3/9/2015 6:03:13 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Frankfort, KY
64, joined Feb. 2010
Date a black man? I never have and was taught to "stick with your own race". I know those days are gone. I don't consider myself a racists and it's what's in the heart that counts. Please give me your experiences or opinions. Thanks!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/9/2015 6:11:59 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Yes. I would date Joe as being about my same age now. A wonderful huge, ebony giant of a man. Hailed from Alabama. Was very well spoken, well mannered, and extremely polite and considerate.
Being seen with him in public places: touring the Alamo, visiting Gettysburg, swimming in the hotel pool, him treating me to a marvelous dinner on my birthday while we were in Tulsa.
Exceptional human being. As was his wife and children.
A shout out to, Joe, wherever you may be my friend: I love you. You made my journeys complete.
3/9/2015 6:18:10 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
I'm open to all race
3/9/2015 6:28:29 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I'm open to all race
You know, Babe, I heard a saying yesterday which I would like to share.
paraphrasing: (in regards to race and ethnicity)
All people are the same if they could peel their skin off.....and I would be willing to start helping those who can't reach the difficult areas.
3/9/2015 7:01:12 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Monroe, WI
61, joined Apr. 2006
In God's eyes there is no color.We all have the same heart.It's a choice do you stay blind,or chose to see the value each person has.
Chose the person you date based on,respect for each other,common grounds with ethics.and values,most of all enjoy all company with wit,spirit,laughs,caring,compassion.I'm sure you'll view a wonderful person.
Will always lend a blind person a cane, till they can see the world full of color.
3/9/2015 10:16:39 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Kansas City, KS
29, joined Feb. 2013
In God's eyes there is no color.We all have the same heart.It's a choice do you stay blind,or chose to see the value each person has.
Chose the person you date based on,respect for each other,common grounds with ethics.and values,most of all enjoy all company with wit,spirit,laughs,caring,compassion.I'm sure you'll view a wonderful person.
Will always lend a blind person a cane, till they can see the world full of color. 
very eloquent. I have dated mixed guys before, I don't judge someone solely on his color, I judge him on what's inside, and where I find a little attraction towards his looks.
everyone is allowed preferences. there are some "black" people I do not find attractive, same as with "white" people I do not find attractive.
3/10/2015 4:02:03 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
You know, Babe, I heard a saying yesterday which I would like to share.
paraphrasing: (in regards to race and ethnicity)
All people are the same if they could peel their skin off.....and I would be willing to start helping those who can't reach the difficult areas. 
That is so true cheer, I'll help them to
3/10/2015 4:02:24 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
3/11/2015 3:59:34 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

South San Francisco, CA
48, joined Sep. 2014
3/11/2015 4:11:41 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Monroe, WI
61, joined Apr. 2006
Date a black man? I never have and was taught to "stick with your own race". I know those days are gone. I don't consider myself a racists and it's what's in the heart that counts. Please give me your experiences or opinions. Thanks!
I had to come back to this question OP.In the 50's when being raise I was living in a all white small city,at the time that's all our parents knew.With respect how I was raised I was young.As I became an adult,I have made my own choices.Knowing the world is mixed with all ethnics.Our city grew as well as my parents minds grew also.And their hearts and mind expanded.They chose not to judge on media that was exposed in the 60's.Because we all know media spreads more negitive then positive.
I hope as an adult you know whats in your heart.Keep in mind some are scared of that they have never been exposed to.I'm glad my family chose the path of learning.
[Edited 3/11/2015 4:14:26 AM ]
3/11/2015 6:13:29 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


San Antonio, TX
63, joined Jul. 2013
Date a black man? I never have and was taught to "stick with your own race". I know those days are gone. I don't consider myself a racists and it's what's in the heart that counts. Please give me your experiences or opinions. Thanks!
The short of it, yes I would.
The long of it …. As with dating anyone I now consider their “motive” or their “intentions”. That may sound hard or cold but whereas before I would wonder if they want to date for a playmate, someone to dine with, someone to travel or someone to marry and the list goes on and on. I hate to say it but recently I’ve come across and had to face the reality that some black men want to date a white woman just to say they have. Just as there are some whites that want to date black just to say they have. It works both ways so I’m not picking on a race actually it is really what is there “heart” reason and sad to say some are not noble regardless of ethnicity.
What made me face this was a black man wanted to date and he lived out of this area and I don’t want to do the long distance thing. When I told him my reason he came back and slammed me and called me racist. I was totally taken aback and it made me look at the other aspect of some men’s intentions. Let me add that some guys no matter the color if you tell them no for the same reason might also come back with a slam of a different nature. So it really isn't a color thing as it is a "man" thing. 
I was married to a Mexican for 29 years so I do know something about crossing racial lines.
I guess I was naïve and had to face facts that I was not use to thinking about because I am one that looks to the persons heart as the other ladies have mentioned.
I hope this makes sense and isn’t coming across as racist. Look to the heart but have a brain as well.
I’ve heard it said go into a relationship with both eyes open and once married you close one eye.
God says to protect our heart.

3/12/2015 9:33:25 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
I've not but would I? That would count on the man, just as it would with any other man. I'm not going out of my way looking but Never say Never.
3/13/2015 6:28:20 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Monroe, WI
61, joined Apr. 2006
I keep coming back to this topic only because,I view all people dateable.Dating is a social event.A person can learn to start carring,maybe even have a relationship that's mutually,agreed on.
By no means does that mean you sleep with them.Only now your are finding out,what works for you. Always follow your heart.Most of all instinces.
3/14/2015 1:12:16 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Picher, OK
47, joined Sep. 2011
3/22/2015 7:57:52 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Saint Petersburg, FL
39, joined Oct. 2014
i love all people but i want to stick to my race
and i feel nerves cause white men are coming at me
more than black men in this new town i'm living in
i want to go back home all my life i see black on black
and white on white now here comes this new town i live in and this
website,white sex eww maybe
3/26/2015 12:16:09 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Gilbert, AZ
36, joined Jul. 2012
I've dated different racial/cultural backgrounds so yes.
3/26/2015 2:51:26 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
So you singled out all other race with your question because you started out with Ladies...then said date a black man.

If that is not races....
This group is ladies only....not whites only.
3/26/2015 9:38:38 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Saint Petersburg, FL
39, joined Oct. 2014
I repent!
3/27/2015 5:46:45 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Anderson, SC
25, joined Jun. 2014
Dumb question. It's not about color but of social behaviors. Hood, ghetto, ratchet.
3/27/2015 10:14:24 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Mar. 2012
For me it would be no...why, well I was sexually assaulted by a black man in a laundry mat, a stranger who was robbing me, then bam, he hit me unexpectedly, I flew across the laundry mat and he proceeded to rape me...I was traumatize for the next several years and when I think about it I remember the horrible smell...no it wouldn't work for me...
4/5/2015 10:24:04 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
For me it would be no...why, well I was sexually assaulted by a black man in a laundry mat, a stranger who was robbing me, then bam, he hit me unexpectedly, I flew across the laundry mat and he proceeded to rape me...I was traumatize for the next several years and when I think about it I remember the horrible smell...no it wouldn't work for me...
Of course sorry to read about being raped....no women should go through it.
What really gets me in what you said...
Your memory is based on smell...not for the fact that you was forced...humiliuated, scared to death of diseases, but the smell.
....by you pointing out smell...you are trying to make people think that all black male smell.
4/7/2015 1:33:13 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Mar. 2012
Of course sorry to read about being raped....no women should go through it.
What really gets me in what you said...
Your memory is based on smell...not for the fact that you was forced...humiliuated, scared to death of diseases, but the smell.
....by you pointing out smell...you are trying to make people think that all black male smell. 
^^^being tramatized would in it self speak for what you mentioned above...I was tested every 6 months for one year...counseling, afraid to be around any black men for years..but has the years have gone by I have come to terms that I can not go around blaming all black men as rapist based on this one fellow..I have family half African American, very intelligent...but for and me alone I would not be able to be in an intimate relation because everything would return and I would freak out...I have no control how one may interpret a reading and the story is too long..
My life is and has been surrounded by diversity, however when it comes to dating, I have my preferences.
4/7/2015 7:00:25 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Fort Wayne, IN
38, joined Apr. 2013
If the opportunity came up and there was chemistry between us, why not?
4/7/2015 7:37:23 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
^^^being tramatized would in it self speak for what you mentioned above...I was tested every 6 months for one year...counseling, afraid to be around any black men for years..but has the years have gone by I have come to terms that I can not go around blaming all black men as rapist based on this one fellow..I have family half African American, very intelligent...but for and me alone I would not be able to be in an intimate relation because everything would return and I would freak out...I have no control how one may interpret a reading and the story is too long..
My life is and has been surrounded by diversity, however when it comes to dating, I have my preferences.
Oh....so now you hide profile...wasnt like that a couple days ago when i commented on you first reply.
Now ya trying to show what?
That ya really scared or you dont want anyone to see you have a "Black male" as 1 friend?
So i guess your on this site for the forums now huh...since "You say" you could never be in a relationship.
4/8/2015 6:04:45 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Schererville, IN
56, joined Feb. 2015
I would have to like him as a person and have an attraction to him, no matter what race. No more emotionally unhealthy guys no matter what race.
4/15/2015 5:49:21 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Boone, NC
49, joined Jan. 2012
Date a black man? I never have and was taught to "stick with your own race". I know those days are gone. I don't consider myself a racists and it's what's in the heart that counts. Please give me your experiences or opinions. Thanks!
I have dated outside of my race and it didn't work out at the time. He was a great guy though. Just wasn't THE one for me as has been the case for a lot of men IN my own race. 
4/15/2015 5:50:08 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Boone, NC
49, joined Jan. 2012
So you singled out all other race with your question because you started out with Ladies...then said date a black man.

If that is not races.... 
This group is ladies only....not whites only.
You are intentionally going around from thread to thread just to be racist yourself. So shut up and sit down already.
4/15/2015 8:42:31 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Minneapolis, MN
73, joined Apr. 2014
..then said date a black man.
If that is not races....
btw, you mean "racist" not "races" - unless you're talking about the Triple Crown - HORSE races.
Get it straight. Read a book, or at least pick up a dictionary!

Ignore the b*tch. She's just plain stupid & hateful.
[Edited 4/15/2015 8:44:54 PM ]
4/16/2015 9:35:33 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
btw, you mean "racist" not "races" - unless you're talking about the Triple Crown - HORSE races.
Get it straight. Read a book, or at least pick up a dictionary!
Ignore the b*tch. She's just plain stupid & hateful.

So you go from thread to thread...one sounding like you all for blacks....
And how much you pray....but proof is...you go around trying to point out little mistakes and calling a black person a b*tch....
Or was that for a white person?
4/18/2015 2:41:30 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Williamsburg, OH
54, joined Oct. 2013
No..this is not a preference for me.I am all about dating within my race...sorry to say..this will never change.
4/23/2015 7:36:52 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Chicago, IL
62, joined Mar. 2015
No..this is not a preference for me.I am all about dating within my race...sorry to say..this will never change.
Me too. I am Black and I am only attracted to Black men. Obviously the OP didn't consider that Black women may respond to this thread. I have never dated a White guy, BTW.
[Edited 4/23/2015 7:38:57 AM ]
4/23/2015 7:41:44 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Chicago, IL
62, joined Mar. 2015
I wasn't taught any racist drivel such as stay with your own race. Its just who I am naturally attracted to. My daughter is the opposite and has a White husband whom I love. To each his or her own.
4/24/2015 4:55:49 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Picher, OK
47, joined Sep. 2011
I only date/married/love white guys. Some think I am being racist...thats just stupid. I just prefer white guys. They float my boat. Too each their own.
[Edited 4/24/2015 4:56:09 PM ]
4/27/2015 3:58:23 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Middleport, OH
60, joined Oct. 2013
I have never dated a black man and never will. I , however, was taught growing up to stay within my own race. jmo.
4/28/2015 12:19:45 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Columbus, OH
26, joined May. 2013
Yeah I would and I would also date white guy, Mexican, Asian, middle eastern, etc etc
Interesting that you were taught to stick to your Own race when we are all one race human. But I guess that's your upbringing if you ever want to decide different ethnicities you sure can.
5/1/2015 6:22:45 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Sacramento, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
It is sad that this still seems to be an issue but then if you want to deal with the opinions of others there is little other that will stir up opinions as dating across racial lines. It can be a constant stress on a relationship; even a very good one.
Years ago people were told not to date across racial lines for a multitude of reasons but some were to prevent either party from being attacked even killed for the choice. It still happens today sometimes in very brutal ways others more slow and spiteful like hidden discrimination. Mixed children are often abandoned by both races.
Others were because mixed blood family members would be more obvious the more mix blood folks there were. With the punitive laws and discrimination many people did not want to be "noticed".
As offensive as it is some men, a few women, thought it was ok to assault or abuse minorities where they would not dream of abusing their own race because the consequences were much more severe. If the races mixed the person you were dating might be a relative.
A lot of it is property rights and inheritance. The child may choose to date without recognition to color but Grandma and Grandpa may not want to leave equal rights to mixed blood grandchildren or great grand children. Sadly it is still legal to exclude people in wills based only on race or gender. Money and power corrupt.
And just because bad lws are taken off the books it takes time for the practices fade. Some more than others. Most often again it is money, power, and status.
5/3/2015 11:27:28 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Shawnee, KS
54, joined Nov. 2014
Yes people are people we are all created the same what should ones color of there skin make a big difference for???? IS THERE REALLY PURE RACE ANYWAY.???????? (I DO NOT THINK SO) me myself I'm mixed with Irish, Scottish. Dutch. Indian!!!! To be honest I think there is black somewhere. down the line with almost all Americans ..... I really truly believe that I have some black in my family tree. 
5/10/2015 9:09:58 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Hartford, CT
41, joined Apr. 2015
I never dated a black guy. But it's the person that matters to me. truth be told, since the age of six...I've loved the Hispanic look. But the guy I'm interested in now is white but I like him for who he is.
5/10/2015 9:21:41 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Hartford, CT
41, joined Apr. 2015
Of course sorry to read about being raped....no women should go through it.
What really gets me in what you said...
Your memory is based on smell...not for the fact that you was forced...humiliuated, scared to death of diseases, but the smell.
....by you pointing out smell...you are trying to make people think that all black male smell.  the more I read your ignorant and B*TCH comments in various threads...the more I loathe you. Smell and all minor details are very common and known in psychology within post traumas. Just because she left out details for your personal sake in a trivial thread doesn't give you right to twist and put words in her mouth. ugggh. people amaze me with their narcissistic like agendas in the face of anyone's experience.
5/10/2015 9:23:12 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Hartford, CT
41, joined Apr. 2015
Dumb question. It's not about color but of social behaviors. Hood, ghetto, ratchet.
true, I think.
5/12/2015 9:51:14 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Louisville, KY
49, joined Sep. 2014
I have never dated a white guy but would has to be very handsome like I like em
5/16/2015 4:55:19 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Baltimore, MD
36, joined Dec. 2012
Date a black man? I never have and was taught to "stick with your own race". I know those days are gone. I don't consider myself a racists and it's what's in the heart that counts. Please give me your experiences or opinions. Thanks!
After reading your short op it seems to me you are conflicted; you were brought up being taught certain things but deep in your heart you question if those things are right, and you may even find yourself a little attracted to Black men.
My thing is this: Even if interracial dating is wrong, isnt it still so much better than hate?
5/18/2015 4:28:21 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
the more I read your ignorant and B*TCH comments in various threads...the more I loathe you. Smell and all minor details are very common and known in psychology within post traumas. Just because she left out details for your personal sake in a trivial thread doesn't give you right to twist and put words in her mouth. ugggh. people amaze me with their narcissistic like agendas in the face of anyone's experience.
5/20/2015 8:02:11 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Suwanee, GA
51, joined Sep. 2014
I've never dated a black man...I have found a few very attractive though...
I was never told to not date a black man but I was informed of the difficulties associated with all men outside my race...That there is always bias, just the same as same sex relationships....and Every single one of us has bias of some sort that is not inline with the standards we have set as "normal" and the way things should be...
It's never just about the color of the skin but more about fitting in with different cultures and standards of living...
6/1/2015 12:58:38 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
Me too. I am Black and I am only attracted to Black men. Obviously the OP didn't consider that Black women may respond to this thread. I have never dated a White guy, BTW.
Exactly the point i was making early in this thread.
6/3/2015 10:11:12 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

District Heights, MD
61, joined Jan. 2008
In God's eyes there is no color.We all have the same heart.It's a choice do you stay blind,or chose to see the value each person has.
Chose the person you date based on,respect for each other,common grounds with ethics.and values,most of all enjoy all company with wit,spirit,laughs,caring,compassion.I'm sure you'll view a wonderful person.
Will always lend a blind person a cane, till they can see the world full of color.  ::
[Edited 6/3/2015 10:12:01 PM ]
6/3/2015 10:19:27 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Warrenton, MO
26, joined May. 2015
My guy is white and i adore him regardless of his race. "Like he said its new to both of us". I love my man #InterracialLove  
6/5/2015 8:22:00 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
Everyone has a right to their own opinion and mine is that until you walk a mile in anothers shoes don't judge. Its sad that in 2015 this post is in existence. I think a lot of your views are breed through hatred and jealous y. We have a whole fourth race of people that are being hurt by this crap and don't deserve the condemnation of a dying class.
6/7/2015 9:38:57 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
I have never dated a black man and never will. I , however, was taught growing up to stay within my own race. jmo.
Well the age difference is of 10 years...but my parents never taught or said anything to me about staying within my own race.
Im attracted more to black men...so thats who ive always dated.
But...never had i told my kids to stay within your own race.
So...looking at the other forum...about being outraged.
One would really wonder....what is being taught or advised to their children of the parents that had parents tell them....stay in your own race?
Ill give you an example.
We had a neighbor that lived behind us.
My oldest daughter babysat thier boys.
Now the parents was close to our age...maybe a couple years younger.
Our boys played with theirs...however...one day out of the blue...
One of the little boys called my son a n**ger...they were outside play wrestling.
I believe at that time...they were about 8 or 9. All of us was shocked because we have known them for years...and our boys played together.
Where did that comment come from and why?
Grandparents, parents, tv?
And...did his parents ever teach him not to call anyone this?
Again...i will say...i never told my kids to stay within your race...my boys have had girlfriends outside their race.
But like i said...my "parents" my kids grandparents never told me to stay in my own race.
Food for thought.
6/7/2015 10:29:38 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Rupert, WV
48, joined Sep. 2011
You can't help who you love whether your black white,gay,straight or bi. Skin color and sexual preferences don't mean a thing. The only thing that matters is what comes from the inside of your heart. Whoever came up with that racist bullshit that in God's eyes you have to stay with your race needed shot. Nowhere in the bible does it say what color Adam and Eve was,for all we know they could have been mixed races. There is only one true judge that has the right to judge anyone and that's God,any others are just plain out sinners. The 10 commandments say's "Love thy neighbor" it doesn't state to love only your color of neighbor.
Keep peace,love and harmony in your life and you'll be good to go. This world is getting totally destroyed by pure hatred and greed.
6/7/2015 12:33:07 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |
Jasper, AL
41, joined Mar. 2013
I have never and most likely will never date a black man simply because im not attracted to black men. Im not attracted to mexican or middle eastern men either. I am attracted to some asian men but have never dated one. I probay never will date an asian man either just because there's not many asian men in the area I live in.
For the record Im not attracted to all white men either, i really dont like the "redneck" look.
6/7/2015 1:14:27 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
Op you're grown, u don't need your parents approval, on who u should date, I will never teach my kids who they can date
6/8/2015 3:38:02 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Chicago, IL
62, joined Mar. 2015
Op you're grown, u don't need your parents approval, on who u should date, I will never teach my kids who they can date
I always let my daughter make her own choices, just advised her to always consider character. Race is such a non-issue, nobody really understands sexual attraction so just go with what floats your boat. That said, its kind of sad when someone considers all of their own group unattractive.
6/8/2015 4:51:54 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
Exactly forum
6/16/2015 11:18:18 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
This is not a racial forum.

6/16/2015 1:33:29 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |


Monroe, WI
61, joined Apr. 2006
Woman"s forum is not racial,even tho their are ones that provoke.Sometimes you have to overlook comments.Or grow thicker skin,no matter what color.Then again we always run across people that can't conclude it's only an opinion.
Make a statement positive.
We all know we can't control our kids,neighbors,or guest in our homes,let alone our friends, and peers.Even tho we all have flaws,we do listen to media that is negitive.Change is what's shared in your heart for mankind.
I have times don't agree with our minister,does that make me a heathen?Keep in mind words are only what one persons thoughts are at the momment.Always subject to change also.
6/19/2015 6:24:50 AM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
Sorrow and prayers out to the innocent people that lost their lives during the church service. This was a hate crime carried out by someone not old enough to have experiences of life as a man. I'm confused as to why we are no further ahead of where we were sixty years ago. Marry who you want but don't go into mixed marriage with rose colored glasses. The world doesn't work that way and my experience is that hatred for mixed couples is just as bad in other cultures.
6/19/2015 4:20:42 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
Sorrow and prayers out to the innocent people that lost their lives during the church service. This was a hate crime carried out by someone not old enough to have experiences of life as a man. I'm confused as to why we are no further ahead of where we were sixty years ago. Marry who you want but don't go into mixed marriage with rose colored glasses. The world doesn't work that way and my experience is that hatred for mixed couples is just as bad in other cultures.
So she post this in a racial threads.
6/19/2015 5:27:57 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
Haters gonna hate.
6/19/2015 7:03:46 PM |
Ladies have you or would you... |

Johnston, IA
49, joined Sep. 2014
Haters gonna hate.
Im really not understanding that comment let alone where it came from.
But..i will presume that you are talking about somewone else.
I dont dance around what i want to say to someone.