Winnipeg, MB
65, joined Sep. 2008
This is something that the teaching profession was faced with when the administration decided to rename the coaching and other club activities as 'co-curricular' instead of what they used to be called 'extra-curricular'.
When a person is in a 'profession' it is often the case that they are put on a salary instead of an hourly wage. When one is on an hourly wage there are labour laws that demand that overtime is paid at time and a half or double time. This is not the case for people on a salary.
Some people like the 'position' of manager as it feeds their ego. The trade-off is that they are expected to take on much more responsibility than the assistant manager but may also be working many more hours for not much more pay.
There are other considerations such as the time that you have available if you are single or if you have a young family. I would not trade the TIME I had with my children and planned my professional career accordingly. It has paid off for me as my daughters all respect me and now that they are older realize that the sacrifice I made meant that I could always be counted on to get them to sports activities, music or art lessons and also was directly involved in their lives throughout.
I may have less in the material sense than I would have if I had taken another path but I am content with my decision and would do it again similarly - perhaps in another profession but certainly with similar stipulations.
What do you value most?
12/26/2014 5:07:13 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Oswego, IL
54, joined Jul. 2009
After working 22 years with no overtime, and then suddenly getting said overtime, I am all for it. Bring it on! Mandatory or not, I am there!
The only ones complaining about it are the guys with families and animals. Too bad. Let the significant other deal with those issues. This is how the bills get paid, correct?
Myself, I just rearranged my schedule around my work schedule. Only thing I didn't like about it was getting up at 4:00 am.
12/26/2014 5:16:36 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
Wow two different perspectives thanks. And I have held salary positions and on call jobs I hated them both! I was a trucker for years as well. And yes even though it was time away from home I still enjoyed that better. Some times I could trash around in places like a paid tourist! Would rather be hundreds of miles from home then be yanked out of bed all hours of the night, miss meals, sleep, etc, to go tow or unlock a car clear a toilet. Then be expected to work a full day and do it all over again. My personal time is more valuable then a few extra bucks to me. If I want to make extra money I'll find side work.
12/26/2014 6:54:28 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |
Connersville, IN
42, joined Jul. 2014
I am in the healthcare field.. I am used to a day going from normal to crazy in a second. You can't predict when you leave. Helping people is my passion so I don't mind sticking around to help or being called in when I take call. Plus the extra money is always nice!
12/26/2014 9:21:24 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from 1975xray: "I am in the healthcare field.. I am used to a day going from normal to crazy in a second. You can't predict when you leave. Helping people is my passion so I don't mind sticking around to help or being called in when I take call. Plus the extra money is always nice!"
I heard most health care workers are on salary and the hours suck is that true? Do you have a gym where you work? Thats another thing folks your health is more important then money! What good is money if you look like shit?
I like being a hot looking bum! 
12/26/2014 10:04:21 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |
Connersville, IN
42, joined Jul. 2014
Quote from 1975xray: "I am in the healthcare field.. I am used to a day going from normal to crazy in a second. You can't predict when you leave. Helping people is my passion so I don't mind sticking around to help or being called in when I take call. Plus the extra money is always nice!"
I heard most health care workers are on salary and the hours suck is that true? Do you have a gym where you work? Thats another thing folks your health is more important then money! What good is money if you look like shit?
I like being a hot looking bum!  
I am not salary. I get an hourly pay. I take call and get paid well to do so. We don't have an on site gym but get big discounts to go. We have a lot of support for our physical and mental health.
12/27/2014 6:38:47 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from 1975xray: "I am not salary. I get an hourly pay. I take call and get paid well to do so. We don't have an on site gym but get big discounts to go. We have a lot of support for our physical and mental health."
You are very lucky! Would be nice if more companies gave a shit about their employees in this country but fact is few do. We are nothing more then tools to be used and discarded. In japan they have mandatory exercise hour at some companies and those folks don't have half the health problems we Americans do. Being told you will work overtime on a Friday and through the weekend on a moments notice to me is bullying and smacks of wage slavery. Pay or not people should have a choice to work over time or on a weekend if they don't want to. JMO
12/27/2014 9:48:39 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Oswego, IL
54, joined Jul. 2009
Our boss will come to the morning meeting, usually at the beginning of the week, to announce the overtime and shift schedule change. Normally for either later that same month, or a week or 2 notice. He has never came out and said overtime begins today, and we all have to stay.
That being said, they do have the authority and right to do so whenever and wherever they please, being that I am working in a faction of government. I liked what another co worker of mine said. Remember that little sheet of paper you signed to get this job? This is what it means.
So in emergency situations, rarely, I have been called in at 1:00 am, 3:00 am, weekends, and holidays. Have I ever complained about it? Nope. Because I know first hand what the job market is right now. As well as how many others would gladly take my place if they had the chance to do so.
I have to laugh at my other co workers who know this full well, and then whine about having to take care of their pets. Some of the fools even went out and got those pets, AFTER they were hired on. What were they thinking?
12/28/2014 3:39:11 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
Juss so ya know I'm not whining about it because when I'm at my job I live there. I get paid quite well and it isn't a bad job by far. It sure isn't most dangerous catch lol. And I drove a truck for years so forced over time was sometimes a daily occurrence.
My question was mainly forced over time. My take is it isn't right and should be a labor violation. How would you feel about getting on an airplane with a tired pilot? Bad enough truckers rarely get proper sleep feel safe around those things? You see here I'm going with this? I'm not specifically talking about McDonald's workers or people working at quick shops.
12/29/2014 8:35:54 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |
Saint Petersburg, FL
39, joined Oct. 2014
yes for low payees only
12/29/2014 10:12:49 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from treec36: "yes for low payees only"
And why is that fare?
12/31/2014 3:24:36 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Aurora, IL
51, joined Aug. 2012
All the years that I had children at home, I made it clear when I took a job that I was a parent first. If that didn't work for my employer, that was understandable, but it was better for all of us to find out before I took the job and we hit a conflict.
Now that my days of helping with homework and reading bedtime stories are over, I don't mind making a more significant commitment to work.
12/31/2014 3:26:09 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Aurora, IL
51, joined Aug. 2012
yes for low payees only
Seems the opposite to me. If an employer wants a total commitment, they should be willing to pay for it. Someone who isn't getting a lot out of the job in terms of financial rewards owes less allegiance and commitment to the company, probably works at a lower level of responsibility and is more likely to be blindsided by irregular scheduling (for example, ability to afford after-hours babysitters).
12/31/2014 7:06:38 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
Quote from lilod: "Seems the opposite to me. If an employer wants a total commitment, they should be willing to pay for it. Someone who isn't getting a lot out of the job in terms of financial rewards owes less allegiance and commitment to the company, probably works at a lower level of responsibility and is more likely to be blindsided by irregular scheduling (for example, ability to afford after-hours babysitters)."
I agree ! And if people knew how often pilots, buss drivers, truckers, dock workers, had to work past their threshold people wouldn't be so hip to forcing people to work over time would they? I think its BULL SHIT! People are getting injured we know tired driving is just as bad as drunk driving but we don't care do we?
12/31/2014 7:37:45 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Aurora, IL
51, joined Aug. 2012
I agree ! And if people knew how often pilots, buss drivers, truckers, dock workers, had to work past their threshold people wouldn't be so hip to forcing people to work over time would they? I think its BULL SHIT! People are getting injured we know tired driving is just as bad as drunk driving but we don't care do we?
Well, there are actually laws regarding those types of situations, so clearly someone cares--just not enough people or the people in the right positions.
12/31/2014 8:09:41 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
^ Well if you have ever drove a truck then you know those laws are bullshit! Sometimes you drive all night if you don't you get to be late and maybe not get another load for days costing you money. I could go into the trucking industry but there is a reason they are always looking for drivers. DOT keeps changing the rules and they just keep making it worse! Fukin feds should of left it the way it was then if a driver got tired and wanted to take a two hour nap it wasn't deducted from his work day! They have done nothing but screw things up. I don't know how the aviation industry works. But I have heard of pilots having to fly back to back shifts what ever that means and falling asleep in the c*ckpit. Also air traffic controllers work screwed up shifts to. And doctors and nurses.. But guess they have plenty of places they can nap if they can get away with it? I'm simply saying many people work screwed up hours at night don't get enough or proper sleep and forcing over time on anyone to me is BULL SHIT!
1/3/2015 3:19:55 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |
Saint Petersburg, FL
39, joined Oct. 2014
because low payees hardly get benefits or none
at all
1/4/2015 5:35:54 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |


Arlington, TN
53, joined Oct. 2014
from treec36:"because low payees hardly get benefits or none
at all"
True but what if you're a single mother and you have to pic up a child from day care ?
1/11/2015 9:09:13 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |
Saint Petersburg, FL
39, joined Oct. 2014
a well disciplined single mother knows her boundaries
and would do what ever it takes to keep her job to keep
the doe(money) rolling in.i am in a interview to sell my
qualities for the position not my booty 
1/12/2015 12:58:22 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Aurora, IL
51, joined Aug. 2012
a well disciplined single mother knows her boundaries
and would do what ever it takes to keep her job to keep
the doe(money) rolling in.i am in a interview to sell my
qualities for the position not my booty 
Really? So, if that means, for example, paying $10/hour for after-hours child care when you're only making $8 and end up losing money, or making your child sick dragging him out to child care in the middle of the night when you get called in...whatever it takes?
1/12/2015 4:07:53 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Dixon, IL
57, joined Feb. 2013
I know how often does anyone get that lucky huh? But I've noticed many companies advertising in order to accept a position you must agree to work when ever. Now of course you will get paid I hope? But companies some times do this because they are to f**king cheap to hire either temp workers to pick up the slack or its the holidays, or the job sucks and lots of people quit.
So would you take a job knowing you may not be able to go home as planned?
And how's this one forced overtime! You have a job and some lazy shit bag doesn't come in when they are supposed to. And you have to work late now only to have your hours cut latter? So it really wont be over time will it? If you don't comply you're fire!
How would you feel about that?
Hell, I LIKE overtime! Mandatory or not, no problem.
I tend to b*tch when we don't have it! 
1/16/2015 3:08:54 AM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Winnipeg, MB
65, joined Sep. 2008
yes for low payees only
From what I understand about low paying jobs is that they often do not provide adequate return for maintaining a household. Therefore people in those positions often need to take on another job (either full or part-time) to make ends meet.
Something many people don't realize is that it is not only the hours you work but also included in personal scheduling is the time it takes to get to and from work. Therefore an eight hour day, depending upon distance one has to travel, may be more like nine or ten hours.
If a second job is required then there are complications in meeting the expectations of both employers and also the responsibilities of home. Many people have elderly parents or children to tend to and the cooking, cleaning and household duties (including shopping) make it very exhausting. When one adds in taking the kids to art, music or sports (which all require more expenses AND time) there are also the unexpected things like doctor's appointments or parent teacher interviews.
People in the middle income bracket who often have vehicles and are paid a living wage have no idea of the hardships the less fortunate are. They consider the unskilled workers as lazy or negligent and accuse them of free-loading.
There are not that many people who do not find dignity in work. Unless someone is an alcoholic or drug addict most people do not consider their plight as someone else's fault. Of the 'select' malfunctioning group most of them are unwilling or unable to see clearly that their lifestyle has impeded their progress. The vast majority of persons who are living just under or at the poverty line are truly suffering and are victimized by unscrupulous employers whose only interest is the bottom line.
The longer the unemployment rates are high the more pervasive the dehmanizing manner of treatment of employees continues. It promotes an underground economy that is both morally and socially destructive.
1/17/2015 12:46:31 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |
Saint Petersburg, FL
39, joined Oct. 2014
1/20/2015 12:01:56 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Gilbert, AZ
36, joined Jul. 2012
I've never worked anywhere with mandatory OT, more often ppl competed over any OT slots available. My current job doesn't allow OT although it would be nice to have once in awhile. At this point with a young child I wouldn't work somewhere with mandatory OT.
[Edited 1/20/2015 12:02:45 PM ]
1/20/2015 1:06:12 PM |
Mandatory overtime yes or no? |

Perry, GA
31, joined Feb. 2010
I get over time each day over 8 hours vs over time after 40. I have up to 12 hours to finish my work.