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6/10/2016 5:18:30 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/10/2016 5:25:22 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

6/10/2016 11:04:23 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Not certain if I'm repeatin' some one else's post, butt...
Atta recent tRUMP rally, with a han fulla Hispanics in the crowd, tRUMP had to draw attention ta there presence, by sayin' repeatedly...
See my Mexicans... See my Mexicans... See my Mexicans... An pointin' with his small hands...
Lass weak he dun the same wen he saw a black man in the crowd...
See My black man... See my black man... See my black man... An poinin' with his small hands...
6/10/2016 11:45:34 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Goes back to stupid Reganomics. Trickle down. Yeah right. Give the rich tax breaks and they will start up factories and hire more. Reality..the greedy rich just pocket it all. Oh..sorry..they did hire more...Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Mexicans...
The only way Hillary can win is if she can convince Bernie to be her VP. Not the list of who the hell are theys she has mentioned. And then we will vote for her and hope in the first few months..she gets hit by a tank!
6/10/2016 8:29:45 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
What does Donald Trump call a chorus line of Playboy Bunnies dancing backward?
A receeding hare line.
6/10/2016 9:20:10 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

When someone shows you who they are... Believe them!!!
6/10/2016 10:40:25 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
6/11/2016 4:10:15 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
Which is your favorite Hillary lie/witch hunt? Some fools hang onto these as they did Obama's birth certificate lie or his "coming to get your dang guns" lie.   
By Thom Palmer
*Whitewater was the beginning of the Hillary Clinton witch hunt. Hardly anybody understands Whitewater. The claims of honesty and trustworthiness began here. The Clintons lost their investment in the Whitewater Development Company. Their business partner, Jim and Susan McDougal, had a separate investment in another company which also failed. The McDougals retained the law firm that Hillary worked for, Rose Law Firm to handle their legal dealings. The claim is that the McDougals hired Clinton to offset the Clintons’ losses on Whitewater, which they considered to be a conflict of interest. Ken Starr, the pioneer of the Hillary witch hunts hurled accusation after accusation at the Clintons over this. After wasting 8 years and millions of taxpayer dollars and several independent investigations, a final report was issued in 2000 that stated that there was no evidence that the Clintons had engaged in any criminal wrongdoing. It was BS from the start, but dishonest Republicans keep the story alive today.
*Wal-Mart: In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart was under pressure, from his wife and his shareholders, to appoint a woman to his Board of Directors. Based in Arkansas, they hired Hillary Clinton, then 40 year old Hillary Clinton. According to fellow board members and company executives, Hillary used her position to champion more women in management and a comprehensive environmental program. Being the least experienced in business at the time, her voice was silenced on Wal-Mart’s anti-unionism stance, and minimum wage was not considered a huge national crisis at the time. Her years on the Wal-Mart board, from 1986 to 1992, gave her an unusual tutorial in the ways of American business a credential that could serve as an antidote to Republican efforts to portray her as an enemy of free markets and an advocate for big government. To say that Hillary doesn’t understand business is dead wrong. While she had huge success in creating management opportunities for women at Wal Mart, the main attack line is that she “supported low wages”, which is not at all true. Looking at her track record in the Senate and as Secretary of State, she has always pushed for equal pay, and is fighting hard for a 40% increase in minimum wage, and for all improvements to middle class life in America.
*Monsanto:: Rumors have claimed that Hillary Clinton once sat (or currently sits) on the board of directors of agribusiness giant Monsanto as well, despite the lack of any evidence documenting such a connection. The repetition of those false rumors increased as the primary elections of the 2016 presidential campaign drew nearer. They are rumors. They are lies. Hillary has one of the strongest records on environmental protection of anybody in politics today. In fact, her support of the EPA and environmental regulations is the GOP’s biggest gripe, which flies in the face of the Monsanto rumors.
*Vince Foster death: Foster was messed up. He made some bad decisions and killed himself. Before he committed suicide, he wrote several suicide notes and wrapped up personal affairs as best he could. In the 1990’s, over 20,000 people per year committed suicide. In 2014, that number was over 40,000, with an increase in suicides by Veterans. Almost everybody knows someone who killed themselves for one reason or another. Ken Starr, the GOP’s official witch hunter along with right wing extremist Jerry Falwell, fueled the rumors that the Clintons were involved in a murder conspiracy. The allegations were as ridiculous then as they are now, but even after the FBI and independent investigations cleared the Clintons, books and articles continue to be written by Republicans accusing the Clintons of wrongdoing. The GOP is hell bent on assassinating the character of a future President, and continue to twist whatever they can to put doubt in the public mind. Another couple million dollars of taxpayer money wasted by Republicans.
6/11/2016 4:15:36 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
Continuation of Lies Loonies Love to Believe About Hillary 
*Wall Street and bank donations: It is important to note that most middle class working Americans rely on Wal Street through their 401k and IRA’s, etc to fund their retirement. Wall Street is, in a large part, responsible for the economic growth in the United States in the 20th century, and continues to provide financial security for many millions of Americans. As a result of Republican thirst for dark money in order to win elections, line their pockets and the pockets of the oil industry and weapons manufacturers, passed Citizens United. Thanks to Citizens United, it will take over one billion dollars to win the White House in 2016. Any candidate who actually wishes to overturn Citizens United must obtain the money to win first. This is a horrible rule that allows large corporations to donate huge sums of money to campaigns without transparency, and the influence of the top 1% of earners on politicians has never been bigger.
*Citizens United: She has a strong track record of trying to reign in wall street and banking speculation. Here is a link to Hillary Clinton’s entire Senate voting record while serving as US Senator in New York. It is very extensive, 10 pages long in all, but you can search records by issue and read up on just the issues that you want to learn about. You can also show just the bills that Hillary sponsored or co-sponsored during her time in the Senate. What you’ll find is a progressive set of bills written, and a voting record that supports the average American and not skewed toward Wall Street and big banks. What you’ll find throughout her time in the Senate, that she was very active in improving the lives of middle class people, worked hard on income equality, fairness, environmental issues, childrens issues, foreign affairs policy, and a lot of other things. Too much to go over. But, since you’re judging someone to be the leader of the free world, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to read up on some of this. It’s very interesting. She was a hard working Senator, clearly putting the welfare of the people, not the corporations, at the front of the line. If you see a vote that you don’t agree with, do a web search on why she voted the way she did. Many of these bills have misleading titles, with hidden tricks slipped in.
*Benghazi: Too many Republicans have now admitted to the Benghazi hearing as being a witch hunt, designed to obstruct Hillary Clinton’s chances to run for President. There were four people who died at the US Embassy that night in Benghazi. Under President George W. Bush, there were a total of 13 attacks on U.S. embassys resulting in over 60 deaths. As far as the first days after the attack, the initial information as things were unfolding, is that a religious caracature caused protests at the Embassy. This was true, but what was initially not known is that members of a terrorist group may have started the protests, and subsequently took advantage of the riot and killed our men. Early reporting is never entirely accurate, and while this was called an “act of terror”, the main GOP beef here is that it was not called a “terrorist attack”. That’s right, act of terror versus terrorist attack. Real good reason to waste millions of taxpayer dollars, right? Susan Rice said that the attack started as a protest, which it did. Nothing illegal here, no derelection of duty. Move on. GOP witch hunters blew another $7 million or so of your hard earned tax dollars on this one so far.
*Email server: Contrary to Republican claims of dishonesty or corruption, there was NEVER a law against using a personal server. No laws were broken. Secretary Clinton, as well as all other Secretaries of State that came before her, including Colin Powell and D*ck Cheney, used personal emails for their correspondence. The server was never hacked, and a record of all emails sent to government are stored on government servers. Republican witch hunters are blowing $13,000 per day of your hard earned tax dollars in order to paint Hillary as untrustworthy or incompetent, all for political purposes. As of 1999, Republicans had spent over $80 million of your dollars on Clinton investigations. The number today is more than likely over $200,000,000. Fiscal conservatism? I don’t think so.
*Billions of dollars to Iran: Wrong. The money in question was Iran’s money that was frozen in previous sanctions. It was their money, frozen in order to bring them to the table and come to an agreement on nuclear proliferation. No other conditions were placed on the release of the money other than coming to an agreement for destroying enriched uranium and agreeing not to pursue a nuclear weapon. They came to the table, agreed to terms with inspections to verify compliance, and what was remaining of their money withheld after paying money owed to other countries, was returned to Iran. It is very dishonest and misleading to say that Obama and Clinton GAVE Iran billions of dollars. You don’t give someone money that is theirs already. By the way, the nuclear deal is an international agreement, not just the USA, and even if Trump were to walk away from the deal, he’d have international backlash from our allies, and the agreement would remain.
6/11/2016 10:11:44 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

6/12/2016 9:50:50 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
tRUMP juss couldn' do it fer long... He promised them publicans he'd change... BUTT he's back ta his old self, talkin' smack... He really is dummer then bush... Didn' think thet was possible... BUTT tRUMP has proven thet he is...
EIGHT yeers a Hillary... Follered by EIGHT yeers a 'Lizabeth...
6/12/2016 10:40:20 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Lima, OH
67, joined Mar. 2009
Actually people will be stupid not to vote for her.
Not everyone believes republican propaganda.
[Edited 6/12/2016 10:41:06 AM ]
6/12/2016 12:22:46 PM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
All you need to do is listen to her. And read the data on what she did and didnt do as Secretary of State to see she is just hot air.
6/12/2016 2:04:01 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Voting for Hillary Clinton? You Must See these Reasons Why YOU SHOULDN'T!
TheHippie Moderne
Since Hillary Clinton has reported her running for the Presidency. Its already been seen that any individual who says they won't vote in favor of her will be regarded a sexist or other negative labels. You need brief, exact, and relatable reasons why you won't vote in favor of her, that are anything but difficult to express and which any American ought to have the capacity to comprehend. Here are some reasons why you should NOT vote for Hillary Clinton
1. Hillary Clinton is a liar. I don't mean this as political guess, yet a demonstrated, evident liar. She lied about the Irish peace handle, her vote for the Iraq war, her explanation behind wrongfully utilizing an individual email server, that her family was dead bankrupt when they went out, about arriving under expert marksman fire in Bosnia, where Chelsea was on 9/11, who she was named after, Benghazi… and the rundown goes on. We needn't bother with a liar-in-boss. We attempted that as of now. It didn't work.
2. Hillary Clinton was MIA when the 3am telephone call originated from Benghazi. Why does it matter? The life of four Americans – a colossal distinction. The Russian Reset? Russia attacked Ukraine on her watch. Once more. Also, once more. Boko Haram? Hillary Clinton's State Department declined to call it a terrorist association.
3. Hillary Clinton defended a child attacker. What's more, snickered about it. On the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea about this story, you have to research about it. I rehash. She defended a child attacker… and snickered about it.
4. Hillary Clinton took a great many Dollars from remote governments. While serving as Secretary of State, The Clinton Foundation (wrongfully) accepted boatloads of money from nations that store Hamas, harbor terrorists, suppress ladies, and frequently execute gays and lesbians.
5. Hillary Clinton is embraced by Barack Obama. (Albeit, given his reputation, he might not have implied what he said in regards to her being a "magnificent decision" for President.) Ask your companions in the event that they're in an ideal situation now than they were six years prior. Inquire as to whether they like the course the nation is going. On the off chance that they reply "yes," then they may quite like Hillary. In any case, on the off chance that they need some genuine trust and change, they can't vote in favor of business as usual.
6. Hillary Clinton needs ladies to shut the hell up. At any rate the majority of the ladies who attempted to approach with respect to her hubby's inappropriate behavior, misogyny and general propagation of "assault society". She alluded to these casualties as "trailer waste" and even went so far as to undermine one of the casualties in individual.
7. Hillary Clinton is not a champion of the working class. In spite of her battle motto, she is unquestionably not simply like you. Hillary Clinton was hitched to a President, had an individual cook, flies in a situation contaminating individual plane, has sent her girl only to non-public schools, and makes about $200K for each talking engagement. That is so you, isn't that so? What's more, your white collar class neighbors – they have a private plane out back, yes?
6/12/2016 2:36:27 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

imagine that! another registered demoncrapper mass murderer?
6/12/2016 3:04:23 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
Actually people will be stupid not to vote for her.
Not everyone believes republican propaganda.
Correct,, Itemgirl, but there are still some fools left...the type who still believe Obama has no birth certificate and is going to take your guns away. The type who listens to and believes right wing radio and Fox not news among other sources. The haters are going to come out of the woodwork in the next few months...they just knew they would have another white man in office after enduring that "colored" man, Obama, for 8 years...we will see more hate on DH than you can imagine.
6/12/2016 3:33:32 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
And the haters think they are being clever by venting their hate in to fake scandals....remember Obama was hiding Moslems in the White House to take over America!! That was a biggie. Some dummies are going back to Hillary killed Vince Foster and Benghazi. No candidate is perfect, but why don't these fools spend their energy on finding a decent Republican candidate??? Does no decent respectable person want to run on the Republican ticket???
6/12/2016 10:32:05 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
I am LMRAO that the Republicans only have those things you mentioned to harp on. They have no where to. They've run those theories into the ground for eight years and gotten nowhere.
I am especially tickled when they drag out Bill Clinton and the President and Michele.
They aren't hurting anyone with that rhetoric but themselves. 
6/13/2016 1:51:44 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009
15 mass shootings under one president...Fuhgeddabouit
6/13/2016 5:34:41 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
15 mass shootings under one president...Fuhgeddabouit
If you would listen to a news source other than Fox Not News, you would hear Obama's speeches urging House and Senate to vote on an assault weapons ban...
BTW, make up your mind...most of the time you right wing not jobs are squealing that "Obama is coming to take away all of your guns", yet when a tragic incident like this occurs with an assault weapon (which he obtained legally in the U.S., where he was born), it's all Obama's fault...
6/13/2016 8:36:49 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009
If you would listen to a news source other than Fox Not News, you would hear Obama's speeches urging House and Senate to vote on an assault weapons ban...
BTW, make up your mind...most of the time you right wing not jobs are squealing that "Obama is coming to take away all of your guns", yet when a tragic incident like this occurs with an assault weapon (which he obtained legally in the U.S., where he was born), it's all Obama's fault... 
It is his fault...15 mass shootings during the reign of the most racist president EVER...just like everyone Says it was Bush's fault while he was president DURNING HIS TERMS even THOUGH dems controlled congress./ how many mass shooting under his control..even congress is sick of him...and when Trump gets in our safety is on his agenda...my funny bone hurts the last few days..
6/13/2016 8:50:09 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
It continues to be worthwhile underlining, moreover, that far more embassy attacks occurred under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush than have under Obama, and that Republican in Congress never investigated Reagan or Bush for their failures.
1. The US embassy in Athens, Greece, was attacked in 2007.
2. The US embassy in Serbia was burned down early in 2008?
3. The US embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, were attacked in September 2008
4. A suicide bombing at the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2006 killed a US diplomat.
5. In 2006, a car bomb was set off outside the US embassy in Damascus.
6. Assailants set off bombs outside the US embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2004, at a time when the Uzbek government was allied with Bush in the ‘war on terror’ and was trying 15 persons it accused of al-Qaeda ties. Bush should have known.
7. The US consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, was attacked in 2004.
8. Anti-American Iraqis were regularly shelling the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is, in 2008.
9. In April 1983, radical Shiite suicide bombers blew up the US embassy in Beirut, killing 63. Reagan did nothing to prevent this attack, and his ultimate response to it and a later deadly attack on US Marines in Beirut was to quietly withdraw from Lebanon (he called it “redeploying offshore”). Democrats at the time controlled Congress but they didn’t have endless hearings on how Reagan failed our diplomats by not being prepared, not about whether it was wise for Reagan to shell Lebanese villages from the sea and kill 1,000 people.
10. The American embassy in Kuwait was attacked under Reagan in 1983 by radical members of the Da`wa (Islamic Mission) Party. George W. Bush later presided over the election of one of the bombers to the Iraqi parliament. The Da`wa Party, which has since given up terrorism and become a democratic party, has ruled Iraq since 2005, courtesy of Bush.
Actually there were 13 attacks and 60 lives lost...
6/13/2016 9:10:25 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
There is, also, these little terror attacks (4) called 9/11 under the Bush Administration which resulted in just under 3,000 casualties. The warning Bush was given fell on deaf ears....
The Deafness Before the Storm
IT was perhaps the most famous presidential briefing in history.
On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda. That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal.
On April 10, 2004, the Bush White House declassified that daily brief — and only that daily brief — in response to pressure from the 9/11 Commission, which was investigating the events leading to the attack. Administration officials dismissed the document’s significance, saying that, despite the jaw-dropping headline, it was only an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack. While some critics considered that claim absurd, a close reading of the brief showed that the argument had some validity.
6/13/2016 9:20:46 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
publicans keep throwin' stuff against the wall, hopin' it'll stick... So's all the illiterate ignorant racist haters, like them tRUMP followers'll be leave it...

6/13/2016 9:43:51 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
^^^ Yes, and not to call names, but Sorp will fall for anything and post whatever his idols, Cobra and Morelies tell him to post on DH. He's their boy here. 
6/13/2016 9:55:20 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
6/13/2016 10:01:22 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Is dopa still a roun or did candles toss his sorry lazy outta work azz out... He's bin livin' offa her sense they got tagether...
6/13/2016 10:15:55 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
He was picture framing for a while...don't know about now. I think he makes his DH appearances nowadays with a different profile on the CE&P forum so Candles won't know how much time he spends online. 
6/13/2016 11:00:41 AM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
The difference between Trump and Hillary?
Trump doesnt pretend to be anything but what he is. Especially rich.
Hillary avoids mentioning she is one of the one percent and super rich. Lies that she is one of the masses and all for the poor downtrodden masses.
6/13/2016 12:15:11 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009
When Bush was President he had a fine 8 months as President then came 911.,,his beginning of this nor that happened...with Obama his time as President promising change has not exactly happened..,15 mass murders in his two terms...with Hillary she sucked as a lying Sect of State..as the enemy creeps closer
6/13/2016 2:57:07 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
Nope, you can't make this crap up! 
Republicans Silent As Trove Of Classified Info Found On Petraeus’ Girlfriend’s Laptop
ByGrant SternPosted on June 10, 2016
The Republican Party’s double standard for handling top secret material has turned into an astounding example of that party’s embrace of white male privilege. General David Petraeus (four stars, ret.) is an American hero for his thirty-seven years of service and for orchestrating the 2007 “surge” during the Iraq War. As the Director of the CIA, however, Petraeus shirked his responsibilities and for some inexplicable reason put hundreds of classified documents at risk of exposure by transferring them to his mistress’ laptop computer.
That mind-boggling lapse of judgement one of America’s foremost military men lost his clearance, his profession and his innocence, eventually admitting guilt to federal proscutors for a misdemeanor crime, and paying a $100,000 criminal penalty.
Former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell was gently reprimanded by the Secretary of State’s Office of the Inspector General for his use of classified documents in a private email account.
In contrast, Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is under federal investigation for the use of a private email server and the “retroactive classification” of emails sent or received long ago – crucially, they were not considered classified documents at the time.
David Petraeus betrayed not only his oath of secrecy while literally serving as our country’s top spymaster – but the crime was intimately tied to his extra-marital affair with his biographer.
Just imagine if Russian dictator Vladimir Putin had sent a biographer-spy to flatter the General and extract information. They’d have buttered him up, and could have had our nation’s secrets delivered straight into their spy’s hands, using the timeless weapons of a General’s ego and the agent’s feminine wiles. A former Russian General described it thusly in Foreign Policy magazine:
“In America, in the West, occasionally you ask your men to stand up for their country. There’s very little difference. In Russia, we just ask our young women to lay down.”
Republicans in Congress were ready to condone a criminal violation of our nation’s top secret classification system – as recently as last month – from one of their potential presidential candidates, and spilled the beans on big secrets to his mistress.
That’s right. Paul Ryan and his establishment Republicans wanted to “draft” Petraeus to as their #NeverTrump candidate, but that idea withered and died a blessedly natural death. On the flip side, Republicans have spent $7,000,000 on the Benghazi witch hunt to uncover a bunch of ultimately meaningless, technical violations that former Secretaries of State Powell and Clinton stand accused of committing.
Republicans are using this episode to demonstrate the naked chase for political power which is all their party stands for. At the same time Republicans proved that their party’s moral rules of government document handling will forgive a convicted white male like Petreus for his egregious crime with a side course of family values hypocrisy in the form of a little extra-marital debauchery. But if you’re a woman like Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, or African-American like former top General Colin Powell and served your country honorably, the Republican party will find the world’s tiniest axe in a pile of any paperwork you’ve ever done, and find someone named McCarthy to grind that axe in front of the cameras, at taxpayers’ expense until nobody will ever want to serve our country, ever, again.
6/13/2016 3:20:05 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
"Afghan"... This idiot is the presumptive republican presidential nominee....
Trump Claimed Orlando Shooting Suspect Was Foreign-Born. Actually They Were Born In The Same City.
BY AARON RUPAR JUN 13, 2016 3:27 PM
During a counterterrorism speech on Monday, Donald Trump claimed that Orlando shooting suspect Omar Mateen was born in someplace called “Afghan.” He then transitioned to discussing how his proposed ban on Muslim immigration would help prevent similar attacks from occurring in the future.
6/13/2016 9:47:09 PM |
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Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009
The box under Hillary and Bill's Bed
When Bill and Hillary first got married Bill said, "I am putting a box under the bed. You must promise never to look in it." In all their 30 years of marriage, Hillary never looked. On the afternoon of their 30th anniversary, curiosity got the best of her and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In the box were 3 empty beer cans and $81,874.25 in cash.
She closed the box and put it back under the bed. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why there even was such a box with such contents.
That evening, they were out for a special anniversary dinner. After dinner, Hillary could no longer contain her curiosity and she confessed, saying, "I am so sorry, Bill. For all these years, I kept my promise and never looked into the box under the bed. However, today the temptation was too much and I gave in. But now I need to know, why do you keep the 3 beer cans in the box?"
Bill thought for a while and said, "I guess after all these years you deserve to know the truth. Whenever I was unfaithful to you, I put an empty beer can in the box under the bed to remind myself not to do it again."
Hillary was shocked, but said, "Hmmmm, Jennifer, Paula and Monica. I am very disappointed and saddened by your behaviour. However, since you are addicted to sex I guess it does happen and I guess 3 times is not that bad considering your problem."
Bill thanked her for being so understanding. They hugged and made their peace. A little while later Hillary asked Bill, "So why do you have all that money in the box?"
Bill answered "Well, whenever the box filled up with empty cans, I took them to the recycling centre and redeemed them for cash."
6/13/2016 9:53:56 PM |
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Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
6/14/2016 4:10:21 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

6/14/2016 11:44:14 AM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
6/14/2016 10:54:41 AM Conservative Review... We LOVE OUR COUNTRY
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (34,442)
Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Donald Trump Charity Work, Events and Causes
Trump signed a wooden dog bone for an auction benefitting the Mississippi Animal Rescue League.
Charities & foundations supported 23
Donald Trump has supported the following charities listed on this site:
Arnold Palmer Foundation
Celebrity Fight Night Foundation
Children with AIDS
David Foster Foundation
Friends of Scotland
Jimmy Fund
Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation
Make A Child Smile Appeal
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Mississippi Animal Rescue League
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
Neurofibromatosis, Inc.
Operation Smile
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pediatric Epilepsy Project
Raising Malawi
Reef Relief
Smile Train
St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters
The Doe Fund
Wounded Warrior Project
Did we miss something? Let us know!
Charities & foundations supported 23
Donald Trump has supported the following charities listed on this site:
Arnold Palmer Foundation
Celebrity Fight Night Foundation
Children with AIDS
David Foster Foundation
Friends of Scotland
Jimmy Fund
Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation
Make A Child Smile Appeal
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Mississippi Animal Rescue League
Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center
Neurofibromatosis, Inc.
Operation Smile
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pediatric Epilepsy Project
Raising Malawi
Reef Relief
Smile Train
St. Francis Food Pantries and Shelters
The Doe Fund
Wounded Warrior Project
Alla witch, he didn' do nuttin'... Had his flunkies do it all... BUTT, he pocketed half a every thin' collected... Juss like he dun fer them Vets... 'Till he was called onnit...

6/14/2016 5:22:12 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
6/14/2016 7:39:44 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary supporters sell a t shirt with Donald Trumps' severed head. Classy.
IMAGINE if his supporters did the same to her.
6/14/2016 8:04:44 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
tRUMP, with his hateful racist rhetoric, is to blame fer thet Orlando gay bar shootin'...
Ninety percent of the patronage is Hispanic...

6/14/2016 9:09:11 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Duh! Now you're sounding drain bamaged.
The Pulse is an Orlando Latin hot spot.
6/15/2016 8:00:34 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
tRUMP cain't stop shootin' him self in the foot an SHUT UP...
He WILL implode!!!

6/15/2016 10:00:54 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Lima, OH
67, joined Mar. 2009
I really like that tee shirt!
6/15/2016 10:03:36 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Trump, row your boat ashore -- Hallelujah
People don't believe in you no more -- Hallelujah
Can't get the nomination alone -- Hallelujah
Republicans have up and gone -- Hallelujah
Trump, row your boat ashore -- Hallelujah
The polls don't favor you no more -- Hallelujah
The Trump boat is a money boat -- Hallelujah
Support and votes you cannot float -- Hallelujah
Trump, row your boat ashore -- Hallelujah
Before you're shamed on the Convention floor -- Hallelujah
The Trumpet sounded a racial blast -- Hallelujah
Words dredged from an evil past -- Hallelujah
Trump, row your boat ashore -- Hallelujah
The free press has more in store -- Hallelujah
Trump, row your boat ashore -- Hallelujah
We the people are keeping score -- Hallelujah
[Adapted from Michael Row Your Boat Ashore -- Peter, Paul, & Mary] coc 2016
6/15/2016 2:41:57 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
How christian of them. And we wonder why there are mass shootings.
6/15/2016 4:13:24 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
tRUMP cain't stop shootin' him self in the foot an SHUT UP...
He WILL implode!!!

New polls show 70% of Americans view Trump negatively. Someone in the news said his approval ratings have dropped even more just this week AND ITS ONLY WEDNESDAY! 
6/15/2016 4:20:58 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Seth Meyers, The Late Night Show, bans Trump from appearing on the program. (Wednesday)
"Trump is stoking fear and spreading hate," Meyers said when explaining the reasoning behind his decision before adding, "We cannot allow it to become normalized."
[Edited 6/15/2016 4:22:36 PM ]
6/15/2016 5:46:18 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Lima, OH
67, joined Mar. 2009
Trump wants to talk to the NRA about not letting maniacs have guns. A person
with criminal tendencies will find a way to get a weapon, legal or not!
6/15/2016 6:47:35 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
Trump wants to talk to the NRA about not letting maniacs have guns. A person
with criminal tendencies will find a way to get a weapon, legal or not!
Should we have driving under the influence laws? Won't many drunks still drive when impaired? Should we have shoplifting laws? Won't many thieves still find a way to steal? How about laws about making bombs or meth? Forget them? I believe laws keep the crime down at least.
Trump wants to meet for show only. His polls dipped and he has received a lot of backlash from his comments soon after the Orlando shootings. The dumb a** claimed Obama was on the side of the terrorists and triumphantly said, "Lots of people were killed and see, I was right!" Now he is trying to look concerned about the Orlando deaths. The only thing that will come out of this meeting is a big fat check to Donald from the NRA to continue to support him.
[Edited 6/15/2016 6:49:28 PM ]
6/15/2016 6:57:37 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

6/15/2016 8:29:52 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

6/15/2016 8:32:22 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

6/16/2016 12:25:14 PM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Yep..gun laws really work. A Parliament guy was just shot in England. They have super gun laws. Didnt help did it? When Katrina turned New Orleans into a no mans land..those with guns were able to defend life and property against the marauding looters.
The joke is everytime there is a shooting...it makes gun shop boom as people rush to buy more guns before they get banned. There are already so many guns in this country...stopping more sales wont work. Plus criminals dont worry. They just buy in an alley some guns brought in from across our borders.
I dont see the interest in machine guns and their type...AK47s, etc. But, banning them wont work. One can already go on the black market to buy assault weapons, missile launchers, 50 cal. and others. Even a tank if one has the cash!
I would like to know the stats for shootings in New York state with strong laws.
And as someone pointed out..there was a bunch of people killed by a guy with gasoline and a match.
The problem is when someone shows up as a loonie toon...do something to keep a CLOSE eye on him or her.
6/16/2016 12:37:49 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013
Should we have driving under the influence laws? Won't many drunks still drive when impaired? Should we have shoplifting laws? Won't many thieves still find a way to steal? How about laws about making bombs or meth? Forget them? I believe laws keep the crime down at least.
Trump wants to meet for show only. His polls dipped and he has received a lot of backlash from his comments soon after the Orlando shootings. The dumb a** claimed Obama was on the side of the terrorists and triumphantly said, "Lots of people were killed and see, I was right!" Now he is trying to look concerned about the Orlando deaths. The only thing that will come out of this meeting is a big fat check to Donald from the NRA to continue to support him.
6/16/2016 4:47:08 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

6/16/2016 6:17:45 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
GOP consultant calls Trump a "Cheeto Jesus" on Twitter. 
6/16/2016 10:23:44 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

6/16/2016 11:15:33 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
EXACTLY, item. If some clown REALLY wants a gun he'll get one on the black market where there are no background checks and where he'll never be refused if he has the money. All the gun laws in the world won't stop that as it is outside the scope of their regulation, but it gives the impression that something is being done even if it accomplishes nothing.
6/16/2016 11:17:26 PM |
Hitting The Funny None |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Hard to believe that a gutless, spineless fool like McCain would actually take a stand on anything. I voted Constitution Party that year.
6/17/2016 7:57:35 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

6/17/2016 8:03:23 AM |
Hitting The Funny None |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
Them publicans think every one's gotta short memory...
Juss cuz they voted thet fool in fer a secon' term, even after he screwed em over his first term...
He screwed all of America with his secon' term failures... The world economy is still sufferin'...
Bend over, so tRUMP kn do it to ya one more time...