8/31/2016 4:39:51 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Just thinking all the Groups are dying and I think it may be because one person hogs it all...only the Republican group that they can not post in is going good. She is blocked so anyone wanting to post anything Outdoors without the snips, here is the place give me some feedback 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/2/2016 3:42:12 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
There is hog hunting. Hogs have been declared a nusience and no need for a license to hunt them.
9/2/2016 10:10:18 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Florida is that way, they belong to the landowner and you are only required to have a license on state property. Only other thing in the state not regulated is frog gigging.
9/3/2016 7:20:29 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Florida is that way, they belong to the landowner and you are only required to have a license on state property. Only other thing in the state not regulated is frog gigging.
Frog gigging here, you have to have both hunting and fishing license.
9/3/2016 1:08:36 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
I have no idea how they have let that one go by here, they have become the most greedy part of goverment here! Remind me of what is happening in Louisiana with the government trying to stop people from helping other people in the flood!
9/6/2016 6:57:03 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Yea, Oklahoma is pretty greedy too. We are just about run over with deer, more get run over on the roads than get harvested, yet you have to have hunting license and doe tags. They should let people harvest them for free and it would help insurance rates go down and help the over population.
9/6/2016 10:07:38 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Sounds as your about to have a huge deer die off as Nebraska did 3 years back or so.
but the deer are coming back fast 
9/6/2016 5:25:21 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Sounds as your about to have a huge deer die off as Nebraska did 3 years back or so.
but the deer are coming back fast 
Probably so, Kansas had a disease in their deer a few years back called chronic wasting disease. It seems like it would be more logical to control the population by hunting instead of that.
9/6/2016 10:49:34 PM |
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Olalla, WA
60, joined Jan. 2008
There is hog hunting. Hogs have been declared a nusience and no need for a license to hunt them.
Yes here in wash. You can hunt hogs, but game and fish want you to report where and when male or female and how big. Think they are just trying to figure out how to make money on hunting them.
9/7/2016 3:22:42 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
I haven't hunted quail in over 10 years because their numbers have been so low, we have been trying to leave some. The last three years my boss has not sprayed his pasture for weeds and we a bumper crop of rag and broom weeds. Good news is we have been seeing about 10 to a cuvy and my 16 year old daughter will get to go on her first quail hunt this year.
9/7/2016 9:45:02 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Glad they are making a come back. I had German Shorthairs for most of my life and bird hunted in FL but gave them up with my Alaska adventures and the bird's drying up here.
9/8/2016 10:45:58 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Game birds often need farmers to help when numbers dwindle down. the state is of little use in regards to helping with numbers. I brought back our pheasant & quail population by raiseing 100 to 300 a year for 6 years then with peasants I would take 12 to 20 and place them in diferant parts of the township were I thought they may do well.
You can't do this with quail them you must let go were they were raised.
And you must do it all unselfishly as no one will pay you. I spent as much as a $1000.00 a year for birds & feed + equipment another $2500.00
Very few people will do this but with modern farming as it is this is what it takes if you want the birds in your county or parish.
9/8/2016 11:28:39 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
You can't do this with quail them you must let go were they were raised.
Why? We have bought quail from other parts of Oklahoma and turned them loose and seems like most of them turned up dead by drowning in stock tanks, getting run over and going to peoples houses that had cats. We never done it again.
9/8/2016 7:21:42 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Why? We have bought quail from other parts of Oklahoma and turned them loose and seems like most of them turned up dead by drowning in stock tanks, getting run over and going to peoples houses that had cats. We never done it again.
Likely I do not know all the answer to this but they develop a little computer chip from hatching to the 1st days of life that takes them through life and moving them messes up that chip. You can release quail at 5 to 6 week and they will always return home, move them & they just disappear. Quail do travel some maybe as much as 40 miles from home but they do also return.
If you buy quail hatched you want to take them home the day they hatched 3 days is getting late
9/8/2016 7:55:37 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Likely I do not know all the answer to this but they develop a little computer chip from hatching to the 1st days of life that takes them through life and moving them messes up that chip. You can release quail at 5 to 6 week and they will always return home, move them & they just disappear. Quail do travel some maybe as much as 40 miles from home but they do also return.
If you buy quail hatched you want to take them home the day they hatched 3 days is getting late 
Makes sense. That's probably what happened to ours, they were trying to go home. Maybe we will try raising them, I know where to buy eggs just before the hatch
9/8/2016 8:00:00 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
I wish you well 
9/11/2016 3:40:33 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
You just blew my idea of trapping them along roadways in the fence rows and releasing them in areas I am allowed to hunt. We did trap some in the thick swamps here and release them in the fields and immediately put the dogs out with great success. Had to convince my uncle that it was better that way than to enjoy them with no shot in them as he had always done before
9/15/2016 2:34:56 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Any ideas on hunting or trapping moles. I can wait outside for hours and sometimes shoot one, have trapped a few but not enough, don't want to use poison because of birds and dogs.
9/16/2016 8:38:35 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Hardware store has a great trap, 4 or 6 spikes that stick down in the ground when he boars through just step-flatten a spot in his trail and stick it ontop when he boars back through it springs down sticking him and they are free bleeders with no ability to clot done deal
9/19/2016 1:30:23 PM |
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Lowry City, MO
57, joined Dec. 2007
Thanks Albyak. Nice to see one uninfected thread. 
9/19/2016 8:32:51 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Thank you, just so annoying to look to see who has posted and see only one name everywhere.
OT: Had a great weekend on my creek lot and got to introduce it to a younger generation of the family. One of my second cousin's came down and canoed and fished with me, cleaned two big blue and one channel cat for her to take home and released the rest.
9/20/2016 10:58:30 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Thanks for reminding me about the catfish,I haven't been catfishing in years, since dad died. Started sandbass and stripper fishing years ago and just about give up catfish, think I'll give it a try.
9/20/2016 8:45:27 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
They are fun, none of these were over 5, but got a 17 lb one two years ago. Think my cousin had a monster on but I had the drag to tight and straightened the hook on her.
9/27/2016 2:32:10 PM |
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Lowry City, MO
57, joined Dec. 2007
Oooh, I like catfishin. Everything else is just bait or trash fish. lolol Then I discovered kayak catfishing. Cept for this year. Haven't been very much. Hopin to least get in on the Fall bite.
9/28/2016 8:38:15 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Lake Perch fried in butter 
9/29/2016 11:42:08 PM |
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Lowry City, MO
57, joined Dec. 2007
Everything is better in butter! 
10/2/2016 9:10:22 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Gave my Granddaughter a Ruger .327 mag for her 19th birthday.
She loves it & I think it was a great choice for her as I feel she will need to carry if her plans for work & school go forward as expected.
Looking forward to spending time with her on my range
10/2/2016 1:40:36 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
327 is a good caliber and I've never gone wrong with Ruger on anything. Kids must learn to shoot and not be afraid to shoot when they need it the most. I tell my daughter as long as you're alive we can work the rest of it out.
10/2/2016 9:30:26 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Well she is one up on me with my .32HH mag 
10/8/2016 1:07:26 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Bought me birthday Presents this week 1871 colt open top .45 & a 1893 marlin 38-55 
10/10/2016 1:00:57 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Guess I wasn't done as I got an Ithica Trap 34" barrel also 
10/10/2016 2:31:15 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Star has got his priorities straight.
10/11/2016 7:21:46 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Don't forget the ammo.
10/11/2016 6:45:58 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Thanks for the Reminder I need two case's of 12 ga. 
10/11/2016 7:16:54 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Is it hard to find ammo for the 327?
It is very hard to find ammo for 22-250, 25-06, 327 and 41mag around here.
10/12/2016 10:15:14 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
At this time .327 is easy to get, I was surprised
10/20/2016 10:24:48 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
22 & 22 mag rimfires are the hardest for me to find, used to have "milk cartons" full of them WTF
10/21/2016 6:50:39 AM |
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Onaway, MI
72, joined Dec. 2007
Its a hit and miss on who has them , I find the small shops are usually more productive .
10/21/2016 11:05:33 AM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Only place that has unlimited supply is flea market and twice the price there!
10/21/2016 2:05:18 PM |
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Onaway, MI
72, joined Dec. 2007
Find out where those dealers are from , theyre getting them from someplace
10/21/2016 3:38:58 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
I can find .22's but never reconise the name or like the price 
10/21/2016 9:35:40 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Yes don't know the names either. Most I have are the Remington hollow points I got in the 70s and early 80s in the 500 milk type containers. Iter than that I have some SSS CBs and other subsonic loads for in town preditor control Thousands of 22 cal pellets also for emergency silent survival.
10/23/2016 11:13:18 PM |
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Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Any one interested in a ruger 10/22 mag give me a shout I have an extra one I was going to make a 17 hmr out of but I changed my mind.
10/29/2016 8:48:07 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
1st day of pheasant seasion today hear, i don't hunt them any more as my legs & feet don't work well out their anymore 
11/1/2016 3:29:06 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Muzzle loader season now for deer, rifle season soon. Easier to hunt just bait them up with corn. I think its wrong but its legal and we have too many deer.
11/1/2016 6:54:14 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Speaking of Muzzel loaders, I just picked up a Remington 1816 flintlock. The re-production one. sence it's so pretty I will likely leave it inside un-used by me also haveing a new one being custom built for me right now it is going to be a copy of an 1854 German jager origanal that i have
looks much like a S Hawkin only made in germany with that county flavor.
Was found on a western Nebraska Ranch as one of the ranch guns from the 1880's 70 years ago. I am the 3rd owner sence the 1880's but I can make a educated guss it was shiped to ST lewis in 1854 by it's markings it is a full .50 cal. I asked that my new one be in .54 cal. also both are percuson.
11/2/2016 7:53:24 PM |
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Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Nice, mine are all reproductions or modern ones 58 Kodiak double barrel, a Hawken with a stainless barrel and a knight inline all just for hunting. 
11/3/2016 1:52:46 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
In Oklahoma you can now use modern muzzle loaders for primitive firearm season. I have a 50 cal. break open inline muzzle loader, that uses shotgun primers, with a 3x9 scope, that can shoot 30-50 cal rifle bullets, someone bought me as a gift. I have shot it at targets and it shoots as good as some 30-06's. I still us my old hawkens open sights.
11/3/2016 3:56:02 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Before I put that old Jager up I shot a deer with it also took it to a muzzel loader shoot and won 1st place in the Mountain man walk as I out scord a Natioal shooting champion by 2 points & got my name on a traveling trophy 
The sights on that gun have never ben moved or messed with in over 100 years
shoots like it did in 1854 I'm sure 
11/23/2016 2:22:18 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Happy Thanksgiving to all 
11/24/2016 7:55:15 AM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Doing a different Thanksgiving this year. A bunch of my friends are getting together, some with families too far away or don't get along, many haven't had thanksgiving in years. I was really surprised how many there are.
11/24/2016 10:49:12 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Doing a different Thanksgiving this year. A bunch of my friends are getting together, some with families too far away or don't get along, many haven't had thanksgiving in years. I was really surprised how many there are.
Done that also in the past and was a good time spent around my outdoors turkey cooker.
The cooker is a converted old warsher shell put over a dug pit fire and old wipeper motor then runs the rotisery from a car battery and cooks a big turkey in two plus hours.
some of the best turkey i have ever had was in that cooker 
11/25/2016 8:32:16 PM |
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Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
Our doe days start tomorrow I am going to pile them up 
11/29/2016 12:49:26 PM |
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Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
Used a 357 magnum for the first time this morning. Most of my side arm experience comes from a Browning 9mm and a Glock 17.
But they had a special for renting a 357 on at the range, so thought to my self, why not?
Quite different from the Glock. The increased travel length for the trigger, really caught me by surprise. And I found I "jerked" too much, unless I monitored and watched the hammer come back. Found I was getting crossed eye though, and cheated, ended up closing one eye.
Any one have any tips for me?
Not sure if I will buy one, going to rent one again next week when I go. But it was fun and am thinking, maybe.
11/29/2016 7:05:24 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Used a 357 magnum for the first time this morning. Most of my side arm experience comes from a Browning 9mm and a Glock 17.
But they had a special for renting a 357 on at the range, so thought to my self, why not?
Quite different from the Glock. The increased travel length for the trigger, really caught me by surprise. And I found I "jerked" too much, unless I monitored and watched the hammer come back. Found I was getting crossed eye though, and cheated, ended up closing one eye.
Any one have any tips for me?
Not sure if I will buy one, going to rent one again next week when I go. But it was fun and am thinking, maybe.
I practiced dry firing revolvers and as soon as it fires look down the sights to be sure you're still on target after thousands of times it does become almost second nature. When hunting with a revolver I use it in single action. I watched a video on a shooting contest for revolvers and they are shooting faster than semiautomatics.
11/30/2016 9:12:08 AM |
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Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
I practiced dry firing revolvers and as soon as it fires look down the sights to be sure you're still on target after thousands of times it does become almost second nature. When hunting with a revolver I use it in single action. I watched a video on a shooting contest for revolvers and they are shooting faster than semiautomatics.
Thanks, found some you tube vids last night that is helping. I think I got crossed up because I am right handed, but my left eye is slightly stronger than the right, So with out knowing it really, am slightly dominate in it . Never noticed with the Glock or Browning as I was compensating with out really realizing it. But the added awareness of watching the hammer as well coming back, threw me off.
That is what I think right now, will see how it goes when I go back to the range tomorrow ,
Going to practice some more, and rent it a few more times before buying one.
11/30/2016 10:47:01 AM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
I'm a singel acton guy but I don't think I ever pay any thought to the hammer at all on dubble action but just wear the trigger breaks.
my grandauter & I will be shooting her Rugar 101 .327 shortly and I will check on myself as i likely do see the hammer just never in thought.
I gathed up some .32 S&W longs for this shoot, thinking pratice will be more enjoyable than shooting a lot of .327's but we will still wear ear protection 
12/5/2016 8:58:44 PM |
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Brantford, ON
63, joined Mar. 2012
I'm a singel acton guy but I don't think I ever pay any thought to the hammer at all on dubble action but just wear the trigger breaks.
my grandauter & I will be shooting her Rugar 101 .327 shortly and I will check on myself as i likely do see the hammer just never in thought.
I gathed up some .32 S&W longs for this shoot, thinking pratice will be more enjoyable than shooting a lot of .327's but we will still wear ear protection 
Yea, I had some friends tell me that as well.
I started to watch the hammer coming back though because I ended up jerking a bit just before I got the trigger all the way back. Used to the shorter trigger travel on my 17 and Braowning, is what I think.
Heading to the range tomorrow, and will practice some more.
Thank you, Sir!
12/13/2016 12:41:35 PM |
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Drumright, OK
48, joined Apr. 2011
Any one hunt rabbits with Beagles. It looks like fun and I'm thinking about giving it a try.
12/14/2016 3:11:35 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Any one hunt rabbits with Beagles. It looks like fun and I'm thinking about giving it a try.
If you have rabbits I think they will have a hoot with them Beaglers  