7/10/2016 5:39:31 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
We have been talking on and off for almost 7 years and just recently became official in June ,I love her and she says she loves me and will do whatever it takes to keep me .. we have been good I helped her through her last break up and she says if it wasn't for me she would still be trapped , it's been two days now and when I text her I get one word replies and she just won't talk but yet says she is talking to me ... I text I love you and she says I know , i say what's wrong why arent you saying it back she says do I have to ... wtf happened

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7/10/2016 5:40:39 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Mount Pleasant, MI
48, joined Sep. 2014
ummmm ya you might be a friend zone she is on a rebound with
7/10/2016 5:59:06 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
It's a crappy feeling I knew I should of never replied to her "hey" after 3 years, I officially give up on love
7/10/2016 6:01:41 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Mount Pleasant, MI
48, joined Sep. 2014
see...but you already knew something is not right
if it feels like it's kind of one-sided
like you are doing most of the giving
and she is doing most of taking
and you are not getting the level of open
communication that you feel that you need
then maybe it's time to have a talk with her
7/10/2016 6:04:15 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Congratulations. You have just been rebounded. Sorry to break the bad news to you.
She USED YOU(like women always do), to make him jealous.
By her own words, she would still be trapped in that relationship, if it weren't for YOU.
That means she was not strong enough to get rid of him, and was looking for a sympathetic shoulder to rest her victim card on.
Move on. Dump her, and don't ever look back. She made her bed. Let her lie in it.
7/10/2016 6:08:13 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
Talk about what ? I brought up the whole rebound im 31 she it 25 I've been the rebound before she assured me I'm not ... I gave up on love before she messaged me the last time ... I thought it might be fate and good things to come ... just another cruel joke , and I want to talk to her but she won't answer and I'm not going to blow her phone up ... but if I walk away right now I won't ever come back it's my only defence to people who hurt me... just cut them off.. but is cutting her completely off and give back all the gifts she gave me the right thing to do?
7/10/2016 6:12:57 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Bremen, GA
45, joined Sep. 2014
Sounds like she is getting back with her ex. Time will tell.
7/10/2016 6:16:26 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
My first girlfriend did exactly what you are describing in this situation.
We were great, until the EX seen us together. Then, out of nowhere, he was "so sorry" for how poorly he treated her and talked to her, and he wanted to be friends with her again.
Then, his picture began to stay out on display, on top of her dresser. She became distant, and wouldn't reply to my texts. She changed her work schedule so she would be at work, when I drove out to spend the night at her house.
To give you an idea of why that was important to now:
I live in Leavittsburg, OH. She was living in Moon Township, PA. I was working 46 hours per 6-day week for my grandfather AND 38-40 hours per 5 day week at a local Burger King. Saturday night was my only night of the week, that I had off. It was a 90+ mile drive to see her, ONE WAY + Turnpike tolls.
And she even had the nerve to tell her little sister(who worked with me), that I was always "up her ass".
Ungrateful b*tch. I dumped her about a few days after I found out she said that about me.
7/10/2016 6:17:45 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Sounds like she is getting back with her ex. Time will tell.
Who are you kidding. She already f**ked the ex. I can guarantee it. I went through this shit before. I know what is going on.
Return her shit, and be done with her.
7/10/2016 6:27:11 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
It's a shitty feeling I trusted her enough to be around my kids , this is the second time I brought someone in their life's ... and the person left ... never letting that happen again , such a crappy feeling ..
7/10/2016 6:29:03 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
She gave me a iPhone and many more things that was expensive .. like wtf
7/10/2016 7:29:14 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
OP, Sounds like she's not over her ex but she is keeping u on the sideline in case her ex rejects her again, so stop with the i love u and everything else and take some steps back, if she really wants u then let her come to u, keep her wondering why u not trying so hard now
7/10/2016 7:33:22 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Pittsburgh, PA
54, joined Nov. 2013
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, she's actually busy with her life? Maybe you are overreacting?
7/10/2016 7:46:48 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, she's actually busy with her life? Maybe you are overreacting?
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. You are blowing up her phone with clingy text messages after TWO DAYS, when dealing with someone who is still recovering emotionally?
Are you purposely TRYING to make her regret ever talking to you again?
7/10/2016 7:49:01 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Pittsburgh, PA
54, joined Nov. 2013
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. You are blowing up her phone with clingy text messages after TWO DAYS, when dealing with someone who is still recovering emotionally?
Are you purposely TRYING to make her regret ever talking to you again?
He is too clingy
7/10/2016 7:50:41 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Pittsburgh, PA
54, joined Nov. 2013
You are being way tool clingy, OP
7/10/2016 8:09:16 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Grand Rapids, MI
45, joined Nov. 2012
She might not be ready to be a with a Mike Brady with kids . If she doesnt have any of her own yet .
7/10/2016 8:10:36 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
I'm not clingy I've been hurt and want to know my times not being wasted ... I'm emotionally f**ked... because of players
7/10/2016 9:10:49 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Pittsburgh, PA
54, joined Nov. 2013
I'm not clingy I've been hurt and want to know my times not being wasted ... I'm emotionally f**ked... because of players
Then you are not ready to be in a relationship.
7/10/2016 9:29:49 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
Yeah...WOMEN...some don't know what they want........
7/10/2016 9:49:15 PM |
Is she over him ? |


New South Wales
25, joined Jan. 2016
She says she loves you after 2 days? Im confused lol
7/10/2016 11:19:53 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
ummmm ya you might be a friend zone she is on a rebound with
Is this girl ACTING like a woman who is HOT for you? No, not at all. You might want to look for someone else since you say she's been dating around herself. Her responses are rather cold and showing little interest. I agree with Miss T here. Really, if you've been with her for 7 YEARS you should have been romantic years ago and she's still dating other guys?!?!!?!? I think this girl has locked you in the just friends zone and there's nowhere to go from there! If she really wanted YOU you'd be the ONLY guy she's seeing and she'd make YOU her FIRST priority! That's not happening here. Like they say in Garage Logic "You have to give me something to work with!"
7/11/2016 12:12:30 AM |
Is she over him ? |


Eagle, AK
46, joined Sep. 2011
Can we say "Friendzone" and game playing... get out while you can. She will only use you when she needs you otherwise she does not give a poop about you.
Stop being a pushover and man the f uck up.
7/11/2016 12:26:14 AM |
Is she over him ? |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
Did you discuss having a relationship with her or did you just assume you would since she is no longer in one?....
7/11/2016 12:40:39 AM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
She gave me a iPhone and many more things that was expensive .. like wtf
An iPhone? How the hell are you able to text her and call her then? Doesn't that require the capability to actually get a signal bar?
I would suggest emailing her, but Apple still hasn't figured how to get email to operate properly on their "State of the Art" paperweight....
7/11/2016 12:43:23 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
all women ever born have a thing that there able to turn there heart into concrete at the drop of a hat,an you will allways lose an they will win an not care,even our kinfolks.whoever..i was married an with one 23 years,we loved our very close company allways an everywhere..an i hate the word clingy..we were ..clingy..... till she died from cancer,i like a woman every day to love an talk etc..once they use the ..clingy ...word you better prepare your heart..o she wont hurt or care at all...remember the song..shes just a devil woman with evil on her mind..most have no heart or conscious what soever...in this life..only god..or your mother..will love you with no hurt involved...but..theres forgiveness..but she would have to prove it truly...... i have been thru an lived it all.....
7/11/2016 5:21:30 AM |
Is she over him ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jan. 2016
I'm not clingy I've been hurt and want to know my times not being wasted ... I'm emotionally f**ked... because of players
Then it seems like you need to take a break from dating for awhile.
7/11/2016 5:35:19 AM |
Is she over him ? |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
I'm not clingy I've been hurt and want to know my times not being wasted ... I'm emotionally f**ked... because of players
Yes. Everyone wanted to save time and breath, so they shortened "I've been hurt and want to know my times not being wasted ... I'm emotionally f**ked... because of players," to "clingy."
Seriously. I'm being a little snotty with that, but if you stop and look calmly at your strategy for "trying to make sure your times not wasted," you will recognize that it really is illogical. And I can promise you, that it really IS going to drive pretty much anyone away, if you repeatedly demand that they do things like respond to EVERY text message rapidly, and constantly stop what real life demands of them, to reassure you.
7/11/2016 7:25:43 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Houston, TX
50, joined Sep. 2014
ummmm ya you might be a friend zone she is on a rebound with
7/11/2016 11:47:05 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
If you must ask the question, then you know the answer is no. 
7/11/2016 11:55:28 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Pewaukee, WI
50, joined Jun. 2013
I've been hurt and want to know my times not being wasted.
Sometimes it is good to learn how to control your emotions and to not get upset over small things like one word text replies. Texting is supposed to be a short way to communicate with someone. It should NOT replace a face-to-face conversation.
I personally would not want to receive an "I love you!" text message, although I don't mind a ton of hearts

If someone is going to say "I love you" to me it should be said right before we go to bed and turn off the light with my sweetie laying right next to me. Nothing says "I love you" more than someone willing to spend the appropriate amount of time with me to build a good relationship.
In regards to hanging around and waiting for someone for 7 years... I would not do that. There is probably a ton of bad history between the two of you and you sound like you've been hurt by other issues besides this. You will be happier moving on with someone else and getting a clean slate.

[Edited 7/11/2016 11:55:43 PM ]
7/12/2016 8:56:13 AM |
Is she over him ? |


Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
You've been pining away for her for 7 years. You were her shoulder to cry on. And now, because she's not gushing all over you and responding to you exactly how you want her to, she's playing you.
In all the 7 years you've known her that's the conclusion you've come to.
Rather than saying all that I could, I'll defer to the person who said you're not ready for dating. You're not. And don't bring your kids into it like she's hurting them. Because she's not. You're just ticked because she's not properly falling into your arms like you envisioned for 7 years.
7/12/2016 11:00:27 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Dothan, AL
60, joined Jan. 2014
We have been talking on and off for almost 7 years and just recently became official in June ,I love her and she says she loves me and will do whatever it takes to keep me .. we have been good I helped her through her last break up and she says if it wasn't for me she would still be trapped , it's been two days now and when I text her I get one word replies and she just won't talk but yet says she is talking to me ... I text I love you and she says I know , i say what's wrong why arent you saying it back she says do I have to ... wtf happened

You got friend zoned because you were more like a girlfriend and did not make your move. Learn how to be a man and go for the first kiss if she refuses she is not interested and is just using you as a buddy.....
7/12/2016 4:44:42 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Stone Mountain, GA
29, joined Jul. 2013
OP, Sounds like she's not over her ex but she is keeping u on the sideline in case her ex rejects her again, so stop with the i love u and everything else and take some steps back, if she really wants u then let her come to u, keep her wondering why u not trying so hard now
Great tactic that had worked to my advantage plenty of times.
7/12/2016 6:37:59 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Longmont, CO
50, joined Oct. 2013
She gave me a iPhone and many more things that was expensive .. like wtf
Keep whatever she gave u and get out!
At least u got something out of this......js
7/12/2016 10:20:23 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Keep whatever she gave u and get out!
At least u got something out of this......js
iPhones really aren't much of a gift, ESPECIALLY if you want to make an actual telephone call........
Have you seen the original King Kong?
If you look closely, he wasn't swatting at the planes and helicopters. He had an iPhone 5 in his hand amd he was just trying to get a signal bar.....
7/13/2016 12:17:38 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
She asked me out
7/13/2016 12:22:45 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Rochester, NY
32, joined Aug. 2015
Thanks people... she just wants to be friends and that hurt Im out ... thanks again
7/13/2016 12:52:45 AM |
Is she over him ? |


New South Wales
25, joined Jan. 2016
Wow wtf happened o.o
7/13/2016 12:45:23 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Tried to tell you. You could have just bit the bullet and destroyed her arrogant pride in the process, by dumping her. Women HATE, when ANY MAN they view as "weak or of little value" dumps them.
In their minds, why would someone that is not worth their time and worships the ground they walk on, NOT want to be with them?
And even though they don't come back, their pride is permanently damaged because some "loser nice guy" grew a spine.
7/13/2016 1:10:29 PM |
Is she over him ? |
44, joined Jun. 2016
You are being way tool clingy, OP
He maybe but let's be honest here. If she is really into him she would never think about him as clingy but above all she will never respond to his "I love you" with "I know". 
7/13/2016 1:14:26 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Grand Rapids, MI
45, joined Nov. 2012
He maybe but let's be honest here. If she is really into him she would never think about him as clingy but above all she will never respond to his "I love you" with "I know". 
7/13/2016 6:19:39 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Avenel, NJ
79, joined Jun. 2015
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
7/13/2016 8:55:53 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Longmont, CO
50, joined Oct. 2013

7/21/2016 1:27:48 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
clingy is whats its all about..do you date to stay apart,its about love an togetherness a lot of the time..soon as someone mentions...clingy........its over..i like very close ness an warmth an togetherness every day..were not here to fight ..an stay apart..yes theres limits..but its about close togetherness a huge amount of time..i hate that dam word an a cold a** hearted woman who would dare use it means..goodbye instantly forever..her heart aint in it..close clingy or far away......        i had 23 years of a good...clingy...mariage relationship,an she died of cancer.........
[Edited 7/21/2016 1:29:44 PM ]
7/21/2016 3:43:10 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Leavittsburg, OH
36, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
That was how it SHOULD be, but Feminism has fed women the "man-hating" rhetoric, so now we are clingy if we want to have a close relationship, because we aren't worth anything unless we have fertile sperm and a high paying job.....
7/21/2016 7:25:41 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
the best ones to be clingy with are long ways off in shitty states.swamps an gangs of roving a** mexican criminals. an my guitars layin on the floor, cryin for a new set of strings for saturday nite.i,ll take the dam sander to it yet......with the amp all the way up,an the cat singin ...manic depression...lana,an sstarr an heather an a few cute others are good friends...as i joke around...  
7/21/2016 8:41:06 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Tujunga, CA
40, joined Jan. 2013
Sounds like you've been friend zoned
7/21/2016 10:27:21 PM |
Is she over him ? |


Pewaukee, WI
50, joined Jun. 2013
clingy is whats its all about.
Well, of course... when you are married to someone clingy is essential, otherwise the relationship will not last.
But realistically the qualities of "clingy and persistence" are only good when you're talking about the people you find instantly attractive.

7/22/2016 1:02:56 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
opinions vary,i get with women to be close to them,god made us that way.. im a tall big loveable dude,i know whats good..
7/25/2016 10:28:39 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Stone Mountain, GA
29, joined Jul. 2013
from the looks of it

I wish that was me under her i love big women??
7/26/2016 10:42:59 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Dothan, AL
60, joined Jan. 2014
We have been talking on and off for almost 7 years and just recently became official in June ,I love her and she says she loves me and will do whatever it takes to keep me .. we have been good I helped her through her last break up and she says if it wasn't for me she would still be trapped , it's been two days now and when I text her I get one word replies and she just won't talk but yet says she is talking to me ... I text I love you and she says I know , i say what's wrong why arent you saying it back she says do I have to ... wtf happened

You got friend zoned chump and you chased her to much
7/27/2016 12:15:06 AM |
Is she over him ? |


Longmont, CO
50, joined Oct. 2013

7/27/2016 1:49:54 AM |
Is she over him ? |

Conyers, GA
52, joined Jul. 2014
no one can tell your future...if you chase too hard they run away,act like you could nearly care less,an she may draw closer,its the nature of the beast called female woman..your puttin the ball all in her court though..maybe give her a nice..ultimatum....
7/28/2016 7:22:15 PM |
Is she over him ? |

Danville, IL
33, joined Feb. 2016
When im over someone, im completely over them..
Its not an easy process at times..but once I'm there
No looking back 